2012年6月23日 星期六

Conscious Marketing

Though we may have conscious and compassionate intentions at the heart of our businesses we often default to traditional competitive ME-marketing models. Conscious marketing requires that we take a heart-centered WE-marketing approach based on cooperation and empathy. When we apply manipulative head-centered marketing strategies to our life-affirming products and services we create dis-ease. Applying the principles of conscious marketing help to integrate our professional and spiritual lives and heal the gap between self-awareness and market success.

As we adopt spiritual practices and conscious living habits our intuition and subtle awareness is heightened. Conscious marketing systematically applies that refined instrument of awareness to the marketing of a product or service. When it comes to marketing, the most important quality to be cultivated and implicated is empathy. It just so happens that the more we expand spiritually and the more consciously we live the more empathetic we become. I once heard the process of conscious living described as "the longest 12 inches you will ever travel, from your head to your heart". Though it is a challenge to face ourselves honestly it is the most rewarding thing in life. The more authentic we become the more conscious our market approach will be.

The dictionary defines empathy as, "the ability to identify with and understand another person's feelings or difficulties." When we are marketing a product or service it is very important to get out of our own way and empathize with the specific challenges of our target audience. Too often those in the holistic field find themselves compromising their ethics, consciously or unconsciously, by applying inauthentic strategies that seem to dilute the purity of their business intention.

To move into empathy with our target audience we first begin to identify the specific challenges our product or service is able to alleviate. This is where it is time to move out of our head and into our heart. There is no greater tool to facilitate this process than conscious breathing. Here is a small exercise: Take three deep breaths in and out the nose and let the mind become quiet, do not force the mind to be quiet but simply allow the mind to be and thoughts to come and go without indulging in them. Now, take three deep breaths with the intention of breathing into the heart and exhaling out the top of the head. You may even imagine you have a blow-hole like a dolphin or whale out the top of the head. You are moving from your own personal heart to what my Guru calls the heart-space above the head or Chidakash. This is a clear authentic space that transcends your personal pain and connects you with all living things.

From this neutral space consider your target audience either in the form of an individual person or the market segment in general, being specific is generally more effective. Set the intention that you want to identify with that individual in an authentic way. A massage therapist may close their eyes and see the stresses and strains the body undergoes in the normal course of living. Make a note of the specific challenges that come up, allow the mind to work but make room for intuitive thoughts that may not initially make sense.

Empathizing with your target audience is a great first step on the journey to conscious marketing. By applying our subtle awareness in this critical aspect of our business we are able to ensure that our marketing communications are authentic and have great impact.

I wish everyone on the journey to integrate spiritual inspiration and worldly execution massive success and radical awareness.

Jayanta Paquette is a coordinator for CompassionWorks with By the River, Inc. where he develops and delivers training and support programs that help caregivers alleviate stress by developing their own compassionate presence. He has a strong background in business development strategy and strategic marketing. He also shares yoga, meditation and Reiki hands-on healing with caregivers. You can find him at Beloved Yoga, http://www.belovedyoga.ning.com

Work to Live - Live to Work, Is There Such Thing As a Work Life Balance?

Work life balance is a peculiar term. It gets blurted about as the ultimate solution for everyone's modern day worries. If you have your work life balance sorted out, then you are somehow -it seems- onto a winner. But I have never come across anyone who said that they had theirs sorted. In fact I have never come across anyone who felt that they loved their work and had ample time to live their life.

But is there really such a thing as work life balance? First of all it clearly implies that you have a work life on the one hand and on the other side, adjacent to that, a life. Does that then mean that you are 2 different people, that you have 2 different objectives and 2 different set of values? Does that mean you go and do your "work thing" (inevitably spending the largest part of your day) to come back to live your life? And isn't the notion of "balancing" the two a sheer contradiction in terms and a set up for a fall?

You are one whole person and if you maintain a house, a job/business, a family, friends, hobbies and so on then you are operating within a merry-go-round of day to day things. Responsibilities are always going to be pulling and there are prices to be paid and rewards to be had. It is supposed to be fun, enjoyable, somewhat chaotic but ultimately and hopefully the fulfilling road you are on. It is not a seesaw on which things weight heavier depending on where you stand. Your job or your business is hopefully something you enjoy and therefore your expression into the world which sustains all the other things you do. An integral part of who you are.

Maybe it is supposed to be "life balance". This is one step better as it is not segregating your 50 hour work life to a different planet. But is "life balance" not as much as a lie as work life balance? How can life be balanced? Per definition it is not and probably never will be. Things get thrown at you every day, some are unexpected, some you can plan for but it will ultimately always rock the boat to a greater or lesser degree. So then you are left with just "life" and "life" cannot be managed, although we read untold amount of articles, self help books and magazines to attempt to find the solution.

There is only one place you can aim to have balance or manage things from. That is from your own life and your own perception. The attitude with which you approach things can very much be within your control, the way you decide to view things, the way you interpret situations to yourself, the self talk you allow, the stance you uphold and the beliefs you harbour. Thinking before you speak, seeing a glass half full, learning to say no and living in integrity are all to do with a kind of conscious living that will fulfill and balance you to a point that you enjoy life with gratitude whilst you are going places, loving your work within a lovely life.

Kirsten de Bouter Shillam is a Lifestyle Expert and experienced Coach & Writer on being fit, healthy, diet/nutrition, parenting and life planning. Kirsten lives outside the box and invites you to join her at Doodle Lounge.

Visit Doodle Lounge - http://www.doodlelounge.com - Sign up for our free Personal Toolbox eBook to help and motivate you to live the best life possible with small investments and BIG effects.

The Secrets to Your Conscious Success in Every Aspect of Your Life

You can be the top 2% of the world's population to live in full-blown positive, abundant, gratifying love and success on every level, by learning the keys to conscious living.

I have studied, listened and participated in great prosperity, relationship, abundance classes and workshops for over 20 years and I have not received the key to getting there on a core level, until now. This major step, I have been missing in all of my education, is taught by Dr. E. Amidi. If I had not read this book, I do not know where else, I would have learned this unequivocal information. I read, "The Secret" every day, so I can reinforce the positive and affirmations for my abundance in love, monetary success, my work and all relationships. In every aspect of our lives, these principles must, be practiced, every day. Sometimes this must apply to every moment.

The difference between the sub-conscious and conscious, mind is colossal, unless you are in a denial, for which, I believe 98% of people are in our society. Why do you think the wealth distribution is so out of proportion? Why are there so many divorces? There is enough money to go around on our planet for everyone to have 10 million dollars each. Therefore, what is wrong and why? It is really, simple. The top 2% of the population are the only few that have the consciousness and awareness to believe they deserve, and are open to receive such abundance. This is the difference between poverty and the wealthy. If you have noticed or paid attention to one of the wealthiest families in our nation, Warren Buffet, lives in integrity and his reputation for the most part is unreachable. He has to have all the values and consciousness to be as successful and wealthy as he is. We are not all blessed with having parents or family that had businesses and success to learn from, as he did in his youth. I am sure he learned from an early age to have the consciousness of achievement and accomplishment on a sub-conscious infrastructure.

It is a choice that every one of us can make, to be conscious, from a sub-conscious level. This will free you to be all you can be, in everything you want to achieve. I cannot write enough about, how important this is, to be aware, of your emotions on the sub-conscious level. The primordial level that most of the population are driven from, can, and will change by being aware of it and making the extra effort to change your thinking from that emotional layer.

Being aware, of the tiers of our thinking process, subconscious (emotions), conscious and higher self, the sky is the limit, of our success in all areas of our lives. When you understand how they connect to one another, you can be at peace knowing that you can change your thinking from a foundational, base level.

Thank you for reading my article, as I have devoted my passion and time to assist and guide anyone I can in this freedom of consciousness.

If you have any questions and comments, please contact me @

Cheryl Scheurer - [http://www.secrets2thebesthealthandfinancialwellness.com]

Copyright 2009 July 21, 2009

2012年6月22日 星期五

The Planet is a Conscious Living Entity

Many think of our planet, the Earth, as simply a complex assembly of elements that we consider inorganic lifeless elements.

It's interesting then that such a lifeless entity can and does support life isn't it?

Life is more that the sum total of all the "inorganic" and "organic" chemical reactions that many scientists think that it is. There is a definite consciousness that we all are part of and we all experience daily whether we choose to be aware of it or not.

We have our own consciousness i.e. the thoughts that run through our minds about our lives. We are also part of the consciousness of the other people we know.

Additionally we are a part of the consciousness of the rest of humanity living and dead. Going further we are part of the consciousness of "Mother Earth".

That expression, "Mother Earth", isn't simply a metaphor it's a fact!

The Earth bore us and sustains us in life with the help of the Sun and the rest of the Universe and hence the idea that we are somehow separate and distinct from them is only a belief that we have become conditioned with. It is by no means the truth, is it?

The Earth's consciousness manifests as its weather and other natural events that we experience. We too however, as I said are a manifestation of the planet albeit in a different form.

So the life that we call our own "sprouted" so to speak from the planetary will or consciousness. It is still attempting to support us here but something strange has happened hasn't it?

We have forgotten where we came from, what we are a part of and now believe ourselves to be separate and distinctly independent beings. We also now see the planet as an uncooperative force that needs to be controlled or tamed.

In believing this we have, shall we say, desynchronized our minds and bodies from the planetary consciousness, the very consciousness that is the source of life here.

In other words we have and are moving away from being "life" forms altogether. When you look at all of the death and destruction that we are choosing to wreak upon ourselves, each other and the planet one could say we are transforming into "death" forms.

It's no wonder that we are experiencing more turbulence in the Earth's weather patterns lately. You probably thought is was due to global warming and other such insults didn't you?

Well although this is partly true the Earth can and does feel the sum total of the dissonant thoughts and feelings that we as species carry in our consciousness. Now such thoughts and feelings, as I said, are mostly aligned with death, and this is against life and against the life force of the Earth itself.

So what does the Earth attempt to do? Well it tries to protect itself and its creation! Isn't that what mothers do?

The "natural" catastrophes that we are experiencing could be seen as an attempt by the Earth to purge such negativity from its consciousness and therefore itself.

There's one problem however. We, as a species are putting up a great deal of resistance.

We have identified ourselves with all this negativity and we now believe that it is inherently who we are. In other words we have chosen to lie to ourselves about who we really are.

This, as I'm sure you can imagine, will only create "tension" in the collective human-planet consciousness, which is really all one consciousness. The ripple effects of this tension we experience as the chaotic natural events that we are witnessing today.

There is a solution to this chaos.

It's about letting go of the negativity that we collectively harbor in our own minds and bodies. Most of this negativity is anchored within us as what we call our personal and collective history as a species.

It is now possible to let this all go. I have written extensively about this here in this ezine.

I invite you to read these articles and to contact me at the web link below if you wish to go further in making your contribution to humanity and the planet.

There isn't much time left.

Nick Arrizza MD, a former Psychiatrist and Medical Doctor is an International Life, Executive, Organizational Tele-Coach, Author, Keynote Speaker, Trainer and Facilitator. He is also on Faculty at Akamai University in Hawaii. He is the CEO and Founder of Arrizza Performance Coaching Inc. and the developer of the powerful Mind Resonance ProcessR (MRP).

A Free 1 Hour Introductory MRP Telephone Consultation is available upon request. (You will be asked to cover your own long distance telephone charges)

Web Site: http://telecoaching4u.com

Live Consciously by Deconstructing Time

In a world that demands more from us with each passing day, we have come to rely on time more than ever before. Our lives are scheduled down to the minute. You know that it takes you exactly thirteen minutes to get from your driveway to your parking spot at work if you leave at exactly 7:44. A minute sooner, or later, and you will have to deal with school buses at some point. It is crazy. However, it does not have to be that way.

Time is not real; it is nothing more than a measurement created by man that enslaves us to a schedule over which we have no control. Time is a construct that removes our ability to live consciously and revel in the world around us, but what would happen if that construct were removed.

The Past and Future Are Mind Tricks

Take a minute (there is that time thing again) to think about what the past and future really are. The past is simply a memory accessed in the now. Future events are also nothing more than mind tricks. Any thoughts you have of the future can only take place in the now. Time is nothing more than a measure created to serve as a reference point for recalling events.

An unfortunate by-product of that measure has been our need to live by the clock instead of choosing to live consciously and receive the most stimulation from every moment. Living consciously does not mean becoming an unreliable, reckless menace, but it does mean that you can derive ultimate joy and freedom by escaping the clock in your head and tuning into the mind-consciousness connection.

Only A Point of Reference

Connecting with your consciousness means breaking the belief that time is real. Our brains are programmed to rely on time since birth. We have feeding times, school times, work times, and all sorts of other times that we have to schedule. Our lives seemingly depend on time. By making time a real and physical entity, we are forced to abide by its rules and often lose the ability to enjoy each moment to its fullest. Time is not a line drawn in the sand; it is not a building, or a person. It is simply a measure we use as a point of reference. Time is made up of constantly changing events in the now. Freeing yourself, and giving way to your consciousness allows you to experience each moment in its truest form.

The Only Moment You Have Is Now

Getting in touch with your consciousness is dependent on your ability to remove your mind from the physical world. Before you can live consciously you must dispel the notion that the physical world is 'real' and realize that time is nothing more than an illusion our minds have been trained to create.

Once you have pushed aside the physical 'realities' and allow a connection with your conscious self, you will come to realize that only the now exists. Past memories and future hopes are nothing more than illusions created within the constructs of time. Moving past those constructs allows you relish the moment you are in for what it truly is.

The only chance you have to make changes, the only moment that exists, is NOW. Once you have tapped into the mind-consciousness connection you will be able to stop plotting future moves, and realize the only chance to set yourself free is the only moment there is, NOW.

Download your free ebook 15 Secrets to Super Health that could put you on the fast-track to Super Health.

More Articles You (Don't Want to) Miss --> mind and consciousness

Warrior Training 101 - Consciousness + Living Mindfully

Warrior training begins with developing awareness.

The key to mindful living is consciousness; consciousness of how we are oriented by habit-patterns. Without training, our behavior is a string of learned reactions and associations that are then cemented through years of unconscious repetition.

Consider this example: when you get home after work, it's become a habit to open the fridge and have a munch. You're so conditioned that the before-before-dinner snack is now part of your routine--it has nothing to do with hunger anymore.

Mindfulness involves inserting purpose into all aspects of life, especially where facets that we normally run on autopilot. The key is to disrupt our natural reflexes in which we frequently reproduce patterns that are counter-productive to our conscious priorities. Think of the previous example. Snacking out of habit is hardly an effective weight-control strategy.

There are many techniques for cultivating awareness. Meditation and simply paying more attention are two possibilities. Otherwise, I happened onto another interesting idea the other day:

Ascetic Yogi Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, says

"Why ascetic paths were set is simply because of this: you start doing things that are naturally not comfortable for you. Once you start doing such activity that is uncomfortable for you, you do it, but you don't like it. If you have to do something that you do not like, you can only do it consciously; there is no other way to do it. Yes? Things that you like, you can do compulsively; but things that you don't like, you can only do consciously. That is why the ascetic path. You start doing everything consciously. There is no other way to be."

The ascetic strategy for cultivating awareness is to work with what is unpleasant. By doing uncomfortable things necessarily keep us conscious. Thinking of ascetics automatically calls up images of hair shirts and massively long finger-nails, but this doesn't have to become a lifestyle. Perhaps it's enough just to become conscious of how it feels to do something unpleasant but necessary. At any rate--food for thought.

The challenge of consciousness is the taks of a lifetime. Consciousness is literally a massive task: most of our waking time takes place in an unconscious, reactive trance. As we begin to build zones of awareness, these spread outwards, becoming seedlings for radical change.

Terrie Schauer

Writer, kick-boxer, peaceful warrior.

2012年6月21日 星期四

Living Consciously is More Than What Happens in Meditation

When you read or hear people talk about conscious living it is most often in the context of meditation, spirituality, yoga, eating vegan and other green or healthy ways of living.  But  what happens to the mundane side of life when you live more consciously?  When you are awake you also become conscious of your dirty refrigerator shelves, dust under  the armoire, and  dust-balls, pens and paperclips stuck between your couch cushions. Or more precisely, the thought to look between your couch cushions will enter your heightened state of awareness.

Living consciously carries a responsibility of a more mundane sort too. It means caring enough to clean the fridge shelves- after all, no one really sees them but you. And that layer of dust that caught your eye while you were on the floor hugging your dog, well who gets down on the floor by the armoire besides you? It's an inner thing and you don't have to take the responsibility until you want to. The want seems to come with living consciously.

There is a joyfulness in cleaning and everday tasks in our homes. The joy comes from the knowing that as you clean your home you are  cleaning The Universal  home. In essence, you are saying to the sacred home of all living things "I will take care of you, just as the Universal Source of all things takes care of me."

The difference is people shut their eyes on their responsibilities sometimes and The Universe never does. 

Few people would disagree that the mundane aspect of life can be difficult, unappreciated and tedious. It seems never ending and for not a short time later. Yet spiritual leaders teach us to learn to love the uncomfortable. Embrace the uncomfortable tasks, events, even crisies in our life, for within these experiences lies the next opportunity for deepening your conscious awareness and spiritual understanding.

Consciously living every opportunity in your daily activities, offers you the discovery of a deeper meaning, perhaps a deeper understanding of your spiritual path. In either case it helps to lighten the task at hand, as cleaning with a joyful sacred approach makes it  easier and go faster. Embrace the mundane for it is rich with opportunity.

Living to Make Sense of It All http://livingtomakesenseofitall.com discusses and provides insight into conscious living, spirituality, meditation, journaling, green living as they relate to every day life and more. Written by Kimberly Wulfert, PhD, psychologist. The complete article with a most unusual picture of a refridgerator in desperate need of cleaning continues at http://livingtomakesenseofitall.com/2009/06/13/conscious-living-is-also-cleaning-out-your-fridge/

Living Shamanism - The Art of the Everyday Journey of Living Your Destiny

There's a lyric to the song, "Circle of Life", made popular by Elton John and in the Movie "The Lion King" that says: "You will find your place on the path unwinding..." This phrase and this song has become a favorite reflection of my life work as shaman guide and teacher in the art of finding and living your destiny.

What I'd like to offer you here is simply this: Your life is the shaman journey; and the conscious living/honoring of your life is how your find your way and live your destiny - It's on the path unwinding that healing, insight, and direction informs your being and brings you to your true nature and wisdom way.

Even though I occasionally do still enter into a formal shamanic journey of the upper, middle, and underworlds to seek direction and clarity - and even though I still do occasionally still teach the traditional method of inner seeing to my students and clients (aka as learned through Michael Harner over 25 years ago) -- I've come to understand and fully see that life itself is "the shaman journey".

When we learn the art of following and understanding the symbolic language of soul (what I've come to call the SoulArts Process of Awakening), everyday life becomes a living portal on the shamanic journey and path unwinding!

When our daily living becomes itself a meditation -- when daily situations and incidences are respected and regarded as the shaman journey itself -- all of life opens up; healing and synchronicity become common place; direction unfolds organically; there is no need to "journey for answers or to seek insight": Rather, you enter into the artistry of living in the shaman journey itself as you go about your day. Life and living becomes multi-dimensional and freely inspired.

To me, and in my life work as a spiritual minister/healer and guide, this is where the "rubber meets the road": In living the shaman journey every day in every day situations and the attention we give them.

I love the traditional shaman approach and respect the path of soul retrieval and all modalities of shamanism. But like other "religions", I feel that true Shamanism is becoming too encapsulated in method; too tied to technique; missing the real life and truth and intelligence behind such methods, techniques and dogmas.

In my SoulArts spiritual apprenticeships and retreats, I teach daily living shamanism: One that lets go of what I call "needy greedy" constriction to heal, answer, grasp at solutions, or empower ego with allies...and instead simply falls in love with your own life's genius and evolution as the shamanic journey of a lifetime itself!

When we fall in love with the Mystery, and learn the art of attending in everyday life to our own uniquely evolving path as it unwinds, we very naturally and organically discover the shaman within; and we very easily then step into expressing and living our true destiny.

When we live our every day life as a shamanic journey, seeing and attending to the language of soul as we go about the day, we very simply find that we are led to healing insight and direction, clarity of perception, "right service to others", and awake to our unique genius and wisdom way. What I called in my second book: The Art of Living Your Destiny", is always right here, now, on the path unwinding, as we live it, see it, honor it.

Ronda LaRue, M.S., D.D. is a spiritual author/teacher and shaman guide and founder of Center for Soul Arts and the SoulArts Process of Awakening. Ronda works from a novel and contemporary approach to the ancient tradition of one-on-one sacred apprenticeship for facilitating radical transformation. Healing wholeness, and direct Self-Realization at her private artisan retreat in Ojai, California, and in small groups internationally.

2012年6月20日 星期三

Will We Ever Live to Be 200 Years Old?

The question as it was posed; I recently saw a news item about how scientists believe they can isolate the aging gene and program the gene so that we can live longer in the future. Is that possible and if so, will it effect me?

It could happen that you will live longer in the future, but if you have read my previous articles about aging, you would remember that aging is not only a physical process, but more importantly, a psychic reality having to do with the soul's inclination to turn its attention in other directions. Matter as you know it simply isn't around long enough to age, it does deteriorate but that deterioration is not because of the time factor, but because of an inability of physical matter to reconstruct itself in the material world as perfectly as in previous actualization. Matter is constantly renewing itself and built within matter is the potentiality to appear again and again almost indefinitely, taking on the appearance of permanency, except within the form taken by what you would call "living things".

What you call "Living things" is only the arbitrary way that you choose to classify what you consider to be living and not a characteristic of living matter itself.. What you consider "things that have life" are only a small portion of what lives. This is not meant to be a discussion on what is living matter and what is dead matter, what is living and what is dead is your interpretation only. Many of you would say that things that can move are living and things that are permanent or stationary are non-living matter. This is short sighted at best since even the lowly electron, the atom, the cells and molecules possess their own valid kind of consciousness and have a deep inner sense of their own being. They are of course not differentiated as your kind of self-aware consciousness but they are aware of the joys of being within their own level of comprehension.

So, it is very true to say that there is NOTHING that is not living at its own level of awareness. The atoms that make up the elements that make up the rocks and the earth also possess their own generalized kind of consciousness which totally escapes you. A rock senses the warmth of the sun or the cold of the winter snow and, and from that warmth, knows the direction of the rising and setting sun. A rock knows these things and more without a brain to think about the processes. A coral reef would fall somewhere in between what you think is permanent, yet it is alive. It does not move in the normal sense of the word, but it grows and takes up more space in time, so although it may seem dead, it is undisputably alive.

For this article we will limit our conversation to living organisms that are comfortable with you at this time, so let us exclude bacteria, virus and such and then talk about the animal world, including insects, fish, birds, mammals and humankind. I propose to you that it matters not a whit in the overall appreciation and fulfillment of a life for a fruit fly that lives only a few days to some turtles that live for hundreds of years. Everything is relative and you cannot transpose your type of reality on other species who experience something totally different. I am telling you that a fruit fly in its three days of life, experiences life's fulfillment and values to the same degree that you experience yours in your allotted sixty to one hundred years. It is not shortchanged by life as you may think by its lack or limitation of cognitive abilities.

Your life that you know, is but a small conscious, ego oriented portion of your entire identity. That identity is but one egocentric portion of an eternal identity that can only know itself within physical matter. Other portions of the overall conscious identity cannot be materialized, but remain in what could be called an aloof position in the psychological realm of a vast inner universe which underlies and is behind all realities. You may call this aloof portion of your total identity, the Soul or the Entity or take it to the highest level of God or All That Is.

You are an emissary of your Soul or Entity, fulfilling its need for physical experience within certain specific time and space co-ordinates that you call Earth for a given number of years. There are other portions of your identity, given life within other unique time and space system co-ordinates that you are not currently aware of. They are other eccentric versions of you, but still, you are yourself and your specific identity is unique, independent and eternal. You will always be you, and these other split personality fragments of your Soul will always be themselves. The Soul is above all (An Experiencer), gobbling up every conceivable type of experience, both physical and psychological from it's personalities scattered over the face of the Earth during its different times and ages.

You signed up for this engagement with physical reality for a purpose, planning and writing the play of your life, with it's inherent stumbling blocks, challenges and diversions. You choose the other actors (participants) to act out their parts too, and to the best of your collective abilities, you will dive into those challenges and hope you do well. Those who participate with your in your life's adventures, do so because they too are desirous of similar learning opportunities. In that respect, everyone connected with you, in some way is there by design, and there are no accidents. In a larger sense, all earth inhabitants that exist in your present are involved in a great experiment, working on different aspect of the same overall problems inherent in your current civilization.

Since you are a creature of free choice, you can choose whether to address the challenges in this immediate lifetime or shunt them to the sidelines of your attention. When this is done, there is no crisis, but simply a lack of the good use of present opportunity. If this lifes inherent, built in challenges are not addressed in a timely manner, then they will be addressed in another life. If the same players are not available for the newly constituted challenges, then new actors will be chosen, will come to agreement on the roles, and a new life will once again address problems that were avoided in the previous life. Of course this "putting off" of needed experience cannot be indefinite since the Soul/Entity will see to it that what is at hand will be dealt with, and you will learn who is really calling the shots. (Smiling).

Sometimes there are good reasons for postponing a lifes pre-planned agenda, but the good news is that you have all the time you need and all the lives you need. Sometimes there are carryover problems that simply cannot be addressed in one lifetime. Sometimes one challenge leads to a new challenge, and time within the physical system becomes a handicap to satisfactory completion. Fortunately, time is one saving tenant of "Conscious Life" itself, and that is that consciousness, personalities, identities are eternal, and not even the most minute consciousness is ever destroyed, but grows and evolves as it gains knowledge in various forms within various systems, within various worlds and universes. (It's Forever, so get used to it.)

After a while, the soul becomes impatient with pending experience not adequately experienced by one personality and begins to withdraw it's energy, anticipating new experience within new aspects of the total personality that is also YOU in other physical and non-physical materializations. In more precise terms, your Soul will tolerate your decision not to deal with certain pre-agreed upon difficulties that you accepted before your physical birth and will throw in the towel on one life, in order to concentrate it's energies on more current, emerging experiences, knowing that you will once again be born as a new personality with a new perspective on an old problem. As the available energy available to it recedes, the life force within the personality begins to ebb.

I have said that the body is constantly re-constructed as cells die and fall off, new ones are created and replace the fallen dead cells, but as the Soul withdraws the full energy that was once available, the newer constructions of the physical body begin to blur, and each succeeding reconstruction of the physical form becomes less distinct and less precise. This "less distinctness" of the physical image equals what you call aging. Aging is then what happens to physical tissue not from the ravages of time, but from the receding energy available for reoccurring reconstruction of the physical form.

Now here is the crux of the matter. Not only does this lack of sufficient energy to create an acceptable replication of the original form, but it also affects the energy of the personality to deal with problems, causing a mental wandering in the immediate present, preferring sometimes to put off what at one time was a pressing need to some future date. The drive to perform is lost as an unconscious realization sets in that what cannot be done today will be done tomorrow.

Deep within the heart of all mankind is the knowledge that life renews itself again and again, and so you may be petrified at the thought of impending death, encoded deep within your genetic structure is the latent knowledge that "life must always live" and constantly flow anew from those unknown inner sources of all consciousness. Consciousness has this one overriding characteristic, and that is to strive to materialize itself, to show itself through actualization in the physical system. Your consciousness is not content unless it is known through one of it's many forms as an identity or personality and in that respect, you do not need to continue any particular life, since there is abiding continuity of life that cannot be negated in any way. Consciousness always comes first and creates and evolves physical form, not the other way around.

And that friends, leads us to the crux on this discussion. If life is truly eternal as I have said again and again, what would be gained in prolonging a life indefinitely, whose main purposes have been already put in abeyance for future activation?

Here is something to consider, and underlying this statement a great truth whether or not you consciously recognize its validity;

If you truly believed and realized that your last breath here on your beloved planet earth would actually be your first breath of a new life beginning a new journey, maintaining your same closest friends and family through the ages of succeeding lifetimes, in a new body of a new kind, rested and refreshed and ready to kick some new life butt. The very instant that your eyes close in this reality, they open in another. The very instant that current friends fade from your view on death, those who have passed before will appear and be there waiting for you.

So rhetorically I ask you, what is the point with prolonging a life beyond its vivid longing for purpose? Regardless of new scientific discoveries, if a world situation should arise where longer lives would be of benefit or necessary to the species, they would evolve naturally as was the case in Biblical times when knowledge was carried by the tribal elders and passed down verbally and advanced age was a practical necessity. It is not necessary now.

Next Article Preview: Soul Mates and other Counterpart Identities

My name is W. Allan, single male 62, a resident of Naples Florida. I graduated from Washington University in St. Louis and have in the past, written a column called SECRET REALITY which was carried by spiritual and metaphysical magazines. I have recently started a blog to publish my work with the intent of incorporating expanded versions of my blog in book form. You can contact me any at my e-mail address: w.allan@hotmail.com. You may also read other articles at my blog at: http://www.answersbygod.com

12 Keys to Healthy Conscious Living

Would you like to know what you can do to prevent disease and heal yourself? You may be surprised at the idea that you can be healthy. The truth is that you do have the power to maintain good health. Even if you have inherited tendencies, or your parents have or had serious diseases, you do not have to suffer from the same afflictions.

To begin with, it is necessary to make a commitment to yourself to live consciously. That means to be aware of what you are doing, thinking, and feeling. It includes the realization that you can always make healthy choices in every aspect of your life. Your conscious decisions are the best health insurance you can have, and it is free.

As a marriage, and family therapist, intuitive counselor, and author, I have helped many clients feel better, improve their health, and prevent problems by teaching them how to live consciously. I, myself, have chosen this path, and as a senior citizen, I am healthier than I was 30 years ago. "Retirement" is not in my vocabulary. I have touched millions of people and I am just getting warmed-up. I am not concerned about the "popular" killer diseases that afflicted my parents. Conscious living has helped me rejuvenate, and avoid operations, medications, and expensive medical tests, and it can help you, too.

The following are 12 choices you can make to help you heal, rejuvenate, and maintain a healthy body. If they are new to you, relax, focus on one at a time and go at your pace. Set your intent to live consciously, and you are likely to succeed.

1) Choose to be positive. Kind and loving thoughts and feelings literally relax our bodies and allow our organs and glands to receive what they need to be healthy. On the contrary, negative thoughts and feelings constrict our bodies, and our cells are deprived of what they require to function normally. Try this experiment. Notice how your body feels when you say, "I am stressed," compared to, "I am grateful." Did you notice the difference? Pay attention to how your body feels as you speak and think. Let go of negative words and thoughts, and change them to positive ones.

2) Choose to be true to yourself and others. To be in our joy, we need to be who we are and express our truth in loving ways. When we withhold things we want to say to others, or stop ourselves from doing what we love, our bodies constrict. Have the courage to follow your dreams and desires.

3) Choose healthy food and drinks. Read all the labels, and find out what ingredients you may be ingesting. Avoid toxic preservatives and high sugar, salt, or fat content. The higher prices of organic foods are much less than drug and doctor expenses.

4) Choose a specific diet for your needs. Everyone is different, and some foods are healthy for some and poisonous for others. For example, many people are allergic to nuts, dairy, eggs, wheat, and corn. Find out what your body needs to avoid.

5) Choose to drink enough healthy water. Only drink filtered or purified water that has minerals and is free of toxins and chemicals.

6) Choose non-toxic personal care and cleaning products. Whatever we smell, or put on our skin is absorbed into our bodies and affects our cells in positive or negative ways. Avoid poisoning yourself with toxic products.

7) Choose to be ph balanced (acid and alkaline). Our immune system weakens and germs do well in an acidic body. It is easy to find out your score with ph paper. Generally speaking, most vegetables and fruits are alkalizing and balance the acidity of grains and proteins.

8) Choose anti-oxidants. Many studies show that anti-oxidants are extremely important for our bodies.

9) Choose appropriate stretches and exercise for your body type and condition. Find out what your body needs and wants, and set up a regular routine.

10) Choose to be your desired weight. If you decide to join a diet program, make sure it is also healthy and retrains your eating habits so that you can maintain your desired weight.

11) Choose to laugh and balance your life. Laughter, rest, alone time, and play are rejuvenating. Consider them necessities, and add them to your schedule.

12) Choose to be sociable and give to others. Positive, fun people can help you be the same. Making a difference in other people's lives also helps you feel good.

These are some important ways you can choose to be in control of your health and well-being. There are many wonderful articles and books written on these important topics. My goal was merely to awaken you to ways you can enjoy a healthier life. No matter your age or state of your physical condition, these conscious choices can be extremely beneficial. You can enjoy a healthy, fulfilling life.

Copyright 2008 by Helene Rothschild, MS, MA, MFT, a Marriage, Family Therapist, intuitive counselor, author, and speaker. Her newest book, "All You Need Is HART! Create Love, Joy and Abundance- Now!" A unique guide to Holistic And Rapid Transformation, is a manual for life and helps people to "love themselves to peace." She offers telephone sessions, books, e-books, MP3 audios, CDs and a free newsletter, "Truths Set You Free" e-book and "Healing Your Body" mp3 audio. http://www.lovetopeace.com - 1-888-639-6390.

Living by Design

Babies soon learn that noticing things and acting in direct response is what gets results. As adults, those of us who keep these two basic principles alive and active are the ones best equipped to go with the flow in life and make some advancing steps come what may.

If you've ever seen a potter at work you will notice that he pays very careful attention to what happens to the clay on his wheel, you may have also noticed that when maleable clay is spinning at a steady speed the slightest adjustment can have dramatic results.

We're pretty clay-like too, we are maleable and we are in motion and a careful adjustment will have results on our future shape and usefulness in a very similar way.

If a potter throws a lump of clay on the wheel, plays around with it for a while and then walks away and turns his attention to other things, will he come back to a finished pot? In short, no. It's just not going to happen. He needs to be there, to pay attention and take action, to observe, to feel, to consider and then to do what he believes to be the best active response to bring that pot into being.

We have a choice - we can live by design or by default. In living experience, that means the profound difference between being an unformed entity at the hands of others, the elements, the weather, whoever and whatever, as we sit and spin inert and unattended on the wheel of life. Alternatively, we might be a wonderful pot in progress, shaped by care and attention to become ever more elegant, ever more useful, and ever more suited to our chosen purpose.

It's never too late to start, it's never to late to change, to pick yourself up and dust yourself down, try something new, learn something new, do something different. And remember that all it takes is to pay yourself some real and valid attention and then to make small adjustments in direct response - that's all. That and to keep it going, keep noticing, keep adjusting and know that all else will follow as night follows day.

Ananga Sivyer is a health writer with a passion for helping people feel positive and in control of their lives.

For more articles like this and a FREE copy of her Beautiful Calm eBook please visit her website now...

2012年6月19日 星期二

What is Consciousness?

I have been taught that everything is Consciousness; that life is consciousness. The concept of consciousness is integral to New Thought philosophies and Science of Mind teachings. So let's explore this idea of consciousness and what it is.

Ernest Holmes, the creator of The Science of Mind and the founder of Religious Science defines Consciousness this way: "Mental Awareness. Consciousness is both objective and subjective. Objective consciousness is a state of conscious awareness, equipped with will, decision, and discrimination. Its reasoning is both inductive and deductive, therefore it has self-choice. The subjective consciousness is entirely a reaction to this objective volition. It is creative but not discriminative. It is of course conscious but it is not self-conscious.... It has no reflective, deductive, or discriminating factors. It is compelled by its very nature to accept and create. When we speak of mind in its self-conscious state, we mean Spirit, whether we think of it in God or man. When we speak of consciousness in a subjective state, we refer to the mental medium, the Universal Subjectivity, which is also the subjectivity of man."

The objective consciousness Ernest Holmes speaks of is the masculine principle. It is thinking and thought. It is the self-awareness that has moved man from the animal kingdom to the human kingdom. It is our awareness of self and the world. Consciousness is our whole mental atmosphere. Do you have a general mental atmosphere of prosperity or lack? Do you have a general mental atmosphere of health or sickness? Do you have a general mental atmosphere of peace or conflict? Do you have a general mental atmosphere of ease or difficulty? Consciousness can be changed. Consciousness can be cultivated. In fact, to continue on an upward progression of your spiritual growth, you must continually raise your consciousness in whatever areas are current challenges to you.

One way to change your consciousness is with Spiritual Mind Treatment.

We can have a mental atmosphere of our own choosing. Wouldn't you rather have a general mental atmosphere of happiness instead of sorrow? A mental atmosphere of prosperity rather than of struggle and lack?

Objective consciousness changes subjective consciousness. That is how Spiritual Mind Treatment works, and that is how consciousness creates from the unseen to the seen.

Subjective consciousness is the female principle. It is feeling and belief. It is the creative medium that accepts what the objective consciousness puts into it. It also perpetuates what has already been subjectified.

Life is consciousness because it is creativeness. Life is always about creating. To create, both the masculine and the feminine is needed. Life is ruled by cause and effect. Cause is objective and subjective consciousness. The creative process is objective thought, subjectified in belief, leading to a physical effect.

Although gifted with self-choice, the power to decide, and the ability to observe and to reason, many of us still live quite unconsciously. This means we don't use our power to choose; we don't use our power of volition. Living unconsciously is just going along, letting old beliefs, old ways of thinking, race thought and others' views of life do the creating in our lives for us. Living unconsciously is letting the subconscious perpetuate what is already in it -- which is race thought and race thought's beliefs in evil, sickness, poverty, war, famine, disasters etc.

I'll let the great Emmet Fox expound: "We have the key to life; and that key is that life is a state of consciousness. The explanation of all of your problems, the explanation of your difficulties, and the explanation of your triumphs in life boil down to this: Life is a state of consciousness. That is the beginning and the end. That is the final step in metaphysics. All the other steps lead up to that.... You are and you have and you do in accordance with your consciousness.... There are other ways of looking at life which are superficially correct, but ultimately the final truth is that your life is a state of consciousness. Your so-called physical body is the embodiment of a part of your consciousness. Your home is the embodiment of another part of your consciousness. The kind of work you are doing -- whether you are in work which you love or work which you hate -- is the expression of your consciousness. The kind of people you attract into your life are the expressions of your consciousness about your fellow human beings.... People are trying to change outer conditions but leaving their consciousness unchanged, and it cannot be done."

Consciousness creates. Whether that is an aware consciousness (objective) or an unaware consciousness (subjective). Everything created has its cause in consciousness. We see the effects, but effects never create more effects. Everything ultimately leads back to a state of consciousness.

Tina Montalto is the founder and president of Conscious Kernels, Inc., an eMedia company specializing in New Thought spiritual eBooks, audio books, eCourses, programs, and music located on the web at: http://www.consciouskernels.com She is the author of "You are What You Think" available for free at the company's website. She is the creator of a one-of-a-kind pop-up electronic Affirmations Calendar, and serves as instructor for several eCourses on Spiritual Mind Treatment also available at the website. Conscious Kernels also offers a free monthly eNewsletter, a community-building blog, and podcasts.

Difference Between the Evolutionary Changes and the Development of Knowledge For Consciousness

Modern human consciousness has its roots and origins dating back two hundred thousand years to Africa. As species, Homo sapiens are a relatively new in their contemporary, evolved form, as for example the Dolphins we co-exist with are a species ten million years of age, but the development of humans is not only relative to the physical development of the consciousness, but also to the development of knowledge, reasoning skills and extending awareness of the phenomena in the environment.

In the timeframe of evolution, changes so vivid and rapid distinctive to the historic differences between contemporary humans and our ancestors in behavior and sense of reality cannot be located to be genetic as a cause for such range and variety inside of a species. Although we do not have firsthand experience of the inner lives of dolphins, the behavior of these playful creatures in non-captivity can still be expected to have remained relatively the same throughout the timeframe humans have co-existed with them.

In relativity with the data of contemporary genetics, we can still assume that the origins of consciousness are the same between humans and dolphins, but which have separated from each others to have a different set of neurological devices in the brains, some distinctive to the motor tasks of the differently shaped body, some, such as coalition detection, distinctive to our species in order to enable us to differentiate members from different tribes and bands. Thus, the physical evolution of consciousness exists within the boundaries of the genes that cause the emergence of the neurological devices that act in concert to cause the emergence of a conscious living being, whether an ape, a dolphin or a human.

Now, although it is for humans relatively the same brains that are used to gain skills, and to obtain knowledge, learning to make logical connections between representations, the capacity and what it can make a person to become are far beyond the scales and proportions of even the most imaginatively thinking individuals. When large proportions of the sense of reality are founded upon knowledge, what knowledge individuals become subjected with determines the building blocks of that sense of reality, and as knowledge is developed, the foundations of the sense of reality for the consciousness develops. Take for example the development of ethics. Ethics as they are, are in their very essence knowledge that alters human behavior without genetic brain surgery, but results still to differentiate behavior as actions are conducted in relativity with ethical representations. This kind of value-relative behavior can be used to sequence religious rituals, what is etiquette related behavior, how to dress or what to eat. To alter the natural behavior of dolphins is possible through conditioning, but not in the scales and proportions knowledge relative human behavior can be adjusted with as the knowledge itself is developed.

Henry M. Piironen is the author of "The Power of Transiency (How Thoughts Can Harness the Power of Life, the Universe and Everything)." To purchase this definitive book, visit Amazon Kindle Store now! Already read it? To purchase his other books, click here.

Fitted Kitchens and the Environment - Two Viewpoints to Conscious Living

It can only be said to be a good thing that mindfulness of our consumer waste and of our fuel consumption has begun to sink in to our culture as a whole. Along with the media's focus on the dire need for radical efforts in energy efficiency and cutting emissions, we have been stunned to learn of recent estimations of a 33% wastage of all un-bought and even uneaten supermarket food per day in the UK alone (estimably much worse than pre-refrigerator times).

In this article, I'd like to discuss just how these modern developments are currently informing the design of fitted kitchens. As the kitchen is in many cases the highest contributor to waste in produce and energy, the concentration is highly warranted. Though a relatively new focus in what we might call the development of the 'mindful' consumer, there are some exciting new developments in the drive to combat our consumer wastage at its source.

One advantage of a new fitted kitchen lies in your dictating how much cupboard space you will need to devote to food storage. With the development of a kind of simplified modern cooking technique, we are generally becoming persuaded away from buying outlandish or rarely-used ingredients and learning to develop a keen idea of our pantry closer to our fridge-less forebears. We are generally becoming better at knowing what we are likely to cook, as the new recipe books often indicate in their introductions.

Thinking also of appliance storage, we are gradually being deterred from stowing the 14" pressure-cooker and the sixty-piece food-mixer and its friends, in favour of a more simplified core group of equipment, perhaps four or five multi-purpose machines catering for most of our cooking needs. Empty cupboard space exists to swallow unneeded preserves and unused appliances - in this way we waste first money on purchasing the equipment and then money and food on old faded packets of things at the far corners of the cupboards. In addressing these problems in the design of a fitted kitchen, you can do away with unnecessary banks of cupboards and utilize the space to suit better the amount you consume in your home.

We might call this innovation a change of attitude - in order not to waste one third of our supermarket shopping, we need to see the food we consume as just as perishable as it would have been in a larder or pantry. But there are significant things happening in kitchen design and its technology to ensure efficiency and reduced emissions even from the production line. Recycled glass worktops, energy-saving kitchen lighting, and bespoke recycling storage units can all be integrated into the very design of modern fitted kitchens, showing an increasing level of commitment from suppliers of all elements of the kitchen.

We have seen recently a steady increase in attention to ecological and environmental issues in the home, and finally it seems that the kitchen design area is receiving the boost it requires to meet the grade, and right across the board, too. With further innovative ideas underway, we could soon be seeing a change for the better in our home kitchen management, and the way we think about purchasing a modern fitted kitchen.

To find out more about Fitted Kitchens and the environment visit Betta Living's website.

2012年6月18日 星期一

How To Understand Consciousness

Have you ever watched how animals are being slaughtered? I have the occasion to witness of slaughtering of sheep during the ritualistic slaughter during the Islamic festival of 'Idil Adha' - the Festival of Sacrifice. It is a religious festival celebrated by Muslims worldwide to commemorate the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Prophet Ishmael as an act of obedience to God.

The sacrificial animals are all arranged in a wooden barricade and each one of them are slaughtered. I watched the sheep giving minimal resistance when the 'subjugators' pull them to the nearby drain and laid them sideways and slaughtered the sheep. Do the sheep know what is actually going on with them? Are they conscious of their surroundings and what was happening to them? After that incident, I registered a 'painful' experience and wanted to go a vegetarian diet. But I did not long as I felt very lethargic after two weeks. I had no choice and had to revert to a more 'balanced' diet.

What is consciousness? It is a sensation of how awaken are you with your thoughts, feelings and the environment or surroundings. For illustration, if we encounter such 'life and death' matter we would have given a 'big' fight to the entire scene. It is because we are conscious. Our consciousness and animal 'consciousness' is very different.

What is consciousness?

If our lives are a recorded movie, can we rewind backwards in time to test how conscious are we? Move 10 years back and can we remember the things that happen to us. I think I can. It was a time when my third child came to this world and I moved in to my current home. I was lighter in body and mass as I had enrolled in gym. I had a nice mustache and a little younger. My children were very young and they were not so rebellious. My wife is still as beautiful. My profession was consistently with property management. 20 years back in time, I had my first marriage anniversary. I was living in a 4 room apartment many kilometres away from where I am staying now. My job was still in property management. It was a period I had experience my first born- a son.

The animals are dreaming while living

When I was 18 years old, I was studying in a private college worrying about my 'pimple' face. I did not want to engage in any kind of dating activity as I thought it was not genuine thing to do. I was more concern with spiritual matters.

When I was eight years old I can fairly remember the games I played and my favourite play toys. I can fairly remember my childhood friends. I can still remember my spiritual teacher who likes to wear white attires. When I was a year old, I cannot remember anything. The picture is blank. Consciousness is how awaken are you with your thoughts, feelings and surroundings. I find this interesting site about consciousness

Consciousness is when the knowledge about what is happening around is crystal clear and we are able to sense the outcome of the stimuli of the environment. You can be able to sense the good and bad about your thoughts and feelings. You are so called AWARE of your living.

Baby Brain

The brain size of a baby human is a little more than one quarter of its adult. Can you remember any incident when you were a year old and below? We hardly can because during that period only the lower portions of the nervous system (the spinal cord and brain stem) are very well developed, whereas the higher regions (the limbic system and cerebral cortex) are still rather primitive.

Our brain has evolved from a primitive stage to the existing one. Human brain was once similar in size and limited to the lower portion of the nervous system. The spinal cord and brain stem. This is the reptilian brain. It is the oldest which controls the body's vital functions such as the heart rate, breathing, body temperature and balance. It only consists of the brainstem and the cerebellum. The reptilian brain is reliable but tends to be somewhat rigid and compulsive.

Size of brain

It has been found that drinking alcohol can have adverse effect in brain size. It is intoxicating because consciousness is affected by the decrease in size. Pregnant mother also report of forgetfulness as the mother experience changes in size of brain. If a very minute decrease in size of brain can affect our consciousness what happens if the neo cortex is not developed or not there? If you can compare any animal brain to that of human we can see the difference. The size of brain matters. It is at the neo cortex that sensory and motor regions are located. Predatory mammals have larger neo cortex area than herbivorous animals. When a tiger attacks and kill its prey is all by 'non conscious' display of survival. But when we survive we do it with consciousness taking its good and bad, and fully aware its result. When we attack we have to have a reason to that. We do not live in forgetfulness unlike the animals. To say simply the animals truly living in a fantasy world - life is like dreaming to them. -but it is not for us. We live consciously.

Folds of the brain

The increase in the folds of the cortex has been a major factor in the evolution of the brain. These folds, by enabling a larger surface area to fit inside the cranial chamber, allow for a better organization of complex behaviours. This is another vital difference between a human brain to that of animal.


In my opinion, animals are living but they are living as how a dreamer will live. The consciousness in any animal is not consciousness to human standard. When we think and observe that the pain inflicted to the animal is registered by some measure it is not what they are experiencing. They are all dreaming while living.


Levels of Consciousness

Quote: "The mind works like a computer. It does what you train it to do. Install an original program of positive thoughts with an attitude representing the new you."

Our powerful mind operates like a machine. You perceive the world on the outside from the thoughts stored within your inner being. When you walk around in a dream like state of mind, illusions become a reality like closing your eyes and shutting the blinds. It is your responsibility to reprogram negative thoughts. To do this, start fresh and forgot about everything you were taught.

The mind is a terrible tool to waste. Focus on the different types of thoughts you create. We fail to realize our different states of consciousness affects the way we perceive the world. You can create a world of opportunity or live in a world of turmoil. How does the mind operate? It remembers and stores all experiences in the past from the ones you liked as well as the ones you hated. The mind has a systematic way of thinking. Learn the lessons, break the cycles or keep circling around sleep walking in past memories. Illusions pollute the mind to escape all forms of reality. We internalized problems from our past and learned to view the world subjectively. The majority of our judging and thinking stems from living life unconsciously. Do you know what is happening? The mind is in a dream like state as if we are sleep walking. Release these negative patterns of thoughts you battle with everyday. Wake up to who you really are and stop being afraid. The more you hold back, the more you delay. Consciousness is a state of awakening to a new sense of reality. Embrace life with more vitality and see the world with infinite possibilities. You cannot play tricks on such a powerful mind.

The mind creates thoughts with feelings attached. Whatever thoughts you conceive, positive or negative is exactly what you will attract. It is just as simple as that. Think about it for a second. You judge your relationships in rankings between good or bad. Are you reacting to the same hurt experienced from your past? Try not to over-react. Let go of the triggers within the subconscious mind, accept your feelings and allow them to pass. Learn to reprogram the way you think. It is all about being able to perceive things differently. You have nothing to be ashamed of if your thoughts are not in a good place. Keep thinking positive, believe in yourself and learn to have faith. The more you practice positive thinking, keep going and start creating. If you choose not to change the way you react to things, the subconscious mind will have no other choice but to cling to the same limited thinking. For you to reprogram the mind takes effort and determination. The mind must trust the heart and follow the gift of intuition. Conscious living requires enormous amounts of courage, inner strength and self-discipline. Break down these walls of defenses and accept God's love and blessings. Be prepared to face your realities and deal with past hurts. Get into the face of hidden fears first and bring your negative thoughts to surface. Change your perceptions or remain stuck in an illusionary world of suffering. Be realistic and accept that you are on a journey towards inner healing. It is okay if you fail. Get back up, breathe in and exhale. Stop accepting thoughts that binds you to limited thinking. Be free and independent to making realistic and conscious decisions. Next, we travel on down the road called Veils of Illusions.

Copyright 2009 Womensintuit. All rights and copyrights are reserved under Valencia Clay.

Valencia Clay is an inspirational leader and innovative pioneer in the field of spiritual healing. She has years of experience in seeking inner healing through research in religion, spirituality, universal laws, esoteric and metaphysical studies.

Valencia is the President and Founder of WomensINtuit, designed to assist and empower women on a spiritual journey to inner healing. Check out WomensINtuit's website at http://www.womensintuit.com

How to Consciously Choose the Life of Your Dreams

Everything in life is a choice and your spiritual growth depends entirely on the choices you make and the spirituality information that you immerse yourself in. The key to creating the life of your dreams is to begin the process of understanding how important it is to be conscious and aware of the choices you are making and whether those choices are serving you or not.

Relativity tells us that you can't know something as an experience until you first come to know its opposite. That is the purpose of the theory of relativity and all physical life.

That is why we have this other beautiful, magnificent and glorious ability in our lives called choice. We get to choose whatever it is that we desire. We can say "the devil made me do it" all we want, but the ultimate reality is that we make a choice about every decision we make in our lives.

Now comes the important question. Are you making your choices consciously or unconsciously? Really think about that one. Remember we are thinking up the life of your dreams here.

Are you thinking consciously or unconsciously? Think about that, consciously.

Right now you are reading this article. You are fully in the present moment. Your mind is engaged. Your brain is processing the data. You are in a conscious endeavor to improve your life. Right now you are thinking consciously, but what happens when you stop reading this article? Are you going to go over and turn on the idiot box and watch the next generation of a "reality show?" Are you going to mindlessly subject yourself to the commercials that tell you to go out and buy the next best version of the useless material possessions that already fill your cupboards and closets and your life?

Is that what you call conscious living? Does that serve you? I'm not making judgments here; I am just making observations. It is entirely your choice as to what you fill your days and nights with. I just want you think about what you are thinking about because that is the only way that you can begin to think consciously.

If we are saying that life is a process, and we are, then we want to be awake and aware of that process. You can only do that if you are conscious that life is a process and then consciously aware about how the process works.

That's why you are reading this article. To understand the true nature of how things work. This is a conscious endeavor, which takes some concerted effort, but the rewards and riches that await you are worth the undertaking.

We are not thinking about short-term gratification. We are going for the long haul, the big picture, the effortless life that awaits us when we wake up to this clarion call to consciously view life as a process.

Telling ourselves that "the devil made me do it" isn't going to cut it anymore. You can only use that excuse when you are living unconsciously. Remember we are changing the way we are thinking and thinking different thoughts. Thank you Albert Einstein for telling us that you can't change your current situation by thinking the same thoughts that got you there. You must change the way you are thinking and think different thoughts.

Start the process of consciously being aware of your current situation and the begin to consciously make choices that open up different avenues of thought that have the potential to create the life of your grandest dreams and aspirations.

Richard Blackstone is an award winning author and international speaker on Love, Oneness & Creation. Journey into discovery of Self by reading this FREE report; "The 3 Simple Immutable Laws of the Universe" at: http://www.NutsandBoltsSpirituality.com

2012年6月17日 星期日

Gaia - Earth Mother and Turtle? Ancient Wisdom For Conscious Living

Gaia is etymologically a compound word composed of two elements: Ge, meaning "Earth," which is also a pre-Greek substrate word related to Ki in Sumerian, also meaning Earth and Aia comes from an Indo-European derivative meaning "Grandmother." Therefore, the full etymology of Gaia was once "Grandmother Earth." Most of us know Gaia simply as Earth or Mother Earth; the primordial element from which all things originated, which is what the Romans believed as well. They knew Gaia, the Great Mother, as a single living entity that encompassed the totality of every element in the Universe; land, sea, or sky. The Greeks knew her as an ancient primeval goddess who personified the Earth and whose emergence appeared at the creation of the Universe, born from Chaos. Gaia's power was far reaching in Ancient Greece, making oaths sworn in her name to be the most binding of all. If only such value for her was still a part of our lives, perhaps we'd discover more honor in promise to the planet we live on and more synergy and harmony through conscious, symbiotic care of the collective she signifies.

Throughout the ages and cultures, active worship of this titan of fertile Earth came under the guise of many names and varied forms ranging from reverent bowing to druidic ritual, all in an effort to get more in tune with the rhythm and continuity of nature she embodies. She represented to all, the Earth, or spiritual embodiment of the Earth, and sometimes was the goddess of all creation from which all other gods sprang. Only Egyptian mythology holds a reverse personification, whereas Geb is the Earth Father while Nut is the Sky Mother, as opposed to Zeus as Sky Father and Gaia as Earth Mother. In Indian religions, the Mother of all creation is called "Gayatri," which is a very close form of Gaia. She is the mother of all Vedas, consort of the God Brahma, and personification of the all-pervading Parabrahman - the ultimate unchanging reality that lies behind all phenomena. Many Hindus view connection through the pure love and essence of the Gayatri Mantra as Divine awakening of the mind and soul and a way to reach the most Supreme form of existence. Simply, the mantra helps us reach toward our divine mother and receive her blessings and wisdom to support us through the challenges of life. Gaia's qualities of divine femininity express her desire to nurture mankind and mirror for us, the reverence we have forgotten to honor.

Far too coincidental and divinely synchronous, turtles are the most ancient, vertebrate creatures that also possess Gaia's wisdom and mother energy and through such, have much to impart. Many ancient myths, such as those of the Indigenous North Americans, describe the world as resting on the turtle's back and many still refer to North America as Turtle Island. This is illustrated by their creation legends that tell of a time when Earth was covered by water and Turtle dove to the ocean's depths to bring forth Earth on its back so the people could have a safe, dry home. Like Gaia, these ageless beings have carried a myriad of symbolic meanings throughout the ages and cultures, mysteriously linking them as symbols of the primal mother (except in African lore where it is a male symbol) and lunar cycles; again possessing Earth and Cosmic Universal significance and connection with the center. Far East Asian myth believed turtles brought about the creation of the Universe from its parts, which are said to depict a map of the stars and sacred writings: the shell symbolic of the heavens and used in divination readings, the body symbolic of the Earth, and its undershell symbolic of the underworld. This cosmic order they represent, coupled with the magical ability to support us in uniting heaven and earth within our lives, supports our experience of life as "heaven on earth." They are the only animal to have the honor of symbolizing both Mother Earth and healing waters, as well as personifying winter, humidity, thunder to the Mayans, Venus, Aphrodite, Northern directions, and the moon (most turtle shells are divided into 13 sections depicting the 13 yearly phases of the moon.) Powerfully nurturing and protecting, turtle medicine is beautifully illustrated through shared attributes with its Earth Mother counterpart, Gaia, while their spirit symbolizes profound lessons in light of its own example.

There is a presence and flow of steadfast strength in their deliberate, steady, and thorough approach to a life of non-doing, non-reaction, acceptance, and naturalism. Always at home within themselves, they embody the meaning of "home is where the heart is," understanding detachment and freedom. These carefree, patient, instinctual creatures honor the rhythms of life balance, demonstrate non-violent, self-defense mechanisms, and know when to turn within. Navigating one day at a time, they mirror the importance of moving at one's own pace through life while honoring boundaries. Turtles are survivors; living so near the Earth, moving slowly, aging gracefully, symbolizing groundedness, and embracing courage with faith, as is demonstrated through the progress they make only by sticking their neck out. It is no wonder they are considered the wisest of souls in the animal kingdom, offering a potent and profound analogy for humankind on many deep levels.

So intertwined are the turtle and Gaia; there is no mistaking the significance and association of their deep and profound symbology that seemingly comes from two separate sources, but are synonymously bridged as one. Such contrast between an omnipotent presence and an unassuming innocence and yet the blood lines run through the core of the same essence. Do not be fooled by the book's cover, as both embody the spirit and soul of Earth and beyond and share with us invaluable knowledge and teachings. Across the board, whether known as Gaia, personified as Turtle, called, sung, or chanted by another synchronous name, she is the connection to the Universal mothering and nurturing source that leads us to a deep sense of profound peace and balance within and manifested without. Yet, more than any other goddess, she is consistently identified as the divine and animate Earth Mother; the living, conscious planet we reside on that provides sustenance and inherent wisdom to all of her children. Gaia personifies awareness of our connectedness through the circle of life and the sacredness of all life, be it plant, animal, human, or stars above. She roots her values and respectively ours, helping us to remember that connection and to remind us that respect and gratitude for everything and everyone around us is the ever-present message she hopes to impart. Through this conscious living we can attain that balance and wholeness that is the promise Gaia offers. Shifting our perspective to that of experiencing connection with her as a partner in life worth respect and honor, we can then enjoy the blessings of that union through the daily gifts of beauty and miracles she provides.

Dedicated and inspired by my new friend and Russian Tortoise, Gaia: a sweet, magical, Taurean-born being possessing earthy, feminine energy, as her name suggests. Gaia's name was spoken to me from the Universe as I listened to ancient mantras on the way home from receiving her into my life. She was restless in her box, but instantly calmed to a stillness with the sound of the first mantra playing. Ironically, as I listened to it and sang the words, the only thing that pervaded my thoughts and essence was the Gayatri Mantra, even though the mantra I was singing was not this one. I only had Gayatri on my mind for some odd reason and didn't realize I hadn't been listening to it, until hours later after reaching home. So while I sang the mantra playing, I heard the word "Gayatri" in my head and instantly thereafter, Gaya...Gaia. I turned to my little friend and knew. The Universe and she had both spoken her name to me through the ancient mantra playing. And now I know why.

Tania Marie is a Visionary Artist & Reiki Master Teacher leading Integrative, Sacred Journeys & Workshops, residing in Incline Village, NV. For more information about her work and services please visit http://www.taniamarie.com or call (775) 343-9244. Treatments & classes available by distance, by request in your area, or at Reno & Tahoe locations. Sacred Journey to Egypt 12/3-12/13/08.

Inquiring Into The Whole Nature Of Human Consciousness

The primary challenge that human beings are facing is only one major conundrum: the ignorance about The Psychological Thought Process, a.k.a., the CONSCIOUSNESS OF MANKIND.

The vast destruction that permeates the entire world originates from this psychological entity [Ego]. Every human being comprises this self-destructive fragmentary process. The Ego cannot be completely eliminated by force of any kind; nor can it be vanquished by willpower. The only reason why the bulk of humanity accepts that there is no other way to live except to serve this fragmentary egotistical process (which goes by many names or labels) is because it doesn't want to know the truth about its root nature. As a matter of fact, our Ego is the result of psychological blindness or ignorance that it purposefully maintains/defends. In a word, Ego doesn't want to end. And, so long as Ego goes unchecked/unaware of its manner of functioning on a whole, then there will be more of what you hear about on the news and in your communities all around the world. However, there is absolutely nothing preventing human beings from resolving this peculiar conundrum except for themselves. In other words, people desire to be ignorant about their own thought process [a.k.a., the Ego]. Therefore, people are willingly, yet unknowingly, self-destructive victims due to their conditioning, which they defend with their very lives.

For centuries Humanity has been led (by his own thinking) to believe that the only way to live happily is by assuming that we must follow or believe in something or other. But, just what are we following? Belief leads to conflict, always. Conflict is the negation of happiness, isn't it? The Ego (our psychological thought process) pretends that it has the answers through the conjuring of various beliefs, dogmas, opinions or ideals of some kind. And, that at some future point there will be a Great Reward for adhering to ones beliefs. So that is all in the limited field of TIME. However in the meantime, confusion and sorrow reigns, right? Also one might take note of the fact that this thought process has existed for thousands of years and has yet to make good on its promise of peaceful living. This illusion of bringing about something new, something that is fair or something that will be beneficial for the entire human race is always referenced as 'the greater good' or 'a noble cause', but always in the future. And, in the name of that pretext human beings proceed to slaughter one another - claiming that, "In the end there shall be salvation"; isn't that so? Hence, Mankind has been perpetually repeating this, primitive psychological vortex. Ergo, there has been no fundamental change at the root level of Human Consciousness.

When there's a problem of dealing with material necessities then one must take action. You use thinking to develop skills or business so that you can pay your bills and provide for food, clothing and shelter. When thought is used for physiological survival purposes, then there is no problem. After all, we would parish as a species were it not for our technical ideas that we use to take care of our biological needs through technology and whatnot. Thinking is the accumulation and recall of knowledge. Then that storehouse of knowledge is put to use to resolve material problems. That is the innate function of the Human Mind.

However, that is not where the human race took a wrong turn and became delusional and irrational - NO. 'Thinking' used to bring about psychological answers or so-called spiritual answers is where hell on Earth came into being. Psychologically, the problem lies in the way we think. So instead of approaching this process (by positively projecting our beliefs, ideals, opinions or desires) to resolve psychological thinking; how about we take a radically different approach - an approach that is not a 'positive' assertion of what we believe the truth is? How about we approach the Whole Nature of psychological thinking through negation [by finding out what is false in order for the Truth to shine through]? In other words by seeing what is illusory about Human Consciousness, as a byproduct, one may discover what is real and is no longer caught in this illusory, restrictive and fragmentary process. If this psychological thinking has repeatedly proven that it causes suffering, fear, frustration and stress, then instead of positively asserting that we know the answer to break free (that has been tried for centuries and has failed), how about we ask the right questions to discover what is false? After all, the truth lies in seeing that a false thing is a false thing, correct? From this point on, let us explore if it is possible to be free of our consciousness/ego by raising fundamentally crucial questions to expose the fallacy of psychological thinking, of which every human being contains.

[*Note: There can be no unbiased investigation into this problem when there is a presence of Authority (i.e., something or someone that is blindly followed without question). That being said, I'm not your Authority. I'm not important. I'm simply a mirror that is reflecting what is actual, not according to my liking, but just the way it is - regardless of my personal desires. Therefore, everything that I say has no meaning at all if you are not interested in inquiring for yourself. If you are interested you will be skeptical and allow these questions to awaken a state of intelligence or wisdom. Otherwise, reading this to debate it is meaningless. So I'll be putting forth vital questions that will penetrate the heart of our conditioning, if you truly want a happy/peaceful life.

May we begin our inquiry by asking, "What has happened to human beings after all of these thousands of years?" Haven't we, as a species, become coarse, brutal, hateful, enslaved by so-called religious beliefs with their various divisions and, thereby, creating enemies? Aren't human beings living in a world of confusion, wars and ultimately self-destruction? Don't we constantly yearn for either an ideal, belief or a person to lead us out of this chaotic mess (by following political leaders, religious leaders or other kinds of leaders who claim they have the solution but that it will always take TIME - isn't that what they all have in common right)? And if you are real honest ask yourself, have these leaders helped Humanity to deeply bring about a radically different way of living without confusion, conflict or fear?

Now in order to understand the Whole Nature of our Consciousness mustn't one ask, "What is it that we are trying to Become?" What is it that each one of us are trying to do or achieve and gain an end? What is it we all want? No matter if one is educated or not; aren't we all striving after control? It is natural to become something in this world. If one does not know how to drive a car, we spend time acquiring knowledge and practice driving. So one is Becoming a driver. If one wishes to be skilled at anything profession it will take time and practice to Become proficient at it. So that distinct kind of Becoming is natural and necessary, of course.

On the other hand, is it natural or inevitable that human beings must Become Something Psychologically? In Becoming Something doesn't it involve TIME (i.e., I was this yesterday but tomorrow I will Become totally different)? One is violent and strives to Become 'non-violent'. Isn't it the premise that by telling oneself that one is NOT violent and believes in that self-assertion then one has Become other than violence? And, even if it were possible to 'achieve' non-violence, wouldn't there be a craving to pursue further 'achievements' of yet other psychological goals? Thus, wouldn't one be trapped in the perpetual pursuit of trying to Become Something and, in the interim, one is never satisfied?

So are we trying to Become More Enlightened? What is it each one of us is trying to 'achieve'? Is this not an important question to ask? We are predisposed to Becoming Something (inwardly), right? Haven't we made the error of thinking that just because we are suppose to Become Something that is on the level of technical skills that we are also suppose to carry over 'achievement' into the Psychological sphere? So what is it deeply that we are trying to 'achieve'? But, IS THERE ANYTHING TO ACHIEVE, PSYCHOLOGICALLY? So whenever we achieve something along the lines of skill or talent, we go on to use that as a mark of status, prestige or social superiority above our fellow man in order to magnify our sense of SELF-IMPORTANCE so that we can dominate others, right? If you're aware of all this within yourself, haven't you also noticed that each 'achievement' is separate from the other? So no matter what you psychologically 'achieve', it will mean nothing when it comes to trying to achieve something else, psychologically. So doesn't that process leave one craving more and more - never quite feeling completely fulfilled, right?

For example let's say, "I am Poor/Uncertain [inwardly] and I want to be Rich/Certain [inwardly]", right? (Richness consists of Accumulating 'psychological' Knowledge.) Does that not mean that one is always struggling to Become What one Projects (based on the principle of REWARD or PUNISHMENT)? Reward is where you come to a point where you can say, "I've done it!", right? Doesn't PSYCHOLOGICALLY PAIN occur when one isn't able to achieve the ideal that one has setup for oneself? Does this not constitute Failure?

*[Reminder: the writer isn't offering you any opinions, beliefs or ideals. One is merely examining the entire nature of Human Consciousness. We're journeying into our psychological thought process by just looking at it and seeing it as it is, not as we wish it to be. Just to find out what will happen if we watch this process unfold without any domination. What you discover is all that matters. I'm unimportant. Don't accept anything that I say but instead, test it for yourself. Question your own mind by observing it. You aren't being instructed on 'what' to think but, rather, 'how' to think, and that is a big difference.]

Isn't the key ingredient to Becoming Something "TIME"? Politicians are always saying that it will take TIME to end war or provide the basic resources for everyone, right? But after all these centuries of Time, hasn't there always been war and poverty? WHAT IS [PSYCHOLOGICAL] TIME? Isn't it important to understand the nature of Time? Physical Time is the sunrise and sunset, or the days of the week or the weeks of a month, or morning, noon, evening and night. But, there is also the Time that says, "I am this and I desire to Become that". Or, society is this and it will take Time to change it. Don't most people rely upon Hope? Isn't Hope a form of Time? Things are awful and frightening right now but, in the future, it will be better - one Hopes, right? (That is Time.) The remembrance of past experiences is Time. Isn't the accumulation of knowledge within the field of Time? Also, knowledge can never be complete; so isn't it always accompanied with ignorance? Isn't Cause-and-Effect Time? So isn't the Human Consciousness conditioned by Time (being repetitive, mechanical, conforming to an ideal)? And, will it take Time to be free of that conditioning? Or, is Time the problem?

Why do we fail to make the connection between this false psychological Becoming resulting in inequality, animosity, aggression and violence? We all say that we want happiness and a peaceful world, yet how quickly we shrink away from investigating and truly understanding our own egotistical self-centered activities. Wouldn't we rather rationalize everything that we do? Wouldn't we rather pretend to ourselves that we are moral, kind, loving and peaceful (and all the while we do horrible things in the name of the so-called 'greater good')? When we hurt others don't we try to erase that immoral action away by doing something superficially charitable so that we can still maintain that we are good, decent and compassionate?

Does intelligence or love have a 'cause'? If there is a 'cause' for intelligence or love then they are limited by Time, as well. If we continue along the lines of Time (which is cause-and-effect) then there can never be a radical change in Consciousness, right? Therefore, 'cause' will ultimately produce its own effect, which is still conditioning and which also maintains conflict. All Human Consciousness is controlled by conditioning (ceaselessly projecting ideals, dogmas, superstition, propaganda, etc.). Psychologist have said that conditioning can never end. All that one can do is modify it, which means you can't leave its prison; you can only modify it and perhaps dress it up - but, isn't that still a prison? We are questioning if our psychological conditioning/programming can be fundamentally changed without using Time. That is the primary challenge of our human existence, isn't it?

However, wouldn't there be a radical change in conditioning if one were to "discover" the cause of the Whole Nature of Conditioning? For instance: One feels lonely (this is the cause) and the outcome of that is to isolate oneself further by concentrating on a belief/ideal (this is the effect). The very ending of the cause is the ending of loneliness, right? What is causing us to feel this deep sense of separation from all outward and inward relationship (which is loneliness)? Despite being surrounded by friends and family why does one still feel isolated and cut off - alone? If anyone explains the reason why, it will not be the truth for you. The explanation isn't the reality, right? For example if see a meal in a commercial, will that image make your hungry stomach full? No, of course not. Similarly, if I tell you the answer to end your conditioning will it end it? No, of course it won't. So one is faced with finding out for oneself what is the 'cause' of loneliness? Do you use thought (which is the outcome of knowledge which is limited) to inquire into this question? If you do use thought it can never be complete about anything, right? So thought is always limited. Do you inquire into the question by the exercise of thought? If you use thought to find out, you can only find out the superficial cause because thought is fragmented. Therefore, 'Thinking' can never get at the root 'cause' of conditioning, right?

Is there another instrument to inquire into this complex problem (of psychological thinking)? We are so used to using thought for everything in our daily life that we often assume that there is no other instrument. Isn't that how human beings have been educated, conditioned (programmed)? But, that instrument is incapable of delving deeply, profoundly into human conditioning due to the fact that it is a fragmentary, limited process, isn't it? It is very important that one is very clear about this, because if you are not, then you will be condemned to be enslaved by conditioning/confusion for all of your life, which is typically what happens to most people, anyway.

The 'cause' is that conditioning has brought about uncertainty, hope, isolation/loneliness, confusion and fear. And, the 'effect' is that Man has invented an idea called "God". If thought is not the instrument to inquire with, then what is? This is not my personal question. This question is for anyone in the world who is really serious about totally ending conditioning. Is the "other" instrument, if it exists, the invention of thought? Thought cannot examine the universe and its extraordinary order because thought itself is limited. So the question is: "Is there a way of Observation that is unlimited"? So can one deeply OBSERVE this total sense of loneliness/isolation with all of its destructive consequences?

Where there is loneliness/isolation there must also be various forms of conflict, antagonism, hatred inevitably leading to battle. So what is the instrument, which is not thought or unconsciously invented by thought and say, "Yes, that is it!" Therefore, one must be very, very clear that it is not the activity of remembrance, which is thought.

So we have to go into the question of Observation.

Observation may be the instrument, but we are not asserting that it is. Because an assertion is dogmatic and one may accept it and then there is no meaning. On the other hand, one is objectively investigating, without bias, whether Observation is the instrument to inquire into our conditioning of isolation/loneliness. But we know for an absolute fact that thought is Limited, utterly! Thought is not your thought or my thought - thought is thought and it is Limited under all circumstances, period. If one is clear about that then one can posit the other question. Only when you SEE for yourself the reality that thought is Limited then you are mentally free to inquire, "Is there another instrument that is not put together by thought?" But if you are confused, then you will be playing a [self-deceptive] game. Is that clear?

If we are clear on this point then, "Is there an Observation (without the word, without association or without remembrance of various past experiences)?" Hence, is it possible to Observe without the past? Is it possible to Observe the Whole World as It Is - not through an opinion as an American, British, Russian, Asian, etc. nor through the views of a particular religious sect or a particular race, not as a political activist nor as a terrorist, which are all various forms of conditioning that are all biased as well as Limited, right? Instead, can one simply Observe the whole movement of conditioning? Can one Observe conditioning, which is loneliness, without the accumulated memory of experience? Can one look at the world around oneself as well as within as though for the first time - afresh? Isn't that what is meant by Observation without the past?

So can you Observe what I am pointing out without being distracted by what the history is about the Author? Are you inwardly free to really Look at yourself as you are? Observation requires Attention, does it not? Observation is not done just to please yourself or to accommodate your past memories - but to Observe every single movement of thought, and that is all. Can one do that? Find out for yourself. Don't rely on anyone else to discover it for you, because that is impossible. When you listen to a song, can you listen to it without thinking about the name of its composer? Can you simply Listen to the song without any form of association? Is there not great beauty in that listening, as if for the very first time? Similarly, can one Observe our conditioning (whether it be the conditioning of yourself or another) in that fresh state of Observation? This is very important to understand or else one is forever lost.

Is loneliness brought about by self-centered activities? Is it the case that I feel lonely? Or rather, is Loneliness Me? I am Loneliness, right? Loneliness is not over there and I am Looking at it as though it were an entity outside of me. But instead, Observe the fact that I am Loneliness. I cause Loneliness whenever I pursue my own desires to Become Something, psychologically. So hasn't the outward activity of isolation and the inward activity of loneliness brought this about? The key here is: Can one Observe the 'cause' without wanting to transform or change or control it? Just Observe it as you would Observe the flow of the ocean. You cannot change the depth of the ocean nor it its magnificent nature. So can you Observe the 'cause' - the 'cause' being the whole way of our life, which is a direct result of our thinking? If you can objectively Observe the 'cause', then that very Observation is the ending of the 'cause' and therefore the 'effect' is Loneliness is completely gone, as well.

So from that shall we inquire together the question of fear (i.e., the fear of public opinion, fear of what others will say about you, fear of being exposed for some wrongdoing one may have done in the past, fear of growing old and eventually dying, fear of not fulfilling ones dreams and the fear of not being loved and fear of not loving). There is fear that one might lose my mate, fear of what my mate thinks of me. Fear of being lonely. Fear of getting hurt so instead you want to hurt another. We carry this hurt all throughout our life. In not wanting to be hurt, we build a psychological wall around ourselves. Then there is the fear of not Becoming that which you desire to Become. Fear is like a vast tree with many branches and chattering leaves. And, isn't it our conditioning to be forever preoccupied with one form of fear or another? But one of our greatest fears is the fear of tomorrow - will I lose what I desire or will I get what I desire or will I be able to keep what I have gained already? Also, don't we fear having no significance or importance in life? Don't we worry that our life might end up having no meaning? But if one is honest does a life based on conditioning have any intrinsic value or meaning? Isn't a conditioned life smothered in strife and conflict - never being content with what one is? Aren't we always seeking the so-called 'better' and never quite reaching a point to being at peace with ourselves? So fear has multiple forms/expressions, doesn't it?

Fear is not your fear or my fear - it's fear! You may translate fear in one way and I may have another way of expressing it but, basically, it is fear, nonetheless. And if one is sane one understands that fear must end. Not ending fear by tearing off the branches or the leaves of the various expressions of fear, but instead find out in reality what is the root 'cause' of all fear, psychologically? There was a time when people did not know what was causing the disease known as Scurvy Then it was discovered that Scurvy was caused due to a lack of vitamin C. So the discovery of the cause put an end to both the cause-and-effect (of Scurvy). So once you discover for yourself what causes fear, doesn't fear end?

Now, we are concerned with inquiring into what is the 'cause' of fear, which is common to all Mankind? This is important to discover for oneself. Human beings have lived with fear for thousands of years; and he has escaped from it - distanced himself from it, rationalized or justified it, but he has not resolved the cause of fear. But fear remains at the core of our Consciousness (whether it is at the conscious level or hidden deep down in the unconscious layers). So let us discover what is the 'cause' of it. If YOU discover it, then hold it and Observe its entire nature as if it were a precious jewel.

This leads us into the question of what is Intelligence? Surely, it isn't the product of thought, which is fragmented, limited to cause-and-effect. Regardless of your economic status or the level of your education, the nature of Becoming is the same process for everyone - so it is neither yours nor mine. Thought can never have that extraordinary capacity of Intelligence. Intelligence has NO 'cause'; just like Love has NO 'cause'. Can you see that where there is 'cause' there can be NO Intelligence/Love? Therefore, Intelligence is inquiring into the Whole nature of fear through the act of impartial Observation.

So we come back to asking, "What is the 'cause' of fear?" Is it thought? Is it Time? Is it Desire - Desiring to be free from fear? So are we looking at the 'cause' with Intelligence? Or, are we trying to make an effort to Look/Observe (because you want to be free from fear or you want to be happy, etc., etc.). If one is making an effort to Observe then that is a 'cause' and so there is no Intelligence, instead there is only fear. So, Desire, Time and Thought; they are not separate - they are interrelated. Therefore, they are one. So, is that the 'cause'? Desire, Time and Thought is one unitary movement that is 'causing' fear. For example, "I am not free of fear right now, but I will be eventually." That is based upon desire-time-thought which is one unitary movement which is producing fear, isn't it? There is the fear of being dead. One is not dead but one will be dead. So there is this an interval between living and the end, which is time right? Effort has a 'cause', fear has a 'cause'. However, Intelligence or Love has NO 'cause'. Although Desire, Time and Thought may appear to be different they are within the same field of psychological 'cause' movement. This whole movement of fragmentation, contradiction, conflict and fear is defensive.

*[Reminder: You are using your ability to Observe for yourself the truth about what we are exploring together. Please don't accept anything that I say. It is up to you to go into this. Be aware of your conditioning as it reacts to what is being said here. Watch it and learn. Do you detect fear urging you to either reject or accept all of this? Do you sense your reluctance to just Observe?]

Now, you have discovered for yourself the 'cause' of fear, right? So what is your action, or non-action? And, upon discovering the 'cause' of fear aren't we conditioned/programmed to automatically think that we must take action to change what we have discovered? So what action does one take? One either tries to erase it, forget it, analyze it, tear it to pieces; "I must ACT!" Once discovering the 'cause' of fear one is compelled to feel that it is unbearable so one must get rid of it or somehow go beyond it, transmute it or do something about it. But who is going to do something about it? Surely, Desire, Time and Thought is YOU/ME, isn't it? Isn't it apparent that YOU ARE Fear? You might try to separate yourself from that; but, you are that, nonetheless. If you are perpetually seeking illusion/ideals, then you are fear and you are the enemy of Mankind. If you are nationalistic, bound to a certain religion/certain dogma, seeking an illusion of freedom then that is fear and you are that.

What happens when one actually realizes and sees the fact that I am fear? I'm not separate from fear. Is the mind then fresh whenever it perceives the reality about itself without struggling to change that reality according to what one prefers? Therefore, the 'cause' of fear is myself, isn't it? So hasn't our inquiry revealed that the 'cause' of fear is Desire, Time and Thought, which is the entire composition of my consciousness? The content of your consciousness is the common content of the Consciousness of all Humanity. So our inquiry into the entire nature of fear isn't a selfish activity. One isn't just concerned with being free from fear but, it is the ending of the whole structure of human fear (of which I am a part); do you understand? So when we Observe fear we are considering the Whole Nature of Human Fear. But if you are looking at it as though it were your personal fear, then you have to examine why you think it is your personal fear. Then you will find out that if you think it is your personal fear then that is limited or fragmented. If you like to live that way that is your business - no one is going to force you. That is what humanity has done; living in separate compartments fighting and destroying each other.

So this observation has led you to this investigation, which is a very careful examination into the nature of fear. Can the mind, which is accustomed to escape into beliefs, ideals or opinions; which is conditioned to rationalize; which is molded to escape into some other form of entertainment; can that mind break the pattern through Observation without any movement of its past conditioning? This requires your application. Then when you so Observe; that is, when you give complete, total attention to the 'cause' (not because one wants to escape) - when there is complete attention of the 'cause' what happens? That very Light of Attention dispels the 'cause'. And, so there is a total ending of fear.

Don't ask, "How about occasionally if it comes up again?" Can this ending be perpetual? That state in which you realized the nature of fear when I point it out one has captured it for a second. Then one wants to know; "Can that second continue?" Isn't that Desire asking that question, which is Time and Thought? So you are back in a circle again. You see our mind is so used to continuity. I have had happiness so it must go on for the rest of my life. So, Observe without any movement of thought. Give complete, total energy and attention to Observe the jewel that one has caught - the jewel being the 'cause' (of the nature of fear). Where there is a 'cause' there is also an 'effect' so in motiveless Observation, the 'cause' ends, as well as its 'effect'. So you have to see the whole movement of Consciousness, not just its fragmentary movement which you are pursuing. Now that we've discovered the false you are free from all conditioning.

Although I am a student who has undertaken a special journey that a man named, J. Krishnamurti has invited the entire human race to investigate, I am NOT a disciple/follower of his. Everything that I write is from my own impartial observations about human consciousness. I have no degree in psychology. None of that is necessary to free oneself of ones psychological conditioning/programming. We are all capable of examining our mind as it reacts in our daily life. Since just about everyone is programmed, it's almost impossible for anyone to understand what it means to observe ones conditioning, because whatever you find out, you are programmed to use your thinking to change it. And, all thinking will only reinforce conditioning, which is fear.

If you would like to understand why the world is drowning in confusion, then you may explore/inquire into this matter at its very root, if you intend to end this destructive process (which dwells within all human beings). Here is a place that can assist you in your journey: http://www.jkrishnamurti.org/ Please note that this is NOT something to believe in nor is it possible to see the truth through this teacher's eyes. If you do not find out the truth, then nothing you see or hear will create a real change in human consciousness. This is not like a subject in school that you memorize. This is about impartial, objective OBSERVATION of the Entire Nature of Psychological Becoming, if unchecked, will destroy Mankind. However, most of the human race is engaged in that endeavor and think that anyone who is not is crazy. Be aware that this isn't something that you are used to dealing with. I live what I write about, this is not a product of thought/theory.