So you want to know the power of consciously living in the now? I discovered that power a few weeks ago when facing a life and death struggle. After a few hours I realized my panic resulted from living in my past and carrying it into my future.
As soon as I moved into going through the crisis moment by staying clearly in the present moment - each moment - the pain and fear subsided. I wish I could say it completely disappeared but it didn't. However the quieting of that paralyzing emotion allowed me to function, to think rationally and to do what I needed to do to get through the situation.
In the present moment there is nothing to worry about. There is nothing to fear. In the present moment every thing is perfect. know that sounds really crazy because if you are in the middle of some kind of crisis situation you're thinking, "Ali, you are just nuts! This isn't making any sense!" Hold on! Hold on! Just stay with me here.
If you happen to find yourself in a crisis you can jump in and react without thinking. That usually leads to some kind of dire result. Or you can respond. You can take that split second to consider the consequence of any action you are going to take for yourself and for all involved. Then go ahead and take the action.
When can you take the action? In the moment. When you're taking the action in the moment - everything is perfect because you are living in that moment rather than fearing a certain result that you've stuck out in the future as a possible outcome.
Fear is the anticipation of pain. See that word anticipation? That word means you expect something to happen in the future. Why do you expect something to happen in the future? You went back into your past. You told yourself the current events look like an ordeal from your past.
Therefore you decided that event is going to repeat itself. Only you want to make the experience even more dramatic so you take that uncomfortable past memory and exaggerate your experience of it. Then you project that imagined new experience into your future.
Stop misusing your imagination. Stop feeding your memories to rekindle the pain. Move into the only time where you can actually take action to change how you feel. Move into the now carrying your full life force with you.
Warning: Do not neglect the above! Make sure to take this advice seriously if you want to create your world to live in happiness.
STOP! Are you about to give up being happy forever? If what you do every day has not led you to happiness yet, do you really think anything will look different tomorrow? Go to and grab my Special Report: 45 Tips: How To Live In Happiness Now And remember... Don't give up hope... You deserve to be happy.