"Every day, each of us makes a multitude of choices that will impact our lives...the quality of our choices will dictate whether we will struggle in frustration or live an extraordinary life-the life of our dreams." ~ Debbie Ford
In her book THE RIGHT QUESTIONS, author Debbie Ford entitles the second chapter, "Waking Up from Autopilot." This is exactly the challenge you and I face if we want to live an "extra" ordinary life based in healthy, life affirming choices. As we look at the world today it may seem that the majority of humankind exists at the level of living a life that is stuck on autopilot, actually unaware that the choices we make every moment of every day individually and collectively determine our experience on the planet. This is self-evident with the mindless damage being done in our environment and ecosystem, and perhaps even more so with the obvious conflict between human beings around the world.
When we exist on autopilot the tendency is to live unconsciously, self-servingly and reactively rather than proactively because we are not awake enough to realize we are always at choice. As a species, one could say we have made more than a few mindless choices. I find this interesting given the fact that the ability to make conscious choices is one of the primary things that separate us from every other species on earth. The good news is it's not too late to learn that we can choose again! My point is simply that conscious choice begins with conscious beings.
We have all heard the term, "Think globally, act locally", so to personalize this idea I would like to ask you these questions: Do you remember everything that you chose to put into your body yesterday from the moment you got up until the time you went to bed? Conversely, do you remember everything that you chose to have came out of your mouth...do you recall the manner in which you chose to speak to and treat every person you have had contact with in the past 72 hours? Do you remember the moment you thought about (or avoided thinking about) choosing to do your exercise program today and the action you took (or didn't take) to follow through? Do you recall the day you made the choice to go to college or not to, to buy or sell a home or not to, to have children or not to, to take or leave a job or not to, or enter or exit a relationship or not to?
From the seemingly piffle commonplace choices we make daily to the colossal once in a lifetime choices we make, they all have one thing in common; they define who we believe ourselves to be. Another way to look at it might be to say that irrespective of the degree, every choice we make leads us closer to, or further away from being the person we desire to be. The more conscious we are in the choices we make, the clearer we are on WHO we are. That's how powerful our freedom to choose is.
The reality is when we come to an intersection while driving our car, the choice as to which way we turn can literally determine what happens next in our life. The metaphor of course, is that our lives are always at an intersection. You are at an intersection right now...which way is your life inclined to go? My question for you today is profoundly simple, but also intensely deep: How conscious are you of the choices you will make today? Will you turn right or left...or continue on the same road you have been traveling for so very long? This question is imperative to ponder for your own sake as well as for your family of the earth. It's time to take our lives off autopilot!
* Commit to making only conscious choices for the next 24 hours.
Begin with the next thought you have that necessitates a choice of ANY kind. Irrespective of what it is, challenge it. In your mind, fast forward and review the consequences of that choice. Will you be truly at peace with the consequences, or resent yourself later for the choice you made?
* Regardless of the scope or scale of the choices you make today, large or small, ask yourself if the consequences of the choices are ones that serve you as well as others in an affirmative manner. In other words, does this choice affirm a whole and fulfilling life for you, and at the same time harm no one else in any way shape or form?
* Most importantly, create space for the loving Presence of God within to be revealed, and listen...you will know what choice to make.
Peace, Dr. Dennis Merritt Jones
Over the last 21 years, Dr. Dennis Merritt Jones has helped thousands of individuals on their journey of spiritual growth. His New Thought workshops, classes, seminars, books, music, and weekly Sunday lectures are an inspiration to many. Join him this week for an interview with an insightful spiritual teacher on his TV program "One Power" - Now playing on the Internet at WisdomTeachers.com You can find out more about Dr. Dennis and his book "The Art of Being" at DennisMerrittJones.com And, if you're in the Los Angeles area, you can visit him this Sunday at the OneSpirit Center for Conscious Living [http://www.onespirit.org].