2012年8月11日 星期六

What Do They Mean When They Say "Conscious Business"?

There is a growing trend among small businesses and corporations who are utilizing

the conscious business model - and succeeding. These companies illustrate how incorporating conscious business principals can and does increase the bottom line.

S0 exactly what is meant by "conscious business"?

Here's how the Conscious Business Institute (consciousbusinessinstitute.com) describes this model:

"Conscious Business is primarily about people who are aware of the impact each of their habits and actions has on their environment. It is about people who live their lives based on the knowingness that everything is interconnected. It is about people, who know who they are - who know about their strengths and weaknesses and who desire to live and work with joy, creativity, ease and love instead of fear, power and domination."

My perspective is that conscious business is a way of doing business where the creation of value is considered the foundation for creating wealth. Value is defined here as contribution to both the individual and the common good.

It is business infused with values that include integrity, generosity, honesty and service. These values are at the core of conscious business and are in essence the foundation upon which all business success is built.

Ultimately, conscious business is a way of doing business that recognizes and embraces the interconnectedness of Life. It is being socially and environmentally responsible. A conscious business operates with heart and soul and seeks to be aware of its impact on the lives of its employees, its customers, its community and the world.

The wonderful thing about this approach is that it operates in harmony with the life principle of giving and receiving. As you pour your time and energy into creating value for the benefit of the community and the environment, your business becomes more profitable than ever as the return current of sales and profits multiplies.

Conscious business practices and strategies are other-focused, which means you have happy customers and happy employees - the best recipe for business success. In essence, your business expands when you aren't looking!

On the other hand, when your business focus is solely on creating profits, you can miss out on the beauty and unity of working with and for others. This kind of tunnel vision can create sleepless nights and stressful days and it can be a mental, emotional and spiritual drain on your psyche. More importantly, this behavior is often ineffective.

If you find yourself spinning your wheels and racking your brain, it might be time to start integrating conscious business practices into your company's working philosophy.

Start placing your focus on making the world a better place and being the person you have been called to be. Look for ways to create amazing value for your customers as well as for your employees. The results will pleasantly surprise you!

By placing your focus onto others and your world, your business will naturally succeed. That's the beauty of conscious business. Spend some time adopting conscious business methods and then sit back amazed as your business takes off!

Steve Bernal over his 25 year career has been an entrepreneur, business owner and consultant to Fortune 500 companies.

Steve is the founder of [http://www.Bizlightenment.com] - a Business Directory that showcases Conscious Companies across a wide spectrum of industries and professions. BizLightenment is dedicated to advancing the cause of Conscious Business worldwide.

Raising Consciousness One Thought At A Time

Raising Consciousness.

How can raising consciousness help you? Will it help you? What does it mean? How does it work on a group level?

Its interesting when you search on the internet the words, "Raising Consciousness," the answers Google bring up are so wide and varied, everything from it being the outcome of radical feminist movements, (not true) to something that can either benefit or harm you in various ways. It all gets quite confusing, to the seeker on the path to find a better way to live. Raising consciousness is the act of changing ones thoughts, to align with the betterment of the whole. In other words, it relates to changing ones life experiences one thought at a time. In life we all do things the hard way, our emotions get in the way, our anger our intolerance pushes us to react to other people and other external stimuli.

When one individual changes and let's go of one reactive belief pattern, did you know the ripples flow out to the whole world? This is not just some fancy idealistic idea its actual proven fact, Quantum Physics. By each person becoming aware of why they hook in to reactive patterns, they then have the ability to change those patterns. By changing from reactive behaviour to proactive behaviour they then extend their life experiences in ways which bring new interactions and challenges. This is the way the universe of thought evolves. It is only through raising consciousness can new ways be found to resolve old issues. However, if the individual is still motivated by emotions and hooked into the drama of the situation then it is unlikely that a full resolution of conflict will be achieved. To put that in English, if you are still angry, emotional and blaming other people for your life, nothing will in fact change.

The key to raising consciousness it to fully understand and take responsibility for how we respond to others, and at the same time our actions in response. The answer to will raising your consciousness help you is YES! Without a doubt, it will empower you to stop repeating patterns which cause you to suffer financially, mentally and physically. Undoubtedly when the individual changes, it must flow on to change the patterns of humanity's collective consciousness. At this time on the planet, the majority of the population suffer the consequences of not being aware that every second of every day, we have incredible opportunities to change and grow, we have the wonderful gift of being able to step out of old ways, and consciously change our lives, in ways which release the perceptions which keep us fighting and struggling.

In a sense the majority of people are prisoners, victims of their own past experiences without even knowing they are held prisoner in an invisible cage. The patterns limit their lives, their relationships, their opportunities, like a program in a computer, they just go about their lives doing what they always did, getting what they always get. There is an old saying, "if you do what you have always done you will get what you have always got," I am not sure who wrote that saying originally but how true is that? Someone looks at us in a certain way, or says something in a certain tone and we are off on a tirade of self protection and its kill the messenger, before he hurts us with words. Well this is where raising consciousness comes into play. Did you know at any minute you can simply make the choice not to buy into that instant where your old habit, takes you round doing the same thing you always do, and getting the same result you always get. Humanity has the incredible ability to move forward in thinking, to set ourselves free, simply by using our own discernment.

I recently had cause to tell this little story to someone close to me, now this person gets all het up over small things and always thinks the worst of people and wants to prove they are right, they react to everything as though it's a drama. My words were, " if a big rock fell on your head today, and you lost your memory, all except that you knew who you were, but not any life details, how do you think you would respond to people you meet today? How would you respond if you could meet people in a way that had you free from all those old preconceptions and all that history? How different would your greeting be? How different would your meeting be? Well as a conscious human being, you have this ability, you can at any moment make the choice to see life fresh, and in doing so change the way you interact with people who cause you to react. You can either simply acknowledge their life is their life and its their reality not yours, or, you can keep buying into the old patterns of interaction that keep you having to deal with people who are pushing your buttons. What do you want, to be conscious in your actions or to unconsciously keep playing out all those old memories, over and over and over?

At www.wanabelong.com [http://www.wanabelong.com/] and www.truityonline.com my aim is to prompt people to heal their lives, not through some magic course, or instant fix, but to heal your life, "one thought at a time." Truity Online, deals with more the esoteric side of life, the spiritual aspects of raising consciousness through developing an intuitive relationship with yourself. While www.wanabelong.com [http://www.wanabelong.com/] is aimed more towards an environmental lifting of consciousness. I trust you enjoy this monthly news update. If I can do anything to assist you please contact me through the website or email me at Lesley@truityonline.com

The Nature of Consciousness and Creation of Reality

I intend sometimes to discuss general accepted world beliefs and knowledge that would inhibit understanding of the true nature or reality. Many of these beliefs have been adopted because of laziness, it being much easier to simply believe what someone tells you than to spend the necessary time and effort to look for the information yourself. Many of you have accepted distorted or false beliefs even though they didn't feel right to you and I dare say that you now hold a variety of beliefs that are just flat out wrong and you know it, but still, you do nothing to replace these beliefs with more beneficial ones. Why should you bother? Because as you learn the true nature of reality, and finally realize that you are actually, not symbolically, creating your own reality, it will dawn on you that you and only you have the power to change your world.

I am here to make you think, to arouse your curiosity, to challenge you. The concepts I discuss here are not new and not revolutionary. They have been given before through the ages, but mostly lost or forgotten in the mists of time. If I accomplish nothing more than to get you to trust your own intuitions and feelings, then these writing will have succeeded. The real truths cannot be found on the outside, but on the inside. You may not consciously know the answers to the questions you wonder about, but you are directly linked to your inner self, and the inner self is intimately connected with the soul/entity, and here the answers are known and they are not withheld from you. My task is to stimulate your interest so that you will begin to question. The more questions you ask, the more questions will come to mind. What there is to know is endless.

So in these personal musings I hope to discuss new ideas in light of general misleading beliefs held by many of you that must be dispensed with if you are to really begin to get a feel for these truths. These will deal with the general concepts that are a necessary underpinning for developing a good and valid belief system. I call this knowledge truth, and leave it up to you to decide. First of all, let's consider the connectivity and cooperativeness of consciousness. You have been taught that something exists on several different levels, with God somewhere up in the clouds in a stereotyped Heaven, with humanity somewhere in the middle on the surface of the earth itself and with Satan, somewhere down below near the center of the earth in the stereotyped hell. Because of this, you have developed so many false beliefs that I could never cover them here, but for openers how about this.

You now have a general feeling that anything UP must be bright, light and uplifting associated with God and good. DOWN of course, would signify something bad, dark and sinister such as Satan, while anything sideways is neutral. Why else would you raise your eyes and stretch your arms upward towards the clouds when speaking to your God? Did it ever occur to you that if UP is good and DOWN is bad, and then if you followed that direction downward through the earth, the other side of our globe would be bad. Black is considered bad and those kinds of stereotyped beliefs have caused you to look askance at many darker skinned people. Evil people in your movies are usually dressed in black and religious people always wear white. The good hero cowboy always wears the white hat and the heartless gunslinger is in black.

If you always looked up to find your God, you would certainly miss the more innocuous signs of the true presence of God even as a solitary dandelion forces its way up between the cracks in a city sidewalk, bursting forth into the sunlight in its exuberance to live. Nature is inevitable and the will to live through desire, intent and striving that is so evident even in the smallest speck of self aware matter, can teach you much about the emergence of the first essence of All That Is.

From my standpoint, one of the most frustrating things is to know something and not to be able to find adequate words to verbalize it or explain this knowledge to you. The problem is of course, both of ours, since we must sometimes together wait until the necessary foundations of knowledge are understood by you before some of these most esoteric concepts would make any sense. In other words, we must be on the same page, so to speak. As I have alluded to in the past, as the human brain is challenged to understand new concepts, it will grow in its comprehension and we can progress together. The intellect is helpful here, but some of these truths will be intuitively known first in the heart before the brain catches up.

The one overall, most important thing you must understand for any of this to make sense is that the people that you love, the animals that you care about, the world, the universe and beyond were not accidental happenstance as some scientists would have you believe. All of this was created with purposeful intent by All That Is, much of the actual creative work being done by powerful, evolved entities/souls because they were driven to create even as you are driven to create, even if you don't know it at this time. I have said before and will keep repeating it until you finally are splashed with a hint of inspiration, and then you will surely KNOW that you do indeed create not only your own personal reality, but in masse with others around the world, create the reality of the times worldwide, along with its great religions, wars, droughts, famines and pestilence.

In future discussions I intend to explain in detail the exact process you use to create your reality and through which reality achieves form and action within the physical plane. You have been doing it for thousands of years unconsciously, so don't you think it's time you became aware of the process and learn how to do it consciously? Ultimately, that is why you are here.

Know then, that intellectual and spiritually powerful entities/souls originated and gave you the initial patterns for the first animals, plants, humans and all creatures in between. You then, began your part in this creative process by supplying the supportive energy that actualized itself into physically oriented matter applied to the underlying existing psychic patterns. The birds that fly and migrate across continents, the insects that swarm across the prairies, the animals that exist among you and the myriad plants, flowers and trees, were all designed with loving intent to venture onto a newly formed planet and gain new experience never before known and to refine their existence through the process of evolution.

There is not one accidental living consciousness that exists or has ever existed without first being created by entities so evolved that you would not recognize them as beings. There are newly formed creatures being introduced into your world even now and you think they have always existed and are just recently discovered.

What I really want to get across is that there exist pyramid gestalts of consciousness of which you are an integral part. These consciousnesses are intimately connected and cooperative in carrying out the unconscious bodily functions inherent within your body that you are not aware of. The consciousness of atoms form gestalts of cellular consciousness, the cells then, form gestalts of organ consciousness and organ gestalts of awareness gather in the same psychic pyramid configuration to form the overall body consciousness which performs and monitors all of the bodies unconscious functions such as breathing, healing wounds and carrying out countless functions that you could not live without. These are the same gestalts of consciousness that will continue to support the body's activities even though you may be in a coma and the ego consciousness is out to lunch, so to speak. A cell knows that it is a cell and knows of the organization that is a part of. Although its consciousness is of a general nature, it still experiences satisfaction and value fulfillment because of its participation.

Everyone and everything is connected through these interwoven psychic gestalts, smaller organizations joining together into larger gestalts that can bring awareness and participation in more advanced forms offering value fulfillment not available before. Countless pyramid gestalts of varying degrees of awareness combining, mixing, flowing through, all self aware, all legitimate identities although they may never have and never will directly experience physical reality of the kind you are familiar with, but nevertheless valid on their own levels and some of those levels are very close to the ultimate. Of course, in a way, they will experience physical reality through other physical personalities such as YOU that share their gestalt configuration.

In a hard to describe way, all consciousness is connected to the Prime Energy Essence Being "All That Is" (God) through these gestalts of consciousness, and this is one of those deeper truths of which you are ALL aware of whether you think about it or not. This knowledge is latent within your genes and can never be dissipated or lost. It is your heritage.

In a reassuring way, you are all playing the game of life, and it's a game you can't lose. And here's more good news, you get better at it the more you do it.

I intend sometimes to discuss general accepted world beliefs and knowledge that would inhibit understanding of the true nature or reality. Many of these beliefs have been adopted because of laziness, it being much easier to simply believe what someone tells you than to spend the necessary time and effort to look for the information yourself. Many of you have accepted distorted or false beliefs even though they didn't feel right to you and I dare say that you now hold a variety of beliefs that are just flat out wrong and you know it, but still, you do nothing to replace these beliefs with more beneficial ones. Why should you bother? Because as you learn the true nature of reality, and finally realize that you are actually, not symbolically, creating your own reality, it will dawn on you that you and only you have the power to change your world.

I am here to make you think, to arouse your curiosity, to challenge you. The concepts I discuss here are not new and not revolutionary. They have been given before through the ages, but mostly lost or forgotten in the mists of time. If I accomplish nothing more than to get you to trust your own intuitions and feelings, then these writing will have succeeded. The real truths cannot be found on the outside, but on the inside. You may not consciously know the answers to the questions you wonder about, but you are directly linked to your inner self, and the inner self is intimately connected with the soul/entity, and here the answers are known and they are not withheld from you. My task is to stimulate your interest so that you will begin to question. The more questions you ask, the more questions will come to mind. What there is to know is endless.

So in these personal musings I hope to discuss new ideas in light of general misleading beliefs held by many of you that must be dispensed with if you are to really begin to get a feel for these truths. These will deal with the general concepts that are a necessary underpinning for developing a good and valid belief system. I call this knowledge truth, and leave it up to you to decide. First of all, let's consider the connectivity and cooperativeness of consciousness. You have been taught that something exists on several different levels, with God somewhere up in the clouds in a stereotyped Heaven, with humanity somewhere in the middle on the surface of the earth itself and with Satan, somewhere down below near the center of the earth in the stereotyped hell. Because of this, you have developed so many false beliefs that I could never cover them here, but for openers how about this.

You now have a general feeling that anything UP must be bright, light and uplifting associated with God and good. DOWN of course, would signify something bad, dark and sinister such as Satan, while anything sideways is neutral. Why else would you raise your eyes and stretch your arms upward towards the clouds when speaking to your God? Did it ever occur to you that if UP is good and DOWN is bad, and then if you followed that direction downward through the earth, the other side of our globe would be bad. Black is considered bad and those kinds of stereotyped beliefs have caused you to look askance at many darker skinned people. Evil people in your movies are usually dressed in black and religious people always wear white. The good hero cowboy always wears the white hat and the heartless gunslinger is in black.

If you always looked up to find your God, you would certainly miss the more innocuous signs of the true presence of God even as a solitary dandelion forces its way up between the cracks in a city sidewalk, bursting forth into the sunlight in its exuberance to live. Nature is inevitable and the will to live through desire, intent and striving that is so evident even in the smallest speck of self aware matter, can teach you much about the emergence of the first essence of All That Is.

From my standpoint, one of the most frustrating things is to know something and not to be able to find adequate words to verbalize it or explain this knowledge to you. The problem is of course, both of ours, since we must sometimes together wait until the necessary foundations of knowledge are understood by you before some of these most esoteric concepts would make any sense. In other words, we must be on the same page, so to speak. As I have alluded to in the past, as the human brain is challenged to understand new concepts, it will grow in its comprehension and we can progress together. The intellect is helpful here, but some of these truths will be intuitively known first in the heart before the brain catches up.

The one overall, most important thing you must understand for any of this to make sense is that the people that you love, the animals that you care about, the world, the universe and beyond were not accidental happenstance as some scientists would have you believe. All of this was created with purposeful intent by All That Is, much of the actual creative work being done by powerful, evolved entities/souls because they were driven to create even as you are driven to create, even if you don't know it at this time. I have said before and will keep repeating it until you finally are splashed with a hint of inspiration, and then you will surely KNOW that you do indeed create not only your own personal reality, but in masse with others around the world, create the reality of the times worldwide, along with its great religions, wars, droughts, famines and pestilence.

In future discussions I intend to explain in detail the exact process you use to create your reality and through which reality achieves form and action within the physical plane. You have been doing it for thousands of years unconsciously, so don't you think it's time you became aware of the process and learn how to do it consciously? Ultimately, that is why you are here.

Know then, that intellectual and spiritually powerful entities/souls originated and gave you the initial patterns for the first animals, plants, humans and all creatures in between. You then, began your part in this creative process by supplying the supportive energy that actualized itself into physically oriented matter applied to the underlying existing psychic patterns. The birds that fly and migrate across continents, the insects that swarm across the prairies, the animals that exist among you and the myriad plants, flowers and trees, were all designed with loving intent to venture onto a newly formed planet and gain new experience never before known and to refine their existence through the process of evolution.

There is not one accidental living consciousness that exists or has ever existed without first being created by entities so evolved that you would not recognize them as beings. There are newly formed creatures being introduced into your world even now and you think they have always existed and are just recently discovered.

What I really want to get across is that there exist pyramid gestalts of consciousness of which you are an integral part. These consciousnesses are intimately connected and cooperative in carrying out the unconscious bodily functions inherent within your body that you are not aware of. The consciousness of atoms form gestalts of cellular consciousness, the cells then, form gestalts of organ consciousness and organ gestalts of awareness gather in the same psychic pyramid configuration to form the overall body consciousness which performs and monitors all of the bodies unconscious functions such as breathing, healing wounds and carrying out countless functions that you could not live without. These are the same gestalts of consciousness that will continue to support the body's activities even though you may be in a coma and the ego consciousness is out to lunch, so to speak. A cell knows that it is a cell and knows of the organization that is a part of. Although its consciousness is of a general nature, it still experiences satisfaction and value fulfillment because of its participation.

Everyone and everything is connected through these interwoven psychic gestalts, smaller organizations joining together into larger gestalts that can bring awareness and participation in more advanced forms offering value fulfillment not available before. Countless pyramid gestalts of varying degrees of awareness combining, mixing, flowing through, all self aware, all legitimate identities although they may never have and never will directly experience physical reality of the kind you are familiar with, but nevertheless valid on their own levels and some of those levels are very close to the ultimate. Of course, in a way, they will experience physical reality through other physical personalities such as YOU that share their gestalt configuration.

In a hard to describe way, all consciousness is connected to the Prime Energy Essence Being "All That Is" (God) through these gestalts of consciousness, and this is one of those deeper truths of which you are ALL aware of whether you think about it or not. This knowledge is latent within your genes and can never be dissipated or lost. It is your heritage.

In a reassuring way, you are all playing the game of life, and it's a game you can't lose. And here's more good news, you get better at it the more you do it.

My name is W. Allan, single male 62, a resident of Naples Florida. I graduated from Washington University in St. Louis and have in the past, written a column called SECRET REALITY which was carried by spiritual and metaphysical magazines. I have recently started a blog to publish my work with the intent of incorporating expanded versions of my blog in book form. You can contact me any at my e-mail address: beachinguy@hotmail.com

You may also read other articles at my blog at: http://answersbygod.com

2012年8月10日 星期五

Access Unlimited Potential by Shifting From the Mind Consciousness to Heart Centered Consciousness

We live in a left brain dominant society and as result of this we have become disconnected from our heart consciousness. In essence, we have over-exercised our brains and now they are the dominant muscles of our perception. We are at a time in evolution where we are becoming more aware of the disharmony between the heart and brain and we are being asked to find ways to bring harmony between these two important centers of consciousness.

It has been a natural part of evolution that our brains took the reins for a while so we could learn more about ourselves from that perspective. Each way of being has its benefits. The brain and heart are meant to work together, each come from the same energy source and compliment each other. By being able to shift between the mind and heart consciousness it allows us to use our full range of inner resources, giving us complete access to our unlimited potential.

Our challenge today is to move consciously from one to the other and use the results for the benefit of all. Since we have been living in a brain dominate society the heart and brain have stop communicating and have become disconnected. In order for us access and use our full potential it's important for them to communicate with each other. Because we have free will we can choose which state of consciousness will take the lead at any one time making it possible for the mind and heart to communicate easily.

We can strengthen our ability to use the consciousness of our hearts at will and bring balance to both conscious levels by becoming aware of the steps to living consciously:

Step one is to have the awareness that heart centered consciousness is a possibility and then the desire to want to live this way or be this way in the world.

Step two is the awareness to change. Often, people don't realize that their life can be different and that there are ways to make changes.

Step three is the desire to change. Once we know that we can change, we know that we don't have to keep on living in the way, which creates the desire to change. We start to understand the value and benefit of living from hear centered consciousness and that we are capable of changing unlimited beliefs systems with methods like Focused Intention Technique.

Step four is choice. Once one desires to change, one becomes aware of the importance of making choices from heart consciousness and inner power that comes from heart power.

Step five is about practicing centering in heart center daily. If you use intention and focus to center yourself in the heart center for 28 days you create a new energetic pattern in your life. You develop unconscious competency where all choices automatically come from heart centeredness. It becomes a way of being for you.

When you gain practice in getting in touch with the consciousness of your heart, you are able to strengthen this muscles of choice that has to do with projecting and receiving heart energy. Take quiet time every morning to center yourself in heart consciousness. Practice sending yourself thoughts of love and gratitude for a few minutes. After awhile you begin to feel and know the difference from mind consciousness and heart consciousness.

Remember to take time every day and shift your awareness to your heart. On the days where you find it hard to shift your attention to your heart and change your negative thoughts to love it could be a sign you limiting beliefs are blocking your greatness. This is good example where the use of Focused Intention Technique or FIT can be powerful tool, as it is an easy technique to learn for changing limiting beliefs at the core from heart consciousness.

The Secrets to Your Conscious Success in Every Aspect of Your Life

You can be the top 2% of the world's population to live in full-blown positive, abundant, gratifying love and success on every level, by learning the keys to conscious living.

I have studied, listened and participated in great prosperity, relationship, abundance classes and workshops for over 20 years and I have not received the key to getting there on a core level, until now. This major step, I have been missing in all of my education, is taught by Dr. E. Amidi. If I had not read this book, I do not know where else, I would have learned this unequivocal information. I read, "The Secret" every day, so I can reinforce the positive and affirmations for my abundance in love, monetary success, my work and all relationships. In every aspect of our lives, these principles must, be practiced, every day. Sometimes this must apply to every moment.

The difference between the sub-conscious and conscious, mind is colossal, unless you are in a denial, for which, I believe 98% of people are in our society. Why do you think the wealth distribution is so out of proportion? Why are there so many divorces? There is enough money to go around on our planet for everyone to have 10 million dollars each. Therefore, what is wrong and why? It is really, simple. The top 2% of the population are the only few that have the consciousness and awareness to believe they deserve, and are open to receive such abundance. This is the difference between poverty and the wealthy. If you have noticed or paid attention to one of the wealthiest families in our nation, Warren Buffet, lives in integrity and his reputation for the most part is unreachable. He has to have all the values and consciousness to be as successful and wealthy as he is. We are not all blessed with having parents or family that had businesses and success to learn from, as he did in his youth. I am sure he learned from an early age to have the consciousness of achievement and accomplishment on a sub-conscious infrastructure.

It is a choice that every one of us can make, to be conscious, from a sub-conscious level. This will free you to be all you can be, in everything you want to achieve. I cannot write enough about, how important this is, to be aware, of your emotions on the sub-conscious level. The primordial level that most of the population are driven from, can, and will change by being aware of it and making the extra effort to change your thinking from that emotional layer.

Being aware, of the tiers of our thinking process, subconscious (emotions), conscious and higher self, the sky is the limit, of our success in all areas of our lives. When you understand how they connect to one another, you can be at peace knowing that you can change your thinking from a foundational, base level.

Thank you for reading my article, as I have devoted my passion and time to assist and guide anyone I can in this freedom of consciousness.

If you have any questions and comments, please contact me @

Cheryl Scheurer - [http://www.secrets2thebesthealthandfinancialwellness.com]

Copyright 2009 July 21, 2009

2012年8月9日 星期四

Living Longer

The old paradigm of living was that body wore out over time & life became increasingly unfulfilling. Many possibilities are irrelevant or not available after a certain age which was randomly defined by each society and each individual.

The new paradigm is that life is a process of constant transformation & not decline. It is full of potential for unlimited growth. Automatic decline is not programmed into our bodies. Human life is incredibly resilient.

In the 1930s, Maurice Earnest who studied centenarians across European cultures had noted in his book The Longer Life "that just a few simple habits can take us to 100 to 120 years of active & clear headed life."

He enlisted following habits.

Eat frugally

Exercise and get plenty of fresh air

Develop an easy going personality

Maintain a good personal hygiene

Drink wholesome liquids

Get plenty of rest

Have a bowel movement once a day

Enjoy a reasonable sex life

Live in temperate climate

Get proper medical attention if ill

Of all factors, frugal diet is the factor which was practiced by people who were consciously living a long life.

Ancient Roman & Greek also had notions of frugal diet as the secret of longevity.

A human diet restricted to 60% of normal calories -- roughly 1400 calories per day for an average adult is on the border line offasting. The food should be selected carefully. Make sure that all vitamins and minerals are included. Under nutrition is not same as malnutrition.

Exercise is known to retard aging. How much activity is actually needed to make a significant contribution to longevity? The least active people had the highest death rates. Surprisingly most striking improvement came with fairly modest levels of activity.

Someone who walked 30 minutes a day, six days a week had a mortality rate which was a mortality rate for someone running 30 to 40 miles per week.

Medical research suggests that exercising for fitness was not the same as exercising for health. If you perform regular, minimal activity -- the equivalent of walking half an hour a day -- you will get most of the longevity benefits obtainable from exercises.

Case Study: This is a case study of Abkhasia. It is a remote mountain region of southern Russia. Study noted that people here were found to be living beyond 100 years naturally. Much of the credit for this went to diet besides frequent exercise.

Their total intake of fats & calories is much lower than westerners. They consumed, on an average 1500 to 2000 calories. Their daily fat consumption was about 60 grams.

They mostly ate home grown vegetables and dairy products. Most of them consumed yogurt, milk every day. They would walk every day distances about 20 miles as the region was hilly and there were no concrete roads.

Conclusion of case study -- A life time of light eating & considerable physical activity helps you live longer.

In the words of religious writer Huston Smith: In order to live, man must believe in that for which he lives. People die when their core of belief is gone.

The most meaningful thing you can live for is to reach your full potential.

At any given age the body and mind you experience are but a tiny fraction of the possibilities still open to you -- there are always infinite new skills, insights and depths of realization ahead of you.

Do you want to learn more about current topic & other related articles? Visit http://www.health-fitness-wellness.com for practically useful information on health & healthy lifestyles.

Pradeep Mahajan is a health enthusiast. He researches, studies & writes on health & fitness topics.

The Secret of How to Stop Being Self Conscious

For years, people have tried to figure out how to be less self conscious in all types of situations. To truly be less self conscious requires that an individual recognize that the entire world is not looking at them constantly. Ironically, everyone else is so busy looking at themselves that they probably don't have time to look at other people anyway.

Overcoming self consciousness starts by looking inwardly and identifying the strengths that you possess. It's a process that involves an awareness and recognition of the value that you bring to the world and those around you. You may say, "I am self conscious about my body and I know others are looking at me." Maybe you are not the perfect weight or height. Maybe your skin is not the color you think it should be. Or perhaps you don't think your hair is becoming. Maybe you don't have perfect skin. Does that mean you are any less valuable to society? No!

People who are overly self conscious about their bodies find it difficult to interact socially. They believe that they are inferior to others. But nothing is so drastically incorrect! But it's not just body image that makes people self conscious. Some people become nervous in groups of people because they believe everyone is staring at them. For some reason, they feel inadequate or inferior. They feel a flush of heat rising on their neck as their self consciousness rapidly escalates to anxiety and fear. They are no longer able to think or concentrate because they are so focused on themselves that they lose confidence in their ability to speak and interact. They lose control.

Self Consciousness and Self Confidence

Being overly self conscious can demean and lower self confidence. A loss of self confidence makes it even more difficult to deal with social situations and overcome self consciousness. The vicious cycle ensues when an individual allows self consciousness to overtake their mind.

Self conscious people demonstrate their lack of self confidence and poor self esteem through their body language. Being tense and anxious shows in your face and body movements. A person who is always tense and stressed finds it more difficult to exude self confidence and maintain control. Once you no longer have control over your mind, it is difficult to face challenges and situations. A lack of self confidence and low self esteem lead to even greater insecurities and increased self consciousness.

Ways to Overcome Self Consciousness

Some helpful ways to overcome self consciousness include:

o Face your fears and acknowledge them. Recognize what makes you anxious and self conscious. This enables you to prepare for what is to come and be prepared to accept the challenges.

o Center your mind and body. Learn to calm yourself in the face of anxiety by breathing deeply, focusing on an object, or using positive affirmations.

o Anticipate potential situations and figure out how you would handle them in advance.

If you anticipate you will be asked questions that make you nervous, consider how you can respond to them without becoming overly anxious. Preparation in advance can help, but don't obsess over preparing for every scenario or your self consciousness will just become worse.

Stop being self conscious by becoming more self aware. Be less self conscious by facing your fears and anxieties head-on and learning new coping mechanisms such as meditation, positive affirmations, and examining your strengths and value to the world. Once you are able to stop being self conscious, you can start truly living and reaching your full potential. Be less self conscious by becoming more self confident and boost self esteem. Then you will be prepared to live the life you were meant to live and you can go forward with living.

For more information on overcoming negative thoughts and becoming more positive, please visit http://www.yougoingforward.com.

This article may be distributed freely on your website, as long as this entire article, including links and this resource box are unchanged.

Copyright 2009 David Walker All Rights Reserved.
Course Made Good Ltd

Living the Worship Driven Life

Then say to [Pharaoh], 'The LORD, the God of the Hebrews, has sent me to say to you: Let my people go, so that they may worship me in the wilderness'.
~Exodus 7:16 (NIV).

Worshipping God is a whole-of-life experience of faith, the spending of ourselves in love, and earnest learning in wisdom. It's probably a whole lot more to boot.

It's certainly not confined to Sunday church services and prayer meetings.

How do we convert the typical endeavour of worship for God at church - a comparative 'Egypt' by confinement of location and activity - and take such worshipful endeavour out into the world; to the comparative 'wildernesses' of our workplaces, homes and communities?


If we consider ourselves free only to 'worship' at church - or within safe Christian boundaries - then we probably have the wrong concept for what worship is.

Worship may be any activity where we're able to glorify God via what we do and through what meagre (or mega) portion we, of our hearts, bring.

Living like Christ, whilst we'll often fail to meet the Saviour's standard, is the freedom of worship.

Note that Jesus was free to worship God in his literal wilderness experience (Matthew 4:1-11). Out in the world, far beyond the Temple, he was tempted three significant times by Satan. Jesus worshipped the Father via straightforward, wise obedience. His worship, at least in this setting, was nothing about readings in church or singing Hallels.

We too are free to express our worship, not only beyond the gates of our churches, but via an amazing array of activity.


God has created a very big place - the universe. Yet, no matter how big things get (the universe is ever-expanding in size) it's a scientific and a miraculous fact that smallness is equally big. Nanotechnologies and the like prove God to be unfathomable regarding the legacy of expanse, both macro and micro.

God is a limitless Lord.

We can extend God's expansive nature to the issue of worship; to the degree of variety of worshipful activity at our fingertips.

Anything done with love in our hearts fits this Divine mould.

Where we rise to the heights of righteousness, plumb the depths of humility, reach out our arms in the width of justice, and scour the breadth of God's wisdom, we worship; to a trillion different nuances.

As we're unique persons, each crafted at the masterstroke of the LORD's design, uniqueness becomes the authenticity of our worship. Nobody will worship in the world like we, perhaps, can or do.


The entire world we can touch is our 'wilderness' and the mission of God in our mortal bodies and minds is beyond Egypt (the physical church buildings we present at each Sunday).

Not that we can't worship in Egypt; we can worship anywhere!

To consider ourselves as pleasing God by remaining in Egypt, however, when the wilderness is the way to the Promised Land, is ludicrous.

We must extend our worship to the farthest reaches of our conscious lives, for through our worshipful ways we experience God. We should yearn after God's Presence these ways, desiring more and more infilling of the Spirit that gives life; and that, through us, so our worship truly glorifies God.

When we take the Purpose Driven Life model, connecting both ends - worship with mission - we can finally retain the beads - fellowship, discipleship and ministry - ending with a string of beads constructed toward Christlike completeness.

Our mission is to find our worshipful purpose in all our moments.

c 2011 S. J. Wickham.

Steve Wickham is a Registered Safety Practitioner (BSc, FSIA, RSP[Australia]) and a qualified, unordained Christian minister (GradDipBib&Min). His blogs are at: http://epitemnein-epitomic.blogspot.com/ and http://inspiringbetterlife.blogspot.com/

2012年8月8日 星期三

A Guide to Conscious Business - Living Consciously

Living consciously and being conscious in home business means existing in a state of grace. It's when you start to see the magic in the mundane.

When you can see the scared in the ordinary and become fully a part of the present moment, you understand that every day life, especially your business life, is a joy and an adventure.

When you're dashing through life as if it was a race to the finish line, only to realise that you'll never actually arrive, you're not living authentically.

If you're depressed, frazzled and worn out by the endless pursuit of something, but you're not even sure what that something is, then you're like millions of others who aren't living consciously.

How can you be joyful for your son's victory in the football match, when you're worrying about a client, or thinking about the work you could be doing instead? It's impossible.

The best you can do is to be in the moment at any given time and give that moment you full and complete attention. Be conscious in the moment and see what a difference it makes to your day.

Endless distractions and busy-ness leads to a scattering of consciousness that leads to frustration and unhappiness. Sometimes it seems easier just to deal with whatever comes up during the day - emails, phone calls, bills, kids, your daily round, rather than create the space necessary to start living with purpose and passion.

So, how do you begin to live more consciously?

By carving out precious time alone to listen to the voice within.

By making meditation and prayer a part of your daily life.

By fully participating in the present moment as many times a day as you can.

By training yourself to become acutely aware of your sense perceptions. What can you see, hear, smell, touch and taste at any given point during the day?

As a parent, think of how your toddler sees the world. Children can often teach us great lessons in this regard. Each and every day is an adventure, almost as if they're experiencing everything for the first time and marvelling at its brilliance. Wouldn't it be awesome to live in the same way?

I am constantly inspired to do this by my young daughter. She has been blessed with a fantastic sense of humour and passionately goes forth every day looking for opportunities for fun and laughter. While I am changing her clothes in the morning, she laughs and throws her arms around my neck, trying to stop me from pulling a shirt over her head. To her it's a wonderful game. Some days when I'm in a rush, I find myself becoming annoyed and just wishing she would give it up and let me dress her in the fastest time possible. But then I stop and realise what a joy these moments could be, if I allowed them to be. By simply changing my perception, and joining in her game, or creating a new one where we play peekaboo as the shirt goes over her head brings us both greater joy. What's more, it probably only adds no more than one minute to the entire process, but we're both laughing hard at the end and feeling happy.

Take a moment in everything you do to be aware of it - to be conscious of it. Create that moment of space where you're not thinking about the future or the past, but are committed to the present. It's as simple as noticing the breath going in and out of your lungs, or feeling the muscles in your legs working as you take a step, or how something really tastes as you eat it. Eating consciously is an excellent way to lose weight. When you're really in the present when you eat, your body will tell you when it has had enough. If you eat in front of the television, or while doing something else, you're not conscious of what is going into your mouth, how it really tastes or how it makes your body feel.

Heightened sensory perception helps explain why going on a holiday or trip to a foreign place can make you feel alive, passionate, energised and interested. When you're in unfamiliar surroundings, you're taking it all in. You're seeing, smelling, hearing, touching and tasting everything for the first time. Not only does it make you feel alive but it can relax and recharge. Imagine if you could carry this holiday way of being into your daily life. It's not difficult.

Being in the present is the first step in a process that will create a new way of being. Living consciously will gradually erode your old conditioned negative thought processes. You will find you worry less and experience more - more joy, happiness and abundance.

You are perfect and whole in this instant. Go into the world with a new mindset, live consciously and see the beauty in everything.

c 2010 Home Biz Chicks

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-NEWSLETTER OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Online entrepreneur Sue Papadoulis empowers and inspires women (and enlightened men), to live the life of their dreams by starting and growing successful home businesses. She is the founder of Home Biz Chicks, which provides step-by-step advice on getting started, marketing, PR, finances, best mindset, and juggling work vs. home. Access Sue's special video (valued at $279) How to Generate Free Publicity for Your Business free at http://www.diyprkit.com. Get Sue's $79 audio CD Secrets to Home Biz Success free at [http://www.HomeBizChickscd.com].

Difference Between the Evolutionary Changes and the Development of Knowledge For Consciousness

Modern human consciousness has its roots and origins dating back two hundred thousand years to Africa. As species, Homo sapiens are a relatively new in their contemporary, evolved form, as for example the Dolphins we co-exist with are a species ten million years of age, but the development of humans is not only relative to the physical development of the consciousness, but also to the development of knowledge, reasoning skills and extending awareness of the phenomena in the environment.

In the timeframe of evolution, changes so vivid and rapid distinctive to the historic differences between contemporary humans and our ancestors in behavior and sense of reality cannot be located to be genetic as a cause for such range and variety inside of a species. Although we do not have firsthand experience of the inner lives of dolphins, the behavior of these playful creatures in non-captivity can still be expected to have remained relatively the same throughout the timeframe humans have co-existed with them.

In relativity with the data of contemporary genetics, we can still assume that the origins of consciousness are the same between humans and dolphins, but which have separated from each others to have a different set of neurological devices in the brains, some distinctive to the motor tasks of the differently shaped body, some, such as coalition detection, distinctive to our species in order to enable us to differentiate members from different tribes and bands. Thus, the physical evolution of consciousness exists within the boundaries of the genes that cause the emergence of the neurological devices that act in concert to cause the emergence of a conscious living being, whether an ape, a dolphin or a human.

Now, although it is for humans relatively the same brains that are used to gain skills, and to obtain knowledge, learning to make logical connections between representations, the capacity and what it can make a person to become are far beyond the scales and proportions of even the most imaginatively thinking individuals. When large proportions of the sense of reality are founded upon knowledge, what knowledge individuals become subjected with determines the building blocks of that sense of reality, and as knowledge is developed, the foundations of the sense of reality for the consciousness develops. Take for example the development of ethics. Ethics as they are, are in their very essence knowledge that alters human behavior without genetic brain surgery, but results still to differentiate behavior as actions are conducted in relativity with ethical representations. This kind of value-relative behavior can be used to sequence religious rituals, what is etiquette related behavior, how to dress or what to eat. To alter the natural behavior of dolphins is possible through conditioning, but not in the scales and proportions knowledge relative human behavior can be adjusted with as the knowledge itself is developed.

Henry M. Piironen is the author of "The Power of Transiency (How Thoughts Can Harness the Power of Life, the Universe and Everything)." To purchase this definitive book, visit Amazon Kindle Store now! Already read it? To purchase his other books, click here.

What is Living Infinitely? Part 1 of 3

What is life about? On our fragile cosmic rock we hurdle through space at enormous rates of speed. Spinning in a giant pinwheel formation around a super massive black hole we travel across the vast reaches of space. The shear size of our universe is beyond our understanding as we look out from our humble perspective and see billions more of these gigantic galaxies. When we look out onto this dynamic universe it puts us in awe of the supernatural like beauty and structure of cosmos. We must thank our brilliant Greek ancestors for the word COSMOS that fittingly describes our universe. Cosmos implies order, orderly arrangement, and a harmonious system and is the adverse of chaos. Understanding the cosmos is about understanding a system that leads us to the Truth.

Is Living Infinitely, living forever? With possibly a few exceptions from religious sources mostly every single person that ever walked the earth has faced death in the physical form. It is one event in our lives that we can be sure will happen. Being that this website is entitled Living Infinitely, it is only appropriate that we address the issue of what happens after our physical life is over. There are two fundamental beliefs on the subject and essentially two main options:

1. There is an afterlife in some form

2. There is no afterlife. That's it lights out

Evidence for the latter option is compelling. There is no hard scientific evidence to prove that life goes beyond our earthly existence. We have never run out of subjects or cases to scientifically observe as death comes to all. Yet the results are inconclusive.

The first option is even more compelling than the second. There are two main areas of evidence; one can be described as slightly scientific, as it is based upon human observation, the other purely based upon faith. Lets take a look at each.

The first area of research is controversial, as confidence men from all ages have used it to make a quick buck. However, areas of research such as electronic voice phenomenon, astral projection, and out of body experiences have made scientists scratch their heads. This research generally deals with the connection between our physical realm and a hidden spiritual realm. Spiritual experts in the field hold that our level of consciousness vibrates on a higher plane of existence as the human body goes from life to death. Despite progress made in these fields, controversy has shrouded the research in skepticism

The second major area of research is not scientific at all, but rather based entirely upon FAITH. Usually backed by a religion, this area of evidence has been passed down throughout the centuries in a variety of forms and customs. Most religions hold that life continues after death in one form or another and allow one to tap into an Infinite power either God, Enlightenment, or if you wish simply Infinite Intelligence. The most compelling aspect of faith being answer to our life after death issue is that faith has been proven to contain the power to transform people's lives on a physical basis as well as spiritual. It has been said when the human spirit loses all hope the result is instant death. Faith has influenced the actions of entire nations, wars, and cultures. Faith has played the largest role in shaping the world into its current state. Faith is not only a property held by the individual, but also the universal. The Catholic Encyclopedia states that faith is both subjective and objective. It is this property of Faith that makes it superlative. Ultimately, faith must be placed in something, whether it is yourself, others, God, or a combination.

Back to the question at hand, do we live forever? Upon looking at the options, between the two choices, I highly recommend the belief that life continues beyond our physical existence. I realize that my brief synopsis of the afterlife is extremely limited in scope and highly encourage everyone to research the subject in detail. However, based upon on two essential options, the belief that life goes on after death provides us with a foundation to establish our person philosophy based upon COSMOS instead of chaos. It also allows us to have an element of Faith, which continually changes with more power than any other concept known to man. Finally, I choose to believe in life after death because it allows us to consciously live without fear with assurance that while on the surface our existence may seem limited, our reality is infinite.

While this may be a part of what Living Infinitely is, it is only the tip of the iceberg into a philosophy that is sure to change your life. Coming soon part 2/3 when we dive more into what it means to Live Infinitely.

Jesse Sherer is an entrepreneur and specializes in helping others achieve their goals and dreams. Read other articles about entrepreneurism and self-improvement at http://www.jmsherer.blogspot.com

2012年8月7日 星期二

Your Conscious Life - You Always Have a Choice

What does living consciously mean to you? If I asked 20 different people what it means to live a conscious life, I'm sure I'd get twenty different answers.

One person might say living consciously is living simply and leaving a light footprint on the Earth; another would say it's about being mindful in all our relationships; another would put their focus on being authentic and expressing their truth; and yet another would emphasize living their passion and giving their unique gifts to the collective well being.

You see, to a certain extent it depends where we're starting from and there's room for all our differences. For me, there's a central core to living consciously and a very important aspect is the freedom to choose. We don't always have a choice about what life throws at us but we do always have a choice about how we respond to life in each moment, and these moment to moment choices create our experience, here and now and in the future.

To put it very simply, we either make unconscious choices or we can make conscious choices. Unconscious choices come from our conditioned mind, they're habitual and they give us more of what we've had before. This may be a certain level of comfort or a quick fix as provided by comfort foods or a glass of wine for example, or it may be a repetition of old drama which keeps us stuck in familiar misery. We repeat these unconscious choices over and over until we start to wake up and become more conscious.

Conscious choices bring our thoughts and actions into alignment with our authentic values; with what will ultimately bring us real satisfaction and fulfillment. Conscious choices lead to learning, growth, and the opportunity to create something new and fresh.

Let me give you an example. This week I met a young man; his relationship with his partner of several years had become so difficult for both of them, they had decided to part. He was very angry; the immediate pain of losing this relationship was stirring up old childhood pain of feeling abandoned by his parents and he wanted to hurt himself and punish his parents, his partner and his child. Luckily, he made a conscious choice and sought out his long term friend and mentor who encouraged him to see the situation as a new beginning, full of opportunities.

If he wants to free himself from this unconscious pattern of feeling abandoned and wanting to punish he will need to make not just one but many conscious choices, every day. These deeply engrained patterns do not easily go away, as we all know. But knowing that we have a choice immediately frees us from being a victim of our past. It may not be easy to change old patterns but it is possible.

Relationships are the mirrors in which we can see our conditioned limiting patterns most clearly. When things don't work out in a relationship or we feel hurt, it's human nature to blame the other person. If only they would change, then everything would be OK, right? But actually it's much more empowering to see everything that happens in all your relationships as information about you and how you can be different. Then the power and the responsibility is in your hands. You cease to be the victim of other's behavior and become the leader in your own life. This is freedom!

Someone sent me some You-tube video links yesterday, Hopi elder, Oren Lyons talking about our current global situation and the need for each of us to take responsibility. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7cylfQtkDg&feature=related and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqfvUA2vRAM&NR=1.

Amongst many other wise and true things he says, "the power is always in the people's hands." Yes. We each have the power individually to free ourselves from unconsciousness. The unconsciousness in me is the same unconsciousness in you and is the same unconsciousness that is causing such devastating damage to our world. We each have the power to embark on the adventure of a lifetime: to see ourselves more clearly, discover and express our authentic self, and to live knowing everything we think, say and do matters.

When I realized that the unconscious, conditioned mind is impersonal it was a turning point for me. We take life so personally, but our dysfunctional and limited thought and behaviour patterns, although potentially dangerous, are not personal at all but simply part of being human. We all have these patterns although they play out differently for each of us. We recognize them so easily in others, because we know them first in ourselves.

The more we are willing to see ourselves the quicker we can let go of the old patterns and free ourselves from unnecessary suffering.

And, once we really get that it's all quite impersonal and the only person who can free us is me, myself and I, we stop being so afraid of ourselves. We can learn to look at our failings compassionately, see how we can do better and make conscious choices. And as our self compassion grows, our compassion for others grows too and our relationships improve, as if by magic.

You can take your life into your own hands today; become curious about yourself; decide to change your mind; do something different, even something a little scary. Approach another person more kindly, decide not to be offended next time you get triggered, make an effort to see from another person's point of view, or draw clearer boundaries. Sometimes you may need to walk away and move on. But unless you really see through the pattern that created the difficult situation, and let it go, you will carry it with you and it will simply play out again elsewhere.

This is a time for radical clearing out of the old inside ourselves. That's why we are all feeling so challenged. Join me in noticing what your relationships are showing you about yourself this week; it's a great consciousness practice.

I offer a weekly tele-gathering, Soul Sanctuary, for people on a conscious path. If you'd like to know more, I'd love to hear from you.

Rose Diamond, website: http://www.awholenewworld.net blog: http://magnificentbeing.net/blog

The Secret To Living From Your Higher Self

What does it mean to live from your higher self? The idea of the higher self is an age old spiritual understanding and it is one of the universal beliefs present in virtually every religion and tradition from the beginning of time. When primitive man stared up at the night sky, transfixed by the moon and stars he realized that there is something bigger than himself and that there is a universal intelligence behind life and creation. Even though all this seemed much beyond himself, primitive man realized his intricate connection to this life force - always seeking ways to connect to it and to strengthen his relationship to That which he felt an indescribable connection to.

Much has changed since then, yet our spiritual ideal remains the same. We want to know what's beyond ourselves and want to know what or who is behind it all. Where does life come from, where are we going and why are we here? One of the great challenges we face in modern living is finding a spiritual path amidst the complexities of life. It seems like we are drowning in possibilities and options and like a dog chasing it's own tail, we are chasing ways to escape it all. More money, more success, more love, more happiness, greater influence...The irony is that we don't need more, but less because piling on more and more will only remove us further from a sense of inner peace.

The Transcendentalists believed that living an authentic life was to live close to your Source (God) and that simplicity was the path to connecting and knowing God. In our modern life we tend to categorize everything. We have a work life, a love life, a personal life and worse of all a 'spiritual life'. When we separate all the different aspects of ourselves what we do is to deny ourselves the synergy that comes from being a totally integrated person. To separate spirituality from your everyday life is to deny yourself the divine guidance that is available to you at all times and in everything you do.

The beliefs that come with separating your spiritual life from your everyday life, is that you are primarily a person with a soul or a spirit. The great insight however is that you are not a body with a soul, but that you are a soul with a body. Who you really are, is not your body or your mind, but your spirit - that invisible part deep down inside. Your body is nothing but a suit you have to wear in order to function in this dimension of life.

It's so easy to loose perspective and forget your higher self in the pursuits of everyday life. Living from your higher self means that you are consciously living a spiritual life. Underneath the veil of physicality there is an infiniteness to life and there is a bigger picture. The majority of people are consumed by their sensory perceptions of life; by facts and analytical thinking. Underneath it all there is an invisible force that is the real driving force behind life.

Living from your higher self starts with the spiritual realization that you are not your body or your mind or your personality, but that you are your spirit. Through conscious growth and raising your spiritual awareness you can start to strengthen your spiritual connection. As you consciously live with the awareness of your higher self you will be able to transcend many of the trivialities of life and become self reliant. Divine guidance is available to you at all time. You simply have to look deep within yourself. You will become more able in integrating your life and all the different aspects of the life experience when you realize that all of life is spiritual.

There is an invisible, intangible yet very real part of you that is the real You. Remind yourself of this constantly and know that it is your higher self that is eternally connected to God. Through your higher self you have divine guidance available to you, you simply have to place your trust in it.

Discover your higher self, deepen your spiritual understanding and learn the secrets behind living a deeply fulfilling life. Download "The 3 Timeless lessons in Spiritual Transformation" - a free guide that reveals 3 ancient spiritual truths. Click here to download your copy

2012年8月6日 星期一

Living Faith

Passive intelligence is useless, trivial knowledge. Active, working intelligence that builds on itself is living faith. Living faith is the cornerstone of all real knowledge. How did conscious existence and civilization in the world really start? Well, my answer is, through people having enough living faith in themselves to build the power of productive consciousness within themselves. I make it no secret, faith is the ultimate self control, and productive understanding is the ultimate self gain. Consciousness is the use of self projected thought and productive understanding.

When it comes down to it, even for me, that is an active description of living faith, productive consciousness combined with productive understanding and honest, working thinking. Like a higher version of a positively charged high powered electrical wire, all is energy including faith, thought, hope and electricity. In reality, all is one, all is energy and energy structures, from emotion to electricity.

To make clear sense of it all, it is all a product of living faith when productively used. No matter how "exciting" unproductive activity is, it is always passive ultimately, no matter how active it is in being destructive. I can explain how. Is there any activity in something after it is destroyed? No. It is dead, right? Yes. So, all unproductive or destructive activity has a passive end.

Sure, I can tell it like it is not in these articles and just write a "neat story" that solely entertains and does not inform, but what would be the point of that? That would ultimately be genuinely passive. If it does not inform or help, that would be really passive. Indeed, if it does nothing, it counts as destructive. For genuine life and productive existence, are just that productive, honest and doing something.

So, foul can be cried if I created something on purposely wrong premises and dishonesty. So, foul can be cried if I created something genuinely faithless, dead and destructive. Indeed, pulling no punches, I genuinely want to help with these articles. If I do not help, I hinder. In consciousness those are the only two choices available to me, you or anyone: To help or to hinder. Sure, if I was dishonest, I would say there are "shades of gray" or more than those two choices. But like there is right and wrong and nothing in between on that, there are only those two choices, to help or to hinder. Personally, I prefer to be productive and help.

That is the gist of this article, to define the productive purpose of consciousness, living faith and honesty. All else is unproductive "stamp collecting" and foolishness. That is not just one of my conjectures or opinions, those last two sentences before this one are the reality of the situation.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker.
I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer. As a kid I did construction work with my Dad which taught me many things like plumbing, hard labor and electrical systems, and I took notes for my Dad's home poker games at my Uncle Johnnie Gilmore's house, so I have a lot of life experience, sure. But I went to Cal State Dominguez Hills College, UCLA, and El Camino Junior College and learned a lot, but never got around to getting a degree, just lots of money spent, good grades and some credits. So, here I am currently freelance writing and working at a senior center for a living.
But enough details of my life, what I do is not what I am. So here is what I enjoy, I enjoy reading, listening to music. Well, as you can tell by SOME of the music I listen to, I am a very eclectic person. I am also a deep science fiction fan and as said before, a lover of books.

The Law of Conscious Creation Can Help You Have, Do, and Be, Anything You Want

The Law of Conscious Creation is a powerful natural law, and can be used to help you create the kind of life you want. Conscious creation is all about experiencing the emotions you really want to experience, by being in control of your life. You can consciously create your perfect day by stating your intention, in advance, to have a good day - you have programmed your subconscious mind. Whatever happens to you, today, you are going to have a great day.

How can you consciously create if you don't know what you really want? So the first task is to find out what you really want.

Use Your Intuition to Help You Decide What You Want

Your intuition is an internal conviction about what feels good for you. By listening to your intuition, you discover what's right for you, the right course of action to take in any given situation.

If you are not sure about what course of action to take, ask yourself what you want to do, and then become aware of your feelings. Your feelings will help you identify what you really want to do, your feelings become the key to knowing what you want. In this way you are guided into taking the correct course of action.

You can strengthen this process of developing your intuition when you spend time alone, and in silence. When you have identified what you really want, you add emotion into the mix, by feeling an intense desire for what you want and focusing your mind on what you want.

It is a good strategy to be aware throughout each day of your feelings at any given moment in time. Your feelings are a great indication of whether you are doing the right thing, or taking the right course of action.

When you ask yourself, "How am I feeling right now?" and you realize your emotions are not what you would like them to be, then it's clear that something is not right. If you are constantly feeling unhappy, or experiencing other negative emotions, you are not moving in the right direction, you are not going where you want to go.

You Have the Power to Change

Conscious creation is all about experiencing the emotions you really want to experience, by being in control of your life.

You can consciously create your perfect day by stating your intention, in advance, to have a good day - you have programmed your subconscious mind. Whatever happens to you, today, you are going to have a great day.

As you go through the day, you constantly state the outcome you intend in any given situation.

If this is the case, you have to change something in your life, maybe the whole direction of your life. Your feelings are a great indicator of whether you are on the right path towards happiness and fulfilment.

When you become aware of the need for change in your life, for you to do things differently, to change course, to take a different path, you have a choice.

You have the power to make decisions about what you need to change. You have the power to create new intentions about what is going to become your new reality, by programming your subconscious mind.

This is what conscious creation is all about. Each day, from moment to moment, you have the power, the ability, and the freedom, to create your life as you want it to be. You can only do this if you know what you want. When you listen to your intuition, then you discover what you really want to have, do, and be.

Just imagine for a moment what life would be like if you were in total control. Well, you need to take control now. You decide to live life on your own terms, as you want to live it. Decide to be happy throughout each day by deciding in advance what you want to happen from moment to moment.

When you are sending out positive emotions out into the universe, like love, happiness, gratitude, and forgiveness, you are vibrating on a very high level, and you put yourself in alignment to receive what you want.

You know what you want by listening to your intuition, and you strengthen your belief system through the process of programming your subconscious mind by stating what you intend to happen from moment to moment, with total conviction.

Switch Off your Autopilot

You have to switch off the autopilot controlling your life. Living on autopilot, where you are just reacting to situations occurring in your life and not controlling them, is the very opposite of consciously creating. When on autopilot, your emotions are the result of things outside your control. This is how most people go through life.

Conscious creation is all about experiencing the emotions you really want to experience, by being in control of your life.

You can consciously create your perfect day by stating your intention, in advance, to have a good day - you have programmed your subconscious mind. Whatever happens to you, today, you are going to have a great day.

As you go through the day, you constantly state the outcome you intend in any given situation.

Some Examples of Consciously Creating Your Perfect Day

- 'I'm going to drive to work this morning, safely, without any delays'.

- 'Today, I am going to make excellent progress on my website development'.

- 'Whatever challenges I face today, I will remain calm and patient'.

- 'Today, I am going to connect on a deep and sincere level with everyone in my office'.

- 'The client I'm meeting today will place a large order with me'.

Do you get the idea? YOU are consciously creating the kind of day you will experience. When you do this each day without thinking, moment to moment, when this becomes a habit, your life will change dramatically. Try it and see.

Daily Practice in Consciously Creating Will Transform Your Life

You can also spend time each day consciously creating your future life. This will transform your life. Think of any skill set you acquire through constant daily practice. You become an expert after two or three years.

If you set aside 15 to 30 minutes each day for the activity of creating your life, by sitting in silence and dreaming big, then writing down on paper everything you want to have, do, and be, while at the same time describing in detail all the emotions you will experience, once you have received what you want, and then visualizing in your mind the reality of having what you want while feeling all the emotions as if they are real, and feeling gratitude, then you are consciously creating the life you truly desire, and you WILL manifest what you want.

Do this every day, and after two or three years, your life will have been transformed.

The Law of Conscious Creation states that what you manifest in your life is based on two factors: what you desire or think about, and what you believe you can have, in equal measure. You can consciously create each day, and your life in general, by deliberately intending what you will experience, moment to moment.

Download Seven FREE personal transformation eBooks. Adrian Webb is committed to helping people discover what they do not know, that once they do know, understand, and implement, will help them manifest everything they want to have, do, and be, in their lives. Experience personal transformation: Achieve Your Destiny

Non Consciousness, Consciousness and Unconsciousness

In our three dimensional reality awareness gets reduced to either non consciousness, consciousness or unconsciousness. In the non conscious state we sense the world through our bodies. Every cell in our bodies is a receptacle for millions and millions of pieces of information streaming in from the environment. It is total awareness of everything going on at every level possible in the human including the spiritual or soul level. It includes the five sense stimulation but none of the other inputs are overwhelmed by physical sensing and no sorting or discarding of information takes place. Only intuitive sensing is taking place and sureness of situations and surroundings is all that is known.

We almost never reach this state or perhaps it is better to say we almost never "return" to this state. The process of becoming adults in our three dimensional reality pushes us into consciousness and most of our ability to sense the world at the higher level of "non consciousness" is forgotten. Consciousness is the narrowing of non conscious awareness down to a very focused "few pieces" of information that becomes what we sense as the world around us. It is a limited view of the world and is mostly only known through the five physical senses we all possess.

In consciousness we filter out the greater part of life that is streaming in at a phenomenal rate every second. Consciousness is limited awareness because of this filtering. Even at that the view of reality through the five senses is an incredible view. There is beauty all around and we can see it in the particular way our senses and conscious filtering has been conditioned to see it. It might be said that the filtering of consciousness is the result of our unique conditioning that began at birth and has been a process of reaffirming that awareness ever since. Consciousness is a degradation of non consciousness and unconsciousness is a degradation of consciousness.

Unconsciousness happens when our consciousness is overwhelmed by our identity with the illusory world of consciousness. In other words, we become so fixated on the illusion of consciousness that we grab hold of everything we think is important and hold on to it as if our very lives depended on it and to let go or have these things taken from us sets in motion all the crazy "goings on" we can attribute to the current and ongoing "human condition." Aggressively we go after those things perceived to be important and fearlessly we hold on to them once we have them. This becomes our identity and almost the reason for living. We give so much of our energy to it.

Consciousness gets buried in this struggle and non consciousness all but disappears. At this point life becomes a getting and having instead of living and all that that entails gets lost in the shuffle. Most of us exist somewhere between the conscious and unconscious states of awareness. At times we are moved at the beauty and wonder we sense through our physical states but ultimately we revert back to the "other" things our unconsciousness has identified with and we go back to the life of getting and having.

Somehow we must come to realize that nothing in this life is ever ours. We really don't "need" anything. There is never a need to get ourselves into a state that we must get so we can have. Our inherent nature, the part of us that is non conscious, has abundance power and awareness that dwarfs anything we could possibly want or have in this life. The universe is ours. We created it and no one "needs" of anything when we realize our divine natures.

To be conscious we need to dis-identify with those things we think make us who we are and let go of all the baggage of life that makes us unconscious. To be non conscious we need to reconnect to that divine part of ourselves that is aware of everything. It is an infinite awareness. It is the playground of gods!

Our view of the world is an interpretation of the events, activities and circumstances of our experience. That interpretation is the sum of all of our conditioning since birth and is only a small fraction of what is going on in our reality. We can change the interpretation by altering our conditioning.

Carl is an author, philosopher, and spiritual leader. His book "ON Being God - Beyond Your Life's Purpose" is published and available on amazon.com: http://tinyurl.com/ycqeszt or you can download the ebook from his website. He is committed to bringing everyone to the awareness that not only are we all connected and have a higher purpose but that each of us is divine. Greater then anything we can comprehend while caught up in our illusory state.

For more information Carl can be contacted through his website http://www.spiritual-intuition.com

Discover YOU. The true God of your experience lies within. YOU are the god of your own reality!!

2012年8月5日 星期日

Clouds of Consciousness

Recently I wrote a little about something called 'clouds of consciousnesses.' It's been ruminating for a while and I am trying to find a way to describe it or play with it. At the moment it really is a case of suck it and see what happens and play around with different ideas.

I am rapidly coming to a place whereby there is a definite idea about this formulating. It is probably nothing new but I have not read about it or seen anything on the internet. Of course the books I have read, the radio interviews I have heard with physicists and other scientists and spiritual people all go a long way to me formulating this idea.

When I was nearing the end of this article it got me researching along a path of: consciousness, reality and spirituality and led me to two scientists; David Bohm, a great physicist who only died in 1994 and Dr David Hawkins a scientist whose work is fascinating me at the moment. I thought you might like to read about them yourself.

The theory just now goes something like this.

Clouds of consciousness are something we all have. There are various levels of these clouds that surround us and, should we wish, and open up our minds enough, we can tap into a lot of them. There are various levels between each of the four levels mentioned below, but for now I will write briefly about the main four clouds.

Self consciousness - These are the clouds which immediately make up who we are, what we think about ourselves and the world around us. Imagine a band of clouds tightly surrounding your head. This is where the self consciousness cloud lies. These clouds contain everything that encompasses your current reality, everything you think about, everything you believe, everything you believe about the world and other people. It almost blinds you as you are only seeing, thinking and feeling what is immediately in front of you. You have not formulated any original ideas about the world and decided to question your life.

The first 4 of Maslows Hierarchy of needs would reside here. Most of us would stay in this state of consciousness until the day we die. However I truly believe there is a global shift happening and that pretty soon most of us will die whilst in the awakening consciousness stage.

Your ego resides here also; everything you do is for the benefit of yourself.

Awakening consciousness - This is the second level in this theory. In this stage you have started to question some of your beliefs about the world, yourself and the people around you. You are not operating from a self point of view you are starting to think about the bigger picture and to help others and to find ways to be able to do this. You can access a higher aspect of yourself, but may not necessarily understand it completely. I believe this is what is happening in the world at the moment, there are more and more people at this level of consciousness and it is culminating in a mass awakening. More and more of us are starting to believe there is something more to life and something more to our minds than was previously imagined.

I am not talking about organised religion, that was a way of stifling the awakening, the real religion is when you've found GOD within yourself, GOD is not an entity with laws, GOD is a belief within yourself and a connection to other states of consciousness. The awakening consciousness is the beginning.

In this state of consciousness you are starting to believe that you create your own world, you create and manifest the things and people around you. It is the beginning of what Maslow would call self actualization

Here comes the tricky bit. I can't write about the other levels of consciousness as I have never experienced them. I believe I have experienced glimpses of them through lucid dreaming, astral projection and inspirational thinking, so from this point on it is mostly hypothesising.

Awakened consciousness - After awakening consciousness there would be a permanent state of awakened consciousness whereby you live in a world dominated by your thoughts to serve others. Your ego is a residual memory however you will still be self aware but from a spiritual point of view. I believe Buddha, Christ, Allah, Mother Theresa, Krishna Marti, and other spiritual beings all lived here. This type of consciousness begins to transcend the reality as we know it. It has one foot in the 'real world' and one foot in the 'pure world'.

Universal consciousness - The 'pure world', this could be where your mind goes when you die, it's the library of the world. The mind could be uploaded into a melting pot of mind, consciousness and spirit for the good of the future world.

We, as living beings, can maybe tap into this universal consciousness when we have that 'a-ha' experience, or astral project, meditate, through kundalini, basically if we momentarily transcend our 'Awakened consciousness', and to transcend the 'Awakened consciousness' we have to have transcended the other levels. So we have to break through various clouds of consciousness to get to the universal consciousness. If we were to live in this cloud we wouldn't be of this world, we wouldn't need our bodies.

Practical value

Having a theory like this brings up a lot more questions than it answers. However, for me, it's stimulates my goal to be 'awakened', I wouldn't be overly concerned about what people think of me, about earning money, about getting clicks on my Google AdSense ads, about getting visitors to this blog all the things ego is concerned with.

Okay, it's good having theories but theories should have some practical value. How can this theory have any practical value? For me it reminds me that I am still living in a state of self consciousness and it reminds me to try and have more 'awakening consciousness' moments.

Recently I got back into the habit of checking my stats for this blog, purely an ego thing to do as I had started to think about the money it was earning rather than the content it was providing. I was writing articles that I thought readers would want rather than what I really wanted to put up. I have spent three days on this article as I have a passion for its content, other articles, due to inspiration can be written and uploaded in 1-2 hours. So having theories like this reminds me every day that I am still living in my 'self conscious' world and reminds me to at least try and have more experiences in the 'Awakening consciousness' cloud.

Since writing this it has led to me change my view on reality and what it really is. I have been struggling for a while with the concept of reality and how one's person's world can be so different from my world. This will probably be the subject of my next article.

Change your thoughts and you will change your life.

How To Understand Consciousness

Have you ever watched how animals are being slaughtered? I have the occasion to witness of slaughtering of sheep during the ritualistic slaughter during the Islamic festival of 'Idil Adha' - the Festival of Sacrifice. It is a religious festival celebrated by Muslims worldwide to commemorate the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Prophet Ishmael as an act of obedience to God.

The sacrificial animals are all arranged in a wooden barricade and each one of them are slaughtered. I watched the sheep giving minimal resistance when the 'subjugators' pull them to the nearby drain and laid them sideways and slaughtered the sheep. Do the sheep know what is actually going on with them? Are they conscious of their surroundings and what was happening to them? After that incident, I registered a 'painful' experience and wanted to go a vegetarian diet. But I did not long as I felt very lethargic after two weeks. I had no choice and had to revert to a more 'balanced' diet.

What is consciousness? It is a sensation of how awaken are you with your thoughts, feelings and the environment or surroundings. For illustration, if we encounter such 'life and death' matter we would have given a 'big' fight to the entire scene. It is because we are conscious. Our consciousness and animal 'consciousness' is very different.

What is consciousness?

If our lives are a recorded movie, can we rewind backwards in time to test how conscious are we? Move 10 years back and can we remember the things that happen to us. I think I can. It was a time when my third child came to this world and I moved in to my current home. I was lighter in body and mass as I had enrolled in gym. I had a nice mustache and a little younger. My children were very young and they were not so rebellious. My wife is still as beautiful. My profession was consistently with property management. 20 years back in time, I had my first marriage anniversary. I was living in a 4 room apartment many kilometres away from where I am staying now. My job was still in property management. It was a period I had experience my first born- a son.

The animals are dreaming while living

When I was 18 years old, I was studying in a private college worrying about my 'pimple' face. I did not want to engage in any kind of dating activity as I thought it was not genuine thing to do. I was more concern with spiritual matters.

When I was eight years old I can fairly remember the games I played and my favourite play toys. I can fairly remember my childhood friends. I can still remember my spiritual teacher who likes to wear white attires. When I was a year old, I cannot remember anything. The picture is blank. Consciousness is how awaken are you with your thoughts, feelings and surroundings. I find this interesting site about consciousness

Consciousness is when the knowledge about what is happening around is crystal clear and we are able to sense the outcome of the stimuli of the environment. You can be able to sense the good and bad about your thoughts and feelings. You are so called AWARE of your living.

Baby Brain

The brain size of a baby human is a little more than one quarter of its adult. Can you remember any incident when you were a year old and below? We hardly can because during that period only the lower portions of the nervous system (the spinal cord and brain stem) are very well developed, whereas the higher regions (the limbic system and cerebral cortex) are still rather primitive.

Our brain has evolved from a primitive stage to the existing one. Human brain was once similar in size and limited to the lower portion of the nervous system. The spinal cord and brain stem. This is the reptilian brain. It is the oldest which controls the body's vital functions such as the heart rate, breathing, body temperature and balance. It only consists of the brainstem and the cerebellum. The reptilian brain is reliable but tends to be somewhat rigid and compulsive.

Size of brain

It has been found that drinking alcohol can have adverse effect in brain size. It is intoxicating because consciousness is affected by the decrease in size. Pregnant mother also report of forgetfulness as the mother experience changes in size of brain. If a very minute decrease in size of brain can affect our consciousness what happens if the neo cortex is not developed or not there? If you can compare any animal brain to that of human we can see the difference. The size of brain matters. It is at the neo cortex that sensory and motor regions are located. Predatory mammals have larger neo cortex area than herbivorous animals. When a tiger attacks and kill its prey is all by 'non conscious' display of survival. But when we survive we do it with consciousness taking its good and bad, and fully aware its result. When we attack we have to have a reason to that. We do not live in forgetfulness unlike the animals. To say simply the animals truly living in a fantasy world - life is like dreaming to them. -but it is not for us. We live consciously.

Folds of the brain

The increase in the folds of the cortex has been a major factor in the evolution of the brain. These folds, by enabling a larger surface area to fit inside the cranial chamber, allow for a better organization of complex behaviours. This is another vital difference between a human brain to that of animal.


In my opinion, animals are living but they are living as how a dreamer will live. The consciousness in any animal is not consciousness to human standard. When we think and observe that the pain inflicted to the animal is registered by some measure it is not what they are experiencing. They are all dreaming while living.
