2012年8月16日 星期四

Consciousness of Creation - The Movie Theater of The Mind

Creative Consciousness

The Consciousness of Creation is the keystone to understanding the creative process and our potential to create our dreams and desires. To understand the creative force in our life we must accept the concept that Consciousness creates-always creates. We cannot escape the fact that we always are creating. The issue at hand is: Are we conscious creators?

At the outset of this exploration, we must be willing to entertain the concept that we create our reality. Like it or not, good or bad, happy or sad, rich or poor, healthy or sick, it is our creation. IF WE HAVE CREATED IT, WE CAN RECREATE IT. We are not victims of our reality but rather the authors of it.

We invite you to consider the above, enhance your belief systems and take the journey through the Consciousness of Creation. We anticipate that as you journey through this article you will become re-empowered to reach for your dreams, forgive your mistakes and recreate that which has not benefited you and your highest good.

Interestingly, to discuss Consciousness we must consider our concept of God, creator, source, energy, or whatever theological or scientific beliefs we hold as the intelligent creative source of the universe. As stated, Consciousness and Creation must of their very nature accompany each other; and therefore, "God" being a creator must be conscious-perhaps the very source and definition of Consciousness. How we define "God" is our definition of Consciousness.

With that said, let's take a look at the other side of the coin. What is Consciousness and how do we define it? Is it awareness? Is it a state of being, a physical or perhaps a spiritual state? For the sake of this exploration and process, we would like to offer the following concept as a definition of Consciousness. Consciousness is made up of three parts: the Source, the Observer, and the Creation or that which is created by Consciousness. All three of these elements are necessary for there to be Consciousness. Consciousness, like a three-legged stool, cannot stand without each of its three legs.

We find it more than coincidental that "God" is defined as having three aspects. Perhaps the theological concept of a trinity godhead is an apt metaphor: Father, Son, Spirit-the Source, the Observer, and the Creation. Is it not true that we define the "Father" as the Source and mankind as the Observer of that which was created? "Let us create them in our image and likeness" was God's decree from the pages of Genesis. What is the common attribute that we share? God is defined as a creator and we are defined as a likeness of God.

The Movie Theater of the Mind

An analogy of the conscious mind's view of reality can be likened to a movie theater. The elements are very similar and useful in the exploration of the interaction of the elements of creation. There is a projector, the Source of the image; the audience, the Observer of the image; and the movie screen, the Manifestation of what we perceive as reality. In the movie theater of our life there is a source of our experience (Father/The Source), participation by the Observer (Son/Humanity) and the backdrop of our reality on which the thoughts of the Source are projected (Spirit/Creation).

The question might be raised that if "God" or some divine thought is the source of all creation then why isn't everything we experience a pure projection of that thought and, therefore, paradise. Consciousness is Consciousness. Thought is thought. What happened?

The "middleman" is the answer, YOU. Human thought is the lens through which the Source's thoughts must pass to be projected on the screen of our life. If the Source is perfect thought, its projection on the screen of our reality is the degree to which the observer's mental filters either focus or distort that which is passing through it. If we can agree that the Source/ Creator/God projects only love towards its creation, it must then be assumed that our mental filters strangulate the manifestation of perfection in our life.

All is not lost or bleak. What happens in a theater when the image on the screen is out of focus? The lens is adjusted. It would be fairly useless for the projectionist to come down and "fight" with the image on the screen in a vain attempt to focus it. Yet that is what so many of us do when we want to change our lives. We fight with reality rather than change our focus.

Lights, Camera, Action!

How do we create and then adjust the images on the screen of our reality in order to eliminate the distortion created by our filters? The answer is to remember that in the Movie Theater of the Mind the director and the audience are one in the same.

As a result "Lights! Camera! Action!" takes on new meaning. They are not only the actions taken to produce the images but the means by which to view them as the director-you-intended.

For the purpose of this imagery we would like to identify these elements of consciousness: the Light of Acknowledgment, the Camera of Surrender, and the Action of Dominion. These three elements provide the perfect venue for the Director's intent to be experienced without distortion. Distortion of the "perfect projection" can be caused by the concept of limitation, subjective beliefs or feelings of powerlessness. We adjust our perception by the following means. We focus our reality in the following way.

LIGHT of Acknowledgement

If we are feeling limitation because we are denying the potentiality and the creativity in our lives ACKNOWLEDGE that all things are possible and we have all potential. The Light of Acknowledgment reconnects us to the perfect projection of "God" in our life, the Source.

CAMERA of Surrender

If our intuition and insight are clouded by subjective filters and beliefs, we are out of alignment and alienated from our desires. We are called upon to SURRENDER those thoughts, beliefs, ideas, and emotions that block the creative power. The Camera of Surrender refocuses the lens of our observation eliminating our subjective filters. Surrender does not mean defeat. It is the willingness to release the obstacles, conscious and unconscious that hinders our ability to create what we desire.

ACTION of Dominion

When we feel powerless and out of control in our lives we call upon our DOMINION. The Action of Dominion is not dominance. It is an inner power rather than an external force and has nothing to do with another individual or thing. It is the right to create our own reality separate from outside influences or circumstances

When incorporated into our lives, these three attitudes will have a powerful effect on the consciousness in which we live. This is the essence of manifesting the reality we wish to create, being creatively conscious. This is the Consciousness of creation: Acknowledgment, Surrender and Dominion.

The Direction

As the director of your reality, you direct the players of your life-your beliefs, thoughts and preconceived ideas through affirming what you intend to create. An affirmation is a statement made in the present about a future event as if it has already occurred. The following set of affirmations is transformative when practiced and affirms the perfect perception of Consciousness in our lives while initiating the transformative process of denial to acknowledgement, alienation to surrender, and powerlessness to dominion. When we affirm we are willing to acknowledge, surrender, and be in dominion, they become a creative force in our lives.

Our desires don't need to be earned, simply affirmed and acted upon, in other words- Acknowledged. Ironic as it may seem, Surrender is the most empowering act of freewill that we can make. Freewill is not only the ability to choose our actions and desires; it is also the ability to un-choose our choices and creations. Surrender neutralizes the mental filters and removes self-inflicted obstacles that hinder our creative process. Surrender frees us from being slaves to our choices and, therefore, is the fundamental aspect of freewill. I AM FREE TO CHOOSE, good, bad or indifferent. I am the master of my own destiny by the freedom of choice.

Just as Surrender is fundamental to the creative process Dominion is the other side of the creative coin. Once the mind is a Tabula Rasa (blank tablet) from all limitation of negative thinking, Dominion is reinstated. Declaring our Dominion causes the mountains to be laid low and the valleys filled in on the pathway to our desires. Dominion is the right to choose what we want to create in our lives unaffected by external forces and environment. Declaring our dominion unleashes the creative force of our mind. Coupled with the emotion of desire our words become an unstoppable force committing our every action, word or thought to the attainment of our goals. Therefore, to every dilemma, physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual, the answer is found in the integration with the One Mind/Father of the Source-ACKNOWLEDGMENT, The One Thought/Son of the Observer-SURRENDER and the One Soul/Spirit the Creation-DOMINION.

In that spirit we offer you the following suggested affirmations. Please fill in the blanks to create what you want in your life. We have used the terms One Mind, One Thought and the One Soul to represent the Source, Observer and Creation. You may feel more comfortable with Father, Son and Spirit. Remember the following set of affirmations is a guideline and may be modified to whatever works for you. It is the spirit, not the form, which makes them transformative.

"I am willing to participate. I am willing to accept. I am willing to be divine will."

"I surrender, release and relinquish my/this ______________________ (List as many things, circumstance and attitudes you can think of that are obstacles or hinder you) into the One Mind and the One Thought to be transformed and transmuted into the purest of God-energy and returned to this plane of existence for my highest good and the highest good of all whom I encounter."

"I am in Dominion here and have the creative force and source of the universe at my disposal and I command, declare and create ________________ (state desired goal) for my highest good and the highest good of all I encounter.

The Director's Cut

Praying Creatively

We have discussed the One Mind, the One Thought, and the One Soul as it pertains to Consciousness, the creative potential, the place of intuition and insight through observation and manifestation. We have spoken of acknowledgment, surrender and dominion. Those concepts are also the key elements of prayer. Prayer is a communication and a connection with Consciousness. One is always praying. We pray to the masters of light; we pray to the masters of darkness, depending on the focus of our mind for Consciousness is Consciousness.

Prayer has been misinterpreted, agonized over and liturgically formatted. One prayer is repetitious; another is formal; others are fluid. Some pray to the heavens, others pray to the earth. Some pray to a mother; others pray to a father. Some ask for forgiveness; others believe there is nothing to be forgiven. Prayer is an elusive concept for humanity, but universally it is recognized as a communication with the Divine.

So how do we communicate with Divine Consciousness? Consciousness is the measure of its own truth, for prayer is always occurring as long as we are conscious; and we are always conscious even if not in this dimension. Prayer is the dynamic that occurs in the interaction between the three elements of Consciousness. Think about any prayer. It is the acknowledgment of the Divine, a surrendering to the Divine and an expectation of its dominion in our life. In light of this, we offer this an example of a perfect prayer of Consciousness:

I am the creative force and source of my universe, and I surrender my reality into the dominion of this truth, and all is well in my world.

A perfect prayer is a prayer that acknowledges the connection to divinity, surrenders itself to that truth and allows that dominion to be manifest in our lives. We will move worlds, we will move universes when we include these elements in all our communication with Consciousness. Throughout humanity's spiritual search that is what varying theologies have sought to teach: an acknowledgment of a divine presence, a surrender to it, and its dominion in your reality. Feel the presence of prayer in your life.

The Authors:

Through Awakening Publications, Patricia and Stanley Walsh have published Ships Of Song, A Parable of Ascension, Eternal Dawn, A Parable of Transition books of visionary fiction, Energies Awakening, A Course in Universal Energy and Awakening Realities a book of therapeutic scripts.


In addition, they have authored the Awakening Series lectures and audio recordings for self-empowerment and spiritual identity and developed the New Realities therapeutic approach for creating positive change.

Recent publications include; Consciousness of Creation, Horizons: Reflections on a Shift in Consciousness, Communiques from the Ships of Song: The Whisperings of an Awakening Soul, Mindful Meditations, The Age of the Soul: The Coming of Age, The Undeniable Fact: the Eternal Truth, The Human Experience: Navigating the Seas of Consciousness, Convergence: The Harmonics of Creation & With Highest Esteem: A Celebration of Physical Existence.

Their works are currently available through Baker & Taylor and New Leaf Distributors and carried by Amazon, Amazon Kindle Smashwords.com & Audible. Their blog, Twitter followers/list and Facebook presence offers their daily inspirational message to over 100,000 people.

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