2012年11月3日 星期六

Your Eternal Consciousness

The infinite consciousness we call God is everything and everywhere. It is you and everything around you. It includes all the other worlds, or realities, that you cannot see. . . all sharing the same space and inter penetrating each other, only with different frequencies.

That which we perceive as empty space surrounding us is actually filled with the whole of creation! All except a fraction of this whole of infinity of creation operates outside of the frequency range of our physical existence. The space around and within you, which appears to be empty, is actually firing away with electrical and magnetic energy operating on an infinite number of wavelengths and states of being.

At this moment your consciousness is tuned to a 'station' known as the dense physical universe. When you 'die' your consciousness leaves the physical body and this dense physical wavelength. It then tunes to another station to continue your eternal consciousness evolution.

You are individual and are the sum total of all your experiences. . . different from other droplets in the ocean of consciousness. Together with the energy, or consciousness, of the animals, insects, trees, flowers. . . everything. . . you help form the ocean of infinite consciousness called God.

All things are alive and have awareness with the ability to hold information. Everything has its own personal vibratory blueprint.

Some expressions of the God consciousness/energy have evolved to a point where their awareness and ability to retain and process information is much further along the road than others. However, the principle is the same for ALL that exists.

When your eternal consciousness incarnates into a dense physical body, your consciousness reflects the sum total of your experience going back to infinity. So, from the moment of birth we each see the world differently, because our eternal journey has been different.

Contained within your subconscious self from the moment of birth are all the memories, knowledge and experiences that you have absorbed on your own eternal journey. Your subconscious is also constantly adding to its memory bank with each new event you experience. This adds to your personal evolution and to the evolution of creation as a whole.

So, within your subconscious self is a mixture of thought and perception that includes the knowledge and emotions of your eternal experiences. . . past lives, astrological pattern that you chose before birth and the experiences you chose for this life. Together this produces your state of being, your sense of self and your imagination of yourself.

The reality you are now experiencing is the result of what you think of yourself. You can change this! When you change your inner self, change your imagination of yourself, you can then change your physical life experiences.

You create with your thoughts and experience those creations through your emotions and feelings. Whatever you experience is the result of what you are broadcasting, putting forth energetically, because of your thoughts, feelings and actions from the past and from the present.

With awareness of all this you can choose to change your imagination of yourself and choose to deliberately create, rather than potentially play the role of victim. When you change your sense of self your energy patterns also change. . . changing the people, objects and physical experiences you attract. Attraction is vibrational more so than mere visual.

You can choose now to create a new vision of yourself and thus change your energy vibration. You can create your life as you want within the experiences of your eternal consciousness!

At Charlsie's site you can download 7 Free chapters from 'Our Ultimate Reality'. Simply go to: http://www.manifestinguniverse.com

For over 15 years Charlsie has been consciously on (and off, on and off. . . now back on!) the path to transformation and greater awareness. Much of her time is spent observing nature, exploring metaphysics and pondering on the so-called mysteries of our Universe. Charlsie has read extensively about energy, the various modalities of energy work, universal laws and is certified in all levels of Reiki.

Releasing Victim Consciousness Through Imaging and Breath

Years ago the nursing supervisor at the social service agency where I worked was picked up from work by her son.

When she got into the car he said, "The building looks sad."

She was amazed at his comment. He had no idea what his mother had done that day. She had cleaned the blood off the bathroom floor after a client had put a bullet in her head in an unsuccessful, but devastating attempt to snuff out her own life.

The individual had just left her therapist's office protesting for an hour her therapist's concern she was suicidal.

All of us were more than saddened by the event. Somehow the collective feelings were "seen" or "felt" by this young man.

We have all had instances of going into a room or building and feeling a heaviness or a peacefulness out of the ordinary.

In the metaphysical world, we call these energies "thought forms." The energy of the collective thoughts and feelings take form and are floating in the room.

The expression, "The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife" is a description of a thought form.

Such energies can have labels related to feelings (anger, fear, sadness) or expressions of consciousness (childlike, childish, victim).

As a psycho-therapist, a major aspect of what I do is assist people in recognizing they have what is called "victim consciousness."

Whenever someone uses as an excuse something that happened to them in the past for their inability to move forward in life, victim consciousness is present. The individual blames the past instead of seeing how they can move forward in life.

The saying, "This is the first day of the rest of your life" is only true if you choose to live in the present.

In the present, you can no longer say, "I don't speak up because my parents backhanded me every time I expressed my opinion."

Instead you recognize your parents aren't there to backhand you and you learn to express yourself.

Here is a "non-traditional" but energy-based psychology method of dealing with victim consciousness.

Next time you feel like the world is against you, just stop and get quiet.

Ask yourself the following questions:

1. How old do I feel?

2. Where in my body do I feel "the world is against me?"

The answer to "How old do I feel" will tell you at what age you are living your life at the moment. If the answer is "5" then you are in the emotional state of your 5-year old self.

Where you feel the tightness or heaviness in your body is where the thought form of your experience is located.

Imagine the tightness or heaviness as a cloud of some color in your body. Form an image of yourself behind the cloud of color.

Set your intention to get rid of the congested feelings.

Take a deep breath and "see" yourself blowing out the cloud. Do this as many times as needed to feel a lightness within you.

When you use this process, you are acknowledging what you feel is not a part of you. You can release it, you can heal it, and live life in a mature age appropriate manner.

Cathy Chapman, Ph.D., LCSW is a licensed clinical social worker assisting people achieve their dreams of health, wealth and abundance through Mind-Body Psychology. She works from a spiritual and energetic model employing BodyTalk and Psych-K to balance the body and change beliefs. Cathy offers free of charge a powerful spiritual healing tool anyone can use. Get your Soul Healing Prayer now at http://www.distancegrouphealing.com.

Integrating Your 4 Freedoms (Part 4 of 9) - Ultimate Reality - Consciousness

If the difference between particles and waves is so slippery, and if time and space are so easily transcended, what is the fundamental nature of reality? What is real? One answer is consciousness. Consciousness is original and fundamental, everything considered to be "reality" comes out of that consciousness. In his book The Self-Aware Universe,i Dr. Goswami presents a philosophical argument known as monistic idealism to explain his theory that both matter and mind have their origin in consciousness. He draws on the ancient Indian philosophy of Advaita Vedanta as his authority for using the term consciousness, as The Ground of All Being.

Consciousness is fundamental.

As the forgoing examples illustrate, Western science is moving closer to Eastern perceptions of reality, wherein all is one. Body, mind, and spirit are not separate entities. Not only mystics but also an increasing number of scientists, philosophers, and medical doctors are talking openly about subtle energy, consciousness, and God. Candace Pert refers to subtle energy as "a still mysterious fifth force beyond the four conventional forces of physics...to scientifically explain anomalies such as the power of love." And according to Robert Gottesman, M.D.:

If information exists outside of the confines of time and space, matter and energy, then it must belong to a very different realm from the concrete, tangible realm we think of as 'reality'. And since information in the form of biochemicals of emotion is running every system of the body, then our emotions must also come from some realm beyond the physical. Information theory seems to be converging with Eastern philosophy to suggest that the mind, the consciousness, consisting of information, exists first, prior to the physical realm, which is secondary, merely an out-picturing of consciousness....Consider that the body itself may be a metaphor, just a way of referring to an experience we all have in common. Maybe it's that we don't have consciousness, but consciousness has us.

In Eastern science, philosophy, medicine, and mysticism, body, mind, heart, and soul are treated as inseparable and indivisible (non-dual). In the West, physicists, psychologists, and neurologists now largely agree that mind and body operate as a single system. From this perspective, the brain is just another organ, albeit more intricate than the rest of the body. Thoughts and emotions that subjectively bestow meaning on our reality are the result of complex electrochemical and biochemical interactions within and between cells throughout our body as well as in our brain. What happens in the body affects our mind and our hearts, and what takes place in the mind affects the body and the emotions in an endless series of feedback loops.

If science has come to see that we are not isolated elements but essentially one though inexplicable whole, isn't that inspiration for us to apply this same approach to ourselves and our lives? If everything is ultimately a unique vibration of one fundamental string, isn't it time for you to treat body, mind, heart, and soul as one undivided system?

Excerpted from our new book Sensual Love Secrets for Couples: The Four Freedoms of Body, Mind, Heart and Soul, by Al Link and Pala Copeland, Llewellyn, 2007.

Al Link and Pala Copeland own and operate 4 Freedoms Relationship Tantra. They regularly host Tantra Sacred Loving weekends near Ottawa Canada, and weeklong retreats in exotic locations around the planet. For more information call toll free from Canada or USA: 1-800-684-5308 International long distance: 1-819-689-5308. Visit our lens http://www.squidoo.com/Sexy-Spiritual-Relationships Send email: 4freedoms@tantraloving.com Their book, Soul Sex: Tantra for Two, is published by New Page Books, 2003.

2012年11月2日 星期五

A Willingness to Live - A Clairvoyant's View of Baby Psychology and Parent Psychology

I am a clairvoyant with an unusual ability to see deeply into the human subconscious. I have worked as a clairvoyant researcher for over 20 years in a project whose objective was to discover the root cause of negative human experience. During that time, while tracking child, teen, and adult destructive behavior patterns, I have recorded hundreds of segments detailing the psychological experience of the person's womb life. The following are some of my clairvoyant observations relating to prenatal psychology and life inside the womb.

Baby psychology and parent psychology are interconnected. We have much to learn about baby psychology and positive parenting. What typically goes on subconsciously and psychologically between babies and their parents is extremely influential and often shocking.

Willingness to live and grow

In order to stay and grow, an embryo body has many developmental obstacles to get through. There are zillions of connections that have to be made perfectly. This takes a degree of physical and mental health on the part of both baby and mother. The embryo consciousness, from conception, is participating in making those connections with his or her willingness to live and grow. The embryo's cooperation is a definite factor in personal health and development.

This participation and cooperation became apparent to me while I was clairvoyantly reading a mother who had had two miscarriages and desperately wanted to keep her current baby. At first, I thought the embryo consciousness was "dormant" or sleeping, but later I saw that she in fact was actively and subconsciously communicating with her mother by expressing her willingness to live. The mother was "willing" her baby to stay and grow and the embryo was "willing" the same. Together, they were getting through places of potential danger where certain hook-ups could have been weak or flawed. I sensed at that time that if people could consciously tap-into their full memory files, they would be able to remember exactly how their embryo body had been formed.

While observing a four-week-old embryo, I saw that the baby's mother had subconsciously put negative thought energy on her baby because she was extremely upset about being pregnant. Amazingly, I saw the natural energies in the DNA that were sustaining life and creating physical growth begin to push the mother's negative psychological energy out of the embryo's body, aura, and living space. This energetic activity clearly seemed to be a natural, spontaneous repelling action. It allowed the embryo to continue growing unimpeded by her parent's abrasive negative mental and emotional energies that were being directed toward her. I saw the same phenomena on several other occasions with different embryos. Nonetheless, this natural protective response seemed to occur only within the first eight weeks after conception.

Moving up in the womb world

The physical position of an unborn baby in the womb has psychological dimensions. I have repeatedly seen that an embryo's physical growth and psychological development were related to the mother's "energy centers" (Chakras) that are located in the lower portion of her physical body. In particular, the first, second, and third energy centers play a significant role during pregnancy and prenatal development. I found this remarkable.

I saw that conception occurred in the aura of the first energy center, the "survival center," at the base of the mother's spine. As the embryo grew and developed, the baby moved up into the area of the second center, which is the "feeling center." This is the area where emotional and sexual energies are felt, exchanged, and stored as "memory."

Waking up to feelings

When I observed an embryo first waking up to feelings, the baby was positioned in the mother's feeling center (second energy center) and was becoming a "feeling human."

The two-week old unborn babies in my studies began feeling and responding to their mothers' conscious and subconscious feelings and emotional states. As they grew and matured, they moved into the aura of the mothers' third energy center, which is the "activity center." At this point, the babies had become substantially larger, more physically developed, and more active,

The willingness to live is important at any stage in life. It means a willingness to be alive in the truest sense of those words. It means ongoing health on a mental, emotional, and physical level. This kind of aliveness requires right choices that we can all, anytime we are willing, naturally sense and choose that goal.

Prenatal psychology is a controversial topic primarily because of the abortion issue. Scientific studies directed toward identifying facts about prenatal psychology (conducted mainly outside the U.S,) have been ongoing for the past 40 years. Many scientific findings coincide with what I see when I look inside the womb.

For truly new perspectives and insights about the psychological sophistication of our unborn babies and core-level subconscious interactions that regularly occur between parents and babies, visit http://www.babyparentexpose.com/

For those who like their reality-based information in a lighter format, visit http://www.godtalkbooks.com/

The Place Where You Live

What is real? Is it what my five senses are reporting back to me? This morning I was walking my dog. The sun was shining warmly. The sky was clear and blue. I was surrounded by unspoiled nature, no-one for miles - and I wasn't aware of any of it. You see, I am moving. In my mind, I was packing boxes; deciding what to take and what to leave behind. My whole attention was on the myriad tasks at hand. If you could download a recording of my thoughts and perceptions this morning, there wouldn't be any about the blue sky or warm sunshine, nothing of the unspoiled nature. I didn't see one thing that my five senses were reporting back to me.

Everything visible in this universe is made up of energy, condensed into forms, vibrating at various frequencies. Like frequencies attract each other. That's why the outer world of people, places and experiences is a direct reflection of the inner world. So I am never really seeing reality. I only see things through the distorted lens of my perceptions. The guy next to me might have a completely different experience out of the exact same circumstances, depending on his inner world.

Reality cannot necessarily be gauged by the five senses. Some things in this universe that are invisible, are absolutely undeniable. Life, for example, is invisible, yet the evidence of life - everything that is alive - is clear. Creativity itself is not something you can see, but it expresses as beautiful art and music. Love is invisible but you can feel its effects. Compassion and forgiveness are not visible but are certainly palpable. Joy is not visible but its effects are life-changing. God is visible only through its creation.

The only way to be sure whether I am looking through the distorted lens of my perceptions, or whether I am experiencing reality, is by the effect it has on me. The world of condensed energy and low vibration, the world of my perception is dense. Tension, anger, depression, worry, lack and addictions are its effects. Consciousness is a function of the higher vibratory frequencies, but unconsciousness is the hallmark of the lower frequencies. That's why it's possible to be miserable and depressed for hours and days on end, and still be only be vaguely aware that we're even unhappy. The world that is the coagulated reflection of the unconscious mind is dense and gross and fascinating, like a car crash. It attracts, and like unconscious zombies we follow, addicted to the drama and fear mongering presented on the evening news, the Enquirer and the Jerry Springer show.

Consciousness is a function of the higher frequencies. To reach the ineffable we must make a conscious choice. You must be conscious to experience consciousness. The way to sneak in, is through the vibration of gratitude. When you become aware that you are alive and conscious, gratitude is the first and most natural vibratory reaction. In fact, when you are not in gratitude, you are not conscious!

When you first wake up in the morning, when you are barely conscious, you feel the grip of the demons of the subconscious mind. Let me tell you that very few, extremely blessed individuals wake up without the demons. Everyone has taken some damage, has developed some false beliefs no matter how perfect their childhood may have been. There is no point in trying to figure out why you feel this way. You can't solve a problem from the level of the problem. Sloshing around in it just keeps you in the problem. You can choose gratitude as a matter of discipline. You probably won't know in those first few minutes what you are even grateful for, but don't let that stop you. As soon as the vibration of gratitude filters in, you'll know: you are grateful for the gift of life, for your breath and your heart beating. You are grateful for another day on this earth. You'll feel the joy spreading. It will inform your face. (Smiling actually releases endorphins!) Now you are out of the grip of the false beliefs of the damaged subconscious that would keep you locked up forever.

You are seeing Reality and now you are able to see the visible world as it is: an absolutely stunning place to be! Now, when you take a walk with your dog you can be aware of the blue sky and feel the warmth of the sunshine. With discipline and practice, gratitude can become your overriding frequency. It can become the place where you live.



The Balance of Conscious and Unconscious Mind

"As Below, so above.

As above, so below"

- Hermes Trismegistus-

The universe is in balance (above).

You (the mini universe) in not (below) yet.

To achieve balance for YOU.

Conscious Mind = Unconscious Mind.

The universe is expanding or contracting, it does because it is in balance and hence its pulse of life exist as flood and ebb, flowing with life. Like the heart beat, it expand and contracts, because the heart is balanced, else the heart would have exploded, so is the universe, in balance.

We on the other hand, the microcosm of the macrocosm of the universe are imbalance, we get confused and uncertainty hence the rhythm of life cannot be executed in harmony with peace like the universe. The missing element for balance within each of us is 'balance'.

The balance between what?

The balance between 'conscious mind' and 'unconscious mind'.

Many times we get into situations in life events that gets too difficult, too much stress, we tend to 'walk away from', or 'run away' from it instead of confronting it and complete it. Be it successful or failure, we tend to walk away without seeing the ending on a conscious level.

You see it is not about being 'successful or failure' that matters in the end for balance, it is the 'completing' of the event that matters, that put the 'u-niverse in balance'.

The conscious mind is to know what is the 'ending', 'the completion' of that which it had been presented with, instead of just walking away from it, for the 'unconscious mind' had recorded it as a 'beginning' without an 'ending', which means an 'incompletion'. This is what causes the 'imbalance', the conscious mind did not know the ending, the unconscious mind had 'registered the event and awaiting for completion.

In other words, the unconscious is not balanced with the conscious mind.

It is this imbalance that causes us to be off-balance with self.

A huge imbalance, a huge imbalance.

For every incompletion, imbalance adds up on one side of the scale to tip it over to end its harmonic rhythm of life, the flow is hampered.

We, as human beings has to stop with the 'favoritism mentality' or some calls it 'discrimination mentality'. Where we only want to experience that which is good and ignore the bad, this discrimination created the 'imbalance' in life.

We begin an event, but along the way, the stress built up and we think it is not in our favor, we walk away from completing the experience in life... This leaves a 'mark' in the unconscious mind, for the unconscious mind needs completion, be it 'good or bad', it needs an ending. Whether the conscious mind knows it or not, it too, needs completion for the balance to be returned for health, wealth and wisdom.

Many know the saying, you must experience the rain in order to appreciate the sun. So it is with life, many wants only the 'happy', 'good' events in life and runs away from the 'sad', 'bad' events in life. This is okay, only this, you are to COMPLETE the event, a beginning and an end so that you can see and judge the event, many fails to complete and judge its' ending in life.

Acceptance of the event, experience it and complete it!

This is how we can have a balanced life, one that allows conscious mind = unconscious mind, for health, wealth and wisdom.

Be it good or bad, favorable or unfavorable.

We need to experience it and 'take responsibility for it' to completion.

Many as many knows, we take the credit and 'blame the debit' on someone else.

We are practicing 'discrimination on life', this favoritism mentality if continued will eventually lead to chaos, or some would call it 'backfire' on the one executing the favoritism, it always happens, only a matter of time, for the unconscious mind knows and is always reminding the conscious mind to return and complete what is has began.

With the discriminating mentality, success is but short term for the fall of the temporary success will reveal it self sooner or later.

With the balanced mind, success will be seen in the long term, even thought the short term seems unfavorable, but time will unfold its hidden treasures to those who take a balanced path to life, experience and accept life as a responsible person, for wealth, health, wisdom is beyond the short term challenge being confronted when one takes responsibility for the experience of life!

When conscious = unconscious, temporary setback but long term abundance for health, wealth and wisdom.

When conscious =/ (not) unconscious, temporary success, but long term failure in wealth, health and death imminent!

Many times, the imbalance is due to our 'ego' or so call, 'intelligence' that prevent us from experiencing life in a balanced way, but a discriminating way.

When we learned to 'listen' to our unconscious mind, we begin to live a healthy life and with health, wealth comes along as the responsible person is wanted by everyone in society.

Many however, when the unconscious mind tells us to rest, we say no, later, we push the unconscious mind beyond what it is ready to handle which later causes the unconscious mind to break down, hence the health issue arises.

Why do we stop listening to our unconscious mind for rest?

Because we 'want more', we know best consciously, all others can take a number and wait.

Our unconscious mind is here to help us, when we ask someone who helps us to wait, it is only a matter of time the helper will leave us.

So listen to the unconscious mind so that we can have a balanced life.

Where the conscious = unconscious mind.

Which lead to health, wealth and wisdom, as time unfolds to reveal to us the treasures of life!

Stephen is an internationally certified Trainer of Master NLP, Trainer of Master Time Line Therapy, Trainer of Master Hypnotherapy accredited with ABNLP, TLTA, ABH. Stephen is the Regional Director for Seraphim Blueprint for training of teachers and students for all 6 levels. Stephen is also the creator of Oracodes Evolution Codes Program. More details http://www.oracodes.com

2012年11月1日 星期四

Understanding Your Conscious and Unconscious Minds

So much of what we do is with our conscious mind - we are aware that we are doing these things - yet the unconscious mind is busily at work in the background. For instance, we think consciously about what we are going to say when we write a speech but our unconscious mind is minding our physical store. It makes sure our heart beats, that we breathe - it keeps our bodily functions going without our having to think consciously about those things. Most of us don't think about and/or don't know much about our unconscious mind but it is very important to who we are and how we go about living our lives.

Here are some different ways our "two minds" work.

Consciously our mind works in a linear fashion. It takes things a step at a time even if we sometimes make cognitive leaps. What we are not aware of is that our unconscious mind works holistically. It is keeping our entire body balanced and functioning.
The conscious part of us processes sequentially while we get our intuition from the unconscious mind. When we learn to trust our intuition we sometimes get great insights into the world around us.
Then we have logic versus creativity. This is related to right and left brain functions but our unconscious is driving our creativity while our conscious is driving our logic.
As I mentioned in the introduction paragraph one mind is responsible for verbal language while the other is busy running our bodies. This frees us up to think about what we are doing and experiencing instead of thinking about what we need to do to stay alive.
Our conscious brain is responsible for mathematics while our unconscious brain focuses on our emotions. That is why emotions are so hard to understand sometimes. They can be buried where we are not aware of them.We have all had the experience of all of a sudden becoming emotional and wondering where that came from - now you know.
Now that we have been through a few of these guess which brain is responsible for analysis? Right. And the unconscious is responsible for storing our memories. That's a good thing too - imagine what it would be like if we had to be aware of where in our vast file cabinet we put our memories!

Most of the time our two brains work together in tandem not in opposition. The more aware we get of both being active the broader our view of the world becomes.

Lynn Banis PhD, MCC is known as America's High Performance Coach. She specializes in helping women. executives and entrepreneurs make the most of their opportunities and potential. Her years of working with small and large businesses has given her a depth of knowledge that is invaluable to her clients. You can reach her at http://www.discoverypointcoaching.com or at her email address listed on the site. Also check out Lynn's other businesses: Coach Academy Texas, a cutting edge coach training company; and Turnkey Coaching Solutions, a coaching program management and contract coach staffing company.

Lynn' coaching membership site is at http://www.discoverypointcoaching.com/blog2 Come check it out!

Uplifting the Individual Over the Level of Collective Consciousness

Uplifting Individual consciousness as the collective level of consciousness remains low may be difficult and challenging. While traveling the former Ottoman Empire and observing the analogous, but slightly different cultures, in addition to visiting with travelers from throughout the world, the observation of the deeper-seated motivation of the heart of the collective consciousness is pathetic among humanity. Integrity is a foreigner among the masses that have allowed the domination of negativity to devour their intellect.

Yet, around the world within all cultures humanity experiences a low level of collective consciousness, however; the united level of consciousness of the populace is higher compared to 30 years ago and beyond. The prime source of the low level of the collective and individual consciousness is directly related to emotional baggage and a dogmatic view of life as the absolute.

The Effects of Negativity:

The domination of the darkness resides in negativity, in addition to the complacent qualities of the ego. Hence, an ongoing pursuit of negativity will result with an unbridled tongue speaking injuriously to one another-boredom is at the forefront that generates jealousy. The advancement of technology is the core source of laziness and the production of a passive brain among the non-productive, but simultaneously, technology is assisting many people to uplift their consciousness from the low level that the collective consciousness experiences.

Contemplating that the positive and negative reside among most exploits-battling the negativity of the darkness should be prominent within our lives. Humanity is suffering from passive activity that is creating an emotional suppression of non-thinking within a sticky level of muddled instability that affects the capacity to problem solve. Thus, the motivation of the heart is affected, residing under the delusion of selfishness, in-turn, jettisons negativity toward others, and themselves.

The prime source of the low level of the collective and individual consciousness is directly related to emotional baggage

The perception that the world is cultivating derives from delusional propaganda is that the world/earth is sliding downward into a destructive situation, which in-turn instills fear into the individual that causes paralyzed will. The world leaders and international bankers combined with the secret societies are causing a delusion-the perception of humanity thrives on change and the development of the world, yet the powers of the darkness who rule this world will only use the advanced technology to control their slaves.

Pursue a Higher Level of Consciousness:

Individuals who pursue a fruitless activity of change among this world are severally deluded. Nothing will ever change within a world that the darkness controls; the world is destined for the New World Order of enslavement. Within human heart, mankind is bad from the youth up. The few individuals that have a disposition to pure spirituality of the light are few compared to the masses of humanity who accepts the world and resides within its negativity of the darkness. The few individuals compared to the billions of the collective consciousness can uplift their consciousness, but only if the individual desires to progress beyond this world spiritually and surrender all earthly attachments including emotional baggage.

Surrendering personal attachments will be crucial to overcoming a cultural in-bred emotional baggage of a self-centered greedy materialistic attitude. Scrutinizing what resides within the inner heart and identifying the ego's axioms can assist the process to uplift the individual consciousness over the collective consciousness of the world.

Activities to prepare your system to Purge Emotional Baggage:

Acupuncture: Many people experience Chi blockages. Opening up the blockages and experiencing normal Chi Flow can be an enlightening experience.
Raw Food: Focusing on eating raw food and prepare the system to except the idea of surrendering emotional baggage.
Neuro Emotional Technique: If you can fine a good practitioner in your area this technique will take off layers of emotional baggage and will dynamically assist your system to purge the emotional baggage through the >Inner Pure Method.
Active Lifestyle: If you find yourself in a sedentary lifestyle, movement such as dance can assist the process of surrendering emotional baggage.

Interested in learning more about independent Spirituality and uplifting consciousness? Then Visit Independent Spirituality and educate yourself about Uplifting Consciousness.

2012年10月31日 星期三

Healthy Living - If I Already Know This - Why Is It So Hard?

Having a healthy life takes work. Energy and vitality may be have been a God given fact when we were young, but as we get older, we are often shocked to realize the aging process is just as true for us as it was for our parents. We start to feel aches and pains, develop chronic complaints, diseases, have less stamina to keep up with the grandchildren, forget things, and lose stuff.

There is nothing about having a healthy lifestyle that we have not already heard, read about, or tried periodically. We all know about the benefits of exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, eating whole foods, and the importance of managing our stress. We read it on the cover of thousands of magazines, hear it on TV, go to workshops, support groups, and hire trainers.

Despite all the media hype, our culture doesn't really support health. Our medical model is more likely to result in a prescription for a pill rather than a lifestyle program. Our children are obese. They don't play outside like most of us did as kids, recreational time is cut in schools, and free time is spent in front of a computer, TV, or Xbox. They are driven instead of riding their bikes or walking to a friend's house or school, because the world "doesn't feel safe." Fast foods and convenience options are taken for granted. Our palates have been hijacked and we've been brainwashed into thinking that eating chicken nuggets is a healthy choice because it's chicken and not a quarter pounder. Or that it is too expensive to eat healthy foods all together.

Let's look at some common excuses why we don't make choices to live a healthy lifestyle:


We have to start with mental health. When depressed, anxious, or struggling with any mental illness, even ADD or ADHD, it is impossible to stay the course or focus on self-care. If we are in life situations that aren't loving, respectful or caring, we need to take action to change these situations.

Get help, find a therapist, go on medication if you need it, and deal with past and present traumas. Let in the concept that you have a RIGHT to be happy. One has to love oneself to WANT to do self-care.

Too Lazy

We become complacent in our habits, making excuses, procrastinating and putting everything and everyone else before our own self-care. We take for granted our health and vitality and ignore the fact that we need to do the work of maintaining our strength and vigor. We deny the dangers of our lifestyle choices, somehow thinking disease and deterioration will never happen to us.

Take pleasure in taking care of yourself, feeling the joy of jumping out of bed with no aches and pains, and having energy all day.

Perfectionist - (another name for procrastinator)

Those who view life through the lens of perfection can find it extremely difficult to even try to make the changes necessary to cultivate a healthy life. They lack the motivation because the goal of change seems as if it can never be perfectly achieved; there is a lack of belief in oneself that goals will ever be met, so one is easily discouraged, disheartened or pessimistic that efforts will pay off. A person may feel that they are never good enough and whatever they are trying to improve won't happen to them. They can feel overly guilty if they cheat or miss a day. Setting a goal to mediate, exercise or "eat perfectly" is a sure way to fail.

Learn that life is not perfect and there are no perfect goals to achieve. Living a healthy life is a practice, something you do that is positive in the moment, and has an accumulative affirming effect on your life moving forward.

Bad Habits

When we do anything consistently, it becomes an almost involuntary response. People spend countless hours and dollars every year attempting to break their bad habits, often with little success. There is no magic bullet. Change is hard and takes work to achieve. We develop bad habits because they fulfill some need. We need to find alternative. healthy actions that satisfy these needs and fulfill us.

First we have to become conscious of what we are doing. One way to increase awareness is to do an experiment by completely abstaining for, let's say one week, from whatever bad habit you have identified. For example, if you are struggling with your weight, and have a habit of snacking after dinner until you go to sleep, abstain from eating anything at all after your evening meal for one week. Pay close attention to your thoughts, feelings and discomfort. Journal and reflect what's coming up as you consciously choose to not meet those needs. Become conscious of what drives your bad habits. Once you are conscious you can choose if you want to change or not.

Too Busy

It's just too easy to be distracted and get caught up in the day-to-day activities of life. Anything, everything else feels more important than attending to ourselves. We are not use to putting our self first. It feels selfish to carve out time to exercise daily, or sit quietly in meditation or take the time to market and prepare whole foods.

Figure out how and when to fit cardio and strength training exercise into your day. Schedule it. We are all victims of habit. Make an "exercise habit." Do it without exception. Book it into your schedule, non-negotiable.

It's not only okay, but imperative that we learn how to be "healthy selfish." When we take care of ourselves, we have the resources and incentive to be active in the world. We feel good about ourselves and have balance in our life.

Looking at the consequences of choices helps mold good habits. To get to work or school on time you have to get up earlier. If you get home late, you might choose to eat a lighter meal before going to sleep. Modify your specific life situation to facilitate good choices for you and your lifestyle. The most important thing we need to do is SLOW DOWN and be present with ourselves. Feel what we feel. Go from there.

Too Tired

It's a vicious and ironic cycle. Feeling lethargic, depressed and unmotivated, we are not inclined to do any of the activities that can increase our energy. It is important to have a physical and make sure thyroid, adrenal, hormone, and vitamin D levels are within the normal range. Once medical issues are eliminated, it's time to start a wellness protocol.

Pick one new activity to add that will begin to convert your lifestyle. Go for a walk everyday, start a meditation practice, take processed or white foods out of your diet, start drinking green tea and more water. Force it. Don't let your negative self-talk or lack of motivation get the best of you. Even if you don't believe it, treat yourself like you are the most precious, beautiful being in the world. Nurture, love and care for yourself into the best of life.


Some people actually don't believe in the mind/body connection. They believe science and medicine have the ability to conquer whatever failure or break down the body encounters. We replace joints and body parts. Instead of understanding and honoring the fact that our body uses symptoms to signal us that something is wrong with what we're doing, we try to medicate the symptom away. We cut out, cut off, and disassociate from any responsibility we might have to take care of our mind, brain, body and spirit.

We forget that it is our job to take care of ourselves. We are here to be an embodiment of health and goodness. If we want that in the world, we have to live in that space, starting with ourselves.

Oblivion There are those who honestly don't know any differently. They are not concerned, nor do they even question what's going on around them. They follow the patterns and behaviors taught by their culture and parents, without question. Perhaps it's denial, or just a lack of interest, but they fail to recognize the cause and effect between lifestyle choices and morbidity, (the occurrence of disease).

When you look at what you're doing inside, and how you treat your self, you'll become aware of what you are contributing to the world. Take responsibility for your own mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Then you will be empowered to be a healing source to others.

Start now - it begins with the decision to change from your old unconscious habits, to consciously practicing good health, and making it a lifestyle.

No More Excuses!

"Health is the thing that makes you feel that NOW is the best time of year."

Franklin P. Adams

If you want to learn more about tools and techniques to get on the Path of Wellness check out: http://bit.ly/j0i1iq.

Upon receiving a diagnosis of life-threatening cancer in her early 20's, Pamela Holtzman realized that her health could not be taken for granted. She began an in-depth study of the various components of daily living that would enable her to achieve and maintain her goal of having a healthy lifestyle. Pamela has learned how to listen to and care for her body through healthy eating, daily meditation, and regular exercise and the experience of her early life crisis. She shares her knowledge with others so they, too, can experience a more balanced and happy life. A Certified Wellness Practitioner (CWP), Pamela began her professional life as a registered nurse, caring for patients in hospice. She has spent the majority of her 25-year career as a psychotherapist and personal care advocate, providing professional services to individuals, couples, and groups.


How To Reach A Higher State Of Consciousness

Higher states of consciousness are naturally interesting to people because we all inherently know that things are simply easier to understand when we aren't lost in our usual day to day problems that plague us from day to day. There are rare experiences when we are able to see the higher meaning of our lives and these moments help us to achieve greater clarity and value in the things we do.

In addition to the higher value and clarity that we can all achieve in a higher state of consciousness, we can also alleviate the negative feelings that come from our normal day to day routine. Higher states of consciousness transcend all of our negative emotions and leave us feeling as though we were "floating on air" in a perfect state of peace and contentedness. With such great promise as this, it is a great wonder that these higher states are so rarely reached and that the secret to their achievement often seems so hard to discover.

The reason why the difficulties arise has to do with a fundamental difference between what is called "theory" and what is called "application". In "theory", we know that higher states of consciousness exist and we can talk about them, read about them and think about them to no end. In "application", however, we find that we must actually begin to do things that are more real and concrete.

Thinking and reading and talking are all very concrete things and yet they often aren't concrete enough to bring about a higher state of consciousness. Our thinking and our books can only take us so far until we find that we actually need to transcend ourselves and go even further. This makes spiritual work seem extremely hard or even impossible for most people. We often decide to just "give up" and later on we discover that our "giving up" was actually part of the spiritual process which was necessary in order that we approach our task from a new angle.

Having "given up" on spiritual efforts, we discover that there is still a part of us which seeks those same higher states of consciousness that we originally set out to achieve. With a new strategy and a more open attitude, we reach a proverbial "second wind" which is mentioned in the classic spiritual book The Cloud of Unknowing. In this book, the anonymous writer explains how an initial effort to reach a higher state of consciousness often fails but that a person who returns to the effort again after years of "giving up" is almost sure to reach those higher states which they first set out to attain.

The basic effort that is required to reach these states has to do with letting go of negative emotions and becoming more aware of ourselves in the present moment. We can practice these things each day but often find that they are very hard to achieve for any extended period of time. Letting go of our grief, anger, fear and guilt are all part of what spiritual effort is all about but actually doing these things turns out to be much harder than we first imagined. Watching ourselves, observing our thoughts and coming to understand ourselves better are also important elements of spiritual effort but these things only come slowly over years of work and long hours of reading, writing and participating in spiritual groups. The efforts sometimes seem to much for many people after one or two years and they eventually become distracted by something and fall away from their path.

Falling away from the path is a normal part of spiritual growth and can actually be viewed as a positive step forward after some initial effort has truly been expended. If the person who falls away from their path doesn't fall too far off course, they can often find a renewed hope in the idea that there is a "second wind". This second wind is something that often indicates a true spiritual seeker and someone who has come to understand the true meaning of devotion and dedication to spiritual principles.

If you are intent on reaching a higher state of consciousness, it will be important for you not to forget your second wind. Many people begin on a spiritual path and even reach certain higher states of consciousness in the beginning. The true spiritual devotee, however, is that person who has come to a seeming end in their path and has actually fallen away for a time to wonder how a higher state of consciousness can truly be reached. It is only after their second wind that they truly come to see what higher states of consciousness are really all about. Good luck to you on your path and don't forget your second wind!

Discover the ancient spiritual secrets to reaching higher consciousness and how to raise your life to a more intuitive level. click here to download this guide (FREE).

2012年10月30日 星期二

Have God Awareness Without Higher Consciousness or Try God Consciousness With a Higher Awareness

Whether you're aware of it or not, your spirit has an ongoing connection with the astral space that is around you and also inside of you. Just about everyone has had many small events of God Consciousness without full awareness but these are all that most people will ever have in a lifetime. Others who actively seek for higher consciousness can become God aware with their conscious awareness.

Have you ever been driving while seriously thinking about a problem in your life? You travel along while pondering and suddenly you realize you have absolutely no recollection of the stretch of road you've just driven on. It was like you were totally zoned out but yet you hadn't hit the ditch. The time just disappeared into some kind of weird twilight zone or was whisked into a black hole.

Similarly, have you ever been watching television while thinking about a problem? Then as if time had suddenly accelerated to light speed and back, the program you were viewing is ended but you have no clue what happened while you seemingly blacked out. But you didn't slump in your chair and you're sure you didn't sleep. Again, it's like time itself got sucked up into a great cosmic vacuum cleaner.

What happened to your awareness during those driving or television watching events I've just described? Well, you enjoyed a mild episode of God consciousness. It probably wasn't all that mild to your spirit and it was likely quite productive too. I'm willing to bet that shortly after one of these types of time lapses, you suddenly happened onto the perfect idea or an epiphany that resolved the problem you had been pondering when your awareness took a vacation. God awareness works like that and as you can see, God consciousness is effective even when you don't recall the actual experience of it.

So where did your consciousness go? What did your awareness do while it was away on the brief holiday and why did an ideal answer to your problem suddenly appear in your mind as if sent on a postcard from the beyond?

To describe what actually happens in an event of God Consciousness, I'll compare it to the related but opposite paranormal phenomena of astral projection. During an astral projection, your awareness projects outwards and leaves your body and mind behind. During a God awareness event though, your consciousness also projects out but instead of leaving the body and mind behind, the awareness focuses its attention back at the body and mind. And you see yourself exactly as you really are.

People that have survived a death experience often report they 'saw their life flash before their eyes'. What they really had was a God consciousness experience but unlike the one you may have had while driving or watching television, they retain a full recollection of the detailed view of the total self that a God awareness provides.

You may have found the answer to a particular problem in your life with your blind God awareness event during what you supposed was just a brief blackout. Can you just imagine what you could do with a complete recall available with God awareness meditation? God consciousness provides perfect information you can chart a true course forward into a much better life with.

God consciousness meditation to achieve higher awareness with full recollection is not really all that difficult. You just have to work at it and choose when you will make an attempt. Had a portion of your intellect not been left behind to pilot your vehicle, a nasty accident would've ensued. And as for the watching television, well, you would not have to worry about a collision in your living room but a television set sucks out your intellect so your awareness wasn't available to go anywhere.

There are excellent tools and techniques to expand your consciousness. I'm Ernest Z Anton and I'll help you to find your capabilities at remote viewing, lucid dreaming, astral projecting, aspiring to higher awareness and other amazing mind developments.

Using Guided Audio Meditation For Deeper States of Consciousness

Did you know that you can consciously improve your ability to get into deeper states of consciousness by using or leveraging audio meditation?

See a lot of people just use them for that instant relief and unwinding from the end of a long work day, but you can actually use them in a way that helps you to condition deeper and deeper states of relaxation, mindfulness, de-stressing and meditation. You just kind of have to modify your outlook.

Most people don't see it this way, but it is kind of exciting that you can actually entrain yourself to enter deeper states of consciousness... becoming more conscious of consciousness in a way! Fortunately, audio meditations are already helping you with that process of guiding you into a less-cluttered state.

In many ways, it is easier for beginner and intermediate meditators to use guided audio meditation to help get into those more relaxed, Zen and egoless states of consciousness because they aren't as conditioned to just be in those states. In a way you really have to work on being 'out of the condition' of the ego. You can also use guided meditations that work on heart or sexual consciousness to work on conditioning yourself into more of those zen-like states where you are just 'being' and not fettered by the clutter of your mind.

What I teach with Self-Awakening covers a holistic approach to consciousness because you can be egoless in your emotional, sexual, spiritual and physical consciousness (not just spiritual) outside of your thinking states of waking consciousness.

So you can use a more advanced and almost performance-based outlook with spirituality in order to improve your ability to be in deeper states of relaxation. How can you do it?

As you keep going through the same guided audio meditation over days and weeks, try and see how fast you can get into a deep relaxed state as soon as possible. I do recommend using one good audio meditation resource which you can condition to. Each time you go through it, you can kind of gauge where you are at by the time it reaches new words.

Try and take yourself into a more relaxed state every time or at least set a standard of reaching the real effect and intention of the guided audio meditation. All of this becomes more powerful when you take on a greater definition of self where your emotional, sexual, physical and spiritual consciousness (which are all egoless) becomes deepened in your awakening journey. That is very different than an ego-driven definition of self with a quick 'unwinding' at the end of the day before you go back to the same stresses of your work to repeat the shallower cycle all over again.

The more you get into spirituality and spending more time in deeper states of consciousness (and there are different ways beyond just zen meditation), the more it will become normal for you to just BE present, de-stressed and more youthful. You'll actually start living and 'being' more in a relaxed, present, zen-like state where the stresses of the world don't affect you as much. And when you go back into any type of meditation session, being so experienced from your past (conditioning), you'll be able to more effectively stay and remain in consistent, deeper states. This is very beneficial for your health and wellbeing and your monkey mind ego won't 'own' you as much.

There are plenty of benefits to meditation as you already know and becoming more spiritual with an expanded definition of self as Mind, Body, Heart, Sexiness and Soul will also help your ability to be in deeper states. Fortunately good guided audio meditations like Powerliminals can help you in different areas of consciousness to keep and condition you more into your egoless and greater self experience; fun, free and happy as can be.

Discover more about guided meditation and consciousness with articles, downloads and resources on how to use and repurpose guided audio meditation for deeper relaxation, holistic health and wellness with breakthrough healing and personal transformation in specific areas of your life even if you've worn relaxation audios to the ground @ GuidedAudioMeditation.com

Our New Heroes and Heroines - Socially Conscious Business

When we think of business, the motto typically has been, "a deal is good if it is best for me." Today, social entrepreneurs inspire us with a new motto, "A deal is good when it is good for all concerned." Moreover, most business gurus have not used words like "joy" and "generosity" to talk about the bottom line, nor do we typically think of business creating a sustainable global economy. Yet, for increasingly more entrepreneurs, that is just what is happening. For many, these are our new heroes and heroines.

Our New Heroes and Heroines

The dictionary defines "hero" as "a person noted for feats of courage or purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his life." A new kind of hero is emerging. They are not famous politicians or soldiers, yet they have improved the lives of millions of people and made the world more secure.

Their weaponry is not of guns and war, but of creative ideas, dogged determination, and a deep belief in their power to change the world. These "social entrepreneurs" are bringing life-changing tools and resources to people desperate for solutions. They are the many businesses that are becoming more socially conscious.

For these entrepreneurs, the bottom line is about more than profit, it is also about people and the planet. They align business strategy with the goals and values of broader society by focusing on the social, environmental, as well as financial contributions of a company. They help to build communities where employees are happy to work, live, and stay, and thereby build stable businesses and communities.

What are They Doing?

Perhaps the most well-known hero can be seen in the story of the Gameen Bank, one of the most successful development organizations in the world. Founded by Muhammad Yunus in Bangladesh in 1976, the Gameen Bank has extended small loans for self-employment to more than two million woman villagers and has helped to lift hundreds of thousands out of poverty. The Gameen bank's 'trickle up' approach has inspired the creation of hundreds of "micro-credit" programs around the world and helped to reshape international development policy.

Another example is that of Susan Davis, a powerful woman in finance; who maintains a down-to-earth candor that resonates caring, authenticity, and concern. She lives in a small town in Wisconsin, and is thrilled at growing an organic vegetable garden. Yet she has created networks among some of the nation's wealthiest families, foundations, women business owners, and socially conscious investors. She educates money managers about the win-win opportunities for socially responsible investing while giving them the tools and contacts to do the job. This helps them to create socially conscious businesses and practice.

The Big Question: Finance

One of the biggest questions about socially responsible business is: Do socially responsible companies perform better financially? One of Susan Davis' concerns has been whether this approach is supported by hard research. On this, evidence from meta studies is in: Social and environmental responsibility does go hand in hand with superior financial performance.

A meta-study is distinguished by being a study of studies. It covers years of research from a variety of perspectives, which lends to its greater authority. A most impressive and rigorous was done by Orlizky of the University of Sydney, Australia, and Frank Schmidt and Sara Rynes at the University of Iowa. What were their findings? A statistically significant positive association between corporate social performance and financial performance. It does not take rocket science to understand why socially conscious businesses do better. The businesses are centered on values and mission, and employees are more engaged around a purpose, which makes it easier for the firms to handle external change, turbulence,and crisis. It builds reputations and enhances relationships with investors, while attracting better employees and maintaining goodwill. The firms do better and run better. With the current economic crisis, these new social entrepreneurs help to bring hope to all of us.

Reference: Kelly, Marjorie. Holy Grail found: Absolute definite proof that socially responsible companies perform better financially. "Business Ethics," Winter 2004, pp.4-5.

Visit http://www.life-attractionsblog.com for cutting edge information and teleseminars on key factors that bring happiness and success to your life.

2012年10月29日 星期一

The Christ Consciousness

The Christ Consciousness. I was raised as a child in the Christian faith and never heard this term - much less its explanation. In fact, I never heard the term until I was in my 50's...

What is it?

What it isn't: it is not the historic personage called Jesus. Remember that he was ALSO called The Christ - Jesus the Christ. This was a title, a description of his STATE. That must mean that 'the Christ Consciousness' is a STATE...

Many spiritual traditions have their own names for this STATE. 'The Buddha Enlightenment' is one of the well-known ones. Sufism and Hinduism may use 'The God Consciousness'.

And if we look closely at Jesus' and Buddha's words for the world, they all culminate in one single message: Anyone can achieve this State, too. Anyone.

What is this State, then?

Releasers of the Lester Levenson methodology call it 'Freedom' or 'Beingness'. In his presentations, Lester also called it 'Amness', 'Imperturbability' and other names to help us understand.

Lester told us to get Ego out of the way entirely - in order to be naturally taken to The State.


Ego is the noisy part of us. "Ego", as Lester defines it, is simply the name we give to our personal collection of Thoughts, Feelings and Mental Pictures.

Clearly, Thoughts rattle around non-stop in that space between our ears and create continual noise. Enough said.

Feelings are tangled up in virtually all Thoughts and Mental Pictures, but an easy way we can isolate them is by noticing them in our bodies. Tensions, cramps, discomforts, that invisible hand that grabs us by the chest or throat... We can also assign one of the major emotions from the Spectrum of Emotions to virtually every thought and picture (not that we need to, but it is possible).

Mental Pictures likewise represent noise, as they come back to haunt us - sometimes literally, in our nightmares! They can seriously distract us during the day - ever day-dreamed? Each picture has "a story", or... Feelings and Thoughts that comprise it.

Releasing the Ego elements of thoughts, feelings and pictures leads a person gently to the Quietness.

The Quiet

As you let go of the noise of the Ego, the body and the mind - and indeed the world all around - get quieter and more peaceful. As you work on dismantling the Ego, this quietness comes and goes, but the natural culmination of continuously and relentlessly releasing the Ego is The State.

And The State means that the Quiet is continuous, permanent, and ever-present. The Cosmos unfolds before you in your full awareness. There are only Answers, as all your questions have dissolved. The union (Oneness) with all that is? You are very much aware of it!

At one moment out of time, as Ego drops away, you clearly and obviously "slip" into The State. There is no doubt about having "arrived" there. For me, it was instantly and obviously the safest state I had ever experienced. It was, at last, the experience of Eternity and Infinity.

From this newly-achieved State, a Releaser keeps on releasing Ego elements that still seem present - oh, yes! You will know when you are done...

So now I know what the Christ Consciousness is. I know that the messages of the millennia - that anyone can have this State - are true. I know that Lester Levenson's process made it achievable, easy without gurus or ashrams or monasteries. I lived my ordinary life while dismantling Ego.

The State. Not a spiritual mystery. Not a mystery at all. It is Who and What You Are!

Improve your emotional, physical and mental - and spiritual - health and well-being by using a tool that works! Use a method that shows you how to have successful relationships and interactions, how to master your well-being and life success, create your preferred material and spiritual life, enjoy perfect health! ARC-A Realized Community has a complete program designed to help anyone easily identify and let go - permanently - of thoughts and feelings ('ego') that interfere with living an effortlessly happy, healthy and abundant life.

Doing this simple yet powerful Personal Change work quickly gets noticeable results and has been effective in improving happiness levels, creating harmony and flow in life, creating better health and more materiality and abundance for anyone... this work called 'releasing ego' leads to a totally Quiet Mind if that is your goal.

The complete process is taught in ARC's 'Foundational Course for Living Your Potential' home study course and shows you how to truly eliminate all interferences from negative thinking and negative feelings. See more at http://www.arealizedcommunity.com.

Tamma Ford is Programs Leader at ARC-A Realized Community which presents the self-growth work of American Master Lester Levenson (1909-1994). She is author of "God's Pen: Lessons on Life and Light, A Journal", available on the ARC website, as well as of numerous e-books and articles.

Mind and Consciousness - Do You Really Have THAT Much Power?

Before we talk about your mind and consciousness, let me ask you a simple question, that will help you realize how much asleep you are each day.

What did you have for lunch the day before yesterday?

If you're like most people, you probably don't remember. See, people tend to travel through life half asleep, unaware of what's really going on around them. They don't know who they are. They don't know what they're doing, and they don't know why they're doing it.

That's the reality, and it's sad to say that it's considered normal.

The interesting thing, however, is that you're here, in this world, to enjoy it. You're here to experience it and... love it. For that to happen, you have to wake up from the trance that you're in. You have to become aware of your real, divine nature, and...

You have to understand that you have a choice. You can shape the reality around you. You can choose whether you live on a planet that's clean and pollution-free, or a planet that's full of hate and misunderstanding.

You are a result of your thoughts. You can use your thoughts so that you always achieve what you truly desire. You can use the power of the Thought to get all your wishes fulfilled, and you can do that now.

For that, though, you really have to stretch your mind and consciousness so that you start perceiving the world and the people around you as they really are. You have to be able to look past the suffering and pain that's trying to kick into your life and control it, and really focus on what's important and eternal.

If you really want to be realized in life, you have to show love to people, and express it every minute of every day. If you do that, you'll not only realize that changing your own destiny is easy, but you'll literally feel that you're becoming more and more powerful each and every second almost.

See, everyone you see around you leads a pretty boring life. They wake up in the morning, go to work, get back home, eat, watch TV and go to bed. That's all they do, and that's all life actually means to them.

I know this sounds wild, but you're really sleepwalking through life, just like they are. You're not even noticing or remembering what's going on around you.

No one is.

Unless you've actually started working on raising your own awareness and understanding your true nature. If you've made it a goal for yourself to get out of that trance-like state, then you're on your way to discovering the real you.

Now, before we part, let me tell you about something else, really quick.

See, you have two choices at this point. You can completely ignore what I've just told you, and live your life as if nothing ever happened, or you can decide to change how you live completely.

You can turn it all around. It's not too late for you.

All you really have to do now, is make a decision, deep within your heart to really start working on yourself. To really do what you can to raise your mind and consciousness to the level it should be at. When you do that, you'll realize that life is very, very much different from what you've always thought it is, and you'll be... happy!

Download your free ebook 15 Secrets to Super Health that could put you on the fast-track to Super Health.

More Articles You (Don't Want to) Miss --> mind and consciousness

2012年10月28日 星期日

Conscious Entrepreneurs: Come Out of the Spiritual Closet!

Everywhere I look, I seem to discover a new marketing term for self-employed professionals. Conscious Entrepreneurs. Evolutionary Entrepreneurs. Heart-Based Entrepreneurs. Visionary Change-Agents.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. Except that I've never met anyone who said, "Hi, I'm a heart-based entrepreneur." Meanwhile, I'd been trying to avoid stepping on those inert, unconscious entrepreneurs. And if someone did introduce her or himself as an evolutionary entrepreneur, I'd be curious to have them show me their X-Men-like ability to transform chimpanzees into clients.

What these marketing strategies are addressing, I believe, is that many coaches, entrepreneurs, holistic practitioners, and more are just done with the old paradigm to simply make money: they feel compelled to transform the world around them by adhering to their life purpose. And why? Because they believe in something bigger than themselves, and likely have had direct experience with... well, here's where we run into trouble, because the terms are so loaded. Spirit guides. Angels. And, yes, God. Although if you'd prefer to avoid the Judeo-Christian burdens laid upon it, you can call it the Divine, Spirit, Source, the higher self, Presence, the inner light, or a plethora or other terms.

For many of us spiritually based (at least in our personal lives) entrepreneurs, Divine Presence is the real reason behind our passions and work in the world. We weren't given a choice - we must do what we are doing, and must continue to follow our inner guidance. There's no shortage of us - and our numbers are radically growing. Yes, 2012 is here.

Yet in many circles, we still act as if it were the 1950's, and a radical act to talk about intuition when in a business context. We don't want to be labeled "woo-woo." And, if your spiritual practice is embedded within a particular religious tradition, somehow the old separation of church and business limits us from being overt about it. We don't want to turn others off, afraid of being blacklisted and having our businesses fail.

Unfortunately, in the course of doing so, we hide what matters most to us, and pretend that Something Larger really doesn't matter at all or play such a prominent role in our lives. We forget that so many others feel the same way.

So I'm taking this opportunity to "out" myself. I previously had been calling myself a Performance Coach. Yes, I work with self-aware entrepreneurs and professionals who want their businesses to perform well, and to perform as compelling and effective public speakers. The full truth is that I tap in intuitively to what is most aligned with your life purpose, as well as with those you are here to serve, and to help you show up as the real you. The truth is that I'm an Intuitive Business Strategist and an Authenticity Coach. "Intuitive" and strategic? You bet: there's nothing more strategic or authentic than tapping into your Divine Light to guide you forward on your path in a practical, tangible way.

Depending on one's clientele, this must be negotiated individually, and often slowly. It may take time for this to emerge. But when we have deeper conversations, reveal more about ourselves, and take risks, we create room for others to really be themselves too - and even forge stronger client relationships. By being totally authentic to our core values, and speaking in our highest truth, we become an inspiration, and light the way for others to come to us.

Note: this does not imply that it is appropriate to begin talking about God in every business conversation. I've certainly felt uncomfortable at times when others with very different beliefs have brought up their beliefs out of the blue. The point is: if you are already using somewhat muted terms to talk about spirituality - and especially if your ideal clients actually hold similar worldviews - that's a really good time to consider being more open.

So whether you're a conscious entrepreneur, a visionary, or simply work for yourself while definitively knowing you're here for a reason, I have one question for you:

Are you ready to come out of the spiritual closet?

Jonathan Bender has helped thousands of professionals and entrepreneurs find their true voice, and step into their true self as the most authentic way to attract new clients and customers. An Intuitive Business Strategist and Authenticity Coach, he helps spiritually based entrepreneurs, holistic practitioners, and coaches create a great living while changing far more lives. An in-demand coach on how to be an effective speaker and networker, he has presented throughout the United States and internationally, and is the founder of Conscious Business Bay Area. Jonathan holds a Master of Fine Art in Contemporary Performance and a Master of Science in Communication and Performance Studies. More details: http://www.WholeSpeak.com.

Secrets of the Law of Attraction - Making Conscious Choices

Everyone makes hundreds of choices daily and most of them seem small, unimportant, and certainly not life changing. However, it is essential for you to learn to make your choices consciously. To allow The Law of Attraction and Law of Cause and Effect to create what you want in your life you need to master making your choices with intent and not on automatic pilot because you have always done something in a certain way or because you think you are required to do it.

Have you put your dreams and deepest desires aside because you feel overwhelmed with all the things on your To Do List? Do you wonder how you can find the time, energy, and focus to make your dreams a reality and manifest the life that your true self urges you to live? To attract what you want into your life you first need to identify what you can release to make room for more of what you want. For most of us, our lives are so full it is difficult to add anything into them even something we would really like to include.

I encourage you to take a long, hard look at all the activities and responsibilities that are presently filling your life. You have the ability to create what you desire in your life, but, it will require you to make different choices. You will need to accept that very few things are actually mandatory. You must breathe, eat, and sleep. Very few other things are true necessities. Most of what you are doing in your life you are CHOOSING to do.

If we are serious about transforming our lives and living them to the fullest then we need to take an honest and uncompromising look at our responsibilities and To Do Lists. Reflect on each item and remember that you have the choice to do each of those tasks or not. Becoming aware and making our choices consciously is a big step toward creating the life we dream of living. We also need to develop an awareness of why we do things, what our motivation is for all the busyness we keep in our lives. As you become more aware of the choices you are making you will need to be honest with yourself about your incentives for making them. If you are always excessively busy and have too many responsibilities it insulates you from having to take the time to reflect on and face your self imposed blocks. You can blame your too busy life and your very long To Do List for not being able to realize your dreams.

Making changes, even ones we desire can be extremely scary and stressful. You may attend a workshop or read a book and become inspired about your dreams but as you step back into your daily schedule you find yourselves just too busy to take the time to focus on your dreams and create a plan to manifest them. You can not get started; you just can not find the time and are inundated with responsibilities. The reality is that you are creating the busyness in your life! Are the choices you are making today getting you closer to the life you dream about living? Are you feeling fulfilled and excited about your life? Are you living your most magnificent dream? If not it may be time to take responsibility for your choices. I challenge you to dare to dream (and dream BIG), and to step into that dream today and start living it. Even if it is just in some small way, start today! Make a different choice today and carve out time in your schedule for your dreams; begin your journey down the path that will lead to greater fulfillment and joy in your life. DO IT NOW.

Patty Tolar, The Abundance Guide, is a life and business coach whose passion is helping you create a life of infinite possibilities and abundance! She operates a blog that is all about creating more money, success, and abundance in your life!

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The Subconscious Need Always Overrides the Conscious Want

If there is one thing that all of my patients learn from me, it is that the subconscious need will always over ride the conscious want. What this refers to, as I have said in other articles is that no matter what we may wish for, intention, visualize, desire, need, or want may be subject to sabotage due to a deeper psychological core issue that is not in sink with our getting more.

The subconscious is the psychological DNA, built from birth to eight denoting who one believes he/she is, and how one believes they are seen by the world. Once this is laid into the personality foundation, it is there forever until it is unlearned at the level it was originally implanted. The conscious wants on the other hand, are all the things we want to achieve and accomplish in our lives. Such things as an education, a profession, a career, make good money, have healthy relationships, i.e., romantic and friends, create abundance, change, or have peace and goodness in our lives. All of these things are the overt desires that are not only normal, but appropriate.

Hence, what happens when we want to drink pure water and only have a muddy glass to drink from? Obviously, we choke on the muddy water that gags us as we whole heatedly ingest bad water. And no matter how hard we want to believe, deny or make the muddy water into clear water, the only result we are going to get is gagging. What this means to each of us is that until the glass is cleaned out, we can not truly get what we want. So too, is it with the subconscious. If housed in the subconscious sense of self is negative miss-beliefs, then the well of our desires will be tainted.

Specifically, if at our core psychological DNA there lies a miss-belief that we are unlovable, how can we find a healthy love? We can't! How if at our core, we hold a miss-belief about ourselves that we are unworthy, can we be given wealth? How can, if at our psychological core we hold a miss-belief that we are bad, can we find goodness? Again, though we may find some of what we want there will be sabotage. As we hold a learned miss-belief about our selves as our truth, we will not be able to rise above it and allow what it is we want because at our core, we do not believe we are really deserving of it.

Now, when I say we do not believe we are truly deserving, I am not taking about a figure of speech. I mean that in the core of your being is a sense that this is all you get, and you are not about getting anything more. This belief system runs our behavior, our choices, our intentions, and our ability to expand in life. If, for instance you grow up in an alcoholic family, one of the common reports of home life is that one never knew as you walked through the door what was going to happen. Therefore, whenever you come home having had a good day, the alcoholic would lash out at the family due to his/her intoxication and ruin the good moment. As that pattern gets laid in the subconscious, the Adult Child of an Alcoholic (A.C.O.A.) takes in at their core psychological DNA that goodness is only temporary and that at some point the 'other shoe will drop.' Now remember, this is not an intellectual construct.

It is a psychological core belief that is a true a reality as the sun coming up in the east and setting in the west. Hence, in their adulthood, A.C.O.A.s have a core mistrust of goodness. In fact, as goodness increases, so does their sense of agitation, expecting that it is going to be sabotaged. As this agitation increases, it becomes so uncomfortable that at some point the A.C.O.A. sabotages the goodness just to get rid of the agitation. Here, there is the reality of the unconscious need to minimize agitation, and the resulting sabotage over rides the conscious want for goodness.

This premise can be seen in many other examples, but lets take one more. What if you grow up in a family where you take in at the psychological DNA core that you are unworthy of love. This is predicated on the situational reality that your parents were unloving, disallowing, non-nurturing, deeply wounded, etc. Once this is in your belief system remember it is there for life until you unlearn this miss-belief at the level you learned it at.

So as you venture into adult relationships wanting to find healthy love and acceptance, you end up with people who are distant, non-nurturing, and unavailable. How again does this happen? If the subconscious holds that you are not worthy of love, it sabotages the conscious want for a healthy loving relationship. What typically happens is that the person usually finds someone to keep proving themselves to, so that they can "try" to earn love from an unloving source.

There are many examples of how the subconscious need over rides the conscious want, but the important point to make is that you have to do the inner work of unlearning the core psychological DNA miss-beliefs to be able to attract and keep your conscious desires and intentions.

Gary Richman has an masters in clinical social work and a masters and Ph.D. in clinical psychology. He has over the last thirty years practiced psychotherapy in private practice and at such institutions as Children's Hospital, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Glendale Memorial Hospital, and Santa Monica Hospital. He has lectured on such issues as Occupational Burnout, Surviving Adolescents for Parents, Assessing Depression and Suicidal Ideation, and Trans-personal Psychology.

His web site is http://www.drgaryrichman.com where you can read about his educational background and his current book: The Road To Me: Reclaiming Your Power. His blogs can be found on Word Press.com and he is on Facebook.