2012年8月18日 星期六

7 Reasons Why It's Important to Live From Heart Consciousness

So, what's all the hub bub about Heart Consciousness?

Our Heart centered truth always communicates with us. Never is there a time when it does not MOVE, BREATH and THINK with each of us. We already carry "Heart Centered Consciousness or just a Heart center inside each of us". Never is there a time where your heart center is outside of you where you feel you must find it, seek it out or go in search of it. Your Heart never hides from you and is always present and patiently waiting for you to recognize what is being freely given to you.

By consciously making an effort to be in our heart center we regain our KNOWING. To get to internalize heart consciousness it does not take work; it takes remembering, enjoying, rejoicing, recognizing, playing and Knowing.

In real time, NOW, away from distractions one can center into feeling your heart center. Recognizing those emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual signs and giving them energy is what draws us back or highlights the detachment from the heart self, the true self.

BOOKS, TEACHERS AND COURSES are tools, reminders; but, never should they take the place of what you know within yourself. Your heart has always been there for you. It has never left you and will always remain with you. The only thing that has clouded the connection is the perspective of "something is lost". Perspective is very strong and can certainly derail any means of clarity.

Each day, each experience, each spoken word, each emotion we feel centers us within our "true voice", our heart center. We are blessed with creator gently nudging us or sometimes giving us no option but to pursue our rediscovery of our heart self. When doubt, self destructive tendencies, self blocks cloud our truth, we become less communicative with this voice and begin a long arduous path of detachment and emotional upheaval.

Here are seven important reasons why, it is important to live in our heart center to stay consciously connected to heart energy;

1. You heal your self, others, and mother Earth. Yes, it is that simple. Just by shifting from mind consciousness to heart centered consciousness you heal your self, others, and mother Earth. Yes, it is that simple. All we have to do and be is LOVE and it happens when shift from mind consciousness to heart consciousness. All you have to be is love, it's the answer to everything! It's easy to shift your consciousness from the mind to the heart and just be. To shift the planet to heart consciousness it takes only 1/3 of the population on the planet to do this it. Let's all commitment to living from the heart and to spreading the message, it is possible to heal mother earth and each other. There is no more time to waste.

2. Your TRUE VOICE comes from your heart center. EMBRACE YOUR HEART CENTERED VOICE. It's your and its free. Enjoy your love and heart consciousness self. Wake up each day and begin it with listening to your heart self, your heart voice. Remind yourself throughout the day of your true communication and soon you will always be in your heart centered voice, always in heart consciousness and grounded within ALL THAT IS YOU. When we let go of all doubt, miscommunication and allow our true heart voice to be heard and felt, one feels an instant connection with spirit, voice, higher self etc. This is the alignment everyone speaks of. We become on with our own vibration, our own voice and our own heart. There is comfort, strength, joy, solitude, reverence, youthfulness, excitement.....we become childlike in our adventures.

What is different about this connection? How do you know this is your truth? You do not have to think about it. The connection is so natural that it resonates without conflict. All energy centers align and most of all, your mind lets go of any scenarios and it simply just "IS". There is no conflict from mind to heart. The KNOWING takes over. Peacefulness is at hand.

This is the energy you want to go within--meditate with this energy allow yourself to really feel this energy throughout your body, your soul, your heart. It is the true connection that keeps your centered in the heart consciousness.

This reflects outward with every decision, each thought, each activity....no longer are you making decisions separate from your heart consciousness. Instead everything begins with and ends with your heart center. All conflict falls away. Double is no longer part or your decision. One becomes one's truth. The bodies are aligned and truth is centered.

Truth fills every part of your being, heart centered love consciousness centers all. Your strength, purity of voice is clearly heard, communicated and witnessed. People stand with a voice of clarity, love and compassion.

3. Connected to the " ONE" source. We are here to live from a consciousness of our inner magnificence and to experience our birthright of unlimited abundance. Whatever label you use for Source energy: God, Life Force, Creator, Universal energy, Divine Presence; it exists in everyone and in everything. The power of heart conscious intention is what instantly makes Source energy available to us and that power is within us to access at will. The minute we use intention to acknowledge our connection to Source energy we have the opportunity to create or change anything that we desire.

4. Truth comes from the heart. Spend more time shifting your awareness to your heart center, breathing, giving voice to our' Heart truth".

Speak through the purity of your energy and not just functional words. Our true voice, heart voice communicates through energy vibrations. Such as, beauty, love, joy, happiness, energy, light, this is the wonderful connection all are freely given every day.

Heart Consciousness is real, alive and is YOU. All you have to do is be YOU, alive, approachable, embracing love, patient, caring. You don't have to try and create this new self........IT ALREADY EXISTS...IT'S YOU.

5. All conflict falls away. This reflects outward with every decision, each thought, each activity....no longer are you making decisions separate from your heart consciousness. Instead everything begins with and ends with your heart center. All conflict falls away. Doubt is no longer part or your decision. One becomes one's truth. The bodies are aligned and truth is centered.

Truth fills every part of your being, heart centered love consciousness centers all. Your strength, purity of voice is clearly heard, communicated and witnessed. People stand with your voice of clarity, love and compassion.

6. By living from Heart Consciousness allows the soul expression to come through.

Heart Consciousness is you, free for you and is always in and around you. Thank yourself daily. Always choose to come from your KNOWING. Allow your heart consciousness to guide you and you not guide it. Listen, trust, allow and let go.

7. When connected with your heart center you're in present moment awareness. You start to notice, greater clarity, deeper dreams, greater awareness, and your body detoxifies on a regular bases.

Exercise Time: Connecting with your heart center

Touch your heart centered area with your right hand. Connect with your heart. Allow the energy to flow in.

The key is the heart. The key to connecting our emotional/intuitive gifts with our brain's ability to decide and direct is through the heart. The key to accessing all of the knowledge contained within our cells and DNA is through the heart. The uses and the results are unlimited: we must only remember to turn our intention and consciousness toward our heart. Heart centered consciousness is our pathway to a much larger human shift into a new way of existence.

As we practice and continue to have experiences of heart centered consciousness, our everyday state of mind shifts more and more into the heart-centered zone. The heart is a bridge between the earthly and spiritual levels of human consciousness. Heart centered consciousness is where spiritual awakening occurs, changing one's viewpoint of reality permanently. Once we see and experience this expanded realm of consciousness, it enhances our views and abilities for life. The energy of the heart is the energy of love. All that we have to be is love. BE LOVE.

Loretta Mohl, Author & Founder FIT

Loretta has spent the past 25 years living and promoting heart-centered consciousness. She is the founder of the Canadian College of Healing Arts and the Focused Intention Technique?; both are dedicated to providing a service which awakens the individual's Unlimited Potential. Since her introduction to energy healing in the late 80s, she has studied many formal and natural healing approaches. After those years of study and much reflection, she formulated Focused Intention Technique? (FIT?) utilizing many elements from her life's work and drawing deeply from her own instincts. She named this dynamic healing modality, Focused Intention Technique?, because it so perfectly describes what she knows to be the absolute truth: The body knows how to heal itself and by just activating intention and focus, the body will do the rest.

For personal coaching sessions with Loretta check out her web site http://www.lorettamohl.com or blog at http://justlivingmylife.com

