2012年10月8日 星期一

Consciousness and Mineralization - Intimately Related?

What impression do you get when you think of a healthy, green-thumbed gardener? Do you think of a sour, negative being that's caught in a web of self-destructive patterns? Or do you think of a happy, smiling, conscious person that anyone would love to be around? My bet is on the second, and that's because the mineral content of the foods we eat determine our level of consciousness.

Our level of consciousness is our level of awareness. Someone with low conscious awareness might experience a situation and blame everyone else, even throw themselves into thoughts of feeling like a victim. Take that same situation with someone more conscious and they might openly accept and acknowledge the situation - thereby finding themselves in an empowered emotional state from which they can masterfully deal with anything that might come up. The difference is all the world.

So how are minerals related to consciousness? When your body has access to the full spectrum of minerals, your body receives the full spectrum of nourishment. You can be low in many trace minerals and still seem to function well in the world and even feel good - but you'll be nowhere near your true human potential. Why would anyone not live up to their full potential? To maximize the performance of your mind and body, start getting mineralized!

First, a word of caution: when I say get mineralized, I don't mean take a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement and then go eat whatever catches your attention! Ancient civilizations knew the sober truth that the mineralization of the soil lead to the mineralization of the foods that we consume. That's why ancient cultures had so many bewildering practices to gain rich soil. Sure, they could grow in average soil, but they knew the direction of civilization was determined by their level of consciousness - which again comes back to the food, from the Earth's soil!

So my invitation to you is to think about how mineralized your foods are at this point in time. Are you eating organic greens and highly-mineralized organic fruit? You'll find that as you trace your way back to a more natural raw diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds you'll awaken a whole new aspect of yourself - expanded conscious awareness. When you see more choices in your life with a healthier perspective, you start to really understand the great truth "the kingdom of heaven lies within."

John Brackett is the founder and voice of UnleashYourVitality.com, an online community devoted to unleashing your personal energy and using that energy in the context of living your dreams. If you're interested, you can check out all the latest resources at http://www.UnleashYourVitality.com.

