2012年9月19日 星期三

Bridging the Gap - Reality and Consciousness

Bridging the Gap - Theories on the nature of reality and how it interacts with consciousness.

Often we as humans view the universe as some large scale entity that exists independently of us and on some far off grandcosmic level. Yet the universe contains everything, all that has ever existed and all that ever will exist,so we must consider that we are a part of this larger system. We are an inseparable part of a much greater whole, however else it may appear.

The universe is the macrocosm of all existence and it is composed of many different layers. Each layer is subject to differing laws that govern what exists within that layer and therefore each layer achieves a state of continuity. Each layer of the macrocosm is known as a microcosm,that of a reflection of the larger reality that it is contained within. It is what existence as we know passes through.

Imagine that this picture represents the macrocosm. One microcosm is the individual circle, another is a line. One might assume that the triangle itself is the macrocosm yet that would be incorrect. The macrocosm is all levels simultaneously, each circle, line, triangle, and any shape or pattern that can be observed within the whole. Furthermore all things that do not appear to make up this system are still a part of the macrocosm. Within their exclusion from the system they are granted a status of existing through being excluded from what currently appears to exist.

The macrocosm is as a chain, with each microcosm being a link within that chain. Each link of the chain is then connected to another, and where two links connect there is overlap. Overlap is where different microcosms can interact with each other and are subject to perception. Most notably where different levels of the microcosm overlap we gain the ability to perceive the other worlds that exist within the macrocosm. The different worlds are often strange and alien, existing with different traits and laws that we have difficulty imagining.

For example we can begin with subatomic particles. They exhibit very strange characteristics that we humans do not yet fully understand. Together each subatomic particle unifies in a sense to create the level of the atomic. We seem to understand this layer of the macrocosm better. Atoms exhibit their own laws that govern their creation and destruction and how they behave. Together they coalesce to form compounds or molecules. These molecules behave differently from the separate atoms that create them, subject to new laws that emerge when the atoms come together. The molecules and compounds continue to combine and form the material world that we perceive. This world also appears to follow different guidelines then those of the molecules. As we continue to move up or down the chain, from subatomic to atomic to molecular to larger complex compounds to planets and stars and galaxies, it becomes increasingly difficult for us humans to perceive the laws that govern the interaction of matter and energy at those levels. The levels of space and time become far out of our limits.

It is important to note that on each new level of the macrocosm emergent properties arise. Subatomic particles come together to form atoms that have very different characteristics that depends upon the arrangement of the subatomic particles. Emergent properties arise. Different collections of atoms form compounds that have very different properties. Emergent properties once again. The why of this question eludes us still. Why do different arrangements of electrons, neutrons, and protons create such a wide variety of characteristics within this world? It is a perfect example how two different levels of the macrocosm exist simultaneously and dependent upon each other. For as the collections of atoms increase the forces of gravity increase and then rearrange the organization of the subatomic particles once again.

Why and how does different levels of the universe create emergent properties? Why does a collection of energy behave differently as a whole then that of those pieces that create it? How does our consciousness and perception seem to come from inanimate matter? Does our consciousness come from nothing?

Perhaps this could be explained if we look at matter in a different light. Matter seems to be large amounts of energy that has become somehow crystallized, as if in partial stasis. Well what if all energy embodied a sense of consciousness that exists without sensory perception organs? Such a consciousness would have no ability to know what goes on outside of itself; it would exist in a primal state of just being. If all energy and all matter had an inherent property of self-awareness then it is feasible that our consciousness forms from this primal conscious-matter. Furthermore it can even be posited that a guideline of this universe (similar to gravity) is that consciousness constantly innately strives to develop organs of perception. Organs of expression even. The universe expresses itself through the myriad of different things we perceive on a daily basis, is it not feasible that consciousness does the same thing? If the universe and consciousness itself are inseparably intertwined then it may be logical to assume the universe seeks to experience what it expresses itself as.


Time is the state of which existence in which a microcosm goes through the process of change. This is presented to our perception as a past-present-future model of sensory. We see that the past leads to what occurs in the present, the present spreads seeds for the possible futures, and the future will become the present depending upon which action we take in the present. To the macrocosm though, time does not exist as such. In the state of the macrocosm time exists in a permanent state of the present, existing within all possible time frames simultaneously. This is near impossible a concept for our human minds to wrap around. We must shed the use of language based thought patterns and feel out the truth in this case.

We have been so programmed to habitually accept past-present-future as well as cause and effect based upon the nature of this level of the microcosm. On an absolute level though, on the level of the macrocosm, this is not the nature of reality. The nature of true reality is more of a constant thrum of energy that is undergoing constant transformation. The nature of the transformations seems to elude explanation as to how it is possible. Limitation of the human experience in all likelihood.

Consciousness as Driving the Universe

Imagine all the water that exists on Earth. It takes on many different forms, individual droplets, streams, rivers, lakes, oceans, ice, and the vapor that's all around us and even within us. The water as a whole exists and forms all sorts of singular and collective bodies, all the time recreating itself in new ways as it continues its infinite journey throughout all the places of the Earth.

Such is consciousness. It exists as a primal collective energy, a field of pure being and pure possibilities. As it flows into this world it takes on individual characteristics that are determined by the different aspects of matter that the consciousness embodies or inhabits. The consciousness without matter exists as a state of pure being, experiencing sensations and pulsations of currents that we would equate to thought. With each sensation and application of will the larger consciousness shapes and interacts subtly with this world.

It can be looked at as such. Consciousness exists independently of matter, space, and time. Without matter and this world consciousness continues to exist. Without consciousness however, this universe ceases to exist.

Philosophically it can be argued that without consciousness to observe the different characteristics of the universe it is as if the universe does not exist. Without perception then there is no idea, no thought, and no knowledge of existence at all. Physically it may be argued that consciousness plays a major force in holding together the fabric of reality that we interact with every moment. Without consciousness such a fabric ceases to exist and all possibilities of existence vanish.

Relationship between Consciousness and Reality

To begin, let us ask the obvious question. What is reality? Reality is whatever consciousness perceives. The current state of reality is determined by whatever consciousness observes and then focuses upon. Whatever consciousness focuses upon becomes amplified within a reality, the reality then shifts in order to bring about the will of the consciousness itself.

If consciousness made no observations whatsoever, then reality would simply cease to exist. Reality is completely defined by our perceptions. It is also ironic that reality is defined by what we perceive, yet all we perceive around us is reality. That is the paradoxical nature of the relationship between the universe and consciousness.

Now a very important point that must be made is that even though consciousness has the ability to shift reality through observation and focus, we as humans do not. The human itself is not a conscious being, or to put it more accurately the mind is not conscious. The mind is a collection of matter and energy that fires different neurons at different times in response to stimulus which then causes action. The core consciousness transcends this limited biology; it bears witness to the human without becoming the human. The history that we create within the mind, all the judgments on our conscious perceptions, and all that is associated with being human is not truly conscious, but more of a dream form.

The body in actuality is a vehicle that acts as a very advanced transmitter and receiver. Through the body consciousness gains the ability to experience physical matter and observe a very unique set of psychosocial and environmental circumstances that would not exist had the human body not been created.

When true consciousness has a desire to experience something, monumental shifts occur within the structure of the universe. The universe is rewritten in such a way as to first make the experience possible and then make the experience manifest. This is where time comes into play. In the macrocosm all time exists within the now, in different levels of the microcosm time can be experienced as the past-present-future modality. When the consciousness that is interweaved within the macrocosm feels a desire the microcosms shift and that desire is manifest somewhere within the universe.

Theory on Creation of this Space-Time Location

The Earth and this entire universe, all of our realities, are manifestations of the desire of consciousness. Now this is not to say that everything that happens within our lives is the desire of consciousness on the level of the macrocosm. When consciousness desires to experience it sheds the knowledge of its true existence,that of existing in all times and spaces. Then through a series of events that can be compared to us falling asleep, consciousness enters the microcosm appearing to exist as a separate entity.

In the level of the microcosm the consciousness that now exists is independent from the will of the whole and sets about creating new experiences. This new consciousness is far more limited then when it existed seamlessly with the whole. It can shift levels of the microcosms but has no ability to cause large scale changes within the macrocosm until it once again returns back to where it came from.

While the original intention of the source consciousness may have been to experience what it was like to exist within this human dynamic, the new consciousness that was born of the source began to create new experiences that can be described as unforeseen. A major part of the desire of the source consciousness was to experience what it would be like to forget that it was the indeed the ultimate consciousness, so this seemingly new consciousness had no knowledge of the truth of being interconnected with the entire universe. It then began to create existence from the perceptual seat of being separate from the whole.

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