2012年9月18日 星期二

Follow Your Heart, Not Your Mind, to Live Your Dreams

The only way to live your dream life is to follow your heart not your mind. Your mind, working with your ego, can only allow you to do what you have already done. It runs by the blueprint, also known as your self-image. If you do not have a program for a behavior then you do not get to do that new behavior or incorporate it into who you are.

Your self-image tells you what you can be, do and have. When you have no previous experience in that arena, no way do you get to play there.

When you live by your conscious ego mind all you can determine is what you want to do. Your conscious mind cannot do the how piece. It has no clue how to make your creams reality. 

How, then, can you create programs in your subconscious mind that allow you to become someone different who can take new and different actions leading you to results you never knew before? Certainly not by using your conscious mind. 

In fact, you must bypass your conscious mind, the gatekeeper to your subconscious mind where all the programs lie that actually run your life in every moment. How do you accomplish that seemingly impossible task? You wrap your desires inside emotions. More than emotions, actually - feelings that you sense with all five senses.

Your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined. By putting yourself into the scene of how you want your life to look and be, you actually fool your subconscious mind into acting as if this new way of being is real.  

Your subconscious mind will produce new file folders for your new behaviors. And each time you make time to "be" in that new life, your subconscious mind makes a new document and files it in that new folder. 

In time, your new file folder will become so big and full that it will push out the old folders of the old behaviors that used to define who and what you would be, do and have. 

Here is element most people miss--when you see yourself in your new life do not actually see yourself. Do not be an observer watching yourself up on a screen. Go inside, behind your eyes, as my mentor says, and see out through your eyes.

Walk around looking out at your environment through your eyes. Feel what you feel as you walk-wind on your face, gushy earth beneath your feet, etc. Smell what is in the air. If you can, walk over and grab something to eat or drink. Feel the item in your hand and delight as it goes easily into your mouth. Feel its texture and taste it as you swallow.

Completely feel into the scene and you will feel as if you already are living it. Ah! You are living it in your subconscious mind. 

Since your subconscious mind directly connects to the super conscious of the Universe, feeling into your new life makes it your reality-all in Divine Timing-which may be instantly or down the road a bit. 

Remember your conscious mind chooses what you want. Your subconscious mind makes it happen through feelings. 

Ali Bierman shows you how to be happier and manifest with awareness by changing your unknown belief systems that stop you cold. To learn more, grab her free ebook What You Don't Know You Don't Know to make your life happier by manifesting your dreams now at http://www.creatingthelife.com/ebook2.html

