2012年7月21日 星期六

The Ostrich Approach VS Conscious Living

Recently, a client made the comment that it seemed staying oblivious with one's head dug deeply in the sand seemed to take much less effort than being present and aware. It may appear the unaware make their way from one day to the next without too much angst or loss of sleep, but appearances are basically uninformed assumptions. You think you know something you cannot know without making a direct inquiry.

Leading a conscious life DOES require effort. Responsible living means taking time to connect to your feelings, responding from insight instead of reacting and understanding the impact of your interactions with others and your environment.

But remember there are two sides to every conversation. For the extra energy, attention, time and education it takes to lead a more aware life what you get in exchange far outweighs what you invest. Identifying what matters most and making choices to design a life that reflects your core values, interests and passions creates ease and peace.

Also, there is an assumption that there are no ramifications to staying relatively unconscious. Ultimately, your heart and soul sense when you are out of alignment. The imbalance will eventually wear on you becoming symptomatic in areas such as relationships, health and happiness. Like a cavity, it may start very small but left unattended and you'll soon feel a dull ache. If you continue to ignore the signal your body is sending, it will amplify it until you can no longer ignore it.

The work my clients are doing requires effort. They are asking themselves to step up their game, which takes courage and the willingness to face one's fears and whatever limiting beliefs have held them back until now. They are investing time and money to not only educate themselves and learn new tools but also to create a life that is true to their desires, dreams and highest potential. In many ways, they are using coaching as a preventative....a preemptive strike against regret. And the transformations they are generating are ah-mazing.

When they truly integrate the Energy Leadership paradigm they learn through my teleclasses and individual coaching sessions, the reward is greater ease and peace. Their actions align with their greater intentions. They are free to make choices. This is a life with a lot of breathing room. So...head in the sand until you can't stand living in the dark anymore or the freedom of a life that expresses your truth?

What's next is to decide if your life and goals are worth investing in the tools of coaching to take it to a whole new level.

Tambre Leighn, M.A., Ct.H., CPC, ELI-MP is a certified professional life coach specializing in guiding clients through periods of major transition (career change, divorce, chronic illness diagnosis) and grief recovery. She also works with those facing mid-life challenges to uncover their own brilliance so they may lead the extraordinary lives they were meant to have.

Go to http://www.coachingbytambre.com to sign up for my complimentary newsletter and receive valuable coaching tips, tools 'n resources.

Living by Design

Babies soon learn that noticing things and acting in direct response is what gets results. As adults, those of us who keep these two basic principles alive and active are the ones best equipped to go with the flow in life and make some advancing steps come what may.

If you've ever seen a potter at work you will notice that he pays very careful attention to what happens to the clay on his wheel, you may have also noticed that when maleable clay is spinning at a steady speed the slightest adjustment can have dramatic results.

We're pretty clay-like too, we are maleable and we are in motion and a careful adjustment will have results on our future shape and usefulness in a very similar way.

If a potter throws a lump of clay on the wheel, plays around with it for a while and then walks away and turns his attention to other things, will he come back to a finished pot? In short, no. It's just not going to happen. He needs to be there, to pay attention and take action, to observe, to feel, to consider and then to do what he believes to be the best active response to bring that pot into being.

We have a choice - we can live by design or by default. In living experience, that means the profound difference between being an unformed entity at the hands of others, the elements, the weather, whoever and whatever, as we sit and spin inert and unattended on the wheel of life. Alternatively, we might be a wonderful pot in progress, shaped by care and attention to become ever more elegant, ever more useful, and ever more suited to our chosen purpose.

It's never too late to start, it's never to late to change, to pick yourself up and dust yourself down, try something new, learn something new, do something different. And remember that all it takes is to pay yourself some real and valid attention and then to make small adjustments in direct response - that's all. That and to keep it going, keep noticing, keep adjusting and know that all else will follow as night follows day.

Ananga Sivyer is a health writer with a passion for helping people feel positive and in control of their lives.

For more articles like this and a FREE copy of her Beautiful Calm eBook please visit her website now...

The Keys To Conscious Living

In the course of life, each person is the both the architect and builder. That means that every step of the way, we design and create our lives the way we want it. But what about the steps leading up to that? In other words, the million dollar question is: how do we know what we want to create in order to create it? This is probably the most common question I get as a coach, and, I believe the doorway to conscious living.

Well, the keys to that doorway lie in finding our purpose and/or passions. Ironically though, we also tend to tie that question often with the flow of money. Someone told me once to "do what I loved and the money would follow". Well, after many years of pondering that statement, doing many things that I loved, and very little money following, I discovered that there was one vital problem - yes I loved to do a variety of things, but not everything that I loved automatically created an income flow for me. Especially in a way where I felt I could be contented and fulfilled, since I very much connected the two concepts. And I actually believe that all I had to do was "love" to do anything at all, and the money would just appear like a genie. NOT!

But what I did discover was this: that there is a difference between the things that you are passionate about and one's purpose in life, sometimes both coming together, sometimes not. Money of course is a result of that, whether small or large amounts. Here's an example of passion and purpose being separate: I can be passionate about being a superstar basketball player, but if I'm only 5 feet tall and no athletic inclinations whatsoever, then it is certainly not my purpose. And even though I could still choose to devote 100% of my energy because of my passion around it, it still wouldn't net me a spot with the Harlem Globetrotters. It would also leave me broke and starving, since my all my energy would be going out towards this passion, but netting me nothing in return.

I believe there are four main keys to opening that doorway of discovery. Ask yourself these questions:

What are your gifts? These are the abilities you were born with that came naturally to you. You had no training, you were just good at them. For example, your physical abilities, your personality, your looks, the way you communicated or thought, ability to play a musical instrument. Think back to your childhood - what were you naturally good at - what came easily to you without any thought whatsoever? What did you enjoy? What did you love to do?

What are your strengths? These are your natural abilities or gifts that you have taken in your life and refined further.

What are your interests? These are areas usually associated with positive experiences from your past that you have chosen to develop and master.

What are you passionate about? What do you stand for? What do you value? These too are developed, however very often associated with challenges, hurdles or negative experiences from your past. For example, maybe you had a bad familial experience and it is what helped mold you into the person you are today. It may also be a cause you wish to take up, because of a challenge you had to face, and in turn channel that energy into something positive that may help others facing that same challenge.

Discovering the purpose is not often the passions that we have, however finding what we want usually involves bringing passion and purpose together. In order words, falling in love with your purpose. Your purpose is the responsibility that you have to contribute to others. Finding what your purpose is centers around your gifts first and foremost.

Somestimes the clues about your purpose are very often what we try and run away from, and yet comes back at us consistently. As the saying goes, "what we resist, persists". If you take what your natural gifts and strengths allow you to experience, you can create and contribute in a way that allows you to add value to those around you.

Adding value is vital. It's your contribution to society as well to yourself, in being fulfilled and having a consciously purposeful life. Ask yourself two more questions: If you found out that you only had three months to live, what would you do? What would you like to be remembered for? The answers may shock and surprise you.

The closer you are with using your gifts, the closer you are to finding what you desire, and therefore, your purpose, personal fulfillment and everything else that stems from that. I'm sure Tiger Woods would agree with that picture.

Coaching is certainly a tremendous tool to help one uncover their purpose and value to others. And working through life to get to the point where Purpose and Passion are connected is one of the fundamental aims of coaching.

So what are you waiting for? Start unlocking those doors. And let your purpose shine for the rest of the world to see!

Copyright 2005

Olena Gill is a life coach and owner of Indigo-Crystal Coaching Services in Errington, BC, Canada. She assists people in discovering their purpose and aligning actions with their vision. Visit http://www.indigocrystalcoach.com for more information.

2012年7月20日 星期五

Where Conscious Living Leads

In his mystical novel, Demian, Hermann Hesse observes, "...nothing in the world is more distasteful to a man than to take the path that leads to himself". According to a very nice lady who called me this week, it is women, more than men, who do not want to take control of their lives and to know their own minds.

She was calling in response to another article wherein I said that conscious living places one in the driver's seat of life. She said the women she knew wanted men to steer, to make the decisions and, essentially, to run their lives for them. In her view, it's the men who belong in the driver's seat.

It came out that she was calling from one of the high-end senior living facilities in our neighborhood and that the women she knows are mostly wealthy widows. I made the point that I thought things had changed and that younger women and those who don't have wealthy husbands are more likely to want equal power and to have a strong say in charting their own course and that of their families.

I have to say, though, that I believe Hesse's words apply just as much to women as to men and that what he said is basically true. Most people don't want to know themselves that well. In fact, they fight self-awareness tooth and claw. It's too scary, too uncertain.

Most people don't have any awareness of the secrets they hold from themselves and the lies they tell themselves everyday. This doesn't make me pessimistic. The course of evolution is relentlessly forward. We have a long way to go and we stumble more often than not.

Denial may persist but truth will out once we realize how benign it is. The illusion that we are separate from each other persists and we nourish it in many ways. But once we have our little egos squared away and feel genuinely good about ourselves comes the answer to all important human questions: more love, more love, more love.

Dr. Hugh R. Leavell is a Marriage and Family Therapist in northern Palm Beach County, FL. He is available for sessions in person, by phone or online. Check his website at [http://DrHughLeavell.com], email him at DrHughLeavell@gmail.com or call 561-471-0067.

Dream It - Live It!

When you discover what it is you feel destined to achieve, go for it! Even if at first it's a vague concept in the back of your mind, be sure to nurture it, embrace it, and allow it to expand. As you focus on your dream...start to live it! Open up to all the possibilities that are presented to you.

I understand this may seem scary, unpredictable and wayyyyyyyyy outside your comfort zone. That's perfectly normal. Many tend to live in their safe little boxes where everything is predictable, safe and boring. Is that what you really want?

Speak of your dream out loud so that you hear it. Once you hear yourself speaking of your dream, it begins a process of attracting the necessary people and opportunities into your presence. Be aware of these opportunities. Take action towards living your dream. Begin taking steps towards creating that life for yourself.

Take your Dream on!

The amazing aspect of stepping into your dream is the connections you create along the way. As you clarify your dream and start taking action towards living it, people come into your life who encourage, support and assist you in achieving it! As soon as you are ready to listen and learn, the correct "teachers" will appear to guide you. Stay open to hearing the messages. Don't discount anything. You never know where the next opportunity will come from.

Here's a four-step process that will help you bring your dreams to life:

Preparation - gathering of information and resources. This list grows as you explore new paths.
Incubation - allowing your subconscious mind to play with this information. Don't confine it by what you already know.
Illumination - experiencing the "Aha" moment, probably when you least expect it. Things begin to make sense.
Implementation - Act on it! Use persistence and passion to bring your dreams to life.

Are you ready to take your dream on? Stepping into the unknown is the only way to create a shift in where you're headed.

Don't ever allow anyone to belittle your dreams!

Granted, most of your friends and family may question whether you've gone a bit off the deep end. So what! If you know in your heart that the path you're following is of your own choosing, that's what counts. Everyone is on their own journey and some may not have become aware of the power of following your heart.

It's all a matter of awakening to the possibilities instead of living in the realm of predictability. Not everyone is ready for that yet. So don't allow that to stop YOU! Remember that their words of doubt are meant to keep you safe and secure. To their way of thinking, being safe and secure are the most important aspects of life.

Dream it...Live it!

Quite an undertaking, isn't it? Is it worth it? Well...that's totally up to you. If you're content with where your life is heading, then maybe you're not ready to discover and live your dream. Understandable...but if you feel the tug from your heart that there's more to life than what you've been experiencing, it's up to you to choose what to do next.

I know that not so many years ago, I stood at that same crossroad in my life. I was unhappy with the path I was on. I could not imagine continuing to spend the rest of my life there. I made a choice right then and there to change my life. Ever since then my journey has taken me places I never would have expected. I've learned so much about different ways to perceive life and all its experiences. The people that have come into my life have enriched and enhanced every aspect of my existence.

Now it hasn't always been easy. There are challenges from both inside yourself and the outside world to face. Changing your mindset is a process that takes time and patience. Stepping into the unknown takes faith, belief and trust. Following through when challenges appear takes dedication and persistence. But the rewards at the end of each day are worth it.

As you expand your horizons you realize that you can and do have an impact on those around you. Knowing that your conscious choices for the betterment of your life also result in the betterment for others is huge! This is a chance for you to make a difference, to leave a legacy for future generations. Your dream will impact the lives of others.

My final question for you is this...Are you ready to Dream it and Live it?

"To get what you've never had,

You must do what you've never done."

By Mac Anderson

Val Wilcox is a Speaker, Author and Life Coach who specializes in Empowering Your Life's Dreams. Her passion lies in helping people discover their Dreams and navigate the transitions of Life's interesting challenges. Success has many faces and looks different to each and every one of us. Discovering your Life's Dreams unlocks the key to a better life.

With more than 10 years of experience in Personal Leadership Development Training, Val brings a wealth of practical knowledge and experience to her coaching.

Val's gift today is an EBook designed to start you on your journey of discovery. It's called Change Your Mindset...Change Your Life. Is Your Life Everything You Thought It Should Be? Discover The Secrets To Creating A Spectacular Life. Learn How Simple Changes To Your Thought Patterns Can Empower You. Live a Life Filled With Endless Possibilities.

Visit Val Wilcox.com - Empower Your Life at: http://www.valwilcox.com today.

2012年7月19日 星期四

Similarities In Ho'oponopono And Conscious Living

My preferred means for remaining in the proper alignment with the life experience is to practice the methods of ho'oponopono and conscious living. If there is any difference or conflict between the two methods it is slight. The many similarities in the teachings of ho'oponopono and conscious living, in fact, reinforce for me something I've heard often.

There is only truth, though it may be told in different ways.

Some people will surely dispute that there is only one truth, but I've come to believe it -- mostly from hearing different sources repeat identical insights, and then experiencing these insights as the truth for myself.

Ho'oponopono and conscious living each consider the source of all suffering to be an internal issue. This is to say that a problem -- no matter what it may be or what form it may appear to take -- is never out there. Never. Out there, in fact, is only a projection of internal energies and so at best is just a concept: it is not a hard and firm reality, though most people consider it to be.

The response to this may be to offer an exception:

I have cancer. That is reality. And the fact -- fact -- that I have cancer is my problem (or one of my problems).

Fair enough. Let's take the previous example and hold it under the light. Cancer is a serious issue, after all, isn't it?

That you've been given a diagnosis of cancer is not a problem. The problem is your response to having been diagnosed with cancer. And this response is surely coming from your conscious mind, aka, your ego.

I'm going to die! I'm too young! I'm going to be in horrible pain! I'm going to miss out on so much! My friends/family will never be able to get along without me! I need a miracle! I've got to beat this!

And on and on. You -- your genuine identity -- is not concerned with a diagnosis of cancer. You -- your genuine identity -- cannot be impacted in any way by a diagnosis of cancer. To your genuine identity, a diagnosis of cancer is meaningless. It's so much gibberish.

Which brings us to the fundamental purpose in both ho'oponopono and conscious living: to be genuine identity. This is the only reason for being in this experience that we typically refer to as life on earth -- to be your genuine self, as you were created. Nothing more than this.

But what about working? What about making money? What about being a parent? What about achieving? What about...

No! None of this is you -- all of these are labels that your ego grabs onto as a means for maintaining itself. You are beyond your ego, above it, and you are whole and complete. You are perfection and have everything that you need. You need for nothing, and you certainly don't need for labels that can never express your true essence.

You are.

Ho'oponopono and conscious living each preach -- and teach -- the same thing. Come back to yourself. This is where everything that you want, everything that you need, is found.

Thomas Williams offers life coaching insights and advice for transforming pain and suffering, and improving existence, at his website TheMakeLifeBetterGuy.com.

Living On Purpose - Whole Life Planning For Conscious Living

"Be the change you want to see in the world"

-Mahatma Gandhi

Although our nutrition is of the utmost importance, taking care of your mind and your spiritual needs can be even more important. If you are not taking care of your mind and spirit, you will undue all of the good you are doing while focusing on your body and nutritional needs. We are holistic. The core of the word holistic is holy. Holistic means whole, mind, body and spirit. They are woven together and overlap in every way. You must learn to be balanced and have focus in all areas so you're not undoing in one area, while overly focusing on another. It's really a simple balance, but will take some practice on your part to make the changes. That's why I recommend a Holistic Life Coach or Holistic Health Coach to support you along the way. We all need support in our lives when we make changes. You may have a very supportive person in your life that will support you, but if not, hire a coach. You cannot ignore one area of your life without consequences. Remember, you reap what you sow.

Many of us have learned goal planning over the years as a way to achieve success and to get the things we want in life. I've found that without true purpose behind your goals, you will never feel fulfilled and something will always be missing. Have you ever said to yourself, I'll be happy when....I graduate from college and I'm out on my own, when I land that job, when my business makes money, when I have kids, when the kids are grown, when I have money for retirement, when my illness is healed, when I retire...the list goes on and on. Don't wait for happiness. It's here now. It's in our day-to-day lives and all the simple pleasures we experience each day. They key is living a life based on purpose. Believe you are exactly where you want and need to be on your path from day-to-day.

Life Is Like A Garden

A purposeful life is one you live by design. Some choose to live life as it comes with no direction. This is an option, but one you may not want to choose. Without direction, you have no say in your destiny. Life happens haphazardly and you never know what direction you'll be headed next. I believe it's healthier and much more joyful to live life as it comes, with direction. With purpose guiding your life, you are working with the evolution of your life and soul instead of against it.

I use a garden as an analogy of life to remember all the working parts. Purpose is the soil since the soil is the foundation of the garden and purpose is the foundation of our lives. When you live a balanced and purposeful life, each decision you make comes from a foundational place. Your foundation is based in value, character, integrity and living in your true essence. With a strong foundation your garden of life will naturally grow strong and healthy.

So what is purpose? The dictionary defines purpose as; the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc; an intended or desired result. The words intention, point and rational are synonyms. So I recommend one life purpose statement and several life purpose intentions.

Purpose is the reason and intention for your goals, the motivation behind what you do and what keeps you passionate and on track even when the unexpected happens in life. When you make day-to-day decisions based on your purpose, your life will automatically be guided in the direction you want. Purpose is not a goal or an outcome. It is a foundational way of living. Your purpose is your individual reason for being in this world. What you have to offer and your special gifts and talents. We all have an individual part in life and that part is defined by your purpose. Part of your purpose is common to all humans, like love, connection and being in service to others. The other part of your purpose is very individual and is where your special talents lie.

To discover or refine your life purpose, ask friends and family what they believe your special gifts and talents are. Make a list of all the things you love doing and all the things that you lose track of time doing. Your unique talents are in the areas of your genius, the things you do that are effortless that others have to work a lot harder at. We still can learn, grow and enhance our talents, but your unique talents don't feel like work. Your purpose is who you truly are at your essence.

I'll give you an example of my general life purpose statement. My unique talent is: I creatively inspire people and enhance the lives of others using my gifts as a healer and teacher to assist people to have a well balanced holistic (mind, body, and spirit) healthy life they will love. Now write yours. You may not get it exactly the way you want it the first time. It takes most people several tries over several weeks to get their statement the way they want it. You will also refine it over the years as you learn and grow. I also write a life purpose intention for every part of my life including my relationships, how I want to be in the world, my spiritual understanding, and how I relate and connect with others. I suggest you do the same. It gives you the structure you need to make all your decisions in life based on your purpose. You will find that having your purpose statement and intentions to live by gives you a place to come back to, a place of knowing. Having your life purpose statement and intentions in place simplifies your life and if you follow them, you grant yourself freedom. Your life will become simpler because you know what to base your decisions on and you will experience freedom because you know your direction in life and the meaning of your life. You are defining who you are and what you stand for. This is true freedom!

In order to achieve true joy, health, harmony, a feeling of connection and having a life you will truly love, you must build your foundation on purpose. Everything you want and need is already available to you. The key is to grow a strong and healthy garden of life and have faith that it will be revealed and given to you as you tend to your garden. Now that you have your purpose in mind, you have a foundation for all the decisions you make in your life. You are now on your way to have what you have always wanted and needed in your life. Have a life you will love.

Linda Marie, RN, BSN
Holistic Health And Wellness Nurse-Conscious Living Life Coach-Educator

Creator of Living On Purpose-Whole Life Planning For Conscious Living

Specializing in helping mid-life professionals find what is missing in their lives. Teaching/Coaching them to have more of what we all want more of in life-Love, joy, peace, success, and health.

Contact Me!

Connect with me on:
Facebook- http://www.facebook.com/lindamarie1111

2012年7月18日 星期三

A Choice For Life - An Act of Conscious Living, Spiritual Awakenings, and Inner Healing

On November 21, 2004, my sister Carla, at 58 years of age, died of breast cancer. My sister was a beautiful woman who rejected her own beauty. She had a passion for conversation and loved to give advice whether you wanted it or not. She wove her husband and three sons into a tight-knit family structure, believing that they would never leave her. Eight years prior to her death her husband Larry died of leukemia. Before her husband died, Carla had a will to live. Afterwards, she slowly slid into a depression. Therapy and medication weren't able to help, nor did her affinity for shopping or her supportive family.

For the past two years my sister hid that she had breast cancer. She blamed her ill health on a car accident. She disregarded medical intervention, refused to get a mammogram and sought treatment that kept her in denial of her prognosis. By the time she allowed an oncologist to examine her it was too late. The family was shocked by the revelation that Carla was going to die.

As my sister lay dying I cried out to the heavens. How could this happen? I stared at her swollen face aching to receive an answer. Carla remained silent, entering into another realm of existence. My mind's eye wandered through menageries of memories: Carla and I dancing on the front porch of our Brooklyn home; playing tag; dressed in frills and lace; fighting over a dress, a brush and our parents' attention. We were sisters through and through.

But now, our differences became apparent; Why did she avoid getting a mammogram? I read somewhere that 13 million U.S. women 40 years of age or older have never had a mammogram. What made my sister one of the 13 million women? Perusing through breast cancer Web sites, I found a multitude of interesting information about technologies, treatments, prevention, genetics, detection, surgery, improved outlooks and more. However, there was no coverage regarding cancer and depression, cancer and nutrition, cancer and meditation, cancer and healing childhood abuse, cancer and creativity, cancer and anger, nor cancer and grief. Though I do not disregard proven medical treatment and the urgency for early detection and treatment, I do advocate for extended research into the emotionality of cancer, more education on carcinogenic foods (sugar, caffeine and food additives) and high-caloric diets, and an investigation regarding the negative mental influences that activate cancer.

As a trained metaphysician and an emotional-body practitioner, I believe stress to the body is caused by traumatized emotions and repressed expression, and that negative thinking causes mental, physical and emotional disorders. And it seems I'm not alone in my beliefs. One of the leading pharmaceutical companies in the world, SmithKline Beecham, distributed the video to hospitals throughout the United States.

Metaphysician, publisher and author Louise L. Hay wrote in her best-selling book "You Can Heal Your Life" that "The thoughts we think and the words we speak create "our experiences" After she self-healed vaginal cancer, she wrote the book to guide individuals to uncover emotional beliefs and traumas that cause illness. A breast problem, according to Hay, is "a refusal to nourish the self" and causes behaviors such as "over-mothering, over-protectiveness and overbearing attitudes." She also wrote that cancer is caused by "deep hurt" and that people who are afflicted with these unexpressed wounds "carry hatreds" and "blame and give up." These intense emotions and thoughts were the exact issues my sister denied throughout her life.

Kabalistic teachings (mystical knowledge of the ancient Hebrews) talk of the body being the vessel for the soul's expression. According to the teachings, if the body is cut off from the soul's life-force, then disease can occur. But even today, the media has become involved in bringing this important message to the forefront:

The recently released movie "What the Bleep Do You Know" explores-through the conscious and subconscious-how repressed emotional expression weakens our immune system. To delve into the self to heal, a person needs to enter into the shadow side of his or her psyche. Though a therapist/healer can try to help an individual dig deep to recover a lost and wounded soul, the person has to ultimately choose to make the journey on his or her own. To direct a person's attention through years of defense into deeper feelings and expression takes focus and dedication. Through the use of breath work, creativity and experiential mind/body processes I help awaken the body's trust to release painful emotions.

There are many answers and questions that guide us to make choices. I hope these facts, both medical and humanistic, will spark at least one person to choose life.

Here are some tips to help you keep your body free of disease:

" Eat a balanced diet and exercise.

" Hug yourself often.

" Express, feel, express.

" Ask for help.

" Never give up.

" Be creative.

" Intimacy heals. Spend time talking with family and friends.

" Receive life as a gift.

" Remember: Your life has purpose.

" Ask: What makes me feel alive?

" Say: I am enough just the way I am.

" Realize that you alone create the meaning of your life.

There was so much my sister loved in life; but what she loved could not save her from what she hated about herself. She stopped caring and therefore denied her body life. My heart hurts knowing my sister is gone. I will miss her smile, her voice and her flamboyant laughter. She will live on in my mind and soul forever. Hopefully, my story will inspire, educate and motivate at least one of you to encourage a sister, mother, daughter, brother, father or son to never give up on themselves or life.


" Every two minutes a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer.

" Each year, 182,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer and 43,300 die.

" Approximately 1,600 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. About 400 of them are predicted to die.

" One woman in eight who lives to age 85 will develop breast cancer during her lifetime.

" Breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women between the ages of 40 and 55.

" Seventy percent of all breast cancers are found through breast self-exams, but not all lumps are detectable by touch.

" A mammogram can detect breast cancer up to two years before a lump is large enough to be felt. Thermo grams (which measure changes in the skin through heat) can detect an abnormality approximately seven years in advance. Found early, there is a five-year survival rate of 96 percent, so get at least one of these tests done yearly.

MartaLuzim.com Conscious Living, Inner Healing, and Personal Transformation. Copyright 2009 http://www.martaluzim.com

Marta J. Luzim, M.S., is a psychospiritual therapist, novelist, poet, and playwright. She runs Primal Healing and Art which specializes in classes ans courses in alternative approach to awaken conscious living and relationship therapy. Family of origin patterns are explored to recognize repetitive attitudes and behaviors that inhibits us from choosing new ways of relating and living.

For more information on Spiritual Healing, Holistic Healing, and Spiritual Awakening, please visit her website at http://www.martaluzim.com

How to Live Consciously Every Day

What does it mean to live consciously?

To me living consciously means to live in a way where you are constantly working on the improvement of yourself and your life on a daily basis. It's about the conscious pursuit of happiness or fulfillment where a person understands their life is their responsibility.

To live consciously means to avoid falling into a mindset where you merely react to your life situation rather than creating your life situation. It's about having control over your own mental and emotional state instead of letting the world control you.

Living consciously is about being grateful for the things in your life, having an awareness of your own conscious growth and striving to make every day count. It's also about understanding the direction you want your life to head in, and working towards making that vision a reality.

The problem is, these things are easier said than done and it's easy to frequently slip from a place of conscious living to unconscious existing.

Slipping in and out

Once in a while we all have those bad few days... Things just weren't working out, our plans were falling apart, we got in fights with others, we found ourselves bored or unhappy with whatever's around us, we don't even bother to work on future goals or if we do we run into frustrating roadblocks. Then after the few days are over and we've somehow snapped out of the funk we look back and realize we had been living totally unconsciously during that time. This is usually when I smack myself in the head and laugh about all the problems I had created for myself.:D

After going through this kind of thing it's easy to feel like the days were wasted. All too often I would get caught up in the daily life struggles that took up all of my attention and I'd forget about any big picture stuff. It's all too easy to be unconsciously unhappy about the little things and forget to take a step back and realize how awesome and fortunate my life was. Looking back it's clearer than ever how living unconsciously just makes everything in your life harder and less enjoyable which in turn only perpetuates things worse.

This really got me thinking about ways to ensure I was living consciously on a day to day basis and ensure I didn't slip into this mental state.

Striving to live consciously day to day

The key to living consciously from day to day without slipping into an unconscious funk is to form conscious habits, and by habits I don't mean chores or tasks, I mean routines so deeply engrained they are as natural as brushing your teeth. Habits are formed through repetition and positive reinforcement of emotion behind the repeated actions. I think it was said best by Marci Shimoff in the secret "The only difference between people who live in this way, who live in the magic of life, and those who don't, is that the people who live in the magic of life have habituated ways of being."

Waking Up

The most important time of day to build a conscious habit is right when you wake up. How you start your day has a massive effect on how the rest of the day will unfold. Just like how the first song you hear in the morning tends to stick in your head throughout the day, the first thoughts and feeling you hold will remain prominent in your mind. If you start your day un-rested with a blaring alarm clock and a massive dread to get out of bed and head to work your programming your mind for that day to feel negativity and if you head out the door in the morning before doing some sort of conscious activity your setting yourself up for an unconscious reactive day.

Invest in an alarm clock that allows you to play mp3 cd's and create yourself a disc with some beautiful feel good inspirational tracks. Check out the group Lemon Jelly. Waking up to their song 'The Staunton Lick' is almost guaranteed to put you in an amazing mood! Put the alarm on random song and wake up with a different amazing song each day. This will help break the automatic negativity a normal alarm sound makes and takes the randomness of radio out of the equation.


If you want to set yourself up for a highly conscious day the best way to do that is to have your first thoughts be on gratitude. Feeling good about anything in your life that you're grateful for is the best way to snap yourself out of any kind of morning negativity and appreciate the good things in your life. It doesn't matter what you're grateful for as long as you feel good about it, and if the thought that you have nothing to be grateful about pops in your head remind yourself that over 2 billion people in the world are living on less than $2 a day, and the fact that you are even reading this on the computer is something to feel extremely fortunate and grateful about.


Another habit to form essential in living a conscious life is the habit of visualization. Visualizing an amazing future scenario is an incredibly powerful way to relieve stress and feel good, it will also contribute to the manifestation of the future-you image, and ensure your life is a progression towards increased happiness and fulfillment rather than a stagnant routine. Create for yourself in your mind a scenario in the future where you are the happiest you have ever been in your life, then make it feel completely real for you. Make it something you feel is possible to work towards and someday achieve but don't limit yourself because it's also meant to be the perfect scenario if all of your dreams had come true. Put yourself in the situation and feel it as if it was the present moment and not some distant vision. Enjoy this perfect present moment fully feeling it as 100% real and joyful. Bring as many senses such as sight, smell, and taste into it as possible. Come up with as many details as you wish, and have it cover as many areas of your life as you want. Make the feelings of happiness and joy you get from this image incredibly powerful. If it's hard to feel extremely joyful when doing this than your not imagining big enough, and you need to visualize a future with even more awesomeness in it. It should be impossible to keep a smile off your face as you do this. If it helps you, you can write out a list of details and descriptions of this future scenario then visualize about it as you read. Listening to inspirational music or being in nature while doing this can increase the feeling of joy tremendously.

Here are a few lines from the visualization I do daily. Realistically I know the dream is still far away as this website is almost brand new, but as I visualize I feel it as if it is completely real here and now in the present and it really excites and motivates me.

I am on a free vacation sponsored by a travel company that I provide advertisement to by blogging about their amazing trip

I'm having a blast blogging about the vacation; I use the word pure bliss many times

I experience an abundance of friendship and positive energy from the other travelers and people outside of the group

I wake up with a smile on my face every single morning, even if I'm hung over from an amazing night of partying

I interview many other travelers and learn things that surprise me in positive ways

I notice while on the internet my readers thanking me for my previous content and it thrills me when they tell me how they have made positive changes in their lives as a result

I connect with the people I meet on this trip on a deep level, many will consider me a friend they want to keep for life

I start a game of Beer-Frisbee and have a blast

I affect the lives of everyone around me in a significant and positive way

People love my lust for adventure, they are inspired by it

I feel pure bliss and ecstasy sitting under the stars at night on a warm beach

I feel an underlying love in everything I do, even the laundry

I encourage people to live with true freedom

I see limitless possibilities for my future

I'm grateful everyday that I accomplished my dream of travelling for a living, every single day

You really only need to visualize this sort of thing for about 5 minutes a day so you'll never be too pressed for time to make it one of your daily habits. It also makes you feel so good you might find yourself doing it way more often. Feel free to make multiple scenarios for multiple awesome futures and playing a few in your head every day.

Goal Setting

I think it's pretty crucial for personal development to have a few projects or goals that you work towards in your spare time. Figure out what area of your life you want to improve the most and set some goals in that area. If its financial, set a goal to spend an hour working on another source of income per day, if its relationships set the goal of meeting 1 new person a day or if you're in a relationship to do 1 extra nice thing for your significant other per day, if its health set the goal to work out at least 3-4 times every week. The more goals you set in the more areas of your life the more consciously you'll have to pursue and ensure you stick to them. Working on improving specific areas of your life requires focus to keep improving and reflection to see how you're doing on your path. Both keep you more conscious.

Have Conscious Friends

The way I'm most often snapped out of any unconscious state I'm in is talking to my good friend Matt. We constantly talk about conscious living and other related things and it's nearly impossible for either of us to walk away from one of our conversations without reflecting on how consciously we are or aren't living. The more personal development oriented people you surround yourself with the more you're going to grow as a person and the less often you'll slip into negative mindsets or routines.

Become Present

Whenever you realize yourself on a bit of an autopilot take a few moments to become full 100% immersed in the present moment. Forget all things related to the past and future and be completely in the 'now'. Look at everything around you with pure presence and you will notice things that you didn't before, things will seem more alive and real. Quite often when I'm having an unconscious day ill pass by things without noticing them, my awareness of my surrounding is stifled. The next day with a more present mindset I'll notice things that I was completely oblivious to before. Even doing mundane tasks like the dishes becomes an interesting meditative practice when you truly clear your mind and focus 100% of your awareness on your actions in the moment. Practicing remaining centered in the present moment is an extremely valuable habit who's life changing value can only truly be realized by reading 'The Power of Now' by Eckart Tolle.

Keep a Journal or Blog

Keeping some kind of journal to force yourself to reflect on your personal thoughts and daily activities forces you to examine the exact habits you have on a day to day basis. It's quite hard to remain unconscious if you're actually taking the time to become aware of your thoughts and feelings. A journal or blog is also an awesome way to watch how your life progresses over time and is a great way to track and learn from your conscious growth. A great time to write in your journal and put yourself in a personal reflective conscious state is right before bead as your final mindset for the day will stick in your head as you sleep further reinforcing conscious habits.

Final thoughts

Living consciously is not always a matter of 'on' or 'off' it's more of a gradual scale from one degree of consciousness to another. Even if you never find yourself slipping into unconscious mindsets there's always ways to further increase your level of consciousness by bringing more conscious habits into your daily routine.

Read more articles from me about personal development through travel at:
Make sure to bookmark it for later!

Conscious Living - 16 Cribnotes For a Better Life

These are many things that I have learned that I feel are very important to keep in my head, heart,and consciousness everyday.

It is very helpful to myself to often reflect on these to re-remember for more inspiration in my life.

1. Gratitude

Be thankful to God for EVERYTHING that I am thankful for. Appreciate the simplest and the most profound and give thanks. This is the best emotion of "being" to be in. It puts me in a good positive place and open to receive more goodness into my life. (This I became more clear on from the book and DVD The Secret)

2. I do not have my past. I do not have the future. All that I ever have is THE NOW! (The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle really opened up my eyes with this fact.)

3. Imagine myself (my soul) watching myself in my life. What do I think? What would I change now?

4. Nothing- no conflict is between me and another person. Every reaction that I have to anything and anyone is only between myself and God. So before I react I think of God and then react accordingly. (Wayne Dyer taught me this through his book)

5. Be the Watcher of My Thoughts. Bring everything to awareness and acceptance and therefore to the light. The light will diminish what is not of itself. The negative is darkness. (Eckhart Tolle taught me this in his book)

6. Free my Mind and Know God's Words (My husband taught me this)

7. Everything negative that happens in front of me or every negative experience that I have is my responsibility to cleanse it. I am Sorry. Please Forgive Me. I Love You. God Bless. (Dr. Hew Len and Joe Vitale taught me this in their book Zero Limits. The book is on Ho'oPonoPono)

8. Keep your energy and thoughts positive and good positive things flow towards you.

9. Ask and You Shall Receive. The Bible of course is the first time I have heard this. Faith all the way through is key. I must remain in a state of gratitude, love, trust, faith and all that is God.

It is the frequency that I am in. For example if I am tuning into 95.9 AM and I want to listen to 101 FM it is simply on the wrong frequency and can't come through. I have to be on the right frequency to get the right channel and music that I want to listen to. (Abraham-Hicks taught me this)

10. Thoughts of mine and others (energy) carry and affect everything in this universe. A smoke stack blowing pollution out in Detroit still affects the air in China. It is all the same air. Energy works the same way. (this analogy really helped me from my Beyond Freedom program)

11. Whatever I am thinking about and focusing on brings more of it. So think and focus on the positive.

12. Love is the answer to everything. (Marianne Williamson has helped me with this in her book)

13. Every problem that occurs in my life I give to God and know everything is always okay.

14. Always Cleanse. Everywhere I go and everything I see from people, living things, objects,places all carry energy- positive and negative. So I must cleanse myself/family to keep myself/us more connected and close with God and inspiration flows.

15. Pray with each step I take.

16. Get out of the Mind. Always thinking thinking thinking... Stop this! and find God, clarity, love and true consciousness.

I have listed some authors and influences that have really helped me with living a better life. There are many more that I could list and I am so thankful for all that they contribute to helping others and making the world a better place with answers that inspire.

Dana Kataoka

Visit [http://www.LivinLifeAndLovinIt.com]

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2012年7月17日 星期二

Inducing Consciousness, Ways to Raise Your Consciousness to a New Level

Inducing Consciousness may mean something different for everyone. I see it misused on the internet and it can be a misleading term. Lets start with, What do you want to accomplish? What about your Consciousness is it you are wanting to change? Lets look at the definition:

Inducing: To lead or move by persuasion or influence, as to some action or state of mind: to induce a person to buy a raffle ticket.

2: to bring about, produce, or cause: That medicine will induce sleep.

3: Physics. to produce (an electric current) by induction.

Consciousness: is a term that has been used to refer to a variety of aspects of the relationship between the mind and the world with which it interacts.

2: It has been defined, at one time or another, as: subjective experience; awareness; the ability to experience feelings; wakefulness; having a sense of selfhood; or as the executive control system of the mind.

Despite the difficulty of definition, many philosophers believe that there is a basic underlying intuition about consciousness that is shared by nearly all people.

As Max Velmans and Susan Schneider wrote in The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness: "Anything that we are aware of at a given moment forms part of our consciousness, making conscious experience at once the most familiar and most mysterious aspect of our lives."

So as you see you do not need to induce consciousness if you are aware you are conscious. Now what I believe we all want and that is, to raise our consciousness to a higher level or maybe to a different plane. When it comes to our Spiritual Consciousness, often the world tells us we need to do or be a certain way. We need to get there in a hurry or be somewhere else, to find peace of mind. Truly being Conscious we realize that the spiritual life is one in which we realize we have everything right now. It's never somewhere else.

Ernest Holmes teaches, "In the Divine Plan, no mistakes are made; if God could have done it in a better way, he would have done it differently."

1: Take the time to meditate. This will quiet your mind and allow you to hear God talking to you. That voice inside you here when all is peaceful, listen YOU WILL HEAR IT. This is GOD.

2: Change the things about your self that you do not like, the things that are keeping you from getting to the next level. It is not as hard as you may think.

3: Visualize that person you want to be, see the perfection of who you are, be the perfection of who you are.

All this will bring calm. Along with calm will come patience. When we are patient we are connected to a higher consciousness. The more you practice this the more connected you will be and this will manifest into a more peaceful existence were we will be more connected and our consciousness will become part of us. We will stay in a more immediate state of awareness. This is a higher level of consciousness. This is where all things are possible. This is where we begin to see real change. Inducing Consciousness will happen when you can Dream beyond what is. Get out of you comfort zone. Every great leader whether in industry or Spiritual teachers could always see the possibilities beyond the present. This is the starting point of all creation, the Law of Attraction works this way also. We all including my self, work at raising our consciousness. We all think we have to create it all. The real answer is to listen. Become an instrument of God and you will Induce Consciousness and create a more balanced life.

William Meinsen is a student of spiritual philosophies and has created a teaching website Metaphysics-For-Better-Living.com providing information on self help tools such as the What is Consciousness     

Your Conscious Life - How to Close the Gap Between Hope and Creation

Happy New Year! Here in Golden Bay at the top of the South Island of New Zealand, we watched the fireworks go off, heard the crowds on the beach cheering and marveled at this human capacity for hopefulness and celebration. A new year, a new start, a time of new beginnings; maybe now we can turn our lives around and make it all work the way we'd really like it?

Even in the darkest of times the human spirit glows with hopefulness and optimism, a desire to live life to the fullest and be all we can be. I love this about us as a species. Yet there's a big gap between this hope and desire and what we actually create. Have you noticed this? You set out with an intention to be peaceful and loving and before you know it you're growling at your partner or your kid. Or you start out feeling grateful and abundant then a bill drops into the mailbox and you fall into fear and worry. How do we close this gap between what we want and intend and what we actually do and create?

We can pull together to create extraordinary things when we put our minds to it. We see this particularly when a community is faced with disaster. Right now, the people of Christchurch here in the South Island are rebuilding their lives and city after three months of earthquakes, and all over the world people are making similar recoveries: in Haiti, in the Gulf of Mexico, in Queensland. I watched a documentary a while ago about the city of Coventry in England, near where I was born. In World War 2, Coventry was completely razed to the ground one night when hundreds of megatons of bombs were dropped from the air until there was nothing left but rubble. They called it "the blitz". The next morning the dazed survivors surfaced from their underground shelters and wandered like lost souls amongst the debris. Their whole world and any meaning had been destroyed. Yet, within days those people had started to work together to help each other and to rebuild their city. The courage and tenacity of the human spirit in the face of adversity is truly amazing. But do we have to wait for tragedy to strike to mobilize our best efforts?

Now it's 2011, and amidst all the chaos and confusion of natural and cultural global change, we have another chance to begin again. We can choose to use our brilliant human minds, our compassionate human hearts, our strong creative wills. We can choose to heal what has been wounded, to forgive what cannot be mended and manifest into physical form what previously did not exist. We can literally make something out of nothing. Potentially, we are nothing short of fabulous magicians.

The key to unlocking our full human creative potential is to live a conscious life. Will you join me in this inquiry of how we can live more consciously and make a difference?

I've heard people saying recently, "There's something I want to contribute but I don't know what it is." Or "I really want to make a difference but I don't know how." Now, more than ever, the best way any of us can contribute is to live a conscious life. Hope is not enough, nor are good resolutions. What makes a difference is a day by day, moment to moment choice to live consciously. What do I mean by that? I mean knowing what is most important to us, what we value, and then bringing our thoughts, words and behavior in line with those values, at all times.

Easily said but not so easily done, right? Changing old patterns, letting go of the old, living more spaciously, and creating the new, is a process which takes time and commitment. And it's very helpful to have the support of others who are on a similar path.

My own calling, over the years and even more so now, is to create spaces where we can come together to have this inquiry and support each other to live more consciously. To explore and discover and process together can be very empowering. These circles are like watering-holes for the soul, where you can step into a different sense of time, remember, be renewed, reset your compass and then take off in the breeze of the brilliant human spirit across the ocean of your life.

Join me, and together we can make that difference. Go here to discover some options:

Rose Diamond, A Whole New World
Website: http://www.awholenewworld.net
Blog: http://magnificentbeing.net/blog

Each one of us makes a difference and together we can do what seems impossible.

2012年7月16日 星期一

Want to Know the Power of Consciously Living in the Now?

So you want to know the power of consciously living in the now? I discovered that power a few weeks ago when facing a life and death struggle. After a few hours I realized my panic resulted from living in my past and carrying it into my future.

As soon as I moved into going through the crisis moment by staying clearly in the present moment - each moment - the pain and fear subsided. I wish I could say it completely disappeared but it didn't. However the quieting of that paralyzing emotion allowed me to function, to think rationally and to do what I needed to do to get through the situation.

In the present moment there is nothing to worry about. There is nothing to fear. In the present moment every thing is perfect. know that sounds really crazy because if you are in the middle of some kind of crisis situation you're thinking, "Ali, you are just nuts! This isn't making any sense!" Hold on! Hold on! Just stay with me here.

If you happen to find yourself in a crisis you can jump in and react without thinking. That usually leads to some kind of dire result. Or you can respond. You can take that split second to consider the consequence of any action you are going to take for yourself and for all involved. Then go ahead and take the action.

When can you take the action? In the moment. When you're taking the action in the moment - everything is perfect because you are living in that moment rather than fearing a certain result that you've stuck out in the future as a possible outcome.

Fear is the anticipation of pain. See that word anticipation? That word means you expect something to happen in the future. Why do you expect something to happen in the future? You went back into your past. You told yourself the current events look like an ordeal from your past.

Therefore you decided that event is going to repeat itself. Only you want to make the experience even more dramatic so you take that uncomfortable past memory and exaggerate your experience of it. Then you project that imagined new experience into your future.

Stop misusing your imagination. Stop feeding your memories to rekindle the pain. Move into the only time where you can actually take action to change how you feel. Move into the now carrying your full life force with you.

Warning: Do not neglect the above! Make sure to take this advice seriously if you want to create your world to live in happiness.

STOP! Are you about to give up being happy forever? If what you do every day has not led you to happiness yet, do you really think anything will look different tomorrow? Go to http://LiveInHappinessNow.com/ebook.html and grab my Special Report: 45 Tips: How To Live In Happiness Now And remember... Don't give up hope... You deserve to be happy.

How to Live in the Moment

Have you ever been driving along deep in thought and suddenly realized you were at your destination, even though it seemed like you just started off? You had zoned out for the better part of your trip and put yourself on auto-pilot. Do wonder what you missed along the way? Do you find yourself putting yourself on auto-pilot frequently during the day---zoning out during meetings, dinner, a conversation with your spouse?

If so, then you're not living consciously and are probably missing out on a significant portion of your life.

Living consciously means being aware of what is going on around you, participating in what you're doing, paying attention to the little details that give life flavor. It's living in the moment, being present, and showing up in your life. It's about taking the time to stop and smell the roses, and it's vital to our enjoyment of life.

Conscious living allows us to recognize opportunities when they come along, and helps us get to where we want to go in life. It helps us feel more deeply, enjoy greater happiness, and expand our expectations. It helps us work more efficiently, have more passionate, meaningful relationships, and slow down our hectic pace.

So how do you begin to live more consciously?

1. Engage -- throughout the day, frequently stop and look around you. Take notice of your surroundings, what you can hear, see, smell, and touch. Notice the details.

2. Experience -- become aware of how your body feels sitting in your chair, or wherever you happen to be. We often ignore when we are uncomfortable or not feeling well and just push through our discomfort to get the task at hand finished. But take a moment to just breath deeply and feel your body relax. Don't think about what is still on your agenda.

3. Expand -- do your usual tasks a little differently or try something altogether new. When you engage in unfamiliar activities, you have to think more and pay attention to what you're doing. In other words, you have to become more conscious.

There are many ways that you can begin living life more consciously. Take a few of the ideas above and work them into your daily routine. The more often you practice these steps, the more aware you will be. You can begin enjoying all that your life has to offer and living it to the fullest.

Melissa Gordon is a certified wellness coach and healthy relationships coach dedicated to helping women reconnect with their partner and put the sizzle back in their marriage. Find more information about Melissa and her SMART Approach to life and relationships at Simply Red Hot [http://www.simplyredhot.com/] and LifeSMART Coaching.

How To Live With Presence of Mind

"One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular."

-Tony Robbins

We all live in the presence of mind but most of us are unaware of doing so. Our minds are at work every second on a conscious and subconscious level, even when we are sleeping.

You don't really think to tell your body to breathe or to make sure your heart is beating.You aren't on organ patrol, keeping a vigilant eye on everything working a-okay. Your mind handles that just fine without you being cognizant of all that it entails.

And, on the other hand we are bombarded daily making conscious decisions and we are typically unconscious when making them, i.e. how to drive to work, cooking, going about our jobs, what's for lunch, when to meet clients, what time to pick up the kids and on and on.

We do most things by rote and we live unconsciously. It's simply habit; it's what we are all used to. At the same time we are doing all of these things, we are also thinking some 60,000 thoughts a day which for the most part we are totally unaware of. They simply take over. And, they play over and over and over in your mind.

Many are based on old beliefs about life and ourselves, they are thoughts ingrained in us through experiences, attitudes and misdirected focus.

And, as you know, what we focus on throughout the day, we will attract to ourselves. So if worry, stress, fear, jealousy, anger and all of the other limiting emotions are what you unconsciously and habitually hold onto, well, take a guess how you are going to feel and what you are going to experience.

On the other hand, if you learn how to break this unconscious mental cycle and flip the script you will be surprised at the outcome. If you change your mind, you WILL change your life!

The easiest way to tune into your mental radio and see what channel you are listening to is to ask yourself this simple question, "How do I feel?" Good or bad? This is the best litmus test for you to get in touch with what you are thinking and what you are focused on.

Because of the fact that our thoughts control how we feel, be dead certain that however you answer the question it is in direct correlation to those exact thoughts you say to yourself about any given situation over and over and over again.

When wanting to change something in your life no matter what it is, even if it's simply to change bad thinking, the key is to become aware of what it is you are saying to yourself about whatever it is.

Using the "how am I feeling" technique works if you use it. There are times when I have wanted to focus on some particular situation. I even use this when I want to be more in the presence of God or to be more aware of being thankful.

I will set an alarm to go off every half hour or so and when it does, I stop what I am doing and even if it is just for 30 seconds, I re-focus my thoughts to what I want to think about.

That being said, if you use the above method, in an 8 hour day, you will be shifting your focus 16 times a day more than you are now. Compared to the time you currently spend on focusing on being thankful or directing your thoughts to what you want (and not what you don't want) will make a huge difference!

By becoming more in tune to what you want and keeping your thoughts focused on a desire or goal, you will begin to break old habits and replace them with new ones.

Learning to live in the presence of your mind will literally change how you live and what you experience. It's kind of like working out. At first you may not be used to it, it's tough getting started and you're sore. But the more you do it, the stronger you become and the better you feel.

It's the same with training your mind. At first it may feel awkward but the more you do it, it will eventually become a habit. Replace the old worn out thoughts that do nothing for improving your life to those that do everything toward enhancing it.

So, if you are sitting around living your life on auto-pilot and wondering why nothing is working, changing or improving. Tune into the station you are listening to and if you like what you hear then turn it up.

If you don't, it's not worth listening to. Change the channel and listen to something else that can bring harmony, peace, abundance and all of your hearts desires. It's all about what you focus on!

Susan Russo is an author and coach whose work has inspired people from all over the world to take back their power! Would you like to empower yourself to do the same? Discover Susan's 7 Keys to unlock your power and sign in for her Free report.

2012年7月15日 星期日

Be-Do-Have - The Power of Conscious Living

I conduct Life Transformation Skills seminars. These seminars provide an environment for spiritually-based personal development. During one part of the training we ask the participants what are some tangible, material things for which people strive. Typically the resulting list looks something like this: cars, computers, a big house, attractive spouse, children, job, jewelry and vacation time. Then we ask why people endeavor for such things. The resulting list includes experiences such as happiness, security, power, intimacy, fulfillment, balance, love, vitality, freedom, strength, courage, joy and affection.

There Is No Intrinsic Connection Between The Things We Strive For And Our Experience

Next, by observing the two lists we consider whether there are persons who possess a large house, a big car and a prestigious job, but who do not experience much joy, power or fulfillment in their lives. Certainly there are. And we consider whether there are persons who experience an abundance of happiness, intimacy and vitality in their lives, although they don't have the items on the other list. Clearly, such persons exist. The conclusion is that there is no intrinsic connection between the two lists. Although they sometimes overlap, there is no inherent causal link.


With reference to the three gunas, let's look at the lack of innate correlation between the "things" column and the "experience" column. Tamas is a mode of inertia, where our consciousness clings to a paradigm that may be called Have-Do-Be. In this paradigm we think, "If I could just have $100,000 in the bank, a nicer car, a job with paid vacation...then I could do what I want to do, and then I would be happy, satisfied, appreciated, vibrant..." "If I could just have a nicer boss, then I would be content and peaceful." In this mindset, our experience is dependent on having. The saying, "What profits a man if he gains the whole world yet loses his soul?" indicates the difficulty with this attitude.


Rajas is the mode of activity, where we adhere to the framework of Do-Have-Be. In this way of thinking we consider that if I could just do what I want to do, then I'll have what I want, and then I would be free, strong, giving and vital. Our consciousness starts from the point of activity, and experience is contingent upon that.


Sattva guna corresponds with enlightenment. Sattvic consciousness is the natural state of the authentic self. Steady in sattva we live in the paradigm of Be-Do-Have. Fixed in this way of being, experiencing strength, beauty, security, intimacy, warmth, freedom, etc., is not dependent on doing or having. I don't need to do or have anything to experience satisfaction, aliveness, courage, clarity, etc., because these qualities are who I am, they are my essential nature. It's not that, in a Be-Do-Have paradigm, there isn't doing or having. Rather, our doing and having assume full potency, compared with tamasic or rajasic perspectives, because what we do and have flow naturally from our being. They are not separate endeavors. To experience joy, closeness, radiance, and all other qualities of our self is not dependent on what we do or have. In Be-Do-Have, we naturally do things that bold, enlivened, successful people do, because our nature is bold, enlivened and successful. And naturally we'll have things that powerful, confident, and trusting people have, such as abundance, rewarding activity and fulfilling relationships.

Personal Development Entails Uncovering Qualities of Our Self

Bhagavad-gita, presenting the essence of Vedic teachings, delineates a Be-Do-Have approach to life. In that book Sri Krsna encourages Arjuna to "Be transcendental..be free from dualities...be without anxiety...and be established in the self." The process of personal development entails uncovering qualities of our self, our being, that have been covered, and fully manifesting them in our lives.

With one coaching client with whom I was working we specifically focused on him being patient and peaceful, qualities that were missing in his life, and which he wanted to cultivate. With earnest he connected with the patience and calm that are inherent to his being. During our next coaching session he described, with surprise, that his supervisor asked him to accept a position with increased responsibility, involving training others. She particularly mentioned that she offered this because of his patience and ability to be calm in stressful situations. Being patient and peaceful naturally resulted in acting in ways that patient and peaceful act, in this instance a more rewarding career activity, and having things that patient and peaceful people have, in this example an increased income. Be-Do-Have.


What are the Spider Vein Treatments in Ayurveda?

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Home Page > Health > Alternative Medicine > What are the Spider Vein Treatments in Ayurveda? What are the Spider Vein Treatments in Ayurveda? Posted: Jun 13, 2012 |Comments: 0 | edit

Spider veins when compared to varicose veins are very small. They can be spotted very close to the exterior of the skin and they appear either in red or blue color. They are mostly found on the legs and sometimes may occur on face as well. Spider veins occur in different sizes, but mostly they look similar to a web of a spider. Nearly seventy five percent of people who are more than 65 years of age will find their veins swollen, snakelike and rose, which is called Spider Veins. Ayurveda has a lot of spider vein treatments.

Causes of spider vein

Blood from the heart is carried to the various tissues via the arteries. This blood is returned to the heart from our body via the veins. For the blood to be brought back to the heart the venous blood vessel in the legs must have the capacity to work against the gravity.

The contractions of muscles in the lower regions of your legs operate as a pump. The flexible walls of the vein facilitate the return of blood to the heart. Minute valves of the veins open up as blood runs towards your heart and then shuts down to prevent blood from running back.

If any of the single-way valves in external veins does not function normally, then the blood steered back to your heart may pool or even may run backwards. This stretches the vein and thus, making the other close by valves not to shut down correctly. In such a condition, the vein swells and gets curled up, thereby resulting in blood stagnation. These veins change colors to cranberry or blue.

Spider Veins have an effect on women due to pre-menstrual or menopausal endocrines, pregnancy, and birth check tablets. Various other elements that lead to Spider Veins are aging, reduced circulation, muscular withering in legs, lengthened bed rest, smoking, deficiency in work outs, overweight, high heels, chronic constipation, too much heavy lifting, standing or sitting for a long time, and tight clothing.

Ayurveda provides the best Spider Vein Treatments when compared to others.

Which part of your body do spider veins normally appear?

Spider Veins appear mostly on the thighs, suras, the inner portion of legs, as well as the ankles. Spider Veins result in heavy feeling, burning, itching or even throbbing, and swelling of the foot and ankles. In Ayurveda, you can expect all kinds of treatments including Spider Vein.

Ayurvedic Spider Vein Treatments


Ayurvedic treatment of varicose veins directs at lessening the force in veins in the lower portion of your limbs by way of Specialty remedy known as Panchakarma Chikitsa. The Panchakarma Chikitsa runs through quite a lot of phases namely oil massage or Abhayangam, steam procedures or Swedanam, massaging with bundles of leaves known as Elakizhi, having bath using three liters of oil known as Pizhichil, different kinds of enemas known as Vasti Karma, Purgation known as Virechanam, Leech Therapy or bloodletting therapy known as Raktha Mokshanam etc. You can also consume 15 milliliter of Ashwagandharishta thrice in a day for a month. You can follow these Ayurvedic Spider Vein Treatments for permanent relief from this disease.

Retrieved from "http://www.articlesbase.com/alternative-medicine-articles/what-are-the-spider-vein-treatments-in-ayurveda-5978152.html" Roy Chavarcode Roy Chavarcode - About the Author:

Roy Chavarcode is a member of Chavarcode Ayurveda family. The Chavarcode family is from India and is highly reputed for their knowledge in the great tradition in Ayurveda, India's ancient and holistic method of treatment.?http://www.gurusgarden.com

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By: Roy Chavarcodel Health> Alternative Medicinel Jun 13, 2012 Varicose Veins Treatment in A Natural Way

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By: Roy Chavarcodel Health> Alternative Medicinel Jun 13, 2012 Varicose Veins Treatment Cost Depends on the severity of the Condition

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By: Roy Chavarcodel Health> Alternative Medicinel Jun 11, 2012 Varicose Veins Treatment By Ayurveda

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By: Roy Chavarcodel Health> Alternative Medicinel Jun 11, 2012 Discuss this Article Author Navigation My Home Publish Article View/Edit Articles View/Edit Q&A Edit your Account Manage Authors Statistics Page Article Widget My Home Edit your Account Update Profile View/Edit Q&A Publish Article Author Box Roy Chavarcode Roy Chavarcode has 78 articles online Contact Author Subscribe to RSS Print article Send to friend Re-Publish article Articles Categories All Categories Advertising Arts & Entertainment Automotive Beauty Business Careers Computers Education Finance Food and Beverage Health Hobbies Home and Family Home Improvement Internet Law Marketing News and Society Relationships Self Improvement Shopping Spirituality Sports and Fitness Technology Travel Writing Health Acne Allergies Alternative Medicine Anti Aging Cancer Dental Care Disabilities Diseases and Conditions Hair Loss Hearing Medical Tourism Medicine Men's Health Mental Health Nutrition Plastic Surgeries Quit Smoking Sleep Supplements & Vitamins Vision Wellness Women's Health Need Help? Contact Us FAQ Submit Articles Editorial Guidelines Blog Site Links Recent Articles Top Authors Top Articles Find Articles Site Map Mobile Version Webmasters RSS Builder RSS Business Info Advertising Use of this web site constitutes acceptance of the Terms Of Use and Privacy Policy | User published content is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
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The Planet is a Conscious Living Entity

Many think of our planet, the Earth, as simply a complex assembly of elements that we consider inorganic lifeless elements.

It's interesting then that such a lifeless entity can and does support life isn't it?

Life is more that the sum total of all the "inorganic" and "organic" chemical reactions that many scientists think that it is. There is a definite consciousness that we all are part of and we all experience daily whether we choose to be aware of it or not.

We have our own consciousness i.e. the thoughts that run through our minds about our lives. We are also part of the consciousness of the other people we know.

Additionally we are a part of the consciousness of the rest of humanity living and dead. Going further we are part of the consciousness of "Mother Earth".

That expression, "Mother Earth", isn't simply a metaphor it's a fact!

The Earth bore us and sustains us in life with the help of the Sun and the rest of the Universe and hence the idea that we are somehow separate and distinct from them is only a belief that we have become conditioned with. It is by no means the truth, is it?

The Earth's consciousness manifests as its weather and other natural events that we experience. We too however, as I said are a manifestation of the planet albeit in a different form.

So the life that we call our own "sprouted" so to speak from the planetary will or consciousness. It is still attempting to support us here but something strange has happened hasn't it?

We have forgotten where we came from, what we are a part of and now believe ourselves to be separate and distinctly independent beings. We also now see the planet as an uncooperative force that needs to be controlled or tamed.

In believing this we have, shall we say, desynchronized our minds and bodies from the planetary consciousness, the very consciousness that is the source of life here.

In other words we have and are moving away from being "life" forms altogether. When you look at all of the death and destruction that we are choosing to wreak upon ourselves, each other and the planet one could say we are transforming into "death" forms.

It's no wonder that we are experiencing more turbulence in the Earth's weather patterns lately. You probably thought is was due to global warming and other such insults didn't you?

Well although this is partly true the Earth can and does feel the sum total of the dissonant thoughts and feelings that we as species carry in our consciousness. Now such thoughts and feelings, as I said, are mostly aligned with death, and this is against life and against the life force of the Earth itself.

So what does the Earth attempt to do? Well it tries to protect itself and its creation! Isn't that what mothers do?

The "natural" catastrophes that we are experiencing could be seen as an attempt by the Earth to purge such negativity from its consciousness and therefore itself.

There's one problem however. We, as a species are putting up a great deal of resistance.

We have identified ourselves with all this negativity and we now believe that it is inherently who we are. In other words we have chosen to lie to ourselves about who we really are.

This, as I'm sure you can imagine, will only create "tension" in the collective human-planet consciousness, which is really all one consciousness. The ripple effects of this tension we experience as the chaotic natural events that we are witnessing today.

There is a solution to this chaos.

It's about letting go of the negativity that we collectively harbor in our own minds and bodies. Most of this negativity is anchored within us as what we call our personal and collective history as a species.

It is now possible to let this all go. I have written extensively about this here in this ezine.

I invite you to read these articles and to contact me at the web link below if you wish to go further in making your contribution to humanity and the planet.

There isn't much time left.

Nick Arrizza MD, a former Psychiatrist and Medical Doctor is an International Life, Executive, Organizational Tele-Coach, Author, Keynote Speaker, Trainer and Facilitator. He is also on Faculty at Akamai University in Hawaii. He is the CEO and Founder of Arrizza Performance Coaching Inc. and the developer of the powerful Mind Resonance ProcessR (MRP).

A Free 1 Hour Introductory MRP Telephone Consultation is available upon request. (You will be asked to cover your own long distance telephone charges)

Web Site: http://telecoaching4u.com

Information on pure african mango

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Home Page > Health > Alternative Medicine > Information on pure african mango Information on pure african mango Posted: Jun 14, 2012 |Comments: 0 | edit

Pure African Mango has been portrayed to be a wonder pill mostly because it consists of factors that present big positive aspects for the people who choose to drop body weight, devoid of rigorous exercises and fad diets which have over the a long time confirmed to become futile.
For generations, the native Cameroonians have utilised the pure African mango for medicinal functions, and it was only right up until experts stumbled on factors in the mango that can be properly connected to excess weight reduction this mango has become glorified.
Given that its inception, lots of individuals combating body weight have recorded substantial loss within their unwanted excess weight. The quantity of constructive shopper reviews is constantly streaming in.
With above one.seven billion overweight folks while in the globe, this could be a breakthrough to solving this crisis.
This juicy fruit might be transformed right into a needs to have diet regime supplement in your own drugs cupboard.

Pure African Mango Uncomfortable side effects
Much like some other drug, the extract also includes its own share of negative effects. The primary unwanted side effects are headache, lack of rest and flatulence. These are generally gentle uncomfortable side effects and can not halt your daily routine.? Small children, expecting women and nursing moms should not just take this bodyweight loss supplement. To abate the negative effects, the drug ought to be utilized in accordance with the advisable time frame. It should be taken three moments per day and ahead of meals.
?The Irvingia Gabonensis isn't just any share of unique and hyped excess weight loss supplements; it's got been clinically examined to prove its ability. The number of optimistic opinions has attested for the indisputable fact that the African mango is actually a useful fat decline health supplement.
If you want extra details on the way you can get the African mango diet regime, then maintain this great site and we will supply you with the latest Pure African Mango nutritional supplements.

How Pure African Mango Will work
This African mango extract could possibly be the very long awaited alternative to quite a few people's obsession with excess weight, even though it can be crucial to grasp that, this is just an help to pounds reduction and not a excess weight decline mechanism, so a healthy diet and sufficient training ought to be maintained for your long lasting pounds decline result.
A lot more than a hundred and twenty obese people today voluntarily accepted to check when the pure African mango is really capable of decreasing all round fat. The results ended up quite exceptional. People who took the mango extract recorded a lot more than twenty kilos reduction in fat, when those that have been placed on a placebo did not clearly show any slight improvement.
It truly is fairly helpful in boosting fat burning capacity price and inhibits the expansion of extra fat cells. The African mango is tested that will help in eradicating negative cholesterol through the system.? By its toxin blocking factors, the extract can help in rising electrical power vital for fat burning capacity. Toxic compounds cause inadequate absorption of critical nutrients.
You'll find it contributes in reduction of glucose level in the system generating it suitable for diabetics. Although there is certainly still considerably research necessary to completely state that it can help in managing diabetes.

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For more information about african mango,pure african mango pill, check out my pure african mango blog.

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