2012年10月6日 星期六

Noah, the Ark, and Higher Consciousness

This week I want to address a story in the Bible that we all learned as children. It is the story of Noah and the ark. For those of us who haven't studied much ancient history, this story appears-under different names with slightly different variations-in the history of cultures across multiple continents. So what's the real meaning of this universal story?

The literal rendition of this story yields some pretty amazing and highly improbable events. Imagine being tossed around in a boat for forty days and forty nights sitting on an ocean that covered the highest mountains on earth. Not only would the air be so thin that it would be impossible to breathe, but you would literally freeze to death since Mt. Everest sits at about 30,000 feet. At its summit, temperatures can drop to 60 below zero, and in the summer it never gets above freezing. Break out the oxygen tanks and thermal blankets!

So what's this story all about, anyway? Was it really a judgment from God condemning all the people on earth to a watery grave except for Noah, his family, and the animals? Or is there a deeper spiritual meaning the Biblical author would like us to walk away with? For those who are spiritually and consciously ready, I think the later is in order.

I want to point out something for my readers who still might be frightened by the word "esoteric" that keeps popping up in my blog post. Many are under the impression that this word signifies secret teaching, but that's not really the case. Jesus stated the kingdom does not come by observation because it is "within" you! Now apply this same concept to the word esoteric. By esoteric I am simply meaning teachings or stories that are meant to be internalized. The story of Noah and the ark is meant to be understood the same way. The esoteric rendering of this story can teach us much about where we need to be concerning our spiritual development and consciousness.

Many stories and literal structures in the Bible represent the human mind and brain. In an earlier post I showed how Ezekiel's millennial temple, which can be found on my website, is exactly that. The story of Noah is also symbolic of the mind. Before delving into this, let's briefly review the literal story:

At the time of Noah, the earth had become corrupted. God wanted to cleanse his creation, so he devised a plan to flood the earth and rid it of its wickedness. And why was man considered wicked? Genesis states that man was wicked because his thoughts and imaginations were evil (Gen 6:5). I have emphasized the word "thoughts" in the previous sentence because of its relevance to the esoteric rendering of this story, which we'll address shortly. But first, it is important to know that one of the meanings for "man" in that same verse and many other verses of Genesis means "low." The concept here is a low man, and the evil thoughts of the low man in the literal story represent the lower or animalistic nature of the mind. In Genesis 6:9, we learn that Noah is the exception. He is described as a "just man." There is a different Hebrew word for man here, and one of the meanings is "high." Noah was a "high man" that lived a spiritual life instead of an ego-driven one, and so Noah is representative of a higher state of consciousness. Noah's name is also relevant to all of this. Noah means "rest." This is perhaps the most significant of all, for Noah represents not only the higher nature of the mind, but also a mind at "rest." A mind at rest is the state of being which salvation is.

The problem with the lower ego-driven mind is that it is not very conscious; this type of mind goes through life by reacting to situations instead of acting. The individual has little control, and even though he or she thinks they are making their own decisions, they are usually just acting from emotion and instinct. This is natural for the lower mind. But the story of Noah was written to teach us to live spiritually, not carnally (ego-driven).

In the literal story the water is purifying the earth by killing all evil thoughts and imaginations of man. These thoughts and imaginations are the lower mind. Noah, who represents the mind at rest, rises ABOVE the evil "thoughts" below the ark because the flood is a type of baptism in which the lower mind is cleansed. This state of being brings salvation not only to himself, but to his family as well.

Similarly, those in Jesus / WORD/ Christ are saved when they develop Christ consciousness, which represents a state of being. It is a consciousness transformation.

My article on Adam and Eve and how that story relates to consciousness may shed more light on this subject for you. It can be found here.

So what do you think? Can you now see how the story of Noah and the ark is another Biblical example of the mind?

Joshua Tilghman is the owner of http://www.spiritofthescripture.com, a blog dedicated to unveiling the hidden meanings beneath the literal interpretations of the Bible. If you're on a spiritual journey and would like some practical answers that are often excluded from traditional Christianity, please visit and receive a wealth of knowledge that will jumpstart your spiritual journey.

Living With Awareness: A Process, Not an Event

I would like to take a moment to clarify what I said about living with awareness, in an earlier article entitled "Living With Awareness: Are you Living by Default?".

When I said, "Just think about it....you can teach yourself to start living with awareness in just a month's time!" The key word in that sentence was "START".

I didn't mean to imply that you could live fully with awareness in 30 days....and I hope that my article didn't set up false expectations for you.

In fact, while it is possible to achieve awareness or consciousness instantly (Buddha did it), it is very rare, and considered quite miraculous. Most of us achieve it through incremental change...and that is what I wanted to say in my previous article....that within 30 days, you will have integrated your first step toward living more consciously.

Being able to live with full awareness can take years, or decades, depending on your life path, and how much focus you place on this area of your life.

So please, be patient with yourself...growth comes in stages. Focus on one area of your day where you would like to be more conscious (perhaps you'd like to choose a positive, sunny outlook as you head off to work each morning). Then spend 30 days integrating that positive attitude into your routine. Be gentle and easy with yourself, understanding that, short of a miracle, change takes time.

Growth typically comes through incremental changes, with the occasional big shift thrown in for good measure. So let your first step become solidified and part of your daily routine....and then you can choose another area of your life to bring your awareness/consciousness to.

Elise Fee is a Consulting Hypnotist and Life Mentor - her business "EliseOnLife" helps clients get a new lease on life. Elise works with clients via private consultations, either in person or over the phone.

Elise's many varied life experiences have taught her broader, more expansive ways to view and experience the world and humanity. She writes a daily blog sharing her perspectives on life and humanity, and provides readers with practical, easy techniques they can use to begin living their best life. Subscribe to her free blog today: http://www.EliseOnLife.com

Higher Consciousness - What Is It? Can You Attain It?

The importance of attaining higher consciousness is regularly mentioned in connection with spiritual awakening and growth, but there's been very little consensus about what it actually is. As Seneca pointed out, "If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable." We can look to spiritual sages for understanding, but there's another source that can clarify their words. Although quantum physicists weren't originally researching consciousness, they uncovered information that's offering fresh and surprising insights into consciousness.

Consciousness is generally defined as the ability to be aware of our own existence. Or, we can think of it as a tool used to create an inner reality that makes sense to us. Clearly, without consciousness we would have no sense of our own existence, and no ability to understand our place within the whole. When we think in terms of "lower" and "higher" levels of consciousness, it implies an awareness of existence on more than one plane. This thought echoes the concept of a "higher" and "lower" self.

What does science tell us about consciousness? A group of scientists known as material realists believe only matter exists. They claim that consciousness is a product of evolution and is simply a brain function that's another form of matter. If material realists were correct, that would mean consciousness would exist only in creatures that are highest on the evolutionary ladder. In that case, consciousness higher than what humans already possess could not exist. Although material realists have diligently tried to discover how matter produced consciousness, all their attempts have failed.

On the other hand, quantum research has demonstrated that consciousness permeates even the most elemental particles in the universe. This fact indicates that consciousness was present at the beginning of the universe and has always been an integral part of everything in existence. This discovery also informs us that consciousness can, and does, exist apart from matter and outside of time/space.

Scientists now understand that consciousness is a field we exist within, rather than something we possess. Instead of producing consciousness, the brain acts as a receiver that picks up and processes consciousness that exists outside it. Although matter takes up only 1/3 of the universe, we usually think of the space that surrounds it as "empty." However, this "zero point field" is actually packed with energy and acts as an enormous storehouse of consciousness and memory.

Spiritual sages have long considered this matrix of consciousness and energy to be a Divine Ground, the One Mind of God that's shared by all of existence. As physicists delve deeper into the quantum realm, many of them are beginning to agree. This means that the Divine Mind literally permeates everything in existence, and this is where the concept of higher consciousness comes in. Although everything that exists is conscious, it would be ridiculous to claim that everything is equally aware. We can think of consciousness as a light that's either on or off, but intelligence and awareness as a rheostat that can be dialed up or down. So how do we ratchet up our awareness and attain higher consciousness?

As strange as it seems, research demonstrates that the quantum foundation of the universe is real, while the material universe is a virtual reality. Spiritual sages have explained for centuries that our world is an illusion, and they've been proven correct. They tell us that we've turned our back on the oneness of All That Is to experience separation and specialness. To do this, we had to alter our level of awareness so that we could project an illusion of separate identities and private thoughts. The brain assists us in carrying out this charade by imposing its logic and veiling our connection with the Divine Mind.

It's as if we had been living in a beautiful sunlit mansion but shut ourselves into a tiny, windowless basement room and stayed there so long, we forgot the mansion existed. Our forgetfulness couldn't negate the mansion's existence, but it certainly changed our level of awareness. When spiritual masters speak about "higher consciousness," they're reminding us that we can wake up from our illusion and reconnect with the One Mind.

How do we regain our connection with the One Mind? In the Gospel of Thomas Jesus said, "Where the beginning is, the end will be." In other words, we reconnect by letting go of thoughts that promote separation and specialness and replace them with the desire for oneness. As we let go of our belief preconceived notions, we open ourselves to willingly hear what the Divine Mind wants to tell us. This change of thinking brings us out of the basement and back into the sunlight of higher consciousness. None of us have ever left the field of the One Mind, now we only need to become aware of it.

Copyright c Lee and Steven Hager

Learn more about how science and spirituality can transform your life. Download free sample chapters from The Beginning of Fearlessness: Quantum Prodigal Son at:


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From Lee and Steven Hager, the authors of The Beginning of Fearlessness: Quantum Prodigal Son, a spiritual quest and scientific adventure based on Jesus' parable of the prodigal son, quantum physics and the gnostic gospels.

2012年10月5日 星期五

Consistency and Living Up to Your Own Standards

Everyday life contains multiple different choices that we make sometimes out of routines, and on other occasions based on rational- or emotional reflections. Despite common beliefs, a smart person makes both, emotional- and reasoned decisions as the conscious mind is only able to process information 60bits/s, wherein the sub-conscious has been estimated to have a capacity of 11 200 000bits/s, and thus it is a marriage made in heaven that a person listens to her intuition, emotion and reasons by taking also note on both of them.

To make decisions based on the intuitive experience most have come familiar to know what it feels to live with a decision that was not in accordance with one's intuition, the constant feeling that something just isn't right. It is the same when one does not live up to one's own standards but instead chooses to live up to someone else's standards, causing another episode of uncomfortable emotions. Thus, by perceiving that something causes an authentic experience of the need or something one feels fit with, one perceives the truth and not the untruth when it comes to living up to one's own standards.

Human existence isn't something that can be split into conscious and non-conscious self, for everything in human physiology is interconnected. Intuition and emotional responses flare in an instant, and after some line of reasoning, one usually tends to find them to be correct. They are what we either feel right or wrong about, "there's something suspicious about this", and such instinctive emotions should be trusted, as it is also to trust oneself.

Measure the difference with need and desire. Say instead whenever you desire something that you need it, and you will learn the true measures between them. Need as a word has more honesty and clarity than the word desire, and the real desires are in your needs, for desires tend to be shortly outlived. Consistency in reaching goals is one of the keys on reaching the desired circumstances, but consistency in living up to one's own standards may well be lost by following shortly outlived flares of desires. You're saving money, but decide to go into a triathlon on a shopping spree.

The bounds of vain desires are in the boundaries of imagination, but needs are the language of your hearts desires. And what comes to the perception of truths, all persons have an authentic compass that guides the sense between truth and untruth. If you do against what you experience as the truth, you will become internally conflicted, and sense that your authentic experience is against it. Internal honesty can be at first weighty in realizations, and it is not easy for example to admit that one is living in a fantasy of circumstances that are non-existent, but the truth is most powerful path of existence, outside of the dream living, guided not blindly, but by truths.

Henry M. Piironen is the author of "The Power of Transiency (How Thoughts Can Harness the Power of Life, the Universe and Everything)." To purchase this definitive book, visit Amazon Kindle Store now! Already read it? To purchase his other books, click here.

How We Can Change Our Lives Using Astrology?

The number of people today who consult all sorts of mediums and clairvoyants is overwhelming. It is enough to quickly glance through the pages of the spiritual newspapers and magazines and we will see hundreds of advertisements from people who claim that they can connect you to your angels, reveal your past lives, read your future or heal you from any diseases by using a variety of different techniques. The techniques used in the spiritual readings also vary greatly - Taro cards, palmistry, crystal ball gazing and so on. In recent time even some more sophisticated divinatory methods appeared on the market and some of them have so glamorous and sophisticated names that it becomes progressively more difficult to determine for certain what these people actually do and how they do it. Without fully denying the legitimacy of such readings, some questions still arise in the head of the potential customer: Where is the proof that the readings which I receive from one medium or another are accurate and true? Is the medium in question really willing to help me or he is just after my money?

To answer these questions we have to take a tour in the history of humanity in order to see where the problem originated. First of all we have to clarify for ourselves that mankind is constantly evolving and it will be very wrong to think that the ancient people had exactly the same physical, spiritual and mental organization as the modern man. People, who lived in the dawn of our era, approximately 7000 years B.C., did not need clairvoyants to communicate with the spiritual world, simply because in fact they were all clairvoyants. For the people living at those early times it was completely normal to perceive the aura of other people, animals and plants and therefore they did not need any proof of the existence of the spiritual world, neither they needed the services of clairvoyants to establish connections for them with the spiritual world, because they could observe it directly themselves. The major difference, between us and them, however, is that they did not posses the analytical and conceptual thinking abilities, while for us this is the natural and normal way of existence. The human race was only able to ascend to this mode of thinking in relatively recent times. For example, today thinking logically we can say that if we work systematically towards our spiritual growth, then we can be quite certain that after several years from now we will become transformed and much more enlightened beings.

Ancient people did not have to use such concepts, because they could perceive directly the auric field of another person. Since the auric field is in a way a prototype, where information about all future developments is coded, by observing it directly ancient people knew immediately what this person is today and into what he will develop in the future. Although the ancient people could witness at first hand the spiritual reality around them, they could barely process the information in the way as we do today. Their minds were not designed to give a meaningful and rationalized interpretation of the spiritual reality surrounding them. Instead, they were living in a semi-conscious state, similar to the state of consciousness that we have today during our most vivid and colourful dreams. In such way, especially in the very beginning of our era, people were not really taking conscious decisions, as we do today. Instead, they were rather instinctively following the impulses coming to them from the spiritual world. The consequences of their actions happened in front of their own eyes and therefore they did not need to reason about what is good and what is bad. Quite naturally, they were trying to perform actions, which contributed proliferation, flourishing and intensifying the spiritual life and avoid actions, which lead to demise, wilt and death. This was basically what drove them through their lives.

Even the basic concepts of mathematics were discovered relatively not so long ago; its founder Pythagoras lived about 500 B.C. It is hard for us today, familiar as we are with pure mathematical abstraction and with the mental act of generalization, to appreciate the originality of Pythagorean revolutionary teaching. In fact, today we have become so mathematically sophisticated that we fail even to recognize 2 as an abstract quantity. There is a remarkable step from 2 ships + 2 ships = 4 ships, to the abstract result 2 + 2 = 4, which applies not only to ships but to pens, people, houses etc. In fact, to see that the abstract notion of 2 is itself a thing - in some sense every bit as real as a ship or a house - is a huge evolutionary step. In order to make this step, however, mankind needed approximately 6000 years. That was the time required to progress form mere observation of spiritual reality to learning the basic mathematical concepts and associated with it logical thinking.

In order to gain the abstract, analytical thinking, which we all take for granted today, humanity had to lose its clairvoyant abilities first. It was impossible for man to develop his analytical mind as it is today, if he was still so closely connected to the spiritual world. It was imperative that the man gradually descended deeper and deeper into the matter, lost connection with the spiritual world and had to have the feeling that he was left to cope on his own. Only under such circumstances could he achieve an independent, original and logical mind, coupled with the ability to think in concepts, as he does today. This moment is allegorically depicted in the Bible as the banishing of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, because they tasted the fruit of knowledge.

Today we live in times when already the opposite process has initiated. Having acquired by now the conceptual and analytical thinking, man conquered to a great degree the physical reality around him, in order to make his life easier. Think about what primitive tools the ancient people used, how difficult their lives on the material plane were. Nowadays, using the newly developed capacities of our minds, people develop technologies which make their lives much easier. We don't even think today what it is to live like without running water, electricity, transport or telephone. Yet, that is precisely how people in the ancient times used to live. They were rich spiritually, because they were able to perceive the spiritual reality surrounding them, and they were in fact living in this reality, but their physical bodies suffered and had to endure great difficulties in life.

Today, we experience very comfortable lifestyles physically, because we are surrounded by thousands of pieces of technology, all of which are making our physical life easier, but in the process we lost our ability to perceive the spiritual world. The call of the time today is to regain this ability again! We must learn how to see once again the spiritual world. This time, however, we must see it in full consciousness, using all the achievements of the modern man's mind - conceptual thinking, logical approach and mathematical abilities. This will raise both our world and the spiritual world to a completely new dimension and it will give our existence an entirely new meaning - collaborating together in order to build a better reality!

We live in times, when the energy of the world is ascending rapidly. We live in times, where more and more people regain their abilities to connect with the spiritual world. Some of them decide to do this for a living. And while we all need money to survive on the physical plane, there is a very fine line between the benevolent desire to help other people and the danger of being sucked into a moneymaking business. How to distinguish who is who in the mediums world? Most people trust their intuitions. They have the "gut feeling" that one person can help them, while another one will not, and most of the time they are right. It is marvelous that people trust their intuitions and it is admirable if they develop them even further.

But if their intuitions are strong, why then do they need to pay money to somebody else to do the reading for them instead of doing it themselves? The straightforward answer to this question is that in most cases they are wasting their money. They are paying for somebody to obtain information from the spiritual world for them, instead of trusting and developing their own psychic powers. This is a vicious circle, because the more money they spend for readings, the less effort they put for developing their own psychic powers. The less time they spend for developing their own psychic powers, the more they become convinced that they need a clairvoyant or some kind of a "guru" to establish the connection with the spiritual world for them. The more convinced they become that they need another person in order to receive information from the spiritual world, the more money they spend for readings. Thus, the vicious circle is closed.

Today, the only prerequisites to achieve connection with the spiritual world is an open heart, love towards everything that surrounds us and sincere desire to gain such abilities not only for the development of the Self, but for the good of Mankind. I personally do not know anybody, who possesses the above mentioned qualities and for whom the spiritual world did not open its doors! For some, this opening will be quite tangible and they will feel physically the presence of the spirits next to them, for others the opening will proceed somewhat subconscious and nebulous, but nevertheless the end results will be concrete and visible. The results will manifest mostly in the nature of the man of question, who will start changing his attitudes towards life and will display much more humility, love and understanding. The energy is here; all we need to do is learn how to tap to it. This is an unprecedented moment in the history of the humanity, when such an abundance of spiritual energy is available to man. It would be a terrible waste of resources (both spiritual and material) if we do not answer the call of our times.

This is where we can take advantage of astrology in order to start changing our lives. The primary difference between astrology and all other types of divination is that astrology is the only spiritual teaching, based on science. In any other form of divination we are greatly dependable on the skills, perceptions, experience and personal interpretations of the medium. For example, two different mediums examining the same cup of coffee may see different figures and interpret them differently. Even if they see the same figures, their interpretation may vary greatly, based on their personal perception. If the person, consulting these mediums has another cup of coffee 10 minutes later, the shapes in the second cup will differ from those in the first cup and thus the interpretation will be different again and so on and so on. In contrast, the birth chart of a person can be calculated by a computer with extraordinary precision and it always will remain the same during the life of the individual in question. Of course, two astrologers can use different words to interpret the same birth chart, but the birth chart itself will remain unchanged. This is similar to the way two people will tell you the story of the same movie. The wording may be different, but the main plot will remain the same.

Astrology is also useful in this respect that it reveals to people the real motives for their actions. Most of the time, people are not fully aware why they do the things they do, why they attract always certain people and events in their life and why they are making continuously the same wrong decisions. Although they think they know themselves, the truth is that most of them don't. Thus, they are driven through life on a subconscious level to head in one direction or the other. Most of them do so, without even knowing that in fact they are simply like puppets in the hands of great and powerful planetary influences.

However, the only way the man can become truly free in his actions is to understand how exactly he is controlled during his lifetime, which are the forces participating in this controlling process and what are the principles under which they operate. Only after learning this information, man can decide if he wants to continue the course of action, taken previously or if he wants to change his direction, using his will-power. As Goethe, the great mystic, said:

"From every power that holds the World in chains, Man frees himself when self-control he gains."

Sometimes, there are people that come to me and request their birth chart done, but they put the condition: "Don't write there about the bad things of my character, write only about the good things!" I tell such people that they are not ready to have their horoscope done, and I am sending them back home, regardless of the amount of money that they are prepared to pay. If one does not have the courage to look into the depths of his psyche in an objective and impartial manner he is defeating the purpose of having the horoscope done in the fist place. The main purpose of having the astrological report done is to find out how the man is built up, what are the ingredients there, how they interact with each other and what they produce as an end result.

Sometimes it may be painful to obtain and deal with such information, for the person may find, for example, that great pain in the present time is stemming from the early childhood. This could be some form of abuse, neglect or lack of love and appreciation. As children we are not well equipped to withstand such powerful influences and sometimes they can deflect our personalities in a way which later as grown-ups we may find highly undesirable. Other people may find out that the problems that they experience in this lifetime are not even consequences of childhood experiences, but are results of inappropriate actions from previous lifetimes. It is not easy to face such information. Nevertheless, until the individual learns all about him or herself in details he or she will remain a puppet in the hands of powerful, planetary influences.

In this way applying astrology and gaining greater understanding about ourselves we can become more spiritual and enlightened. Unfortunately, a lot of people still believe in the cliché that spirituality has to be demonstrated with some striking psychic abilities, such as the ones that we see in the "Charmed" serial screened on TV. People are believed to be really "spiritual" if they can control the weather, produce lightning with the tips of their fingers or move objects with the power of their thought. This is a major misconception. Spirituality may come to us in a very unassuming way, when we least expect it. In fact, many people already have such abilities, but are still largely unaware of them. They may have important dreams, sudden unusual thoughts may lead to significant insights or they can have strong premonitions which later prove to be true. These are all signs of increasing connection with the spiritual world. These people have to learn how to trust their intuitions more and more and remember that the doors to the spiritual world always open sooner or later to everybody who has an open heart, love towards everything created in the Universe and his or her motives to gain such abilities are sincere and not egoistical.

In conclusion, I would like to say that we may chose to give money every week to different fortune tellers to tell us what the future holds for us. Alternatively, we can choose to have our horoscope done only once and study it with great care. If we chose the second path, the self-knowledge that we would gain would be enormous. The astrology report reveals who we are, where we are coming from and what our main strengths and weaknesses are. Better still, we can understand what is expected from us to achieve in this lifetime. Gaining greater knowledge about ourselves can also help us to change our course of direction in life, if we happen to have deviated greatly from the original plan. By doing so, we can better integrate our will with the will of the Creator, elaborating willingly in this way to fulfill our own destiny and the destiny of mankind!

Lubomir Dimitrov is a unique combination of spiritual teacher and scientist. While holding a Master?s degree in science he is also a psychic and a professional astrologer. He has been practising astrology for more then 15 years and is the founder of the amalgamation between astrology and the spiritual science in Australia. He performs astrology readings, produces a variety of astrology reports, publishes articles and conducts many workshops, seminars and courses.

For further information, please, visit his web site http://Lubomir.name

2012年10月4日 星期四

The Key To Wealth Is Consciousness

The key to wealth is consciousness. Ask yourself honestly and without fear, "How rich can I be?" The unstoppable answer is as rich as you think you can be or as wealthy as you desire. It is in accordance with your wealth consciousness. If you are not living a life of richness, prosperity and abundance go into your past. Find out the kind of program you received from your parents and all those people who surrounded you. Take it as the way they showed you their love. There is no place for resentment, it is only a matter of being clear. Then, ask in silence to be healed. Don't follow your ego. Listen to the voice of the spirit. Look for someone else to help you. Share your fears and be willing to change. Relax and be conscious that the spirit is always there to help you. Open your mind with no doubts. Ask yourself, what choices about money and wealth have you already completed? But know and accept as true that as you think so shall you be. You can attain economic freedom and total self-determination if you decide it and if you are willing to do the spiritual healing work.

First, you have to understand that like the spirit, your thoughts and your smile, money is energy. The energy of money flows to us like love. The energy of money is really part of universal love. And love only comes to you if you love yourself. We all deserve love. Loving others and ourselves heals us. Don't make money the principal objective of your life, but be conscious you deserve it and when it comes, embrace it with love. Share with others. Use it as a way to love others. Don't play the role of God, systematically paying the bills of others, unless it is a generous form of charity and the spirit leads you by the hand to do so. Certainly, use money to serve God through your service to humanity, but at the same time don't feel guilty enjoying the pleasures of life. Spend your money and invest it. Wealth consciousness is love. Love is the spirit. Love and the spirit are light. Light is energy. Money is energy. But money is not your guidance, love is.

Money frees you if you are conscious of helping others to get it. This temporary human experience on Earth is to enjoy life and money is a means to freedom of mind, body and spirit. Look around and wish all other people to have abundant money to enjoy. Let your money flow effortlessly. Teach others how you got your money and pray to God for them to get it. Money is energy. The supply of energy is infinite. Don't be afraid of helping others get money. There is enough for everyone now and all the time. And if you don't have all the money you want yet, ask yourself if you are in the proper place. Maybe you are not doing your job with happiness. Learn to love what you do. If you can't love what you do after trying consciously, find a new way to make a living. Ask the spirit what to do to fulfill your mission on earth. Take the steps when you feel comfortable in your heart, mind, body and soul of what you want to be doing. Do something to help you empty your mind of negativity and pessimism. Fill your mind with optimism. Play your natural role of eternal optimist. Money is positive energy. You can create this positive energy flow by being conscious of the manifestation of your dreams.

Pedro Avalos, is a teacher by nature, is also writer and motivator. He has become very famous for his practical and revolutionary ecourse "How to Be Motivated for Success Every Moment of Your Life." This person has outstanding teaching credentials and many personal success stories-many people who contact him have had unbelievable results by applying these tips! Now he has summarized this course and all the experiences of more than 20 years helping people to be motivated every moment in his book TEN ENLIGHTENED TEACHINGS. http://www.tenpowerfulteachings.com

Create Your Life With Conscious Intention

How is more Important than What

One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to manifest their dreams is working from some perceived skillset rather than the correct mindset. "I can do X, Y and Z. Therefore, I should get result A" is an example of relying on your level of skill in a particular area rather than on your mindset. Skillset thinking always emphasizes what over how.

In the example above, the what might be PowerPoint, Excel and running a projector during a presentation. While it is often very important to have these particular skills in a modern business setting, your skillset - or what you do - is really not very critical at all to the outcome of a successful business presentation, or anything else for that matter.

Almost any combination of skills will help you get there. What focuses your consciousness on post-intention patterns: you first intended to learn presentation skills and how to use the applications that go along with successful presentations; this empowered you to expand your consciousness in ways that would not have been present otherwise.

Your initial intention was fulfilled when you created a way to acquire the presentation skills necessary. These tools helped you get there, but they could easily have been other ones altogether to get the same result, for example, public speaking, using a whiteboard and skillful use of audience participation. The key thing here is that it all began with an intention (mindset), then a new creation emerged (skillset) as visible evidence of your consciousness at work doing what it does best - being conscious.

There are many systems for working with consciousness in the world today, some more effective than others. They all have aspects of technique that recommend them, and they all work with setting intentions in some fashion as the only way to make your consciousness manifest in the world. Conscious manifestations are your intentions. Unconscious ones are everything else.

Mindset is all about how you focus on something (attention), how you apply your energy to things (action) and how your beliefs affect the process (current and past conditioning). Taken together, attention, energy and belief work in harmony with each other to help you set your intention.

We are ineffective manifestors of our intentions to the extent that one or more of these three elements is out of whack. For example, a strong belief in luck or chance will short-circuit your ability to apply energy when manifesting your intention to become wealthy. The odds are much more in favor of you finding a way to create your desired reality from a finely honed mindset than from the chance operations of impartial universe. You are more likely to become wealthy through your own efforts than through winning the lottery. In fact, your own efforts will guarantee your wealth if you are able to bring your attention, energy and beliefs all together in alignment.

How the Universe Works

The universe is the field of manifestation in which your consciousness gets to play with its creations. It is what The Secret calls your genie. It's sole function is to grant your wishes. As evolving spiritual beings operating on many levels simultaneously, we have both the responsibility and the cosmic pleasure of manifesting the very stuff of creation. Some of us do this on a grand scale while others manifest mostly personal creations on an individual scale. The scale is not important. The what is not important. The how is important. How we manifest is ultimately the only thing that provides us with feedback for our own spiritual evolution. And evolution is all about change, perhaps the one immutable property (How's that for a paradox?) of the whole universe: everything changes from one form of energy to another in endless variations over untold eons. The universe not only is, it is becoming. From the microcosmic to the macrocosmic levels, change is the instrument of its evolution.

This is very simple stuff, really, but can appear to be intimidating to our untrained consciousness when dealing with such concepts. After all, most of us have never been taught how to work with our own consciousness, and a lifetime of beliefs, habits and ignorance in this area has not prepared us for instant illumination. We're all experts at manifesting our realities. We just don't know how we do it. Let's apply a little attention to the process itself. Here's a brief recap:

The universe serves as the field of manifestation for our creations
Everything in the universe, our consciousness included, is in a process of becoming or evolving
Change, perhaps the one universal attribute of all things, is about shifting one form of energy into another
As consciousness spiritual beings, how we move this energy (the mindset) is more important than what we move (the skillset)
Attention, energy and belief affect our ability to manifest our intentions

As conscious beings, we cannot help but create. As the field of manifestation, the universe cannot help but reflect those creations. Both conscious creations (intentions) and unconscious ones (everything else) involve exactly the same mechanism of moving one form of energy into another.

Our success or failure with our intentions depends upon our ability to consciously work wit our attention, energy and belief. When these three are used properly, our intentions are reflected in the outside world as our creations. Our conscious creations exist side-by-side with our unconscious ones. Evolution is the degree to which we can consciously work with our creations. How we use our mindset is the determining factor in our success or failure as conscious manifestors. What we do to get there is completely irrelevant.

Your Role as a Conscious Manifestor of your Intentions

How you place your attention serves to set up a certain energy pattern. In this energy pattern, certain frequencies are possible while others are not. Learn to focus only on things that support your overall health, well being and evolution as a spiritual being and conscious manifestor of reality. This will gradually clean your energy field up and fine-tune the level of frequency to promote more consciousness. Focus on all levels of being in this fashion: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Choose how to use your available energy in each moment to optimize your creations. It takes energy to do things in the world, but you are probably less aware that at least as many things can give energy back to you. Eat the proper food and do the things that energize the body. Establish and maintain healthy relationships to energize your emotional self. Feed your mind with challenging and stimulating ideas to encourage an energized intellect that can help you further evolve your consciousness. Meditate or pray, and associate with like-minded persons who, like you, wish to evolve spiritually and to nurture the higher levels of your consciousness and spirit. Let go of things in your life that do not serve your evolution in the four main areas of body, emotions, mind and spirit.

Work with your beliefs to make certain you are operating free and clear of early conditioning, social and cultural patterns, ingrained family experiences and acquired judgments, perceptions and truisms. The universe is all about change and you should be too. Negative beliefs can grow quite stale and ingrained and serve to limit your ability to change as needed in an ever-changing universe. Replace all negative beliefs with positive ones, ones that come from your conscious intention rather than your unconscious acceptance of your own and others' creations.

Working with your attention, energy and beliefs in these ways will put you well on the road to consciously manifesting your intentions. Take delight in the process and don't sweat the details. How you live your life will always be more important in the long run than what you fill your life up with. It's your life, now go and create it how you wish!

Tim Thompson is a professional freelance writer/editor whose work with Dream Manifesto helps illuminate life for online and offline audiences around the world. He currently makes his home in southern California and is working on several online projects.

Wealth Consciousness

Our ability to attract wealth is proportional to the magnitude of our wealth consciousness. Before we can become wealthy we must let go of any pre-conceived ideas we have about money that inhibit our growth in this direction. Three important concepts we must grasp relate to effort, time and attitude.

We must lose the idea that we must struggle and work hard before we can become wealthy. We must also understand that wealth like anything else is not dependent on time. Years ago it may have taken many years for an individual to become wealthy but today the same amount of effort can bring many more times the wealth in far less time. The reason? Today there is a greater wealth consciousness pervading society. When we understand time we will see that it is an illusion determined by our level of consciousness. Of course, it is very real to us in our physical domain but none the less it is an illusion. Our sensory input can only be evaluated as a sequence of events when in actual fact all events happen simultaneously. With an expanded wealth consciousness you move through events faster. Just imagine the possibilities of more events passing in less time. You are able to achieve a lot more in a much shorter time. One of the secrets of living in the moment is that you don't experience psychological time in either anticipation of the future or memory of the past. In fact, it is our motion through events that gives us the experience that time is passing. Indeed, it has been proved in many scientific experiments that time is relative to the observer.

The great master Jesus said, "Even before you ask it has been given to you". What do you suppose is meant by this statement? Well, in this single statement Jesus is saying we already have all that we desire and that time is not an obstacle to its acquisition. Just because we haven't experienced something in the physical world does not mean to say that it isn't already there. All physical objects are energy configurations that are the product of thought. The illusion of time gives us the impression that something we desire does not yet exist. In actual fact it does exist but we have to pass through events to experience it. Our level of consciousness determines the speed of those events and therefore how quickly we think we experience the thing we desire!

Our attitude towards money is also very important. If we think money is basically evil then it will avoid us accordingly. If we hoard money then we will surely lose it. It seems that we are in a no win situation until we realise that money is a dynamic force working its magic to fulfill our destiny. Money is to be invested for growth, it is to be given without expectation and received with gratitude. It should be spent on those things we truly desire bringing about a completion of our original thought.

If you find yourself forever complaining about lack of money then you need to put a stop to it because as sure as night follows day you will always lack it. When we make statements like "I never have any money" it is a clear message to the Universal Mind to keep this experience alive.

When we give we become open to receive. The ability to let go of anything whether it be money or anything else makes way for new things in our lives. If we hoard we become insulated and possessive. We never grow and therefore never achieve our desires. We must give, invest and spend with joy. Anything we receive we should do so with gratitude. Appreciation for what we receive is a clear message to the Universal Mind that you are worthy of it and therefore open to more of the same.

When you receive bills then happily pay them promptly. Be thankful for the service that has been provided. If a friend asks you for a loan and you are perfectly able then don't loan the money but give it to them. If you have spare money then either invest it, spend it or give it away to some worthy benefactor. Never give and expect something back directly back from the source. The laws of attraction do not work in that way. It is this type of expectation that causes many problems in our lives. Simply put, we can't second guess the Universal Mind. To do so is just another facet of our ego's desire to control.

Have reasons why you should be wealthy. When you desire things like a new house, car, boat etc let the motivations behind them be for the greater concepts of love, beauty and magnanimity. The Universal Mind favours altruism purely in the sense you are accepting your oneness with all there is and will readily conspire to bring you the things you desire.

Please visit..

Stuart is the author of Blog "Key To Success" and is a long term student of practical philosophy. For more information on the Metaphysical please visit http://flamelssecret.blogspot.com/

2012年10月3日 星期三

7 Symptoms of Poverty Consciousness

Prosperity and poverty are states of consciousness; an inside thing. You must overcome the poverty inside, before you can achieve prosperity outside. The renowned philosopher and teacher, Charles Fillmore said: "Prosperity is a way of living and thinking and not just money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking and not just the lack of money or things". Below are 7 symptoms of poverty consciousness. Please read on.

1. Holding-on to borrowed things. Some borrow things and deliberately refuse, or forget to return them. They keep the borrowed items to themselves, believing they need it more than the owner who acquired it! Be it a pencil, a book, $10 or £50 note, a borrowed item is not a gift, and as such must be returned or re-paid, as and when due. Low self-esteem is a symptom of poverty consciousness.

2. Get-rich-quick mentality. Many seek short-cuts to fame and fortune such as lottery, pools betting and casino. In the process they scorch their fingers and even fall deeper into the abyss of poverty. Expecting a financial miracle without working for it is a sure sign of poverty consciousness.

3. Love of comfort-zone. Deep within, many want to remain just where they are financially - their comfort zone! But they openly complain of not having plenty of money and the good things of life. They want the good life, but not the hard work that goes with it. This avoidance-approach conflict situation is a symptom of poverty consciousness.

4. Fear of failure. Many are risk-averse, and therefore see most opportunities as risks, and shield themselves or even run away from them! While the rich see the beautiful rose flowers among the thorns; the poor see the dangerous rose thorns among the flowers. Fear of failure is a symptom of poverty consciousness.

5. Waiting for the right time. Many remain poor because they forever wait for that perfect time to start, that never comes! And while they wait, their dreams end up with them in their graves. What a pity! NOW is the right time! Procrastination is a symptom of poverty consciousness.

6. Lack of Ideas. Even though the mantra is "If I had money!", the fact remains that many are poor because they cannot conceive solid money-making ideas that can translate into products or services that many people want and are willing to pay for. You are truly poor only when you lack ideas! Mental laziness is a symptom of poverty consciousness.

7. Inability to Persist. Many remain poor because they lack the will power and discipline to pursue to a logical completion, any venture they start. They start one venture with great enthusiasm but easily give in to obstacles or setbacks; only to start yet another venture and repeat the process. Lack of fighting spirit is a symptom of poverty consciousness.

Get the bigger picture! Begin your journey to Wealth$Wisdom and the Powers that flow from it, right here: http://www.before40.com/get-rich-secrets/. Article by Jay Onwukwe, author of the best-selling knowledge book "The WEALTH SECRETS You Must Know Before40" available at Amazon. Stay Smart, Wealthy and Wise!

Mind and Emergence - From Quantum to Consciousness

It was only recently that I have started a fascination about the power of the subconscious mind and began reading a lot of helpful books on consciousness and quantum reality. One such book that I came across while I was in the self-help section of the bookstore the other day was a book called Mind and Emergence: From Quantum to Consciousness, which is written by Philip Clayton.

Clayton is the author or editor of 15 books and some 100 articles in the philosophy of science, metaphysics, theology, and related fields. In this book, Mind and Emergence: From Quantum to Consciousness, Clayton suggests that emergence is the third and latest philosophical construct that aims to explain consciousness. Clayton also wrote in his preface that emergence offers an example to understand human consciousness in many realms -- from physics to theology.

Look, I am no major in philosophy and I will not attempt to spew philosophical concepts and theory about the quantum reality, but I do find the book an interesting read for someone like me.

As I began to delve deeper into understanding how our subconscious mind truly works, I began to understand the bigger scheme of things and realize that our thoughts are being manifested into waves of energy. It also helps to understand the concept of emergence in philosophy which refers to the way composite systems and patterns start to materialize out of a whole network of simple interactions.

To some of us, human consciousness will always be mystery and will only be discussed in academic journals and philosophical debates. Yet to some others, understanding the possibilities that the human consciousness can bring to us will undoubtedly give us a holistic purpose of our lives.

If you are looking to further study emergence as a concept, you would probably find Mind and Emergence: From Quantum to Consciousness a suitable read. However, if you simply want to learn more on how to use the power of subconscious mind to propel your life to greater heights then you might be interested to sign up for the free course as provided below.

Would you like to learn powerful mind control techniques that can help you to attain your deepest desires, achieve a euphoric state of being, attract abundant wealth and empower your lives forever? Sign up for a FREE 5-part self empowering lessons here at Quantum Mind Power Secrets [http://quantum-mind-power.info/qmp/signup.html]!

Check out our Quantum Mind Power blog at [http://quantum-mind-power.info] for more resourceful information.

Expand Your Consciousness Using Brainwave Entrainment

You have three distinct levels of consciousness-your conscious mind, your subconscious mind, and the super conscious mind.

Brainwave entrainment is a neuro-technological tool that can give you access to each of these levels of consciousness.

You are in your conscious mind when you are aware, thinking, or acting deliberately, choosing one thought, action, or object over another based on information you have gathered from your surrounding environment at any given moment. This is the beta brainwave frequency and you spend most of your time in this wave. Too much of this mind, and you experience the toxic effects of stress.

Your subconscious mind is the part of the mind that you are not aware of. The subconscious mind is 90% of the mind compared to 10% for the conscious mind. Imagine an iceberg in the ocean. The tip is your conscious mind and what is beneath the surface is your subconscious mind. It receives various sensations from the outside world and interprets these sensations using the belief system you programmed it with when you were growing up. After it evaluates how to interpret the stimulus, it integrates the result back out manifesting into your behaviour. Your subconscious mind contains everything you have ever known, felt, or thought about. It takes care of you on every level, including making sure your heart beats, you remember to breathe, and just for kicks, it fine tunes your addictions and habits too.

The super conscious mind or the collective unconscious is shared by all of humankind and represents the level of enlightenment attained by a person through spiritual efforts and access to special frequencies achieved by deep meditation. This is where the subconscious sends your ideas, wishes, and desires to manifest in the physical world. Some people believe that this is where God lives.

Expanding your consciousness means becoming more conscious on all levels and aspects of your life. Enlightenment, an understanding that we are all connected and that we are here for a reason, is all about expanding your consciousness. If you expand your consciousness, you are finding your authentic self, incorporating your higher self into your life.

Brainwave entrainment is a perfect tool to tune your brainwaves to the frequency needed to access your altered states of consciousness. Once the brain is at the proper brainwave frequency, you can alter your state of mind and expand.

Expanding Your Consciousness Using BWE

Be still.
Close your eyes and follow the sound of the pulses on a specialized brainwave entrainment recording for consciousness expansion or the integrating of the conscious, subconscious, and super conscious mind.
Clear your thoughts. Let them float away without engaging them. As you go deeper into the next consciousness, there will be less and less of them.
Center your attention on your being.
Feel the observer who is watching you do this.
The observer is in a higher state of consciousness.
Feel the oneness and rest in this realization.
Feel the flow of spirit expressing itself through you.
Bring this energy into your conscious world.
Get to know your real self.
You will be love, intelligence and peace.
When the recording is over, bring your new found light into your life.

If you expand your consciousness, your life will change. Your internal chatter will become less and less and your thoughts more manageable. You will gain new clarity. As you grow from your new found awareness, you will feel happier, more purposeful.

Brainwave entrainment is something you can use to speed up the process of getting to the point where you can shove off and expand your consciousness into the world.

Check out Waverider Emporium's Newest Product "10 Minute Brain Booster" to help you achieve your peak performance level.

Using brainwave entrainment is easy and fast and can change your life in every way. Begin your transformation by downloading your free "Decompress" and "Trance" mp3s in binaural beats and isochronic tones at http://waveridermp3.com

2012年10月2日 星期二

Inducing Consciousness

Inducing Consciousness means to make yourself more conscious or aware.

Want to try it? It takes about 2 minutes to experience.

Inducing Consciousness by Mental Transition

1. Have a seat somewhere and sit upright.

2. Relax your shoulders and wherever else there is tension. Take in a deep breath.

3. Now this part is important. For 1 minute, focus on only how your body feels. For example, how your clothes feel on your skin.

4. Notice that as long as you are paying attention to how you feel, your mind stays quiet. ....interesting!

5. Listen to the sounds from your environment. Were you aware of those before?

6. This is what Inducing Consciousness feels like. You are now more Conscious! You also have limited mind chatter - Great!

7. You learned a great skill! If you ever get too wrapped up in your thoughts, remember to focus on how the body feels and you can always go back to this aware place.

Here's another quick way to Induce Consciousness

Inducing Consciousness by Breathing

1. Sit upright and relax.

2. Take in a deep breath.

3. Making a small opening with your lips, push the breath out slowly and completely, using a little force.

4. Do this 3 times.

5. Yeah! That new energy you feel is due to an increase of oxygen. Your mind feels sharper.

"Consciousness is the living awareness or spirit inside, whereas thinking is what the brain does to function."

More on Inducing Consciousness

These examples are really only the tip of the iceberg. GREATER LEVELS of consciousness are achieved by:

*Steady practice of inducing consciousness, through Meditation or Mindfulness.

*You must be aware of the part of you that 'Reaches Out' and Feels. Practice this.

*Visualize energy accumulate inside you as you literally build your conscious spirit.

Inducing Consciousness on a regular basis in meditation is, I think, the best way to achieve these greater levels of consciousness.

But when we talk about Inducing Consciousness, what are we really talking about? It's Awareness! It's being AWARE of more - which means being more ALIVE!

What tools are you actually using to be aware? I believe the Sixth Sense plays an important role; that part of you that reaches out and FEELS your surroundings, yes that is the Sixth Sense. After all, you're not using your basic 5 senses to do it, right?

There's a ton of Free Material on Inducing Consciousness on the "Free Audio" page on this site: http://www.hbidynamics.com

If you're curious about what levels of consciousness are actually possible, practice often and be patient; this isn't fast-food. Building true consciousness is a process of steadily accumulating energy.

Higher Balance Institute is the world leader in advanced programs for spiritual growth and development of the psychic sense. It is the most comprehensive and unique program of its kind. Designed to produce direct, real personal paranormal experiences to learn from. Our mission is simple - to awaken the world one mind at a time. For more information and free eBooks visit us at www.higherbalance.com

The Conscious Woman

Do you ever feel like you are going around in an unconscious fog? I distinctly remember one time when I arrived home after my sixty minute commute and telling my husband, half joking, that I had no idea who I had hit on the way home. Honestly, I could not remember what had happened from the time I drove out of the parking lot until I turned into my driveway. Now, that's scary. I am not suggesting that we live that way all of the time but I am suggesting that we spend an awful lot of time living unconsciously. What do we need to do to get present?

It seems we are encouraged to multi-task at work and at home. I, for one, don't believe this is a very good option. Just try this. Try to listen to someone talk while you are reading this paragraph. It isn't possible is it? When your mind gets focused on one thing it gets unfocused on other things. They may be in the fringes of consciousness but you don't get the whole picture, you miss out on things and they often come back to bite you in the form of misunderstanding, poor communication, lost prestige, etc. In the long run it costs you to not be conscious and present.

One way to become more conscious is to be more intentional about what you are doing. Be clear about what is important to you and focus on it. Let the other stuff go and come back to it if and when you have time to give it your full attention. It may take a little getting use to but as you learn to do this you will find that it actually takes less time. You will also find that your communication improves greatly. With that comes respect and admiration for being able to give people and things the attention they deserve.

This concept of conscious focus deserves a closer look. When you know what your values are and have them aligned with your beliefs they act as a driver of your actions. You don't have to worry or even think too much about what you are going to do or decide because they have already set the scene for you. They also help you rule out the things you are not going to focus on. There is no need to live unconsciously when you have a strong focus to your life.

So, if this article has resonated with you, clarify your values, align them with your beliefs and actions and then set about to live an intentional conscious life.

Lynn Banis PhD, MCC is known as America's High Performance Coach. She specializes in helping women. executives and entrepreneurs make the most of their opportunities and potential. Her years of working with small and large businesses has given her a depth of knowledge that is invaluable to her clients. You can reach her at http://www.discoverypointcoaching.com or at her email address listed on the site. Also check out Lynn's other businesses: Coach Academy Texas, a cutting edge coach training company; and Turnkey Coaching Solutions, a coaching program management and contract coach staffing company.

Lynn' coaching membership site is at http://www.discoverypointcoaching.com/blog2 Come check it out!

2012年10月1日 星期一

Living Consciously - Making Life Decisions Based On Inner Wisdom

To live consciously is to re-create our life the way we want it to be. Good health and vitality are our natural birthright. No matter what our age or our current health situation is, it is never too late to make positive changes that will help us heal ourselves, so that we may live life to the fullest. We are constantly being bombarded with words and images through television, movies, magazines and other media that are designed to influence our life choices. Much of this is overt, such as cleverly conceived advertising created to appeal to a target group of individuals. Some is more subtle, designed to reinforce our cultural behaviors.

All of us are familiar with the barrage of commercials by the pharmaceutical industry promoting one drug or another as the solution for various health problems. Somewhat less obvious is that ever present reminder in these advertisements to "ask your doctor whether 'drug-x' is right for you", perpetuating the idea that your doctor is the ultimate authority when it comes to making health decisions in your life.

To live consciously means to take charge of our own life, including our health decisions. Yes, doctors have an important role in our health care system, especially in dealing with trauma such as physical injuries. But we need to better educate ourselves as to how our bodies function, and how we can work with the natural processes of our body to support health and vitality. Making life decisions based on inner wisdom, rather than outside influences, represents a fundamental change for many people. It is not always easy to go against the cultural currents - to be the one who is always 'different' when we are with a group of friends.

Changing our life begins with clarifying our intentions. Let's explore this in a bit more detail. Our intentions are literally a field of energy that we radiate out from the center of our being - our 'heart' center - as we move through the experiences of our daily life. This field of energy consists of both our thoughts and our emotions, integrated together in a unified field. If upon waking in the morning, we take a few moments to clarify our intentions for the day, we literally pre-program the nature of the experiences that we will attract to us. For example, if we affirm that it is our intention to be kind to each person we meet, and if we take a few moments in our imagination to move into the feelings of what those encounters will be like, then we will proceed through our day radiating the energies of kindness. A resonance will occur as we encounter others who are also radiating an intention (unified energy field) of kindness. Through their 'inner sense' or 'intuition', they will be attracted to interact with us on the vibration of kindness.

The interaction might be as simple as a smile as they pass by us, or something more expansive. On the other hand, if we live unconsciously, and allow our intentions to be dominated by negative thoughts and emotions, there will be a resonance with others who are radiating similar negative thoughts and emotions. Consequently, our experiences throughout the day are likely to be of a much more negative or depleting nature, reinforcing our own negativity.

Relating this to personal wellness, if we begin our day by affirming our intention to do only those things throughout the day that contribute to our health and vitality, we will tend to live our life in a healthier manner. Making changes in our life is seldom easy or instantaneous. But, like a child learning to walk, if we begin with small steps and pay attention to the progress we are making, we can develop the confidence that is needed to take larger steps. In his book, The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-Create Your World Your Way, Dr. Wayne Dyer writes about intention as being a field of energy that flows invisibly beyond the reach of our normal, everyday habit patterns. He goes on to say that this omnipresent power of intention pervades everything and everyone, so all we need to do to be what we want to be, and to achieve what we want to achieve is to align our intention, and then everything in the universe will assist us.

Living consciously involves the integration and alignment of our body, mind and spirit in a way that provides the courage and wisdom to make important life choices from within, rather than simply responding to external influences.

[This is an excerpt from the book Simple Steps To Total Health by Andreas Moritz & John Hornecker]

Andreas Moritz is a writer and practitioner in the field of Integrative Medicine. He is the author of 13 books on various subjects pertaining to holistic health, including The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush, Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation and Cancer Is Not a Disease. His most recent book is titled Vaccine-Nation: Poisoning the Population, One Shot at a Time.

Moritz is also the creator of Ener-Chi Art (www.ener-chi.com) and Sacred Santemony.

Much of his life's work has been dedicated to understanding and treating the root causes of illness, and helping the body, mind, spirit and heart to heal naturally.

Connect with Andreas at: http://www.facebook.com/enerchi.wellness

Copyright c 2011 by Andreas Moritz

Consciousness in Reality

Consciousness plays a fundamental role in shaping reality, whether we acknowledge it or not. The latest developments in our scientific understanding only reinforces the concept and fact that consciousness in embroidered into the very fabric of reality.

This means that consciousness is everywhere, in some form. Your mind is also a consciousness, so changes in your own mind can directly impact the physical reality.

Change Your Thinking To change Your Life

When you change your thinking, you will change your life. This is a very famous and ancient saying which is 100% true. When you change your system of thinking, you will change the results which come from it. Changing the thinking is the same as a change in consciousness, and when the change in consciousness happens, the changes take place in reality.

Change The Way You Look At Things, And The Things You Look At Change

Changing the way you look at things requires a fundamental shift in your beliefs. When you change your beliefs about a situation or thing, you change the whole reality. Beliefs are a filter by which reality is created, and changing your beliefs is the only way to permanently change the way you look at things; there is no other way. To change your beliefs is a subject of one of our other articles on genius creation.

Our Perceptions Shape Reality

This is similar to the point just made above, but with a twist. Our perceptions do shape reality. When we change our thinking and the beliefs, we change our overall perceptions. We see things in a new, unique light which allows us to take advantage of them and achieve what we want. In the right perspective, we see things from a point of view of appreciation, bewilderment, and focused attention.

We live in the moment and achieve manifestations which living in the moment provides. In conclusion, consciousness is a fundamental part of reality. Learning to use this consciousness by understanding it, will allow you to achieve anything you want.

PeakGenius.com is the world's largest and most trusted online source for mind and mental development tips. You can learn more interesting mental development tools at http://www.PeakGenius.com. PeakGenius.com is a registered trademark.

Artistry and Social Consciousness in Cyprian Ekwensi's Novels and Stories

Starting off from his thrilling and exciting plots it is most evident that Cyprian Ekwensi spins mostly very good and interesting stories. But his plots are often episodic thus losing organic unity. In People of the City the plot is loose and episodic. The looseness at the end of the various sub-plots makes the novel read like a chronicle of events in the lives of people. However, the placing of the same characters in all these events holds them together. The plot is also episodic in Jagua Nana with about three subplots not firmly linked and justified within the wider contexts of the novel. One of them is the one that brings Jagua to Freddie's homeland. The other three novels however are spared this problem as they have better plot control.

Some incidents in the works do not come out real and convincing. All too often there is frequent recourse to melodramatics. These are most evident in the many dramatic incidents involving Amusa Sango and Jagua Nana, those of murders, fights and suicides as well as the numerous sexual orgies involving the same characters. Fortunately Survive the Peace seems to have been spared much of that.

In addition, many characters fail to come off real and convincing. The women Amusa Sango meets with in People of the City are mostly unvaryingly portrayed as beautiful. Even the main character himself, Sango, comes off as shallow and stereotyped.. Much of what we know of him is through authorial commentary rather than through what is revealed of him through his words, thoughts, and actions. Freddie's portrayal in Jagua Nana is very shadowy. Many of his actions seem rather implausible. It is improbable for such an honest and idealistic young man to be suddenly transformed to a self-serving and lusty political aspirant simply because he has just returned from studying overseas.

Other characters such as Uncle Namme, Uncle Ofubara, and Dennis Odoma are almost as good as pawns. Uncle Taiwo's comical presentation makes him more of a caricature than a fully developed character. He is there simply as a pawn introducing the political aspects of Lagos life. Seldom does Ekwensi allow the reader to follow the thought processes of his characters. Neither is his use of diction successful in distinguishing the various characters whose speech remains unvarying in spite of the varying situations and circumstances in which they find themselves. Freddie's superior education does not enable him to speak differently from his uneducated prostitute lover, Jagua. Ekwensi's characters even when involved in events of cultural significance reveal only a superficial awareness, learning little or nothing about themselves in their quests.

There is also not much striking in Ekwensi's use of language. For one, his use of English is mostly uncertain, displaying little mastery of the rules and current usages. Unlike Achebe, he has not developed an authentic African voice. His language seems largely imitative of fourth-rate westerns. For he seems to be merely pandering to the tastes and expectations of the book-buying public in the West that expected from him certain literary conventions and forms. His style of writing therefore had to be influenced by them. For as he himself said he was writing for a mass appeal so much so that in an interview with Larson he was anticipating the wealth he would have been swimming in if he were writing in America.

Despite the above, hundreds of thousands of readers both in the West and in Nigeria, have found entertainment and a realistic picture of the pleasures and hazards of city life in his writings. But could his works be redeemed by his serious preoccupation with some of the most pressing social and political problems threatening modern Nigeria? How well does he come to terms with the social and political concerns of Nigeria as well as Africa? It might also be necessary to look at how he grapples with the "chaotic formlessness and persistent flux of the modern Nigerian city."

In response to the interviewer who asked him what basically inspires him as an artist. he. said:

You can call it social consciousness. You have to be conscious of the people you are living amongst, their likes and dislikes and you respect them and still extract their culture and all that.

Ekwensi's works are set in rural as well as urban centers. These bipolar environments enable him to show up the ugliness and monstrosity of the city beside the idyllic and pristine beauty of rural life. In the rural countryside values such as honesty, industry, and respect for the elders, ancestors and Gods are held in high regard. But in the cold, foreign, alien and barren wasteland which is the city, people are dishonest, politicians are corrupt and neighbors are at hostilities. It is such a hostile world that the émigrés from the rural area are thrust into as prey. In contrast to the beauty and innocence of the country, here they are "daily confronted by wretched filth, decadence, hopelessness, and prevarication." Thus despite the superficial luster they might see in the city their hopes of self-fulfillment are always beset with stifling setbacks, For the city has a formidable influence, a magnetic force that brandishes from a distance only its excitement, gaiety, and transient glitter, luring people to either destruction or downfall.

Ekwensi was gifted as a writer with an acute power of observation. With his talent for immersing himself deeply into any scenario or environment, he not only observed people closely, but translated their mannerisms and manifestations into many of his characters. drawn broadly from his firsthand knowledge and interactions with Nigerians and a sharp and scientific mind - being first and foremost a pharmacist- an orderly trait that manifested itself in his works.

Cyprian Ekwensi has thus had a prolific output of popular novels and stories repeatedly focused on the Nigerian capital city of Lagos showing the negative impact of the urban milieu on immigrants from rural areas, portraying the lives of prostitutes, shady politicians, businessmen, police officers, reporters, thieves, and others who witness the seamier side of life there as well as portraying the erotic love in a society where marriages are mostly arranged and fiction eschews plots dealing with love and marriage.

In People of the City Sango and almost everyone with whom he interacts are shown as suffering from oppressiveness. The city moves to becoming a central motif and then graduates to almost like a character, controlling, defining, organizing and often destroying other people's lives. It is like a trap helping to devour the unwary as is suggested in the very first sentence: "How the city attracts all types and how the unwary must suffer from ignorance of its ways." The policeman's warning after Aina's arrest: ". . . person who's not careful the city will eat him" further captures the incipient danger. Added to that is the constant warning voice of his mother, about the women of the city.

Beatrice is the prime victim. though she seems the most vulnerable. She already demonstrates, on our first acquaintance with her, the restlessness and the yearning for excitement, activity and freedom which usually impel those who are destined to be the city's victims, but she is also showing signs of degradation and disintegration - she already suffers from the deadly disease which is eventually to claim her life.

Beatrice is so entrapped in its clutch that at the end she could not respond favorably to redemption thus earning for herself in the end a humiliating pauper's funeral.

The young girl, Aina, when led to court, standing against a city determined to show her no mercy," though initially capable of demonstrating warm feelings, becomes inevitably conditioned by the city's callousness into a hardened thief and blackmailer." earning herself finally a hard prison sentence.

Dazed by the illusory glitter, they all surrender to the money, fame and influence to be gained. Lost in such a hysteria of living, they follow their basest inclinations with total abandon. Sango in the end, however, cannot bear the scrutiny of others.

Jagua, like all other oppressed females "who came to Lagos, imprisoned, entangled in the city, unable to extricate themselves from its clutches" had come to free herself from the taunts and menacing attitude of her people in Ogabu who kept chiding her for not being productive even after three years of marriage. The Lagos she goes to is found to cherish values diametrically opposed to those of her village. There "girls were glassy, worked in offices like men, danced, smoked, wore high-heeled shoes and narrow slacks and were free and fast with their favors." There no one stands in judgment over another for failure to fulfill any responsibility. In effect, Jagua feels relieved, for she cannot be held down to account for her failure to fulfill her responsibility as a woman and a wife as has been the case back home. She thus falls into the open but pernicious arms of the city. She keeps moving from one situation of desperation to another with little, if any self-satisfaction. At the Tropicana, a favorite night spot for the Lagosians, she entertains varying species of men with the make-believe luster of this degenerate world, it's dim lighting making her look even more seductive and beautiful than usual.

All the women wore dresses which were definitely under size, so that buttocks and breasts jutted grotesquely above the general contours of their bodies. At the same time the midriffs shrunk to suffocation. A dress succeeded if it made men's eyes ogle hungrily in this modern super sex-market. The dancers occupied a tiny floor, unlighted, so that they became silhouetted bodies without faces and the most un-athletic man could be drawn out to attempt the improvisation called High-life.

The full effect of her corruption by the city is fully realized when the villagers of Ogabu ridicule her values and her standards:

The women fixed their eyes on the painted eyebrows and one child called out in Ibo "Mama! Her lips are running blood!... Jagua heard another woman say, "She walks as if her bottom will drop off. I cannot understand what the girl has become

Jagua's abandonment to the excesses of city life only leads to her drifting away from true self-knowledge. She thus escapes into living momentarily, intensely, desperately, without use for social conventions. But upon realizing that the Tropicana was a mere illusion which she must quickly renounce to attain a new life, the big change begins in her life.

Jagua thus returns to Ogabu "with new attitudes, and is rewarded with fulfillment she had been longing for all her life. Her pregnancy gratifies this longing. And for this, Jagua's joy is boundless." Quite significantly the act that led to her conception takes place in the countryside in "a shed by the river, a stone's throw from the shrine." She is thus seen reuniting with the land, her roots, which she had so long rejected and fled from.

Poverty and squalor are both a cause and an effect of the problems of the city. Just a glimpse of the house of Aina's mother tells so much:

It had looked drab enough in the sun, but now the darkness gave it a quality of musty poverty. The only light was from a street lamp some fifty yards away, though the two houses that flanked it fairly glittered with their own lights

Predictably the internal conditions are worse off:

He could not see his way forward. With hands outstretched he groped towards what might be a door. His hand caught against something and he ducked...Then he realized that the entire floor was covered with sleeping bodies. He was covered with sleeping bodies. He was in a kind of bed less open dormitory. Everyone but the old woman slept on the floor. Old, young, lovers, enemies, fathers, mothers, they all shared this hall. From early childhood Aina had listened to talks about sex, seen bitter quarrels, heard and perhaps seen adults bare their passions shamelessly like animals.

Buraimoh Ajikatu is a representative of the underdogs in the stifling economic system of the city. It is ironic that in the midst of such abundance as are to be expected in such stores a clerk in a big department store could hardly have enough to support himself, his four children and wife. Even he himself found it incomprehensible. He therefore regards the city as "an enemy, that keeps raising the prices of its commodities without increasing his pay; or even when the pay was increased the prices quickly raced ahead thus worsening the situation much more than before. His situation is only redressed when he joins a secret society. Then he receives a salary increase and the much overdue promotion with promise of another major one within a month. He now realizes why all along he had been subjected to suppression, being the only non-member. And then:

One night the blow fell. . . . They asked him in a matter of fact manner to give them his first-born son. He protested, asked for an alternative sacrifice, and when they would not listen threatened to leave the society. But they told him that he could not leave. There was a way in, but none out--except through death. He was terrified, but adamant.

He had told no one of his plight, and that was when he vanished from home. Now that the good things of life were his, he would not go back and tell his wife. All this Sango learnt, and much more besides. For him it had great significance. By uncovering this veil, he had discovered where all the depressed people of the city went for sustenance. They literally sold their souls to the devil

In Jagua Nana we are given more insights into the lower reaches of Lagos life with very gory details of its filth and pain:

A young woman in the corner of the smelly room seemed to be making a statement which Freddie had interrupted. She began bawling swear words at the young police constable, who ignored her and kept on writing steadily . . . other constables were deriving some lecherous satisfaction from the young woman's behavior. She had a defiant twinkle in her eye, her breath smelled of alcohol and her blouse--one arm of which had been in some scuffle--slouched over a naked young breast with a dare-devil abandon that could not but be comical. She seemed by her manner to be conscious of the power of her feminity over the males in the khaki uniforms. Freddie stared at this ragged woman who confronted him with the eternal struggle to live, so tragic in the lower reaches of Lagos life.

Ekwensi vividly captures the squalor and filth:

She stored away the food, then took out her towel and went to the bathroom, but when she knocked a man answered her from inside and she went instead to the lavatory. The same old bucket piled high, the floor messed about, so she could see nowhere to put her silver sandals. It was all done by those wretched children upstairs. Why blame them when their mothers did not know any better. Where was the landlord? Where was the Town Council Health Inspector? This Inspector was supposed to come here once in a while and whenever he came he made notes in his black book but nothing ever happened. She would talk seriously to him the next time. The unpleasant side of Lagos life: the flies in the lavatory--big and blue and stubborn--settled on breakfast yam and lunch-time stew (they were invisible in a stew with greens). But Jagua closed her eyes and shut her nostrils with her towel.

Ekwensi's works also demonstrate juvenile delinquency. Beatrice is said to be the one who promotes it in the city. For as Bayo reveals, she introduced Suad Zamil to him "and we fell in love. . . . Of course we used to meet in her room and she was kind to us." The insidious influence of the city on the young is also brought out through Aina the mature teenage prostitute who represents the "mad age" and the mid-teens whose eyes are full of infatuation with life, Aina fuses within her all the evils of the wild life of the city, She contributes most to Sango's depravity. Her meanness and dishonesty manifested particularly in her penchant for shop-lifting she transfers to Sango and uses him in many exploitative and destructive ways thus depriving him of his money and standing between him and good influences like Elina.

Through Aina and Beatrice we have a clear view of prostitution. Beatrice, the most sensual in the novel came from the Eastern Greens, the city of coal. She became attracted to the city as she herself said by the need for experiencing high life which to her includes cars, servants, high-class food, decent clothes, luxurious living all of which she could only gain as she recognized by attaching herself to someone who could. Once in the city she becomes immersed in its ways as well as becomes engaged in promoting it. She herself boasts of her inordinate sexual appetite as "hot stuff that Europeans are crazy about." But then Gunnings the European with whom she has had three children was not enough to satisfy her. She then abandons him for Sango. She flirts indiscriminately with Lajide and Zamil and later allows her flat to be used as a nest for young lovers like Bayo and Suad Zamil.

There is also the pitiful case of Dupeh Mattin who was born and bred in the city with just primary education and perhaps the first few years of secondary education but yet knowing all about western sophistication--make-up, cinema, jazz, and so on.

This kind of girl Sango knew would be content to walk her shoes thin in the air-conditioned atmosphere of department stores, to hang about all day in the foyer of hotels with not a penny in her handbag, rather than live in the country and marry Papa's choice.

In Jagua Nana, prostitutes are presented generally as victims of the city drifting along with it. The young prostitutes go to the Tropicana daily expecting something to happen that could put an end to their poverty and starvation. Lagos therefore is where many others are practically strangers in a town where everyone there has come to make fast money by faster means. Its bright lights, its noise, its suffocation, have in time become her friends. The Tropicana in time becomes for her "a potent, habit-forming brew," which gives her a constant stock of excitement and gaiety as well as popularity, and money, though competition inevitably develops between her and her colleagues in their bid to lure and capture customers.

Ekwensi also exposes crimes and shady deals. Sango's servant therefore warns that Bayo whom we already know is involved in the underworld of crime is a bad boy whom one including his master has to be careful of lest he drags you into trouble. But Sango apparently does not heed the advice and has to pay the consequences very dearly. Sango's room becomes the venue for the execution of Bayo's risky plans. So in the end the C.I.D. raided the apartment and whisked him off.

Jagua's drift into crime also enables us to enhance our knowledge of that world in Jagua Nana. Obanla's ugliness is shrouded by the offices of the highly reputed barristers, engineers, and business men in respectable cloak. In Dennis Odama's place everything is so dark and mysterious that Jagua had to spend some time before she could accustom her eyes to its darkness. All its' inhabitants pass time waiting for the night and keeping always on the alert for the police siren, upon hearing which they would swiftly climb into their hiding places. For Dennis, crime has become the only way to earn a living in a cruel city. As he states when dismissing the possibility of getting engaged as a clerk:

...I already try to find work. Dem ask me to bring bribe money. I give one man ten pound, and he chop de money and he no fin' work for me. How I go do? .I mus' chop. Myself and de taxi-man who die, sometime we kin make one hundred pound by Saturday. Sometime we don' see anythin'. But we live happy. . . . We never look money in de face, an' say 'dis money is too much.' We jus' spen', to get anythin' we want. Anythin'. So why I worry? De day dat de policeman catch we, we go. Is all the same, whedder we live in cell or outside de cell.

Ekwensi also confronts his society with its social injustices and immoralities. This includes housing problems allied with the high-handedness and almost inhuman attitude of its landlords, and the fraudulent means by which the rich keep enriching themselves at the expense of the poor. For instance when tenants are thrown out of their lodgings they become rich meat, as was the case for Sango, for the ruthless exploiters: the housing agents, the pimps, and liars who accept money under false pretenses.

Zamil, the Lebanese, a carefree, wealthy financier who keeps tossing his money to bait attractive women is one of those so-called foreign investors who come into African cities with promises of bringing in industrialization but who only succeed in edging the small African traders out of business. They could even promote misery further by taking a whole compound and paying its rent for five years in advance while ten Africans would squeeze into one musty, squalid, and slummy room.

Lajide, a local landlord prefers foreigners as they are willing and able to offer him "five thousand pounds cash...for a tenancy of five years." He is a frivolous spender when in the company of beautiful women but often stingy and cruel to men. He has no scruples when it comes to acquiring more money. He buys stolen military vehicles at reduced rates and then sells them later at a high profit part of which he would then use to influence the law in his favor. Because of his callousness to the less fortunate, Sango regards him as his "one great obstacle in the city."

In Survive the Peace Ekwensi moves on to examining the social effects of the Nigerian Civil War which was fought to prevent the Ibo's attempt to breakaway from the federation to form the Republic of Biafra in 1967 to 1968. With the end of the war the devastation was of such dimension that it was almost unbelievable that the war itself had ended. Families, tribes, and cultures have all disintegrated. Deaths have become so common that mourning becomes pointless. Wives get so entrenched in harlotry that they couldn't be redeemed whilst husbands shirk their marital responsibilities thus causing a general disruption of family life.

The effort required to survive the peace becomes greater than that required to survive the war. Essential commodities become either rare or prohibitively priced. A chicken which cost fifteen shillings before was now going for twenty pounds. Life here is marked by suffering. Whilst some are starving to death others keep fearing the possible onslaught from prowling bands of armed bandits who loot and kill. It is indeed ironical that in the midst of peace many keep dying and girls are being raped.

The war has not changed anything for it is both stupid and pointless, being the product of cursed power-seekers who whilst protecting themselves send others to be killed. For according to Pa Ukoha:

When some black men begin to rule they become too greedy. They eat and fill their stomachs and the stomachs of their brothers. That is not enough for them. They continue till their throats are filled. And that too is not enough. They have food in their stomachs and in their throats and they go on till their mouths are full and then proceed to fill their bags. But no one else outside their families or their tribe must partake of this food. Yet everybody should have a share in the food. This is what brings the trouble in Africa. So, I want to rule - so as to have my share. You want to rule, to have your share. Then we start killing ourselves. God forbid.

Ekwensi, in spite of the earlier mentioned shortcomings has contributed much to the development of African literature through the wide corpus of works that brought life in the city so much alive with vivid evocation of setting along with local color. .


Beier, Ulli ed., Introduction to African Literature (1967);

Breitinger, Eckhard, "Literature for Younger Readers and Education in Multicultural Contexts," in Language and Literature in Multicultural Contexts, edited by Satendra Nandan, Uinveristy of South Pacific, 1983.

· , Volume 117: Caribbean and Black African Writers, Gale, 1992. Dictionary of Literary Biography

Dathorne, O. R. The Black Mind A History of African Literature. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1974.

Emenyonu, Ernest, Cyprian Ekwensi. Evans Brothers, 1974.

Emenyonu, Ernest, editor. The Essential Ekwensi. Heinemann Educational Books, 1987.

Larson, Charles R., The Emergence of African Fiction. Indiana University Press, 1971

Larson, Charles R. The Ordeal of the African Writer. London: Zed Books, 2001.

Laurence, . Margaret Long Drums and Cannons: Nigerian Dramatists and Novelists, 1952-1966 (1968).

Lindfors, Bernth, 'Nigerian Satirist' in ALT5

Palmer, Eustace. The Growth of the African Novel. Studies in African literature. London: Heinemann, 1979.

Arthur Smith was born and was schooled in Freetown, Sierra Leone. He has taught English since 1977 at Prince of Wales School and, Milton Margai College of Education. He is now a Senior Lecturer at Fourah Bay College where he has been lecturing English language and Literature for the past eight years.

Mr Smith's writings have been appearing in local newspapers as well as in various international media like West Africa Magazine, Index on Censorship, Focus on Library and Information Work. He was one of 17 international visitors who participated in a seminar on contemporary American Literature sponsored by the U.S.State Department in 2006. His growing thoughts and reflections on this trip which took him to various US sights and sounds could be read at lisnews.org.

His other publications include: Folktales from Freetown, Langston Hughes: Life and Works Celebrating Black Dignity, and 'The Struggle of the Book' He holds a PhD and a professorship in English from the National Open University, Republic of Benin.