2012年8月15日 星期三

Go Beyond Mind and Into Consciousness

Problems, frustrations, fear and anguish seem to be part and parcel of the human condition. So many people spend their lives in desperate states; trying in vain to destroy their problems. The true problem that underscores the others is a failure to differentiate between mind and consciousness.

You may be facing circumstances that seem rather difficult and reasoning with yourself, "If I could just think of a solution to this problem...," that, my friend, is the crux of the situation. You are trying to use your physical, limited mind to defeat a physical, limited problem. When the truth is you are armed with the power of an infinite consciousness that can easily smash your problems.

What's the Difference?

Many people (most, in fact) see no difference at all between their physical brains and the higher consciousness that lies just beneath the surface. They reason, calculate, plot and maneuver to try and live the higher life. And all of these efforts usually result in nothing, but more problems.

Here's the key, and you need to remember it well - you, the real you, is much more than a collection of physical parts... you are pure, unlimited consciousness. The real solution to your problems lies in tapping into your consciousness for the true answers, not in trying to formulate a solution with your physical brain.

In The Zone

Have you ever been in a situation where the perfect answer to a problem just came to you? Perhaps you've competed in athletics and effortlessly performed better than you ever thought possible. These instances of being "in the zone" are much more than flukes. These are the times when you've bridged the gulf between mind and consciousness and lived like you were meant to live. Think about it. You weren't trying. You weren't formulating answers or dreading circumstances. In those rare moments, you've been guided by the infinite, perfect consciousness that we're all a part of. And the truth is, those moments can be the rule, rather than the exception.

Beyond the Physical

When those moments come, don't simply write them off. Embrace them and learn from them. In order to live the successful, winning life that you were meant to live, you have to operate in this realm more often than not. Then, and only then, will you overcome the limitations of cultural beliefs, racial beliefs, religious beliefs and self-identity beliefs that have been holding you down and hindering you from reaching your true potential.

Albert Einstein said, "You cannot solve problems with the same level of consciousness that created them." He overcame limitations and used the power of his imagination to formulate his breakthrough theory of relativity. And he wasn't successful because his brain was so much bigger than yours. He understood the importance of dividing mind and consciousness, so that the mind is led by the consciousness and not vice versa.

You too can operate like that. Stop forcing yourself to solve problems and listen to that still, small voice that echoes the wisdom of the infinite consciousness. Use your emotions as a guidance system. If you feel good you are led by the consciousness, if you feel bad you are out of sync. Then you'll see the real power of understanding the difference between mind and consciousness, as you begin to harmonize with your higher consciousness to live the life you were created to live.

Download your free ebook 15 Secrets to Super Health that could put you on the fast-track to Super Health.

Meet Boro @ http://www.longevitystrategist.com

