Everything that exists is a thought form. The thought form holds the vibrational frequency to sustain imagery in the mind, emotions within the body, memories of activities, and stimulation of activities. It takes on geometric shapes and forms that are conducive to the energy necessary to sustain its life. Thought forms exist within a collective body of consciousness as well as individual bodies of consciousness. All bodies of consciousness are stored within the subconscious mind.
A collective body of consciousness can be that which is experienced within humanity on a social level (i.e. schools, churches, family gatherings, etc.). All who attend social gatherings can remember what happened, how they felt, and what they were thinking. The reason this is possible is because the body of consciousness harnessed the collective experience, thoughts, and emotions of all that attended.
The individual body of consciousness, which is with the individual at all times, houses the thoughts and feelings about the event and the people there, and it will eventually merge with the other bodies of consciousness of the other individuals at the event. This is what creates the collective body of consciousness. As all depart and walk away from the event, they are in fact walking away with a heavier load.
Whether the individual agrees with what happened at the event, what others thought and the emotions of everyone there, has nothing to do with their capacity to merge with the other bodies of consciousness. The merging will happen either way as this is a form of how we connect with each other as humans and how we understand our existence. The body of consciousness, however, does not have to remain within the individual. It can be removed at any time.
On the other hand, retention of the collective bodies of consciousness will directly influence the individual's life through emotion and beliefs should it remain merged. In other words, the individual will always be carrying what is not theirs. In the same token, this is not necessarily a negative thing as all bodies of consciousness are not unpleasant. It just does well to be aware of the choices one has when it comes to understanding on an energetic and spiritual level how one is influenced by the impressions they have gathered from the conscious collective.
The reason the collective body of consciousness influences the life of the individual is because it is stored within the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is where the belief system is held. Now, it is not only the collective body of consciousness that is influencing the individual, but their personal bodies of consciousness as well.
For every experience one has, there is a body of consciousness that houses this experience and the thoughts and emotions that go along with this experience. Have you ever had a time where you could remember something like it just happened yesterday? Depending on your ability in remembering, you might smell what you smelled that day. You can in fact recall the experience of all of your senses, so besides smelling, you will remember what something felt like when you touched it, how it made you feel emotionally, and the vividness of its' appearance. What is interesting is that these bodies of consciousness will continue to exist whether you remember it on a conscious level or not. The program has already been set in the subconscious mind.
When you remove that body of consciousness, it removes the collection of belief systems that are stored within it, thereby allowing you to be free and not overrun by the activities of any experience. You become lighter and your heart opens more which will allow you to take in more positive energy and the love vibration.
The body was energetically created to hold vast amounts of the Love Vibration through the Heart Centers. The Heart Centers, which are a part of the multi-dimensional aspects of the Higher Selves, have to go through a re-opening or activation. As they are activated, they begin to take in more of the love vibration so that the body can once again get use to accumulating the higher frequencies. All activations and developments happen within stages. One Heart Center at a time is cleared so the love vibration can easily flow to the next pathway in the following Heart Center.
As each Center is cleared, the body activates the next set of multi-dimensional pathways of light. The energy flows like a river, spewing into the next light body. The light body, and there are several, is the body of consciousness. Light energy comes in varying frequencies. So when you think of a light body, it is not necessarily always going to be a high vibrating one.
The lower light bodies or bodies of consciousness are what hold you into the current state in which you are experiencing in this reality. As you remove the unwanted bodies of consciousness, you reconnect with your divine form. This is in fact the state through which man or humanity "fell from grace." It was through consciousness. The very act of removing bodies of consciousness will create what is called a Conscious Shift.
The Conscious Shift is what takes you out of the realm of typical human thinking, experience, and awareness. The Shift will bring you closer to your divine state because you will become more aware of your true form. Your awareness expands to the next body of consciousness that is vibrating at a higher frequency. You eventually merge with what can be considered multi-dimensional thinking. This is so, because you are merging with that part of yourself that exists on that next higher plane. Within the next higher plane is a vastness of wisdom and intelligence which exceeds the realm of human thinking. It is as if you go through an instant download of inner knowing without question.
As you continue to go through Conscious Shifting, you become more aware of the several other energy centers that dwell in your multi-dimensional bodies. As each body of light is accessed, a higher amount of the love energy is "poured" into the body until you are completely merged (mentally) with your true form of creation. The opening of the Heart Chakra on each of the Heart Centers is opened or remains opened and take in a more refined form of energy. The individual, who may not have been in their body meaning they are not grounded, is suddenly present and aware. They will feel the connection and the oneness with all life. It is in this state that duality ceases to exist as it can only exist outside of love. Love is an energy that is emitted from the Source and Center of all creation known as God.
As one goes through Conscious Shifting, they no longer breathe solely through their nostrils, but the breathing occurs through the body of consciousness also known as light bodies. The body is of course breathing in varying degrees of love and light energy. The focal point for the breath now becomes known through the heart. As the individual focuses on their heart and takes in expansive light/love breaths (breathing in light or love energy), their state of consciousness is reinforced in the higher light body or body of consciousness. It is through the dimensions of the heart that all will come to know their divinity and their power.
If one can get past any fears and ego, then the process will be very simple, but highly effective. Some ideas for the bodies of consciousness that can be removed include, but are not limited to: poverty consciousness, promiscuity consciousness, burden of struggle consciousness, consciousness from childhood to adolescence to adult life. Any time you begin to live a different life style and do things differently, the old body of consciousness is still there. It will continue to live a life of its own and may even bother you or try to get your attention from time to time. Have you ever made a statement like "well, that was the old me"? You were referring to those bodies of consciousness.
Bodies of conscious can also be passed down from generation to generation, including from previous life times. If you want to dramatically change your life, first begin with family issues from childhood. Next look at the behavioral patterns of your family (mother and father's side) and remove those as well. Once they have been removed, you will be surprised to feel differently. You will even notice that you respond differently to people and situations.
Also, with the planet Earth, she is shifting as well. As we shift into different states of consciousness, she is doing the same thing and releasing those things she no longer needs to experience. Her Shifting equals our shifting and determines what direction we will take as our destiny is with her destiny.
Denika Laurie has been practicing Holistic Health now for 8 years. She is an expert in Energy Work using Reiki and other energy healing methods, but now incorporates it with Light Energy and Theta DNA Healing. She provides private sessions, over the phone sessions, group workshops, and inspirational speaking to all that are in need.
You can reach her at http://www.eternalkween.com or send her an email at info@eternalkween.com.