What are the Spider Vein Treatments in Ayurveda?

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Home Page > Health > Alternative Medicine > What are the Spider Vein Treatments in Ayurveda? What are the Spider Vein Treatments in Ayurveda? Posted: Jun 13, 2012 |Comments: 0 |
Spider veins when compared to varicose veins are very small. They can be spotted very close to the exterior of the skin and they appear either in red or blue color. They are mostly found on the legs and sometimes may occur on face as well. Spider veins occur in different sizes, but mostly they look similar to a web of a spider. Nearly seventy five percent of people who are more than 65 years of age will find their veins swollen, snakelike and rose, which is called Spider Veins. Ayurveda has a lot of spider vein treatments.
Causes of spider vein
Blood from the heart is carried to the various tissues via the arteries. This blood is returned to the heart from our body via the veins. For the blood to be brought back to the heart the venous blood vessel in the legs must have the capacity to work against the gravity.
The contractions of muscles in the lower regions of your legs operate as a pump. The flexible walls of the vein facilitate the return of blood to the heart. Minute valves of the veins open up as blood runs towards your heart and then shuts down to prevent blood from running back.
If any of the single-way valves in external veins does not function normally, then the blood steered back to your heart may pool or even may run backwards. This stretches the vein and thus, making the other close by valves not to shut down correctly. In such a condition, the vein swells and gets curled up, thereby resulting in blood stagnation. These veins change colors to cranberry or blue.
Spider Veins have an effect on women due to pre-menstrual or menopausal endocrines, pregnancy, and birth check tablets. Various other elements that lead to Spider Veins are aging, reduced circulation, muscular withering in legs, lengthened bed rest, smoking, deficiency in work outs, overweight, high heels, chronic constipation, too much heavy lifting, standing or sitting for a long time, and tight clothing.
Ayurveda provides the best Spider Vein Treatments when compared to others.
Which part of your body do spider veins normally appear?
Spider Veins appear mostly on the thighs, suras, the inner portion of legs, as well as the ankles. Spider Veins result in heavy feeling, burning, itching or even throbbing, and swelling of the foot and ankles. In Ayurveda, you can expect all kinds of treatments including Spider Vein.
Ayurvedic Spider Vein Treatments
Ayurvedic treatment of varicose veins directs at lessening the force in veins in the lower portion of your limbs by way of Specialty remedy known as Panchakarma Chikitsa. The Panchakarma Chikitsa runs through quite a lot of phases namely oil massage or Abhayangam, steam procedures or Swedanam, massaging with bundles of leaves known as Elakizhi, having bath using three liters of oil known as Pizhichil, different kinds of enemas known as Vasti Karma, Purgation known as Virechanam, Leech Therapy or bloodletting therapy known as Raktha Mokshanam etc. You can also consume 15 milliliter of Ashwagandharishta thrice in a day for a month. You can follow these Ayurvedic Spider Vein Treatments for permanent relief from this disease.
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Roy Chavarcode -
About the Author: Roy Chavarcode is a member of Chavarcode Ayurveda family. The Chavarcode family is from India and is highly reputed for their knowledge in the great tradition in Ayurveda, India's ancient and holistic method of treatment.?http://www.gurusgarden.com
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Source: ?http://www.articlesbase.com/alternative-medicine-articles/what-are-the-spider-vein-treatments-in-ayurveda-5978152.html Article Tags: alternative medicine, unclogs arteries, varicose veins, spider veins, angina, blood pressure, herbal supplement, asthma, cholesterol, osteoarthritis, arthritis, knee joint, anxiety disorder, panic attacks, seasonal asthma Related Articles Latest Alternative Medicine Articles More from Roy Chavarcode Ayurveda for Panic Attack
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By: Roy Chavarcodel Health> Alternative Medicinel Jun 11, 2012 Discuss this Article Author Navigation My Home Publish Article View/Edit Articles View/Edit Q&A Edit your Account Manage Authors Statistics Page Article Widget My Home Edit your Account Update Profile View/Edit Q&A Publish Article Author Box

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