2012年10月13日 星期六

The Conscious Entrepreneur's Blueprint to Earn Passive Revenue With Information Products

Yes, you can be spiritual AND make plenty of money at the same time. In fact, the secret to wealth is already within you. I believe you have a special spark inside that allows you to solve specific problems in your own unique way. And the beautiful part is...people will pay you to solve their problems with your special, core gift.

Imagine a way to positively impact the greatest number of people with your core gift. Imagine the tens of thousands of lives you can help...if you can only reach them. This "dream" is a reality for a select few conscious entrepreneurs who package and sell their knowledge into information products: books, eBooks (electronic books), audio CD's, teleclasses, special reports, workbooks, live workshops, coaching programs, and many more.

The big mistake I see most conscious entrepreneurs make when they try to create info products is diving right into the content without first creating a strategy to create and marketing their info product. I will show you how to avoid this massive mistake so you create an info product that fully expresses your gift to the world while making you rich!

It starts by uncovering that unique spark within you.

Your Core Gift

Your core gift is the theme of your life expressed in all the things you do and love in life. Who you are - your unique strengths - are integral to the heart of your business. Look back over your life and you'll see your core gift expressed everywhere. It's in the games you played as a kid, in your past careers, and in your education path. And it's probably why you chose to be a conscious entrepreneur.

Even countries have core gifts - it's what they believe in as a core value, what they are known for. What do you think is the core value of America? Freedom! When you think of Germany, what do you think of? Order! How about Italy? Family! It's the same in the arts - although you may not be able to put a word to it. Look at The Beatles. Their sound was so unique, it's instantly recognizable. When you see a Picasso, you know it's a Picasso.

You and your business are no different. What's the core theme of your business? How do you bring your core gift to the people you serve? Your info products will come out of your core gift. This will help you distinguish your products and business from everybody else's.

A Simple Exercise That Can Change Your Business Forever

This may sound simple, but it's key to your success with info products - identify what your business is really about. Because many conscious entrepreneurs are borderline ADD, it's important to hone in on one topic and create your products around that.

Here's a simple exercise to find your topic that I think you'll find very enlightening...

Imagine stepping into your local bookstore. Push open the door and feel that rush of cool air. Smell that new-book smell. Somewhere in this bookstore is your book. Think of your book as the embodiment of your business - it represents what your business is all about. (If you already have a book, still play along to make sure your business is on track.)

Stand in the bookstore and notice the signs hanging from the ceiling with general topics: fiction, history, self-help, etc. In your minds eye, start to walk towards the topic your book is under.

Standing under the sign of your general topic, look at the bookcases. Notice the sub-topics listed on the shelves. For example, under business you may find leadership, management, investing, etc. (To give you an idea, my sub-topic is marketing.)

Go to the shelf with your sub-topic.

Now imagine looking for your last name among the books and pick out your book. Remember, your book represents what your whole business is about so feel yourself pulling out your book. Look at the cover. What's the subject of the book?

For example, in my business I go to the "Business" section first. My sub-topic is "Marketing" and as I pull out my book, I see it's about "Info Products."

You can do this exercise in real life. Go to your local bookstore this week and try it out. If you get stuck, go to the information counter and ask an assistant to show you books about ____ (Fill in the blank with general information about what you do.)

(As a side note, it's really fun to see who your neighbors will be on the book shelves. Look up your last name and see who you're next to.)

The Secret to Passive Revenue with Info Products

There's a secret art to making money with your business topic...and that is not selling your topic. What people buy isn't the tangible thing you sell - they buy the core benefit of what you sell. You buy a drill bit because you want a hole, not because you want another piece of metal around the house. You buy eyeglasses because you want clearer vision.

Imagine if you had to sell wall paint. Most people would talk about colors and price, but not you! As a savvy conscious entrepreneur you can tune into the bigger picture - you don't sell paint, you sell happy walls!

Before creating your info product, get clear on what you're really selling. People don't buy information for information's sake alone. It's the bigger benefit people are buying - an end result.

Find the Niche That Makes You Rich

You may have been told you need a niche...and it's frustrating to discover your particular gift. Most conscious entrepreneurs are good at tons of things - it's hard to narrow down all your talents and passions to one thing. And everyone needs what you offer, right?


There's a HUGE difference between what you think people need and what they actually want. No matter how passionate you feel about your subject, people only pull out their wallets for what they want. I personally love opera (It's crazy - I know. I grew up listening to my Mom and Dad play Elvis and my brother play Led Zeppelin.) I think you should really, really go see an opera. There's nothing else like it. In fact, go spend $200 to see an opera by Wagner. Sure they're 5 hours long...but you'll love it! You must go!


If you have no interest in spending money on opera, there's no amount of "selling" I can do to change your mind. That's why you only want to find people who are hungry for what you offer. "Everybody" is NOT your target market!

Here's a simple technique to find your target market...

On a fresh piece of paper create two columns. In the left column list all the problems you solve with your Core Gift and business. In the right column list all the groups of people who need those problems solved.

Choose a group that looks like an obvious choice - they have a clear problem and they want what you offer.

Choose the Topic of Your Info Product

You now have all the important elements to create a winning info product: your core gift, your topic, and a target market. The next step is easy...choosing the topic of your info product.

You can make your life very easy or very hard here. The easy path is to simply ask your target market what they want most and give it to them. The hard path is to try to figure this out on your own.

Let your target guide you. Ask them what their single greatest challenge is around your topic. Another great way to identify what products to create is notice what people complain about the most. For example, if you teach sales, you may hear people complain that they don't know to separate themselves from their competition. Simply take what they say and add "How to" in front - that's your info product! For example, "How to Separate Yourself from the Competition for Greater Sales."

Create Your Info Product

You're now ready to produce your info product. This is also easy to do. Remember: you want to leverage your information, so one way to start is give a teleclass on your product topic. Record it, transcribe it and package it with some nice graphics. You're ready to make money with your knowledge!

Info products are one of the simplest and best ways for the conscious entrepreneur to make money doing what they love. You already have the expertise hidden in your Core Gift - you've had it all your life. You now have the opportunity to share your gift with the world and fulfill one of your life's purposes.

Small business marketing coach, James Roche, shows you how to attract more clients, develop an internet marketing strategy and create your information products and programs. Discover his proven and practical marketing strategies with his free special report, "The Shift: Quit Struggling, Make a Difference and Join the New Rich" http://www.marketingmadeeasyblueprint.com/free

Life Phrase For Powerful Living - I Am Humbly Powerful

One of the great mysteries that surrounds the concept of God is the silence that sometimes seems to be a most prevalent feature of this entity some name God.

First, you need to dislodge any negative connotations you may be giving to the idea of God. I am writing of the Cosmic Consciousness that is the Universe and more. This is not the God of those who would put imposed limits on your activities. There are reasons for benevolent behavior that need not be backed-up or reinforced by an arbitrary God-figure who imposes rules and punishments. I am talking about an entity who seems indifferent out of the greatest love (41st verse of the Tao Te Ching).

But the seeming indifference leads to my second point. God does not go around chest-beating as the stereotypical gorilla does when confronted with a challenge from another gorilla. The Cosmic Consciousness I am speaking of is unconditional love. There is, therefore, no need for boastful or arrogant behavior on Its part. Yet because of this great love, there is the greatest of power.

So, if you would be powerful you need only take example from the Cosmic Consciousness. No need for shouting in some way, "Look at me." No need to throw your weight of power around as a sledge hammer to destroy all others in your road.

Your life phrase for this article is: "I am humbly powerful." When you make and keep connection and contact with the Cosmic Consciousness, you can and will feel the power flowing through you. Oh, yes, there will still be periods of feeling weaker than you would like. That is usually because you have attached too much importance to the outcome of things. You have temporary succumbed to the belief that to be powerful there must be see-able, measurable results for all to observe and be in awe of.

Yes, the Cosmic Consciousness has created things and events in which we may stand in awe. But there is no grand advertising scheme, so to speak, to get you to see. These things and events are there to be enjoyed when someone chooses to savor them.

So it shall be with you. "I am humbly powerful" is an invitation to yourself to be as is the Cosmic Consciousness. Power and glory are yours as you emulate the Cosmic Consciousness.

Say it to yourself right now: "I am humbly powerful." Connect yourself on a regular basis to the Cosmic Consciousness. Therein you will find both power itself and example of how to be about that power. Start today.

And I invite you to claim your Free Instant Access to a Force-Source-Resource where you will find more about the Cosmic Consciousness and your own power. Just Click Here. There are several to choose from. One is titled, "Two Life Phrases for Self Development, 'I Am My True Self' and 'I Am Conscious'" Remember, one bit of information can save you a lifetime of frustration. You'll get that info here.

My blog is http://themeaningoflifewithdrbob.com/blog We talk about the meaning of life there.

2012年10月12日 星期五

Is Christ-Consciousness the Same Thing As the "Buddha-Nature"?

When I speak of "Christ-consciousness" I am referring to the degree of your awareness along three lines. One is your awareness of yourself. I sometimes ask people, "Who are you when no one is looking?" It's an important question but, unfortunately, most people live as I lived for much of my adult life-completely out-of-touch or uncertain as to who they really are.

All of us wear a social mask, what psychologists often refer to as an ego. It is the image you have of yourself or the self-image you present to the world. What most people do not yet know, however, is that your ego, this image of yourself you display before the world, is not who you really are at all.

The real you is beneath and beyond the image you carry around in your head as to who you are, the image you want everyone to see and believe is you. The Christian theologian, Teilhard de Chardin put it like this: "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are really spiritual beings having a temporary human experience." Until you know this, or know who you really are in the deepest place within you, you will live an "unconscious," or out-of-touch, existence. Or, to state it another way, the path to real happiness and wholeness in life starts with knowing who you are, as well as who you're not.

So, this is part of what I mean by "Christ-consciousness" or what Easterners call your "Buddha-nature." You could think of this in Biblical terms as the "soul," provided you don't get too Platonic about it and think of your soul as a separate entity captured temporarily in your body. I am referring only to your essential nature-who you really are beneath the facades-and there can be many of these. The ego in us is always changing and eventually dissolving.

People will often ask me, "How will I know when I know who I really am?"

And, the answer is, "When you no longer have to ask the question."

There's another aspect to "Christ-consciousness." The genuinely aware, or conscious, person, not only knows who she/he is beyond the social masks but, as a consequence, why he/she is here-that is, why he/she showed up on planet earth. One of the biggest mistakes made in recent Christian history has been this notion that we all showed up for a special "purpose." Christians know this as God's perfect and permissive wills. It's a whole lot of bunk, if you ask me.

Easterners are taught something similar in the teaching of dharma. It is this erroneous idea that you were created with a special purpose to fulfill on planet earth. So, what we've done, not only in Christianity but in other religions too, is create this insane expectation in people that their task in life is to figure out what they showed up to do.

You can guess the consequences of that nonsense. The overwhelming majority of people live a frustrating existence because they go through life never certain they've figured out why they really showed or what they're here to do. It's madness.

You really only showed up for one reason-to know God and to walk with her, or him, or whatever you'd like to call it. It really doesn't matter, does it? My children usually call me Dad. But, there are other times they call me Daddy, or Pop, and, when they're mad at me, it's Stephen. Do you think I care what they call me. I would only care if they did not.

With God, everything is pretty simple. It is religion, and religious people, and the ego in us all that complicates things. What could be less complicated than knowing God? Why would God, if it is true she wants to know and walk with us, make it difficult or complicated for us to do so? And, when it comes to your life and mine, what could you ever do or accomplish that could mark your life as more significant than walking in the Eternal bliss of God's ineffable presence? I can think of nothing, can you?

I've put up an entire post on my blog about this (and written a whole book about this and other matters related to the spiritual life), and I'd love to share some of the things I've learned with you. To get started, visit my blog at http://www.stevemcswain.com.

Have We Lived Before?

That question alone is as old as time, well as old as when people first started to question there being here. This is my view about the matter and does not have scientific prove for anything I say, and to my understanding there is no concrete evidence to say we have. If we go to a spiritual person he/she will most likely tell you we have. However is that because it is a nice thought and the desire for immortality is naturally found in all human beings? It is the same as believing in God, ever since the world began man has found he needed something to worship. A lot of cultures believe the sun to be a god, and what not, it gives us light and warmth, how long would we last if it suddenly went out, Poof gone.

With the renewed interest in things spiritual, there are many thousands of followers who will tell you we have lived before, and claim they can prove it. Here is a funny thing, why so many people that claim to have been back to another life, tell you they were someone famous, Joan of arc, King Henry the eighth, Samson or someone else well known. Is it because they feel, that they will be taken a little more seriously. With renewed interest in anything will always bring the sheep, the followers who just tag along?

I find that you also get the zealous ones, they are normally loud and very full of themselves, now I am not saying they are wrong, I just question there authenticity.

We often here of people being put into a hypnotic trance and led back to other lives, what is this? Do we really go all the way back to other times, or is it just the sub-conscious mind telling them they are there. They are really believable and believe fully themselves. But those who know how the sub-conscious mind really works must question it validity. Who is to say that the sub-conscious mind make all this up to satisfy the person concerned, it may well be something they have read or seen on television. The sub-conscious mind is well capable of conjuring up such a scene, so real that the person totally believes they have lived before.

If this is the case, is there anything wrong with it? I say no, because if it helps a person get over some phobia or fear then it must be for the good. I see no harm at all and would go through such things myself if I had need to. Getting back to the fact in hand, "Have we lived before?" I would have to say no, I do not believe I have been here before. This of course raises other things, such as the deja vue experience, I am afraid I can not answer that one, I have theories about it but this article is not the place to bring them up. Nine times out of ten those that go through a hypnotic trance to cure phobias etc, seem to recover completely. I guess it boils down to what we each believe, what really does it matter if we have lived before or not. We are here now and should make the very best of it, who knows what is on the other side, no one has every really been there to tell us. Of course this can led to other discussions about the immortality of our "souls". I hope you have enjoyed this read, it is not meant to be a scientific essay but rather a thought provoking one. Thank you for your ears. I would appreciate any comments; they can be forwarded to my email address found in the resource box below.

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Reality - Living an Illusion? (Part 2)

In the strictest interpretation of word meaning, we hallucinate reality, in that we create it through a miraculous cooperation between inner and outer consciousness, between the inner ego and the exterior ego utilizing a process whereby Nothing becomes Something. The something that becomes real is a psychic creation that does not exist to anyone else that would not have the exact same sensory organs that we do.

In other words, intelligent beings from another planet approaching our small world in a space vehicle would most likely perceive nothing except perhaps the light of the presence of self aware consciousness. If our planet was perceivable to them, it might be able to land, to them our planet could seem desolate and uninhabited or it might fly completely through our world unknowingly. The only beings that could perceive our reality, as in the famous flying saucers are other civilizations that are on the same parallel plane as ourselves, meaning coming from planets that we can actually see or perceive with instruments. Remember, it is only our senses that make our planet, and our civilizations with their pasts, presents and futures valid.

These kinds of world to world excursions are fraught with difficulty and could only be achieved by identities far more evolved that we are at this time. The technology involved in such space travel will not exist in any practical way for us for centuries, but it will come eventually. Space travel for us now is simply too slow and too far to go.

A hallucination is something that does not exist outside of the mind; it is a creation of the mind of an object or event. We have all agreed in advance to play the same game and the game has consequences and meaning. In that respect, it has value and it is real. When we peer through our most advanced telescopes, we perceive only what falls within our sensual abilities. The universe if filled with other phenomenon that we can not perceive, both physical and non-physical.

What we perceive, what seems real to us is only what we can extract by using our senses from available fields of energy driven into objective patterns and forms. Our physical brain then interprets what we perceive, that which falls within our belief structures and organizes it into recognizable objects and events. You could say that we encounter only what is meaningful to us and discard about 99% of everything else that actually exists.

The universe could be described as the ultimate psychological event, and in that respect, everything emerges from psychological fact and what emerges is real so it can not be an illusion, and it is not a hallucination because it does have a physical counterpart and it does exist outside of the mind. Which brings us to the question, if it exists, is it real?

Look at it this way, in a very true sense we are all in an immaculate trance, pre-programming our consciousness to perceive things a certain way, precisely tuning our perceptions before birth, to interpret what results from our beliefs and thoughts into what is real to us. But here is the really cool thing, thoughts and beliefs are just as real as the Sphinx or the Empire State Building.

What we are really talking about here is the transformation of a pure psychological event into different kinds of physically materialized constructions that we call three dimensional physical objects or events.

This building of objective reality from subjective thought is a natural process of self aware consciousness and is carried out by natural emanations of that consciousness, invisible subjective particles gathering, swarming, collecting and attracting other such emanations until the inner vibrational patterns reach a critical level of intensity, igniting inner processes that literally jump the barrier between a subjective inner state (thought) into objective physical matter.

These first particles are, of course, pure energy changing form to manifest itself into the smallest imaginable particles, much smaller even than electrons, mesons, quarks, etc. This was indeed the triumphant psychological breakthrough that allowed our universe to emerge from its inner subjective bed, creating time and space in its wake.

The process is in a way magical, but if "All That Is" had not devised this incomprehensible process to create Everything from Nothing, there would still be nothing but an eternal subjective dream state of drowsiness and no physical universe would have ever emerged from it's deep eternal psychological state. In a strange way, the universe has always existed, always wanted to be, before it knew its first atom, cell or molecule. This intense desire to be is still prevalent today in all consciousness. In greater terms, the universe had no beginning; it did have an emergence from its timeless subjective dream into the realm of actuality.

The real difficulty here is that we try to discuss subjects like these using words which are only symbols of something else. The words are NOT the reality. We use words as best we can to qualify and quantify and categorize objective things, but the true bed of Prime Reality out of which all physical phenomena rises is not physical at all. The reality comes first and the symbols or words follow. So when there is no physically perceivable reality to label with words or symbols, we find ourselves woefully lacking for adequate words to explain some of the very things we need to know to enhance our lives.

So where does this leave us?

Here is one truth. When you begin to understand the connection with your thoughts and what you experience, you will begin to also feel the power of knowing that no matter what you have created in the past, you are not at the mercy of a chance life in a chance world in a meaningless universe. You are the center of the universe from your perspective and from that lofty viewpoint; you can indeed create a better life.

So the answer is that we truly do hallucinate reality, creating an illusion that becomes physical structure. Physical, three dimensional objects and events are wonderful liars, overlaying inner patterns projected from the mind into the exterior world of fact. In other terms, while we are in a physical body living in a physical world that exists in a physical universe, we have to play by the rules of the game. Again we are limited by the meaning of words in trying to explain inner spiritual concepts that are truly out of this world. The illusion of solidity cannot be pierced except when consciousness is stilled in the sleep state, in dreams, in states of reverie or occasionally in rare cases of spontaneous illumination.

There is NO rock bed reality anywhere in any world or any universe and there is not one scintilla of solid, hard stuff out there anywhere in space, but if it seems real and solid and we can sit on it, that's all that counts. There is no contradiction. It's all good!

My name is W. Allan, single male 62, a resident of Naples Florida. I graduated from Washington University in St. Louis and have in the past, written a column called SECRET REALITY which was carried by spiritual and metaphysical magazines. I have recently started a blog to publish my work with the intent of incorporating expanded versions of my blog in book form. You can contact me any at my e-mail address: beachinguy@hotmail.com You may also read other articles at my blog at: http://answersbygod.blogspot.com

2012年10月11日 星期四

Seeing Through the Structure of Our Consciousness

Consciousness is one of those words that can have many definitions and meanings depending on the field from which it is approached.

In Buddhist theory, consciousness is one of the five components that constitute a human being, the other for are: body, feelings (senses), thoughts and unconscious. Consciousness is in itself a six-fold structure, with five layers associated to the five types of sensorial activity (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch), and a sixth one dealing with conceptual thoughts.

In the Consciousness Only School (Skt. Yogacara), two more categories are added, the ego-centered sense of personality, and the store of the accumulated karmic seeds, usually referred as the eighth consciousness, which is the source of the other seven. This is the only one that remains after death, when it becomes a transitory consciousness in between rebirths. It should not be mistaken with the concept of soul since the eighth consciousness is not an essential entity but, like the others too, fluctuating and impermanent.

Only through deep contemplation of the structure of our consciousness, the incredibly subtle and fluid energy that congeals into objects of mind can be observed as it transforms almost instantaneously into something. This energy is clear, transparent, and surrounds all mental activity, to the point where thoughts can be contemplated as a stream of congealed clarity welling innocuously within a sea of clarity through patterns which results not only from biological constructions but also from ideas, beliefs, culture, religion, etc., all of which dye this creative energy accordingly. If the thought is very intense, it can even release some chemicals into the body that make it temporarily more 'real' and reveals clearly the total connection between body and mind.

Awakening or enlightenment is not only a psychological transformation, as many may think, but the absolute deconstruction of our entire being, even in its most elusive aspects; elusive not only in the sense of being hidden, but because of being so pervasive that we take them for granted.There is no any 'nirvana' to gain because, to start with, we never lost it.

Our attention must be re-educated to learn to let go or engage with the thoughts as well as to learn to rest on that which surrounds them, yet concurrently be aware that ultimately they are the same. An ordinary person lives constrained to the thought-side; geniuses of any field have each one of their feet on each side; sages live mostly on the undifferentiated side; and bodhisattvas have completely erased that distinction.

If it were not for delusion that makes us feel suffering so realistically, life would be at the worst a great joke, and at the best the awesome way in which it becomes the expression of our luminous original mind in a new and unique form in every moment.


Super Consciousness - Work-Life Balance and How I Changed It

As my aspirations rose so too my need for better self management. I had more to do, more inspired about things, I needed better recovery techniques because my body was not, as it was in my youth, willing to forgive abuse. I needed better balance skills.

At first, those skills were clumsy. Like taking yoga classes after work which is pretty much the same as "the Bulimia of Work" Eat it down and puke it up.... That was too far off the pace for the world of a busy man... and the time taken was stolen from my relationships which struggled at best with my schedule.

So, I went from the Neanderthal life balance model to the super conscious one. By necessity.

Here's how:

1. I don't lose balance - so I don't need to rebalance

If you hate your work, or work like there's no tomorrow, it's like running the best race of your life everyday. You just gotta burn out. So, instead of that crazy notion, I blurred the line between work and play. So, ultimately, there's nothing to balance.

2. I balance in the moment

One exceptional thing I learned over 20 years in Yoga practice is the power of the breath. Inhale excites the nerves, exhale calms the nerves, I wasn't interested in either. I am interested in the space in between. Between the inhale and the exhale there must, by default be a moment of stall. Like when you're in a plane and it hits an air pocket you are in between going up and going down. In super consciousness this space is called recovery. I seek balance every breath so if I am in a meeting I am IN BALANCE - not looking forward to the weekend to recover.

3. I burned the boats

There's many stories about invading warriors who, after sailing to invade a foreign land, burned their boats. The whole idea is to eliminate plan B. When it comes to super consciousness at work, plan b is to go home tired, or go to dinner and drink one too many wines, or run it off on the road. I hear people talking about "going surfing" or "meditating" to recover from work stress, they don't "Burn the boats" and have these strategies as back up plans.... Stress and ugly work mind space becomes tolerable because they have a counter balance process. But that's messed up. First, because it's proven that the imbalance chemicals caused between rebalancing create cancer. Second, because in rebalancing process we screw with something that's really important to success, ME TIME... Me time is not recovery time... It's ME TIME. And bringing home a stressed, burned out, worried, tired, exhausted, half drunk bloke into the home does little for your partner's s libido...to say the least about your own... so it messes with - yes - your sex life.

4. I repeat this poem to myself over and over and over and this is my life model for super consciousness

A Master in the art of Living

Draws no sharp distinction

Between their work and their play

Their labour and their leisure

Their minds and their bodies

Their education or their recreation.

They hardly know which is which.

They simply pursue their vision

Of excellence

Through whatever

They are doing and leave

Others to determine

Whether they are working or playing.

To themselves, it always seems

As if they are doing both.


5. I changed my Language

I now say Work - Work Balance. Home home Balance. Mind Mind Balance. Life - life Balance

I don't balance one area of life with another. I threw away the concept of weekends as balance time and definitely discarded the notion of "looking forward to a break" as being anything but self sabotage... especially holidays and time away.... I now call them explore time and in the time I take away from my inspiration at work I seek inspiration in exploring the Himalayas, or sea kayak, or my children or my partner... Explore and Wonder Stay Young - Super Consciousness.

Chris Walker < http://www.chriswalker.com.au > is a visionary business consultant and of the world's leading facilitators of Personal/Professional Development. Author, consultant and professional speaker, his considered a leader in the field of human potential and lifestyles for success. His VIP and Mastery Programs have been attended by thousands of individuals around the world seeking tools to live life and manage their careers to their fullest potential.

Chris blends twenty years experience working in over 30 countries, a masters degree in Business Management, a BE in Environment, five successful businesses and years if studies in the Eastern Arts if Yoga and Mind Mastery.

His programs in Present Time Consciousness, Mind/Body Mastery, Corporate Spirituality and the Powerful Sciences of the Heart/Mind Balance create definite life changing formulas for business and personal success. Chris' amazing programs unravel the mysteries of human behaviour, personal growth and professional development which lead to a more balanced lifestyle. For more please visit http://www.innerwealth.com

Consciousness in Meditation

In meditating we aim for a harmonious flow of thought awareness rather than erratic statements of thoughts and ideas without a common thread. In meditation one's self consciousness of thought changes to a state beyond the process of thinking to a state of higher awareness or state of being.

We learn to build a bridge between the differing realities of the material and spiritual states of awareness. In states of relaxation and meditation, these two worlds tend to blend. Ultimately they will become one to the extent that they will no longer seem isolated one from the other, but will unite to create the integration which has inspired the name of Yoga.

Through meditation we learn to manage the mind and its resources and faculties; to cultivate the best of our capacities for creative thought and ideas; to inhibit the growth of negative elements intruding from inside or without; to establish a simple philosophy to give us confidence in the values we choose to live our life by; to grow in understanding of the deeper purposes of life; to respect nature and to experience for ourselves the reality of the greatest intelligence that directs all natural processes - the Universal fountain of power and Consciousness we call God.

In relaxation practice we learn to trust and surrender ourselves to life. Meditation begins with self knowledge and an ability to extend consciousness beyond the usual limitations of the body and the material world in which we live. We identify with our enduring soul and thence if we choose, to also trust and surrender our soul and its limitations, to a greater life that will energise and refresh our whole psyche before returning to everyday consciousness and our life of action.

To maintain a state of inter-connection between the higher regions and lower consciousness ensures the 'magical' capacity of the mind is free to function. Once regular practices become routine and this is not difficult as we learn to enjoy the experiences within our inner 'place of peace', we can expect to experience many interesting and even exciting new states of consciousness. We can entertain moments of realization of truths or conceive wonderful new ideas that can occur as a spontaneous happening, or in moments of inspiration. Although many share similar types of experience, we should not hold any preconceived ideas as each of us is different and our inner experiences are unique to us.

When we awaken in the morning we are connecting again with the material world after a sojourn in the unconscious state of sleep where our minds are free to indulge in many hours of existence but in dimensions usually beyond our capacity to remember. When we willingly and usually eagerly surrender our daily mind to sleep we release our memory from the mundane and for many hours seem to depart this material world. But in fact we as individual entities maintain consciousness of some kind whether subconscious, unconscious or in the extended dimensions of the superconsciousness that exists beyond material work, daily routines and family responsibilities.

There remain many questions yet to be answered as we explore human consciousness with our aim not only to be aware of the different spheres of our nature and awareness but to integrate all the aspects of our being. In this we are aided by meditation.

Sally Janssen is a writer, health educator and Yoga teacher well knowniboth in Australia and abroad for her skill in demonstration of the Hatha Yoga practices and her wisdom in applying the principles of Raja Yoga -the study of the mind and consciousness. More details at http://www.essence-of-yoga.net

Her book Mental Fitness: A Simple Self-help Guide explains the principles of mental fitness that can be applied by us all. The book may be found here: http://www.mentalhealthandfitness.com/blog.

2012年10月10日 星期三

Choice and Consciousness is a Very Spiritual Partnership

Every day you are bombarded with stimuli. Every day your head is filled with thoughts. Every day you must make decisions about what thoughts to pursue and what thoughts to ignore.

We live in a world of choice. Sometimes we are conditioned to think that we don't have any choice in certain matters but we always do. We have choice in every thought and therefore every creation that shows up in our lives. The choices you make determines who you define yourself to be and who you are in relationship to the rest of your environment. You might even say you chose your environment. You chose it and you created it. Does it serve you? If not choose again.

This is the wonderful thing about choice. Nobody says that once you make a choice you must stick with it forever. That's not how it works. You are free to choose again at any time. You live in the present moment and therefore you make your choices in the present moment.

The choice you made ten minutes or ten days or ten years ago does not affect the choice you make in the present moment. There is no law that says you must stay with your choice and experience the consequences of it. In fact the natural law governing this says quite the opposite. You are free to choose at all times. And you do.

Many choices are automatic. You choose to breathe because it sustains your life. You do this automatically and unconsciously as a matter of choice. You prefer to think other thoughts than just "I choose to breathe in, I choose to breathe out." You put breathing on autopilot. But it's still a choice. If you choose to stop breathing you can create this in a variety of ways. You have to consciously think about it and then consciously create it, otherwise autopilot is fine.

Autopilot is fine for most of the day-to-day bodily functions required for human existence. Human experience on the other hand is more of a consciousness thing.

As humans we have taken many short cuts in utilizing our power of choice. We have developed the habit of making our choices unconsciously, just like our breathing. We have been told that it is okay for us to view a situation in our life, hark back to a similar situation, whether we experienced it ourselves or somebody told us about it, and react to the present situation with the same responses we have in our memory.

We choose what we consider a socially acceptable reaction to common stimuli. We are told that to choose any other response would not be socially acceptable and we will be judged harshly for any deviation from the norm.

Sounds like we are a bunch of robots. That doesn't sound like freedom. That sounds like a condition. And conditions limit us and allow judgment.

If we continue to choose the path of unconscious choice we will find ourselves restricted to only those choices that others tell us are acceptable. We begin to lose our identity of self and personal choice. We take on the identity of the group and accept the group choice as our own. We become unconscious of the freedom of choice that lies within us and accept the restriction of choice that lies external to us.

We surrender our authentic power to the power of others and we do this by our own choice. Unconscious choice perhaps but our choice just the same. Would we give up our freedom of choice consciously? Probably not. If we were aware of the fact that our unconscious choices determine what shows up in our life, wouldn't we choose to make conscious choices? Probably so.

The key is the more aware we are of who we are and where we are going, the more consciously we can make choices to get us there.

Richard Blackstone is an award winning author and international speaker on Love, Oneness & Creation. Journey into discovery of Self by reading this FREE report; "The 3 Simple Immutable Laws of the Universe" at: http://www.NutsandBoltsSpirituality.com

Why Your Emotions Have You Broke - Prosperity Consciousness

You transform your ideas into physical reality all the time. Were you aware of that?

It's just a matter of if you're consciously aware that you are and are you aware of what ideas that you are acting on physically. This is partly what I have been doing my best to connect with you on for the past few blog posts.

Being in awareness or living consciously.

Don't worry, it's not all psycho babble and I'll tie this into your business, whatever kind that may be, in a minute. You don't have a business? We can talk about that too. Your journey right now is about freeing up your negative emotions so that you can live consciously and take physical action towards your dreams. Rather than allowing your negative emotions to have you reacting like a ping pong ball in a wind tunnel and taking you farther away from your dreams.

Money is an energy. Your goal, if you are to be financially abundant, is to master your emotions around money. How money shows up in your life (or doesn't) is an example of how you play out your ideas about money physically. With consciousness comes clarity and purpose of the energy known as money.

Here are 3 steps towards your consciousness & clarity towards money:

1. What does the conversation around money sound like in your head?

-I never seem to be able to get a break

-If I just made another $1000 a month I would be happy

-I'm never going to be able to get ahead with this business

2. Ask yourself, "What is my relationship with money?" You will find based on your thoughts around money that the energy of money is a representation of the other energies in your life like: time, creativity, physical vitality, relationships etc. So ask yourself and write down the answers to some of these questions:

-Do I respect money?

-Do I horde money?

-Do I spend it frivolously with out care?

-What does money mean to me?

Now look at some of the areas that I mentioned above and see if you notice any energy patterns in other areas of your life.

3. Take action towards reinforcing your new awareness.

Most people are oblivious to actually looking at the fact that how they think of money, or the lack of it in their lives, is a direct reflection of what they think of themselves.

So ask yourself:

"Do I feel that I am worthy of financial abundance?"

If you come up with any other excuses other than yes...

...it would make sense that you should start working on your self esteem, take responsibility for putting together a plan to do so and take daily actions towards improving upon your self esteem.

Take daily action however small so that you reinforce that you're worthy of that abundance.

An example would be, if you're not keeping a check register start! Know exactly where you are at all times. You will feel good about yourself for this one small accomplishment and you will feel more certain about where you're at financially.

Small successes compound into bigger ones and the exact opposite is true as well. Your small misallocations of common sense and daily inaction leads to bigger screw ups.

Master the energy of money by reinforcing daily your new awareness and more importantly letting go of the old self defeating thoughts that kept you disrespecting money.

This is the part where I don't know what exactly the rest of your journey looks like. I can only give clues as to finding your awareness and taking steps towards reinforcing it.

However you can certainly let me know how it's going. *Wink* (Hint-post or email me your awareness successes at my below webblog)

Ultimately this takes work, awareness and the will to implement it all.

"You are sculpting your life, loves & liberty with your thoughts daily."

P.S. Oh and how does this tie into your network marketing or home based business? You will attract others that think like you. How cool would that be?

Tony Teegarden is a home based entrepreneur and has been self employed for 15 years. He lives in Clearwater Florida and blogs at http://www.empowerment-4-life.com

Emotional Disorders - What Controls Your Conscious Point of Focus?

Scientists tell us the Prefrontal Cortex, a relatively small area of the brain just behind your forehead, performs your 'executive functions' - planning and controlling what you do with your brain and body. It carries out these plans by directing your 'Conscious Point of Focus' to open up to certain sources of stimulation.

Your Focus acts like a pen to the cellular map writing ability of your brain - whatever stimulation you deliberately open up to determines what gets written into your neural maps. The more you consciously and repeatedly focus on the same things the more intense and permanent those new maps become. You have the ability to write and re-write whatever you want to as long as you are willing to do the work involved in the writing - the work is hard.

How you use your tool of conscious focus can either lead to or heal serious emotional issues. Your Conscious Point of Focus is generally called 'what you think about'. Usually we assume thinking means working with strings of just words in our heads.

In our brains words appear to us as sounds we identify as 'verbal self-talk' - of course they are not actually sounds but neural energy creating an illusion we are hearing sounds. When we translate these stimulations into the written word we convert those sounds into pictures and these pictures act as representatives of both sounds and shared social meaning for others (have you ever looked at words as though they were pictures and also sounds with meanings attached to them?). Words are an example of our ability to 'associate' different types of stimuli in such a way we do not even realise they are actually different types of stimuli combined.

Words are quick-fire representations of other things, streams of these representations flow through our conscious and we shape these streams into logical thinking patterns - but we use those patterns to build:

smells (or at least, memories of smells).

We can also reverse this process.

When meanings are related to our value systems they are also attached to powerful emotional responses. We see new patterns in regards to these sources of stimulation in our minds and link these to previously learned patterns. The patterns are created because of differences in intensity, vibrational tone and duration.

We can deliberately choose to focus on any of these things using our Conscious Point of Focus, but we need to choose wisely because our focus is a limited resource. Although there are several options here in regard to stimulation type, there is a limit to the number of stimulations we can deliberately pay attention to at any one time.

Our conscious brains can only work with 4 to 11 bytes of electrical information per second. The greater the number of bytes of information we work with at any one time the harder it is to make sense or even remember what we did in our thinking. Once the incoming rate of information goes to 11 bytes per second you react with stress due to information overload.

When your conscious focus works at full throttle in this way your neo-cortex uses up a lot of glucose energy and gets tired more quickly in comparison to other parts of your brain. There is a limit to how long you can focus on those bytes. Biologically, thinking really is hard work.

Cut It Out

Your Prefrontal Cortex has the job of choosing what to focus your 4 to 11 bytes of conscious attention on whilst dealing with the fact your brain receives stimulation from your senses at roughly 2'000'000 (two million) bytes per second. In order for it to be able to resist this mass of distracting stimulation, most of which comes up from your body as a result of brain signals stimulating hormonal responses previously being sent downwards, your PFC controls a stimulation-resistance-system.

By the way, this organic resistance system is the same system you use to suppress and repress your emotional responses. The main stopping valve of this system is the root-like Reticular Formation in your brain stem. The Reticular Formation is designed to control the level of electrical/emotional energy flooding up into your brain at any one time.

From your brain stem the Reticular Formation spreads upwards and outwards into the net-like Ascending Reticular Activation System (also known as the ARAS - this system makes us consciously aware of the world around us). Different parts of your Reticular system have the ability to reduce and filter electrical stimulation in different parts of your brain. For example, there is a layer of reticular material surrounding the Thalamus, the main sensory signal router sitting between your upper conscious brain and lower emotional brain, acting like the insulation you find on household wiring.

Without this built-in resistance system you would be unable to focus on anything other than a mass of sensory information. In the case of emotional disorders, however, the resistance system has been used so effectively it has led to a state of internal overcharging and to trapping the emotional charge in the body.

An emotional charge trapped in the body keeps the body on high alert and this leads to an internal battle for control of your 'Conscious Point of Focus' between your Prefrontal Cortex and two other internal attention management system; your:

Orientation Response and your
Emotional Alert System

When these two mechanisms are activated they repeatedly snatch control of your Conscious Point of Focus away from your PFC and it in turn repeatedly snatches control back through the process of deliberate 'distraction'. This produces a constant state of physical tension in the body and establishes a vicious war between how your PFC wants you to feel and how your body is trying to communicate to it what it actually feels.

When a person does not suffer with an emotional disorder their mental focus naturally comes to rest on whatever their senses are resting on at the time. There is no internal battle for control and no sense of tension.

Your Orientation Response and Your Emotional Alert System - Your Emergency Situation Managers

Your PFC is concerned with long-term strategic self-management. It works with such things as changing your self image; deciding what kinds of environment you would like to eventually live in; planning the route it will take to get there and putting in place the motivations you will need to keep yourself energised along the journey.

Your Orientation Response and your Emotional Alert System, in contrast, are emergency problem solvers designed to work with unexpected life events. One is an automatic process designed to search for and identify potential threats while the other is designed to galvanise the body into urgent life-saving action by responding to threats with the most powerful source of energy you have.

Is that a Spider? No, it is a Bit of Fluff

Our Orientation Response is the mechanism that drags our attention away suddenly from what we are currently doing to pay attention to something new we have just become vaguely aware of entering our environment.

Out of the corner of your eye you spot a small fuzzy blob on the floor and you look to see if it is a spider. It is a bit of fluff. You go to run a bath and spot something black against the white enamel. You cannot resist looking. It is an apple seed. How did that get in there? Who has been eating apples in the bath?

Your Orientation Response is partially pre-programmed by your perceptual bias. Your perceptual bias is your unconscious list of things you want to avoid and is decided on previous experience. So when you go into the bathroom you are now pre-programmed to check the bath for things that should not be there.

When you leave the bathroom you are now pre-programmed to find out how the apple seed got there.

The response is also designed to pay attention to the new, the fast moving, the tiny, the potentially itchy, the unknown; the large; that scraping sound you hear that sounds like it is in your house. The only way to satisfy this response is to consciously pay attention to the source of concern until you have fully looked at it, identified it as safe and then let it go. This completes the release cycle for this part of our conscious focus mechanism and you can then return to what you wanted to focus on earlier.

Until you pay attention to an unknown and unexplored stimulus for long enough, and in enough depth, to the point your Unconscious attention systems believe it to be safe, they will keep grabbing the attention of your conscious focus.

Admit it - you looked for that bit of fluff, I know you did.

If you have an obsession and you do not understand how obsessions work, and you lack confidence in working with such things to the point you cannot just put it to one side without it grabbing at your conscious focus against your will, it is the orientation mechanism that keeps causing this to happen. The other reason is because your body is on High Emotional Alert.

Your Emotional Alert System

A real-life event or an imagined event (imagined so effectively your Unconscious emotional system thinks it is real) triggers an emotional response. The emotional response travels up through the body towards the brain to meet up with the issue identified by the brain in order that your overall body and brain together take appropriate external action to deal with the alleged problem.

Trouble is when the emotional response reaches the brain your brain says 'not yet' and your PFC pushes the energetic response back down into your body. So the response stays in place, the body remains energised, waiting for the 'go' command from the brain. And it waits, but not for long. It reminds the brain by coming up through the body again, making the attempt to link up with the issue in the brain and again the brain says 'not yet'.

Your body remains in a state of continued emotional pre-release and the emotional response, now held in place for a prolonged period of time, starts to desperately seek release through a process known as projection and keeps pestering the brain to pay attention to it by any means available. Now it comes up for any stimulus that even slightly resembles the original issue. By now, unfortunately, the brain has forgotten what the original issue was and refuses to acknowledge the response needs to release at all.

'What, you again?'.

Your PFC refuses to allow the emotional response to leave the body declaring 'something is wrong with my emotional system' when the response keeps showing up..

Your Orientation Response is continually re-triggered by this because you have no idea what is causing the repeating imagery and your brain keeps being constantly re-stimulated by the emotional charge attempting to leave the body through the normal release process.

Want to Switch the Emotional Alert Driving Your Obsession Off?

In order to removal an obsession or any other emotional problem you have to switch off the emotional alert driving it. There is nothing you can do about your Orientation Response - but once it has taken a good look at your obsession and at the emotional response attached to it, and realises what is there is just 'fluff', it will stop demanding your Conscious Point of Focus be directed to it.

Your PFC is fighting the reality of how your emotional system works by creating belief systems that cause your lower brain parts to join in with resisting release. In order to stop the battle going on inside it must change its approach and agree to taking your Conscious Point of Focus directly into the emotional world it has spent so long fighting.

By systematically surrendering to the demands of its rival competitors for control of your conscious attention it will gradually release the emotional response behind the high alert emotional state and find itself returning to its rightful place as natural, relaxed controller of your conscious focus.

Found this article interesting? Please feel free to come leave a comment or have a chat at http://managemesystems.com.

2012年10月9日 星期二

Value Your Worth - The Degree of Awareness Or Consciousness, Reflects Your Level of Self-Worth

Storms of daily life have slashed and bruised your dreams and they have wounded your hearts desire, because you have allowed the agendas and benchmarks of mass consciousness to dampen the worthiness of self. Many of dualities lessons and experiences dull your spirit, because you are caught up with mass consciousness repetitive controls, limitations and hypnotic belief system and overlay structures.

When you are forced to conform to the bureaucratic benchmarks of what you are expected to be, do and have will squash your hidden and unlimited potential. Frustration builds up, rebellion rears its ugly head and you fight with your elders when your expressions are ignored and unnoticed. When you can't express you develop unsociable traits and behaviours patterns whilst a crisis and/or health problems occur. When you do express you are punished for voicing or living your truth, for being you, because their fears and perceptions didn't like what you have to say and their agendas state that your human skills may not be up to par with their social status. The 'breaking in' when you were a young child to the conditions of society actually is trying to break your spirit. It dampens the worthiness of self and suffocates the birth of your true essence, because you were taught to deny the self and serve others first.

Have you questioned to why you have relationship issues; it is because you can't love another and have a balanced and harmonious relationship until you can unconditionally love yourself. Have you ever wondered why you can't love yourself, why you can't accept yourself, why you loath and belittle yourself and why you dislike what you look like? It is because humanity has brained washed you to thinking you have to be of a certain appearance, standard and status to be worthy, you have to be well educated, skilled and well-healed to earn your worth.

To address self-worth problems can be broken down into 3 categories.

1. Wise or Foolish

2. Value or Undervalue Yourself

3. Depression or Balance

Let's take a look at each category.

1. Wise or Foolish - Can you be wise and clever to be able to love yourself so that you can inspire and expand your consciousness or are you stupid and foolish to follow the group masses, like sheep being herded into a controlled cold room? You can be clever at a physical skill or talent, you can be a brainstorm at analytical facts and figures, yet you can be foolish, dumb or unintelligent when making life's choices and decisions, you can be ignorant and unaware of what is going on behind the scenes. Many of these choices are made from the head and not the heart, many of them come from the influence of the masses, which is not your truth, but you act it out and live it as your truth. Consciousness can be high or low and it has nothing to do with being clever, intelligent or stupid or foolish - consciousness is awareness. It just reflects the stage of evolutionary growth you are at.

2. Value or Undervalue Yourself - Whatever you do in your life, don't sell yourself short, don't undervalue yourself because whatever you are aware of, you level of consciousness will dictate your level of worth. Avoid thinking too little of yourself by failing to appreciate who you are or by allowing another to carry your baggage just to suit their agendas - that appeasement, obligation and compromise will enslave and disempower you. Know that you are unique and that you have everything within you to attain anything that you desire. What you are within is reflected in the outer - to be attracted back to you. If you feel unworthy or undeserving that is what you will experience in your reality.

3. Depression or Balance - The way out of a stupid low depressive cycle is to accept it. Accept that you have been in a low unworthy state. Don't put your depressive unworthy fears and baggage under the carpet, because that will put yourself into overwhelm, before you go into hiding by following the leaders of a group into the social controlled cold room. When you close the door on any unworthy, unloving energy it leads to a frustrated angry depressive state and when you close the door on any fearful and unpleasant energy you also close the door on joy, love and hope. Balance is to accept all, the light and the dark.

As difficult as it may sound, if you can accept your unworthy depressed state, without medication, perhaps you will be willing to discover the joy in your past depressive experiences. If you are willing to embody that energy through the deep conscious breath, to go into that low energy and accept all things as they are, to have compassion for yourself without trying to control, change, force, fight or manipulate that energy, you will break open your cocoon to see the wisdom, the joy and the gift within your journey. You gave yourself the breaking in lessons to the agendas of social conditions in order to force you to turn within, by learning to love and accept the worthiness of self, as you are and for who you are and for all your experiences. That is the wisdom and the gift within each experience - to travel down the dark tunnel of unworthiness and to come out the other side to the light of awareness and worthiness.

Pamela's new revolutionary Who Am I Formula is a unique and complete report that reveals new insights, perceptions, direction and empowerment for personal or business problems, issues and challenges. It reveals new ways to address and solve problems, to expand the understanding of self-love and self-worth, the attraction of new relationships, the manifestations of abundance of all kinds, empowerment and self-awareness concepts. It provides new refreshing 'out of the mind' information that gives greater awareness, clarity, wisdom, perceptions, acceptance and understanding to inspire and expand consciousness. Please visit [http://www.whoamiformula.com] to discover new 'out of the box' insights about the Who Am I Formula.

Prosperity Consciousness: Teach It to Learn It

Having a prosperity consciousness is all about being able to say with conviction: I AM ABUNDANCE. Having a prosperity consciousness means being open and receptive to the flow of:God's harmony, health, love, peace, joy and financial abundance. It means moving in life from miracle to miracle -- little ones, big ones and everything in between.

Dr. Ernest Holmes said in The Science of Mind textbook:

"To the average person, when a result is obtained through [spiritual] work, it looks as though a miracle has happened, but such is not the case. It is only a miracle as everything else in life is a miracle -- a definite, conscious idea that has been set in motion."

The Kabbalah teaches the same thing - there are no miracles outside our own making. We create through our consciousness and our conscious connection with the Source of all Good. In fact, we create more good by being like our Creator, which is being proactive in all of life.

So, a true prosperity consciousness is about setting conscious ideas in motion that bring about true fulfillment in all areas of life. That's how it's supposed to be. God wants us to be happy! God wants us to live harmoniously, healthfully, lovingly, peacefully, joyously and prosperously! Remember - "It is the Father's Good Pleasure to give us the Kingdom!!! "

Prosperity seems to be a big issue for a lot of people. Living in the flow of miraculous prosperity is not something we all do, and I want to help change that.

I recently ran across this great statement by Emma Curtis Hopkins in her book Scientific Christian Mental Practice, p. 169:

Persistent thought about prosperity, and how prosperity is brought to us, will make you a magnet for prosperity. However, your prosperity will not be the highest prosperity, it will not be useful prosperity, unless you know how to teach others to be prosperous. There must be a free giving of your Truth or the world may wait another million years for the wretched poverty of its people to be gone.

I want to be a teacher to help the wretched poverty of its people to be gone. The truest way to learn anything is to teach it. Whose prosperity consciousness can you uplift today? Have you shared more about lack and limitation or about the abundance there is all around? In what ways are you teaching lack by your actions? In what ways are you truly prosperous?

In order for a prosperity consciousness to grow consistently, I have found that I need to be teaching it constantly and to have constant reminders of spiritual principles. I do them for myself and I'd love to share them with you. You can find articles, videos and lots of other inspirational messages. When you go now to http://www.midlifemessages.com and fill in your email, you'll be sent a free humorous video and a free report. Check it out - remember- your actions say a lot about your intentions. Do you intend to prosper NOW?

Conscious Decisions: Your Personal Development Journey Awaits

The purpose of Wealth Masters International (WMI) is to help you grow as a conscious human being. If we want to see the world the way it really is we need to delve whole-heartedly into three main areas; health, wealth and wisdom. Everyday we make conscious decisions and personal development should be at the top of everyone's list. Did anyone ever bother to ask you if you want a life of prosperity or a life of poverty? No one should care more about your career, about your family, about your health, about your money, and about your future than you! Those that succeed will be those who take control of their destiny.

I am always looking for positive changes in my life. Perhaps you find yourself in the same position. By making the decision to invest in myself it opened countless ongoing opportunities. The benefits are endless as I was guided to discover and accept my life's purpose; it's the inspiration that helped me to feel more motivated, energized, and passionate. The real life ongoing education helped me shed disempowering relationships and build a network of loving support. What is truly amazing is that WMI teaches you how to achieve stable financial abundance doing what you love; and encouraging you to make a genuine contribution to humanity. I love being able to tell people I can experience the kind of life that deep down, I always knew I was meant to live. How many of us can actually say that?

When I made the decision to change the quality of my life I was suddenly surrounded by the teachers and information I needed to become a top producer and make a change in every area of my life! I came to the realization that I am not here to struggle and suffer. I'm here to express and share my creative gifts, to give and receive love, and to be happy. It will take time, but WMI can certainly help you get there, and the vast majority of resources found here are something that no book will ever teach you.

Are you ready to make conscious decisions in your personal development journey and courageously follow through? What this means is having the maturity to take 100% responsibility for your health, your career, your finances, your relationships, your emotions, your habits, and your spiritual beliefs. WMI's "The 1% Solution" was created for everyone because it encourages you to commit to daily 1% improvements in Wealth, Health and Wisdom for the duration of the 100-day study program. Are you ready to embark on an amazing transformation? Anyone can create any life that they want - and so can you!

All it requires is taking a deep look at yourself, consciously deciding what kind of person you truly are on the inside, and then getting your external reality to be equal with your inner reality. What program is out there that has the goal in mind to help you achieve outstanding effectiveness while maintaining internal balance, where your thoughts, feelings, actions, and skills are all working together to create the life you truly desire?

Personal development is hard work. It requires time, consistency, and patience. I'm interested in real, lasting change, and I'm serious about personal growth and willing to commit to it on an ongoing basis.

When you live more consciously, you find the courage to face the areas that you have been unable to confront in certain parts of your life. You'll be able to solve deep problems that you've not yet been able to look at. Practical ideas help you make important changes in your life. Who wouldn't want to can get their life on track and start living up to their potential?

I am on a continuous path of practical, positive growth. The MPower & M1 Educational series provide you with tremendous assistance to assist you on your journey. You can't truly accept responsibility unless you truly act on it.

The time tested secrets you'll learn with this program will change your life for the better, but only if you're willing to let go of excuses that will eliminate your success. If you make an honest effort to apply them you will give 1% each day you will be living life at a very different level, 100 days from now.

I'm amazed when I look back in the months and days and saw the abundance that I have now attracted into my life.

I took the step to invest in myself to making a commitment to this program. The possibilities are limitless. Change is a door that can only be opened from the inside. The keys and wisdom await you. What happens next is up to you!!! What are you waiting for? Wealth Masters International.

Kathy Batz

2012年10月8日 星期一

Consciousness and Mineralization - Intimately Related?

What impression do you get when you think of a healthy, green-thumbed gardener? Do you think of a sour, negative being that's caught in a web of self-destructive patterns? Or do you think of a happy, smiling, conscious person that anyone would love to be around? My bet is on the second, and that's because the mineral content of the foods we eat determine our level of consciousness.

Our level of consciousness is our level of awareness. Someone with low conscious awareness might experience a situation and blame everyone else, even throw themselves into thoughts of feeling like a victim. Take that same situation with someone more conscious and they might openly accept and acknowledge the situation - thereby finding themselves in an empowered emotional state from which they can masterfully deal with anything that might come up. The difference is all the world.

So how are minerals related to consciousness? When your body has access to the full spectrum of minerals, your body receives the full spectrum of nourishment. You can be low in many trace minerals and still seem to function well in the world and even feel good - but you'll be nowhere near your true human potential. Why would anyone not live up to their full potential? To maximize the performance of your mind and body, start getting mineralized!

First, a word of caution: when I say get mineralized, I don't mean take a multi-vitamin and mineral supplement and then go eat whatever catches your attention! Ancient civilizations knew the sober truth that the mineralization of the soil lead to the mineralization of the foods that we consume. That's why ancient cultures had so many bewildering practices to gain rich soil. Sure, they could grow in average soil, but they knew the direction of civilization was determined by their level of consciousness - which again comes back to the food, from the Earth's soil!

So my invitation to you is to think about how mineralized your foods are at this point in time. Are you eating organic greens and highly-mineralized organic fruit? You'll find that as you trace your way back to a more natural raw diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds you'll awaken a whole new aspect of yourself - expanded conscious awareness. When you see more choices in your life with a healthier perspective, you start to really understand the great truth "the kingdom of heaven lies within."

John Brackett is the founder and voice of UnleashYourVitality.com, an online community devoted to unleashing your personal energy and using that energy in the context of living your dreams. If you're interested, you can check out all the latest resources at http://www.UnleashYourVitality.com.

Five Ways To Create On Purpose By Living In The Moment

What can you do to really immerse yourself into living more consciously every day?

"We look backward too much and we look forward too much; thus we miss the only eternity of which we can be absolutely sure - the eternal present, for it is always now." - William Phelps

1 - NOW is the only moment that matters. Remember that the only creative moment is this moment, right now. What we receive NOW is 100% of the time a vibrational match to us right NOW. When we are unaware, what we radiate will be the vibrational equivalent of our past observations, judgements, beliefs and decisions. If we don't like what we have - all we have to do is create a new vibration in this moment.

2 - Honor the Divine Perfection of life. When faced with challenges do your best to immediately repeat Buddha's quote: "How wonderful! How wonderful! All things are perfect exactly as they are!" Repeating this until it sinks in will (for most daily challenges) support you in maintaining your tone. I suggest repeating it at least 10 times and I usually count down on my fingers to get me through.

3 - Really live in the moment! When Ashlyn was four-months-old, and felt pain, she screamed and when the pain went away, she stopped. When Parker was four, I noticed that when he would get hurt, he'd cry but even after the pain is actually gone he would continue to mourn the pain for a short period until something else catches his attention. After observing this, I stumped my toe - hard on the door jam. I hopped around and wailed and then suddenly I realized that it really wasn't still hurting but that I was still acting as if it was. Now, I'm learning to ask myself, "How do I feel now? How do I feel in this moment? Does it still hurt or not? What do I want to feel now instead?"

4 - You are unlimited and every moment is filled with possibility! By re-focusing in the moment on the fact that you are an unlimited child of God, you are aligning your energy with the power to manifest whatever your heart desires without even having to identify what that might be.

"We are, in our essential state, pure consciousness. Pure consciousness is pure potentiality; it is the field of all possibilities and infinite creativity. Pure consciousness is our spiritual essence." - Deepak Chopra

Affirm: "I am unlimited! There is nothing I cannot have and nothing I can not do! I accept my unlimited potential right now! I am a Divine Child of God and it is my birthright to have all that I desire."

5 - Fantasize in Fragments. By focusing on what you want in segments, you allow yourself to be more fully open to the now. Abraham (www.abraham-hicks.com) calls this "segment intending." This would look like...(before getting out of bed) I intend to have a fabulous day filled with joyous, connected and aware experiences. I am grateful for a great day! (before brushing teeth) I intend to have healthy gums and teeth and I am grateful for a mouthful of beautiful chops for the rest of my life! (before dressing for the day) I am healthy, fit, attractive and beautiful/handsome. I am grateful for being appreciated and valued by everyone I meet today. (before that board meeting) I intend to experience a positive, enlightening, efficient meeting. I intend to communicate clearly and effectively and to be well received and respected by all meeting attendees. I am grateful for this now.

2005 Written & Copyrighted by cAnisa Aven

Receive Anisa's FREE Conscious Creation 101, a 5-part e-course on the basics of Manifesting, when you register for the Creative Manifesting ezine. Read more about manifesting and conscious creation by visiting http://www.CreativeManifesting.com and http://www.ManifestingProsperity.com - This article may be distributed freely provided this resource box is included in its entirety.

The ABC of Conscious Leadership

Principles of Conscious Leadership

In today's world, it has become imperative to understand the nature of leadership and to practice what I will name 'Conscious Leadership' in order to overcome the chaos and aggression we seem to be stuck with. Unfortunately most leaders today tend to behave in highly self-interested ways, mostly concerned with self-aggrandizement and gaining more material goods. It is, however, possible to be 'conscious leaders' and there are such people; in fact all of us have the potential to become 'conscious leaders'. The practice of Conscious Leadership, even though it is less common, exists around the world - we may find such leaders in local communities, working in the nonprofit or public sectors, in local governments, in private companies, and many other unexpected places. But we may have to look harder and perhaps with different glasses.

One might ask how Conscious Leadership is different from more conventional definitions of Leadership. A quick look at conventional definitions reveals the following concepts associated with leadership: It is a process, an act of influencing others, of mobilizing others towards a goal, using power to influence the thoughts and actions of other people. There are core leadership behaviors that may be listed as Delegating, Supporting, Developing and Mentoring, Managing Conflict, Teambuilding, Networking, Planning and Organizing, Clarifying Objectives, Monitoring, Consulting, Motivating and Inspiring. But is leadership really about using power and influencing others? And are the 'others' just followers? Is there such a clear dichotomy between the leaders and the led? Does that mean that the followers do not display these leadership behaviors?

Conscious Leadership is not about the act of using power or influencing others or of demonstrating a long list of leadership behaviors. It is about the right relationship between the self and others, between the mind and the heart, between our material world and spirituality. Everyone can be a leader and has that capacity. But first a leader must have a strong awareness of self, of personal strengths and weaknesses, achieved through looking inward, self-examination, through observation and contemplation. Such a leader is conscious of dichotomies - should one be assertive or listen and observe, be strong handed, decisive, or compassionate and fair? By maintaining equilibrium and balancing opposite traits associated with leadership, it becomes possible to rise above them without becoming attached to one or the other. Furthermore, Conscious Leaders build multi-level, rich relationships for the long term, not based on power and influence first and foremost, but based on the maintenance and improvement of a community, on reconciling of differences, on discovering shared truths. A conscious leader is dedicated to improving the human condition, and personal gain is not the priority. Finally, s/he knows when to step forward and when to step back, when to act as a catalyst to empower others, so that others' potential abilities and talents may be manifested.

Thus, conscious leaders are on a journey to know themselves and as a result, they are able to know others. They know their own talents and are aware of their weaknesses. They are not out there to empower themselves but others. They offer their talents when needed, they listen and observe carefully, and they are interested in improving the human condition and to serve something much larger than themselves. The principles of conscious leadership may be listed as the following:

Awareness of Self and Others: A conscious leader must display awareness of both self and others around them in very specific ways. First, self-awareness requires 'knowing thyself' as Socrates said, with both strengths and weaknesses so that one is not constantly trying to show off how good s/he is, rejecting criticism, or projecting any criticism in self-defense on to the other. This, of course, requires some self-examination and contemplation to see things as they are, which translates into an ability to put oneself in the background, to take responsibility without personal credit as a leader. Such a leader then is able to listen and to observe in practical terms, and is not afraid to reach a 'shared understanding of reality' through dialogue. This makes it possible to identify 'needs', a priority before any action.

Balance and Equilibrium: Many opposites are presented as dilemmas of leadership such as - is leadership about guiding or participating, about self-confidence or humility, about focusing on short-term needs or long-term opportunities? Yet, a conscious leader stresses one or the other depending on circumstance, and finds a balance, an equilibrium between seemingly opposites. There is no reason to get stuck in dualisms, which forces us to choose a side. A conscious leader is one who maintains a strong commitment and clarity of purpose, while being open to new ideas and opportunities. S/he is strong and provides guidance, while demonstrating fairness and compassion. Such a leader finds a balance between personal needs and institutional sustainability and is both self-confident and knows when to be humble.

Culture of Relationships: A conscious leader builds a culture of relationships, finds others to share responsibilities, and co-leads. Such a leader is not just in the business of 'give and take', is not playing a zero-sum power game, where one wins and the other loses. When words like partnership and collaboration are used, what are usually meant is zero-sum games built on self-interest. If you don't have anything to offer, you are out of the game or you are 'fair game' for exploitation. Building a culture of relationships, on the other hand, encompasses not just self-interest but our communal identity, our selfless humanity working for something bigger than our individual self-interests. As such, relationships encompass many different areas of life simultaneously, doesn't sacrifice the richness of human life by putting everything into 'silos'.

Dedication: Without dedication, without a deep concern for a problem that addresses the human condition, how can one be a conscious leader? In fact, one has to start out with this motivation, rather than the desire to become a leader. A conscious leader inspires other people, creates values and priorities, and inspires passion.

Empowerment: It is possible to empower others as a leader, and to allow others to manifest their own potential, to be a catalyst. This is what a conscious leader does, to open the way, create a space for people to show what they can be and do. Such a leader needs to be able to get out of the way and let others take over.

The world would be quite different, and likely to be a more peaceful, more human place if these leadership principles became widespread. The next step would be to showcase 'Conscious Leaders" from around the world so that we may learn from their experiences, receive encouragement from them and apply these principles to our own lives in order to become conscious leaders ourselves.

Nuket Kardam

2012年10月7日 星期日

What Are Our Conscious And Unconscious Minds?

There are many theories as to what the conscious and unconscious minds are. The truth is that you cannot prove the existence of the unconscious mind, and philosophers have been debating what it is to be conscious for hundreds of years! However, the evidence for the conscious and unconscious partnership is extremely compelling and answers many questions as to why we are the way we are.

Here are my thoughts on what we are really talking about when we say conscious or unconscious minds...

I will start with a commonly used example.

When you start to learn to drive a car it is difficult to remember everything you need to do. You have to consciously think about what to do next, whether it's changing gear or signaling. After a while these actions become automatic. You no longer have to think about how to do it - you seem to know instinctively when to change gear. So much so that you can carry on a conversation or think about something entirely different, safe in the knowledge that you will do what is required at the right time. It is this automation of our actions that we say come from the unconscious mind.

Another example of the unconscious at work is the bodily functions that happen without our conscious direction - digestion, breathing, heart pumping, blood filtering etc. Some form of intelligence within us knows exactly what to do and does not drop a beat.

Let's break it down a little further...

We receive information about the world through our senses - sight, smell, sound, taste, feel. We consciously use this information to decide on the 'truth'. That is our own, subjective truth, which is our perception of the situation.

For example, if you see a dog you might see the brown floppy ears, wagging tail and sloppy dog-grin, remember your Uncle's friendly terrier and think 'what a lovely, friendly dog'. However someone else might see the drool, the dirty paws, smell the dog breath and remember the horrible dog that used to live next door and think, 'urgh, get that dog away from me'. Two people can have two completely different perceptions of exactly the same situation (or dog in this case).

In this way we all build up our own picture or map of the world that is completely unique, and also completely true in a subjective sense.

That makes 6-7 billion unique maps of the world going on at any one time....wow!

Everyone's own map of the world is stored unconsciously, and used as a reference guide. Our conscious actions in the world are based upon this unique map.

So where are the conscious and unconscious minds in us physically?

Again, we cannot say with any definitive certainty. However one theory that I like is that the organ of our conscious mind is the brain and central nervous system and the organ of our unconscious mind is the solar plexus.

When we have decided on the 'truth' consciously, this message is then conveyed to our unconscious mind to become a memory and either a new belief or a reinforcer of a current belief. Our beliefs and memories dictate our motivations and moral/ethical codes.

The solar plexus is the largest area of the autonomic nerve system in the abdominal cavity. Information travels from the brain and central nervous system, down the vagus nerve to the solar plexus. Then via the autonomic nervous system, the message is conveyed to the rest of the body.

It is in this way that we can see how we really are products of what we think...

So, using this perspective, the conscious mind is like the gatekeeper. The conscious mind makes decisions. It is the conscious mind that decides what it is we are experiencing. It is the conscious mind that gives the yay or nay to information, filters it, adapts it and then sends it on down to be stored. The conscious mind makes subjective judgements on its reality.

When this information is passed down to the unconscious mind, it is no longer open to discussion. The unconscious mind does not question, it accepts. When information enters the unconscious mind, it becomes who we are. Or we become it, which ever way you want to look at it. It becomes embedded deep within or through out us, and is true without us having to think about it.

Now, just to bring things full circle...

Although the conscious mind is the gatekeeper, and functions effectively in that way. Every decision made by the conscious mind will be based on the beliefs, memories, motivations and moral codes that are stored in the unconscious mind.

So here we can see how both minds thus make a circuit, as opposed to a one way street. A circuit of energetic knowledge that governs who we are and how we react to situations. It is a circuit that is specifically designed for our well-being, protection and growth. We are all a benevolent circuit of thought energy.

Wow again!

So what can go wrong with this system?

Well, to put it simply this circuit of energy is just as effective at pumping round negative information as it is at pumping round positive information.

That piece of information is so important I'm going to repeat it...

this circuit of energy is just as effective at pumping round negative information as it is at pumping round positive information.

This means that if you tell yourself everyday you are useless, or not worth anything this will continuously be fed down to your unconscious mind. In any given situation, your unconscious mind will feed this back up because it is the blueprint you have provided it with, it is your map, your reference guide. If you tell yourself you are useless enough times, it will be stored unconsciously and this piece of information will feed right back up to you when you come to make a conscious decision.

'Should I ask out that beautiful girl?'....Hmmm, well, I wouldn't, don't you know you are useless and not worth anything...?


Ok, so what about when the system is working? If you tell yourself you are a whole, strong, harmonious, loving, happy, confident, kind, friendly, courageous, intelligent, successful individual....this will be your unconscious blueprint, and will be fed back up to your conscious mind to make decisions based on the fact that you are this brilliant individual, leading you to act like a brilliant individual....and lo and behold....then that is what you will become.

What an encouraging thought!

'Should I ask out that beautiful girl?'....Oh yes, most definitely, how exciting - where will this lead....!!

Visit [http://www.Enhance-Hypnotherapy.co.uk] to discover more about the power of your mind and how hypnotherapy and hypnosis can help you.

Exploring Consciousness - Can Meditation and Science Work in Harmony?

If you've been following the science news lately, you will have read that scientists have found God "unnecessary," declared that "philosophy is dead," and think they can explain consciousness by taking cross-sections of the brains of worms. For those of us steeped in the contemplative tradition of inner discovery through meditation, this extreme materialism amounts to a full-frontal assault on everything we hold dear. Does this mean we should turn our backs on science, or is there a way for meditation and science to come together in the exploration of consciousness?

The Stark Logic of Extreme Materialism

Perhaps the world's most preeminent scientist, Stephen Hawking of Cambridge University, has just released yet another ambitious treatise aimed at the popular audience, The Grand Design, in conjunction with Leonard Mlodinow of Caltech. The book posits M-Theory, which is actually an amalgamation of several theories, as the long-sought unifying concept between Einstein's general relativity (which accurately explains the behavior of large-scale systems) and quantum mechanics (which works very well on a sub-atomic level, despite its bizarre and counter-intuitive predictions). Hawking uses M-Theory as a platform from which to answer some very big questions, like how we can get something (the universe we know) from nothing, why we happen to have the laws of physics we do, and why we exist at all. To cut a long story short, Hawking contends that the universe came into being as a quantum fluctuation. It is just one of countless universes (part of the "multiverse") similarly created, and it was inevitable that one of those universes would happen to take on the laws and character observed in ours. God had nothing to do with it, and nor did consciousness. There is no place in Hawking's universe for anything supernatural; everything can be explained by the laws of physics.

Science and Consciousness

Not everyone in the scientific community sees the universe in such starkly mechanistic terms. Roger Penrose, the Oxford mathematician and physicist with whom Hawking collaborated in the past, sees consciousness as a phenomenon that cannot be explained by the laws of physics - at least not the ones we have at the moment. He is famous for contending, much to the ire of artificial intelligence wonks, that no machine could ever match the complex capabilities of the living brain. Penrose's view of the universe is a much more spiritual one, seeing consciousness as fundamental on a quantum level, inherent in the very building blocks of all that is. Not surprisingly, he is often cited by Deepak Chopra, one of the most well-known advocates of a spiritual approach to science.

Back on the materialistic end of the scale, Dr. Giulio Tononi of the University of Wisconsin sees consciousness as a mere product of neuronal activity in the brain rather than as a fundamental aspect of the whole universe. For him, consciousness is a form of integrated information and can be measured on a scale of integration using a unit called "phi." With trillions of neuronal connections in the human brain, measuring phi in a human is beyond us. So Dr. Tononi plans to measure it in a simple worm which possesses a mere 302 neuronal connections, and hopes one day to develop a machine which will help anesthesiologists measure consciousness in much the same way as doctors can monitor blood pressure. The "ghost in the machine" could then be graded!

Can Meditation and Science Ever be Compatible?

Deepak Chopra's critique of Hawking's book notes an ironic similarity between the physical idea of something coming from nothing and the ancient Vedic tradition, in which the universe is also self-generated from nothingness. But in the Vedic tradition, that mysterious source is not unknowable, for it is the closest thing to our very essence - creative, self-conscious, and intelligent. Chopra goes on to note the further irony that science itself is a product of consciousness, and bemoans Hawking's short shrift for such concepts as free will, ethics, love, and the appreciation of beauty. A purely mechanical, material universe could never give rise to these qualities of consciousness.

For me, there is a more immediate dilemma here, one which is particularly pressing for those of us who use brainwave entrainment recordings as part of our meditation routine. Clearly, the brain does demonstrate different types of electrical activity that correspond to different states of consciousness. Listening to isochronic tones, monaural beats, or binaural beats helps control our state of mind by "entraining" this electrical activity and is genuinely useful for inner exploration, even if these methods differ radically from traditional eastern teachings. If we use these recordings, are we implicitly endorsing a scientific view of consciousness as a mere by-product of the brain's neuronal networks? Not necessarily.

If we return to Penrose's harmonious unification of consciousness and physics, there is no reason for meditators to feel in any way guilty about using scientifically verified tools. Science and meditation can both help us explore the human condition to the fullest. If both disciplines are essentially trying to answer the same questions in different ways, they should ideally be able to help one another. Those scientists who question the validity of meditative experiences - since inner, subjective experiences cannot be duplicated in the lab - are free to deny the deeper levels of their own existence if they wish.

If you would like to learn more about the most effective ways to explore your own consciousness, visit this excellent guide to states of consciousness. The new audio technology of brainwave entrainment is the easiest and fastest way to begin this journey, and you will find the most intelligent review of these techniques here: Meditation MP3 Reviews.