2012年9月15日 星期六

To Actually Understand How Our Thoughts Effect Our Lives and Health

I just want to share something from someone from a group that changed the way I think, because lets face it, what we think plays an important part in our illness. When, and I am still learning this, I put this into practice, my life becomes so exciting, and I am learning not to think negative thoughts, but positive ones. In our case, we need to have a vision of what we want to become, not of what we are. We don't want to get "stuck" in this to the point, we fail to learn from it, or fail to overcome it.

A lot of what is written here is a photocopy from a friend who is teaching this. Don't be put off my certain terms, or certain phrases. This is life changing stuff, and if we realized the affect of negative thinking, and how it sets us up for disaster, we would grab on this real quick!

Not everyone is going to agree with it, and that's OK. We are all different, and at different stages in our life. Because I have only written certain "bits" it might be a little confusing, but hope that you grasp something from it.

Someone touched on this on the internet, about thinking well thoughts etc, but to actually understand how out thoughts effect our life is really vital. So bear with me and I will try to explain what is an in depth subject, briefly.

Recognize that we live in two worlds, the outer, physical world, and the world inside our minds. We live simultaneously in these two worlds. The inner world is the world of our thoughts. Our fears, ambitions, happiness, confidence, doubt, etc, these do not exist in the outer world. The outer world is the world of situations, circumstances that happen to us. It is our physical reality.

Take a moment to realize how they influence each other e.g., I have a child with severe special needs who is healthy, but fragile, when she was diagnosed, I started to paint a picture in my mind of what our life would be like. How sick she would be, and I literally had her dead and buried in my thoughts. In reality, things are very different. Sure my world has changed from what it was, but it is not the negative picture that I painted in my mind.

We become dominated by what happens in the physical world (in our case) our bodies and our aches and pains), and then we mirror in our minds the things that are happening to us. e.g., when "good" things happen, we feel happy, excited, confident, content etc, and when "bad" things happen, we feel upset, depressed, angry, bitter etc. Thus, our inner world reacts constantly, and since we spend all our time reacting, we do not experience power, we feel powerless.

This is so true, where our thoughts go, we will follow. We will become what we think. It is so important to grasp that our minds is a battleground where we either are going to win or lose. In reality, we are dealing with candida, but in our minds we will decide if we are going to win or lose the battle.

You are the cause of a lot of what happens to you. Before you all get off your bikes, think about it. If we take antibiotics, eat junk a lot, etc, we end up with candida. We may not have realized it at the time, but in part, the fault lies with us, and the healing of it will lie with us too.

Please understand, I am not condemning anyone here saying how silly we all are and it's our all fault we have candida, but think about that statement. A lot of who we are, where we are, what we do, has happened because of our actions and choices (not everything is a result of what we do etc), just wanted to stress that one. Your life is a reflection of you. We are given circumstances to discover deeper causes to bring about changes in us.

I know someone who is a great example, look at where she has come and what she has learned, her circumstances, while painful, have made her stronger and they will with all of us if we can start to direct our thinking.


Three important features of the conscious mind:

1. It is in constant motion, churning out thoughts 24 hours a day. We experience more than 20,000 thoughts a day.

2. It is the great trickster. We cannot always believe what our minds tell us.

3 There is a lot of useless thought going on inside our conscious mind e.g., worry, fear, doubt, anxiety etc.

Everyday we react and relate to circumstances and situations through this mechanism that does not allow us to pause and figure out what is going on. We have lost control of our mind. It is running wildly, but because we are unaware of it, we accept it as normal. It is no wonder people feel overwhelmed at times. Fortunately, we can gain control when we understand how the conscious mind works.

Our mind is running faulty because we have never been taught how to run it!


You can watch how your conscious mind works by using a technique called self observation.

Several times a day, stop and observe yourself. Catch your self thinking. Be very detached as if you are looking at another person Watch the thoughts that are going on in your mind. Watch your conscious mind in operation.

The subconscious mind cannot differentiate between constructive and destructive thoughts. It works with the material you feed it, or it feeds it self. It does not matter to the conscious mind what thoughts it thinks, but it absolutely matters to you.

Four excellent techniques for removing a negative thought:

Cut it off. Replace the negative thought with a different thought. The instant you recognize the negative thought, cut it off. Insert a different thought.

Become the observer of the negative thought. Label it. Right now I am experiencing a negative thought. It is only a negative thought. Remember this forever! Negative thoughts only have power over you if you react to them. If you fail to react, it has no power.

Exaggerate it into the ridiculous. e.g., I was thinking about eating something naughty. I imagined eating 3200 of this biscuit, and how I grew so fat I couldn't fit through the door, and rolled around the house etc. You end up laughing at yourself.

Negative thoughts don't come along with warning bells. They come as if they were the gospel truth!

Counteract it with its exact opposite. The mind can only have one thought at a time. Box the negative like a boxer fights! Give it the ol 1-2. Don't let it rule you. We are the master gardeners of our own consciousness. No matter how deep the root of the negative, you will eventually get it out.


Thoughts are real forces.

Our mind is like a spoiled child. It is used to doing anything it pleases, when it pleases. It may concentrate for 20 seconds, then it wanders. "I don't want to do this, this is boring. "I can't concentrate". Initially it is like the first visit to the gym, this is the worst you can do. Your mind

will not be too thrilled you are doing this and will try and stop you.

Every thought you think is a force and energy. Weak and scattered thoughts are weak and scattered real forces Strong and concentrated thoughts are strong and concentrated real forces.

Take a couple of minutes to contemplate the meaning of "thoughts are real forces". Our thoughts are very powerful.

The mind is both a sending station and receiving station of thought.

We are effecting our outside environment by our thoughts, and the outside environment is effecting us by the thoughts of those around us. The exchange of energy between the two does not stop.

The law of attraction. Thoughts that are emotionalized become magnetized and attract similar and like thoughts.

Any thought with emotion becomes a different type of thought. It attracts similar types of thoughts the way a magnet attracts iron e.g., a small incident can trigger thoughts of everything going wrong in our lives. On the other side, nothing succeeds like success, because it magnetizes more success.

The law of control: we are forever experiencing thoughts but we have the ability to either entertain these thoughts of dismiss them.

Any negative thought that is in our mind is there because we are allowing it to be. We carry a lot of junk around in side of us that we should have let go of along time ago. Cultivate the mind by not allowing negatives or inadequacies to have a place.

90% of the common and average people will never take action towards healthy mind and spend more money for something that didn't work for them. If you are not one among them, take advantage of Cure Candida Method now and cure your candida the natural way - CLICK HERE to get them. (Limited Time Offer... Hurry!)

