2012年10月27日 星期六

Mental and Spiritual Housecleaning - An Guide For the Owner of Our Own Lives

Sure, I will start out with have definite goals and stay with them until you achieve them. But, indeed that would be too simple. So, I will start out with something more substantial as you read on. Everyone, as long as they are conscious, even in the least "free" country in the world, owns their own states of consciousness and lives. In fact, consciousness can be called the real "lord of the land" so to speak. Nothing external can really be called that. Leaders, popes, presidents, kings and the like, they are all leaders through our solely given by ourselves permission. But they are the ultimate illusory "schoolyard bullies" at worst, they carry out the "will of the people" at best. Those are the key words ultimately, "the will of the people" because as long as there is consciousness, people can lead themselves and lead themselves beneficially. So, sure, I say there is a choice and there is. But this is something to consider, if even the "worst" person had a choice, they would act purely for their own benefit or to genuinely survive prosperously. That is not an opinion, that is logic.

So, people own their own lives, yet they often act like outside forces have some sort of real control over them when outside forces are more likely fear mongering bullies than mind readers. "Big Brother" has no power except that which we give him through our consent. Winning in life comes down to knowing your thoughts are in control all day and all night, and you must check and do things in a disciplined, logical way. Indeed, that sort of discipline and logic does not yield cold behavior, but just the opposite. It yields honest attention, honest appreciation and honest enjoyment when you really think about it and act upon the reality of it. It is irrational, emotional and undisciplined behavior that is destructive and feels sad and destructive. Everyone, even the irrational, wants happiness. But the irrational person just goes about it the wrong way.

The only right way is the rational, disciplined and logical way. Sure the character of the way can vary, but the basic methods do not vary and getting closer to the reality of the situation means knowing your own mind. In every culture, the first thing in every wisdom school, religion and even politics and philosophy is the saying "know yourself" in different ways and methods. But the basic logic of knowing yourself is always there even when there are seemingly irrational or genuinely rational ways of going about it.

So, there is always a way to discipline yourself even in the worst of situations where there is genuine consciousness. That is the key. Discipline, steadfastness and total willingness to act on your own behalf in a rational, beneficial way are the bridge you take across forever to self made paradise.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

Eco-Conscious - Attitude is the First Step

We have been hearing the term Eco-conscious lately and obviously it is self explanatory. In one of the search engines it threw up over half a million pages with it.

Since it is has become popular there is a growing risk that it will be misused and become another marketing success. There should be no problem with an ethical use of the term "Eco-conscious" but the probabilities are that many non-green products will try to benefit from it. In other words it can be used to manipulate people into buying things under false pretenses.

There is a growing awareness that we have to start changing the way we treat ourselves and the environment.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with material things, at the end of the day they are developed, produced and used to make our lives better. The point is that they are all tools to be used for something, and not an end in itself.

Some natural resources are non-renewable, but we keep on wasting them as if tomorrow never comes. The waste and disposal attitude of our society complicates matters and is usually based on cost, profit and comfort levels.

Attitudes are difficult thing to change, but they do. Sometimes what is needed is a crisis to force the change. But the best way of changing attitudes is to open our minds and break away from reacting in the form of habits.

A natural life is possible once we change our attitudes.

If you look back forty or fifty years ago, the ordinary household did not have all the conveniences we have today, and the idea is not to turn back the clock, but perhaps we can learn form them.

Fifty years ago the term Eco-conscious, or green, hadn't been coined, but in general terms (there are always exceptions to every rule) life was lived in greater balance with nature, basically because there weren't as many options as today.

Old clothes were reused as cleaning cloths instead of paper towels. When cold, people put on another layer of clothing. The house was lit at night with the right amount of light, and bulbs were turned off when not needed.

The food was fresh and varied. Cooking was an event in itself and mealtimes were family times with less stress and more bonding opportunities. This had the added benefit of strengthening the family and providing a healthy environment - which has now been shown to reduce health issues, such as heart disease and so on.

If you look at some of the benefits of eating healthy and varied food, companionship, family relations and community spirit, you may notice that the levels of diabetes, heart disease and stress, was much lower than today.

So with a bit of the right attitude you can explore more tips for an Eco-friendly life at http://natural-living-tips.com

Philip Robinson writes on a wide variety of subjects and as such has various on line projects. You can visit his latest website on Carpet Tile Squares that is located over at www.carpettilesquares.net/ and where you will find more information.

A New Consciousness - The Birth of Love

Do you realize there is no love on this planet? Do you realize that is good news? For where something does not exist, therein lies the possibility of it being manifested. When we look at the action of the people on this earth, we can plainly see the action is not of love. It is the action of control and violence. Violence and Love cannot occupy the same space. If we truly loved ourselves and our children, we would not have the kind of world we now have. We would not strive to fit into a violent society. We would transform our world into a society fit to live in.

When I say "there is no love on this planet," an argument or disagreement usually ensues in which it is stated there is love, but that I cannot see it. I say it is the other way around: There is no love on this planet, and the person who disagrees cannot see it. For the possibility of love to manifest on the planet, we have to first see that what we now call love is not Love. It is the mirror image of love.

The word love is used in this world as a means of expressing desire. When we say we love another person, it means that we desire for them to be close to us. We express that desire by making ourselves into the desire of the other person. We do nice things. We buy flowers. We protect them. We encourage them. We make ourselves desired by those we desire, and this is how we express what is called love on this planet. This is not love. It is a mirror image of love.

By making ourselves something to be desired by the other person, we invent a mirror image of actual love. I call it the mirror image because it is an act that we put on that is somewhat similar to the actions of a person who actually experiences love. Actual love, however, is a vastly different action than love as we have come to understand it.

Actual love requires nothing. All of love's actions come from the action of seeing. There are no rules to love, and it cannot be gained or given. Love occurs when the truth is seen about what you actually are.

Love means that a person sees the complete nature of the world. From love, we can see that the entirety of being is singular, and that consciousness is also singular. Love means you see that every other person is you. There are not separate beings, but a single being that is living many lives. Love means that when any person suffers, it is actually you who is suffering. Love means that it is not some other person. It means that other person is you. Perhaps the other, which is also you, does not or will not see that, or even recognize the possibility, but that does alter the fact that we are all one.

For those who do not see this, consider for a moment what might happen if you were to realize, and actually see clearly, that every other person on the entire planet is you living in a kind of alternate reality? You can see that, but for the most part the others, who are also you, cannot seem to see that at all. Seeing that you are the other is love.

The work of the world right now is simply to get the entire planet to see itself clearly. The work is to bring all of the lives of the human being to see that they are all one being, living billions of lives. When it's YOU that is being the others, then what you do and how you treat them is radically altered. War ends. Greed ends. Competition ends. Love means the absence of violence.

Everything that is now called love is actually the mirror image of love. All selfish actions are therefore selfless in the presence of actual love. If you save yourself in order to save another, that is selfless. If you save yourself just to save yourself, that is selfish. Every moment that a person insists that there is love on this planet is a moment longer that love is lost.

A new consciousness will fix the mistakes of selfishness, and allow love to manifest on the planet.

Edward Jones is a Transformational Relationship Coach, Speaker, and Author. His book about the new consciousness is available at http://anewconsciousness.org. You can read more about Edward and watch videos at http://selftransformation.org

2012年10月26日 星期五

Basic Guidelines to Calibrating the Levels of Consciousness

Calibration technique used for finding the Levels of Consciousness (LOC)is of practical benefits to the spiritual seeker. Because the road to God is the same as the road to the Truth, it is now possible to shorten our life journey. All humanity has for the first time in history, a powerful tool - like a compass, for a guidance. This is not dependent on one's religion, or beliefs.

Although the energy field of consciousness is infinite in dimension, we are predominantly interested in the specific levels, correlating with human consciousness: from 1 to 1000, with the critical level at 200 - Truth. The most prominent researcher of consciousness, Dr David R Hawkins constructed "Map of the Scale of Consciousness" depicting in detail various energy fields associated with human emotions and attitudes. Because everything in the universe emits minute energy that remains in the field of consciousness permanently, we now can retrieve "records" from the past, of every person or being whoever lived; their deeds, feelings, thoughts, in the past and in the present.

To calibrate LOC, the kinesiological (muscular) response is used, to a specific stimulus, with the resulting "yes" or "no" answer. There are various methods available, depending on which muscles are used, or whether the test is conducted by a pair (tester and subject), or by a solitary tester. The response is very brief and instant, and is independent of personally hold beliefs. The tester must phrase the question being asked, in the form of a statement. A statement is answered by kinesiological response, in either "yes" or "not yes" form. The tester finishes spelling out his question by saying: "Resist!" when a force is applied to the subject's extended arm. If the subject's arm stays strong, it means "yes". Otherwise, the answer is "no". The question must be in the form of a statement.

There are important limitations to calibrating levels of consciousness. For yet unknown reasons, approx. 10% of the population is unable to conduct LOC calibrations, with the use of kinesiological techniques. Both the tester and the subject must calibrate above 200 - the level of integrity, and the intention of the test must be integrous. Permission must be sought before the test, by stating: "I am permitted to ask about what I am holding in mind." Or, "This calibration that I am about to do, serves the highest good.Again, for yet unknown reasons, married couples are often unable to work together as the tester and the subject - tester and subject. Future cannot be tested. Calibrating the level of consciousness allows the spiritual seeker, and an "ordinary" person for that matter, to find truth and avoid wasting our precious lifetime on pursuing that which is false. This God-given ability gives us an unprecedented chance, first time in the history of mankind, to reject the falsehood and follow the Truth - the shortest way to discovering our own Self.

Calibrating the levels of consciousness gains on popularity. See the answers to many questions you may have at http://capitalself.com/spiritualblog/category/loc-calibration and grow wiser. Truth is waiting to be discovered by you!

Consciousness and Ego - Based on These Two, the Life-Drama is Played Out

If mind were a house, then the ego is its tenant. If mind were a tree, the ego is an inhabitant bird in it-they both are born together, they live together, and they die together. There is a third entity within the mind: the witness. The witness is that awareness which witnesses the mind and the ego. And finally, there is the Consciousness, which powers them all, and it (the consciousness) acts as a medium through which the God (the creator of all phenomenon) watches and executes His will. The consciousness has two aspects: Vyakt and Avyakt (tangible and intangible-i.e. subjective and universal). The mind-body is the medium through which the subjective consciousness realizes its will. The Creator's (God's) wish 'to be' is realized by the universal consciousness by becoming a subjective consciousness and further through the medium of a mind-body combine. The mind-body combine is a Vyakti (a human)-one who has become tangible. The Creator's (God's) wish to 'continue as continuum' is realized by the perpetual motion of matter-energy-life (the phenomena) within which an individual plays out the role of generating the continuous activity under the command of a restless ego.

The human connection with universal consciousness becomes possible only after the subjective consciousness first becomes identified with the witness. When it becomes clear to the witness (the person) that the subjective consciousness and the universal consciousness are fundamentally the same, the fear of death disappears (the death itself does not disappear). The witness becomes fearless of death, because the meaning of birth and death become clear to it-it comes to know that the tangible (Vyakt) and the intangible (Avyakt) are two sides of the same coin. The fear of death is linked to the ownership of mind-body combine, owned by the ego. As long as the ego is the owner, the fear would be intact.

We know that we could not have created our own sentience. Unmindfully we might like to assign sentience's ownership to your ego. Conversely, unmindfully the ego sense might like to claim the ownership of our sentience (as 'my' sentience), but we always know that the claim is baseless. However, one cannot blame the ego, because the ego is filling a void of ownership because consciousness chooses to remain invisible and non-claiming.

All ideas of relationships, ownerships, stances, endeavors, efforts arise from a restless mind-a mind wanting to reach somewhere. The restlessness creates activity to get satisfaction-a satisfaction that is incomplete always. From the Creator's (God's) point of view, this system which we call life, is made this way on purpose, so that the 'life drama' may continue in perpetuity. Full and lasting satisfaction could bring all activity to a stop, therefore, by default; restlessness of mind is an essential element for life-drama to continue.

Surinder J.Singh
Ottawa, Canada
Facebook: Surinder J Singh
Twitter: surinderJsingh

2012年10月25日 星期四

Conscious Evolution - The Shift Happens When You Align With Your Higher Self

If you accept the idea that your higher self is in charge of your life and that your higher self had deliberately planned for you to experience certain challenges in your life so that you would gain wisdom (and deep understanding and appreciation) by living through them, you may wonder why it now requires a conscious effort on the part of your ego personality self to reconnect to the higher self within (conscious evolution).

Why isn't the process of conscious evolution automatic? Why can't you just go on autopilot instead of needing to consciously cultivate a relationship with your higher self? Why do you need to make a conscious decision and a deliberate effort to begin the process, why do you need to align with your higher self, why do you need to do anything different than what you've already been doing?

Well, you have been going pretty much on autopilot according to the challenges your higher self had planned for you to grow through and if you're completely thrilled with where you are right now, I would not recommend any changes. But if you would rather experience upliftment, if you'd rather begin to grow through joy rather than pain and suffering (because you think you've evolved enough spiritually and you're ready to make that switch), I'd recommend you make an effort to reconnect to your higher self and begin the process of conscious evolution now. Because this is what is going to cause a shift in your consciousness, and then in your life.

It's easy to keep something going when it's already in motion, when it already has momentum. But to be able to create a new experience or to change a direction in your life, you need to make a deliberate effort. That's why they call it conscious evolution.

You need to get past the inertia that's present. (Inertia is the resistance or disinclination to motion, action, or change.) When you're in the latter stages of momentum, it may only take, say, one unit of effort to yield 10 units of returns. But when you're beginning something new, at first it may seem to take 10 units of effort to yield one unit of return.

The good news is, if you make the effort it won't take long to see some results so that you are motivated to continue the process. It is this process of conscious evolution that will eventually lead you to your "Golden Age." (While this won't take long, it's not instantaneous either.)

If you choose to ignore your higher self it will try to get your attention with increasingly drastic measures. It's pretty obvious this is what's happening in the world right now. You have free will as to when you begin, but don't worry, it's all perfect. Whatever happens, it's just your higher self trying to teach you something. Call it tough love, if you want, but eventually we will all make it through.

Andrew Cohen, founder and Editor-In-Chief of EnlightenNext Magazine (formerly Enlightenment Magazine) says this well: "An extraordinary latent potential for unbridled creative engagement and egoless compassion lies deep within us, waiting to be released into this world. But most of us don't see this, or if we do, we don't realize that it is not going to happen by itself. At this juncture in human history, the evolution of our species requires one thing and one thing only--our conscious, whole-hearted participation. We bear a profound responsibility to be evolutionary pioneers."

Are you ready to begin your conscious evolution?

Are you ready to reconnect with your higher self? Subscribe at http://www.WhatEveryoneBelieved.com/ and receive a free 7-page report on how to reconnect to and integrate with your higher self. Christine Hoeflich is the author of Activating 2012: A Practical Guide to Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity--an ebook that shifts your consciousness and gives you the all keys to finally fulfill your dreams.

Cosmic Healing of Mass Consciousness Beliefs Fears, Thoughts, and Feelings - Mind Body Spirit-Style

From a mind body and spirit perspective, a global reset in consciousness has been underway for several decades. Each new major evolutionary shift in human development is always preceded by a stirring up and transformation of mass consciousness.

What is mass consciousness?

Mass consciousness is the matrix of attitudes, beliefs, fears, thought and feeling patterns that govern how the majority of persons alive on the planet at the time behave.

Each belief, fear, thought and feeling has a specific energy pattern or frequency. Take all the beliefs, fears, thoughts and feelings of each of the almost seven billion persons now living on Earth and there you have the totality of current mass consciousness.

This mass consciousness creates an energy grid that surrounds, undergirds and permeates all life on Earth at any given time. It affects your stress level, your feelings, your thoughts and your own beliefs, especially if you do not take the time to build your own inner awareness and Soul alignment.

It is this conscious awareness and Soul alignment that helps you to build your conscious creator life skills so that you set your own life agenda instead of being at the mercy of the push and pull of mass consciousness. As a conscious creator, you get to choose the beliefs, thought and feeling patterns and fears that govern your own life.

Have fun as you explore releasing blocked energy n the form of limiting thoughts, feelings, beliefs and fears. In the process you will strengthen your own self awareness, Soul alignment and conscious creator skills. This not only enables you to transform your own life but contributes to the ongoing cosmic healing of mass consciousness beliefs, fears, thought and feeling patterns around the world.

And for a FREE One-Hour Cosmic Healing Meditation Teleseminar Gift, request instant access here: http://www.SoulSelfHelp.com/balance

With love and blessings for a Soul-aligned day from Angela Chen Shui, "the Soul Alignment Coach".

Copyright 2008 - Angela Chen Shui. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

A Comparative of Thought With Eckhart Tolle - Living in the Now and Setting Goals

A while ago I submitted an article comparing my views about the purpose of the ego in our lives. It was submitted humbly as a one sided discussion of my views in comparison with the wonderful works of Eckhart Tolle.

It seems to be time once again to submit another article in this regard as it is a subject of great questioning by many people today. Having moved deeper into his book: A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose I offer you some food for thought.

The aspect of his book I will focus on this time is one that has rippled in my mind for a long time. I am not sure I have come to a firm conclusion yet, but I am going to offer up my thoughts anyway. Maybe we can each come up with some sort of conclusion that works for us on our own.

Having been a member of the business world for much of my adult life, goals have always been an issue for me. Eckhart Tolle has a fairly unique perspective on the value of goals that I feel is quite opposite to that which I learned as a sales person. But is it really in opposition? This is what we will look at today.

When first reading about the relationship of goals to living in the now and living on purpose, it appears that goals are an unnecessary, if not conflicting tool used by people who still believe that the mind is the controller of our destinies. One only needs to know their purpose in life. By regular focussing on that purpose their life will unveil itself and all will be wonderful.

I think something that needs to be kept in mind with Eckhart Tolle's writing is that his base for his philosophy is very Buddhist in origin and therefore very expansive. It focuses on the world and the universe as a whole, very big picture. We are just pieces of the universal puzzle.

I agree with this concept but the question that underlies this whole discussion for each of us as individuals is about how this outlook works for each of us as individuals who are trying to survive and succeed in the world of today. Can we just let go and trust that everything will work out if we just believe?

Every individual is in a different place in their lives, in their evolution and in their spiritual understanding. Ultimately I think we all want to live our lives in the flow of the universe, manifesting wonderful experiences that make our world a better place to be. However, the reality for most of us is that our skills in maintaining that level of consciousness are not well enough established to support life at this level.

Most people live in the day-to-day world of getting out of bed, going to work, only to return to bed a few hours later. Trying to keep the bills paid is of more importance than being in the flow of universal energy.

Is the concept of living on Purpose an impossible dream? Is using goals as a tool for managing one's life an impediment to true personal growth?

I find we often tend to live in a black and white world. Everything seems to have to be polar opposites rather than being muddled in the grey area of life. If one supports one theory, they have to denounce the other.

In my experience on this planet during my 50+ plus years of trying to understand the program of living, I feel that what Eckhart Tolle proposes does not undermine the theory of goals. Rather, if we understand the system of goal setting, we can come to a realization that using goals as a mind management tool these goals can actually help us to evolve in living our purpose.

Let me explain.

When we come to this life, we have very little knowledge of the rules of life here on earth or even the capacity of what can be attained on this plane of consciousness.

As we live out our days and collect information that helps us to exist and hopefully succeed in living, we develop our own set of rules through testing out the water of our environment.

We learn to communicate through body language and by using our voices in order to get our needs met. This type of communication is very simple, but then our lives at this time are simple too.

As we mature, we discover that we have minds with the ability to discern, differentiate and to think. We begin to relate to the outer world. Unfortunately, for most people this is where evolution ends. They do not develop an understanding of the magnificent power of their mind or its relation to the universal consciousness. Life becomes a process of repeating the lessons of the past over and over until one day their life ends.

Fortunately, many people have now learned the power of goals. Through the use of their personal goals they develop and integrate the ability to direct and manage their lives and achieve many of their dreams.

The process of using goals has changed considerably over the forty years I have been around the business world. If one was to look at the evolution of goal processing, one can see that this powerful tool is evolving to exactly what Eckhart Tolle is proposing.

Back in the 1970s goal achievement was attained by developing several wide ranging personal concepts into simple sentences, such as:

I own a 1970 Red Buick Riviera
I own and live in a 3 bedroom house in Oak Bay
I run 4 miles per day each and every day
Every day in every way, I am getting better and better

They were to be repeated several times a day, every day until they were achieved. I am not sure how people who used this system ever got any work done, or how they maintained any kind of sanity as this system was very time consuming and I would think challenging to the ego and the emotions as they either succeeded in coming into fruition or died in the misery of failure.

Several years later, as the evolution of sanity demanded a more rational form of goal processing, it became more popular to write the goals down on pieces of paper and keep them posted all over one's life as reminders of their chosen path. At least this method allowed some work to get done and when they didn't work out, the frustration could be taken out on the post-it note. The important change that had occurred, though, was that the subconscious mind was now given space to actually work in the achievement of the goals. The process had become more than a mental exercise as it preferred using visual memory rather than relying on the memory alone. It recognized that we needed to participate in the larger world of the universe in order to provide a platform for the goal.

Today, goals seem to fit more as tools for directing the focus of the mind on several levels. There is recognition of several key factors that are essential to one's overall success:

Recognition of the role of the unconscious mind
Recognition of the role of the conscious mind
Recognition of the role of emotions
Recognition of the necessity of participating in the physical process required to manifest the goal.
Recognition of the role of oneself in the universal scheme

In days of old, a goal could become a self-perpetuated jail through the rigid demands of the ego having to succeed in order to feel safe and valued. After all, the opposite of success was failure and who wanted that?

In the present world, the success of goals is not mandatory. Specific goals are used as mental directors to remind the mind where it is intending to reach. Goals are no longer a success or failure tool. Goals are mind and life management tools.

My understanding of Eckhart Tolle's perception of the future of goals is the next step in the ascension of goals.

We have seen goals evolve from being mental exercises that often ended up causing mental anguish, through the inception and recognition of the value of a more holistic approach where the various levels of mind including the emotions became an integral part of the process, to recognition that goals are a tool that we use to improve our connection to the universal mind.

Does it not make sense that the next step is to allow the universe to play a much larger role in the evolution of our lives and our beings?

The danger I see in this development is that people who have not done their personal work adequately so that they connect well with the universal energies could use this higher system of practice as an excuse for not taking responsibility for their own lives and actions. After all, their lives are now in God's hands.

No matter what system of life advancement one adheres to, self-responsibility and self-application are fundamental cornerstones to living well. Integrating these life tools with a metaphysically based goal attainment system can make for a very powerful and successful life.

Personally, I still find I need to live in a blended system of goal achievement because I find it just too easy to do nothing and be okay with it. Working with goals is much like having a list of jobs I am working to complete.

On the other hand, I know that I need to leave space in my everyday life to allow the universe to answer some of my very many questions and demands. The goals serve to notify the universe the correct information and energy to return directed toward fulfilling these same goals. The passive space I provide by relaxing gives the universe the opportunity to participate in bringing about my desire.

I would love to hear what you think about the evolution of goals in your life. Can you see how working with energies external to yourself can expedite the success of these goals?

Can you see how Eckhart Tolle's prediction can play in your life?



Monty Ritchings has written and published two books

Embracing The Blend (What Mom And Dad Didn't Know They Were Teaching You)

Stamp Out Stress

Monty's knowledge on the subjects of psychology and personal awareness are promoted from his own life experiences and challenges in growing up in a dysfunctional environment as a child. Not being able to accept the pain and discomfort of the outcome of his life, he embarked on his life long mission to understand his life and build a better one. As this process developed, he began writing and teaching about practical methods for improving the quality of life for others.

Monty's approach to dealing with life's issues are always practical and often outside the box coming from his mystical rather than academic perspective.

Monty's main website is [http://www.montyritchings.com]. Sign up to receive his blogs and receive a free e-book of your choice!

2012年10月24日 星期三

A Shift in Consciousness - A New Earth

Can humanity actually drop the shackles of our past limitations and separateness to step into a new reality of unity and peace? This would require a universal shift in consciousness such as has never been attained before. And this era is precisely what we are moving into right now.

We are in the process of co-creating a new earth, an earth that vibrates in a higher dimension of consciousness. You will have noticed already a shift in energy surrounding you as you go about your daily life. Start taking notice of how you feel and consciously listen to your intuition and inner guidance. Observe life from the perspective of one step back. You can free your spirit to remember who you are and to allow the flow of abundance and joy into your life. Expansion of consciousness has started and an influx of high vibratory light is underway on earth.

The distractions of daily life, the pressures of making a living, providing for your family, developing relationships, guiding your children into responsible, loving adults - all these processes of life are not intrinsic to who you are. They are the tools life offers you to help you awaken to who you are. When you make a decision, think carefully about what you want to achieve through the effects of your decision, but above all, consider who you want to BE as a result of your thoughts and actions.

The energies flooding our planet and human consciousness at present are such that they give us the inner impulse to release our past patterns of behaviour and beliefs. We are being called to create a new world of caring and love. In the past we competed with each other for what we perceived to be limited time, limited amounts of love, money, resources and services. But the ways of exclusion and competition are over. Now humanity is being urged to unite, to work together, to help each other, teach and provide for each other.

At a high level of awareness all of humanity is one entity: many yet one. Uniting from all the lands on earth, coming together and embracing our diversity and complementarity, we sing with one voice and feel with one heart. This unity point of our meeting is the Source, the One.

With the advent of computers, internet and rapid planetary communications, our world has shrunk in size. We can whisper into a microphone or telephone and be heard by a dear one thousands of kilometres away. We can stream video so that our parents in another country can watch their two year old grandson blow out the candles on his birthday cake.

Unity, togetherness, mutual acceptance, delight in difference and true brotherhood are the hallmark of this new millennium. Having reached the extreme of divergence and difference, of separation from Source and from each other, we are now turning back toward our unity point of origin.

We are one because we are parts of the Creator, the One, who experiences diversity of life on earth through our consciousness. We are one in our growing awareness of our origin and destiny; way beyond the limiting beliefs and divisionary practises of times so recently past.

We are co-creating our collective future even as you read these words. Prosperity, love, joy and happiness are all ours for the asking. The more we share, encourage, accept and contribute to the collective good, the faster we will magnetize into our experience, an amazing and expansive future of heaven on earth: a new earth and a new experience of heaven. Begin within your own heart, to listen, to love and to grow. Make every thought count powerfully, for with every thought we create our future.

*** Marie C. Barrett is an author and teacher of dynamic spirituality and spiritual life coach. Through her book, Holistic Wealth, A Guide to Creative and Joyful Living, and many other writings, she teaches how to integrate spirituality into every area of your life, to create a happy and joy-filled life. http://www.holisticwealthcreation.com.

Delusions of Consciousness

For all its utility and mysterious complexity, consciousness is full of defects. The common sense view - largely unchallenged throughout our history -- is that consciousness presents us with a picture of how things are "out there" that we are able to view "inside" our minds. Philosophers have called this view the "Cartesian Theatre:" the experience of viewing the world in our minds presupposes a division, on the one hand, between the materialistic world of real objects that have substance and weight and, on the other, the inner, non-materialistic mind that constructs representations of those objects and reacts. This dualism no longer sits comfortably with most scientists and philosophers. Moreover, the philosophical dilemma of dualism leads us to two highly practical problems: misleading appearances of coherence in the world and illusions of agency in the self.

First off, the picture we view in our "Cartesian Theatre" imposes a false unity on our experience. We see a coherent world, seemingly available for scrutiny and systematic thought, but that world does not actually map onto reality. This is the "user illusion," as it has sometimes been called, based on the analogy of our relationship with our computers where we interface with pictures and programs, not the thing itself. As Edelman has put it: "The take-home lesson is that our body, our brain, and our consciousness did not evolve to yield a scientific picture of the world."

Damasio has endorsed Dennett's "Multiple Drafts" model of consciousness to reflect the complexity of how consciousness is actually constructed. Our experience, in the "Cartesian Theatre," presents a simple and coherent view of the world because the multiple drafts of reality have been invisibly edited and synthesized. We are unaware of the machinery that goes into its construction. In order to present coherent messages suitable for action, vast stores of information that cannot be processed are discarded. Moreover, what is missing, the gaps, are filled in by inference or memory. What we experience consciously, in other words, is a simulation, a fiction.

Psychologists refer to "accessibility" to describe what gets included in the final edit, but many factors enter into the accessibility of information: how recent and how frequent our exposure to it has been, how relevant it is to the actions we are considering, how frequently it has been used in the past, how it makes us feel. This latter point accounts for the relative ease with which information that makes us uncomfortable or that does not accord with our idealized versions of ourselves tends to be discarded. As the psychologist Timothy Wilson has put it: "We are masterly spin doctors, rationalizers, and justifiers of threatening information."

Dramatic examples of such editing are described in the research on "split brains," where neurosurgeons have severed the connections between the left and right hemispheres in order to prevent epileptic seizures. Joseph LeDoux, describing this research, noted that patients inevitably compensated for what they did not understand about their own behavior: "Time after time, the left hemisphere made up explanations as if it knew why the response was performed. For example, if we instructed the right hemisphere to wave, the patient would wave. When we asked him why he was waving, he said he thought he saw someone he knew." The lesson is that, however impaired, the brain does not cease its sometimes heroic efforts to impose unity and coherence on the information it processes.

The second set of illusions has to do with agency. Consciousness fosters the belief that we are in charge of our actions, but the evidence of neurobiology suggests that most of our decisions are made automatically. Our reactions to events are underway before we become aware of them. As Freeman has put it: "taking responsibility for one's self is more like trying to control one's teenager than one's automobile.

Sometimes, of course, it is obvious that making something conscious impedes our reactions to events. LeDoux has noted that "prepackaged emotions" quickly elicit reactions to danger that aid survival, a point that Darwin also made. If we see a stick that moves, our bodies do not stop to figure out if it is a snake before starting to flee.

Indeed, our brains often embark on actions or construe reactions to events without our needing to know what we are doing. Almost fifty years ago, Michael Polyanyi pointed out the importance of "tacit knowledge," knowledge we take for granted. When we recognize familiar faces, for example, we rely upon such knowledge without knowing we possess it. More recently, psychologists have distinguished between "implicit" and "explicit" memory, highlighting the importance in our daily lives of the information we process subliminally, without consciousness. Similarly, they have studied "procedural memory," the built-in sets of perceptions and skills that are required for riding a bicycle or driving a car.

But many have argued more broadly that these are merely particular instances of a general truth: consciousness always arises after the fact of perception and response. Freeman notes that awareness "continually runs to catch up with the self, half a second late but backdated." Damasio puts it this way: "We are always hopelessly late for consciousness and because we all suffer from the same tardiness no one notices it." In other words consciousness arises from the information we have received, the interpretations we have constructed, and the decisions we have already made. Our bodies and brains have processed that information and constructed a response that is already set in motion when we become aware of it. The evolutionary value of consciousness turns out to be, from this perspective, not in the capacity it provides for us to decide on our actions in advance so much as the opportunity to reflect on the world we perceive and plan new courses of action, after the fact. With it, we can inhibit or alter our behavior, and we can plan better responses for the future. As Damasio put it in the passage quoted earlier, the evolutionary benefit is "forethought."

Ken Eisold is a psychoanalyst and organizational consultant who has written What You Don't Know You Know, a book that expands our understanding of the unconscious to include organizations, politics, economics, and public affairs. He comments regularly on current events on his blog: http://www.keneisold.com

Explore the Benefits of Vegan Living

In today's world, there are many reasons why someone might want to explore the various healthier alternatives to traditional American lifestyles and diet. After a lifetime of fast food, the everyday stresses brought on by a rapid pace personal and business life, and the simple lack of attention most people pay to their lives, vegan diet and lifestyle alternatives are a good way to boost overall health and sometimes even bring failing health back to optimal levels.

What is a Vegan Diet?

A vegan diet is like a vegetarian diet, only more so. Most vegetarians do not eat meat, fish, or poultry. There are several variations on this theme, for example, people who do not eat meat or poultry but eat fish. Vegans, in addition to eliminating meat, fish, and poultry from their diet, also forgo eggs, dairy products, and sometimes even animal-produced substances like honey.

A wide variety of vegan foods and nutritional supplements are available in modern markets and health food stores. Seasonal organic produce is also usually available whether you live in the city or the country. Vegans have more food choices than ever before due to the increased popularity of vegan foods and the development of preparation, storage, and cooking techniques-all centered around tasty foods with high nutrition value. Vegetarianism and veganism are often placed in the broader context of lifestyle choices that involve much more than dietary concerns.

What is a Vegan Lifestyle?

Veganism is a lifestyle choice that, when all things are considered, involves asking and answering questions about the ethics of animal husbandry practices, the moral dilemmas associated with killing living things for food, and even about the chemicals and proteins that are ingested that may not contribute to overall health and vitality and may also be counter to our current evolutionary state as human beings. Vegans seek to live in a more conscious world, and if that means not eating animal flesh and associated byproducts, so be it.

In addition to eliminating animal derived food sources, many vegans choose not to use silk, wool, animal skins, or personal, cleaning and other substances that contain animal products. In practice, this eliminates leather goods and certain fabrics, soaps, detergents, glues, and cosmetics. A vegan household is one where every attempt as been made to live consciously and in harmony by not doing harm to the natural world or its inhabitants.

Putting it all Together

The benefits of vegan living are numerous. Increased vitality and health are high on everyone's list of top benefits. Taking the time to make conscious choices in one's diet, lifestyle, and personal concerns leads to being less in tune with the persuasive influences of consumer culture that involve mass marketing, subliminal psychological manipulations. There is now considerable evidence that clean brain chemistry means clear thinking. Clear thinking means the ability to handle stress and keep things in perspective-two things that help to empower yourself by making decisions that are right for you. Many other life areas are positively impacted by pursuing a vegan lifestyle, and everyone has more options than ever before to find the solution that feels right for them. Vegans aim to live a simplified, harmonious lifestyle that is lived consciously and in cooperation with the greater whole.

Tim Thompson is a professional freelance writer/editor and content developer currently making his home in southern California. He works closely with other creatives and technical people to provide content writing and editing services [http://www.thompsoninkworks.com/] and technical marketing and project administration to individuals and businesses of all kinds.

2012年10月23日 星期二

Wealth Consciousness Tips

If you are able to develop a positive wealth consciousness you are more apt to attract money. People who focus on not having enough in life sometimes get more of not having enough simply because they are unconsciously telling themselves that this is O.K. with them. Why? Because they are focusing more on not having enough when in reality they should be focusing on attracting more good into their lives. Focusing on the things you want in life instead of focusing on the things you don't have in your life on a daily basis will give you a better chance of receiving the things that you want. Things that are a burden to you become a bigger burden if you give them front row attention in your mind on a daily basis.

Worrying about bills will only attract more bills to you and hating money will only drive money further away from you. If you think you are poor, you are poor, even if you have lots of money in the bank. In order to develop a positive wealth consciousness, learn to let go of all the built in negative thoughts you have accumulated in your life. That's all the hold they have on you, it's a bad negative thought pattern that you have grown used to and you can let it go by repetitively replacing negative thoughts with new positive thoughts.

Negative statements towards money will not make you any richer. Some people remain poor all their lives simply because they feel that they deserve to be poor. Other people struggle to make money most of their lives because they believe money to be the root of all evil. Most people don't believe that they can be rich and think that being rich is just for the upper class. This is just not the right way to think if you want to change your money consciousness.

Start thinking that you deserve to be wealthy and pay attention to your ideas. It's said that the doors are open for us to become successful many times in our lives, but we ignore the open doors. When will the door to opportunity open again for you. Will you be ready or will you be thinking that you are unworthy of being successful and miss the opportunity again.

Start asking for what you want daily and change your perception on life and money. Think deserving thoughts and replace negative thoughts with good ones. If you hate getting bills start thinking of them as cheques in the mail. Write yourself a cheque for the amount of money that you want to be making and focus on it daily so that you can attract the best way for you to achieve that money. Everyone deserves to be wealthy and the best thing you can do for yourself is decide what wealth really means to you. Does it mean a big fancy house and a yacht, or does it mean a house that is comfortable and a fishing boat?

Wealth means different things to different people and there's no right answer to this question, it's whatever you feel honestly comfortable with having in your life. It's all O.K. as long as you don't feel that you are being held hostage to money, by being poor or by being rich.

There will always be people who have less than you have and there will always be people who have more than you have, but if you are unhappy with your present situation, the only person who can change your life is you.

Start by changing your thoughts. Positive thoughts attract positive things, negative thoughts attract negative things. Focus on the positive thoughts if you want change in your life. Every time you have a negative thought about money replace it with a positive thought about money. Two thoughts that will bring a wealth of returned good to your life is that of Sharing and Giving. Whenever possible learn to share and give to those less fortunate than you.

Arlie enjoys writing articles on a wide variety of different topics. Visit her latest website over at http://www.umbrellastrollers.org where she helps connect parents to the best available umbrella strollers & accessories online.

A Day in the Life of Living Consciously

Have you ever wondered what it would look like if you lived a conscious life (Mindful in every way), well here's an example.

You awake after a restful nights sleep, alive and energized, instantly aware of the air entering your lungs gently and then exiting. Everything around you feels fresh and alive and you appreciate it all. Thoughts of the day ahead pop in but you let them pass through, as the present moment is all that matters.

You go to the bathroom, noticing each step you take and are aware of your posture as you walk all the while you maintain a part of your attention on your breath and you feel at peace and one with all.

Then as part of taking care of your body, you:

· Get dressed and go for a gentle but brisk walk

· Clean your body through showering and grooming

· Spend some time in silence, meditating

· Eat a nutritious breakfast that includes fresh seasonal fruit

You do this because you respect and appreciate your body for the vehicle that it is and you want it to keep serving you well.

You then set about your day, being aware of any appointments you have and allow yourself ample time to arrive at your destinations. When you arrive you are calm, relaxed and still have awareness on the breath (you have not spent time worrying about how the meeting will go). You are present, here and now and you allow whatever shows up to be as it is, there is no struggle or wanting anything to be different than as it is.

When you meet with people, you look into their eyes and actively listen to them, never interrupting them or allow thoughts to distract you, a part of your awareness is on your breath and the majority of it is on the one you are listening to. When it is time to speak, you say whatever is there to be said in the moment, with love and clarity. You're no ones victim and you do everything from a place of love and peace.

When the meeting is over, you let it go, knowing that everything that needed to be taken care of has been, through direct actions. You remain with the breath and the way you feel remains the same, at peace and calm, you are like a deep ocean, your core doesn't change, it remains still and present in all circumstances.

When your body is hungry, you eat nutritious food again, eating consciously, savoring the flavors, knowing where the food has come from and feeling good about it. You never rush and you never worry but you always have awareness of this present moment. When action is needed you take it, knowing that whatever flows from that action will be fine.

In the evening, you plan for the next day to get clear about what is there to do, when done, you let go of thinking about tomorrow and trust that everything will be taken care of when the moment comes.

When your body is tired you go to sleep, knowing that nothing has been left undone, you are at peace and allow yourself to rest peacefully without any concern for what tomorrow may bring. All is well and you remain unchanged.

Ok, so most of us don't live this way, but what's implied here is that you have the clarity and awareness to put systems in place so that you do take care of whatever responsibilities you may have and you trust that those systems take care of you so that you don't need to worry. You're then free to rest in the present moment. It takes practice but it is possible to live life without worrying about the next moment constantly. Usually, we worry because we are addicted to it, but that's a topic for another article.

Angelo Campione is a writer and publisher of Mindfulness related articles. He has real life experience in dealing with emotional pain and now walks the path that has him live a life of Purpose, Joy and Freedom He is passionate about helping to raise consciousness in the world and runs an online Mindfulness Series Free of charge.

2012年10月22日 星期一

What is Poverty - Consciousness and How Do You Know If You Are Poverty-Conscious?


You know what you want but you are afraid of going all the way to get it. Everything is going great; your plans are in motion and you are seeing tangible results. But you stop. Self-doubt takes hold despite the evidence of your progress. That is a sign that you are afraid of success and change. It is limiting belief which is coming from your past because you were taught to think in poverty-conscious terms. It must be rooted out!


Do you frequently think about what you don't have? Are you always depriving yourself and despite that money still seems to flow through your fingers like water; no matter how you scrimp and save for that "rainy day"? Do you wonder why it is always so hard? That is evidence that you are living a poverty-conscious life. Continue to think like that and you will get a lot more of it.

Man's power of choice enables him to think like an angel or a devil, a king or a slave. Whatever he chooses, mind will create and manifest. Frederick Bailes


Far too many people believe that having a lot of money - being wealthy - brings you heartbreak and ruin. You don't know how "they" made their money. You will be out of your depth, out of your class and you won't know how to act with "those" people. You won't know who your real friends are - as if they know now -, and in any case, money doesn't last, and it doesn't make you happy. Rich people take drugs, they are degenerate; you don't want to be like them, do you. Rich people are not like us.

Or as I was recently told, and quite vehemently, by an American-born and bred couple in their late thirties who are extremely proud of their middle-class status "people are supposed to be common, not snobs like them". Then the wife said "I hope Michelle (Obama) doesn't wear expensive clothes". Don't you find that shocking? I did. I had never heard such nonsense from educated people before.

Here's a tip: You will never get very far in life or have a life of ease with that kind of thinking. Get a more balanced view about wealth from DailyOM's An Instrument of Change: Wealth is Neutral


A person of modest means unexpectedly receives a large sum of money. They never had so much "spare cash" before. They spend, spend, spend and can't seem to stop. They have lots of new friends who, before the windfall, were just "Hey Fred, Hi Jane, Mornin' to ya".

The spending spree ends with a thud after a long stretch of highs and more highs, and they are suddenly back where they started. This person feels let down. They don't understand what happened. How could it have finished so fast? It felt great. The urge to buy things they did not want and spend money on people they did not like was irresistible.

Men are not prisoners of fate, only prisoners of their own minds. Franklin D. Roosevelt

This winner now needs a job. They return hat in hand to the dead-end job they hated. They are welcomed back with cheers and commiserations from everyone, and that's the way the world is shrugs. Some expressions say hey, you gotta work hard for your bread; things like that don't last.

Everyone is pleased; never mind the whispers when they left. Over a beer after work, the salute is We always knew you were a good guy who wouldn't let us down; or Great to have you back hon, it's good to see you back where you belong.

If anything in this article resonates with you in any way, decide to change your life now. What you think today is the basis for your tomorrow. Decide which you want.

This is Catherine "Yours Truly" Hidalgo signing out.
Life is for Living

Remember, happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely upon what you think. Dale Carnegie

Conscience Vs Mind - A Strategy For You to Understand Consciousness

Many academics, scientists and philosophers do not accept consciousness as there is nothing organic to conclude. They consider that the functions of the mind are all at the center of the physical body. Many other people perceive and accept as by faith. Rare is the pious person who has experienced it and love to live in its serenity.

Spiritual consciousness is who you are and do not have a physical origin. Mental physical functions provide an opportunity for spiritual awareness to survive the physical world. Mind functions come and go, or rise and fall on demand. The spiritual consciousness remains unchanged whatever the spirit does not feel or think. This is the split between consciousness and functions of your mind. And that separation is essential in understanding your existence.

What does your mind perceive with our senses is that consciousness can see and know. The spirit is of physical origin, created from your brain functions of intellect, memory, imagination and intuition. These functions the spirit up and down on demand, creating what is called the mind or the functions of the mind.

Spiritual consciousness is your astral body. Your lifestyle is born and ends in it. All thoughts are developed on the conscience of the design process of the mind and ends in the state of mind control. Spiritual consciousness is the subtle spiritual channel that you are logged in mind. It is subtle spiritual channel through which your senses feel the wisdom of the Interior for the moment. Mind is subtle string nervous you are connected to your physical body.

Nervous system of subtle meaning is connected to the memory of the thought of the mind by which you are connected to many things and people around the physical world. The subtle mind is in your head, where you develop your memory and store its wisdom and thought control. The spiritual awareness in your astral body and continues to exist with you even after death.

State of spiritual consciousness is different from your normal state of mind of thinking. So says the dictionary, and most people perceive. Many people confuse altered state of mind to think that the altered state of consciousness. The fact is that consciousness can not be changed. What has changed is the state of thinking in developing your mind about spiritual awareness. When you are in a state of spiritual awareness, you are free to think the state of mind. Altered state of mind means altered state of thought process in mind. The experience of spiritual consciousness is the experience beyond the design process of the mind and it can not be expressed in any language.

Consciousness is in the minds and thought processes of the mind is at the heart of the sense of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. A state altered state of mind is very different from the normal state of mind in which you are aware of yourself and your body and many things in the world.. An altered state of mind is the means of folding or unfolding the layers of the mind that carry different wisdom of thought and memory.

Stupor is a state of mind, where memory cells of the brain and nerves or the chain of sense of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch become blocked or weak. Sleep is a state of mind where the mind is disconnected from the senses and rest along the physical body. Meditation is a state of mind in which the sense of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch and thought process is the removal of objects, and it is tempting to focus on the inner consciousness or his subjects. Consciousness is the spiritual state of mind which is free to think and process the memory of the wisdom of thought.

Author has published books on spirituality,?Yoga, Meditation, Gita Ashtavakra, Sikhism and Spiritual Sculptures. All are fully accessible online at Heavenly Gardens, and are for beginners.

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GS Virk Heavenly Gardens

Life Phrases Upward - I Am Conscious - A Phrase to Live By

Be conscious of your mind. (Pun intended.) Have you heard the phrases, "What were you thinking?" or "What was going on in your head when you did (said) that?" Do not be a person who is unaware that you have a mind. And that mind is constantly churning with mental activity.

Most people, you do not want to be one of them, have no idea what is going in their minds. That is, they have no knowledge of their thought processes until after something is done or said that they wish they could take back. They even often ask themselves, "Now, where did that come from?"

So, how does one become conscious of one's mind? Stop and listen to the inner dialogue (or diatribe) that is like a constantly flowing river in your brain. But you've got to stop and listen. You cannot know what you are thinking until you take the time to sit or stand quietly and hear what your thoughts are. The average person has no trouble doing this. Take your mind off other things, in a time of quiet, and listen to your own thoughts.

Gather your own opinions. What do you think about thus-and-so? When you know what your opinions are ahead of time, you can respond with those opinions when the time is appropriate. Know what your prejudices are. (Prejudices are pre-judgments you have made about people and things.) This way you can know what you are going to say or do when you meet someone or something you are prejudiced toward.

What does this do for you? Knowing your own mind makes you have a better life. Yes, I believe that knowing your own mind makes for a better life. When you speak or act, out of a known consciousness, you are proactive from a position of knowledge, not of ignorance. I think you easily recognize that living out of knowledge is the better way to go. It makes for a better life. Acting out of ignorance, unconsciousness, means that your life will be haphazard at best, and filled with catastrophes, at worst. So, act and speak out of consciousness, beginning right now.

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2012年10月21日 星期日

Self Conscious

Imagine this, you walk into a bar and see a lovely girl that smiles at you, but you are afraid to go and talk in case you make a fool of yourself by saying the wrong thing, or worse still not saying anything because you are too shy.

Imagine, you are with a group of friends who are laughing and telling jokes, you keep quiet because you fear that if you tell a joke you will get it all wrong and make a fool of yourself.

Imagine, you are feeling very hungry and as you are about to walk into a restaurant you see it is quite full and you are afraid that if you walk in people will look at you and you won't know what to do with your hands, so you walk on still very hungry and also very miserable.

Imagine - but I could go on and on and on. Sounds familiar? Perhaps this is a picture of yourself, or someone you know. This unfortunately is the picture of the negative thoughts taking control of our sub-conscious and eliminating the positive from our conscious mind. There are two kinds of thoughts that control our lives. The one that takes priority is the one that dictates the type of life we lead, it is that vital.

Therefore, to understand the importance that either negative or positive thinking takes in controlling our lives is very, very essential. Many people do not understand the workings of the conscious and sub-conscious mind, simply because they have not really given the matter any serious thought. We are in control of our own mind, we can control whether or not a negative thought, or a positive thought enters our sub-conscious. If we let the negative take over then that will be embedded in the sub-conscious, so we have to condition ourselves to always accept positive thought and reject the negative by mind activity.

What I mean by mind activity is to realize that you can throw out the negative thought that enters your mind by replacing it with a stronger positive thought, be more positive and less negative. If you were going for a job interview tomorrow and were feeling negative about it, it would mean that you believe you are going to make a mess of things and you do not stand a chance. In other words you are already deciding the outcome in a negative sense. Your negativity will be like a halo around you when you enter the interview room and this will show itself to the person interviewing you, you will appear a negative person.

On the other hand you have the chance to throw out the negative thought and replace it with a positive attitude, and you know that you will carry the interview off just fine, there will be no problems and you will handle the situation full of confidence, and this will reflect upon the person interviewing you, thus showing yourself as a very confident person. The choice is yours but you must take the right action - always be positive.


Prosperity Consciousness

Ways to Right and Harmonious Thinking:

Someone once defined prosperity consciousness as the experience of functioning in the physical universe without effort and conveniently with or without money, a state of being that attracts whatever you require and desire, whether its money or not, but most importantly it being characterized by happiness. All possession is based on consciousness and all gain is the result an accumulative consciousness, all loss is the result of a scattering consciousness and so is all poverty, the result of scarcity consciousness. What we feel is a direct result of what we are thinking and the way we are perceiving our circumstances and environment. What we attract into our lives is also a direct result of our thinking patterns, conscious or unconscious, our mindset. If one's mind is always tuned to prosperous thoughts we call it a prosperity consciousness and if its tuned to the negative side of things, the side that always sees little, always grasping and grabbing, we call it the poverty consciousness. A prosperity consciousness will always attract circumstances and situations, ideas and thoughts, that will ultimately result in you being prosperous and wealthy. To cultivate this consciousness, you will have to develop right thinking, harmonious thought patterns.

In the last article we already talked about the method of substitution in developing harmonious thinking patterns, that is, purposely putting one thought out and replacing it with another, excluding discordant thinking thus furnishing the opportunity for harmonious thinking to take its place. In this article I will talk about other methods to developing the right thinking patterns in cultivating your prosperity consciousness.

When you have some how mastered the method of substitution, you can move on to the method of complete destruction of a discordant thought without necessarily having it substituted by another. The two methods of substitution and destruction go hand in hand, substitution assisting and sustaining the work, and, if persisted in, finally leading to the total obliteration of objectionable thoughts. I think you do recognize that most of life's ills are occasioned by anxiety, a condition resulting from indulging negative doubtful and fearful thoughts, and that if you were to completely put out of mind these negative thoughts, those ills would be destroyed. You might say that it is only a thought, but I want you to realize that in that thought lies the cause, the cause exists in it and do not forget that every discordant thought unequivocally leads to discordant mental and physical conditions, so by destroying the cause, the consequences do not appear. The destruction of erroneous thinking is the destruction of the possibility of wrong conditions.

Another way of overcoming discordant thinking and inducing harmonious thinking is travel and change of scenery. Under these circumstances, almost everyone submits to the suggestions of the new environment and allows their minds to follow, without effort, these new suggestions. Removal from the old environment which has become too familiar into scenes of an entirely different nature and character gives new suggestions which replace and substitute the old habitual thinking process with a new line of thinking thus effectively bringing a fresh new stimulus to the body from the changed mental condition. It is the change in thinking that causes the change not the change of air, a common phrase.

A most excellent way to develop harmonious thinking patterns in your quest to have prosperity consciousness is to look habitually for the good and desirable in both things and people. I personally believe that nothing can exist which is completely evil and entirely separated from good. Every person has some good qualities, and if you make it a habit of noticing only those good qualities you will induce harmonious thoughts in your own mind, cultivating that type of consciousness that sees the good, the opportunities, the beauty, the lessons, the joy, in everything and everyone thus consequently attracting that which you desire. Taking up this method, you should realize that the search for the good should be taken up for its own sake with no ulterior or secondary object in view. This search for the good, one of the best methods for substituting discordant with harmonious thoughts, should not be limited only to single moments. It should be a life work, constantly exercised, and should be pursued until complete success is achieved. Another tip is to rejoice mentally whenever you can and to be glad over each triumph. Gladness alone invigorates powerfully just like all harmonious thoughts.

Here is another method, commonly used in neuro linguistic programming if you have heard of it, change your physical expression to that of the mental condition you desire to experience. The bodily action upon the mind, through its recognition of physical conditions, is so strong that if the bodily attitude natural to any mental mood is properly assumed, that bodily attitude will so act upon the mind as to induce those mental conditions assumed by the physical expression. For example, the natural bodily expression for cheerfulness is an erect spine, head well poised, and a general upward direction of the eyes, of course, with something of a kind that fits a smile. This position, which the body adopts when someone is feeling cheerful, if purposely assumed and maintained, will produce cheerfulness. To induce confidence, assume that position you would when feeling confident, and you will feel confident in that moment. So, in summary, one who is seeking to banish discordant thinking should assume that bodily attitude or expression which the desired harmonious thinking would naturally produce. Smile even if you don't feel like it, and you will surely feel like smiling. Act brave, use your will to this end, and a courage fit will replace that fear.

Many men have achieved great success in their vocations not because of their skills or talents, but by the very impetus of their own self confidence, by the very power of their harmonious thinking with the absence of any self distrust and self condemnation, while others with far greater ability fail for no reason other than because of their own fear and hesitation, born out of doubt in themselves. You see the necessity of developing a prosperity consciousness, a success mindset for he who gives up his mind to be preyed upon by doubt, fear, irresolution, is inviting his own defeat and ministering to it, but the one who resolutely dismisses all such thoughts is taking the important and necessary first step towards success, prosperity and wealth.

In concluding this part, let me leave you with a quote from Ruskin, something to ponder on: "Do not think of your faults; still less of others' faults; in every person that comes near you look for what is good and strong; honor that, rejoice in it; and, as you can, try to imitate it, and your faults will drop off like dead leaves when their time comes."


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