2012年10月21日 星期日

Self Conscious

Imagine this, you walk into a bar and see a lovely girl that smiles at you, but you are afraid to go and talk in case you make a fool of yourself by saying the wrong thing, or worse still not saying anything because you are too shy.

Imagine, you are with a group of friends who are laughing and telling jokes, you keep quiet because you fear that if you tell a joke you will get it all wrong and make a fool of yourself.

Imagine, you are feeling very hungry and as you are about to walk into a restaurant you see it is quite full and you are afraid that if you walk in people will look at you and you won't know what to do with your hands, so you walk on still very hungry and also very miserable.

Imagine - but I could go on and on and on. Sounds familiar? Perhaps this is a picture of yourself, or someone you know. This unfortunately is the picture of the negative thoughts taking control of our sub-conscious and eliminating the positive from our conscious mind. There are two kinds of thoughts that control our lives. The one that takes priority is the one that dictates the type of life we lead, it is that vital.

Therefore, to understand the importance that either negative or positive thinking takes in controlling our lives is very, very essential. Many people do not understand the workings of the conscious and sub-conscious mind, simply because they have not really given the matter any serious thought. We are in control of our own mind, we can control whether or not a negative thought, or a positive thought enters our sub-conscious. If we let the negative take over then that will be embedded in the sub-conscious, so we have to condition ourselves to always accept positive thought and reject the negative by mind activity.

What I mean by mind activity is to realize that you can throw out the negative thought that enters your mind by replacing it with a stronger positive thought, be more positive and less negative. If you were going for a job interview tomorrow and were feeling negative about it, it would mean that you believe you are going to make a mess of things and you do not stand a chance. In other words you are already deciding the outcome in a negative sense. Your negativity will be like a halo around you when you enter the interview room and this will show itself to the person interviewing you, you will appear a negative person.

On the other hand you have the chance to throw out the negative thought and replace it with a positive attitude, and you know that you will carry the interview off just fine, there will be no problems and you will handle the situation full of confidence, and this will reflect upon the person interviewing you, thus showing yourself as a very confident person. The choice is yours but you must take the right action - always be positive.


