2012年9月15日 星期六

New Wine, An Affirmation of Conscious Life

Each day being alive and conscious and able to act for one's self is like new wine that makes you, not drunk, but ever more sober and really alive. Life is beyond a right, it is a personal choice. A choice to be happy, sad or otherwise. Indeed, anyway, life is a choice. Anything can exist, even an amoeba, but happy, conscious life is always a choice. Like a new wine that makes you ever more sober. Sure, I could say grape juice, but no, I mean a very deep metaphor, an ancient metaphor. From time immemorial, wine has represented many things. I will go into some of that, but first I would like to ask in this article, what do you think of when you think of wine? I think of celebration, romance, and all the good things of life, especially when I think of the kind of "wine" I am thinking of.

Or the connotation of new wine in The Meters' song "Fire On The Bayou", "cool, cool wine, going down your throat..." like music that makes you feel good, something as basic as that. Or something as complicated as bottles of wine in Aramathea that Jesus talked about in the Bible in his metaphors about new wine. But more to the point, thinking is the ultimate sobering "new wine" going down your throat. Conscious, concentrated thinking automatically makes you more honest with yourself, even if you don't want to be. Hard thinking takes effort, but the results are more positively intoxicating than the most aged alcohol in any way, direction or sense. Charles Goodyear said something to that effect about hard thinking. Anyhow, back to the point. Using thought is like a good wine every time you do it right, it just gets better, better and better in every way; but it makes you more honest, sober, and non-avoiding in every way. The wine I talk about could have religious connotations, but I'd like to say that it has more honest spiritual connotations in the sense of consciousness.

Consciousness, I know, is spiritual when it is used right, from top to bottom, everywhere. So, that brings me to a point, and this is a poignant point: Development is the ultimate genuine sobering "intoxication" when you become genuinely proficient at what you do in any way. So, I once heard a song by Leonard Cohen saying that "love is the engine of survival", that is the reality of the situation when considering the kind of sobering "intoxication" I am talking about. For, this is real when you (or I) genuinely love what is being done consciously in life. To exist as a genuine conscious being is to have love on one's side, genuinely. When push comes to shove, love of life is the making of an existence. Love is an emotion without guilt, fear or misery. It just flows from the nature of reality genuinely smoothly when it really happens. But technical proficiency is one thing, without love of what you are doing, even the best technical proficiency means nothing and is absolutely nothing. What is everything, is that powerful "intoxication" that makes what is being done easy to love and respect.

So, I quote a true lie from the Beatles song "Strawberry Fields Forever": 'Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding everything that you see...'; I think that line should go: Living seems easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding everything that you see. But I know what John Lennon and Paul McCartney were trying to convey in that part of that song: If you rush through life without the sight and insight of love, you misunderstand it automatically and fully. Think about it honestly, this is average existence, especially poor existence. Excellent to perfect existence is a great marriage of love, understanding and honesty with reality underpinning it all and the whole thing working. Can you dig it? I know that I can. Life may be hard with eyes open, but at least I can see and understand what I love. Those are my feelings on the situation. The reality of my thoughts are about the same. Indeed, when all things unite right, everything gets somewhere, but, not only that, everything gets everywhere good and great.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer. As a kid I did construction work with my Dad which taught me many things like plumbing, hard labor and electrical systems, and I took notes for my Dad's home poker games at my Uncle Johnnie Gilmore's house, so I have a lot of life experience, sure. But I went to Cal State Dominguez Hills College, UCLA, and El Camino Junior College and learned a lot, but never got around to getting a degree, just lots of money spent, good grades and some credits. So, here I am currently freelance writing and working at a senior center for a living. But enough details of my life, what I do is not what I am. So here is what I enjoy, I enjoy reading, listening to music (everything from Beetoven, Strauss and Bach to The Meters, ELO and The Band and Dylan/Garcia and The Grateful Dead also, when they were the Grateful Dead. Well, as you can tell by SOME of the music I listen to, I am a very eclectic person. I am also a deep science fiction fan and as said before, a lover of books. If I were to go into everything it would take thousands of words and I only have about three hundred words here, of which I have used 290 of already. Well, I end here. Thanks. Joshua Clayton.

To Actually Understand How Our Thoughts Effect Our Lives and Health

I just want to share something from someone from a group that changed the way I think, because lets face it, what we think plays an important part in our illness. When, and I am still learning this, I put this into practice, my life becomes so exciting, and I am learning not to think negative thoughts, but positive ones. In our case, we need to have a vision of what we want to become, not of what we are. We don't want to get "stuck" in this to the point, we fail to learn from it, or fail to overcome it.

A lot of what is written here is a photocopy from a friend who is teaching this. Don't be put off my certain terms, or certain phrases. This is life changing stuff, and if we realized the affect of negative thinking, and how it sets us up for disaster, we would grab on this real quick!

Not everyone is going to agree with it, and that's OK. We are all different, and at different stages in our life. Because I have only written certain "bits" it might be a little confusing, but hope that you grasp something from it.

Someone touched on this on the internet, about thinking well thoughts etc, but to actually understand how out thoughts effect our life is really vital. So bear with me and I will try to explain what is an in depth subject, briefly.

Recognize that we live in two worlds, the outer, physical world, and the world inside our minds. We live simultaneously in these two worlds. The inner world is the world of our thoughts. Our fears, ambitions, happiness, confidence, doubt, etc, these do not exist in the outer world. The outer world is the world of situations, circumstances that happen to us. It is our physical reality.

Take a moment to realize how they influence each other e.g., I have a child with severe special needs who is healthy, but fragile, when she was diagnosed, I started to paint a picture in my mind of what our life would be like. How sick she would be, and I literally had her dead and buried in my thoughts. In reality, things are very different. Sure my world has changed from what it was, but it is not the negative picture that I painted in my mind.

We become dominated by what happens in the physical world (in our case) our bodies and our aches and pains), and then we mirror in our minds the things that are happening to us. e.g., when "good" things happen, we feel happy, excited, confident, content etc, and when "bad" things happen, we feel upset, depressed, angry, bitter etc. Thus, our inner world reacts constantly, and since we spend all our time reacting, we do not experience power, we feel powerless.

This is so true, where our thoughts go, we will follow. We will become what we think. It is so important to grasp that our minds is a battleground where we either are going to win or lose. In reality, we are dealing with candida, but in our minds we will decide if we are going to win or lose the battle.

You are the cause of a lot of what happens to you. Before you all get off your bikes, think about it. If we take antibiotics, eat junk a lot, etc, we end up with candida. We may not have realized it at the time, but in part, the fault lies with us, and the healing of it will lie with us too.

Please understand, I am not condemning anyone here saying how silly we all are and it's our all fault we have candida, but think about that statement. A lot of who we are, where we are, what we do, has happened because of our actions and choices (not everything is a result of what we do etc), just wanted to stress that one. Your life is a reflection of you. We are given circumstances to discover deeper causes to bring about changes in us.

I know someone who is a great example, look at where she has come and what she has learned, her circumstances, while painful, have made her stronger and they will with all of us if we can start to direct our thinking.


Three important features of the conscious mind:

1. It is in constant motion, churning out thoughts 24 hours a day. We experience more than 20,000 thoughts a day.

2. It is the great trickster. We cannot always believe what our minds tell us.

3 There is a lot of useless thought going on inside our conscious mind e.g., worry, fear, doubt, anxiety etc.

Everyday we react and relate to circumstances and situations through this mechanism that does not allow us to pause and figure out what is going on. We have lost control of our mind. It is running wildly, but because we are unaware of it, we accept it as normal. It is no wonder people feel overwhelmed at times. Fortunately, we can gain control when we understand how the conscious mind works.

Our mind is running faulty because we have never been taught how to run it!


You can watch how your conscious mind works by using a technique called self observation.

Several times a day, stop and observe yourself. Catch your self thinking. Be very detached as if you are looking at another person Watch the thoughts that are going on in your mind. Watch your conscious mind in operation.

The subconscious mind cannot differentiate between constructive and destructive thoughts. It works with the material you feed it, or it feeds it self. It does not matter to the conscious mind what thoughts it thinks, but it absolutely matters to you.

Four excellent techniques for removing a negative thought:

Cut it off. Replace the negative thought with a different thought. The instant you recognize the negative thought, cut it off. Insert a different thought.

Become the observer of the negative thought. Label it. Right now I am experiencing a negative thought. It is only a negative thought. Remember this forever! Negative thoughts only have power over you if you react to them. If you fail to react, it has no power.

Exaggerate it into the ridiculous. e.g., I was thinking about eating something naughty. I imagined eating 3200 of this biscuit, and how I grew so fat I couldn't fit through the door, and rolled around the house etc. You end up laughing at yourself.

Negative thoughts don't come along with warning bells. They come as if they were the gospel truth!

Counteract it with its exact opposite. The mind can only have one thought at a time. Box the negative like a boxer fights! Give it the ol 1-2. Don't let it rule you. We are the master gardeners of our own consciousness. No matter how deep the root of the negative, you will eventually get it out.


Thoughts are real forces.

Our mind is like a spoiled child. It is used to doing anything it pleases, when it pleases. It may concentrate for 20 seconds, then it wanders. "I don't want to do this, this is boring. "I can't concentrate". Initially it is like the first visit to the gym, this is the worst you can do. Your mind

will not be too thrilled you are doing this and will try and stop you.

Every thought you think is a force and energy. Weak and scattered thoughts are weak and scattered real forces Strong and concentrated thoughts are strong and concentrated real forces.

Take a couple of minutes to contemplate the meaning of "thoughts are real forces". Our thoughts are very powerful.

The mind is both a sending station and receiving station of thought.

We are effecting our outside environment by our thoughts, and the outside environment is effecting us by the thoughts of those around us. The exchange of energy between the two does not stop.

The law of attraction. Thoughts that are emotionalized become magnetized and attract similar and like thoughts.

Any thought with emotion becomes a different type of thought. It attracts similar types of thoughts the way a magnet attracts iron e.g., a small incident can trigger thoughts of everything going wrong in our lives. On the other side, nothing succeeds like success, because it magnetizes more success.

The law of control: we are forever experiencing thoughts but we have the ability to either entertain these thoughts of dismiss them.

Any negative thought that is in our mind is there because we are allowing it to be. We carry a lot of junk around in side of us that we should have let go of along time ago. Cultivate the mind by not allowing negatives or inadequacies to have a place.

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Holistic Life Through Understanding The Vaster Consciousness

It is interesting to note the way in which we cognize things and come up with feelings and emotion with regard to various items in the world. Understanding these in relation to a wider field of awareness leads to confidence and peace.

The sequence in the wider field seems to be as follows: There is the expansive consciousness that may be called the Universal Consciousness. When it functions through the brain (which is the physical organism), it issues out a stifled form itself that functions as the mind. So, we can write:

Universal Consciousness ==> Brain ==> Mind

This indicates that the perception by the mind is always influenced by the brain as a repository of memories and as an interpreting medium through the accumulated knowledge. The brain also carries the genetic conditioning apart from the conditioning by circumstances in which the human being finds himself. This causes the mind's cognition and interpretation to be a matter of conditioned output and so it leads to improper understanding of what there is really. One of the inevitable outcomes of this warped awareness is the arising of the ego which is essentially a product of thought.

Thus, if we can go back on the above process, we begin to get a glimpse of the unspoiled consciousness as evidenced by the following three ravishing experiences that human beings have gone through over the years:

1. OBE (Out of Body Experience)

2. NDE (Near Death Experience)

3. Satori (Spontaneous Expansion of Consciousness)

The above three have also demonstrated the significant fact that consciousness can function without the brain being involved.

Some examples of expressions from those who have gone through the above are given below.:

OBE: Dr Reynor Johnson, an English Physicist, Melbourne University, Australia, collected many cases of OBEs and some of them were reported in the book 'Leaving the Body' written by Scott Rogo. One of the correspondents to Dr Johnson conveys some very interesting perceptions during his OBE. He says that while he was out of his body at about 11 PM, he floated over a moor feeling very light, lighter than air. He glided past clouds on that moonlit night. A cool wind was blowing. The life in the clouds and in the wind was within him too. He was filled with glorious life. The sensing of the past, present and future all melted away and the eternal now was felt in that dimension. He wondered if that is what the dead experience, then how much more alive they are than we are here!

NDE: There are many near death reports that talk about the expansion of consciousness while the body is lying lifeless on the earth. One of them, written by Victor Solow, and published by the Reader's Digest (October 1974) says the following:

"A recurrent nostalgia remains for that other reality, that condition of indescribable stillness and quiet in which the 'I' is part of a harmonious whole. The memory softens the old drives for possession, approval and success."

The movement of awareness from the mind to consciousness is clear from Victor's rendering of his experience.

Satori: This is a Japanese word that denotes the state of Enlightenment. In Sanskrit, it is known as the state of Samadhi. Some people get into that state, always in an unexpected and impromptu way. They attempt to describe that ineffable state but don't find the right words. A German, Kurt Friedrichs, who had such an experience describes it in the book "What Vedanta Means to Me" edited by John Yale. It is as follows:

One afternoon at low tide on the west coast of the island of Heligoland, as he was climbing over the seaweed-covered rocks in order to have a rest beneath an overhanging cliff, washed out by the surf of many centuries, a spiritual ecstasy suddenly took possession of him. The waves breaking at his feet and the endless surface of water stretching away to the vanishing point all of a sudden threw him into another sphere of consciousness. He felt that he himself was surf, sea and infinity. Time, space, body-consciousness - everything was blotted out, drawn up into an absolute consciousness of light and bliss.

Once we understand the above relative aspects of consciousness, brain and mind, we move into the esoteric aspects of life with their touch of true spirituality. That lays the right foundation for holistic and peaceful living. The associated field of awareness forms the theme of this website.

Gopalakrishnan T. Chandrasekaran received his doctoral degree in Coastal Engineering from the North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA in 1978. He served on the research and teaching faculty of universities in India, the US and Kuwait. His book "In Quest of the Deeper Self" is the outcome of his philosophic reflections and his wish to share the outcome with others. He is a member of the International Association for Near Death Studies, Durham, NC, USA; lives in Kodaikanal, a hill town in South India.
Blog: http://nde-thedeeperself.blogspot.com

2012年9月14日 星期五

Making Conscious Choices - Three Keys To Your Success in Life and Relationships

Our life, relationships, and our planet would work so much better if all choices were conscious.

What does it mean to be 'Conscious?'

To illustrate, consider these three levels of consciousness:

1. Unconscious (awake but unaware)

This is when you forget where you put your keys, leave the headlights on and are surprised by a dead battery, drive past your freeway exit, etc. You're simply not paying attention.

If life is like an iceberg, when we're unconscious we crash and sink before we see it.

2. Semi-conscious (aware of what's in front of you)

This is when you're sure you know what's what. We believe that our stories (beliefs, interpretations, etc) and sensory perceptions (see, hear, feel, etc) are true and correct.

If life is like an iceberg, when we're semi-conscious we're aware of the iceberg and truly believe we know how to avoid it, then crash and sink because it's larger than we thought.

3. Conscious (aware of the big picture)

This is when we humbly understand that 'you don't know what you don't know,' and realize that there may be more to a situation than we can see or understand at the time. We are aware of our goal and do our best to learn more about the situation and examine our options to make the best possible choice.

If life is like an iceberg, when we're conscious we realize that we need to know more about what's under the surface before making our choices about how to proceed.

Three Keys to Making Conscious Choices

Key # 1: Be clear about who you are and what you want

What's the purpose of your life? What is your Vision for your life, work, and relationships? What are your requirements, needs, and wants in any situation?

Strive to lower the waterline on the iceberg that is your Self to achieve the clarity you need to be motivated and empowered.

Key # 2: Stay focused on what's important to you- don't settle for less

Most people 'lead lives of quiet desperation.' They want to be happy, but don't know how and don't think it's possible. However, the Law of Attraction can work for you or against you, and if you expect less, you'll get less.

Go after what you really want in your life and assume you can find the choices needed to be successful if you're looking for them.

Key #3: Be supportable- with enough help you can do anything!

We're human, and no-one is successful alone. We need to be conscious of our support needs and proactively seek to get them met.

Continually ask yourself what help you need and who can help you.

Wishing you a healthy, happy, conscious life.

Copyright 2006 David Steele

David Steele, MA, LMFT is founder of Relationship Coaching Institute and author of the ground-breaking new book for singles Conscious Dating: Finding the Love of Your Life in Today's World. http://www.consciousdating.com Visit http://www.ConsciousRelationshipResources.com for FREE live tele-seminars, recorded audio programs, podcasts, e-programs and newsletters for singles and couples packed with cutting-edge relationship information that will help you have the life and relationships you really want.

The New Consciousness Has No Violence Included

Is it possible for what we call the human psyche to evolve into a consciousness that has no violence in it? Violence has many forms. It begins with not being whole or complete within you. From there, the fragmented self affects every relationship, and life is relationship.

Simply put violence in an argument with your spouse, your children, your neighbor or a boss. Violence is a frown or giving someone a dirty look. Violence occurs when you do not keep your word. Violence is in blaming, accusing, bossing and control. Violence is not just in hitting, killing, rape, or war, but that is where it all ends up--from the fragmented mind.

Self-transformation is a total evolutionary event. It is an irrevocable mutation in the brain or mind itself, and it brings forth a new consciousness, first in the individual and then onto the planet. Transformation of the self will be the completion of your life, allowing for a new way of living without the violence of the past. When a critical mass is reached by a yet unknown amount of people who transform their lives, this new consciousness will blanket the planet; thereby, creating peace and harmony for all.

There has been no psychological evolution since the human being first appeared on the planet. We have made marvelous strides in the physical realm. Our inventions have made things possible that would have been deemed impossible even a hundred years ago and now all that we have invented is destroying us and the planet.

We have walked on the moon, but within our consciousness there has not been a single step. We are as violent now as we have ever been. Added to that, we now have the means to kill ourselves off in a very short time.

This is the consciousness that now rules our planet. Our present consciousness cannot fix the problems it invented. It can only make the problems worse than before the fix. We need a new consciousness. Will we manifest this new consciousness, or will we wipe ourselves off the planet?

This new consciousness has made its appearance on the planet, and it is in its infancy. We all need to nurture and nourish its beginning.

If you would like to learn more about the possibility for your transformation or bringing forth a new consciousness within yourself, please visit:



Edward Jones

Author, A New Consciousness Born

Personal New Consciousness Coach

Group Seminars and Workshops

Connection - Consciously CHOOSING To Be Present - Living Your Best Life

Humans are a species that thrive on connection. We have the ability to connect on the level of body, mind and spirit. In fact we are AWESOME connectors, making incredible differences to each other's lives through the simplicity of eye to eye contact and gentle touch.


When we speed through the streets, skirting around corners, narrowly missing pedestrians, in a hurry to get to the next thing, we are disconnected.

When we focus on the television, stare at the laptop and ignore our children, we are disconnected.

When we eat without gratitude, smoke cigarettes out of habit or react in anger and frustration we are disconnected.

In fact when we do ANYTHING in our lives without conscious awareness we are choosing to disconnect from life itself.

Consciously connecting or being in the NOW are surefire ways to gain command of your life and project yourself into happiness and success!

Disconnection leaves us little or no room for the purposeful direction our lives, disconnection is another word for suffering.

Connection, implies clarity and awareness. Being connected give us access to extraordinary levels of power.

To truly connect we must be willing to be happy rather than right, to take command of our own emotional body rather than try to control others actions.

Couple this willingness with conscious awareness on your breathing and you begin the process of connection.

Breathing fully, relaxing the shoulders, stomach and bottom activates the vibration of NOWNESS. As soon as you bring your attention to your body your heart alights with the recognition of NOW.

You come back from wherever your thoughts and habits had taken you and you awaken to the sensations on your body, in your lungs, before your eyes.

Conscious awareness of your breathing flushes the system of stagnant air and ideas. opening the door to a wider appreciation of your life.

There is such peace to be found in the now.

Extreme beauty abounds in the air of the now.

Your child's eyes are shinier when you are connected in the now.

The things people say are more interesting.

Your lovers skin is warmer, the food tastes better, your decisions are keener.

You become aware of your integrity. You can make the conscious decision to smoke the ciggy or eat the cake and if you decide to do it, you get to really experience the joy in it, or you can consciously register the distasteful body response it causes.

You are no longer numb to your own senses, no longer in denial of your own best practice.

The more often you switch on to the moment the easier it becomes to notice your natural, implicit connection to everything around you.

Children with learning and/or behavioural issues clearly benefit from true connection with the adults in their lives and will often respond immediately to the harmony that is to be found in defenceless connection.

If parents and carers of such children are devoted to their own personal development, concentrating on the power of presence they receive the payoff in optimum results.

Relationships of all kinds heal and change, with more joy and less pain, when we commit to breathing into the now.

Humans are intrinsically connected to each other and all that is. It is in the simple denying/forgetting of this that we feel grief.

Imagine leaving your child somewhere, forgetting to go back for her and now a seeking for the memory of where you left her.

There would be, to hazard a guess, an overwhelming distress and blanket feeling of hopelessness.

This is what humans are unconsciously feeling, a nagging sense that something is missing. A deep need to fill the space within with external drama and material objects to satisfy our yearning for the peace and joy only to be found in the silence of now, the truth of connection.

An important aspect of our psyche has been abandoned in favour of ambition and noise and I believe we are angry at ourselves for allowing this to happen.

it is time to see past our anger and disillusionment, stop asking why and skip to the solution.

Relax. breathe and be here now. This is enlightenment.

Relax, breathe and change the world.

Breathe and connect, feel the little hand in yours. Be there for the children.

Forgive ourselves for forgetting ans start afresh NOW!

To learn how to bring connection to your family and or classroom please visit The I AM Program at http://www.theiamprogram.com, an awesome site filled with emotional intelligence activities, lesson plans and support for the growth of self-esteem.
To discover a sense of connection and enlightenment within the self visit http://www.iamspirituality.com brilliant advise and wonderful video podcast all free!

2012年9月13日 星期四

What is Christ Consciousness?

"Christ" is not a name, it is a Title. The Possessor of this Title is any highly spiritually evolved person. Christ is God in person. For every infinitesimal being that exists beneath us there are an infinite amount of highly evolved beings above us.

Christ Consciousness is an all inclusive, comprehensive, and holistic Understanding. Christ Consciousness, or Cosmic Awareness, is the ability to perceive the Unity of all things. This is the Mind that was in Christ Yahshua'.

Yahshua' could not reveal this knowledge in its totality 2,000 years ago. The End times -the age in which we now live- is when this knowledge is now being made manifest. "The End" does not mean the literal end of the world, or the cessation of all life. "The End" -as found in Daniel 11:40- signifies the end of (the prevailing worldview of) this age.

The True Teaching of Yahshua is missing from the church. The True Teaching of Yahshua is an empowering and dynamic Teaching. Yahshua invited us to follow His example, and totally refine ourselves so that we can realize the fullness of YAHWEH in us.

When one becomes Christed, they experience a moment of Clarity, or a Spiritual Awakening that is difficult to elucidate. Christhood is the Blessed Fruit of the continuous, consistent cultivation of the Inner Self.

Yahshua' told us that the True Followers of Christ (not the person, but the Principle) will meet vicious persecution. Some will hate you, not for anything you've actually done to them, but because of their hate for themselves, and because they have not the Love of God in them. Perchance God will soften their heart, and they, being filled with such contrition, will devote the remainder of their lives defending the cause of those whom they persecuted. Karma is a Great Rehabilitator. Karma can accomplish what we cannot.

God created every thing perfect. If we see imperfection, it's because we don't possess the requisite information to see things as we should see them. All things are the way they should be so that they can fulfill the purpose for which they are destined.

God views us in our proper context. There is no limitation with God at all. God doesn't see our limitations (there, in fact, are none). God sees us in our finished, completed, and perfected state. We should view ourselves as God -The Father of all flesh- views us. We need to cease the business of seeking to expose each others' seeming weakness and limitations.

Our lives are not our own. Our lives exist not for ourselves; rather, they subsist for the greater good of Humanity and for the Glory of God. We can only grow by helping others grow. We can only advance by helping others to advance. We can only find success by assisting others to find success. "Nature unaided fails," as the axiom goes. Going forward, let us not squander another moment! Let us consecrate our lives to the continuous Service of Yahweh. This is Christ Consciousness.

Elyah Israel is an author, visionary and the founder of CHRIST CONSCIOUS CENTRE (http://www.christconsciouscentre.org). CCC is a ministry devoted to the research, and development of the Inner Christ -the True Realization of GOD in ourselves. Elyah publishes books, articles, and essays dedicated to espousing the Gospel of the Inner Teaching. The Gospel of the Inner Teaching is a Salve of Healing for our world which is drunk with dogma and division and sick with superstition.

CHRIST CONSCIOUS CENTRE advocates and promotes literacy and scholarship in Biblical Hebrew. Hebrew is the language that YAHWEH spoke, and the Original language in which the Holy Bible was written. The Hebrew Aleph Beyt is an ancient system of alphanumeric/ hieroglyphic symbols. When we explore this body of Wisdom we gain the mystical insight to think outside of the (traditional) box regarding Scriptural interpretations. The Knowledge contained in this Body of Wisdom is the Key to Understanding the inner meaning of the Holy Bible.

Spirituality Information - Awareness is the Key to Conscious Creating

The separation paradigm releases us from the responsibility for our actions, and allows us to be unaware. If we believe that we have no control over what the world throws at us, and that the only control we have is how we react to it, then we aren't concerned with our awareness, in the sense that we want to see how our creations play themselves out.

When you are consciously creating in the paradigm of oneness you want to be aware because you understand that you are responsible for your creations. You created them. To blame somebody else for your creations would be irresponsible. So you are aware and alert to how your creations manifest themselves.

You discover that when you detach yourself from your expectations about how your creations turn out, you find they usually turn out differently from your expectations and more often than not they go beyond your expectations. But you only realize this if you live in awareness.

You can only live in awareness if you live your life consciously, and you only live your life consciously if you come from a paradigm that says you have the power within you to create the life that you intend. And you only have that power if you know that the power within you comes from the source of all power. And you only know this if you and the source are connected.

You cannot be separate from the source of your authentic power and believe that you possess the same powers. If you separate yourself from your source your base thought is that the source creates it all, and you are here to discover what he created. You are not the source and are thereby disconnected from the source's power. The only powers you have are those that the source granted you and they are not the same powers as the source. The source creates and you react to his creations.

If you are one with the source your base thought is that the source created it all and you are one with the source so you created it all. You are created in the image and likeness of the source, so you possess the power to create here on earth just as the source created you. Your mission is not to react to your life but to create your life as you determine it to be. You have the same knowledge as the source but you have agreed to forget all you know in order to create experiences that allow the source to know experientially, through you, all that the source knows conceptually.

It is a beautiful play and we get to be the actors on the stage of life.

Awareness allows you to direct your play the way you want. Being unaware allows you to be an actor under somebody else's direction.

The key is awareness, and awareness comes from understanding who you really are and what's inside of you. You can't do it by searching the world that is exterior to you. Only from within can you draw on the power of the source. That is "authentic power."

Awareness comes from authentic power. When you use your authentic power, the power you possess from within, you see the world through a clean lens. All the filters of the external world are removed and you are open to the knowledge that you have had in your possession all along your journey.

True awareness allows you to tap into that knowledge to create what you desire. You can then create in full awareness, because the authentic power within you wants you to be responsible for your creations. When you create consciously and in awareness, you do not disown your creations and call them somebody else's. You accept your creations and bless them and allow them to serve you.

So a big part of this concept of awareness is acceptance. Sometimes you don't recognize your creations because they don't show up in the form you were expecting. You are not "aware" of what is being sent to you. But if you were truly "aware" you would be detached from your expectations and accept what shows up as your own.

Remember, you are in collaboration with God, who doesn't make mistakes. The aware person doesn't judge people, events and circumstances that show up in their lives. The aware person acknowledges that each was sent as a gift in order for you to evolve into your determination of who you choose to be. In so doing, you realize your creation.

Richard Blackstone is an award winning author and international speaker on Love, Oneness & Creation. Journey into discovery of Self by reading this FREE report; "The 3 Simple Immutable Laws of the Universe" at: http://www.NutsandBoltsSpirituality.com

2012年9月12日 星期三

The Essential Conflict in Humans is Between our Species Nature and Our Consciousness

The two parts of our beings:

One part of our beings is our DNA-based species' nature, which includes the elements of our brain activity and awareness that evolved to contribute to our survival in the world and especially, the survival of our unique individual DNA, generation to generation.

The other part is an "accidental" outcome of DNA's survival activities in the world - Consciousness.

The nature of consciousness:

Consciousness came about as an "emergent" property from the individual organism's need to be able to make survival "decisions" moment-to-moment, rather than generation-to-generation as it was in simpler times, biologically speaking.

As the complexity of the organ that evolved to make those decisions, increased, a threshold was reached where the new property of consciousness appeared.

There are many dynamics in nature that show this "accidental" new emergent property appearing out of simpler activities. The universe itself is probably such an emergent property.

The essential conflict:

The conflict comes from the fact that the needs of DNA are different to the needs of self-aware consciousness.

DNA has no regard for the feelings or survival of the organism other than those that further the DNA's propagation, whereas our conscious selves want freedom from pain and suffering and want choice over the experience of our lives.

At times, this choice goes directly against the needs of DNA - such as when we choose not to have children (the vehicles of DNA propagation).

A lot of the strange behaviour of individuals (of any species) can be shown to be an outcome of the in-built, long-term survival need of the relevant DNA.

(There is a micro-organism - Toxoplasma - that has a DNA-propagation cycle that needs cats and mice: The organism can only breed in cats, so it has evolved a situation where it gets into cat faeces and then infects the mice when they come in contact with it. The micro-organism then gets into the mouse brain and causes the mouse to seek out cats and lose coordination. This allows a cat to catch and eat the mouse, furthering the breeding cycle.)

The resolution of conflict:

We try to suppress the pain and confusion caused by this essential conflict by denying parts of our being, by pretending it doesn't affect us.

We throw ourselves into one side of our being or another or we flip from one state to another, in a desperate urge to find ease from the dilemma, but the dilemma is real.

We have no real choice but to find a way to come to terms with it.

The way each one of us resolves this essential conflict is entirely up to us.

It is possible that no particular way of resolving this conflict that anyone has yet found, is of any use to anyone else.

There may not be any one way to do so, other than through our becoming fully conscious around the whole issue.

In life, there may only be a choice between conscious awareness of what actually is, or believing and living what others tell us is true and/or a reactive closing-down of our awareness of what actually is.

It's up to each one of us which one we choose.

A suggestion, is to put aside all ideas that we have about life, about how to resolve the pain and suffering of our core conflict, including this article, and find out the true nature of these things for ourselves.

It can be immensely liberating.

Good luck with your journey of personal liberation.

Years of research into consciousness, zero-point physics theory, emergence theory, memes and many other new understandings coming out of mathematics and physics. Ongoing work as relationship therapist is bringing deep revelations about the nature of our psyches. Author/illustrator children?s books (e.g. I Wish My Dad Was A Pirate). Music CD (The Nothing Booth).

Related web site: www.becomereal.com. For online access to unique self growth process.


Shift Your Consciousness

"Man's mind once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimension." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

Every so often I get clobbered by my hormones. They grab me and throw me to the ground. (In my next life I am coming back as a man!) Anyway, it always amazes me how someone who talks about, writes about and teaches the stuff of how to live a great life can go from living it one day to despair and hopelessness the next.

When I listen to myself going through these short lived (thank God) episodes describing why I feel this way and what is wrong with my life and the world, at the moment I'm in it I am totally focused on the negative. No one can imagine the overwhelming feeling of despair unless you have experienced it yourself.

But, the good news for me, unlike so many who suffer with ongoing depression is that it is short lived and the next day I can be back in "hormonal" balance. When I look back on these bouts of "losing it" what I realize is that my consciousness shifts from what I consider normal to something that feels so foreign to me.

The irony is, what is so different about your life from one day to the next. Everything is the same, the only difference is your attitude and your thought process. The reality is the only thing that changes is your outlook.

Hopefully you have family and good friends who can put things in perspective for you which helps not to totally lose it! The point I want to drive home here is that we can all shift our consciousness at any moment. Consciousness shifting is when you stop looking at everything that you perceive as bad in your life and switch your mind and thoughts to what is good. It is as simple as turning the channel on your television.

When you are so mired in negative thinking this mental quick sand will suck you down and suffocate the very joy out of life. By throwing yourself a life line; which is shifting your mind to what you DO have that is good and putting your life back into perspective, it will lift the dark cloud and allow you to see reality.

Reality is what you choose to believe about your life; how you choose to perceive your life. And as they say, perception is reality, so if you choose to view everything from the dark side you will never live in the light.

When and if you experience feeling sorry for yourself, crying about what went wrong, thinking that there is no hope for whatever it is you desire, all of these feelings are fueled by the fear of believing that what you don't want will actually happen!

Why worry about something that hasn't happened? Worrying is a complete waste of time. Let's say you worry and worry about something and what if what you are worrying about actually happens, you worried for nothing! And, what if it doesn't happen, you worried for nothing! Either way, worrying will get you nowhere but bring you down.

Plus, keep in mind that what you keep your mind focused on you will attract into your life. If you ARE living in fear of something happening, the emotions the go along with fearing something will accelerate the very thing you don't want to happen, to happen faster.

So if you find yourself falling into the pitfalls of any kind of negative thinking; consciously shift your mind from what you don't want, to thinking about what you do want and how you want to live your life. When you don't control your thinking, your thinking will control what happens in your life.

Do you want to find out more about how to stop wasting your time and begin living your best life now. Visit Susan's site. Susan's work has inspired people from all over the world to take back their power! Learn the secrets in her new book: "The 7 Keys to Unlock the Power Within You." We all make decisions everyday, why not make the decision to live a better life starting now?

You Are Naturally Conscious - The Little Prince Series

The story of the Little Prince points out a huge difference between children and adults. Children are aware, whereas adults go through their life largely unconscious of their authentic being and what's really happening in their life.

Did you ever think of consciousness as associated with children?

I know of so many who, like myself for many years, seek to become enlightened-to become conscious, present in each and every moment of their day. But what happens is that, instead of seeing this as an inherent natural state, they imagine it's an advanced state that it's difficult to reach.

Consciousness is very, very different from what most who seek to become conscious are searching for.

I find that people want to get out of their life as they presently know it. They want their life to be something other than it is right now.

If people pray or meditate, much of the time they are trying to alter their state, change their life.

Instead of being an escape from ordinary life into some sort of heightened state-an otherworldly kind of state-consciousness is simply becoming our natural self.

It's about being authentic, just like we once were as little kids.

Says the pilot who has crashed in the desert and met the Little Prince, children should always show great forebearance toward grownups. Why? Because grownups are spiritually dense.

The author, who is the pilot, says he would have liked to begin his story in the same way fairy tales begin: "Once upon a time..." But since adults are so concerned about facts-represented in this fourth chapter of the story by the number of the Little Prince's planet, Asteroid B-612, he realized his story wouldn't be taken seriously had he begun it this way.

The issue here is a sense of wonder. Children are filled with wonder, just as fairy tales are. An intellectual, cerebral approach to life lacks the awe and wonder that make life fulfilling.

I hope you have your own copy of The Little Prince by now and are pondering the statements of this marvelously insightful fourth chapter alongside these blogs each day. These are insights to sit with. Allow them to percolate.

As the author says, he doesn't want this story to be read carelessly because it came out of his own painful experience.

It's not about a mental concept of what it takes to become a conscious person, but the actual experience of becoming conscious-which is a return to a life lived in the present moment, in a state of openness and awareness, as we once lived in our earliest days as children.

The pilot talks about the possibility that he would forget his friend the Little Prince, who has by this time been gone from Earth six years. Were this to happen, he would become like most adults, he says, only interested in figures.

The relational, experiential aspect of knowing the Little Prince would be lost-and that's the only aspect that ultimately matters.

So it is that most of us in our adult life never really go deep enough with ourselves or with each other to form such a meaningful connection. We may know about each other, but we don't actually connect in any depth.

We simply are unable to connect until we first recover the child's awareness we once knew.

Which is why Jesus said that to be "converted," which he insisted is an essential experience for all adults, means to become like a little child again.

How different this is from the usual religious understanding of "conversion." It's not a religious experience at all, but an experience of our innate consciousness. Much of religion is really a terrible betrayal of the real message of Jesus, which is identical to that of this marvelous story of the Little Prince.

To be conscious, enlightened, aware is to be present in a way a child is before the child learns otherwise. We become once again our natural self, spontaneously immersing ourselves in the wonder of life and the miracle of having people in our life with whom we connect deeply.

David Robert Ord is author of?Your Forgotten Self Mirrored in Jesus the Christ and the audio book?Lessons in Loving--A Journey into the Heart, both from Namaste Publishing, publishers of Eckhart Tolle and other transformational authors.

Join us in the daily blog Consciousness Rising for an in-depth understanding of how we become conscious, truly present in the whole of our life.


2012年9月11日 星期二

Reality - Living an Illusion? (Part 1)

The answer is YES and NO.

And as Lowell Thomas would say, "Here is the rest of the story".

Since much of what I have been writing about concerns "Reality", this seems to be a good time to try and clear up exactly what I am talking about and will be talking about in the future. There are many others who have written about reality in countless books and given in lectures, yet these attempts to tell you about what is usually fall short because they usually get lost in lofty rhetoric about a "walk softly and speak quietly with an eternal smile on your face" kind of religious connotation that everyone inherently knows deep within themselves is just some "idealistic" non-realistic way of living an unfulfilling life.

Some authors attempt to equate reality with spirituality, leaving the impression that following some exterior source, they will finally be qualified to live a happy life and ascend into a mindless and purposeless Heaven or Nirvana upon physical death.

Most people sense on other levels of their being that achieving spiritual understanding has very little to do with the way you present yourself to the world. It has a lot to do with how you think about that world. Religion has played a necessary role in at least acquainting us with the possibility that something exists after death. Religion has always been the constant reminder to humanity that there is another world existing behind, under or invisibly in a dimension we don't fully understand, but it just makes sense to us, and that is why religion has always been present in some form in all civilizations. Hidden within religions faults, distortions and misconceptions, there is always hope, hope that we can and will live again. We don't know where, but somewhere?

The problem is that for centuries, the qualifications for achieving that peaceful and harmonious afterlife are so stringent that almost no one qualifies, and how could you expect to convince yourself that you were good enough to go to Heaven when you have been convinced that you were born a sinner with only a dim hope of salvation, and you know where sinners go. (smile)

Realities exist! Meaning there is more than one system of reality. Actually they are countless.

There are then, many systems of reality, some occupying planets or stars, some not). There are even realities that intersect with and move through our own world and not a tremor is felt. Physical, rock solid, seemingly permanent worlds actually occupy no real space and can pass through one another without notice. The properties of solidity only seems that way to our exterior tuned senses. A reality is many isolated, interconnected chemical, electromagnetic and psychic fields of specifically oriented consciousness coming together at a precise location in time and space to explore and understand certain specific challenges that could be encountered in no other way.

A world is a system of reality. Systems of reality exist within different dimensions as do other worlds, but they do not necessarily have to. A system of reality is a plane existing in a dimension. Different planes of reality can exist within one system of reality as in the leprechauns and fairies who shared our world in mythological history. There was a factual basis for the stories of such little people lost in the mists of time. Of course they still exist but are rarely noticed because we have trained and limited our fields of perception so much that we are only perceiving a smidgen of what is available of these other planes existing within our own.

Consciousness always seeks form and on achieving form it seeks to manifest itself further by combining with other consciousness to achieve more complex objects, events and identities. Identity, once formed cannot be negated, diffused, diminished or extinguished. You are an IDENTITY. Consciousness (identity) seeks to be known! Identity is restless and never still, it is always striving. There is an ever driving ache within identity to combine and become more.

A world is purposeful, it has meaning and there is a meaning that is unique to our world, as it is to others. We are not alone.

Our system of reality is planet oriented, (we call it Earth) organized around a sensual experience of seeming solidity manifested through atomic structure and presented to our senses for interpretation as solid, hard, concrete, full with no spaces.

By inference, I am saying that solidity is the result of a sensual perception, a hypnotic kind of experience agreed upon by every living thing that lives on planet earth. What that means is that if we ALL agree in advance to the rules of the game, agreeing on a set of parameters for the game we play, the game achieves validity and meaning for all players.

Other parameters we have accepted and agreed on are gravity, time, spatial dimensions and many others. Keeping in the same train of thought, once the parameters or rules of the game are agreed upon for any particular system of reality, these unique rules are set and become intractable. The thing that is important to understand, is that these rules pertinent to our game, could and would be different in other systems or dimensions. No system of reality is duplicated anywhere in the universe.

The parameters define the world view and experience and if they had been set differently, then the exact kind of solidity that we perceive now would have been far different, and is far different in other similar systems of reality. (other worlds). To say that our world is an illusion, would be to say that it is not real, that it is a lie, an untruth. So there is a contradiction here, or is there? There are countless worlds that are less solid than ours and some far denser and their experience is not less in quality than ours.

To be continued

My name is W. Allan, single male 62, a resident of Naples Florida. I graduated from Washington University in St. Louis and have in the past, written a column called SECRET REALITY which was carried by spiritual and metaphysical magazines. I have recently started a blog to publish my work with the intent of incorporating expanded versions of my blog in book form. You can contact me any at my e-mail address: beachinguy@hotmail.com You may also read other articles at my blog at: http://answersbygod.blogspot.com

Consciously Seeking Excellence in Small Business

Ever wonder why some people are effective in their work while others aren't? The answer may be found in their consciousness. But it's not about being awake - it's about being aware.

There are four levels of performance consciousness. Here's what they look like.

1. Unconscious Incompetent

The Unconscious Incompetent doesn't know that he doesn't know. He's also called a DK2, which is short for, "don't know, squared." He's not only incapable, but actually clueless about his inability.

In truth, everyone is a DK2 from time to time. The challenge is to not live our lives as one because DK2 is a terminal professional condition.

But if you're saying, "Oh, Great One - stop me before I DK2 again," don't fret; we'll get to that.

2. Unconscious Competent

This person lurches uncontrollably toward success; she doesn't know how or why it happened. Sometimes we call such a person gifted or lucky. Those of us who have to work hard for everything we get call them annoying.

But don't envy the Unconscious Competent because not knowing how you got where you are is one of the definitions of lost. And any resulting success is likely to be temporary.

3. Conscious Incompetent

This person is incapable and knows it. There is no ego about what he thinks he knows and no resistance to your methods and practices. A Conscious Incompetent is an amorphous block of disciple clay waiting to be molded by you, the master sculptor.

But be careful. Sometimes this person wallows in his condition as an excuse for non-performance. Conscious Incompetence should be a temporary condition on the way to the ultimate level of consciousness.

4. Conscious Competent

This person gets the job done and knows why. She can identify what causes success but, more importantly, is fully aware - and takes ownership - of her failures.

How do you become a Conscious Competent? Through a practice called self-analysis.

Self-analysis allows us to see what we do well and capitalize on it, as well as recognize and evaluate what we don't do well and improve or minimize it.

Self-analysis isn't easy; sometimes it even stings because it requires that we control our ego.

Ego obstructs self-analysis by telling us that any success we have is because we're so smart, while assuring us that any failures we experience couldn't be our fault. Successful self-analysis is part of a conscious plan for professional improvement.

By practicing self-analysis, Conscious Competents discover the enduring benefits of being honest with themselves about their own performance.

Write this on a rock... "If professional excellence were a mountain, Conscious Competence would be its peak."

Jim Blasingame

Small Business Advocate.

Author of the Small Business Advocate Show and Small Business Radio

2012年9月10日 星期一

The Universe is a Living, Pulsating Being

Wherever you look in the universe, you see order and intelligence displayed. Life is everywhere in everything around us and cannot be destroyed, as it is energy itself.

We all know from physics that energy cannot be created or destroyed: it is eternal and can only change its form. We know that everything in the universe is made of energy.

We often hear people say that we will soon run out of energy. By this, they often are referring to oil and gas deposits in the Earth. Yet the energy content is always the same: it just transforms from one form of energy to another.

If you wake up to who you really are, you will never feel the lack of anything ever again. During deep meditation, we connect to our Higher Self: that field of energy which is unmanifest.

I was reading an article recently about the Milky Way: how scientists are saying there are huge Magellanic Clouds of magnetic energy at each end. This electromagnetic gravitational field of energy is stirring up the dark matter and making it vibrate like a drum skin over the whole area.

What I feel we are seeing when we hear this is a living, breathing universe. Scientists say that ninety per cent of the universe is made up of dark matter. I say that this is like what telephone companies talk about when they have unused fibre optic cables: they call it Dark Fibre.

What I would put to you is that this dark matter is the universe's consciousness that has not yet woken up, i.e. become self-aware. It is like our own consciousness: we cannot use the intelligence that we are made of until we become self-aware.

Only by looking within our Selves can we know ourselves and know who and what we are. It is only when intelligence is turned back on itself through the human mind that intelligence become intelligent and knows itself. When we become aware of our abilities, we can start to use them.

In the same way, we can measure the electrical and magnetic activity of our brainwaves: how they form themselves into impulses in our brain and body and how this flow of electricity produces a field of magnetic energy.

It is this field of magnetic energy that makes the aura that surrounds us and creates the magnetic field - or field of energy - which holds each cell of our body in place.

Science is starting to see the same relationship in the universe as in the example of the latest finding in the Milky Way. Scientists are seeing the relationship between matter - which makes up the stars and the planets - and the conscious awareness that flows through these magnetic clouds.

The drumbeat is the Milky Way breathing as it is sleeping; but, very soon, it is going to wake up. It is going to become self-aware like fibre optics that is being switched on.

The dark fibre will disappear as new channels of conscious communication open up, connecting different aspects of matter that are growing in integration and coming to life.

The shift in human consciousness which we are experiencing at the moment is not just limited to human beings as we realize we are all one. We start to wake up the Earth's own consciousness.

We see the same relationship on the Earth - with the Earth and all the different forms of crystals forming the matter and gravity, and ley lines forming the magnetic aura that the planet's conscious awareness flows through.

This consciousness will expand out to reach the sun and moon and the other planets that form our solar system which, through astrology, we already know have an influence on our consciousness.

We are seeing an awakening now on a universal level as the unseen aspect of our consciousness wakes up. Dark matter is turning into light and becoming self-aware and integrated into a unified wholeness of vibrant life.

Message channelled by George Lockett (C) Copyright 2006, All Rights Reserved.

* New book * "A Journey into the Self -- the multi-dimensional nature of being human": HealerGeorge Web Site and New Book

Description: What is this book going to do for YOU? For those who are seeking a complete energetic makeover, as you read it you will feel a stirring and awakening in the depths of your heart. For those who have questions about Shifts in Consciousness, Energy Balancing and Healing within the body, you will find clear answers.

Read HealerGeorge?s Blog: Curezone Blog or ask at question at: Ask HealerGeorge

Christ Consciousness is a Spiritual Knowing and Evolutionary Development

Many people have heard of the "Christ Consciousness", but don't know exactly what that phrase means.

Christians, of course, insist that there has only been one person in all of history who had the Christ Consciousness--a Jewish carpenter or stone mason named Jesus ben Joseph, son of Mary, who lived and died in the first century C.E. and who, as it turned out, was really God Himself. Yet, those who are more aware of or open to ideas of deeper spiritual knowing and evolutionary developments available to all people understand that the Christ Consciousness was not exclusive to one man in all of history, and he didn't even create it--it was there before him. Few of these people doubt that Jesus certainly did capture and embody this Consciousness; but again, the dispute is over his being like Tigger; that is, "the only one".

As a matter of fact, the earlier and more mystical Christian traditions seem to indicate that even they acknowledge that more people than just Jesus ben Joseph of Galilee can have, and have had, the Christ Consciousness awakened in their being. The original disciples were able to perform miracles in the name of their lord (which simply means their master and teacher). And Jesus is quoted in the Gospels with having said, in so many words, that anyone who believed in what he did could also do the exact same things that he did. And today, there are Christian "Prosperity Teachers" who teach that you can heal yourself and others of afflictions, have all the wealth you desire, and be as powerful as Jesus in every way--except for those parts about "being sinless" and being the "savior of all".

Does it entail never having made a single grave error in your entire life and being everybody else's savior? Those who understand Christ as a level of awareness, not as an individual man from a particular time in history, would say no, it's got nothing to do with that. They would argue that Jesus was not sinless and was not born with the Christ Consciousness, although he probably was what we today would call gifted. They would also argue that he was not born of a woman who had never had sexual intercourse before his birth, and putting on the Christ Consciousness doesn't entail being that, either!

Indeed, the word "Christ" is a Greek word that was around for hundreds, if not thousands, of years before Jesus was ever born. And it means "anointed king" or "anointed one", which makes it very close conceptually to another (Jewish) word often used for Jesus: "messiah". This royal anointing goes all the way back, at least, to ancient dynastic Egypt, where the pharaoh or queen would receive an anointing on their head with an oil made from the fat of the monitor lizard (the "dragon") at the hands of the high priest. This anointing was a ritual way of signifying that the new monarch was the embodiment of the gods on earth.

So, what does the Christ Consciousness mean for us today? It means learning to think on a higher plane than most other humans around you. It means living out such qualities as patience, kindness, honesty, being in love with the truth, being slow to anger, and seeking justice without seeking vengeance. Anyone who takes the courageous conviction of opening themselves to the prospect of Consciousness can learn and cultivate it. It means having our foreheads "anointed" by a more cosmic understanding that comes "down" to us from above--from the vast universe, not just the little blue dot called Earth.

Amanda Is A Work From Home Mum of 3, For all of the latest products, news, and to see our products visit Paranormal Products

Wake Up To A Higher Consciousness Using Brainwave Entrainment

Waking up to a higher consciousness, can also be called spiritual enlightenment, and is an amazing journey that you can brainwave entrainment, a scientifically proven technology that gently alters your brainwave frequency to a desired state, changing its consciousness, to aid you in a faster and more effective evolution.

Your consciousness is always awake and enlightened, but the amount of wakefulness or awareness that is present in any moment can vary. At different times in your life, you will experience different states of consciousness, all always on the edge of the potential for full awareness or enlightenment. You have infinite potential to expand and awaken into your higher consciousness or stay in a narrow or limited experience. Either way, all expressions of consciousness are equally valid and valuable.

Awakening to a higher consciousness can occur on an individual basis or can reflect a global consciousness and group collective. The more people awaken, the more our reality shifts.

And just because you may be spiritually awakening, doesn't mean that you won't make mistakes. What is different, is that you will reflect on these mistakes and find their value on your journey.

How Life Changes As You Awaken To A Higher Consciousness

· You no longer fear death but consider it as a part of your spiritual evolution, a reconnecting with "All That Is", or God. You recognize that the people that have affected you, no matter how long they were with you, were there for a mutual spiritual journey and that you may reconnect with them in another plane.

· You may change your perspective on life. You may lose your ability to "hate" anyone, no matter the circumstances. You recognize how someone negative in your life may be a source of spiritual education and part of a plan.

· You may find that you isolate yourself from people you used to be close to or are related to. It is you that they are uncomfortable with. You are on a different journey and they may not understand your spiritual evolution.

· You may view things differently. You recognize that retaliating with the same energy as someone negative, is only increasing the negative energy. You forgive those who have hurt you and you forgive yourself.

· You realize that this "lifetime" is only part of a very large "lifetime" and that you have a long way to go and may return to this world in the future.

· You presence encompasses positivity and in that light, you raise the vibration of any negativity that you encounter.

· You lose your strong connection to your ego and materialism. Money and its acquisition lose their importance to you. You appreciate being in the world and connected to nature. You feel that you could never harm anything again... even a tree or a bug.

· You feel a deeper connection to life, including every living and non-living thing on the Earth and Universe. You realize what affects someone else, also affects you.

Once you decide to awaken to a higher consciousness, and do it the easy way with brainwave entrainment, you can't go back.

You have opened the door to your spiritual evolution. Your spiritual awakening will change your life, and those around you, in the most positive way.

You will become more like your higher self, everyday.

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2012年9月9日 星期日

Conscious Particles, Fields and Waves

"In some strange way an electron or a photon [or any other elementary particle] seems to 'know' about changes in the environment and appears to respond accordingly," says physicist Danah Zohar.

A group at the Weizmann Institute in Israel has done a variation of the famous "double-slit" experiment. They used electrons, instead of photons, and observed how the resultant interference pattern (which indicates wave-like properties of the particle) dissipated the longer you watched the electrons go through the slits. As a wave the electron passes through both slits simultaneously but if, according to E Buks, it "senses" that it is being watched, the electron (as a particle) goes through only one path, diminishing the interference pattern. Elementary particles (such as photons and electrons) appear to possess a certain degree of "intelligence" and awareness of the environment. Renowned plasma and particle physicist, David Bohm, says "In some sense a rudimentary mind-like quality is present even at the level of particle physics. As we go to subtler levels this mind-like quality becomes stronger and more developed."

Consciousness appears to be as fundamental a property to elementary particles as properties that make it "matter" or a "physical force" (for example, mass, spin and charge). And just as mass, spin and charge differ from one particle to another; it is probable that different particles have different degrees of consciousness.

Conditions for Manifesting Consciousness

Bohm says that "a particle has a rich and complex inner structure which can respond to information and direct it's self-motion accordingly". This is more evident in more massive particles and Bose-Einstein condensates which behave as super particles.

A single isolated particle would have some degree of consciousness (or awareness of the environment). However, low-energy and low-frequency elementary particles (as described currently in the physicists' "Standard Model") easily lose their property of consciousness when they become entangled with other particles and decoherence sets-in. This state is analogous to the state of a demagnetized metal object. Although all the individual atoms are in a sense magnets, no magnetic fields are observed. However, once the atoms in the metal object become aligned with their north and south poles pointing in the same direction they begin to exhibit the property of magnetism.

In the same way, when groups of particles are in the same quantum state, i.e. when they are in a state of quantum coherence, the property of consciousness is exhibited. A state of an extremely low degree of consciousness (for practical purposes - no consciousness) is exhibited by inanimate matter at macroscopic scales in our highly decoherent low-energy classical universe.

Hence, elementary particles will exhibit their intrinsic degree of consciousness when isolated or when a group of particles share the same quantum state. This means that bulk matter in a non-coherent state is effectively unconscious. The study of conscious particles is referred to as "quantum metaphysics" by this author.

Particle Memory

In 1959, physicist Richard Feynman pointed out that all the words written throughout the history of the world could be contained in a cube of material one tenth of a millimeter wide - provided those words were written with atoms. Now, scientists have done just that, creating an atomic-scale memory by using atoms of silicon in place of the 1s and 0s that computers use to store data. Scientists at the University of Wisconsin at Madison have been able to read and write at room temperature to a memory unit that uses a single atom to store a bit. The memory density of this memory unit is comparable to the way nature stores data in DNA molecules.

How much information can an atom store? Scientists have written the word "OPTICS" on a single atom, demonstrating the huge information capacity that exists even in an individual hydrogen atom. This was done by sending one of its electrons into a "Rydberg state", in which it no longer exists as a cloud of charge enshrouding the nucleus but instead becomes a 'wave packet' that circles the atomic nucleus like a planet around the Sun. By applying a series of pulses a set of wave packets can be created that combine with each other like water waves and cancel each other out at specific places to form patterns around the atom. Carlos Stroud of the University of Rochester and Michael Noel of the University of Virginia point out that an electron in an n=50 Rydberg state has 2,500 possible states of angular momentum which can be combined in various ways - evidencing the enormous potential for even elementary particles to store and transport vast amounts of information.

Can a person's memory with all its visual, audio, tactile and other information be conveyed in a wave-particle? It is remarkable that however complicated a wave, it can be described as a combination of many simple sine waves of various frequencies and amplitudes. This is how an entire orchestra can be heard from the single vibrating cone of a loud speaker. When switched on and off at irregular intervals, or modulated in intensity or in frequency, waves can carry a large amount of information. The higher the frequency the greater the amount of information the wave may encode. Storing memory in wave interference patterns is remarkably efficient, and would be able to accommodate the vastness of human memory. For example, holographic encoding of wave-interference patterns would enable all of the books in the US Library of Congress to fit onto a large sugar cube

The Physical-Etheric Nucleus

Each subtle body has a nucleus - which metaphysicists Charles Leadbeater and Annie Besant have called a "permanent particle". Leadbeater calls the nucleus of the higher etheric double a "physical-etheric atom". According to Leadbeater and Besant, information about the relevant subtle body is stored in this particle (its composition, frequency, structure and associative memories). In this way the experiences that the subtle body has gone through in a particular universe are stored or are linked to this nucleus - which can be transferred more easily to another universe and body through microscopic wormholes.

The particle is analogous to DNA in the biomolecular body. DNA is referred to as a "bioparticle" in the medical literature and it stores or links vast amounts of information about a particular life-form. Hindu metaphysics describes these particles or nuclei as "bindus" and Tibetan yoga "drops".

The physical-etheric nucleus is transferred to higher energy bodies when the subtle body dies - serving the same purposes as a "black box" flight recorder in an airplane in preserving information about a particular life's experiences. This nucleus is also responsible for the life review in a near-death experience. According to Besant, the permanent particles are used to preserve within themselves as "powers of vibrations" (i.e. different frequencies and waveforms) the results of all experiences through which they have passed. By the end of one life in the physical body, the permanent particle (or physical-etheric nucleus) would have stored up "innumerable powers of vibration" (i.e. a set of waveforms of different frequencies).

A personality is simply a "packet of self-organized information". If this information can be transferred from one body to another that personality "lives" on. Information stored in the physical-etheric nucleus allows the personality and its associated physical-etheric body to be "reconstructed" or "resurrected" in a similar physical-etheric body later - in a process analogous to a teleportation. According to plasma metaphysics, the physical-etheric body provides an electromagnetic matrix which plays a critical role in the morphogenesis of the physical-biomolecular body. This provides a basis for reincarnation or a resurrection (depending on which religion interprets it).

The physical-etheric nucleus enables the transfer of information from one body (in one universe) to another body (in another or the same universe) during the (physical) death process. If not for this transfer, the experiences in the physical (3d) universe may be difficult to access or reconstruct at a later date. The information about our self has to be "uploaded" to another "player" (i.e. a body) to continue our personal existence. The advances in Science suggest that the nuclei of the various subtle bodies can carry a large volume of complex holographic information about their corresponding bodies and experiences.

Conscious Waves

As quantum physics has shown, elementary particles also behave as waves - depending on the experimental set-up. Bose-Einstein condensates can behave as super particles - and therefore also as waves. If a gas is cooled to a few millionth of a degree above absolute zero, the atoms lose their identity as individual particles and behave as a single entity, a kind of "super atom" with characteristics similar to a laser. They then take on the weirdness of quantum objects - including wave-particle duality and the ability to quantum-tunnel out from one place to another. Conscious particles can therefore also propagate as waves.

The Conscious Zero Point Field

Stuart Hameroff believes that a kind of proto-consciousness is a fundamental feature of the universe as a whole and exists at the near-infinitesimal Planck scale. "Could proto-conscious qualia simply exist in the empty space of the universe?" he asks.

Zohar says there is no reason in principle to deny that any structure, biological or otherwise, that contained a Bose-Einstein condensate might possess the capacity for consciousness. She argues that for there to be one integrated "self" something must account for the unity of brain states associated with each element of an experience. In a sense the separate elements must become in-phase with each other. A Bose-Einstein condensate typifies this kind of unity. She suggests that the brain has two interacting systems: the coherent Bose-Einstein condensate associated with consciousness, and the computer-like system of individual neurons. According to her, the electrical activity observed on the EEG may be a bridge between the two - if either system is excited, it would produce an electrical field that acts on the other.

The zero point field (or the quantum vacuum) itself can be considered a Bose-Einstein condensate, filled with photons and other bosons of zero energy. This arises from the commutation rules where the field is quantized according to Bose-Einstein statistics. This provides a basis for a field of consciousness that is present everywhere in our universe.

The Atman Field

According to quantum electrodynamics, particles are considered excitations in a field. Hence, all particles have fields associated with them and all fields have particles associated with them. Fields associated with (conscious) super particles would exhibit consciousness and intelligent behavior. Conscious fields, like electromagnetic fields, would not have any form in the way that a physical, tangible object has.

The various elementary particles come in strictly identical copies. One electron is no different from any other electron. In fact, Richard Feynmann (following-up on a remark by John Wheeler) speculated that all the electrons we measure may actually be one and the same electron.

We may call the conscious zero point field the "atman field". Each individualized atman or "atman particle" can be considered a fundamental unit of consciousness and an excitation in the atman field. Each elementary atman particle is indistinguishable from another. When the excitation subsides the particle disappears and is indistinguishable from the field.

© Copyright Jay Alfred 2007

Jay Alfred is the author of the Dark Plasma Theory (formerly described as "plasma metaphysics"). This Theory holds that dark matter is largely in the form of plasmas of exotic (non-baryonic) particles. Jay has been researching on terrestrial dark plasma (TDP) life forms, including their evolution in the dark biosphere and their habitats since 2001, in the context of Dark Plasma Theory. He is the author of three books on Dark Plasma Theory which include Our Invisible Bodies, Brains and Realities and Between the Moon and Earth which are available on Amazon online bookstores.

Conscious Eating, Conscious Cooking

Food enlightenment entails becoming aware of the kind of nourishment that will best support our health. Conscious eating starts with educating ourselves about where our food comes from and how it is cultivated and harvested and then extends to giving exquisite attention to how it is prepared. Finally, the very act of eating itself takes on a sense of deep appreciation.

Conscious Meal Preparation

Becoming familiar with the health properties and benefits of different foods is central to conscious eating. When we add fresh fruits and vegetables to our diet, we are adding life and nutrient-density to our meals. Cooking with foods that are high in vital nutrients can transform the way we approach meal preparation. When we understand the nutritional properties of our food, we will want to select the best quality foods. We will want to learn to prepare our meals in such a way as to bring out the flavorful aspects of these ingredients. We will enjoy the benefits of eating healthy and naturally delicious food.

Colors: the Flavors of the Sun

Chlorophyll is the substance that is responsible for the absorption of light from the sun and provides the energy for photosynthesis, or the transformation of sunlight into living, growing things. Chlorophyll makes plants appear green. The greener the food the more nutrient dense it is and the more healing power and energy it contains. Green is color of life and health, the color of growth and renewal. When we eat green foods we are providing the body with the healing and regenerative support it needs. Kale is a wonderful leafy green plant with a rich, pungent flavor that can be used in salads or added to grain dishes. Kale is an anti-inflammatory agent, filled with the healing properties of green. Similarly red, orange and yellow plants are rich beta-carotene, supplying essential vitamins and nutrients that we need to form healthy cells and help to remove harmful substances from the body. The old adage, "Eat your colors", is valuable advice to heed.

Complete Proteins

For those of us who like to eat vegetarian, either as a way of life or as a regular part of our weekly diet, it is important to make sure we are creating meals that form complete proteins. This is easily done with the addition of healthy and tasty grains combined with legumes. Discovering how flavorful and delicious a vegetable, legume and grain dish can be is a surprising adventure in cooking and eating. Legumes, like beans, lentils, and chickpeas, are good sources of calcium and certain amino acids and have other significant health benefits. Lentils, for example, reduce cholesterol and lower the risk of heart disease. When combined with grains, especially high-protein grains like quinoa and buckwheat, legumes act to form more complete proteins like those found in fish, poultry and meat sources

Becoming Nutritionally Savvy

Our bodies inherently desire nourishment that satisfies our natural cravings. Early human beings were primarily hunter-gatherers, living off the available growing plants, indigenous animals, and green grasses. We are designed to eat living, unadulterated food. We thrive when we eat enough organic and nutrient-dense foods, like leafy greens and colorful fresh veggies. When we add these foods to our diets we are helping to support, detoxify, and heal our physiology.

The Joy of Guilt-Free Eating

We all love to eat. Eating should be a joy and not a guilty pleasure. Some of us, for various reasons, have come to associate food with guilt. But when we cook with awareness, preparing meals that truly support us and satisfy our natural cravings, we don't need to feel guilty. Re-educating our taste buds to orient our nutritional desires towards high-quality, nutrient-dense, and phytochemically rich foods will help us to attain optimum health, mentally and physically. Superior quality, fresh, organic ingredients taste more flavorful and robust than non-organic foods, and when prepared artfully, are true epicurean delights.

Learning to cook with skill and with consciousness can turn the experience of eating into a deliciously conscious event.

Diane Hoch, CHC, founded The Food Evolution in 2010 and is currently its CEO. The Food Evolution is a nutrition and cooking center in Bardonia, NY that helps educate individuals and families in healthful eating habits and delicious meal preparation. The Center is dedicated to fostering the peaceful progress of food evolution on our planet. http://www.thefoodevolution.com/about-us/message

In her business and personal life, Diane is a passionate advocate for advancing a new, eco-conscious food system. Being committed to nutrition and wellness is a big part of her Cooking School which demonstrates cooking skills and healthy, tasty recipes and teaches people about the nutritional and healing properties of food.

To find out more, watch demonstration videos, or book a class or private session, visit The Food Evolution at: http://www.thefoodevolution.com/index.php