2012年9月16日 星期日

Living a Harmonious Life

"A man is not rightly conditioned until he is a happy, healthy, and prosperous being; and happiness, health, and prosperity are the result of a harmonious adjustment of the inner with the outer of the man with his surroundings." ~ James Allen

Having a prosperity consciousness is not strictly limited to money and finances, but it encompasses the whole of a person's life. Because we are limited as human beings, we tend to limit the way we define things and thus our experience of them. When we can remember that we are spiritual beings first and foremost, knowing that we have access to an unlimited source, then we can begin to expand not only our definitions but our whole consciousness.

When we can begin to see prosperity consciousness as the way we define our whole life, then we can also begin to shift into that mindset in all areas of life. For example, having a prosperity mindset also means that you do not neglect your health and well being. In order to have a prosperous life, it begins with a healthy lifestyle. You cannot succeed to the level of excellence when you are in poor health. A less than healthy existence means a lack of focus and concentration and even less motivation to pursue your goals. Prosperity consciousness is a way of living and thinking and not just material wealth.

"The word prosperity comes from the Latin root which literally translates: "according to hope" or "to go forward hopefully." Thus it is not so much a condition in life as it is an attitude toward life." ~ Eric Butterworth, Spiritual Economics

Look at all the areas of your life, including your relationships, your recreational time and your spiritual life. If there is no harmony with any of them, then you are not living from prosperity consciousness. Don't neglect all other areas of your life just to accumulate money and wealth. One must not be done at the expense of the other. You don't want there to come a time when your health breaks down and you need to spend all of your money to restore your health. This is not a harmonious lifestyle or living from prosperity consciousness.

Remember that you are a whole being with different areas of your life; and you need to be equally mindful of all those different areas. Your life will be much sweeter when you can live in a complete and prosperous way.

As a Spiritual Animator, Author and Advocate, Carolyn Townes has been teaching, coaching and facilitating workshops for over a decade in the areas of women's wellness. Founder and Chief Spiritual Officer of Spirit Women Institute, she is dedicated to equipping, empowering and encouraging women to lead lives of inner peace, passion and prosperity. Trained and certified in grief counseling, death education, hospice and bereavement care, as well as pastoral ministry, Carolyn has journeyed with women and men going through difficult life transitions through her workshops, one-on-one counseling, group coaching, and courses in grief, healing and life transition, such as dealing with anger, change, and forgiveness issues.

Carolyn delivers inspiring and power-packed seminars, workshops, and classes propelling audiences and clients to lead a more passionate and purposeful life. Carolyn hangs out at http://www.carolyntownes.com and blogs at http://spiritwomen.blogspot.com.

