The multi dimensional nature of whom and what we think we are in this human form, is explained.
Consciousness flows on many levels and in many directions. There are planes of existence that the human mind can tap into and become aware of the whole plane and it's connections. Some of these planes are just on one level like the group consciousness of the human mind.
We could look at this like the balls on a billiard table. One ball is hit into the pack and all the other balls move to a new equilibrium and await the next thought or the next ball being hit. Groups of people and individuals move in the same way. The group reacts to the actions and thoughts of the individual just like the ball on the billiard table.
The above example just explains the thinking process on one level. Consciousness is on many level and planes and connects us to our surrounding in many ways. Some levels of consciousness go up and down, some in flat linear planes and some in spirals and circles.
We are more than out physical body and our consciousness is part of the whole. We are intimately connected to all that is. We live in a field of energy and everything in our environment is having an influence on us every second of every day.
The question is: are you a reactor to your environment, like the balls on the billiard table? Or are you the creator? Our mind, consciousness and feeling are bringing many influences to us in every moment. But our mind is connected to all the millions of possibilities that our out there.
When our mind is present in the moment we can choose what we wish to create. If we are not present, i.e. maybe living in our past or projecting into our future we may be living in fear.
When we are fully present in the moment and coming from our heart centre we flow our energy from love, which is the opposite of fear. Love is free and creative and uses our imagination to create a grand future for us. Love is aware of our environment and our thoughts but is not bond by them.
Love can tap into one of the other planes of consciousness and bring in or create an outcome that may not have been thought of before. Our belief system forms a mask, which we look through to see the world. But love allows us to change our mind and change our beliefs and therefore change the world and our experience of it.
For a few minutes just reconnect to all your five senses in this moment of now. Make a conscious intention to look clearly through your eyes at what you are seeing. What you see may be a clear summers day with mountains and lake. Or you may see a field of energy with the different frequencies of light giving you the different colours, depending on the vibration of the source of their omission. We may see that the mountains are over there and we are over here or we may see the field of energy connecting everything together as one, with no separation at all.
You can do this with each of our senses; our hearing hears the sound waves. Our touch feels the vibration of the molecules and atoms through our fingers. Our sense of smell feels the vibration of the air molecules. Our taste is sensing the vibration of the food we eat.
I am just asking you to start to be aware of the connection of all things on many planes and levels flowing in different directions. See yourself as a part of the whole not separate from it. Bring your consciousness into the moment of now and live your life from love.
Choose a purpose for life from your heart. Create the type of world, which you would love to live in. Be true to your heart and your feelings and you will experience joy in your life. Allow your energies to expand and be free. Your heart is connected to an infinite source of energy. Let it flow freely to all who come in contact with you.
There is nothing that you need, only that which you can create for your self. I would be pleased to receive your questions or comment on the above.
Message channelled by George Lockett (C) Copyright 2006, All Rights Reserved.
* New book * "A Journey into the Self -- the multi-dimensional nature of being human": HealerGeorge Web Site and New Book
Description: What is this book going to do for YOU? For those who are seeking a complete energetic makeover, as you read it you will feel a stirring and awakening in the depths of your heart. For those who have questions about Shifts in Consciousness, Energy Balancing and Healing within the body, you will find clear answers.
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