2012年10月9日 星期二

Prosperity Consciousness: Teach It to Learn It

Having a prosperity consciousness is all about being able to say with conviction: I AM ABUNDANCE. Having a prosperity consciousness means being open and receptive to the flow of:God's harmony, health, love, peace, joy and financial abundance. It means moving in life from miracle to miracle -- little ones, big ones and everything in between.

Dr. Ernest Holmes said in The Science of Mind textbook:

"To the average person, when a result is obtained through [spiritual] work, it looks as though a miracle has happened, but such is not the case. It is only a miracle as everything else in life is a miracle -- a definite, conscious idea that has been set in motion."

The Kabbalah teaches the same thing - there are no miracles outside our own making. We create through our consciousness and our conscious connection with the Source of all Good. In fact, we create more good by being like our Creator, which is being proactive in all of life.

So, a true prosperity consciousness is about setting conscious ideas in motion that bring about true fulfillment in all areas of life. That's how it's supposed to be. God wants us to be happy! God wants us to live harmoniously, healthfully, lovingly, peacefully, joyously and prosperously! Remember - "It is the Father's Good Pleasure to give us the Kingdom!!! "

Prosperity seems to be a big issue for a lot of people. Living in the flow of miraculous prosperity is not something we all do, and I want to help change that.

I recently ran across this great statement by Emma Curtis Hopkins in her book Scientific Christian Mental Practice, p. 169:

Persistent thought about prosperity, and how prosperity is brought to us, will make you a magnet for prosperity. However, your prosperity will not be the highest prosperity, it will not be useful prosperity, unless you know how to teach others to be prosperous. There must be a free giving of your Truth or the world may wait another million years for the wretched poverty of its people to be gone.

I want to be a teacher to help the wretched poverty of its people to be gone. The truest way to learn anything is to teach it. Whose prosperity consciousness can you uplift today? Have you shared more about lack and limitation or about the abundance there is all around? In what ways are you teaching lack by your actions? In what ways are you truly prosperous?

In order for a prosperity consciousness to grow consistently, I have found that I need to be teaching it constantly and to have constant reminders of spiritual principles. I do them for myself and I'd love to share them with you. You can find articles, videos and lots of other inspirational messages. When you go now to http://www.midlifemessages.com and fill in your email, you'll be sent a free humorous video and a free report. Check it out - remember- your actions say a lot about your intentions. Do you intend to prosper NOW?

