2012年9月21日 星期五

What Is Conscious Awareness?

Awareness brings us success in whatever we are attempting to do! You will see a focus on awareness helps us to challenge life to provide us with more and more. That is, if we see what we are holding in and where we are not being authentic in our words and actions, we can achieve much more from life.

Many of us walk around with blinkers on to our lives, we are scared to admit that something is not right because this is going to force us to move into our pain and unravel it. But, life does not change until we change our approach to it. So we are, oftentimes, upset and angry, unsuccessful and not achieving what we want but unable to change that or perhaps do not want to change it because it will involve see our pain. Yet this is, the Teachers tell me, why we have so much depression and anxiety in our world... we are not using our own voice to ask the world for more.

So, what can we do about this? The first step according to the Teachers is to act on what we can act on. Most of us have a sense of what it is that is going on in our lives and have the capacity to see some part of what we need to do to heal it. We might be able to take the first step to see a psychotherapist or we may be able to take up a yoga class to unravel some of the stress.

However to really live with awareness we need to be able to just let our emotions be. That is, to ride the waves of our emotional selves without reacting too heavily for or against this emotion. The Buddhists have this in order, I hear the Teachers saying!

If we sit just on the surface of life, we find that we are deep within it. If we do not fall into our emotions, that is, we have a greater sense of what they are. This is what conscious awareness is - we see our emotional reactions but do not judge them, or try to repress them. We are consciously interacting with our reactions, but need not be swallowed up by them or our judgments about them. This is to be in a state of mindfulness all the time, and also negates the need for meditation and other such calming devices because we are always in equilibrium.

(Though I do recommend meditation if you are under a lot of pressure, because this type of mindfulness can take time to build, and meditation can support you as you move into conscious awareness.)

When we have the capacity to be mindful in such a way, we have success, because we are not swinging on the pendulum of fear. We do not lose ourselves or get lost on our pathway because we are aware of what is going on around us and that makes us more sure of ourselves and our capacity to do what we are attempting to do.

When we are in a space of conscious awareness our intuitive powers are in high order too, so we are more likely to be able to actively and consciously move with grace and inner-will rather than fighting the world around us. When intuition is in play we need to move underneath the rest of life that sits on the surface of fear. We do not feel victims to life but active participants.

So these are good reasons to want to be a consciously aware person!

Monique Williams is editor-in-chief of Conscious Living Magazine. Find out more about awakening your soul at [http://www.consciouslivingmagazine.biz]

