2012年10月1日 星期一

Consciousness in Reality

Consciousness plays a fundamental role in shaping reality, whether we acknowledge it or not. The latest developments in our scientific understanding only reinforces the concept and fact that consciousness in embroidered into the very fabric of reality.

This means that consciousness is everywhere, in some form. Your mind is also a consciousness, so changes in your own mind can directly impact the physical reality.

Change Your Thinking To change Your Life

When you change your thinking, you will change your life. This is a very famous and ancient saying which is 100% true. When you change your system of thinking, you will change the results which come from it. Changing the thinking is the same as a change in consciousness, and when the change in consciousness happens, the changes take place in reality.

Change The Way You Look At Things, And The Things You Look At Change

Changing the way you look at things requires a fundamental shift in your beliefs. When you change your beliefs about a situation or thing, you change the whole reality. Beliefs are a filter by which reality is created, and changing your beliefs is the only way to permanently change the way you look at things; there is no other way. To change your beliefs is a subject of one of our other articles on genius creation.

Our Perceptions Shape Reality

This is similar to the point just made above, but with a twist. Our perceptions do shape reality. When we change our thinking and the beliefs, we change our overall perceptions. We see things in a new, unique light which allows us to take advantage of them and achieve what we want. In the right perspective, we see things from a point of view of appreciation, bewilderment, and focused attention.

We live in the moment and achieve manifestations which living in the moment provides. In conclusion, consciousness is a fundamental part of reality. Learning to use this consciousness by understanding it, will allow you to achieve anything you want.

PeakGenius.com is the world's largest and most trusted online source for mind and mental development tips. You can learn more interesting mental development tools at http://www.PeakGenius.com. PeakGenius.com is a registered trademark.

