2012年9月17日 星期一

The Art of Consciousness & Awareness

As an artist, being both conscious and aware of who I am, is key to creating an artistic experience that others can share in and appreciate. But, how do these two terms fit into the approach?

Consciousness is a state of being aware - especially of something within ourselves. It's everything that exists in our body: our existence itself. To increase or to make or bring about consciousness, you must have "awareness of your being". Awareness is actually the connected consciousness. When it comes to creating within our lives, we can look to God as he is consciousness. Since he is the master creator, and we are a part of God, this gives us infinite possibility to create in our own lives.

Awareness is being conscious that you are a being. That you're part of a system - a big system. It brings you to a state so that you can acknowledge, see, and understand yourself, your body, your surroundings, you thoughts, and everything you bring into your world. It's about being awake and choosing the things you want to bring into your life. If you want to be happy, you need to be aware of what's going on, noting where and when you can take action to increase your happiness. Likewise, you must also become aware of what you may be doing that prevents you from achieving the happiness you seek. This is achieved through acquiring knowledge, becoming informed, being cognizant, and remaining mindful.

As you can see, the two are intertwined - almost as if there is not one with the other. When it comes to being a consciousness and awareness artist, art is painting and painting - to me- is like playing a game. It's playing with colors, creating visuals from ideas, and inventing. How the world may use the term "art" is not how I perceive art. The biggest artists have used it as a key to copy reality. For others who dabble in abstract painting, it's a mingling to colors to create some time of theme. However, to me, art is a game. It's the most enjoyable moment in life.

I am a contemporary artist living in Naperville, IL. Painting is not only my profession, it is my passion! It is a tangible way that I am able to share with others a piece of my life and who I am. My work is a source of great pleasure for me and for those who have already purchased my art.

You can find me on: http://www.dinasoker.com

