As my aspirations rose so too my need for better self management. I had more to do, more inspired about things, I needed better recovery techniques because my body was not, as it was in my youth, willing to forgive abuse. I needed better balance skills.
At first, those skills were clumsy. Like taking yoga classes after work which is pretty much the same as "the Bulimia of Work" Eat it down and puke it up.... That was too far off the pace for the world of a busy man... and the time taken was stolen from my relationships which struggled at best with my schedule.
So, I went from the Neanderthal life balance model to the super conscious one. By necessity.
Here's how:
1. I don't lose balance - so I don't need to rebalance
If you hate your work, or work like there's no tomorrow, it's like running the best race of your life everyday. You just gotta burn out. So, instead of that crazy notion, I blurred the line between work and play. So, ultimately, there's nothing to balance.
2. I balance in the moment
One exceptional thing I learned over 20 years in Yoga practice is the power of the breath. Inhale excites the nerves, exhale calms the nerves, I wasn't interested in either. I am interested in the space in between. Between the inhale and the exhale there must, by default be a moment of stall. Like when you're in a plane and it hits an air pocket you are in between going up and going down. In super consciousness this space is called recovery. I seek balance every breath so if I am in a meeting I am IN BALANCE - not looking forward to the weekend to recover.
3. I burned the boats
There's many stories about invading warriors who, after sailing to invade a foreign land, burned their boats. The whole idea is to eliminate plan B. When it comes to super consciousness at work, plan b is to go home tired, or go to dinner and drink one too many wines, or run it off on the road. I hear people talking about "going surfing" or "meditating" to recover from work stress, they don't "Burn the boats" and have these strategies as back up plans.... Stress and ugly work mind space becomes tolerable because they have a counter balance process. But that's messed up. First, because it's proven that the imbalance chemicals caused between rebalancing create cancer. Second, because in rebalancing process we screw with something that's really important to success, ME TIME... Me time is not recovery time... It's ME TIME. And bringing home a stressed, burned out, worried, tired, exhausted, half drunk bloke into the home does little for your partner's s say the least about your own... so it messes with - yes - your sex life.
4. I repeat this poem to myself over and over and over and this is my life model for super consciousness
A Master in the art of Living
Draws no sharp distinction
Between their work and their play
Their labour and their leisure
Their minds and their bodies
Their education or their recreation.
They hardly know which is which.
They simply pursue their vision
Of excellence
Through whatever
They are doing and leave
Others to determine
Whether they are working or playing.
To themselves, it always seems
As if they are doing both.
5. I changed my Language
I now say Work - Work Balance. Home home Balance. Mind Mind Balance. Life - life Balance
I don't balance one area of life with another. I threw away the concept of weekends as balance time and definitely discarded the notion of "looking forward to a break" as being anything but self sabotage... especially holidays and time away.... I now call them explore time and in the time I take away from my inspiration at work I seek inspiration in exploring the Himalayas, or sea kayak, or my children or my partner... Explore and Wonder Stay Young - Super Consciousness.
Chris Walker < > is a visionary business consultant and of the world's leading facilitators of Personal/Professional Development. Author, consultant and professional speaker, his considered a leader in the field of human potential and lifestyles for success. His VIP and Mastery Programs have been attended by thousands of individuals around the world seeking tools to live life and manage their careers to their fullest potential.
Chris blends twenty years experience working in over 30 countries, a masters degree in Business Management, a BE in Environment, five successful businesses and years if studies in the Eastern Arts if Yoga and Mind Mastery.
His programs in Present Time Consciousness, Mind/Body Mastery, Corporate Spirituality and the Powerful Sciences of the Heart/Mind Balance create definite life changing formulas for business and personal success. Chris' amazing programs unravel the mysteries of human behaviour, personal growth and professional development which lead to a more balanced lifestyle. For more please visit