Welcome! I'm delighted you made your way to this report, which was created to provide the Creative & Conscious Entrepreneur with 3 Powerful Strategies to Grow Your Business with Ease.
These 3 strategies were created through witnessing what was not present for struggling clients, and when we developed these 3 areas, they were empowered to make different choices, take different actions, and experience growth in their Creative & Conscious business. This is what I want for you.
I will also share with you that I traveled this same path myself. So I can tell you from personal experience that developing these strategies will absolutely make a difference for you. You must be committed, and remember that when we bring something new into our lives, something else must go.
Be Conscious about piling more "to do" items onto your list. Getting caught up in the "knowledge" and "doing" is an unconscious habit from the old paradigm, and where many people get stuck making the shift. Remember, you now know that success in the new paradigm comes from exercising the nontraditional skills of Creativity while remaining Conscious.
Please note that these strategies are circular, not linear, and each strategy serves as a foundation for the one that follows. Because the Creative & Conscious business owner is always learning and growing, the cycle consistently restarts itself.
Powerful Strategy #1 Clarity and Confidence
One of the biggest culprits for keeping you stuck, in a rut, or feeling like you have much more potential than you're expressing, is a lack of clarity and confidence. It's one of the most common experiences of Creative & Conscious business owners making the shift, and it's also one of the most hidden ones.
Many of us carry the fierce need to succeed into our business and relationships. This is really residue from the old paradigm, and those unconscious choices and actions impede business growth in the new paradigm. It is in this place that we find ourselves connected to the doing, without understanding the "Why". Wisdom uncovered through disciplined skills development is what liberates you from this prison of the old paradigm.
It is only when you become completely clear about what your gifts and talents are, how they contribute to your clients, who the best clients are for you and why, that you develop the confidence to step forward into an increasingly stronger and healthier business experience, at a faster and faster rate. This is also the place where your clients step into better and better experiences faster and faster simply because of your positive impact on them.
This first Powerful Strategy is all about skill, and taking baby steps at first. Getting clear and confident also calls us to strengthen our patience. Obviously a quality that was not called for very often in the Information Age! Practicing patience can be tough, but hang in there, because while this doesn't ever end, it does get exponentially easier as you develop your Creative & Conscious faculties.
Two of the tools that yield the greatest results for my private clients, and that I personally transfer into my own business, are Your True Values (originally developed by Coach University), and Discover Your Spine" (my own tool). I use them with my Platinum clients during retreats and the results are infectious! When you take your time and have some fun with these tools, they yield foundational clues that you'll carry with you as you continue on your adventure of developing your Creative & Conscious faculties!
Powerful Strategy #2 Embodiment
If you choose to do just one thing differently as a result of reading this report, let it be to embody what you learn and what you are ready to create.
The old paradigm, which is heavily weighted in knowledge and doing, prods you to get us much in as fast as you can! There's often a sense of urgency and scarcity within this paradigm, and Creativity and Consciousness cannot live here.
The new paradigm is about embodying what you're consciously creating. There is a huge difference between "knowing" the trend or concept, and really getting how it uniquely affects you and your business, and "feeling" it in your body, experiencing it. Embodiment is the way to move through obstacles you are guaranteed to encounter.
One of the reasons artists are able to create so consistently and expansively is that they understand and practice embodiment. Experiential learning is the only way I know to truly embody anything. Horses are our most powerful teachers of embodiment, because being in relationship with them requires this from us, and this is why Equine-Facilitated Learning Experiences are by far the best thing you can do to enrich your life and Grow your Business with Ease.
Horses are the most powerful models, mirrors and inspirations we have for embodiment. For many reasons, which scientific research has proven, these special creatures naturally bring out the best and the worst in us, powerfully showing us the energy we are expressing and infusing into our business. Just like your business, a horse will very clearly either connect or disconnect with the energy you embody.
A few reasons why embodying through experiential learning creates and sustains true shifts include:
* Like your brain, your body has memory too. When you embody what you are creating, you are able to rewire neural pathways
* When you are in relationship with sentient beings you feel what you are creating, which makes unconscious blocks conscious for you
* Embodiment requires present moment awareness, and challenges you to not miss a beat. This is the transformational place from business is Creatively and Consciously grown
* Embodying what you are creating allows you to choose differently, based on what you are Creating
* Embodiment makes clear the current relationship between the Authentic Self and the External Self, and how they are currently working together (or not) to impact the quality of results you create in your business
By nature, the tools and skills of experiential learning must be practiced. The only way to strengthen these skills is to by doing them (Hint: this is the Creative piece!). This is why I strongly encourage you to explore my experiential learning programs.
Learn more about regularly offered Equine Facilitated Experiential Learning and Coaching experiences. Private programs are customized, so we can both embody "outside of the box!"
* Experiential Learning Workshops without horses are also available
* Transformational Wisdom from Artists and Horses, my free weekly newsletter provides stories, tips & ways to embody your Creative & Conscious faculties
As you explore what's available for you to embody more of your Creative & Conscious faculties, notice what resonates for you. And honor the value of this Action step (Hint: this is the Creative piece). While the old paradigm might dismiss the value of this Action, this subtle step is packed with tremendous power in the new paradigm.
Taking the smallest action is the challenge of staying in the present moment. It is through being present that you Grow your Business with Ease!
Powerful Strategy #3 Making Different Choices, Creating Different Results
I like to call this Powerful Strategy the dynamic intersection between Clarity/Confidence and Embodiment. My clients understand that the quality of the results you create is directly related to the quality of your experience. Another way to say this is that quality results are created when your Choices are made Creatively and Consciously, informed by your Clarity, impacting your Confidence positively, and propelling you into Embodying Right Action at any given point in time.
What I know is that this is an ongoing process that requires practice and patience. I also know that we do not make different choices and cannot create different results until we embody our purpose, priorities, standards and values. This applies to Growing Your Business with Ease, and you must be Creative & Conscious in order to do this authentically and effectively.
In order to thrive in the new paradigm, your Creative & Conscious faculties must be honed. In this paradigm, we operate from the present moment, which challenges us to be exceptionally aware of what is happening within us and within our environment. This can change in a second, and we are called to stay on top of it.
There is no way that someone can do this for you, or give it to you. The greatest tools you have for living Powerful Strategy #3 are instilling the discipline to regularly practice the tools in Powerful Strategy #1. Through direct coaching and learning experiences, what you are saying and doing at a deeper level is uncovered, liberating you to Create from a keener level of Consciousness.
I stand behind the Conscious Creative and I am committed to helping more of you Grow Your Business with Ease. And have fun in the process!
Copyright (c) 2009 Kathy Esper
For more information, please visit http://www.KathyEsper.com