2012年10月25日 星期四

Conscious Evolution - The Shift Happens When You Align With Your Higher Self

If you accept the idea that your higher self is in charge of your life and that your higher self had deliberately planned for you to experience certain challenges in your life so that you would gain wisdom (and deep understanding and appreciation) by living through them, you may wonder why it now requires a conscious effort on the part of your ego personality self to reconnect to the higher self within (conscious evolution).

Why isn't the process of conscious evolution automatic? Why can't you just go on autopilot instead of needing to consciously cultivate a relationship with your higher self? Why do you need to make a conscious decision and a deliberate effort to begin the process, why do you need to align with your higher self, why do you need to do anything different than what you've already been doing?

Well, you have been going pretty much on autopilot according to the challenges your higher self had planned for you to grow through and if you're completely thrilled with where you are right now, I would not recommend any changes. But if you would rather experience upliftment, if you'd rather begin to grow through joy rather than pain and suffering (because you think you've evolved enough spiritually and you're ready to make that switch), I'd recommend you make an effort to reconnect to your higher self and begin the process of conscious evolution now. Because this is what is going to cause a shift in your consciousness, and then in your life.

It's easy to keep something going when it's already in motion, when it already has momentum. But to be able to create a new experience or to change a direction in your life, you need to make a deliberate effort. That's why they call it conscious evolution.

You need to get past the inertia that's present. (Inertia is the resistance or disinclination to motion, action, or change.) When you're in the latter stages of momentum, it may only take, say, one unit of effort to yield 10 units of returns. But when you're beginning something new, at first it may seem to take 10 units of effort to yield one unit of return.

The good news is, if you make the effort it won't take long to see some results so that you are motivated to continue the process. It is this process of conscious evolution that will eventually lead you to your "Golden Age." (While this won't take long, it's not instantaneous either.)

If you choose to ignore your higher self it will try to get your attention with increasingly drastic measures. It's pretty obvious this is what's happening in the world right now. You have free will as to when you begin, but don't worry, it's all perfect. Whatever happens, it's just your higher self trying to teach you something. Call it tough love, if you want, but eventually we will all make it through.

Andrew Cohen, founder and Editor-In-Chief of EnlightenNext Magazine (formerly Enlightenment Magazine) says this well: "An extraordinary latent potential for unbridled creative engagement and egoless compassion lies deep within us, waiting to be released into this world. But most of us don't see this, or if we do, we don't realize that it is not going to happen by itself. At this juncture in human history, the evolution of our species requires one thing and one thing only--our conscious, whole-hearted participation. We bear a profound responsibility to be evolutionary pioneers."

Are you ready to begin your conscious evolution?

Are you ready to reconnect with your higher self? Subscribe at http://www.WhatEveryoneBelieved.com/ and receive a free 7-page report on how to reconnect to and integrate with your higher self. Christine Hoeflich is the author of Activating 2012: A Practical Guide to Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity--an ebook that shifts your consciousness and gives you the all keys to finally fulfill your dreams.

