2012年8月21日 星期二

Detach From Ego: Live the Life God Designed For You

To live the life that Source/God designed for YOU, detaching from the ego is a must. The acronym for EGO is: Edging God Out. We do this without realizing it. The definition of ego is: The "I" or self of any person; a person as thinking, feeling, willing and distinguishing itself from the selves of others and from objects of its thought. The ego is all about self. For many, the ego is what defines a person for who they perceive themselves to be.

The ego

The ego is an accumulation of thoughts and ideas that say, "I am what I have acquired, accomplished and I am well respected." The ego will definitely lead you to believe that you are better than others.

I took time to ponder on the ego and when I realized what ego does to a person, the first thought I had was, "How shallow can a person be!"

The second thought I had was, "This is really sad because the majority of people on this earth think like this. Oh no, at times I think like this!"

It became evident to me that the acronym for EGO was true! When our mindset is focused on self-importance, what "I" did or what "I" have done, there is no room for God! We take up all the space!

I am going to paraphrase Dr. Wayne Dyer's take on ego while in the womb and after we are born. While we are in the womb, we aren't worried if God will know where to place our nose, or remember that we are to have two eyes, not one, etc. We just believe; we trust God and surrender completely. Then we are born.... Now we say to God, "Thank you, but I can handle it from here. I'll take over now." It's a clever way to demonstrate how quickly ego is introduced.

The more I studied about ego and it effects on us, intervention was required. An implementation that would shift thought, taking the focus off of "me" and placing focus back on Source/God. This process aligns us with God.

How to make the shift

"Change your thoughts, change your life." -Dr. Wayne Dyer

We trusted God to take care of us while we were in our Mother's womb, so let's trust on that level again. "With God, all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

As we grow with an unwavering faith keeping our eyes on God, the ego will gradually vanish. An example of unwavering faith: It's like a balance beam, if you look down, you will fall. Keep your eyes looking straight ahead at all times.

When you have this type of unwavering faith, you can expect things to come to you easily, because they will. You are aligned with Source/God, and this elevates your faith to a level where God reveals to you the perfect pattern for your life. You are living the life that God has designed for you!

There are three compartments of the mind. One is the conscious mind. Think of the conscious mind as the mortal mind. The mortal mind sees the world as it appears to be. It sees the 'positives' such as all things that bring goodness as well as the 'negatives' such as sickness, sadness, and poverty.

Then there is the subconscious mind. It functions from thought without direction. This is where it all starts with Law of Attraction- "You get the essence of what you think about".

Then there is the super conscious mind which is the highest level. This is where God reveals to you the perfect pattern for your life and this is the level where Abundance and Happiness is ours by Divine Birthright. We become one with God/ or the Divine at this level and we can have, do and be all. This is where our light shines the brightest!

Understanding the three levels of the mind is what really accelerated my personal journey. This understanding took me to the next level I desired. Staying in the super conscious state of mind is attainable and once you are there; you want to stay there. It's like nothing most of us have ever experienced before. I LOVE IT!!! You will too!

Living the life God designed for you

With ego out of the way, you have cleared the way to connect with the super-conscious mind. You see everything in a new light. It's like walking heart in heart with God.

You have changed your thoughts, your mental vision and now your life has changed. Your life is amazing! You no longer dream about the life you always wanted because you are living the life of your dreams!

With an unwavering faith, surrendering and allowing, the false self (ego) has vanished and the authentic self has emerged as the Divine grows within you.

You have truly surrendered and live this truth/belief: Let go, Let God. Aren't you glad you did? You are living the life that God designed for you and you experience multitude of blessings and abundance everyday. You are also tuned in to see miracles and wonders that are around you always! Every day you are in "awe" of this amazing life that has been waiting for you.

May you be willing to release anything that is holding you back so you can live the life that God has designed for you.

"When life is simple, pretenses fall away; our essential natures shine through. By not wanting, there is calm and the world will straighten itself out. When there is silence one finds the anchor of the Universe within oneself." This is from Wayne Dyer's book: "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life." This is a quote from the 37th verse of Tao Te Ching (The Great Way), by Lao-tzu.

Alice Hocker invites you to join in and share your thoughts at http://abundantlivingeveryday.com
Living life in abundance feels so very good. You can live this life everyday! My desire is that you acquire the "super-conscious level" of living because it will change everything in your life... You will see EVERYTHING in a new and refreshing way!
I have written a book titled: Law Of Attraction: Live It, Own It, Achieve It. It's available as an ebook, an MP3 download, or an audio CD. Please visit my website to see how to get your copy.
With that said, add your comments... Let's get this party started!!! Your comments will be the music we need to dance to.... http://abundantlivingeveryday.com
I look forward to hearing from you!

