The Law of Conscious Creation is a powerful natural law, and can be used to help you create the kind of life you want. Conscious creation is all about experiencing the emotions you really want to experience, by being in control of your life. You can consciously create your perfect day by stating your intention, in advance, to have a good day - you have programmed your subconscious mind. Whatever happens to you, today, you are going to have a great day.
How can you consciously create if you don't know what you really want? So the first task is to find out what you really want.
Use Your Intuition to Help You Decide What You Want
Your intuition is an internal conviction about what feels good for you. By listening to your intuition, you discover what's right for you, the right course of action to take in any given situation.
If you are not sure about what course of action to take, ask yourself what you want to do, and then become aware of your feelings. Your feelings will help you identify what you really want to do, your feelings become the key to knowing what you want. In this way you are guided into taking the correct course of action.
You can strengthen this process of developing your intuition when you spend time alone, and in silence. When you have identified what you really want, you add emotion into the mix, by feeling an intense desire for what you want and focusing your mind on what you want.
It is a good strategy to be aware throughout each day of your feelings at any given moment in time. Your feelings are a great indication of whether you are doing the right thing, or taking the right course of action.
When you ask yourself, "How am I feeling right now?" and you realize your emotions are not what you would like them to be, then it's clear that something is not right. If you are constantly feeling unhappy, or experiencing other negative emotions, you are not moving in the right direction, you are not going where you want to go.
You Have the Power to Change
Conscious creation is all about experiencing the emotions you really want to experience, by being in control of your life.
You can consciously create your perfect day by stating your intention, in advance, to have a good day - you have programmed your subconscious mind. Whatever happens to you, today, you are going to have a great day.
As you go through the day, you constantly state the outcome you intend in any given situation.
If this is the case, you have to change something in your life, maybe the whole direction of your life. Your feelings are a great indicator of whether you are on the right path towards happiness and fulfilment.
When you become aware of the need for change in your life, for you to do things differently, to change course, to take a different path, you have a choice.
You have the power to make decisions about what you need to change. You have the power to create new intentions about what is going to become your new reality, by programming your subconscious mind.
This is what conscious creation is all about. Each day, from moment to moment, you have the power, the ability, and the freedom, to create your life as you want it to be. You can only do this if you know what you want. When you listen to your intuition, then you discover what you really want to have, do, and be.
Just imagine for a moment what life would be like if you were in total control. Well, you need to take control now. You decide to live life on your own terms, as you want to live it. Decide to be happy throughout each day by deciding in advance what you want to happen from moment to moment.
When you are sending out positive emotions out into the universe, like love, happiness, gratitude, and forgiveness, you are vibrating on a very high level, and you put yourself in alignment to receive what you want.
You know what you want by listening to your intuition, and you strengthen your belief system through the process of programming your subconscious mind by stating what you intend to happen from moment to moment, with total conviction.
Switch Off your Autopilot
You have to switch off the autopilot controlling your life. Living on autopilot, where you are just reacting to situations occurring in your life and not controlling them, is the very opposite of consciously creating. When on autopilot, your emotions are the result of things outside your control. This is how most people go through life.
Conscious creation is all about experiencing the emotions you really want to experience, by being in control of your life.
You can consciously create your perfect day by stating your intention, in advance, to have a good day - you have programmed your subconscious mind. Whatever happens to you, today, you are going to have a great day.
As you go through the day, you constantly state the outcome you intend in any given situation.
Some Examples of Consciously Creating Your Perfect Day
- 'I'm going to drive to work this morning, safely, without any delays'.
- 'Today, I am going to make excellent progress on my website development'.
- 'Whatever challenges I face today, I will remain calm and patient'.
- 'Today, I am going to connect on a deep and sincere level with everyone in my office'.
- 'The client I'm meeting today will place a large order with me'.
Do you get the idea? YOU are consciously creating the kind of day you will experience. When you do this each day without thinking, moment to moment, when this becomes a habit, your life will change dramatically. Try it and see.
Daily Practice in Consciously Creating Will Transform Your Life
You can also spend time each day consciously creating your future life. This will transform your life. Think of any skill set you acquire through constant daily practice. You become an expert after two or three years.
If you set aside 15 to 30 minutes each day for the activity of creating your life, by sitting in silence and dreaming big, then writing down on paper everything you want to have, do, and be, while at the same time describing in detail all the emotions you will experience, once you have received what you want, and then visualizing in your mind the reality of having what you want while feeling all the emotions as if they are real, and feeling gratitude, then you are consciously creating the life you truly desire, and you WILL manifest what you want.
Do this every day, and after two or three years, your life will have been transformed.
The Law of Conscious Creation states that what you manifest in your life is based on two factors: what you desire or think about, and what you believe you can have, in equal measure. You can consciously create each day, and your life in general, by deliberately intending what you will experience, moment to moment.
Download Seven FREE personal transformation eBooks. Adrian Webb is committed to helping people discover what they do not know, that once they do know, understand, and implement, will help them manifest everything they want to have, do, and be, in their lives. Experience personal transformation: Achieve Your Destiny