2012年8月25日 星期六

The Art of the Shift - Elimination Bodies of Consciousness

Everything that exists is a thought form. The thought form holds the vibrational frequency to sustain imagery in the mind, emotions within the body, memories of activities, and stimulation of activities. It takes on geometric shapes and forms that are conducive to the energy necessary to sustain its life. Thought forms exist within a collective body of consciousness as well as individual bodies of consciousness. All bodies of consciousness are stored within the subconscious mind.

A collective body of consciousness can be that which is experienced within humanity on a social level (i.e. schools, churches, family gatherings, etc.). All who attend social gatherings can remember what happened, how they felt, and what they were thinking. The reason this is possible is because the body of consciousness harnessed the collective experience, thoughts, and emotions of all that attended.

The individual body of consciousness, which is with the individual at all times, houses the thoughts and feelings about the event and the people there, and it will eventually merge with the other bodies of consciousness of the other individuals at the event. This is what creates the collective body of consciousness. As all depart and walk away from the event, they are in fact walking away with a heavier load.

Whether the individual agrees with what happened at the event, what others thought and the emotions of everyone there, has nothing to do with their capacity to merge with the other bodies of consciousness. The merging will happen either way as this is a form of how we connect with each other as humans and how we understand our existence. The body of consciousness, however, does not have to remain within the individual. It can be removed at any time.

On the other hand, retention of the collective bodies of consciousness will directly influence the individual's life through emotion and beliefs should it remain merged. In other words, the individual will always be carrying what is not theirs. In the same token, this is not necessarily a negative thing as all bodies of consciousness are not unpleasant. It just does well to be aware of the choices one has when it comes to understanding on an energetic and spiritual level how one is influenced by the impressions they have gathered from the conscious collective.

The reason the collective body of consciousness influences the life of the individual is because it is stored within the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is where the belief system is held. Now, it is not only the collective body of consciousness that is influencing the individual, but their personal bodies of consciousness as well.

For every experience one has, there is a body of consciousness that houses this experience and the thoughts and emotions that go along with this experience. Have you ever had a time where you could remember something like it just happened yesterday? Depending on your ability in remembering, you might smell what you smelled that day. You can in fact recall the experience of all of your senses, so besides smelling, you will remember what something felt like when you touched it, how it made you feel emotionally, and the vividness of its' appearance. What is interesting is that these bodies of consciousness will continue to exist whether you remember it on a conscious level or not. The program has already been set in the subconscious mind.

When you remove that body of consciousness, it removes the collection of belief systems that are stored within it, thereby allowing you to be free and not overrun by the activities of any experience. You become lighter and your heart opens more which will allow you to take in more positive energy and the love vibration.

The body was energetically created to hold vast amounts of the Love Vibration through the Heart Centers. The Heart Centers, which are a part of the multi-dimensional aspects of the Higher Selves, have to go through a re-opening or activation. As they are activated, they begin to take in more of the love vibration so that the body can once again get use to accumulating the higher frequencies. All activations and developments happen within stages. One Heart Center at a time is cleared so the love vibration can easily flow to the next pathway in the following Heart Center.

As each Center is cleared, the body activates the next set of multi-dimensional pathways of light. The energy flows like a river, spewing into the next light body. The light body, and there are several, is the body of consciousness. Light energy comes in varying frequencies. So when you think of a light body, it is not necessarily always going to be a high vibrating one.

The lower light bodies or bodies of consciousness are what hold you into the current state in which you are experiencing in this reality. As you remove the unwanted bodies of consciousness, you reconnect with your divine form. This is in fact the state through which man or humanity "fell from grace." It was through consciousness. The very act of removing bodies of consciousness will create what is called a Conscious Shift.

The Conscious Shift is what takes you out of the realm of typical human thinking, experience, and awareness. The Shift will bring you closer to your divine state because you will become more aware of your true form. Your awareness expands to the next body of consciousness that is vibrating at a higher frequency. You eventually merge with what can be considered multi-dimensional thinking. This is so, because you are merging with that part of yourself that exists on that next higher plane. Within the next higher plane is a vastness of wisdom and intelligence which exceeds the realm of human thinking. It is as if you go through an instant download of inner knowing without question.

As you continue to go through Conscious Shifting, you become more aware of the several other energy centers that dwell in your multi-dimensional bodies. As each body of light is accessed, a higher amount of the love energy is "poured" into the body until you are completely merged (mentally) with your true form of creation. The opening of the Heart Chakra on each of the Heart Centers is opened or remains opened and take in a more refined form of energy. The individual, who may not have been in their body meaning they are not grounded, is suddenly present and aware. They will feel the connection and the oneness with all life. It is in this state that duality ceases to exist as it can only exist outside of love. Love is an energy that is emitted from the Source and Center of all creation known as God.

As one goes through Conscious Shifting, they no longer breathe solely through their nostrils, but the breathing occurs through the body of consciousness also known as light bodies. The body is of course breathing in varying degrees of love and light energy. The focal point for the breath now becomes known through the heart. As the individual focuses on their heart and takes in expansive light/love breaths (breathing in light or love energy), their state of consciousness is reinforced in the higher light body or body of consciousness. It is through the dimensions of the heart that all will come to know their divinity and their power.

If one can get past any fears and ego, then the process will be very simple, but highly effective. Some ideas for the bodies of consciousness that can be removed include, but are not limited to: poverty consciousness, promiscuity consciousness, burden of struggle consciousness, consciousness from childhood to adolescence to adult life. Any time you begin to live a different life style and do things differently, the old body of consciousness is still there. It will continue to live a life of its own and may even bother you or try to get your attention from time to time. Have you ever made a statement like "well, that was the old me"? You were referring to those bodies of consciousness.

Bodies of conscious can also be passed down from generation to generation, including from previous life times. If you want to dramatically change your life, first begin with family issues from childhood. Next look at the behavioral patterns of your family (mother and father's side) and remove those as well. Once they have been removed, you will be surprised to feel differently. You will even notice that you respond differently to people and situations.

Also, with the planet Earth, she is shifting as well. As we shift into different states of consciousness, she is doing the same thing and releasing those things she no longer needs to experience. Her Shifting equals our shifting and determines what direction we will take as our destiny is with her destiny.

Denika Laurie has been practicing Holistic Health now for 8 years. She is an expert in Energy Work using Reiki and other energy healing methods, but now incorporates it with Light Energy and Theta DNA Healing. She provides private sessions, over the phone sessions, group workshops, and inspirational speaking to all that are in need.

You can reach her at http://www.eternalkween.com or send her an email at info@eternalkween.com.

Collective Consciousness - The Most Powerful Force of Law of Attraction

Collective consciousness is one of the subjects of sociology. Homogeneous groups of people, whether of religions, ethnicities, political parties, or nations will tend to adopt shared ideologies or social standards that permeate and govern their attitudes and behavior. For example, most Americans consciously acknowledge and value democracy as the most favorable form of government. And within a large homogeneous group, there will be subsets of collective agreement that interpret or apply the shared ideologies or social standards in various ways, or from a different perspective, hence we have conservatives and liberals and independents. The size and strength of these subsets can rise and fade within the larger cohort as attitudes and sympathies shift and adjust due to various influencing factors, some of external causes and some from within.

One of the well-known ideologies of Ronald Reagan - "Government is not the solution to our problems. Government is the problem." - appealed to a subset of our collective consciousness that made him one of the most popular presidents among political conservatives. Reagan's ideology was often quoted in the most recent Republican primary campaigns as well as in the national presidential campaign. It is, indeed, a mantra of a conservative collective agreement. Someone might disagree with its ideological absolutism, but there's nothing covert about this political view.

Even if its specific social and political implications are less than obvious, the notion that less government is better government is a clear, overt position, IF it is indeed consciously understood for what it is. We are more likely to change our conscious agreements, if we intelligently observe and evaluate the consequences of our agreements. As a nation, the electorate majority may or may not decide to support this supposition. As a result of the publicity surrounding the recent banking scandals, public opinion appears to have shifted back to a need for more governmental intervention and regulation.

Unfortunately, we are not always fully conscious. And if not, we may too easily allow ourselves to be triggered into our "survivalist" collective unconscious.

The collective unconscious is not the content of sociological science. First observed and defined by Carl Jung, we are most likely to hear it discussed in the realm of analytical psychology. Jung referred to the collective unconscious as "a reservoir of the experiences of our species." He believed that the human species has an active unconscious code or instinct developed over many thousands if not millions of years and embedded deeply in our psyches. It is not that much different in its origins and function from the primitive survival instincts of other living creatures. Aggressive "survivalism" is basic to our most primal nature, well hidden just under our "civilized" conscious surface. When feeling fearful and threatened, we can be triggered and converted into hostile actions against differing members of the human race. Given perceived threatening events, it is not difficult to capitalize on our primitive collective unconscious and then to incite a vengeful collective agreement to support of an aggressive attack on the perceived threatening peoples, even against a society or country that posed no real threat. We have a lot of evidence of this aggressive nature throughout history, and many adroit and powerful leaders have exploited it to their own end. Adolph Hitler is viewed as one of the consummate masters of the technique.

The events of September 11, 2001 created a political opportunity to incite a revengeful collective consciousness that became the driving force behind our invasion of Iraq, the re-election of George W. Bush in 2004, and support for many of the Bush administration's questionable policies. Since "9/11" and our county's international response to the events of that day, many of us became, with increasing intensity, "news junkies", and hence, drawn into an unfortunate and self-defeating collective agreement that triggered a deeper, more primitive instinct. One of George W. Bush's stated campaign goals was to "unite the country". And he did. With the complying assistance of a media that thrives on bad news, the Bush administration triggered our primitive, survivalist collective unconscious through the escalation of fear and desperation in order to create the political capital for the support of the "war on terrorism" as well as the justification for some of the re-interpretations of our constitution and our agreements with the Geneva Convention.

As with most Americans, my personal "addiction" to the political news reached its highest point of captivation with the 2008 presidential campaigns and election. In retrospect, my personal vigilance of our political situation was fed by the frenzy of speculation that permeated our news media. My personal obsession with politics over the past seven years was driven to a great extent by my increasing concern with the consequences of the pathological level of fear and desperation being imbedded more and more deeply in our collective consciousness.

Were we being conditioned to consciously accept and expect worldwide conflict? Were we becoming psychologically conditioned to accept, and perhaps take for granted our hostility and aggression toward anyone with a different collective consciousness? Were we being conditioned to win "the war on terrorism" at any cost, including the forfeiture of our country's longstanding values and integrity, even our own personal rights and freedoms? Were we being conditioned to expect, even initiate Armageddon?

Most of the commercial media thrives on bad news, because its producers and sponsors understand very well how we feed on the drama and how well it sells the "good news" offered in commercial advertising. The election of Barack Obama reflected a shift toward optimism and hope. But it did not take long for the media to shift its focus from the Bush drama and begin its amplification of the slightest potential controversy or conflict or challenge within Barack Obama's next cabinet appointment or the Republican opposition to his economic recovery plan. One of the most audacious and influential of the conservative media personalities has arrogantly declared his hope for Obama's failure as our country struggles to recover from the abysmal legacy of the previous administration that he, the media personality, supported. And the rest of the media swarmed to the story like ravenous sea gulls attracted to a bloated beached whale.

Are we we fascinated with obnoxious people? Are hooked on bad news? Are we addicted to, even anticipating the drama of a catastrophic horror story? Do we unconsciously want the excitement of a bloody fight or even Armageddon?

To often it seems that just as we begin our recovery from one catastrophe, some part of our fascination with anticipating the next misfortune draws us into a gaper's block. For sixty years of my memory, seemingly every opportunity was taken by some hysterical evangelicals to revive the "fear of God" in all of us by pointing to the prophetic biblical signs of the inevitable certainty and proximity of Armageddon. The present perception of worldwide woe provides no exception to this opportunism. The History Channel recently got into the act and aired a series of programs on the "signs pointing to Armageddon". Even among some of my new age friends, there wafts rather quiet, almost whispered speculations of the implications of the end of the Myan calendar in December 2012.

And then there's "The Web Bot Project." Created in the 1990's to help predict stock market trends, this powerful covert technology "crawls" throughout the Internet in search of keywords that trigger an analysis of the content of a given site. It then feeds this content into a mega computer that theoretically taps into the collective consciousness of our world. The project was intended to look for, analyze, and highlight "tipping points" on how the world market might move in the future. Interestingly, the operators of the project began to notice that the program was predicting more than trends in the stock markets.

In June of 2001, three months before the attacks of September 11, the Web Bot Project predicted that within the next 60-90 days there would be a catastrophic, life-altering event that would affect the world at large. The Project has predicted, coincidentally similar to the Myan Calendar, worldwide calamity near the end of 2012. Theoretically, the Web Bot Project made its predictions based not on objective events or scientific trends but on a global collective fatalism. It might be a temptation to blame the Bot Project prediction for potentially inciting hysteria through "digital hyperbole". The mega computer of the Bot Project has no vested interest in creating panic. It is our collective consciousness, our collective consumption of catastrophic drama and hysteria that is driving the prediction.

Are we doomed by our own worldwide collective fatalism? Are we self-condemned to create our own Armageddon?

During the seven years that followed 9/11, the collective consciousness of the American people gradually shifted away from support of the war and the oppression of Bush administration. This shift was tipped by several factors, especially those close to home including the administrations botched handling of the devastation of hurricane Katrina. The long-term contradictions of the declaration of "mission accomplished", the revelation and controversy of potentially illegal interrogation techniques, the apparent loss of our national integrity on an international level, and the blatant violations of the constitution and the law painfully wore thin on the American people. Ironically, our over-saturation of the continuous bad news appears to have overloaded our consciousness. Perhaps similar to the Schick Shadle method of aversion therapy, our collective frustration and exhaustion with our fear-driven survivalist aggression left a bad taste for more of the same. In its place was spawned a heightened desire for a positive, hopeful, peaceful change in direction. Barack Obama became a national phenomenon, a dominant collective agreement. This shift reached its summit in the 2008 elections, clearly evidenced by a record number of previously disenfranchised voters willing to stand in long lines for "torturously" long hours, not even certain they would make the polling deadline.

Fortunately, there is a lot more positive evidence that our collective consciousness has shifted. A majority of the American voters came to disapprove of the war in Iraq, and we voted in favor of change in the presidential election. Even with continuing bad news about the economy and intensified conflict in Afghanistan, there remains among the majority a sense of renewed optimism and hope for withdrawal from the war and our recovery from the economic recession.

I started writing this commentary a month before the elections of November 4. Looking back, it is remarkable how much my personal sense of wellbeing and hope has soared. The significance of the results of this election reflects a renewed consciousness that reaches well beyond its political implications.

As Barack Obama gave his victory address to a crowd of over 100,000 people in Grant Park in Chicago and his inaugural address to nearly three million in Washington, D.C., the television cameras captured the emotions of hundreds of faces. These were truly heart-warming, joyful images. Many cried for joy for the victory of hope over the oppression of the last eight years, but many tears were shed out of an overwhelming relief from the oppression of a collective agreement that once condoned legalized slavery and racial bigotry. This presidential election was the greatest conscious milestone for freedom and equality in this country since the Emancipation Proclamation of 1862-63. But even more significantly, the election of Barack Obama may represent the a significant shift in our collective consciousness, from our fascination with fear, drama, and dominance to a more positive spiritual alignment with nature, hope, peace, joy, acceptance, tolerance, and love.

Rhonda Byrne's book and video, The Secret, first appeared in bookstores and online near the end of 2006. There appeared to be a coincidentally renewed interest in Wayne Dyer's books and videos on The Power of Intention. Both received somewhat instantaneous attention. Oprah Winfrey interviewed several proponents and teachers of The Secret, making it the "talk of the town". Almost immediately, everyone was talking about the power of attraction. Book and DVD sales skyrocketed. Law of Attractive support groups sprung up all over the country. It would be interesting to know just how many Americans created a "vision board" on their refrigerator doors or at the foot of their beds.

Less than two years after the release of The Secret in 2006, Oprah Winfrey co-produced an online study group focused on Eckhart Tolle's book, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose. In A New Earth, Tolle exposes the pathology of the "collective ego", and he points the way to a worldwide evolution of a new collective awareness. If we closely examine Jung's collective unconscious and compare his observations with Eckhart Tolle's collective ego and the pain-body, there are some striking similarities, the most significant among them the degree to which our collective thoughts determine our perspective and consequential actions.

The Law of Attraction, most simply put, states that "thought become things". But our collective thoughts generate not only things but also our peace and prosperity. Our collective consciousness can create entire realities. It creates poverty or prosperity, harmony or conflict, peace or war, heaven or hell. Awareness and focused positive thought are the keys to the most joyful and fulfilling of what we create.

If we are to create prosperity, harmony, peace, and heaven on earth, we first must be believe that we can. And we must shift our focus, our awareness on prosperity, harmony, peace, and the state of heaven on earth - not on fear, despair and catastrophe. This is not Pollyanna. We do, indeed, create our own reality, and the collective conscience is the most powerful application of the law of attraction. Among my more spiritually focused friends, there's considerable speculation about an evolving spiritual "enlightenment", a "new hopeful consciousness". The fact that someone as popular and "household" as Oprah Winfrey would risk here enormous success on featuring such controversial philosophy as that of The Secret or Eckhart Tolle's "Power of Now" is clear evidence of some kind of significant shift in populous trends. This is our only hope for our recovery from the worldwide distress and the conflicts that threaten not only our peace but our survival. We must engage in a deliberate and conscious spiritual process; that is, it must come from the deepest part of our souls, from that part of us that is universal Spirit - our source of and connection with hope, peace, and love.

Chuck Jennings has over thirty years experience assisting individuals make successful and meaningful life transitions through wellness, self-esteem, self-confidence, and spiritual recovery. He has helped thousands of individuals define and achieve career goals. He practices a holistic approach to life coaching. He believes that transitions through life issues must be addressed on multiple levels, including the physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual levels.

Life Coach Chuck is certified by the Life Coaching Institute and is a member of the International Coach Federation and a contributing expert to SelfGrowth.Com. Chuck has been awarded his B.A., M.A., M.F.A., and a Diploma of Life Coaching. He has forty years experience as a university professor in the arts, as well as fourteen years administrative and managerial experience in the academic environment.

Chuck enjoys the challenges and adventures of life lived to the fullest. At the age when most persons might slow the pace of their lives, Chuck considers his life the most exciting and interesting. At 59 years, he changed his career, and he took on a life-long dream to become an accomplished and skilled pilot. His optimistic confidence generously spills over into his practice as a life coach, encouraging his clients to pursue their passions and to never assume a dream as unattainable. His life and what he offers his clients are splendid examples of the power of the law of attraction.

Making Conscious Choices Is A Choice We Make!

"Every day, each of us makes a multitude of choices that will impact our lives...the quality of our choices will dictate whether we will struggle in frustration or live an extraordinary life-the life of our dreams." ~ Debbie Ford

In her book THE RIGHT QUESTIONS, author Debbie Ford entitles the second chapter, "Waking Up from Autopilot." This is exactly the challenge you and I face if we want to live an "extra" ordinary life based in healthy, life affirming choices. As we look at the world today it may seem that the majority of humankind exists at the level of living a life that is stuck on autopilot, actually unaware that the choices we make every moment of every day individually and collectively determine our experience on the planet. This is self-evident with the mindless damage being done in our environment and ecosystem, and perhaps even more so with the obvious conflict between human beings around the world.

When we exist on autopilot the tendency is to live unconsciously, self-servingly and reactively rather than proactively because we are not awake enough to realize we are always at choice. As a species, one could say we have made more than a few mindless choices. I find this interesting given the fact that the ability to make conscious choices is one of the primary things that separate us from every other species on earth. The good news is it's not too late to learn that we can choose again! My point is simply that conscious choice begins with conscious beings.

We have all heard the term, "Think globally, act locally", so to personalize this idea I would like to ask you these questions: Do you remember everything that you chose to put into your body yesterday from the moment you got up until the time you went to bed? Conversely, do you remember everything that you chose to have came out of your mouth...do you recall the manner in which you chose to speak to and treat every person you have had contact with in the past 72 hours? Do you remember the moment you thought about (or avoided thinking about) choosing to do your exercise program today and the action you took (or didn't take) to follow through? Do you recall the day you made the choice to go to college or not to, to buy or sell a home or not to, to have children or not to, to take or leave a job or not to, or enter or exit a relationship or not to?

From the seemingly piffle commonplace choices we make daily to the colossal once in a lifetime choices we make, they all have one thing in common; they define who we believe ourselves to be. Another way to look at it might be to say that irrespective of the degree, every choice we make leads us closer to, or further away from being the person we desire to be. The more conscious we are in the choices we make, the clearer we are on WHO we are. That's how powerful our freedom to choose is.

The reality is when we come to an intersection while driving our car, the choice as to which way we turn can literally determine what happens next in our life. The metaphor of course, is that our lives are always at an intersection. You are at an intersection right now...which way is your life inclined to go? My question for you today is profoundly simple, but also intensely deep: How conscious are you of the choices you will make today? Will you turn right or left...or continue on the same road you have been traveling for so very long? This question is imperative to ponder for your own sake as well as for your family of the earth. It's time to take our lives off autopilot!


* Commit to making only conscious choices for the next 24 hours.

Begin with the next thought you have that necessitates a choice of ANY kind. Irrespective of what it is, challenge it. In your mind, fast forward and review the consequences of that choice. Will you be truly at peace with the consequences, or resent yourself later for the choice you made?

* Regardless of the scope or scale of the choices you make today, large or small, ask yourself if the consequences of the choices are ones that serve you as well as others in an affirmative manner. In other words, does this choice affirm a whole and fulfilling life for you, and at the same time harm no one else in any way shape or form?

* Most importantly, create space for the loving Presence of God within to be revealed, and listen...you will know what choice to make.

Peace, Dr. Dennis Merritt Jones

Over the last 21 years, Dr. Dennis Merritt Jones has helped thousands of individuals on their journey of spiritual growth. His New Thought workshops, classes, seminars, books, music, and weekly Sunday lectures are an inspiration to many. Join him this week for an interview with an insightful spiritual teacher on his TV program "One Power" - Now playing on the Internet at WisdomTeachers.com You can find out more about Dr. Dennis and his book "The Art of Being" at DennisMerrittJones.com And, if you're in the Los Angeles area, you can visit him this Sunday at the OneSpirit Center for Conscious Living [http://www.onespirit.org].

2012年8月24日 星期五

Living Without A Need To Have A Purpose

The meaning you put on anything makes it become real. This is how creation occurs. When you just ignore it, when it has no meaning to you, it has no reason to stay in your reality because it doesn't need to. Definitions are like beliefs, and by their very nature they also cause whatever you've defined to become real. And there's no bigger definition than how we define who we think we are. We believe we need to become something but in fact the exact opposite is true, it's about letting go of something-and that something is whatever has been motivating us to live, the so-called "purpose" or "meaning" that we were told, even at a very early age, we're supposed to have, which stays with us until we die. Such motivators actually place us in a box, no longer free to respond however we feel. Once there is a purpose, now the mind thinks it has to live up to that purpose or image, and from then on we now choose to act in a way that will (hopefully) convince everyone else we are good because, "Can't you see? I have a purpose-this is who I am!" And of course, most importantly, "Dear God look, I'm good because I'm at least trying to fulfill my purpose." Not having a purpose feels terrible to most because on the deepest level there is a fear of what God will think not to mention what our friends and family will think. However, you are God, so if you drop the purpose, now you're undefined and thus, free. Any action at any time is possible because you no longer have an image to live up to. Now that's true freedom and also the scariest thing for most humans. But that is where we have all chosen to go at this time in human history.

For me, letting go of the need to have a purpose has been a slow process because I really had this purpose thing drilled into me. However, I now understand that all l need to do is whatever brings me joy and then trust that my soul will take care of the rest. In other words, let's say you get inspired to do something and the idea of doing it feels really good. Great! What you do next is to breathe into your desire and, using your imagination, get a sense of what steps you need to take to make this desire become a reality. Then you simply let it go and begin with step one, and just continue following your joy from then on. There's no need to set a goal and to push yourself to achieve it. The only thing you have to do is focus on what it is you want. This may sound like you're setting a goal but you're really not because unlike a goal, you have no idea exactly what the end result is going to look like. Rather, you have an imagined idea and a good feeling. Now your "work" is to stay focused on doing only what feels good. The rest of what's necessary, all the details and the hows will come to you when appropriate. That is active being. You are the creator and when you put your focus on something and remain joyful, it takes on a life of its own. All energy flows in service to you. The time will come when your desire becomes real. It may not look quite like what you first imagined, but you know you are the creator of it and it will feel as though it was effortless because all you did was follow your joy. This is the way of creation in the New Energy. Creation occurs through passion, not hard work.

Now, there may still be issues in your life that you wish you could somehow change, such as having a belief in not being good enough, or having doubts about yourself, or fears, or even lack. Perhaps you feel you have been diligently working on these issues, in wanting to shift and change your own belief systems, and don't understand why they never seem to improve much. You probably also understand that you need to accept and embrace what is, and yet I acknowledge the very human and very understandable desire to change what is. After all, if you just accept it, embrace it, and leave it at that, maybe it would never change and you don't like what it is, so the idea of just embracing it doesn't resonate too well with you.

I as much as anyone understand this and have the greatest amount of compassion for you. You are here on earth, you're living out your human existence with all it's interesting dynamics and situations, learning to accept yourself more than anything, learning to accept your creations, and hoping to learn how to change your creations. I invite you to sink into simply accepting them, to simply accepting what is, and to perhaps give you a different perspective on what this means.

As you know, you're God having these experiences and I invite you now to revel in them. Not just to tolerate or to just accept in order to change, to grudgingly embrace, but to revel in your experiences. Part of the challenge is that you put a lot of meaning on the things you see reflected around you. You put meaning on the lack that you perceive in your life, for example. You say, "Well, I'm such a shitty creator because I'm still creating in lack." And you see the lack around you and you put the meaning on that. You put meaning on all these different things and you say that it means this or that about you. And I also invite you to let that go, to just experience. Experience the lack and then say, "Wow, God's really having fun with this one. Why, I have no idea how this is going to work out! What a ride! What a suspense story. This is a good story!" Can you allow yourself to revel in your human experience, your humanness? Part of you may be saying, "No way in hell, I don't like this. Why would I want to revel in it?"

I want you to open your awareness to yourself, to who you truly are. You are God, reveling in this incredible human experience. I hesitate to even say this because it may be counter-intuitive or rather a paradox, but it is true that as you truly begin to revel in life, things will begin to change. Whatever life brings you, let's say life brings you an experience of no money, or money is tight, or an experience of God knows what. Life brings you this experience and you revel in it, saying, "Look at that, how is it that I created this to seem so real? It's fantastic! What a creator I am because what an act of creation it was to play this small role. It is as if the greatest actor who ever lived is playing the role of some beggar on the street. What an actor. What a role you are playing, and you are playing it fully. When you can fully revel in your experiences, not to change them or wish them away or any of those things, they will begin to change. As I said, I hesitate to say this because you tend to want to skip over the part of truly reveling in it, and in fact, it can tend to hold you out of the experience. You say, "Yes, yes, I'll revel and embrace," but only in order to change it.

I invite you here to make friends with the situations in your life without making them mean something. What if you, for example, go so far into debt that you have to walk away from it all, that you have to declare bankruptcy or whatever situation you might be facing, what would that mean about you? Absolutely nothing. It would just mean you had that experience. So I invite you to take off the meaning of these experiences and just fall into them. Imagine you're in this amusement park and you got into the haunted house and, oh my goodness, all these things are going to get you. They look like they want to eat you. They're scaring the shit out of you. Oh, but it's so much fun, it's just an experience. You go up on the roller coaster. It goes so slow and then you get to the top and go over, and your stomach comes up in your mouth and you think you're going to lose your dinner as you drop down. But you don't think, "What a stupid thing for me to do, that was foolish." No. You think, "Wow, what a ride."

Allow yourself to revel in the experience itself. There's nothing to do but to live life. Oh perhaps you say, "I want these experiences, but not those experiences," but life brings you experience, that is all. How you choose to experience those things is up to you. When you live it fully you revel; in the morning you get up and are tasting your breakfast as if for the first time, walking outside, seeing the world as if it's brand new, through new eyes because you revel in life, whatever it brings. "Oh look, there's another letter. They want money from me too. Wow! What a game I've created." Allow yourself to fully experience everything that life brings you. It will change, it will flow, it will reflect a different level of your consciousness but your consciousness is here to experience.

For me, I recognized there was still a part of my consciousness or my subconscious, whatever it is, that still tended to believe God hates me, or I'm not worthy of love, but my soul made it very clear that this whole perception or feeling God hates me, well, who is God? I struggled with this for many lifetimes, this self-hatred. It's actually not God who hates me. It has been me hating me. This feeling is really two sides of the same coin-God hates me and I'm unlovable. But I am changing that-have changed that! I now know that I am God also, for one thing, and that there's a part of me that does love me, and that is lovable. This is why for several years I have focused only on loving myself. It all comes back to that. It all comes back to trusting yourself and loving yourself, discovering the love that is already inside you. It's just those old overlays from past lives that convince you differently. It's like putting on a mask and dreadful clothes and then looking in the mirror and saying, "God I'm ugly." Well, take off the mask. Take off those clothes and see your beauty. It's just been a mask, which is a type of overlay. You actually do love yourself, very much.

The reflections in your outer world, because of living on earth, because of the human situation, there tends to be a time delay or a time factor in reflecting your inner self. I invite you to stay completely focused within yourself, finding that love, remembering that love; remembering your beauty. Your external situations will come to reflect that. When your attention and awareness is focused on your external situation it turns into a type of loop where, "Oh look at that, there's more of that." When your attention and consciousness is focused within yourself, within your own grandness, brightness, your love, the incredible essence of you, you are hardly even going to notice your external world but it will come to reflect your true self. When it doesn't seem to reflect your true self say, "Oh well, that's just leftovers. It doesn't mean anything any more." As I said, the meaning you put on it gives it a type of reality and stability within your reality; it makes it real. When you just ignore it, when it has no meaning to you, it has no reason to stay in your reality because it doesn't need to. You don't recognize it as real or with meaning any longer. Now, as long as you are trying to push something out by saying, "You have no meaning, you don't belong in my reality, go away," oh, you're giving it lots of attention and meaning regardless of what your words are saying because your attention is on it. When those other things are irrelevant to you because you're so caught up within yourself and within the reveling of the experience, it's almost as if the external will become fluid and shift and change because your attention is no longer focused on it.

You might feel as though experiencing something is actually putting all your attention and focus on it, and therefore giving it relevance, but let's say you wanted to go for a swim so you went out to some mountain lake and jumped in. Those mountain lakes can be icy cold. Now, are you going to be thinking about it and putting all sorts of meaning on it? "Wow, this is cold. It must be high elevation. It must be winter," all these things, or are you just going to experience the breath-taking cold and the exhilaration and frantic feeling of that cold? An experience that drastic tends to get you out of your mind. In a sense, your consciousness is fully immersed in the experience, though your thoughts are not exactly focused on it. Your thoughts have been obliterated by the cold. You will have very present thoughts. You may form words and shout out as you express yourself in that coldness, but you are experiencing it because that is all that is in your experience. Later you might get out and say, "Well that was a dumb thing to do, now I'm going to get sick," making it mean all sorts of things. Or, you can just say, "Wow, what an experience that was!" and then go off and experience warming yourself by the fire and whatever else is going on. There is a difference between immersing yourself, your consciousness and your awareness in the experience verses analyzing it and thinking about it and wondering why you chose it and wondering what's going to happen next and all of that-a big difference; a bit hard to convey but a big difference. Basically, the idea is to stop analyzing life and just enjoy it.

Potentials will come to you when you are in your life, when you are experiencing, when you are feeling. When you're involved in your life your body is participating in your day more than just your head. When you are fully present in your life, potentials can find you. In any particular moment you may feel an inspiration to take some kind of action. There is a difference between doing rather than just being. When you're doing you're trying to accomplish something, you're trying to get somewhere and get something done and you have a purpose. Got to do this. Got to get it done. But when you are being, you're just being. You're just experiencing. You're being present within your being. When you've made the choice to simply be, sometimes things happen. Sometimes you make a choice to take action. Even that isn't doing, it is active being because you are moving and acting from inspiration rather than agenda; propelling yourself from the here and now rather than hooking onto a future goal and pulling yourself along with that. You're propelling yourself from this now point, expanding out and expressing out from here and now rather than hooking on to some future or some potential outside of you and trying to pull yourself toward it. You might go the same direction. You might end up taking the same action, but the energy of it will be very different. So, what you do is not so important as why you do it or what motivates you. However, don't get caught up into analyzing that either.

There are many spiritual people who feel a desire to change the world. They get inspired to end animal cruelty or poverty or junk food or God knows what-there are so many causes out there it's amazing. Let's say something triggers you and you feel incensed that anyone could possibly act or live that way. Your tendency is to create a cause and to begin working towards making everyone else aware of this so-called problem you see. You encourage people to join the bandwagon and of course, to change too, should they happen to be guilty of whatever your issue is. However, what's really happening here is you are allowing an external illusion to affect the way you feel and then you are placing so much focus on it that it becomes very solid, thereby causing the issue to get bigger. Let's say you go to the movies and see a film that turns you off. Okay, so you tell a few friends about how you didn't like it and you forget about it. Would you make a sign that says, "This movie sucks" and then stand out in front of the theater with that sign? Seems silly but that's exactly what you do when you create a cause and begin fighting it. The images on the screen were just an illusion created by light passing through film. The same thing is true about your perceived problem. It's actually just something your mind has created, like a hologram, but it's not real at all. Your soul put it in your world to reflect to you yourself-the illusions you still believe are real. It's there because your soul wants you to let go of that illusion. So what's really happening when some issue triggers you is that you probably were involved in some way in a past life in doing the very thing you don't like. Your response to it, saying, "I don't like that and it needs to be stopped" is actually you saying, "I don't like that fact that I'm allowing this illusion to make me angry and that needs to stop." Indeed, and the only way to stop being triggered by it is to take your focus away from it and place it on whatever it is that's going to restore your joy.

You aren't doing what you're doing to save people or to change consciousness or any of that high falootin' stuff. You're doing what you're doing just to be, with yourself and with those you contact, without agenda, completely without agenda. Witnessing the divine within them from the divine within you. You don't even have to say the word "Namaste." You can simply be that. The divine in you greets the divine in them because you are fully in your being.

Also, on the spiritual path we're told to become the observer of ourselves, of whatever the human is doing, that who we really are is the one doing the observing, not the human. However, even with being the observer of your life, yes there is something to be said about being in the observer standpoint, but observing can even turn into a mental activity where you are thinking about something while you observe it rather than immersed in the experience itself. So simply experience whatever it going on without giving it any great deal of meaning about you.

The more in your life you are rather than living in your head, the more you will be able to recognize your inner guidance. You can feel within yourself what is appropriate and potentials will find you wherever you are when you are open. But the clearer you are, the more you realize that the purpose of potentials isn't always what they appear to be. I will give you an example. In early December 2007, I got what I felt was a real inspiration to go back to Lincoln, Nebraska where my father was, and I almost did it until I got on the phone and heard his begrudging words that he really didn't want me there. Even that didn't necessarily have to stop me and yet it gave a different perception to everything and allowed me to work through some deep feelings of not being accepted, which I thought was a great thing. And after bringing those aspects home I chose to stay in Florida and I've since felt lots of gratitude for myself, for having made the decision to stay here, because I truly love it here. But I was amazed that all kinds of potentials were popping up in Lincoln that would've allowed me to go back there and jump right back into the way things were at one time. It all opened up and was ready and willing and inviting me and yet, somewhere inside I sensed that really wasn't the best thing to do in the moment. So some potentials may open up something else for you rather than what first appears to be. When you are connected with yourself, you can always trust the guidance you get within yourself. You can always trust your own wisdom.

I also want to say that when you are deeply involved in walking this path of melding yourself with the divine, you may not find any great amount of upliftment and joy connecting with other people, even with other "spiritual" people because this path of enlightenment is a turning inward. It is a letting go and a disconnection from everything outside of you and all around you. It is going into your experience and it tends to be rather solitary. In a way it is a bit like dying. You can talk about it, and be with people while they die, but ultimately you can only do it alone.

Paul Reinig has recently released his new book, "Apostle Paul: The Untold Story," which is available on amazon.com in both the US and UK, and an audio recording, "How To Accept Yourself and Bring Home Your Aspects", which is available as a download on his website. He hosts an online listener call-in radio show accessible at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/mastering-true-love, is a speaker and facilitates seminars involving dance in which he shares how you can learn to love yourself on an intimate level. For more information, see http://www.MasteringTrueLove.com.

The Immense Power of Gratitude in Conscious Manifestation

"Gratefulness is heaven itself." William Blake

An "attitude of gratitude" is recommended by all the teachers of the Law of Attraction. Why is it so important? For one, gratitude can put you in the vibration of your desires fulfilled. Gratitude brings completion to cycles; when you are grateful 'in advance', you are feeling and responding to the completed manifestation cycle at a level of knowing. In other words, you are energetically in the fulfillment of your desired manifestations. The subconscious mind makes no distinction between what is real and what is imagined--its conviction comes from your emotional energy, based on intensity and frequency of those emotional states. With an attitude of gratitude, you repeatedly energize the emotional states of your manifested desires, and your subconscious mind will get working on matching your outer reality with your inner state of being. If you are trying to magnetize abundance, for example, then being grateful for all your abundant blessings puts you in the fulfilment energies of abundance, which is the perfect attractor energy for increased abundance.

But gratitude works in many varied ways. For example, being grateful for what is, including all your areas of lack or dysfunction, empowers you as an attractor force further. But how can you be grateful for your lack and dysfunction? And won't that attract more lack or dysfunction? No it won't--not if you're grateful for what the lack is revealing to you. If you can feel grateful for the lack because it helps you to appreciate the sense of abundance, which is what you desire more of, then you've managed to be grateful for the full spectrum of experience. Without the lack, you likely would not be able to consciously appreciate and therefore choose abundance. From that state of acceptance, your choice for abundance will be met with far greater ease than it would if you were still energetically resisting lack. What we resist persists. What we resist, we create an internal polarity to, which fixes it in place. So gratitude for all experience is a very powerful means to dissolve the inner polarity and allow free movement, by choice, on the full spectrum of experience (in this case, the desired movement would be towards the abundance-end of the spectrum).

Dave Cameron explains, "...gratitude completes the cycle of knowing... What you like and what you hate are two ends of the same thing. For example, if you like being with your spouse and hate being separated from them, realize that you are working within the same essence, which is your spouse. It is because of the moments of absence that you appreciate and recognize the moments of presence. When you are grateful for both what you like and what you don't like, you complete the knowingness and you are released from having to experience what you don't like. ...Some very significant shifts occur in your mind and soul whenever you are genuinely grateful for all things, even the ones you don't like. Gratitude will speed you through your growth and success more than any amount of hard work ever can. Gratitude completes the lesson, and as a statement of completion rings that tone of success, pulling to you the end result desired." 1

When you can be grateful for the things you don't like, you speed up the learning and hence, the need for those things in your life. "You cannot leave a situation permanently unless you appreciate the gifts it brings you, and all situations bring a gift, no matter how terrible the situation may appear to be."1 In the case of lack, the gift may be the conscious appreciation of abundance and ease, which is necessary for sustaining it in life.

Life as God's Love in Action

Without you, your consciousness, your life would not be. All the interactions with others and what is created out of that simply would not exist. Life arises out of you, through you, and for you. It is entirely dependent upon your consciousness. It shapes and moulds itself around you in a perfect fit, like a glove over a hand. The animated, gloved hand is you in life. The glove shifts as you shift. Take your hand out, and the glove collapses and is no longer animated.

The animating principle of this thing we call life (the glove) is the love of God for each one of us--it is God in action through the formless Substance. Imagine you are an invisible hand--invisible at the level of matter. The glove is there to allow you to see yourself and others, in order to enable experience. As fine-substance consciousness (invisible hand) in an ocean of consciousness, you cannot experience yourself apart from the ocean, and so you cannot encompass larger portions of the ocean, as you have no means of distinguishing anything consciously. The glove (i.e. matter, or the earthly realm of life) is there to enable distinction, contrast, and ultimately the experience of self and the possibility of encompassing larger portions of the ocean substance that is God, consciously. The loving embrace of the universe is your life.

The universe, upholding evolution by its love-imbued laws, hugs you tightly in a glove of life, which is love in action. Where you feel the pressure are the 'places' that need attention. The pain you feel, is you shrinking away from life's embrace. This pain alerts you to where you have forgotten who you are and are resisting remembering. Life hugs you tightly, always. You are moving consciousness--both awareness and life. You're all of it, albeit, at different levels of consciousness. The god-you wishes you to remember who you are, the 'small you' is the vehicle through which that remembering process is focused. Resistance is what causes pain and delays learning. When you can be grateful for all experience, you release resistance and begin to yield and surrender to the process. The process (life) can then change from pain, to being benign, and then soon becoming a wondrous adventure.

When you are grateful for unwanted conditions that appear in life, you accept them with the faith that somehow they are for your highest good. Acceptance is a prerequisite to change. But also importantly, by your faith that the condition is somehow for your highest good, you become a commanding presence to ensure an outcome that is preferred (you choose either lessons or blessings) --and that outcome of blessing will occur far more quickly than if you resist and are embittered or dissatisfied with the condition. So be grateful for it all--the tight hug is for your highest good, and the pain is there so long as you resist. Engaging gratitude releases the resistance and enables you to move forward with the necessary learning, bringing completion and releasing the need for life to move in on you in that manner.

Rudolf Steiner2 explains that it is our consciousness that enables immortality; in unconsciousness, we do not know that we exist and so cannot speak meaningfully of immortality. Everything of your past has contributed to your current point of consciousness, and if you will be grateful for consciousness then you can be grateful for all of your past. When you can do this, you will successfully disengage from your past and be able to move resolutely forward with whatever new stories you wish to create for yourself.

In the Science of Getting Rich3, Wattles explains that there is one intelligent Substance from which all things proceed which gives you everything you desire. In his chapter on Gratitude, he states that the best means to relate to this intelligent Substance and be in a harmonious relationship with it is through profound gratitude. Failing to acknowledge our blessings "cuts the wires connecting" us to God. Energetically, failing to acknowledge creates imbalance, as there must always be a fair exchange of energies in all 'transactions'. The universe will not be put off-balance.

Our soul lives in constant gratitude for all experience, and in this regard, lives closer to its source. When we emulate the soul we too shall live in close connection to the source of our abundance. Wattles explain the power of gratitude at accelerating manifestation because it "draws the mind into closer touch with the source from which the blessings come."

Further he points out that gratitude always reaches what it addresses and there is an instantaneous reaction of a movement towards the person who is grateful. This is an experience we all can validate. Think of giving a gift to someone who is profoundly grateful to you for it. You are drawn closer to that person. Contrast this with gifting someone who does not acknowledge the gift, or worse, refuses it. You will feel antipathy towards that person, which draws you away from them. Hug somebody who stiffens or shrinks away, and then hug somebody who hugs you back warmly--which person is more inviting? This is another important aspect of the Law of Gratitude in action.

"Draw nigh unto God, and He will draw nigh unto you. That is a statement of psychological truth."

It's important that you ponder on the power of gratitude in all aspects discussed, and see where you can work these principles in your life. Gratitude is one of three keys of manifestation; these are:

· Imagination/Desire

· Gratitude

· Faith

Imagination and desire are needed to direct the formless Substance--this constitutes our engagement in life, whereby we become increasing consciousness by exerting choice and experiencing the effects of those choices. Desire is the level at which we work with the gift and power of free will as the means to come to know the self as love.

Gratitude releases our blocks from their locked-in positions, speeds up full learning, and gives back to the universe to maintain balance and harmony, and the universe in turn responds with the joy of greater giving. But these are its effects. The essence of gratitude is love, and the highest form of gratitude is unconditional love.

If you're not sure what unconditional love feels like, try being grateful for all that is in your life that you tend to resist...be grateful for all those in your life who trigger you into less-than-love behaviours...be grateful for all past experiences that caused you pain...be grateful for all present conditions you'd rather not experience. Apply the principles discussed above, in which gratitude completes the spectrum of experience and thus the cycle of learning. Be grateful for the contrast and the resistance, for in letting go of the resistance, you gain conscious awareness and greater freedom to access, by will, the good end of the spectrum. In doing this, you will feel your heart expanding and will begin to glimpse unconditional love, and the state of being love in life. Furthermore, gratitude brings wholeness, which confers healing. As gratitude opens the heart--which is the province of miracles--, the effects of developing an attitude of gratitude in life are far-reaching.

"Wholeness is Holy; wholeness is healing. That is the essence of all miracles--physical, mental, financial, and social. Whatever has been torn apart comes back together into a state of wholeness. Love supports wholeness and wholeness support love. Through that common bond, love can heal anything." 4

Many people wonder how to operate from love in life, and the answer is by way of gratitude. Gratitude is the energy that connects us to the love that we are. Gratitude is love; gratitude for everything is unconditional love. Gratitude is the surest way to merge with the source of creation and to wield its power.

"...for this is the universal law of command. Love commands the universe, the adamantine particles, the one spirit, the heart, and all of life."4

There is no energy or healing process that is more powerful than the application of gratitude, for gratitude is love. As a force of unconditional love, gratitude will activate the hidden workings of the cause and effect of love that operate in the universe, which is expressed in life as being in the grace of God. This force is separate from the usual cause and effect of effort and operates at a higher level of Intelligence referred to as the Holy Center of existence.5 In addition, as Wattles points out, faith is born of gratitude. Faith increases the more we dwell in the love that we are. Faith brings you deeper into the fulfilment energies of what you desire, which confers complete certainty that allows you to surrender the how-to of life and flow in divine guidance and synchronicity. All three energies generate a connection to life that is teeming with vitality and passion, and with passion, you are easily spurred to take bold action when opportunities appear.

Manifestation is an interactive dance with the Creator, and at each step there must be an exchange of energies in order to remain in balance and harmony with the laws of creation. That exchange is powerfully achieved in continuous gratitude.

If you will ponder on the power of gratitude, you will certainly understand the importance of nurturing a habit of gratitude. Not only does it aligns you to attract your god-given resources and dissolves all the blocks to receiving them, but it also restores your wholeness so that you operate from greater personal power. Gratitude is the keystone of manifestation; gratitude brings you closer to the source so that you can easily imprint your desires on the formless Substance, and it begets faith, which keeps you in a vibrational match to your desires. What you do towards increasing a grateful mind will have the largest repercussions for you in manifesting your dreams.

This report was partly excerpted from The Spirituality of Wealth, a program to develop the consciousness of abundance that contains activations of the Inner Mastery Tools and the http://www.affirmationenhancer.com>Affirmation Enhancer Tool. The report is also part of an upcoming product, a mini e-course on Manifesting for the Immortal Self. Visit http://www.spiritualityofwealth.com for details on the Spirituality of Wealth Program or to download a free copy of the Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace D. Wattles (go to Links). If you would like to be kept informed of when Manifesting for the Immortal Self becomes available, please join our email list (Inner Mastery Tools List) on http://www.spiritualityofwealth.com.

1. Dave Cameron. Article: Universal Laws Exposed: What They Are, Why They Are There. Appears in his book What If You Knew The Answer To and the Reason For Everything In Your Life?

2. Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) was a spiritual scientist, seer, initiate, and founder of Anthroposophy

3. Wallace D. Wattles. The Science of Getting Rich. Public Domain book. The book is available with the Spirituality of Wealth program, and may also be downloaded on its own for free from our website, http://www.spiritualityofwealth.com (go to Links, then click on "There is a Science to Getting Rich")

4. Glenda Green. Love Without End, Jesus Speaks. Spiritis Publishing. 2002. p. 70-71

5. Ibid, p. 174

By Anita Briggs, DCEd, MSc, DAc.

Copyright 2007 Anita L. Briggs All Rights Reserved

With over 20 years of esoteric study and a strong vision and commitment to human freedom, Anita Briggs has been counseling clients and supporting emotional healing with Rapid Eye therapy and energy psychology for over 7 years. Anita has recently co-developed Inner Mastery Tools for accelerated clearing and rescripting of dysfunction, for use by therapists or individuals. The first Tool released is the Affirmation Enhancer Tool (www.affirmationenhancer.com). This article was excerpted from the Spirituality of Wealth Program, a program to develop the consciousness of abundance that contains energetic clearings to support the integration of advanced principles of co-creation. Visit http://www.spiritualityofwealth.com for details, and to download other articles that may be of interest.

2012年8月23日 星期四

Consciousness in Modern Physics

Consciousness, that is our awareness of the world through our senses, is not a subject usually associated with physics. Only recently has it become acceptable to mention it because it intrudes itself into certain quantum results in a way that is both unavoidable and (so far, at least) inexplicable. This so-called "quantum enigma" invites a closer look at something as philosophical as consciousness. At the beginning of our age of science, in the seventeenth century, our awareness of the world, or our consciousness, was very much a part of what was then usually called "natural philosophy". Its thinking went back to the Greeks, who divided the world very clearly into two realms of perception. Our world of nature, as perceived through our five senses, was the "low" world. Our consciousness, either of ourselves or of nature around us, was totally subjective and therefore unreliable. The knowledge that could be obtained by contemplation of this low world was of an equally low order. Real or true knowledge could be obtained only by contemplation of the "upper" world, which lay beyond the reach of our senses and existed quite apart from our presence in it.

To the Greeks, everything around us in nature was still full of being. It was much more alive than it is today and man was intimately connected with all kinds of natural processes and nature beings, who continued to be mentioned in tales and legends long after they had ceased to be perceived by the ordinary person. Whether all this was "really" an illusion is not the point. It was believed in, it affected people's lives and was part of their reality, their awareness of the world, just as we today believe in quantum mechanics, although most of us have no idea how it works or even what it is.

But man was not connected only to a living nature around him then, he was also affected by forces from the stars and planets: he felt that certain plants and their planting seasons were dependent on phases of the moon, that there were intimate connections between certain metals and certain planets, gold with the sun, silver with the moon, iron with mars. lead with saturn and so on. All these connections led to certain "humors" and character characteristics, which again depended on personal factors such as the date of one's birth and the position of the stars at that time.

All such subjective consciousness factors lasted a long time, from the ancient Greeks and right through the Middle Ages. Then came Galileo, who saw the world very differently. He no longer felt all these connections and correspondences with nature or the stars. He no longer even felt any connection between himself, the observer, and the object observed.

The effect that Galileo had on all subsequent thinking can hardly be exaggerated. With one chop of the philosophical ax he removed the entire upper world of the Greeks and also redirected the attention of science into a very narrow field, matter and motion, which he felt were the only two "qualities" of nature worthy of scientific investigation. As a result, modern physics recognizes only one reality: the awareness of the world through our five senses, that is to say the subjective consciousness which needs our presence.

This is becoming a bit awkward because the mathematical treatment of both relativity and quantum theory (especially the latter) requires many more dimensions than the three spatial and one time dimensions that we are aware of through our senses. This means that much ingenuity and effort must be devoted to devise some experimental proof, which can be perceived by our limited senses, of for instance the eleven dimensions that are required to explain string theory.

However, from the point of view of consciousness, the sudden appearance of Galileo so soon after the Middle Ages, raises the interesting question of a possible change or evolution of our consciousness in time. It is usually denied by most scientists that our consciousness itself has changed over time, only that the true and real consciousness, unencumbered by animistic, magical or religious baggage, has gradually emerged from the fog of the past.

There is some evidence that our consciousness of the world might indeed be capable of change, even in the short period of time between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. There is the matter of perspective, for instance. For a person to think of himself as quite separate from the object he is observing, he needs to be conscious of a certain distance between himself and that object. Western art showed this distance very clearly between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance by achieving perspective. The medieval artist did not have it yet. It was invented only in the fifteenth century by Filippo Brunelleschi, the architect who designed the Duomo in Florence and who, like Galileo, was another difficult, cantankerous genius under the protection of the Medicis.

Once this cool, analytical distance between man and object had been achieved, once all interference from an unperceived upper world had been eliminated and once nature was seen as a sort of specimen on a slab, the new age of physics could begin. It went on through the Newtonian era, right up to the 1920s.

At that watershed period of physics, relativity and quantum mechanics left the investigation of the perceived objects of this world and began the investigation of other, far-off worlds in stars and galaxies beyond our unaided vision, as well as the investigation of inconceivably tiny particles, equally beyond our ordinary sight. These investigations are now beginning to approach the origins of matter and life, to the ultimate beginnings, like the Big Bang, and the limitations of our consciousness to the subjective realm of our five senses is beginning to be felt as very constricting.

Werner Thurau was born in December 1927, in Havana, Cuba. In 1929, his family returned to his father's native Germany. He spent the entire 1930s in Berlin, but came to England in 1939 and was then further educated in that country, ending with an engineering degree from London University. His further career took him all over the world on technical projects, moving first to Mexico and then to the United States, where he lives now. At school in England, he was exposed early in life to the world of ideas. Some of his teachers were friends of C.S. Lewis and Lewis's Oxford group, the Inklings, and his father was a philosophical bookworm. Werner combined this background with a lifelong interest in physics, especially modern physics after it breached the atomic barrier. This interest extended to Galileo, the founder of our age, and what made him so different from others of his time, as well as to the effect physics has had on other related sciences, such as modern physics [http://www.galileoshadow.com] (and its polar opposite, creationism). He came to see that the latest developments in physics bring in subjects not normally associated with a book on that science, such as modern physics [http://www.galileoshadow.com], reality concepts and even

Conscious Sexuality

First, let's take a look at what conscious means.

'scio' is Latin for 'know'. The Oxford Dictionary cites conscious as " aware, knowing, with mental faculties awake or active; intentionally performed or felt"

Take the last four words of this meaning, and ask yourself .... when I last had sex was it "intentionally performed or felt"?

I have explored and asked and played with this idea of Conscious Sexuality for some time now and have come to recognise that it means knowing me, accepting me, feeling me within every part of my body, in order for me to fully connect and integrate with the person with whom I am being sexually intimate, thereby having Conscious Sex. For this to be possible I believe you need to know the inner lover before giving yourself to an outer lover.

My spiritual journey and quest for answers as to who I am and my eternal quest for joy, bliss, self love and that 'elusive' peace that passeth all understanding, has led me through interesting experiences, bringing me out the other side, much wiser and with a deep knowing of what I want and don't want and what works for me and feels good and what doesn't.

It has been a somewhat selfish pursuit where over time I have found myself on the fringe or outskirts of a society which says "It is not OK to be overly sexual". I recall very clearly being overtly sexual in my late teens and throughout my twenties and thirties, using my sexuality to get me noticed in every way I could. I can assure you there was nothing "conscious" about all the sex, or the situations I found myself in. Rather it was a focus on the "feel fleetingly good" through orgasmic pleasure and moving on for more of the same with some significant other.

The point is, sexuality can be used as a weapon of mass destruction, a place that feeds and fuels abject loneliness, feelings of worthlessness and never fills that deep craving and longing to be loved, to be recognised as the innate being we are all supposed to be. Metaphysics teaches us to "love yourself" and even though I have said the affirmations and thought the thoughts, I still needed help and lots of workshops under the belt before reaching a point of understanding this thing called "self-love" in fact "self-appreciation" would be a more truthful understanding.

Years later I have come to fully understand that what we think, do and say does manifest in our life and once I fully grasped this I see how I create my life and how I am fully responsible for all of it! This is how the physical expression of my sexuality in a much more conscious way, broadens and expands as I move through life.

Basically we live in a sex negative and pleasure negative world. I remember when AIDS was hogging the headlines and how the Grim Reaper adverts gave anyone who wanted to be sex negative and the righteously homophobic just the tool to shout out loud "sex kills", "sex is bad" this is the "wrath of God".

Well, sex does not kill; viruses sometime do and without the sex act none of us would be here, so how can it be that 'bad'? We appear to live in a society where we are constantly bombarded with car crashes, rapes, murders, bombings, and many other forms of "bad" or "evil" which gets our attention more than the joy, the bliss, the pleasurable stuff. This sex-negative heritage has been largely based on denial and fear of our body.

Sex is the source of our life force energy, the essence of where human life stems from, sex heals, sex softens, sex endorses the feel good sensations of living and sex is prayer. Our sexuality belongs to us and the pleasure it brings us is exquisite.

Conscious sexuality does not mean you necessarily have to have a partner. There are many men and women who choose to live their lives fully, alone, or have found themselves alone after years of marriage and parenting. This is a perfect opportunity for continuous self inquiry. The first step in recovering your sexual, sensual self is to stop looking 'out there' for someone to make you feel good, or to help you feel better about your self. You are your ideal lover. There is so much these days to read and to practically explore, where wonderful things can start to happen, as we begin to learn to love ourselves. In order to truly love ourselves we need to consciously revisit all of us, the mental, the emotional and the physical. Self loving can provide us with a unique connection with our true selves, it can break down the armour.

Orgasm and sex are the single most effective natural means of tension release. At the moment of great sexual release you experience the loss of ego, loss of boundaries, and a connection to all that is. This is also what happens in a great spiritual experience.

Orgasm is the release of energy rushing through the mental, spiritual, emotional body and connects us to Source. However, remember orgasm is more than just a genital thing. There are hundreds of centimetres of tactile space on our bodies. The breath is another powerful force in contributing to the depth of our sexual experiences. Use it. The breath helps us remain synchronised with ourselves or a partner as the levels of pleasure increase and take us to crescendo of erotic joy and bliss and a full body experience like none other.

We are the one constant in our lives, the one who we live with always. A sexual relationship with self is everything. Go on an extra special, super sexy, super loving date with yourself!!! Make the time, take the time to slow down... imagine, breathe, gaze, move, moan, taste, caress, soak , feel and connect with the wonderful, beautiful being you are.

It is from here that we can share with anyone we want, where and when we want. Where, when we know our bodies so well, it becomes possible to attract the most wonderful people who feel that way about themselves too. This is what conscious sexuality is all about.

Copyright©2008 Marie-Elise Allen

Marie-Elise Allen is a keynote speaker on Sexual Health and Harmony. As a writer she submits her articles world wide and is published in various Holistic Magazines in Australia. She can be contacted through her web site http://marie-elise.com/ Marie-Elise facilitates regular information and education evenings merging sexual wellbeing, sensual delight and spiritual connection.

Limitless Consciousness Enhances Our Health and Fitness

You are only authentically living and maximizing your health and fitness when you are being your own authentic, incomparable self. It is hard, you may be saying, to just live, to just survive, in these stressful economic times, but that is because we are limited by our beliefs about health and fitness. Now, with the movie "limitless" out, we may all be wondering if we would take a pill that would make us be able to be the so-called perfect version of our self, the self that could utilize 100% of our brain instead of the 20% that is typically used. Imagine, that we could all be the "charlie/charleen sheen" version of our selves!

However, there are negative side effects to taking such a drug. For example, in the movie the main character gets migraine headaches, and he has withdrawal symptoms, if he stops taking the pill. But we can be the limitless version of ourselves naturally, without drugs and without negative side effects. It requires that we risk developing our limitless human consciousness. Most of us now have limited consciousness because we are fearful of being limitless.

All of society, all of culture is based on limitations, ie written or unwritten rules. It is called a social contract. However we pay to belong to the social contract and we pay with our authenticity, and we pay with having our health and fitness affected. The social contract we all belong to demands that we be limited in our consciousness. We are all limited by being placed into categories from birth, (or even prior to birth because of technology we now know the gender of a foetus). We conform to the social, cultural categories of race, ethnicity, gender, class, social and cultural definitions of what health and fitness is, ie what the media define to be beauty, youth, etc., and because we conform and internalize these definitions, our consciousness conforms and is limited.

Limitless consciousness is available to all by freeing ourselves from all the social, and cultural dramas that we are addicted to. It is our limited ego that wants to hold onto and worship at the altar of (the illusion of) control. We are all addicted to the arrogant belief that we can control our lives, when, unless we have limitless consciousness, our lives control us. We are fearful of the creativity involved in the chaos of the limitless consciousness. Rather than welcome the creative chaos of limitless consciousness we run from limitless freedom into social, and cultural limitations.

With limitless consciousness we can provide ourselves with an internal, unique, authentic limitless (ie Utopian) society and culture to replace the external limited society and culture. We are all only practicing having a social and cultural contract with others, until we gain enough experience with partial limited consciousness (ie fitting in belonging, etc.) to risk mastering having a limitless consciousness contract with our self. The evolutionary trend is toward limitless consciousness and the extension of the quantity and the quality of our health and fitness. We can all risk being unlimited in our consciousness now. It just requires being brave.

For instance, instead of existing on just a minimal number of hours of sleep, we need whatever quantity/quality of sleep that will de-condition us so that our consciousness can begin to become free from social and cultural limitations. Once we begin to be free from social and cultural limitations, our instinct and intuition will be strengthened enough to guide us further on, into limitless consciousness. We then will be able to listen to our own unique instincts and intuition about what the best food is for us. For example, my instinct and intuition tells me that when I eat meat, the meat is eating me back! Then we will exercise, etc., because our instincts and intuition motivates us to be limitless, instead of being motivated by limited goals, ie money, fame, power, etc.

B. Todish, Founder, flyinginplace.com

2012年8月22日 星期三

How To Attain Higher Consciousness

Being in touch with our higher consciousness throughout moments in our lives can help us bring all the joy and fulfillment we fundamentally seek. The more we can connect with our higher self, the more we can bring balance to our world. With all the global changes we are going through this is the best thing we can do for ourselves.

The way to connect with our higher consciousness is to let it come to us, we cannot control this, what we can do is to prepare ourselves for this energy to flow through us. Yet we may want to control getting this because this is one of the most fulfilling and enlightening experiences we can have.

How we begin to open up to experiences of higher consciousness is by looking at ourselves as a whole. We are beings of energy, energy flows through us, that is what creates the lives we have. What is important is how our energy flows through us. When energy flows freely in us, that is when we have the greatest experiences and when it doesn't we can feel lost.

The functionality of our energy dynamics is not something that is commonly known, it is something that we ignore, maybe partially because we fear the unknown. We are conditioned to live in our minds, we are always thinking and we forget that there are other states of mind that we can have. When we want to improve a certain situation, we try to control our thoughts in order to control the outcome. What if we decided to seek a higher state of mind to improve a given situation instead?

When events in our lives work out really well, we have a great experience, we are filled with positive and rewarding energy. This energy is very powerful and we most likely use this towards an ego boost. A mental boost feels great, but it will quickly deplete the energy and we don't get any further benefits from that experience. What if we could properly harness it and take ourselves to a higher level of awareness?

When we look at ourselves as a whole, we see that our personal energy dynamics influence our minds and our minds influence our energy levels. In other words how we fundamentally feel affects the level of our thoughts and our thoughts influence how we feel. We can worry, think negatively or believe in ourselves and think positively. These type of thoughts we have will have a major influence on the experiences we get. Understanding this will motivate us to stay with the positive vibes and we can adapt our thinking to be more like this. But sometimes that can be impossible, that's when we have to understand how our energy dynamics are working and why. When we make the necessary changes on this level, it will affect every aspect of our being. Our energy will flow more freely and we rise to a higher level of consciousness which will cause us to grow much faster.

The main cause to the restriction in our energy flow is our fears. Fears can easily accumulate in us over time to the point we don't even realize we have them or that they are affecting us everyday. We let this happen because we use our minds to hide them through the creation of belief systems. Our minds alone cannot conquer fear because it is an energy. Only our feelings can bring us directly to fear. We don't have to avoid these feelings of fear when we can learn how to properly overcome them. This is what will free us.

The way to properly overcome fear is to start by surrendering to its energy. We have to feel it and follow it to the source. This will take some strength and courage but what are we without it. We just need enough motivation, it comes very strong when we realize how our lives have been suppressed because of them. Some fears will be easier than other to conquer. They are all interconnected therefore we have to respect their pattern of creation. The bigger fears cannot get conquered without overcoming the smaller fears that lead up to it.

Overcoming fear is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves, it frees up our energy and allows us to do better in so many aspects of our lives. During the breakthroughs of fear, its release of energy leads us towards higher consciousness where we see everything clearly. At the same time we can let go of the restrictive belief systems we created and free our minds to new wisdom.

Our ego boosts are also created by fear, therefore when we can recognize that we can learn to eventually let higher consciousness flow in when we have boosts of energy. When we look at ourselves as a mind-body battle, we learn to wake up from our bubbles and begin to truly experience reality. This is how we can connect with our true potential and bring balance to this world.

I have written a simple manuscript for guidance into recovering your energy and conquering your fears so that we can free our minds. This simple view can lead us to expand our consciousness and evolve into freedom.

I have written a simple manuscript for guidance into recovering your energy and conquering your fears so that we can free our minds. This simple view can lead us to expand our consciousness and evolve into freedom. [http://www.evolvetofreedom.com]

You Are Not What Your Conscious Mind Says You Are

Your conscious mind operates from a place of fear. Fear of anything new, fear of change, even if it is positive. From this place of fear your conscious mind will try to get you not to make any changes in your life (even if they are positive) by creating fear, doubt, chaos, and confusion in your mind. It will say things like "You can't do that", "How do you think you're going to do that?" "You don't know enough" "You're not talented enough", "You're not worthy", and on and on.

Let me make one thing perfectly clear. You are NOT! what your conscious mind says you are.

Your conscious mind actually has a positive intention with all of its negative talk. that intention is to keep you safe by keeping you exactly where you are so that you don't fail or make a fool of yourself trying something new. Despite its positive intent, the conscious mind has a real lousy way of going about it. If you look back over your life, I am sure you will agree it hasn't served you very well in living the life you desire.

Your Conscious Mind Only Has The Power You Give It

Even though your conscious mind has this loud and obnoxious, condescending voice, that always seems to be so powerfully against us, it has nothing to do with who we truly are, or what is possible in our lives. In fact the only power the conscious mind has to limit us in moving forward in our lives is the power we give it. You give power to your conscious mind by giving serious consideration of anything it says to you.

If your conscious mind says "You're not worthy", and you stop to consider whether or not you are worthy, you give the conscious mind the power to limit you. You begin to think, "maybe I'm not worthy of what I want in my life". "Maybe I shouldn't desire more abundance...a more fulfilling career...a better relationship..." etc. Before you know it you talk yourself out of the positive experience and changes you desire in your life.

There Is Another Voice Within You

There is another voice within you that you may not be aware of, or have forgotten about. This other voice is not loud or obnoxious, or condescending. This voice is quiet, unconditionally loving and supportive of your dreams, and speaks in whispers. It says things like "You are loved"..."You are worthy of all that you desire"...You and your life matter..." etc.

These two very different voices are like two different radio stations. Like radio stations on a radio, you have the power to tune one out and another one in. When you tune into that voice that knows who you truly are, and unconditionally loves and supports you in all that you desire, you'll find that the fear, doubt, chaos and confusion of your conscious mind dissolves away, and the path before you becomes clear.

Become Aware

So this week I encourage you to simply be aware. Be aware of when your conscious mind is speaking negatively to you (which for most people is many times throughout the day). When you become aware of this negativity simply state very strongly "Stop! That is not the truth for me".

Then take a moment to close your eyes, put one or both of your hands on your heart, take in a deep breathe, and exhale, and become aware of that loving voice within you, that voice that knows the truth about who you really are. The voice that knows you where put on this planet to fulfill a mission, and you have all that you need within in you to successfully fulfill that mission.

Shine Your Light On the World

Remember, the conscious mind only has the power you give it with your attention. If you starve it of your attention,it is powerless, and you will be free to fully express the truth of who are. The world is waiting for you to shine your unique light. So let it shine!

Mitchell Dahood M.A. is the Founder of The Champions Heart, a Personal Growth Company. His mission is to empower individuals and organizations to free themselves from their limiting beliefs about what is possible in their lives, and connect them deeply to the passion, courage, clarity, and wisdom of their heart.

You can get a free empowerment package from Mitchell Dahood M.A. by visiting http://TheChampionsHeart.com. You will also find a number of other empowerment articles, tips, tools, and resources on the site.

You can also contact Mitchell Dahood M.A. directly by emailing him at mitchell@TheChampionsHeart.com.

2012年8月21日 星期二

How to Create a Conscious Business

Conscious business is about conscious people and conscious business practices. In some ways, operating a conscious business is a lot like parenting. As a parent, for example, you can lay down all the rules and guidelines that you want but unless you model the desired behavior to your children, they are less likely to follow your rules.

In the same way, the conscious business model is going to be largely ineffective unless you, as a business owner and leader, model conscious attitudes and behaviors to your employees and customers.

I believe a business can only be as conscious as its leadership and employees and I have seen this in my own business. Employees take their cues from their managers and those they report to. When you dedicate yourself to consistently making conscious choices and taking conscious actions, you will notice that your employees naturally adopt the practices and behaviors for themselves.

This is how you cultivate and create conscious business.

So what are the behaviors and actions of a conscious business person? Here are a few qualities and characteristics of to consider. . .

A conscious business person:

* Creates a business vision that is appealing and beneficial to all employees and customers as well as the world around them;

* Considers how their personal behaviors and actions affect employees, customers and the world around them;

* Has a positive attitude and makes an effort to live joyfully and peacefully with others;

* Can work through conflict in a healthy, balanced way without becoming offended or angry;

* Avoids domineering or intimidating behaviors and attitudes;

* Focuses on personal growth as well as the personal growth of employees, so that the business environment can continue to benefit from all of the personal development.

When you as a conscious business person lead a company, great things can happen because you are focused on self-development - which helps you become a better human being. The results are an improved quality of life and a business that can make a positive difference in the lives of others.

Another benefit to becoming a conscious business person is that like-minded people will be drawn to you. These will be individuals who sense your values and your positive, service-oriented vision. They will desire to have a connection with you, whether as an employee or customer.

And when conscious people come together there is potential for even greater growth, achievement and reward.

On an interesting note, people whose focus in not on being conscious will either adapt to your business culture and make a personal change or will remove themselves from the environment altogether. This allows you to build a strong foundation and continue to grow as a conscious business.

Whether you are just starting on a path to creating a conscious business or are striving to strengthen your conscious business efforts, you have arrived at an exciting time of self-discovery and personal development.

The personal and business rewards are endless as you build meaningful relationships, realize your life purpose and positively impact the lives of others through your work.

Steve Bernal over his 25 year career has been an entrepreneur, business owner and consultant to Fortune 500 companies.

Steve is the founder of [http://www.Bizlightenment.com] a Business Directory that showcases Conscious Companies across a wide spectrum of industries and professions. BizLightenment is dedicated to advancing the cause of Conscious Business worldwide.

Discover How to Be Less Self Conscious

If you often find yourself in professional, personal, or social situations that make you feel uncomfortable and anxious, you probably need to learn how to be less self conscious. Being self conscious makes it more difficult to reach your full potential and be as successful in life as you can be. It robs you of the freedom to interact openly and freely with others where you can learn and add value to many different areas of life.

Does self conscious mean that you have no value or worth? Absolutely not! But many people who are self conscious have convinced themselves that they are not as important or valuable as other people. They may be self conscious of their appearance, education, or speech. They may be self conscious of their job, intellectual abilities, or any number of things.

The way to overcome self consciousness is to recognize what makes you self conscious and why. Being self conscious lowers your self confidence and leads to lower self esteem. But when you figure out how to be less self conscious, you will become more self aware and can excel in many areas of your life that have been dormant for many years.

Tips for Overcoming Self Consciousness

These valuable tips will get you started on the pathway towards higher self esteem and will help you overcome self consciousness.

1. Identify what makes you so self conscious and why. Is it your appearance, your accent, or your background? Are you self conscious of how you walk or where you live? Figure out what makes you feel as you do and why. Once you know what makes you self conscious, you can take steps to overcome your anxieties.

2. Focus outwardly at others. Rather than focusing inwardly and magnifying your personal flaws, look outward for a change. You will quickly realize that everyone has some flaws and they are probably self conscious too. The difference is that they have learned to overcome their insecurities and move forward with life. You probably haven't even noticed their flaws or self conscious issues because you've been too busy examining yours. You accept people as they are - people do the same for you. When you feel self conscious, turn your thoughts outward and look at the world beyond "you". Focus on an object or thing and erase your negative thoughts from your mind.

3. Increase self confidence and self esteem. Figure out what you have to offer the world. Identify your strengths and value. Instead of obsessing over your weaknesses or flaws, focus on your strengths and boost self confidence. As self confidence increases, self esteem follows and with high self esteem, it is difficult to get mired down in the pits of self consciousness.

4. Accept what you can control. There are many things we can and cannot control. Accept what you can control and let go of what you can't control. If you are self conscious because you are too short, there's nothing you can do about it. Don't obsess over it though. Focus on what you can control. If you're self conscious because you don't know enough about a particular subject, then study and learn. Acceptance of who you are and what you can control is a big part of becoming more self confident. You are a complete person and not simply pieces and parts.

Increasing self awareness is an effective way to overcome self consciousness. Being self conscious can keep you from attaining your goals in life but it doesn't have to be that way. Follow these tips on how to be less self conscious and seek other ways to boost self confidence and self esteem. Reach out to others and learn from them. Take positive steps and go forward with your life, accepting yourself for who you are and what you have to offer.

Being self conscious is robbing you of living the best life possible so embrace strategies and ideas to help you learn how to be less self conscious today. Then you can go forward and truly embark on the journey of a lifetime!

For more information on overcoming negative thoughts and becoming more positive, please visit http://www.yougoingforward.com

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