2012年9月1日 星期六

The Gift of Imagination - Conscious Evolution and Spiritual Growth With Creativity

It is vital to the happiness of every individual that he or she continues to evolve in spiritual growth, self-awareness, and personal development. This growth and expansion as our true and authentic self is the basis of all spirituality. Accordingly, this growth and expansion can be enhanced by the use of the gift of imagination for creativity.

Progression and advancement in consciousness is the Universal Law of Continual Consciousness. And just how does creativity and imagination play an impacting role in our progression and advancement in consciousness? It plays a role through our ability to constructively and productively use the imagination to co-create life. The imagination when use properly begins the process of allowing the Creative Spirit to move.

Each time we use the gift of imagination properly we stir creative expression (the movement of the creative spirit). Creative expression promotes conscious evolution and spiritual growth. This growth and evolution is possible because as we use the gift of imagination, we are inspired and we inspire others. This inspiration is the substance which allows us to become more and add more life to life. Accordingly, if we were to ever wonder what the greatest desire for all mankind and womankind could be, the answer would be-more life. More life is riches and we have a divine right to live richly and in abundance.

Now, the question is, how can we use our imagination effectively to enhance creativity, conscious evolution, and spiritual growth? The answer is, go to the core of your being where your true and authentic self resides. Your true and authentic self is a natural co-creator who has been implanted with a vision for purpose in life. When we use the gift of imagination from the core of our true and authentic self, we are powerful co-creators and most importantly we are functioning as unstoppable visionaries.

A fine illustration from an artistic perspective is the art form of performance art, specifically acting and dramatic interpretation. An actor or actress who wants to deliver a powerful and dynamic performance always looks for ways to relate to the character from his or her true and authentic self-why? By taking the time to relate some aspect of the character's nature to his or her true and authentic self, the performance becomes more authentic. And if this actor or actress is seeking to communicate something about life and the human condition, he or she evolves and grows from having "played" the role of the character.

For example, if you were an actress who wanted to play the role of Lady Macbeth and you wanted to identify with her character, you may want to tap into your desire for success and fame in order to understand Lady Macbeth's ambition and greed. To heighten the identification and relation to the character, you may use your imagination to intensify your desire for success in order to understand Lady Macbeth's level of ambition. You may ask yourself: "What lengths would I go to achieve success?" With greater intensity with the use of your imagination, you may imagine what Lady Macbeth is feeling. How she make think she is justified in her actions. Later as she is tormented with guilt of her actions, you may use your imagination through the knowledge of your true and authentic self to understand her guilt.

Once your performance of Lady Macbeth has ended, it would be beneficial to you the artist to take the time to discover what new things you have discovered about who you really are and what is important to you. As such, by way of creativity and your imagination, you have grown in some way spiritually and consciously for having played the role of Lady Macbeth.

The same is true when we sing a song, draw picture, paint a portrait, or read literature. The same is true when we visualize how we want to live our lives, take meditative journeys to understand our true desires, or journal for self-realization. Creativity is creativity. It does not matter if creativity is used for art, personal development, spiritual development, self-actualization, or self-improvement. It does not matter because in the process, we are embarking on a journey to discover more about who we really are. The authenticity of this discovery is what leads to spiritual growth, conscious evolution, personal power, and success. This freedom of self-discovery becomes contagious and it inspires others to reach within to create more life.

So, if you desire to grow, progress, and expand spiritually and consciously, use the gift of imagination in the creation process. Imagination is a powerful gift and it is most powerful when we use it as our true and authentic self. The journey begins when we let go of the fetters and illusions of the ego and let the Creative Spirit move.

Carmellita M. Brown, a Writer, Artist, Visionary, and Entrepreneur, is the Founder and Creative Director for Blue Lotus Living, a Spiritual and Personal Development Community and Holistic Lifestyle Media and Education Company.? She has developed a creative success system which teaches the power of co-creating life.? She invites those who want to transform their lives and manifest their dreams and true desires to visit Blue Lotus Living today.

Liberation of Consciousness

There is a particular mantra (word or phrase used during meditation) of which I am very fond: Baba Nam Kevalam. It is written in the sanskrit language and I have heard it translated into English many ways over the years. "God's name only" is a very simple, direct and useful one, but I tend to translate it differently for my yoga students. "Everything is an expression of God" or "Everything is an expression of the supreme consciousness." Whether that is the best translation or not, I can not say, but it works for me, and I believe the statement to be the truth and furthermore that the realization of that truth by a person will result in a dramatic transformation in him/her. A transformation from the "normal" to the sublime, from the tortured to the blissful, from the ignorant to the wise, from the harmful to the benevolent, from the unconscious to the conscious.

Sometimes when I simply reflect on the word "conscious," I become euphoric. It is so simple, yet so liberating to be truly conscious of something, anything. No big mystery. To be "aware" of something is another way of saying it. If I notify my kids that it is snowing outside, they will immediately run to the window to verify the story, and assuming I have told the truth, they will soon become "conscious" of the snow. They run to the window, not because they don't trust me, but because they are hungry for that experience of awareness of the snow. Snow is something they have seen before but only rarely in the rainy area we live in. Yet, it is something they love for many reasons. Snow gives them great joy and they drink in the "vision" from the window. What a blessing it is that holds their attention (another word for consciousness I believe) so firmly. The snow is so white and pure, and it floats so gracefully to the Earth seemingly from Heaven. Ten minutes ago they might have been bickering over a toy they don't even want to play with, but now they are sharing a window as they both witness snow. Their minds are focused, joyful, one with the snow. For my kids, snow is fulfilling the purpose of art, lifting their minds up from their normal existence to a more lofty state.

But what is consciousness? It is something we all have to some extent, some people seem to have more of it than others, and if we get hit on the head too hard, we lose if for a while. But is it something we can cultivate and grow? Can we expand or somehow strengthen our consciousness? I am not talking about the intellect. That is something completely different. That is the computer, the information manipulator, the little puzzle solver. I am talking about consciousness. The consciousness that tells us "I am breathing", "I am cold", "The sun just came up", "I am hungry", "I exist" "You exist" "I have a blissful feeling in my heart."

I propose that we consider consciousness a valuable commodity that can be expanded/developed, and something that can be used to an extent we would never have dreamed possible. Furthermore, I am going to go very far out on a limb now and tell you I believe we can use this "super-consciousness" to revolutionize our personal existence and give us undreamed of powers. Next, I would like to introduce the concept of "intuition". Here is a word we are all familiar with, but not generally in terms of religion. Sadly intuition is thought of as not much more than a lucky hunch here and there, but I think it is a natural albeit undeveloped personal ability, which is both reliable and nothing more than an extension of that day to day "consciousness" that I mentioned above.

So what's the problem? Why aren't we all brimming over with the power of intuition? Because:

A. We are drowning in a sea of mental noise

B. There is no "B"

OK, hold on to your hat; this is the way I see it.... Our primary existence is consciousness. Essentially, we are nothing more or less than a pinpoint of pure consciousness. That pinpoint is surrounded by the rest of the cosmos, which I will call "reality." We are the subject, "reality" is the object (signal) we are trying to be "conscious" of, but (for better or worse) in between we have a layer of noise, which I will call the "ego", a fictitious sense of self, a misunderstanding of who we are, and that persistent belief that we are this absurd dream identity is the only thing preventing us from experiencing heaven right here on Earth.

So, how do we get rid of the noise and attain this super consciousness? For want of a better word, let's call it "yoga." Yoga directly translated means "union," similar to the translation of the word "religion" by the way. Yoga promises to unite us with our true nature known in yoga circles as "the Self." The full nature of yoga practice goes way beyond the scope of this short essay, but for the benefit of the novice who may hold the misunderstanding that yoga is merely a set of stretching exercises, I will briefly run over the 8 "limbs" of yoga as originally presented by the great yogi Pantanjali:

1. Yama (a group of 5 morel rules of the road)

2. Niyama; some additional guidelines for day to day behavior (study, helping others etc)

3. Asanas; the physical exercises that have become popular in the West

4. Pranayama; best known as breathing exercises

5. Pratyahara; withdrawal from the senses (preliminary to mediation)

6. Dharana; concentration exercises (meditation)

7. Dhyana; Attention to spiritual phenomena (contemplation)

8. Samadhii; Complete absorption in spiritual experience

I highly encourage anyone interested to seek instruction from a qualified instructor. For more information on yoga and the Baba Nam Kevalam mantra, please visit http://www.babanam.com.

Baba Nam Kevalam

Bruce Boyd has been a spiritual seeker since the early 70s and spent most of his adult life overseas (Japan, India, Nepal, China, Ireland, Germany and Thailand), studying and teaching yoga and martial arts, playing music and looking for gurus. He now lives in Eugene, OR with his wife and three kids teaching yoga and meditation. http://babanam.com

2012年8月31日 星期五

A Consciousness Definition

Consciousness is a term much used when talking about spiritual development. This is because consciousness IS spiritual development. All spiritual development is development of consciousness. So, if we have established that it is likely the most important term you will use on your path to enlightenment, it will be clear how important it is to have a good understanding of it. This good understanding is an experience of the taste of consciousness, and having it will take everything you learn from theory into practical use. Not having a personal consciousness definition will leave you guessing in situations when you could be making spiritual progress.


In theory, consciousness is being aware of yourself. When you are self-aware, you are observing the activity of the four systems that make up your being.

These are:

1. Your mind,

2. Your emotions,

3. Your physical body's actions,

4. The activity of your instincts and reflexes.

If you are the path of spiritual development, then there are going to be things that you either need to keep away from or things that you need to be doing so you progress towards your aim. Without a consciousness definition you will have no control over these different aspects of the self, so you will not be aware enough to stop yourself before you get angry, before you engage in self-destructive thinking, or eat something that will rob you of vital energy and bring you disease.

Self-awareness or consciousness is a very distinct and special state compared to our every day waking life. One of our favorite illusions is to believe that we already have consciousness in every moment, but the truth is that most of our lives we exist in a semi-conscious state more akin to sleeping than waking. This is the only explanation for our actions when we do something that we know we should not have done, or done in a better way. The only way we could have chosen the worse way is if we were asleep, and had little control of our actions.


Now for the true consciousness definition. The only way to understand for sure is to taste it. This will not only give us a better idea of the state, but will also prove that we are not as in control of our lives as we think, and are in fact asleep most of the time as we are walking around on the surface of the earth.

Step 1. Hold the thought, "I Am Here", in your mind. Notice how this will quiet your mind; notice how your five senses become enhanced.

Step 2. Try to hold that thought for as long as you can. You will find that very soon your mind will wander to something else and you will lose the state of consciousness. Getting it and losing it over and over will give you the taste of a consciousness definition, and you will understand how it is different from our everyday waking reality. The fact that we cannot hold the state for extended periods of time shows us the limit of control in our lives. We have control only in small things, but if we cannot have consistent action we must admit we cannot have control.

Step 3. In the moments when you can hold consciousness, observe the four systems of your being, you will find that just observing or bringing consciousness to them will improve their function and make it easier to choose your reaction to external stimuli, instead of automatically reacting without thinking about the best course of action.

Putting these steps into effect will give you a consciousness definition that goes beyond what you find in a dictionary. It will make it real to you and you will know it by taste and feeling.

That is knowledge that is alive instead of lifeless words on a page.

For more information and a FREE 5 day mini-course on creating change energy in your life, visit http://www.SpiritualExcellence.com

Quasi-Pictorial Correlates of Consciousness and AI

In my earlier article "Nanite Anaesthesia and Electrode Euphoria", I argue that our consciousness is like the Ghost-in-the-Machine or the inner-Homunculus, that observes a 3D holodeck theatre show of images that we perceive or make up out of our imagination. I disagree with the materialistic point of view that consciousness is generated as a function of brain activity and I rather rejoin the panpsychism view of Peter Russell ("The primacy of consciousness") that consciousness is the fundamental nature of everything which exists and that our material universe is embedded therein. In this article I explain why this point of view seems more plausible to me than the materialistic point of view.

Recently it has become clear that even when brain and heart activity are completely stopped, that is when we're supposedly clinically dead, we can be brought back from there if certain conditions are met. This is no science fiction: It's a fact which has recently become applied in modern medicine (see the link at bottom of article)! Patients are brought in a state of hypothermia where brain, heart and metabolic activity are completely brought to a halt. In this precarious state, doctors have been able to operate and cure even very dangerous aneurysms. But there is more to this story: patients which are in a clinical brain-dead state have experienced their own surgery as if looking from above (OBE: out of body experience). They have been able once brought back to life to relate facts of their own surgery that their brains cannot possibly have experienced. Science has no explanation for this.

In other words even when brain activity and perception by the physical senses completely ceases, our consciousness still perceives and experiences independent of the presence of a physical substratum. This proves that our brain and body are merely conduits for processes that take place at a different level. Once free from our physical constraints, we can experience the world from a different viewpoint. This neatly fits into the thousands years old concepts of Vedanta. Thought processes, decision processes etc. do not originate in the brain, but in a shell around the body called the mental body (manomayakosha) and the intellect-body (vijnanamayakosha: intellect, the faculty which discriminates, determines or wills).

Now this does not mean that the brain or the body are useless or that we don't need senses. When consciousness is present within the body it needs these physical conduits, since a material shell now encases and hence veils immediate perception. Without those conduits, we might have been aware of our inner organs, but not of the outside world.

Moreover we need a body to interact with the world. A person having an OBE it is true can perceive a part of the world but it cannot act upon the world.

What our encased consciousness perceives with the sense of vision and the associated brain processes are images; images of the outside world, which give a very neat and precise picture of that world. What you see or what you imagine is an image in which the relationships and distances between the objects in that world correspond to that world in the sense of mathematical congruency. The ratios of the distances in the world are the same ratios as the ones I perceive. You can easily demonstrate that with a ruler.

Well you can counter-argue, that is because our brain accurately interprets computes and feeds back this visual information to some central processing unit, leading to our being aware of the visually observed world.

If this central processing unit in the brain is our consciousness, this seems like a weird way of observation. Given the fact that in principle consciousness can observe an accurate picture of the world, albeit from a different viewpoint as in OBEs, it would make more sense if what is fed to the consciousness in order to be observed is an accurate picture itself. Hence my theory in my article "Nanite anaesthesia": I quote: "Neurons are like electricity transporting wires. When electricity is transported through a wire, an electromagnetic field is induced. Electromagnetic waves are broadcasted. Could it be that the neuronal activity patterns create an interference pattern which is congruent or isomorphous to the object observed?" Modern science does not follow this idea, which resembles the "Picture Theory" or the "Quasi pictorial theory", but rather the so-called "Perceptual Activity Theory", which departs from the point of view that what the retina capture is not really a picture but rather a continuous stream of information. Nevertheless, even in this last theory, somehow the information must be rendered by the brain so that we have the impression of observing a picture. In fact the fact that the retina do not capture a picture and yet we observe one only pleads in favour of my hypothesis that the brain somehow composes a 3D image of the outside world and presents this to the faculty of consciousness. The "conscious percept" in the "Neural correlates of consciousness theory" does not give an adequate explanation either how this percept is rendered as a 2D or 3D picture.

Scientist generally do not like Ghost-in-the-machine like theories as this merely defers a problem to a different level of aggregation, in the present case at a level, which is not measurable. But that is exactly why consciousness cannot be measured: It is not a product or property of the material, physical world, it is its underlying principle (at least this is my conviction).

It is important to note that "Consciousness" as mentioned here above is what I consider to be the absolute consciousness that has only one basic quality: It is and by virtue of its being it observes. This is not the relative consciousness what the Buddhist call "Vijnana". That is already a derivative of consciousness and involves a number of qualities that derive from prakrti. Vijnana enables to act upon the world. Jnana (pure consciousness) can only be and observe, it cannot act and it cannot change.

In the article "The Sentient Web" (see M.N.Huhns, IEEE Internet Computing, 2003, issue Nov-Dec., pp. 82-84) being conscious is said to be characterised by four qualities:

having intentions
experiencing phenomena

The qualities of "having intentions" and "introspection" are already processes, actions of the prakrti. They do not belong to the non-changing essence of "absolute consciousness". They are only virtual, imaginary illusions. As such these two aspects can potentially be simulated in a robot or other computing device. An artificial mind can potentially be built out of links, a "Glocal memory" (consisting of both local nodes and distributed global links that can be triggered: see Goertzel et al. Neurocomputing 74 (2010), pp. 84-94), an attention broker and some other AI programs. What a computing device cannot generate is consciousness. A robot will never be aware of what it perceives. No image is rendered as a feedback to its consciousness to be observed. This does not mean that a robot cannot simulate the behaviour of a conscious entity. One can counter-argue: But you just said that all matter was embedded within consciousness, so then also the robot must be embedded within consciousness and by that virtue be able to observe and be aware.

Here we come to another interesting issue: the apparent non-homogenous way consciousness appears to be scattered throughout the universe. As explained in my article "It's life Jim, but not as we know it", what is normally considered as lifeless nature, is in the panpsychism view still endowed with an almost infinitely small amount of consciousness, but it is not entirely "dead". At higher aggregation levels especially at the level of what we know as "life", higher levels of consciousness are present. But that does not mean that a table is aware of its being a table. A table has no self-replicating, self-maintaining and metabolising activity at the aggregation level where you call it a table. The individual macromolecules that constitute the table have an almost infinitely small amount of consciousness and that is the same amount of consciousness the table has. It doesn't go further than that.

One can then argue, yes, but artificial intelligence agents (like Alife agents) and robots will at a certain point have the qualities of "life" such as self-replication, self-maintenance and metabolising activity. Well, living organic entities as the sensing tentacles of the omnipresent consciousness evolved over billions of years to levels which we call higher levels of consciousness (here the Vijnana i.e. intellect, not absolute consciousness). In the panpsychism view it was not the structure that created the higher consciousness, but rather the higher consciousness that created a vehicle which was more suitable for conveying an intellect. It is an issue of cause and effect, chicken and egg. If intellect conveyed by consciousness evolves structures that allow its expression, that does not automatically mean that constructing the structures that can mimic intellect can generate consciousness. On a day where people eat more ice-creams, there are more shark attacks: this is a correlation. The shark attacks are not caused by the eating of ice-creams. Rather both phenomena have the same underlying cause: it's a hot day. Similarly, increase in structured links between neurons correlate with a higher intellect in living organic organisms. However, great amount of structured links, like on the World Wide Web, do not necessarily result in intellect let alone consciousness. Highly structured cognitive programs such as Opencog and Novamente may mimic intelligent behaviour. That is because they were constructed by conscious human beings with a great intellect. Although this may evolve further via genetic algorithms AI would never have spontaneously sprouted from a system with many links: the World Wide Web is not conscious (as of yet). It can evolve towards a kind of global brain, that behaves as a single entity, but it will not be aware thereof. Just as the beehive or anthill - despite its uniform emergent action at a higher level than that of the individual insects together - is not sensed by one integrative unit. There is no I-awareness in that unit, although the concerted behaviour may give the impression to an outsider there is.

The mechanical and electronic parts that constitute a computational device do not have a consciousness that goes further than the consciousness of the individual macromolecules. In my view, if a computing device is ever to become conscious, it is because it is inhabited by a conscious entity of organic origin. A cybernetic symbiosis.

This does not mean that it is useless to pursue endowing AI with faculties which mimic intentions and introspection. On the contrary, that will result in more rational actions of the AI agents. But the experiencing of phenomena and knowing are only apparent, as there is no single knower or observer in the artificial system. Perhaps the faculties of introspection can be enhanced if the computer is presented with an image of its content. What we see on the screen when a browser renders a website is the result of joint activity of a stream of zeros and ones at the server and in our terminal. At best the computer could "know" its stream of zeros and ones in the form of electrical activity. I think it is extremely helpful to try to generate AI at a different aggregation level. Not at the level of formal languages and logic operators, but by linking image (and sound) information, that can be fed back to an evaluation device that does not read machine languages, but that gathers information from the picture which is presented to it. It would not result in self-awareness of the system, but it would improve the mimicking of knowing, having intentions, introspection and experiencing phenomena. It would seriously improve the learning capabilities of the system, which would be able to assess its inner states and deduce patterns there from.

So a kind of picture theory or quasi-pictorial theory approach in the development of AI may be a concept worthwhile envisaging, even if it has not been proved that the human mind or brain functions that way.

Here is the link to the BBC broadcast on how surgeons use cold to suspend life.

Antonin Tuynman was born on 22-02-1971 in Amsterdam. He studied Chemistry at the University in Amsterdam (MSc 1995, PhD 1999). Presently he works as a patent examiner at the European Patent Office in the field of clinical diagnostics. Antonin has a developed a strong interest in futurism and the Singularity theory of Kurzweil. In his blog Awwwareness, http://tuynmix.blogspot.com/ Antonin proposes Artificial Intelligence concepts which may lead to the emergence of internet as a pseudo-conscious entity.

3 Powerful Strategies For Growing the Creative & Conscious Business With Ease

Welcome! I'm delighted you made your way to this report, which was created to provide the Creative & Conscious Entrepreneur with 3 Powerful Strategies to Grow Your Business with Ease.

These 3 strategies were created through witnessing what was not present for struggling clients, and when we developed these 3 areas, they were empowered to make different choices, take different actions, and experience growth in their Creative & Conscious business. This is what I want for you.

I will also share with you that I traveled this same path myself. So I can tell you from personal experience that developing these strategies will absolutely make a difference for you. You must be committed, and remember that when we bring something new into our lives, something else must go.

Be Conscious about piling more "to do" items onto your list. Getting caught up in the "knowledge" and "doing" is an unconscious habit from the old paradigm, and where many people get stuck making the shift. Remember, you now know that success in the new paradigm comes from exercising the nontraditional skills of Creativity while remaining Conscious.

Please note that these strategies are circular, not linear, and each strategy serves as a foundation for the one that follows. Because the Creative & Conscious business owner is always learning and growing, the cycle consistently restarts itself.

Powerful Strategy #1 Clarity and Confidence

One of the biggest culprits for keeping you stuck, in a rut, or feeling like you have much more potential than you're expressing, is a lack of clarity and confidence. It's one of the most common experiences of Creative & Conscious business owners making the shift, and it's also one of the most hidden ones.

Many of us carry the fierce need to succeed into our business and relationships. This is really residue from the old paradigm, and those unconscious choices and actions impede business growth in the new paradigm. It is in this place that we find ourselves connected to the doing, without understanding the "Why". Wisdom uncovered through disciplined skills development is what liberates you from this prison of the old paradigm.

It is only when you become completely clear about what your gifts and talents are, how they contribute to your clients, who the best clients are for you and why, that you develop the confidence to step forward into an increasingly stronger and healthier business experience, at a faster and faster rate. This is also the place where your clients step into better and better experiences faster and faster simply because of your positive impact on them.

This first Powerful Strategy is all about skill, and taking baby steps at first. Getting clear and confident also calls us to strengthen our patience. Obviously a quality that was not called for very often in the Information Age! Practicing patience can be tough, but hang in there, because while this doesn't ever end, it does get exponentially easier as you develop your Creative & Conscious faculties.

Two of the tools that yield the greatest results for my private clients, and that I personally transfer into my own business, are Your True Values (originally developed by Coach University), and Discover Your Spine" (my own tool). I use them with my Platinum clients during retreats and the results are infectious! When you take your time and have some fun with these tools, they yield foundational clues that you'll carry with you as you continue on your adventure of developing your Creative & Conscious faculties!

Powerful Strategy #2 Embodiment

If you choose to do just one thing differently as a result of reading this report, let it be to embody what you learn and what you are ready to create.


The old paradigm, which is heavily weighted in knowledge and doing, prods you to get us much in as fast as you can! There's often a sense of urgency and scarcity within this paradigm, and Creativity and Consciousness cannot live here.

The new paradigm is about embodying what you're consciously creating. There is a huge difference between "knowing" the trend or concept, and really getting how it uniquely affects you and your business, and "feeling" it in your body, experiencing it. Embodiment is the way to move through obstacles you are guaranteed to encounter.

One of the reasons artists are able to create so consistently and expansively is that they understand and practice embodiment. Experiential learning is the only way I know to truly embody anything. Horses are our most powerful teachers of embodiment, because being in relationship with them requires this from us, and this is why Equine-Facilitated Learning Experiences are by far the best thing you can do to enrich your life and Grow your Business with Ease.

Horses are the most powerful models, mirrors and inspirations we have for embodiment. For many reasons, which scientific research has proven, these special creatures naturally bring out the best and the worst in us, powerfully showing us the energy we are expressing and infusing into our business. Just like your business, a horse will very clearly either connect or disconnect with the energy you embody.

A few reasons why embodying through experiential learning creates and sustains true shifts include:

* Like your brain, your body has memory too. When you embody what you are creating, you are able to rewire neural pathways

* When you are in relationship with sentient beings you feel what you are creating, which makes unconscious blocks conscious for you

* Embodiment requires present moment awareness, and challenges you to not miss a beat. This is the transformational place from business is Creatively and Consciously grown

* Embodying what you are creating allows you to choose differently, based on what you are Creating

* Embodiment makes clear the current relationship between the Authentic Self and the External Self, and how they are currently working together (or not) to impact the quality of results you create in your business

By nature, the tools and skills of experiential learning must be practiced. The only way to strengthen these skills is to by doing them (Hint: this is the Creative piece!). This is why I strongly encourage you to explore my experiential learning programs.

Learn more about regularly offered Equine Facilitated Experiential Learning and Coaching experiences. Private programs are customized, so we can both embody "outside of the box!"

* Experiential Learning Workshops without horses are also available

* Transformational Wisdom from Artists and Horses, my free weekly newsletter provides stories, tips & ways to embody your Creative & Conscious faculties

As you explore what's available for you to embody more of your Creative & Conscious faculties, notice what resonates for you. And honor the value of this Action step (Hint: this is the Creative piece). While the old paradigm might dismiss the value of this Action, this subtle step is packed with tremendous power in the new paradigm.

Taking the smallest action is the challenge of staying in the present moment. It is through being present that you Grow your Business with Ease!

Powerful Strategy #3 Making Different Choices, Creating Different Results

I like to call this Powerful Strategy the dynamic intersection between Clarity/Confidence and Embodiment. My clients understand that the quality of the results you create is directly related to the quality of your experience. Another way to say this is that quality results are created when your Choices are made Creatively and Consciously, informed by your Clarity, impacting your Confidence positively, and propelling you into Embodying Right Action at any given point in time.

What I know is that this is an ongoing process that requires practice and patience. I also know that we do not make different choices and cannot create different results until we embody our purpose, priorities, standards and values. This applies to Growing Your Business with Ease, and you must be Creative & Conscious in order to do this authentically and effectively.

In order to thrive in the new paradigm, your Creative & Conscious faculties must be honed. In this paradigm, we operate from the present moment, which challenges us to be exceptionally aware of what is happening within us and within our environment. This can change in a second, and we are called to stay on top of it.

There is no way that someone can do this for you, or give it to you. The greatest tools you have for living Powerful Strategy #3 are instilling the discipline to regularly practice the tools in Powerful Strategy #1. Through direct coaching and learning experiences, what you are saying and doing at a deeper level is uncovered, liberating you to Create from a keener level of Consciousness.

I stand behind the Conscious Creative and I am committed to helping more of you Grow Your Business with Ease. And have fun in the process!

Copyright (c) 2009 Kathy Esper

For more information, please visit http://www.KathyEsper.com

2012年8月30日 星期四

Conscious Mind and the Soul

It is important to understand what the conscious mind is, and its relationship to the soul in order to do effective hypnotherapy. My understanding is that the soul, which is the part of us that reincarnates, is composed of the Superconscious Mind (High Self) and the Subconscious Mind. The conscious mind does not reincarnate in the soul-path like the superconscious and subconscious minds do. The analytical, self-aware mind for each new lifetime is created, at the time of birth and comes from the genetic path of the individual rather than from the soul-path.

When I do past life regression therapy (PLT), I deal with the conscious and subconscious minds of the person in that past life. Then I take that past life's conscious awareness through the death transition where it can view the life just ended. This view is from the Astral Plane of Existence. This past life conscious mind is not the conscious mind of the reincarnated new lifetime that is created at birth for the forthcoming new life. It is still the conscious mind of the previous life and belongs to the genetic path of the past life.

The characteristics of the conscious mind are:

1. Temporary Memory

2. Rational Thought

3. Ability to analyze using inductive and deductive logic

4. Will Power

5. Translator

6. Invents programs for the subconscious

7. Does one thing at a time... Serial Digital Computer

The new consciousness shapes the new lifetime by its ability to perceive and create the new lifetime's reality. This new lifetime, however, is conditioned by past lifetimes in much the same way as the home environment conditions children. For this reason, we can heal many ills that stem from past lives using PLT if we first release any foreign energy attachments that may be on the client. If foreign energies are present, any PLT will be on the attachment and not the client and not all the psychotherapy in the world on the attachment is going to help the client.

Sometimes, the new life's conscious, logical mind can be totally immersed in the subconscious mind, which carries the permanent memory of all past lives. When this happens, the current mind is often unreachable for therapy because the client's total reality is engrossed in the subconscious self. In this case, the only treatment I know of is to do enough remote work on the client that his or her conscious component is released from its total absorption into the subconscious mind. This can be a long and difficult process. We cannot do therapy if the client's conscious component is not available to us. In remote work, we get permission from the client's High Self before attempting to remotely clear the client. We can then work through the transferred consciousness of the remote surrogate to do clearing on the client.

In hypnotherapy done directly on the client, we get to the subconscious mind through the conscious mind by bypassing the critical factor of the conscious mind. However, even though we by-pass the critical factor, must still have the translator part of the conscious mind available; otherwise, we cannot do therapy because the subconscious is limited.

The limitation of the subconscious mind is that it can only grasp images and feelings because it does not understand words, either spoken or written. So, under hypnosis, even though we by-pass the critical factor of the conscious mind, we still need the translator part of the conscious mind to convert the hypnotherapist's words into images and feelings for the client's subconscious, and the images and feelings of the client's subconscious into words that the hypnotherapist can understand.

Disclaimer: This article is intended for general informational purposes and does not provide medical, psychological, or other professional advice.

Dr. Charles Wm. Skillas http://www.DrSkillas.com is an NGH Board-Certified Hypnotherapist practicing in metropolitan Atlanta, GA, and is a National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) Certified Hypnotherapy Instructor. He has practiced energy healing since 1981, Hypnotherapy since 1985 and is a member of the Business and Metaphysical Teaching Faculty of St. Johns University and a Faculty Member for the National Board of Hypnotherapy and Hypnotic Anesthesiology. He is the author of ?Defeat the Enemy Within: Free Yourself from the Inner Shadows That Sabotage and Cripple Your Life.?

A Tuned Bio-Field and a New Definition of Consciousness

I rarely hear about the role of the Heart or the power of Love as relevant determinants of human health or spirituality. This was particularly highlighted at a recent energy psychology conference in which a keynote presentation on the topic of Enlightenment seemed to focus almost entirely on achieving altered states of consciousness. I could feel my heart crying out inside me how incomplete this felt.

Also at a breakout session where an energy therapy was being presented as an effective way of releasing ego based negativity (i.e. negative emotions, perceptions, beliefs and memories) one question shockingly drove home to me the level of disconnection we have with our hearts. The question: "As nature abhors a vacuum, once we release this ego based negativity, what do we replace it with?" My answer: "With the essence of who we are and have always been, our hearts!"

So on hearing all this, as a duty to my Heart and Myself, I feel it imperative to help bring the Human Heart back into the forefront of our work and personal development. As a result I will share here some of my clinical experiences of the crucial role that I feel both the Heart and the energy of Love play in the field of energy psychology and in the destiny of humanity.

I start by addressing the following issues:

1. How the current concept of consciousness as a mental phenomenon has deflected our attention from the Heart.

2. The awareness that the Heart is the equivalent of the Core Human Self

3. Core Human Emotions

4. Conditioned Emotions

5. The role of the Heart as an organ of perception

6. The role of the Heart as a source of immense wisdom and knowledge

7. The energy field that we call the feelings of Love

8. The healing power of Love.

9. The concept of a Divine Holographic Energy Field

10. Factors which impinge negatively on this Divine Holographic Energy Field

11. A new definition of "consciousness"

12. A new definition of illness

13. A new definition of health

14. The Body-Spirit Dichotomy

15. The Road to Enlightenment

Both Western and Eastern spiritual traditions have largely gravitated towards an understanding of consciousness and its altered states as possible doors to spiritual enlightenment. Unfortunately "consciousness" usually refers to a mental state or phenomenon. Rarely does one think of the Heart in this picture let alone emotions or feelings of Love. As science is largely a mind/brain dominated and driven discipline it is not difficult to understand how Heart and emotion become relegated to the back rooms never to be heard from again.

To say that we as feeling human beings consider ourselves primarily "thinking" beings is to essentially forget who we really are. It is difficult to understand then how we will ever achieve Enlightenment if we in fact are leaving ourselves behind. Hence it is my view that by focusing primarily on consciousness, as a mental phenomenon, we are missing an opportunity to know ourselves and our true nature as Divine Beings.

The concept of the Self has received endless dissertations by psychologists, psychiatrists and others over the last century. Opening an erudite text on the subject can mesmerize one to such an extent that one can walk away feeling totally confused about what appears to be an elusive and complex concept. In my view this situation exists largely because the Self has been defined theoretically as a mind/brain construct. That is we often consider the Self to be related in some complex way to what we term personality.

I would like to suggest a more pragmatic and personal way of defining the Self that everyone can identify with and feel almost instantly. This new approach entails a personal awareness of one's Self. This awareness can be facilitated by one of the following simple exercises:

1. Say the word "Myself" to yourself and notice where inside your body the word resonates for you,


2. Think of something about yourself that you appreciate, appreciate yourself for it, and notice what you feel and where you feel it. The location of the feeling in your body is the location of your Self.

In most cases both 1 and 2 yield the same location, i.e. in the mid-chest or over the Heart region. For individuals who have been heavily mind/brain oriented (i.e. overly analytical people like most well educated professionals) the tendency may be to say that they feel the Self in their mind. A close examination of this will often reveal an inability of such individuals to feel their feelings or even worse a fear of feeling them. When one is in a state of self-appreciation one usually feels joyful, happy, content etc. With some self-awareness I know that you will recognize that these can only originate in the Heart.

This personal awareness of the Self is also clearly felt as being the "core" of that person i.e. where they feel themselves to be. Hence we can also refer to the experience of the Self as the Core Self or more generally the Core Human Self. Again, I must emphasize that these statements are drawn from one's personal awareness of themselves and not from theoretical considerations. This caveat is necessary to avoid endless debates on the merits of one theory of Self over another. Your personal awareness of your Self is what it is for you.

As core feelings clearly emerge from the Core Self (or the heart, used interchangeably here) one might ask oneself what the nature or purpose of these "core emotions" is? We will address this shortly. The nature of the core emotions can be classified into two categories:

Category 1: Emotions of joy, happiness, peace, love, contentedness, expansiveness, hope, buoyancy or lightness,


Category 2: Emotions of sadness, darkness, constriction, heaviness or sinking

We contrast these emotions with what we describe below as "conditioned emotions".

It has been observed that animals that grow up in an environment where they are not hunted have yet to "learn" (or have imprinted in them) the experience of fear. Another way of saying this is that these animals have yet to develop a post-traumatic syndrome. Is it not strange then that we consider animals that fear for their survival as normal?

We define these survival-based (or more broadly trauma-based) emotions here as "conditioned emotions". Some examples include worry, fear, anxiety, panic, defensiveness, avoidance, mistrust, etc. If we now consider the history of the human species, one could say that our survival-based emotions also represent a post-traumatic syndrome of sorts. That suggests that there may have been a time, before the cumulative history of human trauma, where we humans were in our natural state. Where our survival did not feel threatened.

Occasionally one will feel "conditioned emotions" such as anger, worry, guilt, unworthiness, fear, desperation, self doubt, low self esteem, etc in the region of the Core Self. In such cases these individuals have experienced emotional trauma during their lifetimes that have occluded the pure expression of their Core (Emotional) Self. Such "conditioned emotions" cannot originate from a Heart that is inherently Loving but from the personal and collective (as alluded to above) history of trauma that has imprinted itself deeply enough to allow one to mistrust their Heart and the innate wisdom of their Core Self.

Interestingly, if we look at the impact of these conditioned emotions, on our species and on the planet, we notice that they are responsible for the perpetuation of trauma at every level i.e. trauma begets trauma. The net result is the deepening of these conditioned emotions in the human bio-field. This sets up a vicious negative spiral leading to a more negative state both individually and collectively

Clearly then, conditioned emotions cause humans to become further distanced from their core human emotions. The net result is a relative and sometimes complete disconnection from the Core Human Self. Often this results in behaviors that we as bystanders feel and define as "inhuman" i.e. reflex behaviors such as violence and killing for example, not originating from the human being rather from their conditioned response based on traumatic imprinting.

Another example is someone who has been hurt so many times that they are reluctant to engage a genuine desire for Love coming from within their Core Human Self. For instance, have you ever heard someone say, "I can't entrust myself to feelings of Love again after my last disappointing experience with relationships"?

From a mind/brain standpoint, where feelings are often left out, we might find ourselves trying to rationalize, or even steer clear of these core emotions emerging from within us. However with some reflection one readily notes their real importance. Category 1 Emotions are a sign that your situation is where you want it to be and Category 2 Emotions are a sign that it is not where you want it to be. Hence your Core Self regularly and automatically monitors the desirability of your situation for you. In other words, your Core Self is a perceiving entity (i.e. your heart is a perceiving organ).

One can go further and say that the Core Self is knowledgeable about what is and is not good for you. This is clear by the fact that when you feel sad about something it can be taken to mean that the offending event is not desirable to you nor is it in your best interests. So in other words the Core Self has immense wisdom about you, your life, and your direction in life etc.

An interesting example is the individual who recognizes their sadness about being too afraid to love again i.e our Core Self telling us that it is not good for us to be cutting ourselves off from the experience of Love. If you follow this so far then you might start to wonder why we spend so much time trying to "figure out" (i.e. a mental activity) what direction to steer our lives in when we have this information already inside us beckoning us to listen to it.

Conditioned emotions of hurt on the other hand do not emerge from us but appear to be imprinted and stored in our bio-fields as a result of individual and inter-generation based trauma. They have the net effect of obfuscating and derailing our connection to our Core Emotions often leaving us feeling lost, confused and insecure about our path. This is very much like putting on a pair of prescription glasses that don't belong to you; they just make everything blurry.

We now turn to the phenomenon we call Love. This is a tricky subject because conditioned emotions (and corresponding beliefs) have largely distorted one's experience of the pure emotion of Love. For instance many people "believe" that Love has something to do with needing that someone they "love". I would like to suggest that the "need" for someone is really a conditioned emotion and not a core emotion at all.

For instance, if you ask yourself the question, "Well why do I need this person?" you'll most likely find that it is because you might feel anxious, empty, lost, alone, even desperate if they weren't there with you. It's the fear of being alone or abandoned, imprinted by the trauma of earlier loss or separation, that is creating the need which then becomes "defined" as an experience of Love. Relationships, which are based on this definition of "Love" often, become, what we call, unhealthy co-dependent relationships rather than genuine healthy loving ones.

Love, pure Love, is the feeling one has when they are appreciating the deep beauty of something in their life i.e. a landscape, a pet, a lover, a friend, themselves etc. It is a feeling that emerges from the Core Self and is associated with other Category 1 Emotions listed above. Allow yourself to tap into this feeling for a moment.

Now that you have rekindled the core emotion of Love, notice how it feels in your body. You might note that it makes you feel warm, lighter, more relaxed, more contented, more at peace, more buoyant, and more expansive, to name a few. You may notice that as you retain this connection to the core emotion of Love it may begin to spread throughout your body, even beyond. In other words you may feel it, or yourself, since the feeling also feels like you, expanding beyond your physical body. This is a personal awareness of yourself and the feeling of Love as an expanding field of energy. Some people call this spirit or soul. I refer to it here as Divine Self or the Divine Holographic Energy Field.

You will recognize that, when fully engaged, your Divine Holographic Energy Field (DHEF) makes, you feel energized, clear, focused, relaxed, alert, at peace, joyful, wise, contented, rejuvenated, healthy, etc. In other words it reduces any apparent stress you may be feeling in the moment and has the potential to enhance your overall well being. This may be one of the reasons, among others, why people with pets or a loving relationship live longer than those without.

The term "holographic" here refers to the fact that this field has embedded in it information at every level that co-ordinates mind/body functions in an optimal manner. So it is starting to appear that a) Love is a healing force that we experience as an energy field and b) we can tune into the "Love Field" or DHEF if we wish to enhance its effect on our lives.

Now what do we mean by "tune into"? Well to create the highest level of loving feelings (to sustain the optimal DHEF as our desired bio-field state) towards others our environment and ourselves.

What sorts of things block us from experiencing the optimal DHEF as our bio-field? Well, all conditioned emotions, along with their associated beliefs, perceptions, behaviors and memories adversely affect the optimal DHEF state. For example the memory of a failed relationship undermines the core emotion of Love by making one mistrust or fear it. This conditioning is embedded in the bio-field as energy irregularities or blocks which then manifest at the physical level as illness.

Unlike other modalities a new and promising process addresses conditioning due to trauma at the level of the Thought Field. This process allows one to bring into awareness contradictory pieces of information about a conditioned negative emotion, belief, perception, behavior or memory which have been compartmentalized and kept separate. This information takes two forms a) beliefs about the purpose of the negativity's presence in the bio-field and b) the actual mental/emotional/physical experience associated with having the negativity in the bio-field.

The client is made aware of the internal contradiction between these two and taken through a process of determining for them, which most resonates truthfully with their "inner wisdom". By aligning themselves with their own "inner wisdom", which is felt to emerge from the location of their Core Self, they are able to make powerful intentional statements requesting that anything not aligned with this inner wisdom be purged from their bio-field.

Early case studies with this process have suggested that negative conditioning plays a very significant role in disrupting and de-tuning the bio-field from the optimal DHEF Additionally, They also suggest that one person's disrupted bio-field affects and can even entrain another's bio-field into a disrupted state.

The opposite is also true, this process appears to concurrently re-tune a disrupted bio-field state shared by a group of individuals while working with only one individual in the group. A clear sign of how we are connected. By so doing, a large amount of depleted vital life energy seems to return to the group field i.e everyone starts to feel rejuvenated. It is hypothesized that such events can assist such groups in achieving a co-operative state of resonance, which can further promote the re-tuning of larger collective energy fields. Such studies are currently being planned.

Individuals experiencing the process initially release the energy blocks at the Thought Field level. This appears to be followed by a re-infusion of vital life energy that appears to cascade to other levels of the bio-field spontaneously. This results in rapid and spontaneous healing. This supports the concept of a DHEF that is ever present and attempting to support the entire being in a natural way. Conceptually then we have reached a point here where we can hypothesize that "restoring" the optimal DHEF is what is required to facilitate the natural healing process.

To illustrate the impact on the DHEF of conditioned negative experiences I often use the visual analogy of a pebble thrown into a still pond to represent it 2 Dimensions. Without negative effects present the pebble sets up a regular and ever present circular wave that travels outwards in beautiful geometric form. This is conceptually analogous to the subjectively experienced energy field of Love emerging and expanding from the Core Self. The field, in our model, remains undisturbed only if we assume an infinitely large pond and no loss of energy due to gravity or friction at the molecular level. This is equivalent to a bio-field optimally tuned to the DHEF and in which no energy is drained or depleted from the system.

Now let us add back gravity, intermolecular forces and assume a dramatic shift in the weather with high winds and rain. The pristine beauty of the original wave gets so distorted and its energy depleted that we can no longer recognize it. Given enough time we lose an ability to make it out entirely. This is equivalent to the bio-field becoming de-tuned from the DHEF, losing its energy, its pristine form and being overtaken by a chaotic, disorganizing field of energy and information. How does this feel? Well it feels like stress.

At this point I would like to offer a new definition of consciousness that departs from the mind/brain-centered definition we have been so used to. I would like to propose that we refer to consciousness as representing the state of tuning of the human bio-field. According to this definition, a "conscious" individual is one whose bio-field is optimally tuned or in resonance with the DHEF and in which she experiences an unfettered Love field embracing her entire being.

Alternately, being "unconscious" here implies having dissonant field effects intruding in on the bio-field thereby leading to a sub-optimal tuning or resonance with the DHEF. This is felt as an intrusion of conditioned emotions into the mind/body and as a disconnection from the Love Field thus contributing to energy distortion, depletion and stress.

Employing this new definition of "consciousness" we can then say that health is a state of being "conscious" and illness is a state of being "unconscious". The question becomes then; can any of us ever become truly "conscious" that is embraced by the Love Field entirely? Additionally what potential resides with respect to healing our bodies if we could achieve such a state?

In my work I have noticed that as individuals effect major re-tuning of their bio-fields with this process, they not only start to feel healthier, they also start to feel and look younger. Additionally they become aware that this "new state" not only feels good, it feels strangely familiar. Almost all individuals experience this as their Core Self. Many also recognize that the conditioned emotions of trauma have cheated them of this experience of themselves their entire lives. Once in this highly tuned state, all individuals recognize that the conditioned emotions are an unwelcome overlay to the human experience and not what it means to be human at all. In other words they achieve a higher awareness and experience of what it truly means to be a human being.

Others have also noted that this is what they consider an experience of their Spiritual Self. In other words, they achieve an experience of their Spiritual Self while alive and in their bodies. This seems to counter the notion that one needs to leave the body (i.e. through astral travel, out of body experiences, near death experiences and death itself) in order to have an experience of the Spiritual Self.

In closing I wish to address one issue that I feel is crucial in optimally tuning our bio-field to the DHEF. This has to do with the Esteem with which we hold ourselves. Some people call this self-esteem. For pragmatic reasons, which will become clear, I prefer the phrase "Esteem for the Self". Putting it this way makes one feel that one is more able to do something about it. It is, I feel, only by nurturing total and complete "Esteem for the Self" that one can optimally tune the bio-field to the DHEF.

One factor that, in my estimation, has impaired our ability to completely esteem ourselves is the belief that our bodies are just vessels waiting to be discarded. When we choose to believe this we automatically devalue part of who we are. The ultimate results are energy blockages, illness and death.

Descartes introduced the mind-body dichotomy several hundred years ago and it's only now that we're beginning to work our way out of that trap. I would like to suggest that we also question the body-spirit dichotomy that some of us now embrace. Something that is physical also derives from energy. Perhaps the physical nature of the body is solely a manifestation of the chaos that exists in the bio-field at this time in human history.

After all doesn't the feeling of Love make one literally feel "lighter" (as in enlightened) and more buoyant (as in less physical and more spiritual)? What would happen to the physical nature of the body were we as a species to truly love our bodies? I would like to suggest that it would not only make us healthier but also begin the process of transforming physical matter (frozen light) into energy (pure light). In effect I am suggesting that tuning the human bio-field to the DHEF or the "Love Field" is the road to Spiritual Enlightenment. I would like to suggest that the prophets had it right, Love is the answer to all things.

A Free 1 Hour Introductory MRP Telephone Consultation is available upon request. (You will be asked to cover your own long distance telephone charges)

Nick Arrizza MD, a former Psychiatrist and Medical Doctor is an International Life, Executive, Organizational Tele-Coach, Author, Keynote Speaker, Trainer and Facilitator. He is also on Faculty at Akamai University in Hawaii. He is the CEO and Founder of Arrizza Performance Coaching Inc. and the developer of the powerful Mind Resonance ProcessR (MRP).

Web Site: http://telecoaching4u.com

Email: nickarrizza@gmail.com

What is the New Consciousness?

This is a question that may elicit various answers or meanings. Generally, it means to be aware of things around you or within yourself.

When talking about consciousness, the possibility of a new consciousness may be difficult to grasp when we do not have a clear meaning of the old one.

A new way of looking at the word consciousness is to see it as the content as being conscious. That would be the totality of our way being, meaning everything that is in the scope of our lives.

The present way of being for approximately 6.8 billion people on the planet (all of us) is referred to here as the old consciousness. This is the consciousness that has been the guide, if you will, or the context of our world, for who knows how long. We could say three million years or three hundred million years. We don't know for sure how long human consciousness has been developing; however, we do know it is violence in action.

Is it possible for a new consciousness to arise within us? Not only is it possible, it has arrived on the planet. It is available to anyone willing to look and see truthfully their way of being. Will we embrace and nurture the new consciousness, or will we keep on destroying ourselves and the planet?

Which interpretation, if any, of the 2012 Mayan prediction will be proven correct? Will it be the end of the world, or will it be the end of the world as we know it? Will we destroy ourselves, or will a new consciousness arise?

There cannot be a transformation of consciousness until the old one is completed and dies. That which has brought forth all this violence cannot possibly bring forth the solution. Anything the old consciousness comes up with as a solution will only deepen the problem or make it greater. A solution cannot come from inside the problem. You must step outside of the problem in order to solve it. In this case, the problem is huge given that it is the problem of human consciousness, our total way of living.

The action of bringing forth a new consciousness is here now. Even though this action has been spoken of for thousands of years, it has not manifested, perhaps because the action seems too simple in this complex world.

The action needed is two-fold. First, each person needs to be 100 percent responsible for his or her individual action. Accepting responsibility one hundred percent includes every aspect of your life.

The second action needed is to speak the truth of your life into the world. These two actions, accepting responsibility and speaking truth, by themselves and on their own, will create the transformation of the individual. In turn, individual action will transform the collective, and a new consciousness will be born.

From the space of a new consciousness, new actions can be created, thereby solving the problem the old consciousness has left us with, mainly the problem of thought.

Thought, in the old consciousness, is the cause of violence. Thought, which is always dead, can only bring forth that which is of the past, and the past is ever repeating itself.

In a new consciousness, each thought would complete itself and die. This new consciousness would have no past; therefore, its action would be to create. Creation will bring forth intelligence and love which can then be delivered by the action of speaking truth.

With this ability to create, we can then use thought, rather "thought thinking us," meaning incessantly following thought blindly as we do now. This indeed would be a new way of living, new meaning not having been before. It would bring forth internal peace to the individual and then peace on earth from the individual. The time is Now.

Edward Jones is a Transformational Relationship Coach, Speaker, and Author. His book about the new consciousness is available at http://anewconsciousness.org. You can read more about Edward and watch videos at http://selftransformation.org

2012年8月29日 星期三

Increasing Your Bottom Line Through Conscious Business

While the business world and Corporate America tend to evoke visions of wealthy business people consumed by themselves and their bank accounts, there is a growing movement of companies whose owners and leadership want something different. Known as conscious business, company owners strive to consider the effects of their business actions on the people and the environment around them. It is essentially about incorporating social and environmental responsibility into the daily business decision's and strategy.

How well does your business line up with such ideals?

Most businesses fit into the category of for-profit or non-profit, but conscious business has created a new model - not-just-for-profit. This model invokes a commitment to improving the quality of the lives of employees, the community, and society. Not because it is mandated by law but because it is the socially responsible thing to do.

Since Conscious Business has a purpose even greater than increasing the bottom line, it can be a rewarding experience for everyone involved. As a result, work productivity and employee retention increases, which has a positive effect on the customer, and ultimately increases the bottom line.

Below are some common characteristics of a conscious business:

Owners and employees are aware of the impact their actions and practices have on the environment and other people around them; they strive to live their lives with personal responsibility and an increased awareness of how the planet and people around them are interrelated.
Owners make an effort to manage utilizing encouragement, compassion, creativity, freedom and growth, where employees work together to meet individual and common goals that benefit them as well as their business and the community.
The work atmosphere becomes a place for Owners and employees to work together, making a difference in not only their business but in the world around them.

The advantage of conscious business is that everyone wins, the owners, employees, customers and the community. Moving from a traditional, bottom-line focused business to a conscious business may seem daunting at first, but it is possible, especially if change begins with the company leadership.

Conscious business leaders are genuine, authentic, communicative, and focused on serving those around them. They are leaders who see themselves as equals with their employees and customers. Conscious business leaders lead by example, conducting themselves in an authentic and honest approach.

Dedicate yourself to changing your business management style to a conscious business model and be prepared to improve your bottom line.

Your transformed perspective cannot help but flow into your personal life, finances and other important relationships. Conscious business is a path to the business and life of your dreams.

Steve Bernal over his 25 year career has been an entrepreneur, business owner and consultant to Fortune 500 companies.

Steve is the founder of [http://www.Bizlightenment.com], a Business Directory that showcases Conscious Companies across a wide spectrum of industries and professions. BizLightenment is dedicated to advancing the cause of Conscious Business worldwide.

If You Are Made of Universal Consciousness, Then How Could You Have a Unique Identity?

Spiritual teachings emphasize that your essence is made from divine substance -- universal consciousness. And this divine substance is the energy found within everything, everywhere.

But how do you explain that everything seems to have its own unique identity? You are not your dog, and you are not the tree in your yard, either. You intuitively know this, and you are secure in the knowledge that you are not someone or something else. It seems rather obvious, doesn't it?

But why, then, are you always told that we are all one, and that we are all made from the same universal substance? There must be some factor, other than your egotistical insistence that it is so, that validates that you are a unique being.

The cosmic power that created your soul essence has also created that uniquely special identifier: your thoroughly individual soul signature. Even though everyone writes their name with the same basic letters, everyone also has their own unique stamp of individuality within their expression of those basic letters, and this unique pattern of expression is their handwritten signature.

Your soul signature, then, must be a unique arrangement of those basic universal elements, just as your written signature uniquely expresses the basic alphabet in your own special way. And so this brings up the possibility that although your soul is made of the same substance from which all souls were made, you have a solitary distinction that will always stand in contrast to all other souls. This realization may bring you some relief, because now you know that however deep your spiritual explorations may go, you will not evaporate into a vague void of cosmic nothingness as you progress spiritually.

There are, however, spiritual teachings that emphasize that your spiritual evolution will bring you to the place where you are one with the divine source, and you will lose your unique identity. That may seem plausible, at first, considering that all knowledge of the universe is within you. So it does seem likely that as your consciousness expands, your realization of the entire universe within you would shift your perspective. This may be a valid point to consider, because your limited egocentric concerns likely come from a narrow, overly personal perspective.

But does this mean that as you expand in consciousness, your unique soul signature disappears?

This is definitely not so, because your entirely unique soul signature was created for an important reason. Though you are made from universal substance, your unique soul signature serves a higher function for the universe. Your distinctive soul signature is your unique contribution that betters the universe, and that is why you were created as the particular soul that you are.

If your spiritual progress were to merely reduce you down to your essential universal substance, with no soul signature to individuate you, that would lessen the quality and richness available within the universe. And the universe is in a state of ever evolving consciousness -- that is its nature -- and so the universe benefits from, and even enjoys the creative contributions from your unique soul signature.

This means that you will eternally grow in consciousness, because that is the highest good.?Of course, it is not as simple as some might prefer, because the universe has a dual delight in simplicity and complexity. To the consternation of ?those who seek to reduce everything to the overly simple, these contradictory qualities are forever intertwined in every aspect of the universe.

Your spiritual growth expresses an infinite evolutionary spiral that unites these two paradoxical expansions in your consciousness:

1. As you evolve, your ego releases limiting self-definitions, becoming more expansive, all-inclusive, and at one with the universe.

2. And, as you evolve, your soul opens to its greater definition of self. And that greater understanding includes your soul's uniqueness -- a deeper appreciation of your distinct soul signature.

So even as your ego is releasing limiting delusions of separation, your soul, at the very same time, becomes ever more aware of its distinct identity.

The interplay between these seemingly contrasting realizations may explain why there are so many spiritual and philosophical paths. These two elements seem to be opposed to each other, and it has been easier to bypass the contradictions by focusing on one or the other of these seeming opposites. This simplified, though incomplete, approach is certainly easier to teach.

Of course, many teachings bypass the paradox entirely, by reducing their teachings to a set of beliefs. Chief among these is that followers of that teaching will get their essential identity simply by being members of a religious group.?Well, that's simple, isn't it? No worries there -- just do what you're told, fit in, and your identity is taken care of.

And for younger souls, this is fine, because deeper concerns about cosmic identity and long-term spiritual evolution are more appropriate matters for the older soul. And that is why the older souls gradually diverge from organized spiritual practice, because they seek an individual oriented, dogma-free approach that honors their actual spiritual perception, with no substitutions of simplified beliefs and prefabricated identity.

What about the spiritual teachings that emphasize how your spiritual evolution leads you to a generalized void or infinite space of divine light? Like many teachings, they correctly express one part of the paradox. The aspect of your evolution that involves your ego letting go of narrow limiting self-definitions is explained by such teachings.

Your ego, becoming free of narrow definitions, does truly open to a greater universal identity. But this is only part of the process, because even while your ego is releasing its limited identity, your soul is becoming more self-aware. And that is the missing piece in many spiritual teachings...

If your soul is building its unique strength and focus as it comes into an ever-deeper realization of its own soul signature, then it is going to evolve spiritually into higher consciousness through its own distinct pathway. And so your soul signature, created to be unlike any other, is truly carving its own path, through its own individual character, and this inevitably leads to its unique contribution to the universe. And this is what the universal creative power that created your soul has always wanted.

The divine wants your uniqueness to be a catalyst for the universe, through your presence and sharing of your own special vibration.

Now it is possible that the realization of your soul signature's uniqueness may bring up a disquieting concern deep within you, because the hidden fear of standing out, or being different, will surface sooner or later. This concern will be stronger for those who crave being like others, and who feel most comfortable when their identity is submerged into a family, group, tribe, company, or other collective identity. And people who have that deep concern are not likely reading this. You were drawn to these topics through your realization that you are evolving, and your growing recognition that your soul has its own individual character.

But there is still a fear of standing out, because in so many cases uniqueness in this world is not rewarded, but instead is judged. And so, even when you are on a path of following your soul's inner promptings, there is the worry that the deeper you follow your truth, the more you would diverge from the mass consciousness. And that thought, though worthy of a cheer from the more confident aspects of your soul, brings up concerns worth exploring.

First of all, you are not disappearing down a bizarre path that diverges entirely from human evolution, because of a simple fact: You recall that your spiritual evolution is following the paradoxical path of your ego dissolving into universal consciousness, while your soul is, at the same time, expanding into its uniqueness. And that means that as you utilize these two paths, you will not disappear into your individuality in an unbalanced way. Here is why this is so...

Your uniqueness is not different just for the sake of being different, but rather so that you can contribute your insights, energies, and actions to the transformation of this world. As your soul becomes more unique in its identity and its capacities, your ego shifts into a universal awareness that gives you deeper compassion and understanding for others, and this is the key to balancing your evolving soul:

Even as you become more individuated, your understanding of how to utilize that uniqueness in the highest service to humanity helps you understand yourself in a new way. You are an entirely unique agent of change and healing for this world. So your soul signature has a higher purpose that helps you sense what you can do to contribute to the planetary evolution.

But what, then, about the younger souls who are not ready to understand your contribution? Give them time, because in this lifetime, or the next, they will be ready for what you have to share. Fortunately, there are a broad range of souls incarnated on the planet, of various soul ages, and you are not here to assist everyone.

Helping absolutely everyone sounds lofty, and it may have noble intent, but it's not realistic. You're here on the planet to make a difference for those who are ready for you. And out of billions of souls on the planet, that could well be only hundreds of thousands, or perhaps millions of people. So your unique soul path is here to share with, possibly, millions of people. So why might your being different make you, at times, feel apart or stuck?

You've been taught contradictory teachings, and this brings up confusion in different levels of your being. While you were being told that your spiritual evolution would lead to your being a vague universal energy with no unique identity, you were also being told by the secular world that you are a merely material being, with no link to the universal consciousness at all.

Actually, your inner spiritual work is helping you to become more comfortable with your unique soul identity, and you are coming to realize how important that distinct identity is for the planet's evolution. And this is something that you learn through your own contemplation. And yet, inner spiritual progress is something that the secular material world laughs at, because that world seeks to make you believe that you have no unique soul identity.

But here is another curious paradox about this world:

1. The material secular world teaches you that you have no unique soul identity, and that you have no universal identity either. In the material world, these understandings are distorted, so that you can only develop your unique identity by buying the correct products, participating in the correct lifestyle, and adopting the correct belief systems.

2. But, wait a minute -- in many of the spiritual teachings, your soul identity is claimed to be a vague undifferentiated universal energy, rather than the unique identity that it really is. And wait another minute -- you can supposedly only develop your spiritual identity by participating in a lifestyle that appears to be correctly spiritual, and by buying into the correctly sounding spiritual terminology and beliefs.

And so the difference between giving your power away to the material society, or to the spiritual teachings is... what, exactly? Well, if you give your power away, it doesn't matter where or to whom you've given it. You take your power back by understanding your essential nature. This requires your realization that your essential nature is a seeming contradiction:

- First, you recognize that you are one with the universe, because the vastness and complexity of the universe is within you. It is the divine substance from which you were made.

- Second, you recognize that you are an entirely different expression of that universal substance than anyone else.

Your choice to resolve this seeming contradiction will free you from so many concerns and limitations, because it frees you to discover your path -- as a universal being -- and as an individual: the way of the multidimensional self, known as You.

Your path, though unique, fulfills the universe's desire that you contribute to the universe. Now, many people and many organizations are only too happy to tell you how you should contribute to the universe. And they are certain that they are right, and in certain aspects, they may be. However, you do have free will, and that is what lets you follow your own path. That unique path of yours may, at times, merge with other individuals and organizations, and your path will also, through its unique necessity, diverge at times.

When the universe gave you your unique soul signature, it gave you free will, and this was essential for the fulfillment of your purpose. Without free will, you wouldn't really be a unique contributor to the universe, because you would simply be an automaton, acting out someone else's plan. And some teachings are happy to make you believe that you need only follow someone else's program. This is why taking ownership of your free will may be a daunting notion for some people, because they would rather give the responsibility away to another person or group.

What is your moment of empowerment? You honor that you have been given free will for a reason, because this suggests that you have individual choices to make, and that no one can make them for you.

As an older soul, you are coming into the recognition that you have access to universal wisdom within you. And yet, this universal wisdom is being expressed through your own soul signature, and so it takes the power of free will to make the choice to do those things that you came here to do. While the secular material society pretends to champion free will, it really fears it. The material world wishes you to believe that buying the right product is an expression of your free will. Meanwhile, the spiritual teachings often fear free will for their own reasons, because then you wouldn't follow along with their dogmatic teachings and beliefs.

And as an older soul, you are finding that free will, guided by your own inner universal consciousness, is really a deeper topic, and much more than what many assume it to be. Genuine spiritually attuned free will is not random at all, because it is, in fact, an expression of perfect harmony. Why has harmony developed such a limiting image, with no room for individuality? It is because we imagine harmony in an overly simplified, restricted way.

Actually, universal harmony has more than enough room for your uniqueness. In fact, the highest quality of universal harmony requires your uniqueness, because harmony formed of rich complexity is stronger, more flexible, and more effective in every way.

This is why it is vital that you develop your individual consciousness. If you want peace, harmony, wellness, and spiritual consciousness on the planet, it comes from your uniqueness. And if you had assumed that you had to give up your uniqueness to live in a world of bland spiritual sameness, that was entirely the limiting delusion of certain spiritual teachings.

Notice how the limiting beliefs of many spiritual teachings conveniently converge with the limiting beliefs of the material world. Whether they intended it or not, they both keep you limited by hiding the paradox about your unique, yet universal self. Consider this...

- As you become more unique as a soul, your ego becomes more universal.

- As your ego becomes more universal, you become more unique as a soul.

Either way you say it, you are made of the same cosmic substance that everyone is made of, and at the same time, you are unlike anyone else. That is your truth. You are a universal being -- one with the source. But a universal being is one who contributes to the universe as an entirely unique co-creator participant.

And because your contribution must be of the highest quality, you were created to have your own soul signature, unlike any other. And that is the way the universe wants it to be.

Thank you for expressing this synergistic combination of universal uniqueness. Thank you for being, O sacred you.

Many Blessings,

Joel Bruce Wallach

Founder, Cosmic Living for spiritual empowerment - tele-classes and home-study mp3's

Do you have a strong desire to align with your spiritual essence? Are you wondering how you can activate your divine potential? Experienced practical mystic and teacher Joel Bruce Wallach helps you learn practical self-healing and inspiring metaphysical teachings in a centered, guided, sacred space. Live teleseminars, self-paced learning via mp3s, and inspiring articles and the transformational tips blog are available now.

I'm Joel Bruce Wallach, and I look forward to sharing step-by-step methods and insights with you, so that you can develop practical cosmic awareness, and experience your higher potential with ease and grace. Listen to mp3 samples of the teleclasses here:

Activating your cosmic consciousness is easier than you had realized, when you know how to place your awareness, and have steps to guide you. Spiritual realizations and energy healing are within your capacity, because the power is already within you. In this amazingly accelerated modern age of spiritual empowerment, self-paced learning is the key to realizing your potential. I am honored to share these step-by-step teachings with you.

Energy of the One Mind: Consciousness and Feeling

The multi dimensional nature of whom and what we think we are in this human form, is explained.

Consciousness flows on many levels and in many directions. There are planes of existence that the human mind can tap into and become aware of the whole plane and it's connections. Some of these planes are just on one level like the group consciousness of the human mind.

We could look at this like the balls on a billiard table. One ball is hit into the pack and all the other balls move to a new equilibrium and await the next thought or the next ball being hit. Groups of people and individuals move in the same way. The group reacts to the actions and thoughts of the individual just like the ball on the billiard table.

The above example just explains the thinking process on one level. Consciousness is on many level and planes and connects us to our surrounding in many ways. Some levels of consciousness go up and down, some in flat linear planes and some in spirals and circles.

We are more than out physical body and our consciousness is part of the whole. We are intimately connected to all that is. We live in a field of energy and everything in our environment is having an influence on us every second of every day.

The question is: are you a reactor to your environment, like the balls on the billiard table? Or are you the creator? Our mind, consciousness and feeling are bringing many influences to us in every moment. But our mind is connected to all the millions of possibilities that our out there.

When our mind is present in the moment we can choose what we wish to create. If we are not present, i.e. maybe living in our past or projecting into our future we may be living in fear.

When we are fully present in the moment and coming from our heart centre we flow our energy from love, which is the opposite of fear. Love is free and creative and uses our imagination to create a grand future for us. Love is aware of our environment and our thoughts but is not bond by them.

Love can tap into one of the other planes of consciousness and bring in or create an outcome that may not have been thought of before. Our belief system forms a mask, which we look through to see the world. But love allows us to change our mind and change our beliefs and therefore change the world and our experience of it.

For a few minutes just reconnect to all your five senses in this moment of now. Make a conscious intention to look clearly through your eyes at what you are seeing. What you see may be a clear summers day with mountains and lake. Or you may see a field of energy with the different frequencies of light giving you the different colours, depending on the vibration of the source of their omission. We may see that the mountains are over there and we are over here or we may see the field of energy connecting everything together as one, with no separation at all.

You can do this with each of our senses; our hearing hears the sound waves. Our touch feels the vibration of the molecules and atoms through our fingers. Our sense of smell feels the vibration of the air molecules. Our taste is sensing the vibration of the food we eat.

I am just asking you to start to be aware of the connection of all things on many planes and levels flowing in different directions. See yourself as a part of the whole not separate from it. Bring your consciousness into the moment of now and live your life from love.

Choose a purpose for life from your heart. Create the type of world, which you would love to live in. Be true to your heart and your feelings and you will experience joy in your life. Allow your energies to expand and be free. Your heart is connected to an infinite source of energy. Let it flow freely to all who come in contact with you.

There is nothing that you need, only that which you can create for your self. I would be pleased to receive your questions or comment on the above.

Message channelled by George Lockett (C) Copyright 2006, All Rights Reserved.

* New book * "A Journey into the Self -- the multi-dimensional nature of being human": HealerGeorge Web Site and New Book

Description: What is this book going to do for YOU? For those who are seeking a complete energetic makeover, as you read it you will feel a stirring and awakening in the depths of your heart. For those who have questions about Shifts in Consciousness, Energy Balancing and Healing within the body, you will find clear answers.

Read HealerGeorge?s Blog: Curezone Blog or ask at question at: Ask HealerGeorge

2012年8月28日 星期二

The Formula for Deliberate Living - Outlining the Law of Attraction

Creating your life by design? Is this really possible?

Here it is! A usable formula that lets you access and utilize the "law of attraction" you've been hearing about. With and open mind and a little faith, you can align yourself with inherent creative powers that will move you to accomplish your desires.

YOU are an expression of life energy. Your thoughts, words, and actions contribute to the energy you hold and exude. The tricky and interesting thing about life energy is that it attracts more like what it radiates (this is the law they speak of).

Now, since you are the one your energy receives its creative input from, you have the power to purposely change your input if you're not attracting your hearts desires! New and different input will change how and what you attract in to your experience. Really, it's that easy. All you have to do is bring your mind up to a new level of thought.

Your new approach to creating the energy you radiate can change your outlook, perceptions and experience of life. From now on your input can initiate the creation of your highest state of living.

To align yourself with your desires you will want to integrate four essential tools in to your life that will provide the catalyst needed to evolve in to the LIFE MASTER you are meant to be! Have fun creator.


It is essential that when building, creating, or making anything anew, to construct a solid foundation. The following elements of Integrity, Authenticity, and Love are required for such a foundation.

Integrity - There is a God like essence in every one of us. A spot inside that is all good...all love. When you shift your mind to that spot and move from there, you naturally act from integrity.

Moving through life with this form of integrity is indicative of an evolved and evolving spirit. Your integrity invites truth and peace in to your experiences and surroundings. Love and light will emerge from you and your life experience will be a contribution to the highest good for yourself, your loved ones and the planet. You will consciously invite the inherent God likeness you possess to express itself through you when you live from this spot. Integrity ignites from the core of your being.

Get in touch with that God spot within yourself through prayer, meditation or by simply bringing your attention to it. When you move through life with your attention on this God spot within, you will live in alignment with the essence of your being. That's integrity!

Authenticity - Your authenticity is a most attractive quality. Proclaiming authenticity might take some effort because you may have been taught to accept the ideas of society, religion, parents and other outside influence that have bombarded you since birth. At some point in life you become an independent thinker and internal conflict may occur if the teaching from your early phase of life doesn't align with your individual authentic soul's purpose. The good news is you are an independent thinker!

You develop accountability for your authenticity when you make the decision to shed the layers of accumulated life sludge, such as fear, guilt, resentment, jealousy, hate or any other acquired false belief. When the weight of these falsities is removed, true peace of authenticity will emerge.

Authenticity summons our courage to be vulnerable to the consequences of the truth and sometimes the unknown. It requests our honesty in all dealings in life. We are truly united with our highest purpose when we align with our authenticity.

Allow your spirit to experience the "AWE" moments that come from growth, change and discovery because these are constant in life. Your accountability and surrender to your authenticity will provide truth and joy in living.

Love - Various spiritual teachings say that there are only two emotions...Love and Fear. All other emotions are a secondary reaction. Love is the true essence of your being.

Fear based emotions are learned and acquired as we move through the perceived difficulties of living. Sometimes fear based emotions are so repetitious they become habitual and feel like a genuine part of your fundamental nature.

Fear is expressed through insecurity, shame, hate, prejudice, jealousy, greed, deceit or any other negative state of being. Allowing your focus to get lost on fearful aspects will promote their dominance over your true nature, which is Love. Your repetitive attention and focus on love will heal and repel any fear based mode of living.

You are safe. Go ahead...Love.


With this solid foundation in place, you have already changed the vibration of energy that permeates you and radiates from you. Now you can use these Guidelines of Intention, Direction and Boundaries to begin the process of creating the life you desire.

Intention - Random intentions will produce random life results. You always have the right now to choose a new direction and take ownership of your power to move through life deliberately! Begin by elevating your intentions, thoughts, and words to match what you wish to manifest in your life. You are in charge of your mindset and perception and this is where your life creations begin.

Intention is one of the beginning ingredients toward manifesting your experience. If you are giving your attention to unwanted situations and perceptions, you are blocking the path for new creation. Let go of any undesired issues of the past! Open your mind and clarify your intentions for your life NOW. It is a decision to move through life with joy, ease and purpose. It is also a decision to ignore your ability to consciously create, allow life to happen by default, and point the finger of blame to your past experience.

Call upon your foundation of authenticity, integrity and love to construct your intentions. Keep your focus on gratitude for the good that is instead of what you feel is lacking. The law of attraction will immediately begin the process of manifesting that which you are giving your attention. Your intention is the platform from which your life creations launch. Bring your mind up and consciously intend!

Direction - Keep in mind the power of the universe will always bring your highest good, so stay open to allowing all avenues of delivery. If you feel confusion and frustration you may need to lighten up and let go a bit. Step back and truly listen to your inner voice. Sometimes the gift of traveling in the wrong direction is finding out what you definitely don't want. That makes the once perceived wrong direction-the right direction after all. When you come to a fork in the road and the first chosen road did not produce your desired result, be willing to return to center and pay attention to your gut feeling. You will learn to distinguish and trust your intuitive impulses and follow them.

Clarity about your direction will appear when you focus on the completion of your desired creation. The path is revealed as the Universe complies with your request. Stay conscious of open doors even when they are doors you hadn't initially considered. You are more powerfully creative than you might know. You will be guided by the steadfast vision of your chosen desire. Take a chance. Trust yourself

Boundaries - The integrity, authenticity and love you are now moving from will create your boundaries for you. You have an individual pace of acceptance and tolerance for change and a unique mission in life. Boundaries are not only healthy, but a necessary element of staying authentic. Sometimes establishing boundaries will require you to find your voice and use it. Sometimes it will mean stretching yourself outside your comfort zone. And sometimes it will require taking a step back.

Establishing your boundaries while staying open to serving your family, friends and the planet is truly an art. It will be different for each person as it will reach the deepest realism of your spirit. You will need to call upon authenticity when you experience guilt. You will need to remember your integrity when your ego flares. You will need to stop and remember to let the truth of love guide you, even when it wasn't initially at the forefront of your thought. Creating boundaries is an on going, ever-changing life school of awareness. Boundaries help keep you at peace as you create for the highest good for all including yourself.


The solid foundation and the important guidelines have positioned you for an exciting adventure. Now you get to play with the Angles of Creativity, Passion, and Movement.

Creativity - This is the fun part! Here is where your spirit will soar as your individuality expresses. You have an imagination aspect at your command at all times. It is a birth gift. Creativity is yours to play with, experiment with and explore. In the realm of the universe, your creativity is boundless. The only thing that limits you is your limited beliefs. Expand, dream, dare to explore the power of your incredibly creative mind. You are a creator on this planet. How ever small you may think your creative contributions are... they count! Our success as a race has developed from one drop of creativity at a time. The world relies on you as a creative force of progress, protection and development of the planet. Create for yourself; create for the good of the mankind, create for fun!

Passion -This driving force is primitive, innocent and natural. The raw nature of passion is independent of outcomes. It is the ride of life that brings passion and it is the passion in life that creates a joyous ride. You were born with passion in your soul. If you are not feeling passionate at this time in your life....un-stifle it, create it or "act as if" until you find it's truth in your essence. The disappointments of your past that have squashed your passion are in the past. Turn your attention to your desired creations and if the passion isn't there...pretend it is. Yes! Pretend until it starts to feel real. It is real. It's possible you have just forgotten how to access it because you are afraid of more disappointment. You will survive either way. Whether you are on this planet for another hour or another ninety nine years, the time you have here can be spent in fear or spent in passionate deliberate living. You choose.

Movement- Whether in mind or body you are always in movement. Einstein said, "Nothing happens until something moves". You are the mover. You move your thoughts, your perceptions, your intentions and your actions. This aspect of humanness is your birthright. You are the only person with the power to move your mentality. Yes! You have the power!

You are always moving through thought either consciously or by default. Thought movement by default can run rampant and wreak havoc on your state of being. Take charge of where your thoughts take you. Commanding movement of your thought process might initially sound like a huge responsibility. However, you will adapt quickly to purposeful mental creations and intentional movement in life will become habitual. The alternative is random, unintentional thoughts that probably won't fulfill your heart's desires. Purposely choose thoughts that move you in your desired direction and in a short amount of time you will create your "new normal". Movement is more than a physical realm. It includes mental movement and spiritual movement. The rewards of this conscious movement will be astounding and well worth your initiated effort.


Creation is constant, ever-expanding, and never ending. However, each creation has completion elements of rewards and accountability. They are Gratitude, Joy, and Contribution. Here IT is creator.

Gratitude - I believe gratitude to be the most life altering creation we can express. Gratitude creates a whole being state of joy, expectancy and feeling of awe. Gratitude is a chosen positioning of mind. It is a decision to look around, look within and find a gift. Make sure you don't overlook that sometimes YOU are the gift in the situation and for that, you can be grateful. There is always an aspect of life to be grateful for in everything... if you decide so. Granted, there are some situations in life that make it seem absolutely impossible to be grateful. You think, why would I be grateful for death or disease or war or crime? It is gratitude that can help ease the pain of life's tragedies. You might find it in a memory, in time for reflection, for an awakening to new priorities or for the safe keeping of your loved ones. Sometimes gratitude is easy and obvious and sometimes you really have to dig for it!

Gratitude is a healing force you can rely on. It acts as a powerful magnet that attracts more in life to be grateful for. Inner peace begins and breeds with gratitude.

Joy - Joy is your natural state. You were born with a consciousness of light and joy. The accumulation of earthly life events might currently be distorting your experience of joy. Learning to live in the now while using the past as a gauge for wisdom and choices will re-establish the joyous life you are entitled. Joy is an active choice. It is your direction of focus and attention determining your experience. Sit quietly, focus on your breath and feel the joy of life source moving through your body. Allow joy, embrace joy, and become a giver of joy, because you are filled with it. As joy infuses every cell of your being with light you are in harmony with a higher presence. You are the present. LIVE IT.

Contribution - You are a contribution to the whole of humanity just because you exist. We are all part of the whole energy of life. Right here, right now you complete the universe.

Because you are part of the complete human race, you qualify as a contributor. You are a powerful creator always creating consciously or by default. Your new purposely created mindset can launch your expanded capacity of living. You can now become the creator of the life you desire and the contributor you are capable of being. The world relies on YOU for you unique and important contributions. Whether your contribution is caring for your loved ones, teaching, creating art, or discovering another galaxy, you are contributing. How ever small you think your contribution is, the universe thanks you for it. Even though there are those who continue to contribute to the darker side of life, your light presence will defuse darkness and contribute to the support of a higher vibration of good on this planet. As humans we are always contributing to the light or to the confusion depending on our intentions and actions. Your true nature is light. Embrace it, nurture it in yourself and in others. That is an amazing contribution. You were born complete.

So, what is your creation today?

Mind IT Up!

Lynne Lambert


Lynne Lambert - About the Author:

Lynne Lambert is a Mindset Mentor and Life Coach. She believes we are all creators of our experience. Her coaching specialty is in mindset strategies for achievement.

She worked for 35 years as a beauty consultant while she studied psychology and physiology at UCLA. Her extensive experience in dealing with the needs of her clients prompted the Mind It Up philosophy and products.

Lynne felt compelled to utilize her victory in overcoming personal difficulties from her childhood and the massive information gathered from the real life issues of her clients. Her compassionate and healing nature drove her to develop insightful formulas that heal lives with a purposely created mindset.

She is founder of Mind It up Productions and she provides inspiration and guidance for a deliberate happiness and healthy living. Her services include personal mentoring, motivational books and audio's as well as group seminars. She is a nationally published author and motivational speaker.

Lynne's mission is to elevate hearts and minds to a state of empowerment and discovery of the unique gifts each one of us possess and can share with the world.