2012年10月27日 星期六

Mental and Spiritual Housecleaning - An Guide For the Owner of Our Own Lives

Sure, I will start out with have definite goals and stay with them until you achieve them. But, indeed that would be too simple. So, I will start out with something more substantial as you read on. Everyone, as long as they are conscious, even in the least "free" country in the world, owns their own states of consciousness and lives. In fact, consciousness can be called the real "lord of the land" so to speak. Nothing external can really be called that. Leaders, popes, presidents, kings and the like, they are all leaders through our solely given by ourselves permission. But they are the ultimate illusory "schoolyard bullies" at worst, they carry out the "will of the people" at best. Those are the key words ultimately, "the will of the people" because as long as there is consciousness, people can lead themselves and lead themselves beneficially. So, sure, I say there is a choice and there is. But this is something to consider, if even the "worst" person had a choice, they would act purely for their own benefit or to genuinely survive prosperously. That is not an opinion, that is logic.

So, people own their own lives, yet they often act like outside forces have some sort of real control over them when outside forces are more likely fear mongering bullies than mind readers. "Big Brother" has no power except that which we give him through our consent. Winning in life comes down to knowing your thoughts are in control all day and all night, and you must check and do things in a disciplined, logical way. Indeed, that sort of discipline and logic does not yield cold behavior, but just the opposite. It yields honest attention, honest appreciation and honest enjoyment when you really think about it and act upon the reality of it. It is irrational, emotional and undisciplined behavior that is destructive and feels sad and destructive. Everyone, even the irrational, wants happiness. But the irrational person just goes about it the wrong way.

The only right way is the rational, disciplined and logical way. Sure the character of the way can vary, but the basic methods do not vary and getting closer to the reality of the situation means knowing your own mind. In every culture, the first thing in every wisdom school, religion and even politics and philosophy is the saying "know yourself" in different ways and methods. But the basic logic of knowing yourself is always there even when there are seemingly irrational or genuinely rational ways of going about it.

So, there is always a way to discipline yourself even in the worst of situations where there is genuine consciousness. That is the key. Discipline, steadfastness and total willingness to act on your own behalf in a rational, beneficial way are the bridge you take across forever to self made paradise.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

