2012年11月3日 星期六

Your Eternal Consciousness

The infinite consciousness we call God is everything and everywhere. It is you and everything around you. It includes all the other worlds, or realities, that you cannot see. . . all sharing the same space and inter penetrating each other, only with different frequencies.

That which we perceive as empty space surrounding us is actually filled with the whole of creation! All except a fraction of this whole of infinity of creation operates outside of the frequency range of our physical existence. The space around and within you, which appears to be empty, is actually firing away with electrical and magnetic energy operating on an infinite number of wavelengths and states of being.

At this moment your consciousness is tuned to a 'station' known as the dense physical universe. When you 'die' your consciousness leaves the physical body and this dense physical wavelength. It then tunes to another station to continue your eternal consciousness evolution.

You are individual and are the sum total of all your experiences. . . different from other droplets in the ocean of consciousness. Together with the energy, or consciousness, of the animals, insects, trees, flowers. . . everything. . . you help form the ocean of infinite consciousness called God.

All things are alive and have awareness with the ability to hold information. Everything has its own personal vibratory blueprint.

Some expressions of the God consciousness/energy have evolved to a point where their awareness and ability to retain and process information is much further along the road than others. However, the principle is the same for ALL that exists.

When your eternal consciousness incarnates into a dense physical body, your consciousness reflects the sum total of your experience going back to infinity. So, from the moment of birth we each see the world differently, because our eternal journey has been different.

Contained within your subconscious self from the moment of birth are all the memories, knowledge and experiences that you have absorbed on your own eternal journey. Your subconscious is also constantly adding to its memory bank with each new event you experience. This adds to your personal evolution and to the evolution of creation as a whole.

So, within your subconscious self is a mixture of thought and perception that includes the knowledge and emotions of your eternal experiences. . . past lives, astrological pattern that you chose before birth and the experiences you chose for this life. Together this produces your state of being, your sense of self and your imagination of yourself.

The reality you are now experiencing is the result of what you think of yourself. You can change this! When you change your inner self, change your imagination of yourself, you can then change your physical life experiences.

You create with your thoughts and experience those creations through your emotions and feelings. Whatever you experience is the result of what you are broadcasting, putting forth energetically, because of your thoughts, feelings and actions from the past and from the present.

With awareness of all this you can choose to change your imagination of yourself and choose to deliberately create, rather than potentially play the role of victim. When you change your sense of self your energy patterns also change. . . changing the people, objects and physical experiences you attract. Attraction is vibrational more so than mere visual.

You can choose now to create a new vision of yourself and thus change your energy vibration. You can create your life as you want within the experiences of your eternal consciousness!

At Charlsie's site you can download 7 Free chapters from 'Our Ultimate Reality'. Simply go to: http://www.manifestinguniverse.com

For over 15 years Charlsie has been consciously on (and off, on and off. . . now back on!) the path to transformation and greater awareness. Much of her time is spent observing nature, exploring metaphysics and pondering on the so-called mysteries of our Universe. Charlsie has read extensively about energy, the various modalities of energy work, universal laws and is certified in all levels of Reiki.

