2012年9月8日 星期六

Quantum Physics and the Living Universe

The Age of Aquarius has given us the Laws of Quantum Physics. The materialistic scientists have grabbed hold of it and are talking and writing it to death. The extremely high levels of abstractions that they use are way above the heads of the average man and woman and this shouldn't be.

The Universe is far more easy to understand if we stop trying to dissect it and classify it and put it in one of the Departmental Drawers in one of the Universities.

The one major difficulty that many of the eggheads who are studying and talking and writing about Quantum Physics (while they are getting their egos inflamed as well as their $$$grants) is that they leave out God.

I am not talking about one of the God's of the dogmatic religions prevalent on the planet. I am talking about the Creator God, the Grand Architecht of the Universe what the ancients speak about. It is the Creator God that has set everything that you and I know (and a great deal we do NOT know about) into motion.

The second thing that they leave out is that we live in a living, expanding Universe. It is alive and conscious just as you and I are alive and conscious only in a different, much vaster degree. It has a function, purpose and destiny just as you and I have a function purpose and destiny.

Stop analyzing and start enjoying. Stop seeking and let it BE.

The key to all the so called mysteries of the Universe, such as Black Holes and Super Novas exist in the Quantum Ocean. The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there exists an infinite Ocean of Thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. It is the Mind of God.

The Creator God put everything possible, everything that ever was, is or will be into this thinking Ocean of Energy.

We as human beings, 'blinked out' of the Quantum Ocean many times. Each time we blinked out it was called a life. Every time we died we 'blinked back in.'

Why all this 'blinking out and 'blinking in?' Because it is the process the Creator put into place to allow us to reach our goal, our destiny. And that is to become more God-like, more conscious with each new incarnation until we reach 'critical mass' and do not have to live physically again.

The Universe and the Galaxies, Planets and Sun also 'blink in' and 'blink out' of the Quantum Ocean. The ancient yogi's and Brahmin's knew this.

No body knows the timing factor, but why do we have to? It is not important. It is what my teacher called 'Decorative' knowledge. What we need to pay attention to is 'functional knowledge.' What we can do on a daily basis to grow and BE. We must be after our 'Father's' work. And that work is to raise our levels of Consciousness, to become more God like, to EVOLVE.

Decorative knowledge may be fun to read about, but it has no real value for us.

I know that if a materialistic scientist reads this he will scoff at the childish simplicity of my words. I have two reply s. My teacher told me once, "...Unless you can talk about something in your own words so that others can understand you, you don't know what you are talking about.."

And a greater teacher than him once said, "...Unless you become like little children you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven."

The Kingdom of Heaven is the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. All the Answers are there and we do not need telescopes nor microscopes to get the answers.

The Quantum Ocean, Mind of God responds to all our thoughts and questions. The higher we raise our level of consciousness, the deeper the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God will reveal it's secrets to us.

We don't need technology or materialistic egg-heads. We need more consciousness and higher and better thoughts. We need to become more spiritually oriented.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wifr Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.


and http://www.runes-for-health-wealth-love-now.com

Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now." You can contact him at:


The Four New Agreements For Conscious Leaders - Creating Great Businesses And Teams Right Now!

It has been said that good leadership is the key to building great organizations. While that has certainly been true in the past, we will need an even more effective leaders to build the leading businesses of the future. This new leader will be a more Conscious Leader. A Conscious Leader sees the world more as it is rather than how it has been. The Conscious Leader sees the connectedness of all things and people and manages his or her business accordingly. Here are the Four New Agreements that will integral to more Conscious Leadership (from David Dibble's book, The New Agreements in the Workplace).

The Four New Agreements for the Conscious Leader:

1. Find Your Purpose - Every human being is here for a purpose. When the Conscious Leader is clear in his higher purpose for work, his mind will begin to "pull" the purpose and vision to him. Conscious Leadership many times starts with clarity on one's higher purpose for work.

2. Love, Grow and Serve Your People - The Conscious Leader knows that the workplace is a living being. The life force that makes an organization a living being comes from the life energy of its people. In essence, people are the organization; they are the business. When we love our people, we love our work. When we grow our people, we grow the organization. When we serve our people, we serve the organization. In serving others, we serve ourselves, too. This focus on loving, growing and serving our people puts our people in the best position to love, grow and serve our customers. People, including customers will be drawn to organizations operating in this way.

3. Be a System Thinker - It's very important for a Conscious Leader to be aware of the critical role systems thinking plays in setting employees up for success. 90% of the results produced in the workplace are a result of the formal and informal systems in which people operate, not the efforts of the people. In addition, we can expect that 20% of the systems account for 80% of the results produced, both good and not so good. Conscious Leaders must focus efforts on the critical 20% of the systems that will give the organization 80% of the return/measurable success.

4. Practice a Little Every Day - Like any new skill set, Conscious Leaders must practice on a regular basis to master the new and make it into something she does naturally at work. Practice is Art. We become what we practice. Organizations become what they practice. Conscious Leaders will have a daily practice to quiet the mind.

The Four New Agreements are a roadmap for transformation of traditional unconscious leadership at work. Any leader or manager can learn these simple, practical guidelines and apply them in the workplace and at home. The Four New Agreements work! All that is needed to insure success is the will and intention of the individual or organization to grow into the extraordinary possibility of Conscious Leadership.

Want to learn a lot more about The Four New Agreements for Conscious Leaders, please visit David Dibble's site. And, to dramatically improve the teamwork among your people and between departments, make it a point to check out CTypes, a whole new world beyond DISC and Myers-Briggs personality profiles. CTypes are amazing tools for leaders, managers, HR personnel and team leaders.

Spiritual Life Coaching - Living With Heart-Based Intention

Your thoughts, perceptions, feelings, and beliefs emit bioelectromagnetic (BEM) fields that not only affect your mental and physical health but they also have an impact on others around you. Living with Heart-Based Intention requires a shift in consciousness from the brain's egocentric "little me" perspective to the heart's connection with Unity Consciousness.

Being centered in the heart means practicing presence and learning how to let go of resistance to what is. When you are able to do this consistently, your body will be emitting a BEM field of energy that will benefit your mental and physical well-being as well as the well-being of everyone you encounter. You will automatically bless others with your presence because you will be firmly rooted in your heart. The frequency of heart-centered living is contributing to Cosmic Consciousness by nullifying thousands of negative, mind-based BEM fields.

As a "frequency holder," your responsibility will be to raise the collective vibration of humanity and subsequently prepare us for our next stage of evolution. The Next Human will be firmly rooted in heart-based living and who consistently allows the heart to lead the mind. Only from this level of consciousness will we, as a collective, be able to dissolve the conflicts, pollution, social injustice, wars, and poverty that plagues our planet today.

The Next Humans will naturally lead a life of non-violence, non-resistance, and non-reaction. They will do everything in their power to peacefully overthrow the current regimes of dictatorship, oppression, and control as the world recently observed with the revolution of the Egyptian people peacefully protesting the dictatorship of President Hosni Mubarek. During that uprising, the world witnessed several protestors who held the Koran in one hand and the Christian cross in the other, symbolizing heart-based tolerance for all religions, and unconditional love for everyone.

The human being is the end result of the biological evolution of the planet. In the last five thousand years, dating back to the advent of our modern civilization, we have been predominantly living in the mind. However, as we draw closer to the end of the Mayan Calendar on December 21, 2012, we will be making a shift of consciousness from the mind to the heart. This doesn't mean that we won't be using the mind anymore. We will just be allowing our hearts to lead the mind. We will be trusting our hearts which is also our sixth sense, our psychic abilities. Furthermore, we will be utilizing other extra-sensory powers such as teleportation, telekinesis, levitation, and remote viewing.

Spiritual Life Coach, Jason Lincoln Jeffers, is the founder of The Art of Transformation, a company dedicated to teaching Spiritual Enlightenment to the world. His Spiritual Life Coaching practice uniquely combines spiritual wisdom with ego transcendence, holistic wellness, life path astrology, shadow & pain-body work, heart-based intention, the power of presence, and the law of attraction.

2012年9月7日 星期五

Heart Made and Fair Trade - What Does It Mean To Be A Conscious Consumer?

Even though it is barely scraping mid-October as I right this piece, I swear that I heard a commercial on the radio wishing me a happy holiday. Already? We haven’t even had Halloween or Thanksgiving. Next year Santa will be with us on Labor Day. Hey, why don’t we just have him over for Fourth of July? He looks like a guy who enjoys a good barbeque. The holidays are upon us once again. As we get sucked harder and harder into the center of the whirlpool of consumerism, it is no wonder that the season of “peace and goodwill to all” is fast descending into the days of stress, loneliness and material inadequacy complexes. Here are some lifelines with which to mentally save yourself should you find the holiday season diminishing rather than increasing your feelings of joy and love.

Be a Conscious Consumer

While there are many companies that boast of huge profit margins and a steady rise up the Dow Jones Index, there are still a few that put principle over profit. While they may be a little harder to find, when you support businesses whose ethics are their edge, you participate in a movement that creates a financial momentum towards human decency, environmental responsibility and social accountability. This momentum forces the “big guys” not only to notice it, but to adjust to it. However it takes all of us doing a little, and not just a few of us doing a lot. Do not underestimate the power of your dollar. If you are going to buy gifts anyway, then be a conscious consumer.

Fair Trade

The Fair Trade concept ensures that producers, workers, farmers and artisans are paid a fair price for their product or service, and connects under-exposed producers to potential consumer markets. It also emphasizes workers rights by promoting decent working conditions and fair wages. Apart from honoring the basic human dignity of the craftsman or craftswoman behind your gift, it allows people in developing countries a way to make a more secure life for their families. An increase of just a few dollars a day can make the difference between starvation and plenty to eat, or illiteracy and a good education. It also breaks the cycle of exploitation by richer nations of poorer ones, who are not usually poor in resources or skills, but are just poor in power. Your simple gift can keep someone else alive. For more on Fair Trade, and to purchase fair trade products visit






Support Local Business

The tendency here is to underestimate the power of your dollar. One day I sat and calculated how much I spend per day on average at the local bakery around the corner from where I live. Whether it is on a bottle of water, bread roll or a pastry, it comes to about 40 cents a day. So what, right? Well that adds up to $12.00 a month, which is $144.00 year. Is that still not that big of a deal? Well then I imagined what would happen if the other 36 people living in my building spent 40 cents a day at Lupita’s Bakery. My whole building would contribute $5184.00 annually. There are 3 other apartment complexes on my block and about 7 or so houses with an average of about 5 people each. So a safe minimum calculation of what the contribution of the entire street would be is $25,920.00. Now imagine if the 3 other streets within a block of Lupita’s did the same. This is before factoring in business from special orders, commuters or passers by. Bear in mind that this is a second generation, family owned business, which requires a young couple with young children to work 7 days a week to make ends meet. That kind of small commitment from everyone on my street would enable them to take a day off and increase their staff. Maybe even advertise or set up accounts with local coffee shops. So I encourage you to proudly and consistently take your 40 cents everyday, to your farmer’s market, small community shops, holiday bazaars and craft fairs and know that you are making the difference in someone’s life. My writing partner always asks before she spends any money, as her father taught her to do “Whose family am I feeding?” I think the “Enrons” will be OK without another yacht this season…don’t you?

Buy Green products

Need I say more? While it is obvious to many of you that organic and recycled products are good for the environment and good for us, still many of us do not make the effort to consistently buy green. Even if your budget prohibits you buying everything green, start where you can. It may be as small as consistently buying organic soap or gift cards made from recycled paper. Your consistency in the marketplace forces other companies to move towards green, even if it is just for their own financial gain. The bottom line is that everyone benefits from your purchase.

For a list of green businesses try -

http://www.coopamerica.org or call 800-584-7336


Give someone the gift of a donation to their favorite charity or non-profit organization in their name, and they can write it off during tax season. Pledge to your favorite local public radio or P.B.S. stations and give the gifts away to loved ones. Make a conscious effort to give away something (some would even suggest 10%) of what you own to people in need or the organizations that help them.

Handmade is heart made

As we become more and more materialistic, our tendency to shun the idea of homemade gifts is increasing. There is, however, an enduring warmth that both the giver and receiver of such gifts feels, that can not be explained and can only be experienced. Try these ideas out for yourself. They are also very helpful for those of you whose budget is tight, but whose heart feels big.

Tins and baskets of homemade cookies, caramel popcorn and sweet breads. You cannot go wrong. Visit http://www.allrecipes.com for great holiday recipes and ideas.

For just $1.00 a song you can download music off of several internet sites, and even make your own CD covers. Choose songs that are meaningful to the person, or to the relationship you have with him or her e.g. (college days, family vacation, wedding moments etc)

Scrapbooks and photo albums on exquisite hand made paper are always a great gift for the type of person who has boxes and boxes of photos that are still in the envelopes they came in from the photo shop.

Making bath salts, votive-sized container candles, scented lotions and melt and pour glycerin soaps is easier than it sounds. There are several online stores to choose from that sell cosmetic bases, dried or powdered herbs, empty bottles, creative packaging and pretty sachets and essential oils. Visit your local crafts store e.g. Michaels to see what kind of free crafting lessons they have. Also a simple online query for recipes will turn up hundreds of easy to follow instructions on how to create your own spa products.

The following are some great resources to start with:






Have a happy, heartmade holiday season.

Fadzo Chanakira is a freelance writer that divides her time between Arizona and California, where she both lives and works. In addition to having written holistic articles for print and the internet on a variety of topics, she has a holistic business specializing in nutritional supplementation and truly natural beauty products called Alchemy of Beauty. Her undergraduate studies were in Kinesiology at Occidental College in Los Angeles, California. Fadzo also authors a free bi-monthly e-newsletter called The Alchemical Beauty News. She is currently working towards her Masters in Spiritual and Live Food Nutrition with the College of Living Arts in Patagonia, AZ. She can be reached through her website, [http://www.alchemyofbeauty.com] or through the Ezine author contact email.

The 3 Styles of Living Life: What's Your Style?

There are 3 types of people in life, or 3 ways of living. It all comes down to what "style" is driving them. It also has to do with whether they're controlled by their subconscious mind or their conscious mind. The question is...

What mind is controlling you?

The subconscious mind likes consistent patterns, a predictable environment, and tends to focus on the past. Whereas the conscious mind likes variety, new discoveries, and tends to focus on the future. All of these qualities are needed for a quality life. The Problems arise when one mind dominates the actions of the person.

Of the 3 styles, 2 of them involve having one mind dominate over the other. However before I get too far let me give you the 3 styles of living.

They are:

A Pattern driven life.
A Goals driven life.
A Purpose driven life.

A Pattern driven life: ( also called a rut ) This is a person who likes to do the same things over and over again. They get up, go to work, come home, and spend their evenings doing the same activities. A pattern driven person is most interested in comfort and security over other things. Their lives are primarily based on what they did in the past.

This type of life is a condition of the subconscious mind dominating a persons actions. Your subconscious mind is designed to protect you by avoiding pain. By doing the same things and being in a familiar environment you increase your chances of survival. In moderation this is a very useful thing, in excess it can keep you from the excitement of life.

Because this condition is subconsciously driven it can be very difficult to change. The basic key to changing the subconscious mind is you must use emotions not logic. Don't simply list a bunch of logical reasons you should change. Only by becoming emotional about your life will you ever change your subconscious conditioning.

A Goals driven life: ( there are 2 types ) The first type is a person who likes to live life on the edge. They are always pushing the boundaries of what they can do, finding new challenges to experience, and are generally passionate about life. Adventure gives them a high that they are always looking to satisfy.

The second type is a person who sets goals and works hard at achieving them. They usually have reached a good level of success; are seen as highly motivated and accomplished; and are always looking for the next "big thing". Achievements are what gives this person that high they are always looking to satisfy.

This type of life is a condition of the conscious mind dominating a persons actions. Your conscious mind is always looking for new things that will lead to pleasure. A person of this style is primarily focused on the future.

The problem with this type of life is the pleasure is linked to end results (adventure or achievements). Just like a drug addict these type of people always need to find a new "fix" in order to be happy and rarely do these people ever find fulfillment.

A Purpose driven life: This is a person who knows what their purpose is and finds ways to live it everyday. They find pleasure in both the little things as well as the big things. The mindset of this style is to focus on the present and is a balance of the conscious and subconscious minds. They understand the importance of consistency as well as variety. Only by living this style can a person find fulfillment.

Let's look at an example of how these 3 styles work so you can better understand them. I have many friends who are runners so I will use running as the example.

A person who is pattern driven will focus on running 5 miles four times a week. They will feel stress if they miss a day and get pleasure by being consistent in their running. Races are a secondary thought.

A person who is goals driven will focus on the upcoming race. They won't care if they miss a day but will feel stress if they believe they won't be ready in time for the race. They will get pleasure when they cross the finish line.

A person who is purpose driven will focus on the idea of being a runner. They will get pleasure every time they run, when they talk to someone about running, or even when they are buying new running shoes. Everything that is linked to being a runner will be pleasurable to this person.

As you can see all three people are doing the same thing but living 3 different styles of life. It doesn't so much matter what you are doing as it does on your focus.

Final point to remember is that people can use different styles under different conditions. Some people might be one way at work yet another way at home. The thing to remember is what your focus is and how you get pleasure from your life. So go out and find a way to live a purpose driven life ( step one is finding your purpose ).

Jeremy T. Jordan is a dynamic Speaker and Personal Life Coach that specializes in the areas of Success, Happiness, and Fulfillment. He is the founder of Why U Can Life Management; a personal development system designed to empower people with the knowledge and skills of self-mastery. For more information on Jeremy T. Jordan or the Why U Can Life Management System go to his website http://www.whyucanlifemanagement.com

Living Naturally

Have you ever noticed how the natural world exists and grows without anxiety or worry? I began to notice this last summer, during a time of great anguish and anxiety, and it was a source of great comfort to me. Indeed, I recommend this as a practice if you are feeling anxious or worried about anything in your life. Go outside and spend a few moments witnessing the grass, the flowers, the trees in your neighborhood, growing without anxiety or strife. This is life at its simplest and most beautiful. Growing, becoming, creating, flourishing.

It wasn't until several months later, on a walk through the countryside in the sunshine that a further thought occurred to me: the natural world grows without anxiety or worry, but it does not grow chaotically or randomly; it does so in a patterned, even a structured way. These patterns are evident in two distinct ways: both the shapes that the natural world forms, and the processes that go into creating these forms.

The next time you go outside, take a look at a flower, or a leaf, or even a blade of grass. Each part of the whole, each individual in the collective, adheres to a pattern that has evolved according to, the survival, and the thriving of that particular species. Not only that, but each of these patterns also adheres to a process that brings these patterns into being. A seed drops into the earth, germinates and sprouts, growing roots, and then towards the sun to form stem, leaves, flowers, fruit, and seeds, which find their way into the earth. With the passing of the seasons, life is born, dies, and is reborn. Life fulfills these patterns because these patterns support life.

It can be the same with us, if we allow it to be. There are seasons in our lives when things come into being, when they gestate and take root, when they flower, and when they fruit. There are seasons in our lives when things die away again, and yet each fruiting provides the seeds for the next gestation. The challenge is to let go and trust the pattern, letting each process happen as it will. We have seasons in our lives - springs when life begins, summers of flourishing beauty, autumns of fruiting, and winters of dying away.

And yet, at some point in our evolution, we began to lose our natural way. Our lives became chaotic and unmanageable. Our minds began to take control and with this came worry and anxiety. As a culture, if not as a species, we are no longer living naturally. However, this is not irredeemable. In fact, the natural life is as available to us now as it ever was. We may simply have to 'get out of the way' to allow ourselves to live it.

In his most recent and brilliantly observed book, A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle makes the following claim: The history of humanity is a history of madness. To be human involves a certain type of inherited dysfunction which Eckhart calls ego. Ego is the part of each of us that feels as if it is not good enough, and so judges, blames, inflates, deflates, uses power over, abuses, belittles itself and others as a way of compensating for this sense of smallness. Ego fears non-existence more than anything, and so it clings to the content of our lives in a desperate search for self-hood, for identity. In doing so, ego costs us our freedom and our joy.

What does it mean to 'get out of the way' to allow ourselves to access the natural life that has the potential to return us to a state of joy and harmony? It means to acknowledge the dysfunction we share with the whole of humanity; acknowledge it in us, acknowledge it as universal, accept it, even welcome it, and then realize that it is not who we truly are. Realizing this moves us beyond ego, into what Eckhart Tolle calls 'spacious presence' - the space around all things, infusing all things, the natural space of being and becoming. Here is where our true identity lies.

As we let go of our identification with ego, and move into the natural space of being and becoming, we may begin to experience a form of detox. As we become less tempted to identify and lose ourselves in ego, we become more conscious of old, limiting, toxic thoughts, relationships, and behaviors. These old ways of being start to surface, and they do so, they bring the pain they have caused us and others to the surface as well. This will pass, if we can remain conscious and open. Consciousness is the key to freedom, because in consciousness we have the opportunity to choose healthier, more balanced, natural ways of being. If you embark upon this process, be prepared for massive changes to begin to take place in your life. You might leave a dysfunctional relationship, move to the countryside, change careers, or begin to explore your deepest dreams, suddenly believing they may be possible to achieve. Perhaps old ways of relating that wanted to die away years ago will start to dissipate, making space for new relationships to grow and flourish.

Living naturally means awakening, as if from a dream, into the patterns and processes that make up our lives. It means realizing our own natural abundance, and celebrating that. It means allowing ourselves to experience an emptying out of our lives, allowing things to flow out of our lives with absolute trust that the next 'springtime' will bring about a blossoming of something new that will fill our lives again. And it means, above all, trusting in the innate wisdom of our being, that we might move from anxious ego-mind into a natural space of process with grace and acceptance of all that arises from that space.

Heather Mullin is facilitator, administrator and lead bodyworker with Karuna Detox Retreats, the UK's first holistic detox program. She is passionate about health and well-being, joyful living, and creating reflective spaces for people to realize their potential.

Learn more about detoxification and weight loss on a Karuna Detox Retreat. See http://www.karunadetox.com or phone 0800 112 3033 for details.

NB: permission to use the contents of this article is granted, providing the information given here, including links, remains unchanged.

2012年9月6日 星期四

All Of Existence Is Held Together By The Intelligence Of Consciousness

Universal Consciousness, often referred to as God, is the essential 'ingredient' of everything and can therefore not be more important or valuable in one of its expressions than in another, regardless of whether it uses a highly developed human brain or the relatively simple nervous system of an ant. All of existence is held together by the intelligence of consciousness. Its presence in our body allows us to live a physical existence. In the same way, the presence of consciousness in the body of an ant allows the ant to live its life, too.

The intelligence of an ant's DNA or that of an amoeba is not so much different from ours. The reason for that is that the intelligence of consciousness operating in an ant cell has to know nearly as much as the one in a human cell in order to survive in this world. Both the types of DNA have recorded vast amounts of information not only about the complex functions of their own bodies but also about the intricate connections that exist between the microcosm and the macrocosm, plus millions of years of planetary evolution. All this is necessary for both an ant and a human being to live and to survive.

We generally believe that animals, plants or insects are not aware of any of that. But then, most of us are not aware of it either. We use intellectual and scientific concepts to understand reality, yet this has prevented us from actually experiencing it. In fact, plants, minerals, insects, birds, springs, oceans and mountains are much more aware of and in tune with their existence and interconnectedness because they do not use a mind or intellect to understand their world.

Reality, as it is, cannot be understood intellectually. Any intellectual framework or theory will always be too small to describe the vastness and complexity present within every grain of creation. Recently, Australian scientists have revealed the first biosensor capable of determining whether a patient was suffering from indigestion or a heart attack. All they need from the body to diagnose a specific condition is a drop of blood or saliva. One particle of blood contains all the information of the entire body. Even the smallest subatomic particle contains the blueprint of the whole cosmos. It has to know the whole story in order to know where it belongs or what it should do. Without this intrinsic wisdom, the universe and we would collapse like a house of cards. This set-up or wisdom can be called 'nature'.

When we say: "nature knows best how to organize", we refer to her as a conscious being, a form of intelligence. All the species of animals, plants, flowers, insects, minerals and even atoms have their own form of intelligence or soul. Fairy tales have been descriptive of various types of beings we no longer recognize to be real. Fairies, nature spirits and angels seem have been, banished, so to say, to the 'unreal' world by our inability to see them and communicate with them. Trying to sound realistic and scientific, we may emphatically state: "I only believe what I can see!" Yet quite the opposite is true: "I can only see what I believe." My brain permits me only to perceive what I already know and believe is true and real, the rest of the information is automatically filtered out. What gets through to my conscious mind will merely confirm what I already know to be true.

It is time to let go of all the belief systems that have such a limiting influence, for they are castles in the air. To rely on what we think is true and real means living in the past, but may or may not be relevant in the 'now' which is the only reality. The present is new at every coming moment and cannot be fathomed, relived or understood by memories from the past. Belief systems are just memories about what we have learnt or experienced some time before. The experience always comes first and is followed by an intellectual concept or understanding that can explain what we have experienced. But because intellectual understanding cannot relive the experience it is always outside of reality.

[This is an excerpt from the book 'IT'S TIME TO COME ALIVE' by Andreas Moritz, available on http://www.ener-chi.com/book.htm ]

Andreas Moritz is a writer and practitioner in the field of Integrative Medicine and author of 13 books on various subjects pertaining to holistic health and spirituality such as Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation, Lifting the Veil of Duality, Cancer Is Not A Disease, Its A Survival Mechanism, The Amazing Liver & Gallbladder Flush and 'Vaccine-Nation: Poisoning the Population, One Shot at a Time.

Andreas Moritz can be contacted on http://www.facebook.com/enerchi.wellness

Copyright c 2011 by Andreas Moritz

Here Is An Easy Way To Engage In Conscious Creation

Do you find yourself in a situation or predicament and wonder how you got here? You know that you would never have chosen this consciously yet here you are! What gives then?

You Created This, Even If You Don't Know How

Do not dismay. You can learn how to tap into the universal web of conscious energy and master or positively manipulate your destiny. No more do you have to live by default wondering how you got to where you are. You will know because you will have created it consciously.

Consider this: "As above, so below". The macro cosmos is the same as micro cosmos. The Universe is the same as God. God is the same as you and I. You and I are the same as the cell. The cell is the same as the atom, and so on and so on... you get the gist; quantum physics.

Then you and I are the planets and stars and the planets are you and I, right? The planets are actually energetic beings that influence our world and thus influence us. We in turn influence them.

The first scientists, who studied human consciousness and existence, found that transformation can occur without any physical contact. Through precise manipulation of light and sound, the re-engineering of events is possible through vibrations that defy time and space. To put it simply, we have a say in the creation of our experience.

Modern science has shown us that electromagnetic and other energy from the planets influences us on Earth at varying frequencies at different times. Just think of how the Full Moon affects some more than others. The term 'lunacy' came by no coincidence. The Moon is just 1 of the 9 planets that affect us.

The other planets also have their own unique electromagnetic energy fields that effect Earth.

Begin To Consciously Create

Simply visualize that you are consciously in touch with all elements of the universe. You can control them. You are connected with the universe. The more that you do this, the more you will feel the connection to the planetary energies.

You will begin to realize that this practice is not only theory but there is a very real conscious connection. We have the planetary energies already within. The connection is always there, always was there and always will be there. Most of us have just forgotten and need to wake up to this empowering reality.

Do This Short Conscious Connection Exercise Regularly

Like any exercise, the intention is to strengthen the 'muscle' involved. Here you want to strengthen your role in creating your life.

First feel the weight of the body. Sense the gravity. This is your physical connection to Earth. Now expand outward to sense the gravity or energy frequencies of the other planets. Go one by one. Start with the Moon as it is closest, then the Sun as it is the largest. Then go for each one until you've connected to all 9 (that is all 9 according to Vedic Astrology- Sun, Moon- and the 2 'nodes' of the Moon: Rahu and Ketu- Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn).

You may or may not be able to sense each planet at first. Don't worry. There are many tools to increase your sensitivity and to be able to participate in the creation of your life. Another easy step is to start burning herbs that are associated with and carry the energy of the specific planet.

There is an entire science to this that an organization in India has made their mission to research and make available to you. You can begin today by doing the above exercise along with connecting to each planet by burning herbs with the same frequency as the planet. The chemical and energetic release forms a link that acts like a radio tower sending out a signal to the planet and that receives the positive rays of energy from the planet.

This small exercise will activate your conscious creation.

Lalita Bearss started to take pilgrimages to India in 1998 when she had her first Vedic Astrology reading. She has lived and worked there since 2005 and currently works at an online Vedic Astrology company researching both Vedic and Nadi Astology. To learn more about Astrology 'remedies' and the Planetary Incense visit http://www.astrovedherbalincense.com

2012年9月5日 星期三

You Can Attain a Higher Level of Consciousness If You Want

Have you ever wondered if there is more to life than what you are experiencing? If you are like most people, you live in a state of consciousness below that which is attainable. There are different levels of consciousness and most people live in the lower levels their entire lives never knowing that it is possible to go higher. Experiential research that I and my cohorts have done over the years shows, without a doubt, that there are five levels of consciousness. See if you agree with me as we go through the five levels.

Waking Sleep

This is the lowest level of consciousness, and surprisingly, this is where most people spend most of their time while they are awake. Waking sleep is when the body is doing one thing and the mind is thinking of something else. An example would be walking down a flight of stairs while thinking about having a conversation with someone you were talking to an hour ago. Another example would be driving a car while thinking about what you are going to do when you get to your destination. The scary part is, when you get to your destination you don't remember many of the places you passed while driving. Probably we can all relate to our own experiences of waking sleep. You can even be in waking sleep while reading a book or reading this article. You are reading but your mind is thinking about something else. This kind of waking sleep is called "mindless reading."

Waking sleep can be dangerous because the mind is not "in tune" with what the body is doing. Thousands of automobile wrecks occur every year due to waking sleep. Falling down stairs, falling off ladders, walking off scaffolding, sawing off fingers are some more examples of what can happen during waking sleep. I had a good friend in high school who was plowing a field next to the one I was plowing. The farmer we were working for told him to go down the road and start plowing the next field when he got through. When he finished plowing the field he drove down the road and forgot to take the plow up out of the ground and plowed up a bridge. I could hear the rumbling of the wooden planks over the sound of my tractor's engine. He later confided in me and told me that he was thinking about his girlfriend.


This is the second stage of consciousness, but it isn't much better than waking sleep. When in absorption you are not aware of yourself because you are completely engrossed in some kind of activity or situation. Watching a move, in which you are totally engrossed, is a good example. You become so "caught up" in the movie that you feel as though you are with the actors and experiencing what they are supposedly experiencing. You are totally unaware of your surroundings. Your heart is beating fast, your palms are sweaty, you are not even aware of the person sitting next to you, the edges of the screen or the theater itself. You are totally absorbed in the movie.

Absorption can occur while in deep thought, reading a book, staring into a fire, listening to music. This might seem like waking sleep but it isn't. In absorption, the mind is completely immersed in the object and there is no sense of what the body is doing or what's going on around you. In waking sleep there is still some sense of what your body is doing and vaguely what's happening around you.

The effects of absorption can be recognized best after you have experienced it. Coming out of absorption can be interesting because it is much like having been asleep and oblivious to yourself and the immediate surroundings. Interestingly, when you come out of absorption, it appears as though time has passed very quickly. You may take a look at the clock and say something like, "Where did the time go?"


For most people, attention is about as far as they will go in consciousness because they don't know that it is possible to go further. In school, students are often told by their teachers to "pay attention." A person can be "paying attention" and all of a sudden fall back into absorption or waking sleep without knowing it. Attention requires effort, while absorption and waking sleep require no effort at all. Unlike absorption, however, there is a feeling of separation between the observer and the observed - you and the object. For example, if you are looking at a tree, you experience being separate from the tree and that there is distance and space between you and the tree.

Let's go back to the example of watching a move. This time rather than being absorbed you remain attentive to things around you - the person next to you, the frame around the movie screen, people coming and going in the theatre. You are not disturbed by what's going on around you. You are simply attentive. If your focus suddenly becomes narrower and deeper, and you become emotionally involved in the movie you can easily slip back into absorption. This is neither good nor bad, it just is. It is something you can experience for yourself. You can experience going back and forth between absorption and attention while doing most anything - running, riding a bike, walking, watching a ball game, watching television, talking with someone, etc.


This level of consciousness is not difficult to experience - the difficulty comes in staying there because the mind will snap you automatically into waking sleep, absorption, or attention. Being aware is a higher level of consciousness than the first three. Awareness is simply noticing what is happening in you and around you with a very keen sense of understanding. You may be noticing cars whizzing by, people walking, birds flying overhead, dew on the grass, and so on. At the same time you are also aware of yourself. You may be walking and you are feeling your feet coming down heel to toe, hearing the "crunching" of the leaves, feeling your arms swinging, your breathing, and the wind blowing across your skin. Awareness is like opening up and letting things come to you - a field of experience opens and life is being fully and completely witnessed by you.

Awareness also includes the ability to observe things and events with impartiality and non-judgment. It is an acceptance of whatever is happening in your experience at this very moment - not a year ago, not yesterday, and not a minute ago. It means staying with the experience, whether it is "good" or "bad" and allow it to yield its meaning to you. This doesn't mean, However, that you let things happen without getting involved. If you see someone in need of help, you help them. If you hear a baby cry, you go see if something is wrong. Let the experience of awareness yield its meaning to you by understanding exactly what is happening within you and outside of you this very moment.

Practice staying in awareness by relaxing into the present moment. It is very important to remain relaxed at all times. The more relaxed you are, the more aware you become. But don't let your mind wander into the lower levels of waking sleep, absorption and attention. Stay alert, but also stay relaxed. You might think that these two terms, relaxed and alert, are opposing one another but they are not. In fact, they compliment one another. The mind is alert (aware) and at the same time it is not having any thoughts of the past or the future. In other words, the mind is attuned to the present moment. The body, as well, is relaxed and not tense. Move like a graceful dancer - fully alert and relaxed.

Pure Awareness

Pure awareness is the ultimate level of consciousness. It is somewhat like awareness but it is not so much an experience as it is a knowing. To go into pure awareness you must first of all be in the state of awareness. While in awareness all you have to do is expand your consciousness to include the infinite space inside of you and the infinite space outside of you. This may not be so easy at first, so use your imagination to focus inward into your body starting with a cell and go smaller into molecules and then into atoms, subatomic particles, and on into infinitely smaller and smaller particles. This is the infinite space inside. Do the same thing going outward into the space beyond your body - to the stars and planets, further and further indefinitely. This little trick of the imagination allows your consciousness to expand to its fullest limits.

Keep your consciousness expanded into infinity for as long as you can while walking around in a state of awareness - expanded awareness. Sooner or later your consciousness will shrink back into waking sleep, absorption or attention, and when it does, bring it back into expanded awareness. At some point in time, while practicing coming back into expanded awareness, you will feel as though you and everything are actually the same. At first, it may be for just an instant but when it happens, you are pure awareness. Existing in this state, no matter for how long, is not in the mind nor the body; it is knowing that everything is one. That is what pure awareness is all about. With practice, you will be able to stay in pure awareness longer and longer.

Neil Crenshaw, Ph.D.

Live Consciously: Have a Laugh and Don't Be Too Serious

Think, for a moment, about who you really are. Do you know who you are? Maybe you've internally answered that question with, "I am John Smith. I'm 6 feet tall, weigh 225 pounds. I work as an engineer and am a diabetic..." And the answer might go on and on.

Of course your answer is probably different than what I listed, but you get the idea. People compartmentalize themselves and play into the idea that all they really are is the lump of flesh that is right here and right now. This line of thinking is what kills the ability to live consciously and truly realize who you are.

More than Mysticism

If you are getting uncomfortable with the line of reasoning here, and want to write it off as mystical mumbo jumbo, please read on. The answer to the question of who you really are - that question that has been in the back of your mind for years is closer than you might think to being answered.

You see, who you are is much more than just your body, as important and useful as a body is. You are pure consciousness. Think of your body like an automobile. When you step out of your car, and stop operating it, you are free to move about and go wherever you please, while the car cannot move until someone is driving it. Just as you drive the car - you... the real you.... the higher consciousness that is you, drives your human body vehicle.

Embrace Who You Really Are

Once this idea starts to click with you, it is possible to live without bounds. To live life the way it was intended to be lived. Like Neo, in the movie "The Matrix", you will have broken out of the superimposed grid of "reality" and you will begin to live a life of limitless potential and power.

When you make the decision to stop living shackled to self and system-imposed doubts, fears and lies, you will awaken the true power that has been dwelling in your body for years. You'll go from driving a beat up, worn down car to driving a super-charged, top-of-the-line race car that is built to take on the impossible.

Laugh at the World

I'm not trying to con you into taking on a false, positive attitude that isn't based on true facts. What I want for you is to realize the limitless power and potential of who you are. And the way you will do that is by breaking the paradigm of thought that tells you that you are just a body. You are far more than that my friend. And the sooner, you realize it, the sooner you will be able to laugh in the face of challenges and fears that come your way.

When you live consciously, you are tapped into a power source that has been there for you all along. That power source will allow you to smash the boundaries that have been holding you back. And you will live the triumphant life that you were destined for. Challenges will still come, but you will have the ability and resources to rise above them once and for all.

Align Yourself

When you begin to realize that you are pure consciousness that is woven into the Infinite, you will begin to rise to new levels of awareness and harmonize with the unlimited powers available to you. If you know anything about music, you know that certain notes, when played on one instrument will force other instruments to play that same note. These instruments have an affinity for one another at that note's frequency and they get "in tune."

When you realize who you are, as a higher consciousness, you will begin to harmonize with the Universe and get "in tune" to live life to its absolute fullest potential. So start laughing at those fears, and you will soon see them erode into nothingness because that is precisely what they are to you - the real you.

Download your free ebook 15 Secrets to Super Health that could put you on the fast-track to Super Health.

More Articles You (Don't Want to) Miss --> mind and consciousness

Dying to Live

The German philosopher Hegel spoke very strongly of the principle "Die to live" which is very much in harmony with the essential knowledge of the Bhagavad-Gita and the Veda.

Die to live: if you want to live in truth, you will have to die-die to your present state of material consciousness. Material consciousness is one of exploitation, and spiritual consciousness, the true consciousness of the soul, is one of service-service to God and every living being. In order to make progress on the spiritual path, in order to properly die to live, there must be the elimination of our present material state of having deeply rooted desires to exploit, to accumulate, and to possess; and there must be the acceptance of our original spiritual state of having deeply rooted humility, purity, and a service attitude.

Now, we may theoretically understand what our true state of consciousness is. But as we try to practically apply this understanding in our life, as we try to lead a life of servitude, there will be many challenges and obstacles. With proper integrity and proper spiritual direction, however, we can not only pass through those obstacles, but those very obstacles will bring about realization; our theoretical knowledge will then develop into realization.

'Service' really means death to the ego, and death means transformation. On the gross physical level, when the body dies, what has really happened is just a transformation of material elements; it is not that the elements of the body cease to exist. They may be turned into ashes if put into fire, and they may be turned into dust if they are put into earth-they are just transformed. Similarly, death of the ego means transformation of our consciousness, and in that transformation there is real life.

Death to the ego is a process; it is the most important process and is the very basis of all spiritual paths. It is like the process of purifying gold. When you put gold in fire, the fire burns away all the gross coverings, and the longer the gold is in fire, the more its original, natural shine manifests. It becomes more and more and more beautiful. Sandalwood is another example: the more you press or rub sandalwood, the more its natural, beautiful fragrance is manifested. Similarly, the more we undergo the process of selfless service, the more our ego dies.

But it is not our desire to simply die. We want to die to live. Not only do we want to dismiss the ego or cause death to it, but we want to live according to our real ambition, to live in a state of complete fulfillment, divine life and divine love-and that is a life of real spiritual consciousness.


2012年9月4日 星期二

An Orange, Consciousness & Spiritual Perspective

Nature is our best teacher and can show us dramatic insights into the very core of your being. All we have to do is be awake and aware of what is happening in any given moment of now. Let us take a look at what an orange can tell us about your consciousness and what is really inside of you.

I want you to think of an orange, a nice big juicy orange. . If you cut this orange in half and squeeze it really hard what do you get? You get orange juice, right? And why is it that you get orange juice from this orange? Because orange juice is what is inside of an orange. Pretty simple logic, true? You are not going to get motor oil or lemon juice; you are going to get orange juice.

Now, let's take this analogy and apply it to ourselves. If somebody squeezes you, that is, they threaten you or challenge you verbally or physically, what is going to come out of you? Well, whatever is inside of you is going to come out of you just like an orange. If what is inside you is an unconscious decision making process that reacts to external stimuli by going to your memory banks and picking out a similar situation, then that is what you will get. You will react to the threat with a state of being that you have used in the past. Typically fear, anger, hostility and being afraid will be your automatic choices from this unconscious level of choice when somebody squeezes you really hard.

If you are living consciously and have defined who you are as love, peace, forgiveness and kindness, then you will consciously choose a state of being to reflect these and react to the stimuli accordingly by doing loving things, such as peaceful talking, a forgiving attitude and kind gestures.

You still have the option to choose fear and anger but you are less inclined to choose them, because who you have defined yourself to be is not in alignment with those choices. We see very clearly that the polarity of love and fear is at work when we look at the options available to us in the choices we make every day of our lives. Every day of our lives we make hundreds of choices because we have hundreds of thoughts running through our heads at all times.

Each thought is a love-based thought or a fear-based thought. There is no choice in that because every thought comes from either love or fear. In order to increase our odds of making more love-based choices than fear-based choices we need to be awake and aware of how tremendously important each of our choices is and how it impacts our lives.

You then see the connection between what you think and choose to pursue and how that choice will affect your life. Your choice to read this article will affect your life differently than a choice not to read this article. Each choice is okay, but the impact of reading these words has the potential to change the way you think, make choices, and evolve at a faster pace. Or it may not. It is entirely your choice.

The importance lies in your perception of what you read. That is what I love about the nuts and bolts of spirituality. The nuts and bolts of spirituality allows you to be the choice maker of your life. If you choose to you can continue to sleepwalk through life and live with the consequences of your unconscious decisions.

You are here to create your life in any manner that you choose. You are not restricted in any way by a controlling God who 'cares about what you do.' Whatever you choose to do is fine with God. You are eternal and what you choose in this lifetime does not change that. When you experience your earthly death that will be by choice also.

You may choose to die slowly and 'before your time' by choosing to smoke cigarettes for most of your life. You may choose to eat red meat throughout your life and develop clogged arteries. You may choose to be sedentary and never exercise your body or mind. You may choose to drink alcohol to excess at the expense of your liver. You may choose to allow your elected representatives to let industry pollute our drinking water or soak our food in pesticides that go into our bodies to continue their poisonous intention.

These are all choices that we make both individually and collectively that have natural consequences affecting our lives. We cannot claim to be ignorant of these day-to-day decisions but we can claim to be unaware that we are making these choices through unconscious living.

Of course unconscious living is a choice. Most of us would not knowingly poison our bodies or those of our loved ones. Most of us would not knowingly allow our elected representatives to make laws that are detrimental to our personal lives and our collective survival on this planet. We just wouldn't do this knowingly. We wouldn't make those choices consciously.

However, those choices are being made on a regular basis, both individually and collectively, when we go through life as a sleepwalker. The unconscious choices we make daily affect every facet of our lives in the exact same manner as the conscious choices we make every day.

Once again, we are not being judged for these choices but we are living with the consequences of these choices. There are natural consequences to every action that we take as individuals and as societies. It would behoove us to be aware of these consequences and see if they serve us or not.

Richard Blackstone is an award winning author and international speaker on Love, Oneness & Creation. Journey into discovery of Self by reading this FREE report; "The 3 Simple Immutable Laws of the Universe" at: http://www.NutsandBoltsSpirituality.com

Network Spinal Analysis - How Spinal Anatomy and Consciousness Awareness Relate

When it comes to consciousness awareness, people usually find the principles I speak about make sense and are applicable in their lives. In terms of working with their spines to release tension and improve posture, they can usually understand how it relieves physical pain and not much more. There is however a strong correlation between the posture and tension of people's spines and their ability to enjoy emotional, mental and spiritual well-being, in addition to the physical benefits.

Simply put, as we develop increasingly complex properties within our spine and its behaviour (e.g. it's flexibility, range of motion, alignment, sensitivity and functionality), we also experience a corresponding progression in our level of consciousness and awareness. This direct correlation between our spine and level of consciousness is something that Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) practitioners have known but have had difficulty communicating to the public.

Dr. Donald Epstein created "The Five Gifts of the Spine" as an attempt to clarify the relationship between the spine and levels of conscious awareness. While it is a very clever and complex model, it still does not make the relationship all that clear. I've listened to him speak about them live, on audio and on video. I've read about them. I even had a two hour movie night where over 20 practice members watched in awe as Dr. Epstein discussed the gifts, but people still don't get why working on their backs changes their lives. In the hopes of showing you the gifts that truly do reside in your spine, I will attempt to explain the indispensable link between your spine and the level of consciousness you enjoy in your life.

According to Dr. Epstein, The Five Gifts of the Spine are:

Sense of Self

After thousands of dollars, hours and hours of study and countless more spent pondering, this is my take on it.

The Five Gifts of the Spine-The Indispensable Role of the Spine in Human Conscious Development

Function-I'm alive and all my parts work
Emotion-I like these feelings but not those ones
Sense of self-What does it take to be who I think I am?
Behaviour-I'm way more than I thought I was. What else can I do?
Consciousness-I've focused on me long enough. How can I serve others more?

When a baby is born, the most important thing is that everything works. The spine and spinal cord provide the vital connection that ensures that everything is functioning so the baby can survive.

The baby begins to express emotions at a basic level. She's happy when she is fed or receives attention. She's upset when she does not have what she needs or wants. The range of emotions grows and the way she moves to express these emotions develops in the spine. If the spine does not move through a full range, only the concept of the emotion will be known. The feeling will not be embodied.

As she grows, she gets introduced to her family's and society's culture. She learns that it is okay for little girls to feel some emotions but not others. She learns that there are things she can do and things she cannot. We can start to observe who she is by how she holds herself. Her posture and body language tell us all about the person she is becoming. Will her sense of self be flexible enough to adapt and grow with confidence and passion through her teen years into adulthood, or will some traumas get locked in and cause her psychological distress later in life? The flexibility of the spine correlates directly to this.

As this person continues through life and does all the things she is supposed to in order to be a good member of the culture, she may ask, "Is there more than this? Is this all I'm meant to be?" As she explores who she thought she was, she may see that if she takes on new behaviours, i.e. things that she would never have done previously, she will start to become someone new. She may even realize that she can be anyone or anything she wants. She only has to take action and develop the behaviours of the person she would like to be. For this evolution in awareness to occur, the spine must be totally free of the tension that locks us into our "this is all I am" mentality.

She may continue her exploration and find that there is no longer a need to focus on herself, rather, her life becomes more about service and contribution to others. She finds that she considers the impact of every thought, action and feeling she has on the whole world. She may feel her connection to everyone and everything at times. This level of consciousness requires a spine that is flexible enough to handle a high level of energy. It almost seems as though it is not solid.

This progression of gifts that people receive as they grow and evolve are not accessed by everyone. Sadly, some people only experience the first two, remaining focused on and locked into a reactive response to their perception of the world. The spine, its flexibility and movement plays a critical role in how easily a person accesses the energy of each level of consciousness. It is also the vital link to the experience being embodied and lived rather than just thought about. This is the reason why creating flexibility and complex strategies in someone's spine can have such a positive and profound impact on the life they live. How well are you receiving these gifts?

Dr. Paul Newton is a chiropractor, Network Spinal Analysis practitioner, professional speaker, author and coach. He helps people achieve physical health and wellness through their connection to their purpose and meaning in life. He is an expert in the area of happiness and the role of the body in emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

If you enjoyed this article or have comments about it, please leave them on the blog on the home page of http://SecretsHappyPeopleKnow.com/. Also sign up to get immediate access to a free 5 day mini course about The Secrets Happy People Know.

Become Conscious In Your Training for Fast Results

The definition for Consciousness from Wikipedia.com is referenced below.

"Consciousness is variously defined as subjective experience, awareness, the ability to experience "feeling", wakefulness, the understanding of the concept "self", or the executive control system of the mind.[1] It is an umbrella term that may refer to a variety of mental phenomena.[2] Although humans realize what everyday experiences are, consciousness refuses to be defined, philosophers note (e.g. John Searle in The Oxford Companion to Philosophy):[3]

"Anything that we are aware of at a given moment forms part of our consciousness, making conscious experience at once the most familiar and most mysterious aspect of our lives." -Schneider and Velmans, 2007[4]"

How can being conscious help you in reaching your health and fitness goals? The definition states: "Anything that we are aware of at any given moment..." I would like to draw your attention to this part of the definition because I believe that the majority of a person's failure to reach a goal has more to do with what they do unconsciously then their body type, experience, or desire. For every conscious decision we make there are hundreds of unconscious ones made. Like if we put sweetener in our coffee, where we park, what we do when we are stressed or under pressure. When it comes to a conscious choice we may decide to go to the gym but how much of our workout is conscious? Are we really paying attention to every rep, trying to push ourselves farther than our last workout? Or are we getting on the treadmill, setting it and walking or running till it stops only to head over for a few reps on some machines and then to the showers? Unfortunately, over ninety percent of the gym members I've seen are doing just that and some of the trainers I've seen have even encouraged it! It seems to be the biggest discouragement for people to start working out, lose some weight and then plateau. This doesn't have to be you.

The same thing that causes you to plateau is the same thing that allows you to get results. It is called the S.A.I.D. principle. It stands for, "Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands". In other words, the body will adapt to whatever stress you put it under, which is both a blessing and a curse. You will change, its guaranteed, but that change will stop unless you put more stress on your body. There aren't any magical workouts out there because of the principle that "everything works, nothing works forever". Your body will adapt to whatever you're doing, then you need to make it harder to make continued progress. This is where being conscious comes into play and the easiest way to do that is to keep a log where you write down everything you did. By thoroughly planning your work and then working your plan you will always be able to make an improvement on your last workout session.

Learning how these principles work and how to stay conscious in your daily activity can sometimes feel like a daunting task. In that case I recommend that you find someone to help you stay accountable. There are several options for doing that. You could get a workout partner with similar goals, you could hire a local trainer, or you could take advantage of online personal training which is usually a less expensive way to go if you don't need individual instruction for every single rep. By being conscious of what your outcome goal is, you will perform better and create a solution to help you reach it as quickly as possible. My next article will focus on how to write an outcome goal, how to word it positively, and what to do with it when once you've written it down because the first step in conscious training is having a clear vision of what you want.

I am a Corrective Exercise Specialist and a Specialist in Fitness Nutrition in Seattle WA. My purpose is to educate and teach others about how to incorporate health and fitness into their daily lives in a safe and effective way. I show that their is fitness everywhere we look, not just in a "gym" and it is about the conscious and, more importantly, the unconscious choices we make everyday. As a lifelong sufferer of back pain I live what I teach others. For more info: http://www.cfmcorrectivefitness.com

2012年9月3日 星期一

East Steps Towards Higher Consciousness

As many of you are already aware, we are living in an extraordinary time of great evolutionary change. We are in transition from one stage of consciousness to another. The old way of life is ending and new way is being born. This transition is occurring not only in the external world, as witnessed by our rapidly shifting reality, but also within our internal world. These challenging times ask us to look within, and to think more deeply about who we are, why we are here, and where humanity is headed.

We are living in a time where a higher stage of human awareness is unfolding. A higher consciousness means moving beyond our tried and true ways of seeing the world, and gaining a greater sense of clarity with new insights and understandings. What this really means is that we have reached an age where the old is going, and the new is in the process of being built. There is a future being created that we are all a part of.

This evolution of change is happening not only around us, but also within us. It's a transition where we leave behind the sense of "who I am" to become something more. We release our self-image of needing to be a "good" person, step beyond conformity and structure, and discover our true nature. With this new awareness reality is seen differently and new possibilities emerge. Changes in patterns of thought, emotions, and behavior occur. With higher conscious awareness we allow our light to shine through.

This transition and transformation is personal and can often be painful. We release the residue left by childhood wounds, the influence of society, and the fears held within to uncover the divinity within. By understanding what is happening to ourselves, humanity, and Earth, we are able collaborate with evolution with a measure of self-assuredness-becoming conscious participants and helping to ease the process.

Below are several ways that we can lead ourselves into an awakened state of future possibilities and expanded love.

Pay Attention to Your Senses

Higher consciousness is about being more aware. We're used to seeing the world around us in a certain way. Increase awareness by keeping your senses open. Look around and seek the possibilities. Listen to the sounds around you, in you, inside and outside. Smell the air in the room and notice if it feels alive or stagnant, warm or cool, heavy or light.

Look around and notice your surroundings, both near and far. How far out onto the horizon do you typically look? How often do you notice the ants or a tiny grain of sand? What looks different since you last noticed the things around you? Have the plants grown? Are the bookshelves dusty? Notice the different colors, textures, and shapes. Touch a few of the objects around you and notice how they feel. Slow down and taste your food more fully. Inhale the aroma, enjoy the colors, feel the temperature, and taste the subtle flavors.

Pay Attention to the Choices that Feel Good and Right to You

We often live our lives on autopilot, doing things the same way because that's the way we've always done them. Our thoughts and actions are reactionary, keeping us locked within the same level of consciousness. To expand your level of awareness, check in with yourself before making your next choice. Do you really want to say "yes" to that unexpected request because it feels right inside of you, or are you saying "yes" because you think you are supposed to? Do you like how your furniture and pictures are arranged, or is it just easier to keep them the way they are? Does your body want to eat that next bite of food... and if so, how do you know? Paying attention to the choices that feel good and right to you is how you learn to trust your heart and your spirit.

Pay Attention to Nature

Your spirit is the feeling of inner peace that exists beyond your everyday aches, pains, and so called negative emotions. Your spirit is the love that you seek, the connection that you crave, and who you really are. If you are wanting more connection with your authentic self, then being outdoors is a powerful way to nurture your spirit. Being in nature allows you to see beyond your human condition and remember that there is more going on than the current immediate drama of your life. There is more to who you are than the non-stop mental chatter going on in your head. When we're in nature, we breathe more deeply. We inhale life and recognize that we are a part of life itself.

Pay Attention to Your Intuition

We can't think our way into higher consciousness. It is gained as we embrace and nurture what is authentic within. We step beyond the patterns and cycles of our lives, and move beyond our short-term survival mode by learning how to listen to, and act upon, our intuition. Intuition is our ability to get a sense, understanding, or feeling about something. Intuition is about making new choices that move you forward into advantageous possibilities. As you pay more attention to your intuition, you are able to make heart-based decisions that lead to greater self-respect, uncover your natural talents, and enrich your relationship with yourself and life.

Conscious awareness is a feeling of being alive and bringing your spirit into your body, into life, and into humanity. Calmness, peace of mind, and decreased worry, anxiety, and stress are some of the byproducts of becoming more conscious. Follow the steps above and lead yourself into a world of new possibilities and expanded love.

Want to make your world brighter and more exciting? Want to wake up each morning vibrant, energized, and glad to be alive? Check out a book that I personally wrote called, Your Highest Potential which you can find at http://www.AnnetteColby.com along with a boatload of testimonials.

4 Secret Jewels To Living The Laws Of Attraction

Attraction is everything all around us. It is who we are from within ourselves which reflects everything in our physical lives, yes I said every single thing. These 4 secret keys to living the laws of attraction will give you the power to mastering the universe and attracting anything it is which you want, let me prove it to you.

1. Universal Intelligence Communicates With Our Sub-Conscious mind -

You must first understand how this all works before you can apply law of attraction to anything in your life. And this is the exact science of how it operates. So I'm sure your asking yourself right now, "well how in the heck can I control my sub-conscious?".

Universal intelligence, God, Dao or whatever you want to label it as is a energy or force that can provide you with anything you desire if you know how to communicate with it the proper way. Universal intelligence communicates with your sub-conscious mind weather you get it or not. Your sub-conscious mind, you know the little 3 year that starts playing around inside your head) is controlling your entire life and every single thing around you.

This is why it is always so important to apply...

2. Daily Repetition Of Thoughts -

This is a vital piece to understanding how attraction works and how it all comes together. You need to place that positive thought of what you want in your head consciously throughout the day repeating it as many times as you possibly can because the only way to reprogram your sub-conscious mind is by repetition of conscious thoughts.

So you control your sub-conscious by repeating those positive thought's with repetition everyday until however long it takes to reprogram your sub-conscious mind so you can attract what you want more of in life.

Here is a gem I'm going to share with you. 98% of all T.V. & radio shows out there are your most dangerous activities you can be doing because in reality your harming your sub-conscious mind with fear. Sub-conscious repetition of fear keeps you trapped in the rat race. So why even watch pointless T.V. or program your mind with your favorite radio songs which instill fear?

3. Positive Emotions -

It is super important to charge positive emotion into every thought in which you want. So when your doing your daily affirmations be sure to uplift yourself and think of what you already have to be grateful for. This will put you in a humble mood which always leads to positive emotion if your being sincere about it.

4. Taking Action -

OK so now you know how you can start to reprogram your entire sub-conscious mind to start attracting what it is you want in life. Quit watching pointless T.V. and start developing personal growth, learning about how your mind actually works so you can continue growing and blossoming. Have fun with this, when was the last time you listened to an audio book?

OK so don't matter how wonderful we think and how amazing we feel if we don't understand how to act upon our thoughts and take massive focused action towards them. This is the most powerful quote I have ever heard in my life and it's from Psychology Professor William James which states, "Action seems to follow feeling, but really, action and feeling go together. And by regulating that action, which is under the more direct control of the will, we can indirectly regulate the feeling, which is not."

Professor William James is one of the most brilliant minds to ever exist. If you can understand this quote right here, then you can totally dominate the law of attraction and use it at your will and be in perfect communication with it.

If you don't get the quote it simply means to take massive action, don't think about it just go for it. Like Nike says, "Just Do It." Don't sit back and think but do because thinking instills fear which could hold you back even more, especially when your lacking personal growth in the first place.

Why is it your not where you would like to be today in life? It's simply because you did not know these jewels & the profound meaning behind it to go out and take action to create the feeling you ultimately are seeking. This is how you defeat fear and if you still do not get this then seek the answer of understanding and I promise you that you will find it, you will attract it. Just start by putting the energy out there.

To sum up having the universe being your own personal genie, you can start buy reprogramming your subconscious mind. Choose your thoughts wisely & repeat them throughout the day with repetition and mega charged with positive emotion. You put that energy out there and the universe will provide you the way, then all you have to do is take the required action. Do not let fear keep you trapped in the rat race because "Action seems to follow feeling, but really, action and feeling go together. And by regulating that action, which is under the more direct control of the will, we can indirectly regulate the feeling, which is not."

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Stay Young, Live Long With This Timeless Anti-Aging Secret

Ever since the early days of human development people have wanted to know the secret of immortality. Searching far and wide, many have made it a lifetime quest to solve this greatest of mysteries! But, is the answer already known to us? There have been many developments within the field of Noetic Science to show that our thoughts do actually have an impact on our environment. You may be familiar with the 'Secret' and the hypothesis that our world is governed by the law of attraction.

Although these theories have become more widespread and generally accepted in recent times, the actual knowledge has been known for thousands of years. The knowledge has survived the centuries in the form of the written word, albeit much of it in cryptic form. Passed to us by philosophers, alchemists and prophets, much of what was written down is converging on what scientists are discovering today!

The fact is, what was written, either through ignorance or deliberate misrepresentation by the powers that be, was interpreted incorrectly. Most people therefore sought the answers to many of their problems outside of themselves. In some sort of God like power separate from themselves! The truth is that we are the center of our world. We create what we experience.

And, the degree to which we can consciously control our world is directly related to our degree of consciousness. If our physical environment is manipulated by thought, our level of consciousness is the power source. How though, can this help us stay young and live long and rewarding lives? If our very thoughts can influence things that appear separate from us then why shouldn't they influence our physical body?

The fact is, they do! It's just that much of what we think about makes us age. When our thoughts are continually dominated by the past or the future in the form of regret, anger, anxiety, worry etc, we both accumulate psychological time and also suffer premature aging through accelerated cell apoptosis.

When we pursue activities that raise our consciousness we begin to see how much energy is wasted in what really amounts to trivia. We begin to master our thoughts and hence control our environment. And, that includes the physical body! You see our level of consciousness has a direct impact on everything we do. From what we decide to put in our mouth to the exercise we take, our consciousness lets us tune in to all aspects of our lifestyle. We gradually sharpen our senses to what is really needed to turn our lives around! So, if we want to stay young and live longer, find ways to develop your consciousness - the best anti aging solution for everyone.

Go to "Consciousness -The Hidden Secret of a long life" to find out more about developing consciousness. If you are generally interested in anti aging please visit http://www.antiagingempire.com for a unique perspective on the issues surrounding longevity.

2012年9月2日 星期日

Discovering Past Lives Through Meditation

"I am confident that there truly is such a thing as living again, that the living spring from the dead, and that the souls of the dead are in existence." Socrates

Under the powerful and persistent influence of our ordinary human awareness, we naturally experience ourselves as a single individual living alone inside our physical body. From that experience, we can feel that our human self began with our birth in our present physical body, and that it will end at the death of that body.

Such a feeling is reinforced by the observation that throughout history, countless numbers of people have been born, have lived their lives, and then have apparently vanished at death. All of the billions of human beings who have lived on earth in the past have died, and they appear to no longer exist. Therefore, with a normal human viewpoint that is rooted in such experience, it is not surprising that many people find it difficult to believe that they will continue to exist after the death of their physical body.

Through many years of research into human consciousness, and from numerous deep meditation experiences, I have come to directly perceive that our ordinary human experience is simply one aspect of our overall existence. As many spiritual seekers have discovered for themselves, woven into the very fabric of the physical world, there is an extraordinary non-physical spiritual realm. It is in that spiritual realm that your soul exists, and, it is in that realm that you can discover your ongoing existence that is not limited by physical reality. However, your perception of that realm is obscured by your ordinary awareness.

Through your ordinary awareness you experience your daily thoughts, feelings, memories, and other inner experiences, as well as your perceptions of the outer physical world. However, you do not become consciously aware of the spiritual realm through your ordinary awareness.

Since the normal human perspective of life influences us to identify our human self with our physical body, many people find it difficult to experience a larger reality because they are unable to break the strong hold that their bodily experience has on their conscious awareness. Under the dominant influence of their bodily experience, they come to believe that what they experience in their life inside their human body is the full extent of reality.

If you wish to clear the way for establishing a conscious awareness of the spiritual realm, it is wise to look at some confused perceptions that arise from the normal human perspective of life-the perspective of a human self living within a physical body. If you can understand how you are influenced by seeing your life from that ordinary perspective, then you can make some adjustments to overcome any limitations that are inherent in that viewpoint.

One of the confusions that arises from the ordinary view of life is that some people become so convinced that they are their body that they view their entire subjective experience as a product of the body. Often, it takes many years to go beyond such a limited perspective. Dr. Wilder Penfield is one of those people who made the breakthrough.

Penfield, who is recognized as the father of modern neurosurgery, did extensive mapping of the human brain in the thirties and forties. By probing the brains of patients on the operating table, he discovered specific areas of the brain that trigger certain human responses. From that research, Penfield came to believe that human awareness is nothing more than a product of the brain, caused by the activity of the neurons in the brain. Throughout his long career, he was convinced that human consciousness cannot exist apart from the brain.

Yet, after more than fifty years of research, he wrote in his last book, The Mystery of the Mind, "I came to take seriously, even to believe, that the consciousness of man, the mind, is not something to be reduced to brain mechanism." He added, "What a thrill it is to discover that the scientist, too, can legitimately believe in the existence of the spirit."

Another misunderstanding that is related to our ordinary awareness comes from the creation of the belief that our life in our physical body is our only reality. This can lead to great discouragement because we can feel that what we do in this life will be wasted when we die.

When I was in my early twenties, under the influence of a narrow, scientific intellectualism that I had adopted, I was convinced that my own personal existence would end at my death. I believed that I would simply vanish from existence. The idea of a soul, and an ongoing life beyond the physical world, seemed absurd to my rigid intellect. As a result of adopting such a limited attitude, I became very discouraged about life. I struggled with a feeling that life was meaningless because everything that I accomplished in this life would be lost at death. At times, under the influence of my bleak viewpoint, I became so discouraged that I felt that there was really nothing important to base my life on.

When I finally broke through to a direct experience of my loving soul through a deep meditation practice, I was able to lift myself out of that oppressive, hopeless vision to see through to a larger reality. My awakening to my soul enabled me to clearly experience the wonderful spiritual aspect of me that will pass through the door of my physical death into the next stage of my journey. Through numerous spiritual experiences in an expanded state of consciousness, I learned about my ongoing existence through many lifetimes on earth, and that gave me a deep sense of purpose and meaning in my present life. I was able to understand how my present accomplishments are important in the ongoing purposes that I have been pursuing through many lifetimes.

Many people have gone through a similar process to break through the limits of ordinary awareness. The famous automaker, Henry Ford, described his personal awakening in a newspaper interview in 1938. Ford said:

"When I was a young man I, like so many others, was bewildered. I found myself asking the question, 'What are we here for?' I found no answer. Without some answer to that question life is empty, useless. Then one day a friend handed me a book on reincarnation. That little book gave me the answer I was seeking. It changed my whole life. From emptiness and uselessness, it changed my outlook upon life to purpose and meaning. I believe that we are here now and will come back again. Of this I am sure-that we are here for a purpose. And that we go on. Mind and memory-they are the eternals."

Ford clarified his viewpoint even further in another newspaper interview when he said to the reporter:

"Work is futile if we cannot utilize the experience we collect in one life in the next. When I discovered reincarnation it was as if I had found a universal plan. I realized that there was a chance to work out my ideas. Time was no longer limited. I was no longer a slave to the hands of the clock.

If you preserve a record of this conversation, write it so that it puts men's minds at ease. I would like to communicate to others the calmness that the long view of life gives to us. Genius is experience. Some seem to think that it is a gift or talent, but it is the fruit of long experience in many lives."

To further clarify the relationship between you and your physical body, a simple image can be useful. Imagine that you wish to train dogs. You ask a friend who raises dogs to help you learn how to train a dog. Your friend loans you a beautiful puppy to practice with for a while. Each day, you work training the dog, treating it with great tenderness. As the dog grows, you become very fond of it. Eventually, you come to love that dog.

Then, after a while, your friend returns and says, "You've done a good job of training that dog. Now, I can take it to the person who bought it." You are shocked that you must give up the dog. You became so caught up in your connection with the dog that you mistakenly came to believe that the purpose of the dog was simply to bring you pleasure. You forgot that the dog was only temporarily yours, that you were simply using it to learn certain lessons, and that you would eventually have to give it up.

In this imagining, the dog represents your physical body. At times, you can become so attached to your body that you feel that the whole purpose of life is simply to care for and enjoy your body¾to raise your dog solely for the pleasure of it. With that attitude, you can come to believe that there is no larger purpose to your life beyond living pleasurably in your physical body. You never see that the real purpose of living in your body, just as with working with the dog, is to learn. You do not understand that eventually you must give up your body through death, just as you gave up the dog when you fulfilled your purpose with it.

As you discover more about your true existence, you will realize that your physical body is not an end in itself. It is simply a vehicle that is temporarily useful for one leg of an extraordinary journey upon which you have embarked-a journey that extends far beyond one human lifetime.

Through a deep meditation practice, you can learn to gain a larger experience of life that will enable you to go beyond the limits of your ordinary human awareness. As your inner vision expands, you will be able to discover the following very important truths about your existence. Like many spiritual seekers, I have verified these truths through my ongoing spiritual experiences through the years.

An inspirational way to work with these truths is to say them to yourself as positive affirmations each day. Even though you may not yet be able to directly experience the reality of these truths, saying these statements to yourself will begin to loosen your beliefs, which is the first step in expanding your ordinary view of life that limits your vision.

1. My present human experience of life on earth is temporary. My existence as a soul is permanent.

2. As I am temporarily experiencing myself as a human being on earth, I am simultaneously existing as a soul in a vast, perfect, non-physical spiritual realm that is filled with extraordinary love.

3. As a soul, I have projected a human self into many lifetimes on earth through the ages.

You can work with these statements for a few minutes each day. That will help you use your thoughts as building blocks of growth as you establish a deep meditation practice. Building your meditation practice on these kinds of beliefs will be a solid foundation for your breakthrough to a conscious awareness of the spiritual realm, to an experience of your loving soul, and eventually to an awareness of your past lifetimes. In time, you will be able to directly experience the truth of these beliefs through your own inner experience.

RON SCOLASTICO, Ph.D., is a noted spiritual psychologist, author, lecturer and teacher who has explored the nature of human consciousness for more than forty years. He has provided spiritual counseling for many people throughout the world. He is a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley, has received MFA and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Iowa, and has studied at the University of Bordeaux, France.

Read more of Dr. Scolastico's work at http://www.BecomingEnlightened.com or http://www.RonScolastico.com