2012年8月18日 星期六

Find Out What the Key Principles of Healthy Living Are

Healthy and conscious living is a vital part of our evolution and ascension. In accordance with the Laws of Creation, we, human beings, are all created within the bounds of Nature's Laws just as all living things are. These simple principles of living are the very foundation of a content and healthy life. They are the core and the sacred base from which we can grow, learn, and realise our full potential.

Our body contains approximately 75 trillion cells, each one a world of its own that lives in harmony with the whole of Creation. A human being acts as a single and whole unit, gathering all the cells together. If one part of us is affected, the whole organism subsequently gets affected.

When we ignore or abuse our bodies, we break the sacred laws of existence, disconnecting ourselves from the stream of life that runs through us. When this flow is blocked, various dis-eases of the body, mind and soul will emerge as a result. This is how the Creator's force communicates with us, asking us to return ourselves back to where we truly belong - Nature and her sacred laws of existence.

Here are some of the basic elements that help us to maintain ourselves in healthful and harmonious conditions:

- Fresh air. Inhaling pure air outdoors will supply fresh oxygen to our cells, thus enhancing their vitality. Hard to believe, but the air inside people's homes can sometimes be more toxic than outside! So, keep your surroundings well-ventilated, open windows when indoors, especially during the night while asleep. Aim to spend a lot of your time outdoors on a daily basis, go for walks in parks and in wild Nature, do your sports and fitness activities outside as much as possible. By the way, going outside in what we consider "bad" weather (rain, cold, snow, etc.) is a fantastic way to get away from the limitations of your "comfort zone" so helping you to train your mind to become stronger and more resilient. This "can do" approach can then be applied to other areas of your life, so no challenge appears insurmountable.

- Sleep, rest, and contemplation. Modern human beings are largely sleep and rest deficient, which inevitably lowers their life force and leads to disease. Rest aids healing, detoxification and increases mental clarity. Adjust your routine so that sufficient sleep becomes one of your key priorities; aim to be in bed by 10pm. Turn phones, computers and other entertainment devices off, and instead, spend some time reflecting and contemplating before getting cosy in bed and shifting to your dreamland.

- Sufficient amount of sun. The energy of the sun sustains our life, as it does all life upon planet Earth, so exposing ourselves regularly to sunlight is a vital part of a healthy existence. Sunlight aids food digestion and nutrient assimilation (especially calcium), creates vitamin D, promotes healthy functioning of the glandular and nervous systems; it rejuvenates the skin, and detoxifies the body. Human beings are not actually adapted to thrive in cold climates, only to survive. So, make sure you "stock up" on sun before the winter months and consider having sunny breaks/holidays during the winter. Sunbathe only when your shadow appears to be taller than you actually are. When your shadow looks shorter than you are, the sun is too strong for sunbathing.

- Pure water. Always keep hydrated by drinking pure water in sufficient quantities. If you urinate less than 8-12 times a day, and your urine is dark yellow in colour - you are dehydrated. Dehydration is a major source of disease. If you are not used to drinking water, then you can train yourself. You can keep a bottle of spring/filtered/distilled water next to your bed and start drinking it as soon as you wake up, aiming to drink at least 1 litre of water before your breakfast. Then, take another 1 to 2 litres of water with you and drink it throughout the day. Drink water 10-15 minutes before your meals and allow a couple of hours before drinking water after your main meals (less so if you had a fruit meal or a vegetable salad). All cooked foods lack water and dehydrate our bodies. In fact, if the majority of our food is cooked, no amount of water may be able to compensate for the dehydration experienced by the body. Most fruits and vegetables have a high water content which is perfectly structured to hydrate our cells.

- Living and wholesome food. There is a tremendous amount of research that highlights a direct link between our diets and our state of health. The diet that we eat supplies fuel to our cells, upon which our health is then built. If we put dead substances and foods for which we have not been designed for into our bodies, they will not be able to function well. The most optimum diet for a human being is a plant-based and living diet that is built upon primarily fresh whole fruits, soft green vegetables and moderate amounts of nuts/seeds. Not only does this diet sustain the health of our cells and assists the well-being of our physical, mental and spiritual selves, it also promotes environmental harmony. A living and plant-based diet does not result in toxicity and is disease-healing, rather than disease building. It digests efficiently, gives us all the necessary nutrients, and oxygenates our cells. The chief toxin-forming foods and substances that contribute towards a disease formation are: drugs (legal and illegal); alcohol; nicotine; coffee and caffeine; carbonated or soft drinks; meat and animal product; all processed and tinned foods; fried or barbequed foods; additives, preservatives, as well as any other artificial ingredients; refined salt, sugar, and sugar substitutes; processed oils, and margarine; and processed starch (cakes, cookies, breads, pizzas, pastas, etc.). These substances need to be eliminated from the diet completely. The less health destroying substances we put into our bodies, and the more whole raw fruits and vegetables we include in our diet, the more cleansing, healing, and restorative opportunities we will give ourselves. Healthy eating is indeed a vast area and it will be explored further in the future health related posts. The Healthy Eating section of The Spirit of Transition book covers the diet area in greater detail, giving step-by-step recommendations on how to transition to a low-fat, raw vegan diet.

- Regular exercise. Food alone cannot and will not deliver magical results. So, a healthful diet, therefore, must be accompanied by regular exercise - life comes from movement, or motion. True health, proper food assimilation and absorption, positive thinking, focused mental mind, and a healthy emotional state (note: e-motional) cannot be experienced if no exercise is taken. The benefits of exercise are truly tremendous. Exercise is a powerful anti-stress remedy, which works to remove mental and emotional tensions and shifts a lot of stagnant energy of the past. Physical activity helps the blood to circulate, opening up the capillary system to more oxygen. It promotes muscular, cardiovascular and lymphatic health, increasing energy levels, and encouraging greater body awareness. To maintain optimum health and weight, a fast motion, aerobic-like activity needs to be performed for at least 30 minutes a day and at least 5 times a week. This can include dancing, jogging/running, brisk walking, cycling, aerobics, the use of trampoline, etc.Here is a great way to start your exercise regime. Go outdoors, start walking briskly and focus on your breathing. Inhale quickly through your nose for 4 counts and then exhale quickly through your month for 4 counts. Do this for 5 minutes to warm yourself up. Continue walking briskly, and, then, add some positive affirmations. For example: "I am a fit and healthy I simply love my life. I can achieve anything that I want. I radiate peace, harmony, and joy. I am committed to the continuous improvement of every single aspect of my life. I send love to people who are dear to me, and the planet that I live on. I am so grateful for everything I have in life. " Consider starting from 15-20 minutes to begin with, and, then, extend your brisk walks to at least 30 minutes a day, every day! When you are comfortable with brisk walking, add some jogging. Jog for just 3-5 minutes on your first day, and increase your jogging by a minute each day. You will benefit greatly from using free professional running plans that can be accessed from websites like http://www.runnersworld.com or http://www.about.com, where you can set your own personal running targets. Aim to include some other forms of exercise, such as swimming, hiking, stretching, yoga, chi kung, etc.

There are many other factors that contribute to a healthy existence, including: mental/emotional and spiritual mastery; positive thinking; visualisation and affirmations; life that is meaningful and has a sense of direction; personal hobbies; nurturing relationships, wider social engagements, and pretty much everything and anything that brings us health, vigour, focus, strength, expansion, joy, and harmony.

Thank you for reading!


About the Author: Yulia is an intuitive, a Natural Health and Whole/Raw Food Nutrition Coach, and the author of "The Spirit of Transition" book. Having left her previous career as a corporate diversity manager, she established a health and inner growth group in London. Back in the year of 2009, both Yulia an her husband received an inner calling to travel around the world, connecting with different cultures and visiting many of the Earth's sacred sites. The journey of their discovery is continuing to this day. Yulia's work can be found on her website at http://www.newearthbeings.com

Interview of Gurdip Hari "The Conscious, Unconscious & Super-conscious Mind"

Reader Views would like to welcome Gurdip Hari, author of

"The Conscious, Unconscious & Super-Conscious Mind." This

book explains how to find out the truth about yourself and

your purpose in life.

Juanita: Thank you for talking with us today Gurdip. Your book

"The Conscious, Unconscious & Super-Conscious Mind" takes

readers on a journey into their own mind.

What was your inspiration for writing this book?

Gurdip: My inspiration came from God, or to put it more precisely

from within, to help mankind understand how our mind functions,

why we are the way we are, why we behave as we do, and how

to change ourselves, to become happier, peaceful, successful and productive.

Juanita: Please give us an idea of this amazing journey into the mind and how your book helps

readers accomplish a more happy and successful life.

Gurdip: Life is a journey by itself, Mind is the driver, body is the vehicle and our spirit or self is the

passenger. Once we begin to understand the driver, the journey becomes amazing and enjoyable.

Finding the root cause of a problem leads to a solution, when you realize the causes behind

unhappiness and misery, you turn the tide, and as you become conscious that the present moment is all

there is, life becomes happier, successful and productive, when you start giving your best not only to

yourself, also others.

Juanita: What are the differences between the Conscious, Unconscious and the Super-Conscious


Gurdip: The Conscious mind is the 10% share-holder, Unconscious the 90, which reflects a great

imbalance. Super-Conscious mind is the state of balance between these two, when with personal

efforts as outlined in my book, you increase share of the conscious mind from 10 to 50, and

unconsciousness automatically drops down from 90 to 50. A state of 50-50 is the state of Super-

consciousness, nirvana, or enlightenment.

Juanita: It really is startling to understand that the conscious mind only participates 10%. You say

that the inner child, or the unconscious, plays games with us all our lives. Why is this, and what is is

the reward for this game playing?

Gurdip: Being the 90% share-holder of our mental domain, the unconscious mind happens to be in

complete control, and plays games to stay as a dominant force, and run our life. Just like two partners

in a company, one is a 90% share-holder and the other a mere 10, won't the major partner play

whatever games he likes? To stay in control, and have things your way, is the reward for any game


Juanita: Quite a few paths suggest that the ego must be completely let go; that the goal is to bring the

entire unconscious into consciousness. Your model is a little different in that you say the unconscious

and conscious need to share the stage at a 50-50 rate. Does this mean that the impulses of the inner

child will always be with us?

Gurdip: Positive and negative are required in equal proportions for a balanced outcome, just like

electricity coming into our homes. Imagine if 90% negative or positive comes in, what would happen?

Won't our electrical equipments blow up, in the same way 90% unconsciousness is blowing us up,

making us angry, resulting into these senseless wars, failed marriages, relationships, broken homes etc.

The impulses of the inner child need to be balanced, as they are our assets to turn into a child again.

The whole secret of turning spiritual is to become child-like, and return to that care-free, adventurous


Juanita: In your book, you compare marriage to a rosebud, saying "the ultimate purpose is for them

to blossom, to open up to each other". Why do you think so many marriages are in crisis these days,

and the divorce rate so high?

Gurdip: Marriages are in crisis and divorce rates high because of this 90-10 imbalance of the mind.

Both partners are not in control of their lives, being mere 10% share-holders; their unconscious minds

are running their affairs. As they are unable to understand their own inner child, unable to heal the deep-

rooted hurts, fears and resentments, they do not realize the meaning of love, giving, and forgiving.

When a marriage fails, both partners individually fail, and this will continue if you don't learn how to

balance your mental kingdom.

Juanita: This is so unfortunate, but really does make sense. How do parents' behaviors, personal

beliefs, insecurities, and fears contribute to the development of the unconscious mind of the child?

Gurdip: This development takes place in the first 7 years of life. During this stage the child's mind is

highly telepathic and picks not only what he sees his parents doing, but also what is going on in their

minds. It is so simple to have the kind of children you would like to have, if we understand that the

basic foundation as to how the child will behave as an adult, is laid in the first 7 years. So we need to

change ourselves, and become what we wish our children to be, in thought, word and deed. As we

sow, so shall we reap!

Juanita: Speaking about the first 7 years of life, in your book you talk about the different stages of

development and how they relate to the chakras. The seven chakras are activated in 7 year cycles until

the last chakra, the crown chakra, is activated by age 49. If we are able to reach this point, what

happens after age 49?

Gurdip: Then you are all set to enter the state of super-consciousness or enlightenment,

to fulfill your purpose on earth. In the olden days, 50 was the retirement age, and on an average people

lived up to 100 years, an indication that the material part of the journey ended at 50, and the remaining

years were meant for spiritual attainment.

Juanita: How important do you feel religion or spirituality is to the development and fulfillment of a

conscious individual?

Gurdip: It is the proper understanding of religion and spirituality which is important. We have to

clearly see the difference between a sect, race, and religion. My understanding of religion is that we

are sent to earth with a specific purpose or mission, and each of us is given a unique talent to fulfill it.

The day a person realizes, he is here on a mission, he's turning religious, and the day you find that

unique talent, polish it up, and begin to serve mankind with it, you are then walking the path of religion.

Spirituality simply means a person who has found his spirit, mission and purpose, and is moving

forward with total enthusiasm, dedication and happiness to accomplish it.

Juanita: You go into depth in your book about meditation. What types of meditation are you

referring to, and please tell us a little about the purpose of meditation.

Gurdip: Meditation simply means to be focused on what you are doing at a particular moment. For

example if you are concentrating on your breathing, just focus on that, don't let the mind wander away

to other areas. The purpose of meditation is to sharpen your focus, in order to fully enjoy the things

you do in your normal life on a daily basis. For example, if you are eating, driving, cooking, or

showering, you should be enjoying those acts fully, not let the mind wander away to problems and

tasks which are to be done later.

Juanita: What is the main motivation for an individual to enter into the type of self reflection talked

about in "The Conscious, Unconscious & Super-Conscious Mind"?

Gurdip: To be able to realize who you are, beyond the limits of death and birth, your true nature and

purpose on earth. Even if that is not your goal, imagine the kind of blissful state you can be in, when

you are able to balance the two segments of your mind, and attain your dreams, goals, improve

relationships, and enjoy every single moment, every day of your life.

Juanita: How do ones thoughts influence physical health?

Gurdip: Basically it all begins from a thought, which happens to be the seed. Once our mind is

balanced, it will emit balanced thoughts, and lay the foundation for health and other important things in

life. Every one desires good physical health, which comes from a balance of proper exercise and

nutrition. In fact my next book, Mental, Physical & Spiritual Health, due for release in late 2006, deals

with this subject in detail.

Juanita: We will be eagerly awaiting your next book. It sounds like it will complement "The

Conscious, Unconscious, and Super-Conscious Mind" very well. Tell us about your humanitarian

work and the influence of your father in your present pursuits.

Gurdip: It is my dream to help increase love and human consciousness, and to build educational

institutes in Africa, to provide free education to under-privileged children, and 50% of my publishing

income is going towards this. My Father served mankind in the best way he could, he was not a

certified doctor, but practiced Homeopathy as a hobby, and healed countless souls with free medicines

and positive words. I grew up seeing him do all this, and when he completed his journey on earth in

March 2000, a deep desire developed in my heart to carry on his good work. I semi-retired from

computer business in January 2001 to embark on this journey to serve mankind, and God guided me

into writing inspirational materials, and learn natural healing techniques like Reiki. I continue my work,

sharing knowledge with the world through my website, http://www.Humanityandlove.com, my books, and

motivational talks, enjoying every single moment, and gradually moving forward toward fulfillment of

my mission on earth, one day at a time.

Juanita: Thank you for sharing your thoughts and enlightening book with us today. You have given

us much to think about. We respect your mission and look forward to your next book. Are there any

last thoughts you'd like to share with your readers?

Gurdip: Life is a gift, every day is a new beginning, take time to enjoy nature and to be with the ones

you love, count each blessing like children count stars, live every moment to the fullest by giving your

best in each situation. Don't wait; celebrate right now, a life full of joy, full of love, full of peace.

Juanita Watson is the assistant editor for Reader Views. http://www.readerviews.com

7 Reasons Why It's Important to Live From Heart Consciousness

So, what's all the hub bub about Heart Consciousness?

Our Heart centered truth always communicates with us. Never is there a time when it does not MOVE, BREATH and THINK with each of us. We already carry "Heart Centered Consciousness or just a Heart center inside each of us". Never is there a time where your heart center is outside of you where you feel you must find it, seek it out or go in search of it. Your Heart never hides from you and is always present and patiently waiting for you to recognize what is being freely given to you.

By consciously making an effort to be in our heart center we regain our KNOWING. To get to internalize heart consciousness it does not take work; it takes remembering, enjoying, rejoicing, recognizing, playing and Knowing.

In real time, NOW, away from distractions one can center into feeling your heart center. Recognizing those emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual signs and giving them energy is what draws us back or highlights the detachment from the heart self, the true self.

BOOKS, TEACHERS AND COURSES are tools, reminders; but, never should they take the place of what you know within yourself. Your heart has always been there for you. It has never left you and will always remain with you. The only thing that has clouded the connection is the perspective of "something is lost". Perspective is very strong and can certainly derail any means of clarity.

Each day, each experience, each spoken word, each emotion we feel centers us within our "true voice", our heart center. We are blessed with creator gently nudging us or sometimes giving us no option but to pursue our rediscovery of our heart self. When doubt, self destructive tendencies, self blocks cloud our truth, we become less communicative with this voice and begin a long arduous path of detachment and emotional upheaval.

Here are seven important reasons why, it is important to live in our heart center to stay consciously connected to heart energy;

1. You heal your self, others, and mother Earth. Yes, it is that simple. Just by shifting from mind consciousness to heart centered consciousness you heal your self, others, and mother Earth. Yes, it is that simple. All we have to do and be is LOVE and it happens when shift from mind consciousness to heart consciousness. All you have to be is love, it's the answer to everything! It's easy to shift your consciousness from the mind to the heart and just be. To shift the planet to heart consciousness it takes only 1/3 of the population on the planet to do this it. Let's all commitment to living from the heart and to spreading the message, it is possible to heal mother earth and each other. There is no more time to waste.

2. Your TRUE VOICE comes from your heart center. EMBRACE YOUR HEART CENTERED VOICE. It's your and its free. Enjoy your love and heart consciousness self. Wake up each day and begin it with listening to your heart self, your heart voice. Remind yourself throughout the day of your true communication and soon you will always be in your heart centered voice, always in heart consciousness and grounded within ALL THAT IS YOU. When we let go of all doubt, miscommunication and allow our true heart voice to be heard and felt, one feels an instant connection with spirit, voice, higher self etc. This is the alignment everyone speaks of. We become on with our own vibration, our own voice and our own heart. There is comfort, strength, joy, solitude, reverence, youthfulness, excitement.....we become childlike in our adventures.

What is different about this connection? How do you know this is your truth? You do not have to think about it. The connection is so natural that it resonates without conflict. All energy centers align and most of all, your mind lets go of any scenarios and it simply just "IS". There is no conflict from mind to heart. The KNOWING takes over. Peacefulness is at hand.

This is the energy you want to go within--meditate with this energy allow yourself to really feel this energy throughout your body, your soul, your heart. It is the true connection that keeps your centered in the heart consciousness.

This reflects outward with every decision, each thought, each activity....no longer are you making decisions separate from your heart consciousness. Instead everything begins with and ends with your heart center. All conflict falls away. Double is no longer part or your decision. One becomes one's truth. The bodies are aligned and truth is centered.

Truth fills every part of your being, heart centered love consciousness centers all. Your strength, purity of voice is clearly heard, communicated and witnessed. People stand with a voice of clarity, love and compassion.

3. Connected to the " ONE" source. We are here to live from a consciousness of our inner magnificence and to experience our birthright of unlimited abundance. Whatever label you use for Source energy: God, Life Force, Creator, Universal energy, Divine Presence; it exists in everyone and in everything. The power of heart conscious intention is what instantly makes Source energy available to us and that power is within us to access at will. The minute we use intention to acknowledge our connection to Source energy we have the opportunity to create or change anything that we desire.

4. Truth comes from the heart. Spend more time shifting your awareness to your heart center, breathing, giving voice to our' Heart truth".

Speak through the purity of your energy and not just functional words. Our true voice, heart voice communicates through energy vibrations. Such as, beauty, love, joy, happiness, energy, light, this is the wonderful connection all are freely given every day.

Heart Consciousness is real, alive and is YOU. All you have to do is be YOU, alive, approachable, embracing love, patient, caring. You don't have to try and create this new self........IT ALREADY EXISTS...IT'S YOU.

5. All conflict falls away. This reflects outward with every decision, each thought, each activity....no longer are you making decisions separate from your heart consciousness. Instead everything begins with and ends with your heart center. All conflict falls away. Doubt is no longer part or your decision. One becomes one's truth. The bodies are aligned and truth is centered.

Truth fills every part of your being, heart centered love consciousness centers all. Your strength, purity of voice is clearly heard, communicated and witnessed. People stand with your voice of clarity, love and compassion.

6. By living from Heart Consciousness allows the soul expression to come through.

Heart Consciousness is you, free for you and is always in and around you. Thank yourself daily. Always choose to come from your KNOWING. Allow your heart consciousness to guide you and you not guide it. Listen, trust, allow and let go.

7. When connected with your heart center you're in present moment awareness. You start to notice, greater clarity, deeper dreams, greater awareness, and your body detoxifies on a regular bases.

Exercise Time: Connecting with your heart center

Touch your heart centered area with your right hand. Connect with your heart. Allow the energy to flow in.

The key is the heart. The key to connecting our emotional/intuitive gifts with our brain's ability to decide and direct is through the heart. The key to accessing all of the knowledge contained within our cells and DNA is through the heart. The uses and the results are unlimited: we must only remember to turn our intention and consciousness toward our heart. Heart centered consciousness is our pathway to a much larger human shift into a new way of existence.

As we practice and continue to have experiences of heart centered consciousness, our everyday state of mind shifts more and more into the heart-centered zone. The heart is a bridge between the earthly and spiritual levels of human consciousness. Heart centered consciousness is where spiritual awakening occurs, changing one's viewpoint of reality permanently. Once we see and experience this expanded realm of consciousness, it enhances our views and abilities for life. The energy of the heart is the energy of love. All that we have to be is love. BE LOVE.

Loretta Mohl, Author & Founder FIT

Loretta has spent the past 25 years living and promoting heart-centered consciousness. She is the founder of the Canadian College of Healing Arts and the Focused Intention Technique?; both are dedicated to providing a service which awakens the individual's Unlimited Potential. Since her introduction to energy healing in the late 80s, she has studied many formal and natural healing approaches. After those years of study and much reflection, she formulated Focused Intention Technique? (FIT?) utilizing many elements from her life's work and drawing deeply from her own instincts. She named this dynamic healing modality, Focused Intention Technique?, because it so perfectly describes what she knows to be the absolute truth: The body knows how to heal itself and by just activating intention and focus, the body will do the rest.

For personal coaching sessions with Loretta check out her web site http://www.lorettamohl.com or blog at http://justlivingmylife.com

2012年8月17日 星期五

Prosperity Consciousness

There has been a lot of talk in the past several years regarding Prosperity Consciousness. The basic truth is, as you think and believe, so you become. Note that I said as you think and believe. For those of you who know the practices of hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming or integrative release therapy, you may recall the fact that behaviors are not created by our thinking, they are created by our beliefs.

This is a critical distinction. Thinking occurs in the conscious mind. This is the area where calculations are made and thinking that is not necessarily linked to emotional responses occurs. In fact, it is actually quite easy to think without being at all connected to the body or emotions.

This is why many say they are in a daze when they give in to an addiction. The unconscious and conscious minds aren't connecting in a clear way. If we are in the state of this type of thinking, we often don't feel anything until we are triggered in some way. Triggering occurs when something happens that reminds the unconscious mind of a previous situation. Then the unconscious mind produces a behavioral response which may or may not make sense to the thinking, conscious mind, and yet, does occur. It occurs because of the underlying belief that is deep seated in the unconscious mind. In changing this belief, you can change your consciousness, and your perception of the world around you. This in turn may also change your behavioral responses. This is why people actually behave differently (along with feeling and thinking differently) after hypnotherapy and/or other mind/body sessions.

In a very direct way, these underlying beliefs manifest your outer world by creating how you perceive the world around you. If you perceive in lack consciousness, what you will see around you will often perpetuate that belief. If you believe you are prosperous, then you look at the world in much different way. In fact, the same situations which you may have encountered when your perceptions were derived from lack consciousness will actually be different for you.

To digress for a moment, I firmly know and believe that when we are in a space of prosperity, that is what we mirror to others and, even if they don't in that moment see their own prosperity, we change their world by showing them what is possible. This is what I believe Gandhi was referring to when he said, 'We must first be the change we wish to see in the world.' That is an important factor to realize in all areas of your life. If you see others in a negative light, it makes it much more difficult for them and for you to change.

Back to prosperity consciousness, we know then that it is beliefs that change our worlds, but once I'm living in prosperity consciousness, how does prosperity consciousness create prosperity?

First, by living in the energy of prosperity consciousness, that is what is attracted back to you.

Second, taking the actions that one takes when they are in the state of prosperity consciousness, you change your physical world.

The Energy of Prosperity Consciousness

Let's start with the first one, living in the energy of prosperity consciousness. From an energy perspective, if you think a certain way that is what you are attracted to so that is what you attract toward you. This occurs because prosperity conscious changes how you hold and interact with the energy in yourself and your world. If you are living from a place of prosperity consciousness, you will be living in an open space of energy. This openness allows new energy (which can take the form of money, new clients, new opportunities, etc.) to flow into your world and through you. It also allows you to recognize if something new is an opportunity.

If you are living from a space of lack, you lock your energy. The fear traps the energy and where nothing can flow, prosperity is stymied. I've seen people so tight in their energy that someone offers them money and they either don't notice it, believe it's never enough or dismiss it as a fluke. When you are living in a limiting belief system, even when the universe tries to give you a gift, you may not see it. The more you push the gift away, the more you create the world around you to match your limiting beliefs.

Prosperity Consciousness in Action

Now prosperity consciousness is not all 'in your head'. You must practice it in your thoughts, words and actions. This means, you must interact with your world from a state of prosperity consciousness.

To begin this process, answer the following question regarding an area of your life where you would like more abundance:

When I am/ have _______________(putting in here the language of what you believe needs to happen for you to be prosperous in this area) I can or will be able to _______________(putting in here the language of what it will be like when you have manifested the prosperity in the way you wish to).

(Other language to play with here could be: When I ______I will ___________.)

The purpose of this is to notice where you are having lack consciousness/ limiting beliefs and also see the often unhealthy connections we are making in our unconscious minds.

An example for a woman who desires a new home but is feeling stuck in manifesting it could be: When I am rich I can or will be able to move to a place I love.

The way to look at this from a consciousness perspective is to see the limits this person is putting on themselves with this underlying belief. With this belief, this woman has told herself that she can't enjoy where she is living until she is rich. Note that this is also saying that where she is currently living isn't rich and she doesn't love it.

The process taken once a limiting belief is recognized may take many forms. Personally, I'd begin by gaining a better understanding of what the terms 'rich' and 'a place she loves' mean to this woman. Perhaps, by understanding her definitions of these, she could find a new way to live rich and bring that feeling of richness into her current home. Then she could move forward into a new home, if she still desires to do so (as this often changes when we open up our 'stuck' states), while enjoying her daily life as well.

For example, if this woman found that living in a home that felt both 'rich' and like 'a place she loves' meant being able to have friends over in a space she felt proud of, she might begin by decorating a room in her current space and having a few friends over to share it with her.

One thing see when we work with prosperity consciousness is that we don't live in a black and white reality. This allows us to enjoy the colors of life we do live in.

May we all live in the state of prosperity consciousness that brings us together in celebration.

Blessings, love, and light,


Jenifer Shapiro is a proven intuitive, professionally trained in coaching, hypnotherapy, NLP, yoga, shamanism and other mind, body, soul therapies. She holds an M.B.A. in international business and is the founder of The Empowerment Centre in Paoli, PA and HolisticHometown.com as well as the originator of Integrative Release TherapyTM. She teaches and works with individuals, teens and holistic entrepreneurs to assist them in manifesting empowering, fulfilling lives and businesses. She can be reached at (610) 213-1010 or www.TheEmpowermentCentre.com.

Consciousness, Unconsciousness and Leadership

I'm experiencing a deep sense of sadness as I reflect on an event at the recent G8 summit meeting in Japan in July, 2008. The event was a six-course lunch followed by an eight-course dinner where the agenda was - hang on to your hat, and take a deep breath - famine and the global food crisis.

First, some details:

·Participants were served 24 different dishes during their first day at the summit - just hours after urging the world to reduce the "unnecessary demand" for food, and calling on families to cut back on their wasteful food use.

·The dinner consisted of 18 dishes in eight courses - including caviar, smoked salmon, Kyoto beef and a "G8 fantasy dessert".

·The banquet was accompanied by five different wines from around the world, including champagne.

·African leaders - including the leaders of Ethiopia, Tanzania and Senegal, who had taken part in talks during the day - were not invited to the function.

·The dinner came just hours after a 'working lunch' consisting of six courses.

The lunch/dinner misstep is a metaphor for the unconscious, hypocritical and insensitive behavior many leaders and managers manifest when they espouse values that purportedly support the well-being of their organizations and then engage in the sort of excesses and unethical behavior that only undermines their integrity, respectability and credibility.

Betrayal and the corporate world of today.

Betrayal and mistrust are rampant in the corporate world today. Take, for example, corporate bosses who paint a rosy picture of the future, then show thousands of workers to the door, then pile work on the unfortunate individuals who remain. Or those who urge employees to take care of their health, then denigrate them for using the gym on 'company time' while expecting them to work 70-hour weeks, including weekends. Then there are those leaders who drive their organizations into the ground financially and walk away with huge bonuses and severance packages for doing so - while their employees walk away with nothing.

These and many other examples of daily betrayal are creating a pervasive atmosphere of mistrust in the workplace.

The excessive spending and lavish consumption of the G8 participants points to the difference between consciousness and unconsciousness when it comes to living life by taking the high road, to living life by following one's inner moral compass and to living life by serving others.

Consciousness and unconsciousness defined

There are four basic levels of consciousness:

·Not conscious (instinctual, ego-driven) - The behavior of the G8 leaders is simply being unconscious - allowing their lower-level, ego-driven, base, and selfish desires to drive, completely unaware of the consequences and the impact on greater good' of the community.

·Subconscious -habitual, robotic, reactive.

·Conscious - aware, intelligent, conceptual, reflective

·Superconscious - (intuitive, guiding, truthful, loving, universal

It's not about contempt for others. It's about being conscious! Awake! Aware!

The behavior of the G8 folks is one of being unconscious - allowing one's lower-level, ego-driven, base, instinctual, selfish and blind desires to have free reign, completely unaware of the consequences and the impact on the "larger good" of the community, of humanity.

It's not about arrogance. It's not about greed. It's not about politics. It's not about contempt for others.

It's about being conscious! Awake! Aware! It's about the fact that no one - NO ONE - said, "Wait a minute! What are we doing here? Something doesn't feel right to me." No one!

That's unconsciousness. That's being disconnected from our True and Real Self. Unconscious.

Consciousness is about spiritual (not theological, not religious) intelligence and the fundamental principles that govern the behaviors of our leaders.

It's about honesty, sincerity, self-responsibility and self-awareness.

It's about living one's core values - assuming one has core values and has thought consciously about how to live them at 9:00 Monday morning.

It's about integrity. It's about walking the talk. It's about being a business person and human being at the same time.

It's about taking the high road.

How does it apply to you?

Consciousness is about viewing my life right here and right now, from the 25,000-foot level and asking:

"What am I doing right here, right now?"

"Who am I being, right here, right now? Am I acting in alignment with my core values?"

"Is there harmony between what I think, say, feel and do, and if not, why not? How can I create that harmony for myself?

"What am I thinking about and what do I think about what I'm thinking about?" "Am I 'going along to get along' even though I know it's inappropriate?"

Consciousness is simply about being decent right where I am. That's who successful and truly respected leaders and managers are.

Consciousness is simply about having and showing character and working for the highest good of all concerned, right where I am. That's what successful and truly respected leaders and managers do.

Consciousness is about showing up, authentically, with integrity, and acting to make the workplace, and the world, a better place - for everyone - even if it's uncomfortable and inconvenient. Pure and simple.

Consciousness tugs on our sleeve consistently as we reflect on the following questions:

·How aligned am I with my core values?

·When my colleagues, bosses, direct reports, clients, friends, and family observe my behavior, do they consistently observe me "walking my values talk?"

·Do I ever act in a way that others might perceive as arrogant, haughty, egotistical or greedy? If so, do I care? If not, why not?

·Do I show concern for my fellow at work, at home, at play, when I comment on the world at large, and when I'm out and about?

·At what level of consciousness do I live my life most of the time?

·Have I ever spoken up when I felt I needed to tug on someone's sleeve about their inappropriate behavior?

·Do I gloss over unethical or immoral workplace behavior as the "cost of doing business?"

·Do I exhibit the change I'd like to see everyone else exhibit?

·Have I ever betrayed another person? Have I ever been betrayed? How did I feel in either or both event(s)?


Peter Vajda, Ph.D, C.P.C. is a founding partner of SpiritHeart, an Atlanta-based company that supports conscious living through coaching and counseling. With a practice based on the dynamic intersection of mind, body, emotion and spirit, Peter's 'whole person' coaching approach supports deep and sustainable change and transformation.

Peter facilitates and guides leaders and managers, individuals in their personal and work life, partners and couples, groups and teams to move to new levels of self-awareness, enhancing their ability to show up authentically and with a heightened sense of well be-ing, inner harmony and interpersonal effectiveness as they live their lives at work, at home, at play and in relationship.

Peter is a professional speaker and published author. For more information: http://www.spiritheart.net or pvajda@spiritheart.net or phone 770.804.9125.

The Five Stages of Consciousness

Where are you?

For those of you who are not still mired in the beliefs of either Heaven on one end and extinction or at best some unthinkable punishment on the other, I would like to talk about the progression of consciousness as it moves through the physical system adopting a series of bodies in a consecutive manner over the centuries. There has been much said about what happens at death, but most people have no idea of what death really is. The reason I mention death in this article is that death, being an exit, is required for a new entrance and a series of new entrances is necessary for the conscious personality to gain enough experience in creating and manipulating matter in your material based system.

Simply put, not enough experience can be gained in one lifetime in the "Earth System", as evidenced by your societies propensity for killing each other, destroying the animals, plundering nature and your environment and polluting your planet unnecessarily, quite possibly taking it to the brink of extinction. Only a very young, inexperienced and naive society would be so shortsighted to ignore the implications of these kind of destructions. Of course, there are some among you who are beyond these inclinations and are alive on your planet, having gained the knowledge needed to help others, and are here as teachers to the less advanced newer personalities just entering the system for the first time..

At the risk of being too playful about this, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to make a pretty good guess at who are the most evolved among you and who are the "first timers". There are some among you who will be leaving the reincarnational system after this lifetime, moving on to new challenges in other more advanced systems. In case you haven't figured it out yet, your system is one of the most basic, in terms of mental and psychological depth and maturity and in fact, among other systems engaged in the manipulation of matter, yours, even though it is a beginning system, still is the focal point for other less challenging worlds.

Consciousness, on its eternal journey, must begin somewhere, and your system is one often chosen by the soul/entity, not because it is a beginning system, but because it is also one of the most challenging and most difficult of the beginning systems. Those who evolve through their many lives in the reincarnational cycle in the "Earth"field are the best prepared to leave the system for other endeavors.

You are learning to create and manipulate physical matter in a way no other beginning system allows, with full leeway of unlimited amounts of energy at your disposal and you either take pride in your achievements or perish because of your own lack of vision. You are obviously not the only creators, but you are co-creators of your world, and your personal environment. For this reason, the results of your physical constructions can be artistic creations of unequaled aesthetic refinement like no other in any universe. Your nature and environment surpass any other physical system, and sometimes your battles and bloodshed are beyond imagination too, all of this because of the "no holds barred" type of reality you have chosen to experience. In your system there are no restrictions, no safeguards, and no place for you to hide, you must deal with and live and die with your creations, experiencing them in a way only you can. It's the only way you can evaluate your progress and tell how well you are doing. Look around you, what you see is what you have created.

Consciousness has one very important distinction, it always gets better, grows, evolves, becomes more and evolution does not work backwards. In that respect, you can't do it wrong, no matter whether or not you believe in reincarnation or evolution, it happens in spite of your beliefs, so you simply can't lose at this game of life, or should I say lives. Put another way, even the most ignorant will finally "get it", they cannot un-evolve, although at times it may seem otherwise to those observing.

Consciousness progresses and you might say it learns as it goes, creating its way through your earth system, expressing continuity through lifetime after lifetime, gaining knowledge as it progresses, and most importantly, becoming more aware. The history of the human race can be surmised by following the journey of consciousness in relation to its pursuit of religious enlightenment through the centuries. Many of you ask, if I have lived before why don't I know it? Others ask, if I have other probable aspects of my total identity, why don't I know them? Or, if I truly have telepathic or clairvoyant powers, why can't I use them? These are valid questions and the answer is so overly simple that most people just won't believe it, but you can't, won't, and don't, because you are in a very real sense, an apprentice in the game of life, becoming more aware as you evolve and you are evolving from a simple beginning identity toward full awareness and full recognition of these unseen "Secret Realities" and a closer communication with the soul/entity, which is incidentally, your touchstone with "All That Is".

You have a soul/entity, who is evolved, mature beyond your wildest imagination, and in truth, you really can't even imagine at this stage of your spiritual and psychic development, the full abilities of the soul/entity. (The soul does not in any way figure into your ideas of religion). You are an incipient soul now and in some distant future you will create and nurture your own personalities in the same way that you are now nurtured by your soul. You are moving ahead, to a higher state of awareness, and it is to your benefit, at some point to consciously begin your own journey for knowledge and enlightenment instead of sitting in a pew waiting for someone less knowledgeable than yourself to impart the secrets of God to you. As you already know, God can never be found in a building filled with dogmatism, guilt and punishment and no one else can lead you to God. No clergy can save your soul, since your soul cannot be lost.

Consciousness goes thorough stages in its progression, these stages not being linked in any way to the number of lives you live in your reincarnational cycle, but can be related to religion as mankind seeks the unknown truths about its own roots and greater person-hood. For those new to this material, every person who chooses to experience a life on "Earth" must fulfill a minimum number of lives within the earth system, until a more knowing awareness has been accomplished. This full cycle of lifetimes must be well rounded and varied and must include not only well chosen physical challenges, but also certain minimums of, one lifetime as male, one as female, one full lifetime as a child and preferably varied racial experience, although it is not a requirement. Remember, there are others watching and learning who, in a way are reliant on your experience in the "sensual physical system".

These series of reincarnational lives, DO NOT correlate in any way with the five stages of the spiritual evolution of consciousness as I will explain. Understand that there are actually NO DIVISIONS between these hypothetical stages of consciousness as I envision them, one blending into another, but for the sake of conversation and explanation, divisions are necessary. I hope in a way to explain how a personality progresses through not only one lifetime, but through many mental, psychic and spiritual developments on its journey toward new horizons in new worlds and beyond. Of course, you evolve in many ways besides spiritual maturity, but for the present, we will be focusing on spiritual awareness. (This should in no way infer any religious connotation.)

PLEASE REMEMBER, These stages have no correlation with the number of lives lived and one could progress through several stages in one lifetime or it could take someone else several lifetimes to evolve through one stage. It depends greatly on the personality, their reincarnational history and their desire for knowledge.

Stage 1.

These are the "newbees", new personalities, first time creations, mental fragments, creations of the soul/entity, purposely given physical life through entrance into the physical environment by accretion or building up of cellular and molecular structure around a psychic mental pattern, filled out with density and mass into a pattern already decided on before birth. The first timer, stage 1 personalities will in their lifetime display a vigorous attitude toward life, being somewhat akin to a newborn puppy, rambunctious, trying everything, getting their footing. They will not take part in religious organizations and generally not be groupies, preferring instead to live life in abandon, never considering their significance in the greater scheme of things. They will have very little religious interests if any and will not be members of organized religions. They will have virtually no curiosity about their origins and will be preoccupied with the wonder of physical objects, like a child playing with their blocks. They will not be found in churches.

Stage 2.

These individuals will be in the beginning stages of "wondering" about where they came from and begin seeking information about a creator, and will be in the first stages of religious interests, perhaps experimenting with the more dogmatic religions, yet in a more reserved way, not ready to jump in feet first. They will be experimenters, tending to look for and latch onto the more dogmatic religions, the evangelicals, the charismatic religious leaders whose message is one of intimidation and fear and rewards in heaven and earth. They look for God in others who they think have greater knowledge than they do, but they will not seek spiritual development on their own and will look to others for their salvation. Their lives will often be chaotic, bouncing back and forth between one religion and another until settling on one that is in their comfort zone.

Stage 3.

In this stage, the personality is ready to dive into organized religion feet first, fully believing in others abilities to contact God in their behalf, but not their own. They will be the most enthusiastic religious believers, members of the choir, so to speak, and will be the originators, the joiners and participators in the more dogmatic religions. It matters not what is taught, they will accept it for fear of the promised punishments of sin and disobedience and eventual rewards. They will attend church regularly and consider themselves very religious. They will join in on available classes and take instructions on religious protocols, but in the later stages of this stage 3, they begin to become aware of greater truths that cannot be explained through rational thought or the promises and words of others. These will be the warriors, believing that killing for a cause is acceptable. Of course, this is never the case.

Stage 4.

By the time they are in what I refer to as stage 4, they have evolved out of the most dogmatic of the churches, preferring the more open religious belief system, finding comfort in the words of others and associations with others of similar liberating beliefs. The religions tend to be a bit more lenient in their beliefs, relying more on the individuals personal communication with his God. In this stage, they will quit the most dogmatic religions and seek out the more liberal, leaving open the interpretations of some of the spiritual concepts. In this stage, they tend to seek out religions that offer more freedoms and speak of the God within rather than some exterior God who sits on a throne in some idealistic Heaven, eating from the tree of life. They begin to see through the myths and symbolism in ordinary religions, still needing the support and structure of the organization, but beginning to depend more on their own increasing need for spiritual knowledge that is becoming evident in their lives. In this stage there is an increasing recognition of their intimate connection with nature and the environment and an unconscious knowledge that they somehow are inter-dependent on the values and survival of all other living things in a tapestry of life.

Stage 5.

By this time they have begun to realize that what they have been following is questionable at best and they begin to sense that there is more to religion than the conventionally held, commonly accepted stories and myths about a God who is at best strict, arbitrary, angry and judgmental. In this stage, they tend to drop out of formal churches and begin to seek out others in less formal belief systems that stress the nature of the individuals inner contact with the soul and All that Is.

This is the final stage of spiritual development in the "Earth" system of reality. When these personalities reach this point in the evolutionary development, they have usually achieved proficiency in the manipulation of matter and their personal environment. Because of their increasing awareness of the connection with what they think about and what happens in their lives, they tend to create more satisfying lives for themselves. They understand that the God they seek is not found in a church, but in the depths of the inner self and that inner self cannot be accessed by anyone other than themselves. They understand that the inner self aligned with the exterior ego self under the auspices of the soul/entity, is responsible for their physical body and their personal environment and they also are acutely aware of the inner connectivity of all consciousness and the continuity of life whether in a body or out of a body.

They have been men and they have been women and learned from both experiences. They do not fear death because they have learned to see beyond the dissolution of the physical body and they inherently know that as death draws near, the inner self is already exploring and establishing new inroads into the next life adventure. They do not see death as a termination but as a necessary stepping stone to a new life. There is one more thing, for those wondering if there will ever come a time where you will ever attain a state of "Nirvana"? You should hope not, because that kind of pristine state of nothingness and non-awareness would drive anyone crazy.

No matter how much you evolve, no matter how much you progress, there will always be challenges to be met. After all, you create the challenges and then deal with them, no matter the level of sophistication, no matter the dimension of reality, it is all endless as are you.

I have purposely not mentioned specific religions in this article for obvious reasons. The connections could be easily made however. My goal is not to influence you to change, but to make you aware of what is available and what is to come, and maybe, help you to get some idea of how you are doing in your own journey.

Next Article Preview; The Power of Expectations

My name is W. Allan, single male 62, a resident of Naples Florida. I graduated from Washington University in St. Louis and have in the past, written a column called SECRET REALITY which was carried by spiritual and metaphysical magazines. Shorter, 700-1000 word column length reprint versions of these articles are available on request. You can contact me any at my e-mail address: w.allan@hotmail.com. You may also read other articles at my blog at: http://www.answersbygod.com

2012年8月16日 星期四

Consciousness of Creation - The Movie Theater of The Mind

Creative Consciousness

The Consciousness of Creation is the keystone to understanding the creative process and our potential to create our dreams and desires. To understand the creative force in our life we must accept the concept that Consciousness creates-always creates. We cannot escape the fact that we always are creating. The issue at hand is: Are we conscious creators?

At the outset of this exploration, we must be willing to entertain the concept that we create our reality. Like it or not, good or bad, happy or sad, rich or poor, healthy or sick, it is our creation. IF WE HAVE CREATED IT, WE CAN RECREATE IT. We are not victims of our reality but rather the authors of it.

We invite you to consider the above, enhance your belief systems and take the journey through the Consciousness of Creation. We anticipate that as you journey through this article you will become re-empowered to reach for your dreams, forgive your mistakes and recreate that which has not benefited you and your highest good.

Interestingly, to discuss Consciousness we must consider our concept of God, creator, source, energy, or whatever theological or scientific beliefs we hold as the intelligent creative source of the universe. As stated, Consciousness and Creation must of their very nature accompany each other; and therefore, "God" being a creator must be conscious-perhaps the very source and definition of Consciousness. How we define "God" is our definition of Consciousness.

With that said, let's take a look at the other side of the coin. What is Consciousness and how do we define it? Is it awareness? Is it a state of being, a physical or perhaps a spiritual state? For the sake of this exploration and process, we would like to offer the following concept as a definition of Consciousness. Consciousness is made up of three parts: the Source, the Observer, and the Creation or that which is created by Consciousness. All three of these elements are necessary for there to be Consciousness. Consciousness, like a three-legged stool, cannot stand without each of its three legs.

We find it more than coincidental that "God" is defined as having three aspects. Perhaps the theological concept of a trinity godhead is an apt metaphor: Father, Son, Spirit-the Source, the Observer, and the Creation. Is it not true that we define the "Father" as the Source and mankind as the Observer of that which was created? "Let us create them in our image and likeness" was God's decree from the pages of Genesis. What is the common attribute that we share? God is defined as a creator and we are defined as a likeness of God.

The Movie Theater of the Mind

An analogy of the conscious mind's view of reality can be likened to a movie theater. The elements are very similar and useful in the exploration of the interaction of the elements of creation. There is a projector, the Source of the image; the audience, the Observer of the image; and the movie screen, the Manifestation of what we perceive as reality. In the movie theater of our life there is a source of our experience (Father/The Source), participation by the Observer (Son/Humanity) and the backdrop of our reality on which the thoughts of the Source are projected (Spirit/Creation).

The question might be raised that if "God" or some divine thought is the source of all creation then why isn't everything we experience a pure projection of that thought and, therefore, paradise. Consciousness is Consciousness. Thought is thought. What happened?

The "middleman" is the answer, YOU. Human thought is the lens through which the Source's thoughts must pass to be projected on the screen of our life. If the Source is perfect thought, its projection on the screen of our reality is the degree to which the observer's mental filters either focus or distort that which is passing through it. If we can agree that the Source/ Creator/God projects only love towards its creation, it must then be assumed that our mental filters strangulate the manifestation of perfection in our life.

All is not lost or bleak. What happens in a theater when the image on the screen is out of focus? The lens is adjusted. It would be fairly useless for the projectionist to come down and "fight" with the image on the screen in a vain attempt to focus it. Yet that is what so many of us do when we want to change our lives. We fight with reality rather than change our focus.

Lights, Camera, Action!

How do we create and then adjust the images on the screen of our reality in order to eliminate the distortion created by our filters? The answer is to remember that in the Movie Theater of the Mind the director and the audience are one in the same.

As a result "Lights! Camera! Action!" takes on new meaning. They are not only the actions taken to produce the images but the means by which to view them as the director-you-intended.

For the purpose of this imagery we would like to identify these elements of consciousness: the Light of Acknowledgment, the Camera of Surrender, and the Action of Dominion. These three elements provide the perfect venue for the Director's intent to be experienced without distortion. Distortion of the "perfect projection" can be caused by the concept of limitation, subjective beliefs or feelings of powerlessness. We adjust our perception by the following means. We focus our reality in the following way.

LIGHT of Acknowledgement

If we are feeling limitation because we are denying the potentiality and the creativity in our lives ACKNOWLEDGE that all things are possible and we have all potential. The Light of Acknowledgment reconnects us to the perfect projection of "God" in our life, the Source.

CAMERA of Surrender

If our intuition and insight are clouded by subjective filters and beliefs, we are out of alignment and alienated from our desires. We are called upon to SURRENDER those thoughts, beliefs, ideas, and emotions that block the creative power. The Camera of Surrender refocuses the lens of our observation eliminating our subjective filters. Surrender does not mean defeat. It is the willingness to release the obstacles, conscious and unconscious that hinders our ability to create what we desire.

ACTION of Dominion

When we feel powerless and out of control in our lives we call upon our DOMINION. The Action of Dominion is not dominance. It is an inner power rather than an external force and has nothing to do with another individual or thing. It is the right to create our own reality separate from outside influences or circumstances

When incorporated into our lives, these three attitudes will have a powerful effect on the consciousness in which we live. This is the essence of manifesting the reality we wish to create, being creatively conscious. This is the Consciousness of creation: Acknowledgment, Surrender and Dominion.

The Direction

As the director of your reality, you direct the players of your life-your beliefs, thoughts and preconceived ideas through affirming what you intend to create. An affirmation is a statement made in the present about a future event as if it has already occurred. The following set of affirmations is transformative when practiced and affirms the perfect perception of Consciousness in our lives while initiating the transformative process of denial to acknowledgement, alienation to surrender, and powerlessness to dominion. When we affirm we are willing to acknowledge, surrender, and be in dominion, they become a creative force in our lives.

Our desires don't need to be earned, simply affirmed and acted upon, in other words- Acknowledged. Ironic as it may seem, Surrender is the most empowering act of freewill that we can make. Freewill is not only the ability to choose our actions and desires; it is also the ability to un-choose our choices and creations. Surrender neutralizes the mental filters and removes self-inflicted obstacles that hinder our creative process. Surrender frees us from being slaves to our choices and, therefore, is the fundamental aspect of freewill. I AM FREE TO CHOOSE, good, bad or indifferent. I am the master of my own destiny by the freedom of choice.

Just as Surrender is fundamental to the creative process Dominion is the other side of the creative coin. Once the mind is a Tabula Rasa (blank tablet) from all limitation of negative thinking, Dominion is reinstated. Declaring our Dominion causes the mountains to be laid low and the valleys filled in on the pathway to our desires. Dominion is the right to choose what we want to create in our lives unaffected by external forces and environment. Declaring our dominion unleashes the creative force of our mind. Coupled with the emotion of desire our words become an unstoppable force committing our every action, word or thought to the attainment of our goals. Therefore, to every dilemma, physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual, the answer is found in the integration with the One Mind/Father of the Source-ACKNOWLEDGMENT, The One Thought/Son of the Observer-SURRENDER and the One Soul/Spirit the Creation-DOMINION.

In that spirit we offer you the following suggested affirmations. Please fill in the blanks to create what you want in your life. We have used the terms One Mind, One Thought and the One Soul to represent the Source, Observer and Creation. You may feel more comfortable with Father, Son and Spirit. Remember the following set of affirmations is a guideline and may be modified to whatever works for you. It is the spirit, not the form, which makes them transformative.

"I am willing to participate. I am willing to accept. I am willing to be divine will."

"I surrender, release and relinquish my/this ______________________ (List as many things, circumstance and attitudes you can think of that are obstacles or hinder you) into the One Mind and the One Thought to be transformed and transmuted into the purest of God-energy and returned to this plane of existence for my highest good and the highest good of all whom I encounter."

"I am in Dominion here and have the creative force and source of the universe at my disposal and I command, declare and create ________________ (state desired goal) for my highest good and the highest good of all I encounter.

The Director's Cut

Praying Creatively

We have discussed the One Mind, the One Thought, and the One Soul as it pertains to Consciousness, the creative potential, the place of intuition and insight through observation and manifestation. We have spoken of acknowledgment, surrender and dominion. Those concepts are also the key elements of prayer. Prayer is a communication and a connection with Consciousness. One is always praying. We pray to the masters of light; we pray to the masters of darkness, depending on the focus of our mind for Consciousness is Consciousness.

Prayer has been misinterpreted, agonized over and liturgically formatted. One prayer is repetitious; another is formal; others are fluid. Some pray to the heavens, others pray to the earth. Some pray to a mother; others pray to a father. Some ask for forgiveness; others believe there is nothing to be forgiven. Prayer is an elusive concept for humanity, but universally it is recognized as a communication with the Divine.

So how do we communicate with Divine Consciousness? Consciousness is the measure of its own truth, for prayer is always occurring as long as we are conscious; and we are always conscious even if not in this dimension. Prayer is the dynamic that occurs in the interaction between the three elements of Consciousness. Think about any prayer. It is the acknowledgment of the Divine, a surrendering to the Divine and an expectation of its dominion in our life. In light of this, we offer this an example of a perfect prayer of Consciousness:

I am the creative force and source of my universe, and I surrender my reality into the dominion of this truth, and all is well in my world.

A perfect prayer is a prayer that acknowledges the connection to divinity, surrenders itself to that truth and allows that dominion to be manifest in our lives. We will move worlds, we will move universes when we include these elements in all our communication with Consciousness. Throughout humanity's spiritual search that is what varying theologies have sought to teach: an acknowledgment of a divine presence, a surrender to it, and its dominion in your reality. Feel the presence of prayer in your life.

The Authors:

Through Awakening Publications, Patricia and Stanley Walsh have published Ships Of Song, A Parable of Ascension, Eternal Dawn, A Parable of Transition books of visionary fiction, Energies Awakening, A Course in Universal Energy and Awakening Realities a book of therapeutic scripts.


In addition, they have authored the Awakening Series lectures and audio recordings for self-empowerment and spiritual identity and developed the New Realities therapeutic approach for creating positive change.

Recent publications include; Consciousness of Creation, Horizons: Reflections on a Shift in Consciousness, Communiques from the Ships of Song: The Whisperings of an Awakening Soul, Mindful Meditations, The Age of the Soul: The Coming of Age, The Undeniable Fact: the Eternal Truth, The Human Experience: Navigating the Seas of Consciousness, Convergence: The Harmonics of Creation & With Highest Esteem: A Celebration of Physical Existence.

Their works are currently available through Baker & Taylor and New Leaf Distributors and carried by Amazon, Amazon Kindle Smashwords.com & Audible. Their blog, Twitter followers/list and Facebook presence offers their daily inspirational message to over 100,000 people.

CommuniquAcs: http://awakeningpublications.blogspot.com/ Join us on the journey and share your wisdom on our blog. Over 700 in depth concepts.

Come join us and share your insight, discoveries and your dreams. " We can change the world from here."™ -> http://www.facebook.com/pages/Communiqu%C3%A9s/158448997523781?sk=app_197602066931325

Understanding the God Consciousness Gestalt and Evolution of the Soul

Two words we will be using often in this discussion are (Hierarchy and Gestalt). For our purposes, Hierarchy will mean the stratified organization and layering of consciousness based on it's abilities, maturity and development. Gestalt will mean an organized and united whole that equals more than the sum of it's parts, and cannot be defined by knowing and categorizing the totality of it's components. When we think of consciousness in light of what we know and see in our everyday activities, we are presented with evidence that some living forms seem to possess more developed abilities than others.

This leads us to the assumption that we are the living epitome of consciousness expressed in human form. We assume that we are the top of the pile of living consciousness, with all other living forms below us. Of course, the word "living" itself is arbitrary, as we all tend to draw our own line of demarcation between what is "alive" and what is not alive. We attribute consciousness to things that are alive, that move, that think, reason, etc. In other words we like to consider ourselves and some animals as possessing consciousness.

If we were able to trace the evidence of consciousness downward on the scale of "living things" we would be amazed to learn that birds, insects, flowers, grass, bacteria and even the cells that compose the human body have their own and value oriented type of consciousness. Their consciousness is not equal in egotistical development as ours, but it is not less in quality, it simply has not developed in the same way as our reasoning mind consciousness. The natural instinctive consciousness of the animals serves them well for their necessary interaction with nature and the environment. We humans are part of a beautiful tapestry of consciousness composing a system of reality rising out of need and developed with a purpose. All consciousness contained within our realty has it's purpose and that purpose is to BE. What we don't understand as yet is that EVERYTHING possesses it's own type of consciousness.

Consciousness is even somewhat aware of itself in the ubiquitous electron, the atom, and even the cells and molecules are aware of their motion within a life form. The American Indian knew only a few hundred short years ago, that there is consciousness in the tree, the rock, the river and mountains. It is rather easy to accept this premise in light of other spiritual enigmas that confound us. Unfortunately with the evolution of our precise physical manipulation in a three dimensional reality, it became necessary for us to focus intently on physical performance of the biological form and we lost some of the intuitive truths that were inherently ours from the beginning. These truths are not lost, they just became buried deep within our psyche waiting to be activated again, to bring about the natural blending of the physical reasoning mind and the inner knowledge that still awaits activation.

So if we were to attempt to stratify and categorize consciousness, we would probably put ourselves near to top of the ladder with a huge gap between ourselves and God. Why would we assume that there are unending gradations of consciousness below ours but seemingly none above ours until you reached that ultimate "God Reality"?

The truth is that there are countless gradations of conscious entities above us of such psychic sophistication that we could only contemplate them as godlike psychological structures and their reality would not be translatable in words. There exist countless very mature, sophisticated entities that we cannot perceive and never will be able to perceive. These are the entities, some of which have experienced Earth reality at sometime in the distant path, have evolved through Earth reality and gone on to other more challenging worlds. Because we cannot perceive these entities with our Earth tuned senses does not mean they do not exist. They exist more assuredly than you or I do in an actuality that is so evolved that even if I were able to explain it, you could not understand. To these "super entities" Earth reality was once their kindergarten just as it is now ours. Earth is the beginning playground for new consciousness. We are here to learn, create, experience, yes, make mistakes for sure, but to learn from our mistakes and create again and again, improving all the while.

Now finally, there is therefore a PYRAMID GESTALT of consciousness with newer consciousness on the lower levels, evolving and moving upward within the pyramid structure as they progress. Of course the very top of the pyramid is ALL THAT IS (GOD). This Prime Being is composed of all consciousness below on the pyramid structure. Conversely speaking if we were to carry that thought to it's logical conclusion, in some very real way, your existence NOW on the lower levels of the psychological pyramid structure speaks of your very real connection with Top of the pyramid. Everything is connected and part of another everything.

Everything is part of something else. Nothing in the Universe stands alone. You are a part of this Pyramid Gestalt, this Hierarchy of consciousness that and between you and All That Is are unimaginable sophistication that you can hardly envision. The fact that you are part of countless entities above and below you as they are part of entities above and below them. "I use the term above and below, when the meaning is more advanced in consciousness development". I am saying that within this Hierarchy, you are part of something else, that is itself part of something else and so on forever. In entity development there is no better or best, there is just more advanced, mature, developed, but all are of the same quality, as they came from the same Source.

This kind of psychic oneness should not in the least bother you or make you in any way feel insignificant. It is quite like the following analogy. You live within your family at the same time you live within your city or county. You also live within your country and live on your continent and there is no contradiction, no jealousy of one above the other even though you are part of all simultaneously. The entity of which you are a part, scarcely notices you, but it's development depends on the structures upon which it rests and give it strength. You are a part of grander entities, and you don't even notice it. You are evolving in that direction yourself, and as your position on this pyramid of consciousness increases in depth and awareness, so will it increase maturity and psychic sophistication.

If you have been anxiously awaiting your unification with God, forget it. You are already as closely connected as you will ever be. As you increase and become more, All That Is increases multitudinous amounts multiplied by the number of all consciousness on this earth. From this you can see that as you increase, All That Is increases exponentially. As an example, as you progress an inch, All That Is progresses a million miles in terms of distance as an analogy. All That Is experiences through all entities beneath itself including you, as you to are also an entity of considerable worth and always becoming more. All That Is doubles itself in nanoseconds. So as there are countless layers of consciousness below yours, there are more above yours also. There is no huge gap between yourself and God and there are others that have gone before you. The more sophisticated and evolved the entity, the more entities involved with it and a part of it.

An entity can perceive dimensions of reality that are not yet as not as developed as it's own, but cannot perceive dimensions that are more evolved.

My name is W. Allan, single male 62, a resident of Naples Florida. I graduated from Washington University in St. Louis and have in the past, written a column called SECRET REALITY which was carried by spiritual and metaphysical magazines. I have recently started a blog to publish my work with the intent of incorporating expanded versions of my blog in book form. You can contact me any at my e-mail address: beachinguy@hotmail.com You may also read other articles at my blog at: http://answersbygod.blogspot.com and have a small company recording and selling CD's of the sounds of nature from my web site at http://www.naturesong.net Published author and writer of Spiritual columns (Secret Reality) and books. Owner of a Naure CD company (NatureSong), recording and distributing nature sounds CD's to retail outlets including a wide variety of bird song CD's and over 36 different sounds of nature. All of our nature sounds and bird songs are continuous, ambient sounds of nature without music.

2012年8月15日 星期三

Go Beyond Mind and Into Consciousness

Problems, frustrations, fear and anguish seem to be part and parcel of the human condition. So many people spend their lives in desperate states; trying in vain to destroy their problems. The true problem that underscores the others is a failure to differentiate between mind and consciousness.

You may be facing circumstances that seem rather difficult and reasoning with yourself, "If I could just think of a solution to this problem...," that, my friend, is the crux of the situation. You are trying to use your physical, limited mind to defeat a physical, limited problem. When the truth is you are armed with the power of an infinite consciousness that can easily smash your problems.

What's the Difference?

Many people (most, in fact) see no difference at all between their physical brains and the higher consciousness that lies just beneath the surface. They reason, calculate, plot and maneuver to try and live the higher life. And all of these efforts usually result in nothing, but more problems.

Here's the key, and you need to remember it well - you, the real you, is much more than a collection of physical parts... you are pure, unlimited consciousness. The real solution to your problems lies in tapping into your consciousness for the true answers, not in trying to formulate a solution with your physical brain.

In The Zone

Have you ever been in a situation where the perfect answer to a problem just came to you? Perhaps you've competed in athletics and effortlessly performed better than you ever thought possible. These instances of being "in the zone" are much more than flukes. These are the times when you've bridged the gulf between mind and consciousness and lived like you were meant to live. Think about it. You weren't trying. You weren't formulating answers or dreading circumstances. In those rare moments, you've been guided by the infinite, perfect consciousness that we're all a part of. And the truth is, those moments can be the rule, rather than the exception.

Beyond the Physical

When those moments come, don't simply write them off. Embrace them and learn from them. In order to live the successful, winning life that you were meant to live, you have to operate in this realm more often than not. Then, and only then, will you overcome the limitations of cultural beliefs, racial beliefs, religious beliefs and self-identity beliefs that have been holding you down and hindering you from reaching your true potential.

Albert Einstein said, "You cannot solve problems with the same level of consciousness that created them." He overcame limitations and used the power of his imagination to formulate his breakthrough theory of relativity. And he wasn't successful because his brain was so much bigger than yours. He understood the importance of dividing mind and consciousness, so that the mind is led by the consciousness and not vice versa.

You too can operate like that. Stop forcing yourself to solve problems and listen to that still, small voice that echoes the wisdom of the infinite consciousness. Use your emotions as a guidance system. If you feel good you are led by the consciousness, if you feel bad you are out of sync. Then you'll see the real power of understanding the difference between mind and consciousness, as you begin to harmonize with your higher consciousness to live the life you were created to live.

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Inquiring Into The Whole Nature Of Human Consciousness

The primary challenge that human beings are facing is only one major conundrum: the ignorance about The Psychological Thought Process, a.k.a., the CONSCIOUSNESS OF MANKIND.

The vast destruction that permeates the entire world originates from this psychological entity [Ego]. Every human being comprises this self-destructive fragmentary process. The Ego cannot be completely eliminated by force of any kind; nor can it be vanquished by willpower. The only reason why the bulk of humanity accepts that there is no other way to live except to serve this fragmentary egotistical process (which goes by many names or labels) is because it doesn't want to know the truth about its root nature. As a matter of fact, our Ego is the result of psychological blindness or ignorance that it purposefully maintains/defends. In a word, Ego doesn't want to end. And, so long as Ego goes unchecked/unaware of its manner of functioning on a whole, then there will be more of what you hear about on the news and in your communities all around the world. However, there is absolutely nothing preventing human beings from resolving this peculiar conundrum except for themselves. In other words, people desire to be ignorant about their own thought process [a.k.a., the Ego]. Therefore, people are willingly, yet unknowingly, self-destructive victims due to their conditioning, which they defend with their very lives.

For centuries Humanity has been led (by his own thinking) to believe that the only way to live happily is by assuming that we must follow or believe in something or other. But, just what are we following? Belief leads to conflict, always. Conflict is the negation of happiness, isn't it? The Ego (our psychological thought process) pretends that it has the answers through the conjuring of various beliefs, dogmas, opinions or ideals of some kind. And, that at some future point there will be a Great Reward for adhering to ones beliefs. So that is all in the limited field of TIME. However in the meantime, confusion and sorrow reigns, right? Also one might take note of the fact that this thought process has existed for thousands of years and has yet to make good on its promise of peaceful living. This illusion of bringing about something new, something that is fair or something that will be beneficial for the entire human race is always referenced as 'the greater good' or 'a noble cause', but always in the future. And, in the name of that pretext human beings proceed to slaughter one another - claiming that, "In the end there shall be salvation"; isn't that so? Hence, Mankind has been perpetually repeating this, primitive psychological vortex. Ergo, there has been no fundamental change at the root level of Human Consciousness.

When there's a problem of dealing with material necessities then one must take action. You use thinking to develop skills or business so that you can pay your bills and provide for food, clothing and shelter. When thought is used for physiological survival purposes, then there is no problem. After all, we would parish as a species were it not for our technical ideas that we use to take care of our biological needs through technology and whatnot. Thinking is the accumulation and recall of knowledge. Then that storehouse of knowledge is put to use to resolve material problems. That is the innate function of the Human Mind.

However, that is not where the human race took a wrong turn and became delusional and irrational - NO. 'Thinking' used to bring about psychological answers or so-called spiritual answers is where hell on Earth came into being. Psychologically, the problem lies in the way we think. So instead of approaching this process (by positively projecting our beliefs, ideals, opinions or desires) to resolve psychological thinking; how about we take a radically different approach - an approach that is not a 'positive' assertion of what we believe the truth is? How about we approach the Whole Nature of psychological thinking through negation [by finding out what is false in order for the Truth to shine through]? In other words by seeing what is illusory about Human Consciousness, as a byproduct, one may discover what is real and is no longer caught in this illusory, restrictive and fragmentary process. If this psychological thinking has repeatedly proven that it causes suffering, fear, frustration and stress, then instead of positively asserting that we know the answer to break free (that has been tried for centuries and has failed), how about we ask the right questions to discover what is false? After all, the truth lies in seeing that a false thing is a false thing, correct? From this point on, let us explore if it is possible to be free of our consciousness/ego by raising fundamentally crucial questions to expose the fallacy of psychological thinking, of which every human being contains.

[*Note: There can be no unbiased investigation into this problem when there is a presence of Authority (i.e., something or someone that is blindly followed without question). That being said, I'm not your Authority. I'm not important. I'm simply a mirror that is reflecting what is actual, not according to my liking, but just the way it is - regardless of my personal desires. Therefore, everything that I say has no meaning at all if you are not interested in inquiring for yourself. If you are interested you will be skeptical and allow these questions to awaken a state of intelligence or wisdom. Otherwise, reading this to debate it is meaningless. So I'll be putting forth vital questions that will penetrate the heart of our conditioning, if you truly want a happy/peaceful life.

May we begin our inquiry by asking, "What has happened to human beings after all of these thousands of years?" Haven't we, as a species, become coarse, brutal, hateful, enslaved by so-called religious beliefs with their various divisions and, thereby, creating enemies? Aren't human beings living in a world of confusion, wars and ultimately self-destruction? Don't we constantly yearn for either an ideal, belief or a person to lead us out of this chaotic mess (by following political leaders, religious leaders or other kinds of leaders who claim they have the solution but that it will always take TIME - isn't that what they all have in common right)? And if you are real honest ask yourself, have these leaders helped Humanity to deeply bring about a radically different way of living without confusion, conflict or fear?

Now in order to understand the Whole Nature of our Consciousness mustn't one ask, "What is it that we are trying to Become?" What is it that each one of us are trying to do or achieve and gain an end? What is it we all want? No matter if one is educated or not; aren't we all striving after control? It is natural to become something in this world. If one does not know how to drive a car, we spend time acquiring knowledge and practice driving. So one is Becoming a driver. If one wishes to be skilled at anything profession it will take time and practice to Become proficient at it. So that distinct kind of Becoming is natural and necessary, of course.

On the other hand, is it natural or inevitable that human beings must Become Something Psychologically? In Becoming Something doesn't it involve TIME (i.e., I was this yesterday but tomorrow I will Become totally different)? One is violent and strives to Become 'non-violent'. Isn't it the premise that by telling oneself that one is NOT violent and believes in that self-assertion then one has Become other than violence? And, even if it were possible to 'achieve' non-violence, wouldn't there be a craving to pursue further 'achievements' of yet other psychological goals? Thus, wouldn't one be trapped in the perpetual pursuit of trying to Become Something and, in the interim, one is never satisfied?

So are we trying to Become More Enlightened? What is it each one of us is trying to 'achieve'? Is this not an important question to ask? We are predisposed to Becoming Something (inwardly), right? Haven't we made the error of thinking that just because we are suppose to Become Something that is on the level of technical skills that we are also suppose to carry over 'achievement' into the Psychological sphere? So what is it deeply that we are trying to 'achieve'? But, IS THERE ANYTHING TO ACHIEVE, PSYCHOLOGICALLY? So whenever we achieve something along the lines of skill or talent, we go on to use that as a mark of status, prestige or social superiority above our fellow man in order to magnify our sense of SELF-IMPORTANCE so that we can dominate others, right? If you're aware of all this within yourself, haven't you also noticed that each 'achievement' is separate from the other? So no matter what you psychologically 'achieve', it will mean nothing when it comes to trying to achieve something else, psychologically. So doesn't that process leave one craving more and more - never quite feeling completely fulfilled, right?

For example let's say, "I am Poor/Uncertain [inwardly] and I want to be Rich/Certain [inwardly]", right? (Richness consists of Accumulating 'psychological' Knowledge.) Does that not mean that one is always struggling to Become What one Projects (based on the principle of REWARD or PUNISHMENT)? Reward is where you come to a point where you can say, "I've done it!", right? Doesn't PSYCHOLOGICALLY PAIN occur when one isn't able to achieve the ideal that one has setup for oneself? Does this not constitute Failure?

*[Reminder: the writer isn't offering you any opinions, beliefs or ideals. One is merely examining the entire nature of Human Consciousness. We're journeying into our psychological thought process by just looking at it and seeing it as it is, not as we wish it to be. Just to find out what will happen if we watch this process unfold without any domination. What you discover is all that matters. I'm unimportant. Don't accept anything that I say but instead, test it for yourself. Question your own mind by observing it. You aren't being instructed on 'what' to think but, rather, 'how' to think, and that is a big difference.]

Isn't the key ingredient to Becoming Something "TIME"? Politicians are always saying that it will take TIME to end war or provide the basic resources for everyone, right? But after all these centuries of Time, hasn't there always been war and poverty? WHAT IS [PSYCHOLOGICAL] TIME? Isn't it important to understand the nature of Time? Physical Time is the sunrise and sunset, or the days of the week or the weeks of a month, or morning, noon, evening and night. But, there is also the Time that says, "I am this and I desire to Become that". Or, society is this and it will take Time to change it. Don't most people rely upon Hope? Isn't Hope a form of Time? Things are awful and frightening right now but, in the future, it will be better - one Hopes, right? (That is Time.) The remembrance of past experiences is Time. Isn't the accumulation of knowledge within the field of Time? Also, knowledge can never be complete; so isn't it always accompanied with ignorance? Isn't Cause-and-Effect Time? So isn't the Human Consciousness conditioned by Time (being repetitive, mechanical, conforming to an ideal)? And, will it take Time to be free of that conditioning? Or, is Time the problem?

Why do we fail to make the connection between this false psychological Becoming resulting in inequality, animosity, aggression and violence? We all say that we want happiness and a peaceful world, yet how quickly we shrink away from investigating and truly understanding our own egotistical self-centered activities. Wouldn't we rather rationalize everything that we do? Wouldn't we rather pretend to ourselves that we are moral, kind, loving and peaceful (and all the while we do horrible things in the name of the so-called 'greater good')? When we hurt others don't we try to erase that immoral action away by doing something superficially charitable so that we can still maintain that we are good, decent and compassionate?

Does intelligence or love have a 'cause'? If there is a 'cause' for intelligence or love then they are limited by Time, as well. If we continue along the lines of Time (which is cause-and-effect) then there can never be a radical change in Consciousness, right? Therefore, 'cause' will ultimately produce its own effect, which is still conditioning and which also maintains conflict. All Human Consciousness is controlled by conditioning (ceaselessly projecting ideals, dogmas, superstition, propaganda, etc.). Psychologist have said that conditioning can never end. All that one can do is modify it, which means you can't leave its prison; you can only modify it and perhaps dress it up - but, isn't that still a prison? We are questioning if our psychological conditioning/programming can be fundamentally changed without using Time. That is the primary challenge of our human existence, isn't it?

However, wouldn't there be a radical change in conditioning if one were to "discover" the cause of the Whole Nature of Conditioning? For instance: One feels lonely (this is the cause) and the outcome of that is to isolate oneself further by concentrating on a belief/ideal (this is the effect). The very ending of the cause is the ending of loneliness, right? What is causing us to feel this deep sense of separation from all outward and inward relationship (which is loneliness)? Despite being surrounded by friends and family why does one still feel isolated and cut off - alone? If anyone explains the reason why, it will not be the truth for you. The explanation isn't the reality, right? For example if see a meal in a commercial, will that image make your hungry stomach full? No, of course not. Similarly, if I tell you the answer to end your conditioning will it end it? No, of course it won't. So one is faced with finding out for oneself what is the 'cause' of loneliness? Do you use thought (which is the outcome of knowledge which is limited) to inquire into this question? If you do use thought it can never be complete about anything, right? So thought is always limited. Do you inquire into the question by the exercise of thought? If you use thought to find out, you can only find out the superficial cause because thought is fragmented. Therefore, 'Thinking' can never get at the root 'cause' of conditioning, right?

Is there another instrument to inquire into this complex problem (of psychological thinking)? We are so used to using thought for everything in our daily life that we often assume that there is no other instrument. Isn't that how human beings have been educated, conditioned (programmed)? But, that instrument is incapable of delving deeply, profoundly into human conditioning due to the fact that it is a fragmentary, limited process, isn't it? It is very important that one is very clear about this, because if you are not, then you will be condemned to be enslaved by conditioning/confusion for all of your life, which is typically what happens to most people, anyway.

The 'cause' is that conditioning has brought about uncertainty, hope, isolation/loneliness, confusion and fear. And, the 'effect' is that Man has invented an idea called "God". If thought is not the instrument to inquire with, then what is? This is not my personal question. This question is for anyone in the world who is really serious about totally ending conditioning. Is the "other" instrument, if it exists, the invention of thought? Thought cannot examine the universe and its extraordinary order because thought itself is limited. So the question is: "Is there a way of Observation that is unlimited"? So can one deeply OBSERVE this total sense of loneliness/isolation with all of its destructive consequences?

Where there is loneliness/isolation there must also be various forms of conflict, antagonism, hatred inevitably leading to battle. So what is the instrument, which is not thought or unconsciously invented by thought and say, "Yes, that is it!" Therefore, one must be very, very clear that it is not the activity of remembrance, which is thought.

So we have to go into the question of Observation.

Observation may be the instrument, but we are not asserting that it is. Because an assertion is dogmatic and one may accept it and then there is no meaning. On the other hand, one is objectively investigating, without bias, whether Observation is the instrument to inquire into our conditioning of isolation/loneliness. But we know for an absolute fact that thought is Limited, utterly! Thought is not your thought or my thought - thought is thought and it is Limited under all circumstances, period. If one is clear about that then one can posit the other question. Only when you SEE for yourself the reality that thought is Limited then you are mentally free to inquire, "Is there another instrument that is not put together by thought?" But if you are confused, then you will be playing a [self-deceptive] game. Is that clear?

If we are clear on this point then, "Is there an Observation (without the word, without association or without remembrance of various past experiences)?" Hence, is it possible to Observe without the past? Is it possible to Observe the Whole World as It Is - not through an opinion as an American, British, Russian, Asian, etc. nor through the views of a particular religious sect or a particular race, not as a political activist nor as a terrorist, which are all various forms of conditioning that are all biased as well as Limited, right? Instead, can one simply Observe the whole movement of conditioning? Can one Observe conditioning, which is loneliness, without the accumulated memory of experience? Can one look at the world around oneself as well as within as though for the first time - afresh? Isn't that what is meant by Observation without the past?

So can you Observe what I am pointing out without being distracted by what the history is about the Author? Are you inwardly free to really Look at yourself as you are? Observation requires Attention, does it not? Observation is not done just to please yourself or to accommodate your past memories - but to Observe every single movement of thought, and that is all. Can one do that? Find out for yourself. Don't rely on anyone else to discover it for you, because that is impossible. When you listen to a song, can you listen to it without thinking about the name of its composer? Can you simply Listen to the song without any form of association? Is there not great beauty in that listening, as if for the very first time? Similarly, can one Observe our conditioning (whether it be the conditioning of yourself or another) in that fresh state of Observation? This is very important to understand or else one is forever lost.

Is loneliness brought about by self-centered activities? Is it the case that I feel lonely? Or rather, is Loneliness Me? I am Loneliness, right? Loneliness is not over there and I am Looking at it as though it were an entity outside of me. But instead, Observe the fact that I am Loneliness. I cause Loneliness whenever I pursue my own desires to Become Something, psychologically. So hasn't the outward activity of isolation and the inward activity of loneliness brought this about? The key here is: Can one Observe the 'cause' without wanting to transform or change or control it? Just Observe it as you would Observe the flow of the ocean. You cannot change the depth of the ocean nor it its magnificent nature. So can you Observe the 'cause' - the 'cause' being the whole way of our life, which is a direct result of our thinking? If you can objectively Observe the 'cause', then that very Observation is the ending of the 'cause' and therefore the 'effect' is Loneliness is completely gone, as well.

So from that shall we inquire together the question of fear (i.e., the fear of public opinion, fear of what others will say about you, fear of being exposed for some wrongdoing one may have done in the past, fear of growing old and eventually dying, fear of not fulfilling ones dreams and the fear of not being loved and fear of not loving). There is fear that one might lose my mate, fear of what my mate thinks of me. Fear of being lonely. Fear of getting hurt so instead you want to hurt another. We carry this hurt all throughout our life. In not wanting to be hurt, we build a psychological wall around ourselves. Then there is the fear of not Becoming that which you desire to Become. Fear is like a vast tree with many branches and chattering leaves. And, isn't it our conditioning to be forever preoccupied with one form of fear or another? But one of our greatest fears is the fear of tomorrow - will I lose what I desire or will I get what I desire or will I be able to keep what I have gained already? Also, don't we fear having no significance or importance in life? Don't we worry that our life might end up having no meaning? But if one is honest does a life based on conditioning have any intrinsic value or meaning? Isn't a conditioned life smothered in strife and conflict - never being content with what one is? Aren't we always seeking the so-called 'better' and never quite reaching a point to being at peace with ourselves? So fear has multiple forms/expressions, doesn't it?

Fear is not your fear or my fear - it's fear! You may translate fear in one way and I may have another way of expressing it but, basically, it is fear, nonetheless. And if one is sane one understands that fear must end. Not ending fear by tearing off the branches or the leaves of the various expressions of fear, but instead find out in reality what is the root 'cause' of all fear, psychologically? There was a time when people did not know what was causing the disease known as Scurvy Then it was discovered that Scurvy was caused due to a lack of vitamin C. So the discovery of the cause put an end to both the cause-and-effect (of Scurvy). So once you discover for yourself what causes fear, doesn't fear end?

Now, we are concerned with inquiring into what is the 'cause' of fear, which is common to all Mankind? This is important to discover for oneself. Human beings have lived with fear for thousands of years; and he has escaped from it - distanced himself from it, rationalized or justified it, but he has not resolved the cause of fear. But fear remains at the core of our Consciousness (whether it is at the conscious level or hidden deep down in the unconscious layers). So let us discover what is the 'cause' of it. If YOU discover it, then hold it and Observe its entire nature as if it were a precious jewel.

This leads us into the question of what is Intelligence? Surely, it isn't the product of thought, which is fragmented, limited to cause-and-effect. Regardless of your economic status or the level of your education, the nature of Becoming is the same process for everyone - so it is neither yours nor mine. Thought can never have that extraordinary capacity of Intelligence. Intelligence has NO 'cause'; just like Love has NO 'cause'. Can you see that where there is 'cause' there can be NO Intelligence/Love? Therefore, Intelligence is inquiring into the Whole nature of fear through the act of impartial Observation.

So we come back to asking, "What is the 'cause' of fear?" Is it thought? Is it Time? Is it Desire - Desiring to be free from fear? So are we looking at the 'cause' with Intelligence? Or, are we trying to make an effort to Look/Observe (because you want to be free from fear or you want to be happy, etc., etc.). If one is making an effort to Observe then that is a 'cause' and so there is no Intelligence, instead there is only fear. So, Desire, Time and Thought; they are not separate - they are interrelated. Therefore, they are one. So, is that the 'cause'? Desire, Time and Thought is one unitary movement that is 'causing' fear. For example, "I am not free of fear right now, but I will be eventually." That is based upon desire-time-thought which is one unitary movement which is producing fear, isn't it? There is the fear of being dead. One is not dead but one will be dead. So there is this an interval between living and the end, which is time right? Effort has a 'cause', fear has a 'cause'. However, Intelligence or Love has NO 'cause'. Although Desire, Time and Thought may appear to be different they are within the same field of psychological 'cause' movement. This whole movement of fragmentation, contradiction, conflict and fear is defensive.

*[Reminder: You are using your ability to Observe for yourself the truth about what we are exploring together. Please don't accept anything that I say. It is up to you to go into this. Be aware of your conditioning as it reacts to what is being said here. Watch it and learn. Do you detect fear urging you to either reject or accept all of this? Do you sense your reluctance to just Observe?]

Now, you have discovered for yourself the 'cause' of fear, right? So what is your action, or non-action? And, upon discovering the 'cause' of fear aren't we conditioned/programmed to automatically think that we must take action to change what we have discovered? So what action does one take? One either tries to erase it, forget it, analyze it, tear it to pieces; "I must ACT!" Once discovering the 'cause' of fear one is compelled to feel that it is unbearable so one must get rid of it or somehow go beyond it, transmute it or do something about it. But who is going to do something about it? Surely, Desire, Time and Thought is YOU/ME, isn't it? Isn't it apparent that YOU ARE Fear? You might try to separate yourself from that; but, you are that, nonetheless. If you are perpetually seeking illusion/ideals, then you are fear and you are the enemy of Mankind. If you are nationalistic, bound to a certain religion/certain dogma, seeking an illusion of freedom then that is fear and you are that.

What happens when one actually realizes and sees the fact that I am fear? I'm not separate from fear. Is the mind then fresh whenever it perceives the reality about itself without struggling to change that reality according to what one prefers? Therefore, the 'cause' of fear is myself, isn't it? So hasn't our inquiry revealed that the 'cause' of fear is Desire, Time and Thought, which is the entire composition of my consciousness? The content of your consciousness is the common content of the Consciousness of all Humanity. So our inquiry into the entire nature of fear isn't a selfish activity. One isn't just concerned with being free from fear but, it is the ending of the whole structure of human fear (of which I am a part); do you understand? So when we Observe fear we are considering the Whole Nature of Human Fear. But if you are looking at it as though it were your personal fear, then you have to examine why you think it is your personal fear. Then you will find out that if you think it is your personal fear then that is limited or fragmented. If you like to live that way that is your business - no one is going to force you. That is what humanity has done; living in separate compartments fighting and destroying each other.

So this observation has led you to this investigation, which is a very careful examination into the nature of fear. Can the mind, which is accustomed to escape into beliefs, ideals or opinions; which is conditioned to rationalize; which is molded to escape into some other form of entertainment; can that mind break the pattern through Observation without any movement of its past conditioning? This requires your application. Then when you so Observe; that is, when you give complete, total attention to the 'cause' (not because one wants to escape) - when there is complete attention of the 'cause' what happens? That very Light of Attention dispels the 'cause'. And, so there is a total ending of fear.

Don't ask, "How about occasionally if it comes up again?" Can this ending be perpetual? That state in which you realized the nature of fear when I point it out one has captured it for a second. Then one wants to know; "Can that second continue?" Isn't that Desire asking that question, which is Time and Thought? So you are back in a circle again. You see our mind is so used to continuity. I have had happiness so it must go on for the rest of my life. So, Observe without any movement of thought. Give complete, total energy and attention to Observe the jewel that one has caught - the jewel being the 'cause' (of the nature of fear). Where there is a 'cause' there is also an 'effect' so in motiveless Observation, the 'cause' ends, as well as its 'effect'. So you have to see the whole movement of Consciousness, not just its fragmentary movement which you are pursuing. Now that we've discovered the false you are free from all conditioning.

Although I am a student who has undertaken a special journey that a man named, J. Krishnamurti has invited the entire human race to investigate, I am NOT a disciple/follower of his. Everything that I write is from my own impartial observations about human consciousness. I have no degree in psychology. None of that is necessary to free oneself of ones psychological conditioning/programming. We are all capable of examining our mind as it reacts in our daily life. Since just about everyone is programmed, it's almost impossible for anyone to understand what it means to observe ones conditioning, because whatever you find out, you are programmed to use your thinking to change it. And, all thinking will only reinforce conditioning, which is fear.

If you would like to understand why the world is drowning in confusion, then you may explore/inquire into this matter at its very root, if you intend to end this destructive process (which dwells within all human beings). Here is a place that can assist you in your journey: http://www.jkrishnamurti.org/ Please note that this is NOT something to believe in nor is it possible to see the truth through this teacher's eyes. If you do not find out the truth, then nothing you see or hear will create a real change in human consciousness. This is not like a subject in school that you memorize. This is about impartial, objective OBSERVATION of the Entire Nature of Psychological Becoming, if unchecked, will destroy Mankind. However, most of the human race is engaged in that endeavor and think that anyone who is not is crazy. Be aware that this isn't something that you are used to dealing with. I live what I write about, this is not a product of thought/theory.