2012年7月22日 星期日

Conscious Living - How to Get Started?

During my search for assistance I have found that there are a number of differing opinions out there about it and mostly you will find that people associate Conscious Living with personal development. To some extent they are correct but if you take a closer look Conscious Living has a lot more to do with evolving rather then personal development.

I say this for a few reasons and the main one of these is that you can sit in your chair all day long, day after day saying any number of affirmation s and end up with pressure sores and not much else.

Why is this so?

It has a lot to do with your mindset and the way you see things around you and your beliefs. You see no matter how hard you attempt anything is not the issue. The issue is how much YOU YOURSELF BELIEVE that what you are doing can be accomplished.

I can hear you saying "But I have to start somewhere and once I get the runs on the board my belief will come" WRONG and a total waste of your time also as it is back the front to the way things really work.

You see with all the programming we have received in childhood simple words will not be strong enough to change your MIND. Do you not think that if you were you to find out that you are part of a bigger picture and are capable of so much more, should you believe in yourself, that you would have more commitment and interest in your development. More commitment produces more and faster results.

Is it really that simple you might ask. It is always the first step that is the hardest to take as in MOST cases it will take you outside your comfort zone and that is a hard step to take, for most people, until they start to see the compensations for taking that step. I know the feeling as I had to take the leap of faith to also get going just like you might be doing right now.

There is a lot of material out there that simply is no good as it does not provide the full instructions or sufficient guidance to help you along the way. That was until I stumbled across a site which had a product that claimed to be mused to the author from higher sources and even provided exercises for me to complete. When I Started reading it I found that it was more of a User Manual compared to all the other material out there, that I have sampled.

This Author was also willing to answer my question when I had them. I don't know about you but having someone there to literarily hold my hand during the initial steps was something that I can not place a value on.

The only thing I trust is that you will gain the same results I have and be the person that makes Conscious decisions about his life and has the opportunity to reap the results.

I wish you all the best for your personal development journey and look forward to you assisting me in making this planet a better one for all on it.

To see what I have been talking about go to.


