2012年9月22日 星期六

Consciousness - The Art of Being Human

What constitutes consciousness? Where does it reside? Is it strictly personal - or also transpersonal? Is there actually a "collective unconscious"? What happens to consciousness when we die? And perhaps most intriguing, why do we have this phenomenon at all?

Consciousness has only become a serious field of study in the scientific community within the past 20 years, though it represents a perennial focus of philosophical and theological inquiry. To define the term itself has proven difficult, alternately having been equated with a wakeful state, attention, spirituality, self-awareness. Others have gone further, suggesting awareness beyond the self, and capacity for experience. Generally, the concept is divided into two categories: phenomenal consciousness, concerning our actual experience of that which occurs in space and time, and access consciousness, the processes within us which act on these experiences.

The formal study of consciousness has resulted in more questions than answers thus far. Scientists cite two key areas of research problems: a category of "easy" ones (still considered quite difficult to adequately address) and the so-called "hard problem of consciousness".

First, the "easy" problems, called such because one has "only" to determine the mechanisms involved, concern the basic functions of consciousness: how we discriminate among sensory stimuli, integrate information from varied sources to control behavior, verbalize our inner states. While these questions haven't yet been answered, we assume that science will one day be able to do so.

The "hard problem of consciousness", however, a phrase coined by the philosopher David Chalmers, is this: why do we have these qualitative phenomenological experiences in the first place? "How" is easy to decipher, relative to "why".

Three further sets of questions have been presented within the scientific community: To what extent are humans - and other creatures, and even plants - conscious? At what point in individual human development does consciousness begin? And, can machines ever achieve a conscious state?

There are several elements critical to the understanding of consciousness: subjectivity, self-awareness, sentience, sapience, and the ability to perceive a relationship between oneself and one's environment. We each have our own, inherently felt experience of this phenomenon, with a corresponding innate sense of understanding, even if we can't verbalize what we 'know'. When anyone proposes to discuss the nature of consciousness, then, or new scientific findings are presented, each person - scientist or not, specialist in this field or otherwise, tends to have opinions formulated on personal experience. That is: we each carry our own unique model of consciousness.

EEG and other measures of brain waves have been used to understand brain response in various states of consciousness, and in turn, electrical stimulation to areas of the brain can produce these states. Some have concluded as a result that consciousness resides entirely within the brain, with no particular "seat" but rather diffuse, the various regions triggering one another dynamically. For others, however, this doesn't definitively rule out consciousness elsewhere in the body. It has been proposed that, even if the phenomenon of consciousness occurs in the various regions of the brain in interrelated processes, the remainder of the central nervous system (CNS) may also be involved, including not only the brain and brain stem but the spinal cord with its autonomic nervous system (ANS) as well as the 'body brains' of the various nerve plexi, most notably the celiac (solar) plexus -- where we have the phenomenon of 'gut instinct'.

Another question that must be raised: if we can deliberately alter our state of consciousness, through processes such as meditation, trance, self-hypnosis or biofeedback, what part of our consciousness is affecting our state of consciousness? Is it simply our cerebrum acting on our brain stem, or something more? At some point, consciousness begins to look quite fragmented, or perhaps mimics a feedback loop of sorts. As Descartes so famously said, "Cogito, ergo sum" - "I think [am thinking], therefore I am."

Further, if the complete CNS, including the ANS, then why not the PNS, or peripheral nervous system? We understand that the role of the PNS is essentially one of motor function. However, we cannot say for certain that consciousness is not also conveyed by these neural pathways. Indeed, consciousness as we know it may well represent a matrix that is conducted by the entire nervous system - and perhaps even the vascular and / or lymphatic systems as well. Chinese philosophy and medical theory might conceive of consciousness as qi, a nonphysical dynamic substance conveyed by a system of vessels that closely overlays the nervous system as we know it today.

Transpersonal psychology is the study and application of those experiences which seem to take one beyond individual consciousness, to a connection with or as a conduit of a consciousness greater than one's own experience. Mystical or transcendent as well as near-death experiences provide examples, as does the vast range in states of consciousness. Both transpersonal psychology and physics in the form of quantum mechanics potentially take the concept of consciousness one step further, in terms of interstructural communication at the subatomic level, even at great distances. Carl Jung conceptualized a "collective unconscious", a matrix of consciousness shared by all members of the human species past, present, and future, which would seem to be supported by the quantum model. Mystical traditions such as Sufism or Shamanism have explored consciousness extending beyond the physical body in ways that science has not yet begun to understand. In general, Asian conceptualizations in this area view ordinary consciousness as limited and narrow, and propose various practices to expand consciousness into something much greater than one's personal experience of it, toward a goal of enlightenment.

Without even delving into the vast philosophical realm, it is apparent that the concept of consciousness is quite complex, raising more questions than providing answers. There is no denying its existence, for at its core, it is what animates the living and is absent in the dead. But its structure, location, and far more, its very function remain a mystery.

As T.H. Huxley famously said in 1866, "How it is that anything so remarkable as a state of consciousness comes about as a result of irritating nervous tissue, is just as unaccountable as the appearance of the Djin when Aladdin rubbed his lamp."

Dr Anne Hilty is an health psychologist with a transpersonal orientation; she has a clinical practice in integrative psychotherapy which is additionally influenced by classical Chinese medicine, somatic psychology, and Asian shamanic traditions. Located in the Central district of Hong Kong, she can be contacted at: annehilty at gmail dot com.

Does Ego or Conscious Awareness Drive You?

Eckhart Tolle said the ego is the primary cause of man's dysfunction because it craves a special identity, though it can never name what will ultimately create that feeling for us, so is insatiable. This means that what more often than not drives us is a need to feel our ego's idea of identity, usually meaning to feel acknowledged by others and life itself in some particular way. This is why we identify who we believe ourselves to be with our thoughts, material items and money, and even through our need to be right and others wrong. We tend to aim at most desired results for the sake of that ego-desired identity rather than our true identity: our I Am-ness. Only through conscious awareness of our I Am-ness can we feel serenity with ourselves and life.

If you were to live in conscious awareness of your I Am-ness, your focus would be different. It wouldn't be so much about what you could get from others or life to feel good about yourself, but about how you are one with the Creative Consciousness and your unique, at-peace, giving-and-receiving expression of it. So the next questions are: What is Conscious Awareness and how do you get it?

It usually doesn't happen that we decide one day to awaken to conscious awareness and it occurs; nor do we think, affirm or vision ourselves into it, which is an ego tactic. Instead, we allow ourselves to awaken to the truth that it's already within us, covered under layers of ego cravings for a distinctive identity, whether positive (successful, for example) or negative (victim, pitiful, as examples)... as though our I Am-ness isn't enough.

Ernest Holmes said we are affected by the limited human-race consciousness, which is our tendencies of thoughts, beliefs, and actions passed along through generations. We are subjected to the human-race consciousness starting at birth, and must break away from it to attain conscious awareness, our true identity, our I Am-ness. Holmes also said consciousness is the "inner embodiment of an idea through the recognition of Truth and a direct relationship to the Divine." That's basically what many spiritual teachers have tried to convey to us: our true identity is about our relationship with All That Is, first and foremost. Embody that relationship, and we become aligned with deeper understanding, rather than oppose it; and that alignment empowers us in our true identity.

The human-race consciousness seldom mentions that connecting to this I Am-ness in us and living it is why we're here and that it will assist us more than anything else will. As Tolle wrote, "Most people don't inhabit a living reality, but a conceptualized one... The ego isn't wrong; it's just unconscious." When ego drives us, we live in our thoughts, often as compulsive thinkers (the thoughts rarely stop), believing our thoughts are the real us and our reality. Your real reality is your true identity. Your true identity is your consciousness, which is Divine Consciousness expressing through you.

Back to the questions of what conscious awareness is and how we get it. Sometimes we get what something is by understanding what it is not, and we get it (become it) by doing the opposite. So, you're not practicing conscious awareness if:

Your ego drives your choices and life in order to define your identity;

You're attached to something or someone in an unhealthy or all-consuming way, so that loss of or contrast with it or them causes you to feel your identity is lost or threatened;

Someone has to be wrong so you can be right;

You have to complain and criticize rather than state observations and facts (calmly) to address them productively;

You have to ridicule someone or something to feel strong or superior;

You feel worried, anxious, bored, unhappy, unfulfilled;

You react to others and life from your pain-body, your ego's storage house of every past grievance it won't let go of and believes once threatened (and still does) its identity;

You believe your ego's thoughts about people and life more than the Truth;

Your ego wants the identity of having conscious awareness, rather than you just having it.

Awareness is when you're not only conscious of what's around you but also aware that you're conscious. Tuning your awareness this way puts you in the moment you're in (conscious of your consciousness) and not in the past or future, which is the ego's compulsive-thinking tactic it uses to feed its need. You can begin a practice to help you escape the ego's energy-consuming ways. When you catch yourself engaged in compulsive thinking or any of the tendencies listed in the paragraph above, pause and re-mind yourself that your ego is engaged in a struggle with identity issues, issues your true consciousness doesn't have and can't have.

If you've ever stared at fish gliding in an aquarium, and felt yourself relax, focusing your attention as described here has the same effect, only it awakens you in a serene way rather than sedates you. Get still for even just a few moments. Eyes closed or open, put your attention on the life force at work in your physical body. You may or may not feel it, but know or sense that cells in your body are at work, taking care of numerous processes on your behalf. Listen, with inner stillness, to the sounds around you, without thought, judgment or attachment, just awareness. Feel your aliveness and the aliveness of everything around you that you are part of and is part of you. It's a good practice.

Practice makes progress.

c Joyce Shafer

You are welcome to use this article in your newsletter or on your blog/website as long as you use my complete bio with it.

Joyce Shafer is a Life Empowerment Coach dedicated to helping people feel, be, and live their true inner power. She's author of "I Don't Want to be Your Guru" and other books/ebooks, and publishes a free weekly online newsletter that offers empowering articles and free downloads. See all that's offered by Joyce and on her site at http://stateofappreciation.weebly.com/guest-articles.html

Subliminal Message - 4 Tips to Live Life With Passion

A lot of people have resigned themselves to living mundane lives void of passion and energy. They have settled in high paying but boring jobs that have nothing to do with what they really want to do in life. They settle into routines and never go out of their way to get more out of life.

That's not what life is supposed to be. After all, we only live once. Should we only live to work and survive? Or should we work so that we can live our lives freely?

Stop watching by the sidelines. Aren't you tired of going green with envy when you see photos of your friends traveling, having fun, going to parties, going skiing, having adventures, and just taking a huge passionate bite out of life?

You too can live a life full of passion. Here are some tips on how to transform your life and maximize your passion.

1. Discover your passion. You will not be able to live out your passion if you don't discover what it is first. Every person has an inner passion they are simply born to do. Some people are fortunate to find this passion early in life, while some spend half their lives searching for it. But discovering this passion, this calling, should be the most important goal in your life. This passion will give you direction and inspiration in life.

Once you discover your passion, you will never go wrong. You may not achieve perfect success or maximum wealth, but you will be happy because you are doing what you are passionate about. Also, when you work on something that's in line with your passion, you will be more motivated and inspired. This will improve performance and boost productivity.

2. Seize every opportunity. If you want to live a passionate life, make a conscious decision to do so. A lot of people live boring lives simply because they refuse to seize the opportunities that come their way. There are many people who, when faced with the opportunity to travel or do something adventurous, immediately slink back from the opportunity. They may do so out of fear or out of the unwillingness to leave their comfort zones. After a while, they find themselves complaining that they never do anything fun in life, without realizing that the lack of passion in their lives is the result of their own conscious choices.

3. Change your perspective about life. Some people miss out on a lot in life because of the way they think. They think that life is about making money, so they work all the time without taking the time to smell the flowers. Some, on the other hand, think that they have plenty of time to pursue their passions when they are older; they focus their energy on other things first. What usually happens is that they never pursue their passions at all, as they easily get carried away by the other demands of life.

So if you want to live a passionate life that you can feel fulfilled about, you have to change the way you think about life.

4. Send the right messages. You can also train your mind to look or even crave for passion by sending subliminal messages to your subconscious mind. Sometimes, our conscious minds are constantly bombarded with our daily concerns and worries. This makes it hard for us to see life with passion - consciously. But do you know that the subconscious mind is more powerful? So when you tell your subconscious mind to seek passion, then it will, whether you know it or not, and whether your conscious mind agrees or not. Here are some subliminal messages you can use to train your mind to pursue a life of passion:

I thrive on adventure and passion.

I love doing what I am passionate about.

I enjoy pursuing my passion and interests.

I work to live.

I have a natural hunger for life.

Nelson Berry is the Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Videos and Subliminal MP3s Audio Subliminal Messages Online. Click for 4 Free Subliminal Video Downloads (valued at $160). You'll Love This!

2012年9月21日 星期五

Develop A Prosperity Consciousness

It is extremely important to learn how to develop a prosperity consciousness because this is the starting point of all riches. You need to develop this before you can achieve any prosperity in your life.

You must think like a financial success way before you will see any prosperity in your reality. If you refuse to develop a prosperity consciousness and continue focusing on lack of wealth then you will draw poverty in your life. Like wealth poverty is also a state of mind.

You must believe in your mind without a doubt that you can and will achieve wealth before you will even see it in your life. Most people want to achieve more money, better health, a better relationship and they take the time to write it down as a goal. However as they have it written as a goal deep down they do not believe that they will be able to achieve anything they wrote. Begin today at once to develop unshakable belief that you can achieve financial freedom and you will find out that you will begin to attract it.

I have been on the road to learning how to become a millionaire and been working on my financial success. I have read books like "Think and Grow Rich" by Napolean Hill and "Science Of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles and several other personal development books. They all say the same things about the importance of learning how to develop a prosperity consciousness.

Our minds are very valuable to us and we must learn how to utilize it and protect it because it will give us whatever we choose to focus on. If you focus on success a lot and see yourself in a successful situation and truly believe it then eventually your mind will make it become a reality. However if you fear things like lack of money, bad health, car accidents or whatever else that you do not want to experience in your life, then it also will come into your life. The world you are living in is a reflection of what you have been thinking about. The great news is that if you are not living in the lifestyle that you do not really love; you have the potential to develop a prosperity consciousness and change it anytime you are ready to begin taking action.

The other important aspect before anything will change in your life is the law of expectation. You must constantly expect good things to happen to you. You can also call this law of expectation "faith." If you want things to change you must not doubt it you must begin working on your faith and believing that good things will happen to you everyday. Without faith nothing great is possible so as you learn how to develop a prosperity consciousness begin working on developing your faith again as you once had it when you were a child.

Get your hands on some personal development programs today and begin changing how you think so you can develop a prosperity consciousness and begin attracting all the good things in your life.

Get all your free tips on the importance to personal development and receive free techniques to utilize as meditation, visualization and lots of other wealth generating techniques [http://www.personal-development-life.com/prosperity-and-abundance.html]. Plus sign up for the free Powerful Living Newsletter.

What Is Conscious Awareness?

Awareness brings us success in whatever we are attempting to do! You will see a focus on awareness helps us to challenge life to provide us with more and more. That is, if we see what we are holding in and where we are not being authentic in our words and actions, we can achieve much more from life.

Many of us walk around with blinkers on to our lives, we are scared to admit that something is not right because this is going to force us to move into our pain and unravel it. But, life does not change until we change our approach to it. So we are, oftentimes, upset and angry, unsuccessful and not achieving what we want but unable to change that or perhaps do not want to change it because it will involve see our pain. Yet this is, the Teachers tell me, why we have so much depression and anxiety in our world... we are not using our own voice to ask the world for more.

So, what can we do about this? The first step according to the Teachers is to act on what we can act on. Most of us have a sense of what it is that is going on in our lives and have the capacity to see some part of what we need to do to heal it. We might be able to take the first step to see a psychotherapist or we may be able to take up a yoga class to unravel some of the stress.

However to really live with awareness we need to be able to just let our emotions be. That is, to ride the waves of our emotional selves without reacting too heavily for or against this emotion. The Buddhists have this in order, I hear the Teachers saying!

If we sit just on the surface of life, we find that we are deep within it. If we do not fall into our emotions, that is, we have a greater sense of what they are. This is what conscious awareness is - we see our emotional reactions but do not judge them, or try to repress them. We are consciously interacting with our reactions, but need not be swallowed up by them or our judgments about them. This is to be in a state of mindfulness all the time, and also negates the need for meditation and other such calming devices because we are always in equilibrium.

(Though I do recommend meditation if you are under a lot of pressure, because this type of mindfulness can take time to build, and meditation can support you as you move into conscious awareness.)

When we have the capacity to be mindful in such a way, we have success, because we are not swinging on the pendulum of fear. We do not lose ourselves or get lost on our pathway because we are aware of what is going on around us and that makes us more sure of ourselves and our capacity to do what we are attempting to do.

When we are in a space of conscious awareness our intuitive powers are in high order too, so we are more likely to be able to actively and consciously move with grace and inner-will rather than fighting the world around us. When intuition is in play we need to move underneath the rest of life that sits on the surface of fear. We do not feel victims to life but active participants.

So these are good reasons to want to be a consciously aware person!

Monique Williams is editor-in-chief of Conscious Living Magazine. Find out more about awakening your soul at [http://www.consciouslivingmagazine.biz]

Philosophical Zombies: The Quest to Decipher Consciousness

The movie "Night of the Living Dead" now ranks among the classics in the horror film genre. Zombies, humans without apparent consciousness, loomed large in its plot, and in the terror the movie instilled.

But the concept of a zombie raises serious questions. Consciousness is decidedly a first person experience. If I know anything, it is my own conscious palette of sights, sounds, feelings, thoughts and desires. But though I can see others physically, and observe their outward behavior, I can not experience their inner life. So as sure as I know my own consciousness, I can not access that of others.

Are Other Humans Conscious?

We thus have a question of whether other humans are conscious. Are others just zombies?

On this question, I will cut right to answer. Others are almost certainly conscious. Though we can conceive worlds where "things" exist that look, act, talk, reason, eat, function, etc. just like humans, but don't have consciousness, we don't at all think that is the case on real Earth.

Why? Our fellow humans resemble us, and each other, too closely. All humans develop in the same way, we look and act the same, we share the same evolutionary ascendancy, we communicate with similar concepts, we grieve, we anger, we have brains organized in the same intricate manner, and on and on. Thus, even absent my ability to access your consciousness, our similarities are so great I would bet money that you are conscious.

Are Other Things Conscious?

Though I have no doubt you are conscious, the situation with a robot is not so clear. I can conceive, and in my lifetime could likely encounter, a robot-like computer that mimics human behavior so well its computer nature would be almost undetectable. It would converse with me, expresses emotion, declares preferences in music, and even, conceivably, has sufficient programming to paint (though maybe digitally, let's not get hung up on its mechanical capabilities).

Is the robot conscious?

We would think, in this version available in my lifetime - we will call it the first version - that the robot is not conscious.

Why do we judge that this first version robot lacks consciousness? We do so based on its internal architecture. For all their advances, the Intel chips (or any other mainstream chips) most likely at the core of our version one robot would not operate like humans. The chips would operate serially, mechanically, input-to-output, using speed rather than functional or architectural resemblance to mimic humans.

That is why we didn't for a second believe Deep Blue played chess the way Kasparov did. And that is why we don't believe computers of today's architecture have consciousness. Though they might mimic us externally, internally the architecture and configurations of current computers differ from humans like night and day.

What About in the Farther Future?

But let us consider a robot version two. We will dispense with traditional processing components. Gone will be registers, instruction stacks, memory caches, serial and parallel buses, data buffers, arithmetic logic units, and so on.

The second version robotic processing architecture will mimic the brain. We will have a neural network type architecture. Individual, simple units will connect in a brain-like mesh with thousands of other simple units, with long and short range connections, sub-communities of highly connected units, and dynamic weighting of connections as this second version learns. The entire collection will number billions of these units. In short, we will construct a brain in silicon.

Can we do this? Not now. Today, we have not reached a sufficient understanding of the brain and its networks, nor have we advanced non-traditional computer architectures enough, to accomplish this. But if we look a century from now, or maybe a millennium from now, we can conceive a world with a robot with a silicon brain.

Would it be conscious? I would not be surprised. As I see it, consciousness arises from attributes of the human brain and body. The mechanisms by which it arises may be complex and daunting. The properties of which it consists may be unique and unlike any other property of items in our universe. But whatever consciousness is, it is not random, it is not magic. We thus can conceive that humans can recreate the properties necessarily for consciousness.

Note I am not claiming the physical brain causes consciousness. The claim is that the brain has the conditions for consciousness. A concert hall does not cause a concert, nor does a flower cause a bee to fly to it. But build a concert hall, or place a flower, and the conditions are such a concert will likely take place in the hall, and a bee will likely fly to the flower.

Similarly, the human brain creates the conditions for consciousness. We, or at least I, thus have a reasonable expectation that we can figure our how to reproduce those conditions, and create a non-human entity that becomes conscious. This may require a century, or a millennium, or five millenniums, but mankind can conceivably achieve this.

Will We Know?

But will we know it is conscious? We will not, not for sure. The consciousness of our version two robot will be as first person as ours. While we think may have mimicked the conditions for consciousness, we might have just missed. Consciousness may depend on a dozen interwoven characteristics, and we may get only eleven correct in our robot. The robot may appear conscious, but be a zombie, and we couldn't tell either way.

To know, for sure, we somehow must connect consciousness to consciousness, to crack into its first person veil.

The movie "Avatar" might provide a clue. The movie features the transfer of the consciousness of our reluctant hero, Jake Sully, to his Na'vi counterpart body. It is interesting, and the movie puts enough techno-flashy ornaments on the transfer to make it believable, in a movie sense. But that is not a useful image here. Consciousness appears to be too highly dependent on a physical structure, putting aside religious beliefs, to be transported like helium gas or a winged spirit or an electrical burst from one physical entity to another.

Spock on the epic Star Trek series could connect mind-to-mind, thought-to-thought. That is a more useful image. In the Spock mind meld, consciousness doesn't float free of its substrate. Rather, it is through close physical contact that Spock breaks the veil and connects the consciousness of one sentient being to that of another sentient being.

But, alas, we have no idea what mechanism inside Spock's mind and fingers enables the connection.

Let's then go to version three of our robot, not a millennium from now, not five millennium from now, but a hundred millennium. Assuming, and this could be a false assumption, but assuming continued human development we enter a world where mankind has re-engineered itself. Humans are not born; they are nurtured to life as a hybrid biochemical, electrical, mechanical cellular beings.

And we now have multiple brains, each a center of consciousness. Even further, since the centers of consciousness exist inside a single "person", we have developed connections between these centers, connections that allow each center to observe and experience the consciousness of the other.

Is this conceivable? Without being ghoulish, we know now from Siamese twins that two centers of consciousness can exist in a single person. Siamese twins operate with two separate brains - and two separate centers of awareness, beliefs, emotions, intellects and so on - in the same body, and remain stable and alive for years.

Can we nurture an entity with multiple centers of consciousness, so they are linked? I will point to our rapid expansion of technological and scientific skills. Those skills leapt forward orders of magnitude in complexity in the last two centuries. A not unreasonable extrapolation would have mankind able to build sentient beings with multiple centers of linked consciousness within a hundred millennium.

Do we have hints of this? Yes. While dreaming, we can step outside of the dream, and be conscious of dreaming, while the dream continues, aka lucid dreaming. Blind sight, the phenomena where the brain perceives something without a top-of-the-mind awareness, also hints at multiple centers of consciousness.

Theses are faint hints, surely. I present them not to prove the case, but to provide some images. The case is that from these snippets our technological development can conceivably take us to a world where one consciousness can sense another; where we can pull back the first person veil of consciousness in a real life mind meld.

The first person veil of consciousness seems impervious now, but if I am correct that is not because consciousness is inherently first person. Rather, the veil exists due to our practical inability to sufficiently link to centers of consciousness. But our thought experiment of a far future world, where multiple brains exist inside one being, gives us insight. As we conceive two brains in one being, we can conceive of connecting them with the likely millions of neural links we might imagine required for one brain to experience what another brain is experiencing.

I have talked about millennium and hundreds of millennium before mankind can create the conditions for consciousness. Some circles of thought don't think it will take that long. Some predict conscious computers in decades. Hopefully we will have better resolved the enigma of consciousness before then, so we know the standing of such non-human consciousness. And hopefully this article, and the images it presents, adds a rung or two to the ladder of thinking needed for that resolution.

David Mascone has degrees in Engineering and Business. He has interests in science, philosophy and theology. His leisure activities include sports, hiking, science fiction and little league umpiring. His intellectual focus is finding consistency and synergies between the great masterpieces of human intellect, including religion, science and art.

2012年9月20日 星期四

Cosmic Consciousness: The Buddhist Way In Using Koans To Experience Enlightenment

In another article I explained that not all of us function on a cosmic conscious level and certainly not all the time. I would even say that those who do must be very stable because it asks a lot of you a person to live in an area where you are alone and mostly without answers. Still many people have a desire to ponder on the questions of immortality, god and the universe.


Without a doubt Jesus were in constant connection to his cosmic consciousness. Whether you accept him as god or a prophet, you must understand the level of thinking He must have gone through.


Whether Buddhist or not, this Indian guru or prophet had the thinking ability to see beyond life on earth. Even a small exposure to the ideas of this person will allow you to understand why he made such an impact on his followers.

Gandhi and Mandela

While non of these two men started a religion or even tried to claim cosmic consciousness the way they lived their life make it possible to say that they had the ability to operate on a cosmic consciousness level. There are obviously many more examples and most us have the ability to think on this level, not all of us want to do this, and many are not capable,

Zen method of Cosmic Consciousness.

For anyone interested to expand his or her consciousness and level of reasoning the following Buddhist method will be a challenge. This involves meditating on a Koan. They give the student or reader an unsolvable riddle. Here are two very famous ones. What was your original face before you were born? Is there a sound when a tree falls in the woods and there is nobody to hear it? Here is a Christian one, Can God create a rock that he cannot pick up? In addition, here is a Universal one. If there was nothing before the universe was created and God created the Universe then where was God?

Since the answer is in most cases an impossibility you need to use a very different kind of reasoning. You can wrestle with this question for weeks but the answer can only come from somewhere deep inside the mind. One would also say it comes from intuition. The point of on the cosmic consciousness level.

To understand the level of cosmic consciousness you can look at many examples of people constantly functioning on this level. You can use Koans to experience the joy and difficulty in functioning on this level. The answer is always your answer, as it has to make sense to you. This is not an answer that comes from the ego or knowledge but rather from a sense, a feeling, and a vision.

Leon is an Online Writer with an interest in Astronomy, Archaeology, Ancient Cultures and Spirituality. He uses his research to write fiction and have used this in a new e-book novel called Ozymandeus. You can get more detail regarding this if you email him at ozyman@go.to

Eating Consciously With Your Mind, Body, Spirit, and Emotions

The reason so many of us are suffering from disease is because we are eating unconsciously, disconnected from the foods that we are putting into our bodies. Many people eat to numb their emotions, to relieve anxiety or depression, out of boredom, or many other factors, none of which involve a conscious connection to mind, body, spirit, and emotion.

Before you put a handful of chips into your mouth, it's important to connect spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically, and ask yourself a few questions:

· Is this really what my body needs?

· Am I actually thirsty, instead of hungry?

· Am I eating this to satisfy an underlying emotion that I haven't resolved or faced?

· Am I eating out of boredom and/or lack of direction?

· Am I eating consciously or unconsciously?

When we eat unconsciously, we tend to grab the convenient, processed foods that are already prepared and within easy reach. Most likely, the foods that you are unconsciously grabbing to fulfill an unresolved issue are acidic-forming foods. Cooked foods and processed foods tend to make the body more acidic. And when the body is acidic, then disease develops.

Disease cannot take hold in an alkaline body. When your body Ph level is alkaline, you enjoy better health and well-being. When your body is acidic (due to unconscious eating of processed and cooked foods), then you open the gateway for disease within the body (ranging from cancer to diabetes to obesity to heart disease).

You can reverse disease within the body by lowering your Ph level. You can check your Ph level easily by purchasing Ph strips and testing your saliva. You can purchase Ph strips at most health food stores and pharmacies. So, what can you do to alkalize your body, if your Ph levels are acidic?

The rule of thumb is to simply start eating consciously. Eating consciously naturally leads to an alkaline state. Your Spirit already knows what's best for you, and when you eat consciously, you are connecting with your Higher Self, which knows the truth. So how do you start eating consciously?

Conscious eating is all about slowing down and connecting with your food, your mind, your body, your emotions, and your spirit, in order to make healthy decisions that are just perfect for you and your well-being.

Connect with the origin and the "spirit" of the food. Where did your food come from? Really connect...If it's an animal product, was the animal treated humanely? Is the food organic (or is it processed, loaded with pesticides, fillers, sugar, genetically modified)? In general, you can increase the amount of raw, unprocessed foods in your diet to help alkalize your body. When you connect with living foods (uncooked), you are receiving all the enzymes you need to break down food and digest it properly. When food is cooked, it is considered a "dead" food, usually absent of many of the important nutrients and enzymes your body needs. It's best to connect with the pure essence of food in its most natural state. Once food is broken down and processed (in many cases, multiple times), the nutritional value of the food diminishes. The more raw and unprocessed foods you can eat, the better!

Connect with your emotions. Is this food fulfilling an unresolved emotion? Or, is there a better way to face your emotions rather than eating to numb your emotions?

Connect with your physical body. Are you really hungry, or are you just thirsty? Would a glass of water suit you better? You can use a pendulum to determine whether your physical body needs certain foods or not. You can also use kinesiology (also known as muscle testing) to connect or "check in" with your physical body to see if what you're about to eat is actually good for your body.

Connect with your spirit. Does this food make your spirit soar or sink to the floor with heaviness? Is it a heavy food with lots of spiritual baggage (like meat from an abused animal, or heavily processed), or is it light, whole, and pure?

Bless your food! One of the best ways to start making a change is to bless your food. When you honor your food and express deep gratitude for your food, you life shifts to a new way of living, a new way of being in this world!

Tina Sacchi
Holistic & Spiritual Practitioner, Speaker & Teacher

Tina G. Sacchi, a Spiritual Author, Speaker, and Certified Hypnotherapist, has helped thousands of people through her multi-faceted healing techniques. After graduating with an MBA and working in corporate America for many years, she now specializes in helping people make the transition to their spiritual calling. A multi-generational intuitive, Tina conducts workshops, retreats and speaking engagements across the world.

Tina Sacchi is a Master in Holistic Alternative Arts, which includes Hypnotherapy, Energy Healing (Reiki/Shamanic), Mysticism, Chakra Balancing, Soul Path Guidance, Past Lives Resolve, Raw Food Coaching and Life Event Ceremonies. Visit her http://www.TinaSacchi.com for upcoming events and information on her international radio show.

2012年9月19日 星期三

The Collective Nature of Human Consciousness

Humans are collective beings. This means a person's mind, body and soul, are comprised of many smaller entities. Human consciousness in particular can separate into an infinite number of thinking units. Let me explain this little known metaphysical concept.

Human consciousness emanates from a source even greater than itself. Many call this wellspring God; others refer to it as the Universal Consciousness or some similar name. Mind, body, and spirit originate from this same source. Parts of the Universal Consciousness form matter. This notion is tied to basic physics principles. We call the individual units of material objects "atoms." Atoms are the physical manifestation of consciousness. It's safe to say that even a common rock is composed of this collective force. The rock's atoms have space between them, yet its form is completely solid to our senses. A complex jumbo jet exists the same way.

This is science is spoken of by philosophers as monism. Monism asserts the universe is composed of a single substance. That this substance forms the entire universe, is known as pantheism.

The human consciousness and its etheric body constantly divide to complete various tasks. I refer to this process as "splitting." We see splitting in our reincarnational lives. In each successive incarnation, a part of our greater self is born into physical reality. Each one has a separate personality. We are distinct from our other selves, yet the same. The higher self's habit of dividing is much like the process of mitosis in cells. This procedure is repeated many times during the reincarnational cycle. Our essence splits hundreds of times in the furtherance of the master plan.

Our greater self splits in order to take up missions in alternate realities. These are our alter egos. They inhabit systems that are both physical and nonphysical. Some are similar to our own, while others can only be described as alien. Our alter egos are perfectly connected to our consciousness. As with our past lives, they are spawned from the greater self. The terms "one mind", or "we are one", is applicable here. Our many selves are not aware of each other. This rule is necessary to the success of the great work. The people of this reality could not function knowing the truth. This condition is slowly changing. As nations begin to accept new ideas like the ones presented here, a new era will emerge.

An observable manifestation of splitting comes to us in the many shades of mental illness. The psychiatric condition known as dissociative identity disorder or multiple personality disorder demonstrates the process of splitting. In this instance, the human psyche has suffered trauma. As a defense mechanism, the mind forms distinct personalities to handle the pain it is experiencing. These personalities may be past lives, alter egos, or newly formed personas that help ease the individual's mental suffering.

In other situations, an individual's pain may not be so obvious. Stress overload from personal circumstances may cause parts of a person's being to break away and seek refuge. After a particularly trying ordeal a person might say, "I lost a part of myself." We often hear this when a loved one passes. This phenomenon is well known to shamans who practice an alternative health technique called soul retrieval. This procedure attempts to return lost parts of a sick person's spirit to their body.

It's difficult to describe the collective nature of humans. Splitting is a foreign concept. However, it is something that our body does every minute. In fact, it happens at conception. The nonphysical occurrence of splitting is comparable to the wonder of cell division in many respects. Splitting, accounts for many unexplained, yet common events in the human experience. An understanding of this theory will advance the spiritual development of humankind.

David Almeida is a long-time metaphysicist. He has studied Rosicrucian philosophy and esoteric knowledge for several decades. David has earned the title of certified hypnotist and Reiki healer. He is also the author of Illusion of the Body: Introducing the Body Alive Principle - http://www.bodyaliveprinciple.com.

Yoga and the Awakening of Consciousness

Throughout the world, Yoga is better known as "Hatha Yoga" (unity of mind, body, and spirit through physical mastery). Do we understand how Yoga will awaken consciousness? Who wants to awaken his or her consciousness? Why should we awaken anything? Why are extremist groups so against awakening the consciousness of your mind? The following article takes a deeper look into the practice of Yoga for the purpose of awakening consciousness.

Do we understand how Yoga will awaken consciousness?

Unfortunately, there is still too much mystery regarding the higher forms of Yoga (Raja, Karma, Bhakti, and Jnana). All four of these forms of Yoga will help us awaken our consciousness. However, we can take a fresh view of the concept. Awakening was classically referred to as "unfolding."

Imagine and visualize the mind as a rock. If this were the case, we would not change much because we would not have the ability to learn new ideas. We could live in the "Dark Ages." We would refuse to accept new ideas, and we could accuse anyone with new ideas of being irreverent or impious. We could take great pride in stubbornness, ignorance, and being ill tempered.

The mind can be much like a rock, if we put our heads in the sand and refuse to see or hear. Yoga and meditation give us a 'tried and true" method to unfold the layers of rock. Patanjali described Eight Limbs of Yoga, in the Yoga Sutras, and each limb is a method for unfolding the consciousness from within the mind.

Each limb Patanjali describes is important. There are no "short cuts." The Yoga Sutras are a "map" to unfolding one's consciousness. Yoga training and practice are crucial to opening the mind. There are other systems for training the mind; but if you trace their roots, most paths lead back to Yoga.

Who wants to awaken his or her consciousness?

These days, it is as hard to open consciousness as it ever has been in the past. Most people are easily distracted. Have you ever tried to hold a conversation with a person who has a smart phone beeping, buzzing, or ringing in his or her pocket? It is impossible to communicate with someone who is in the middle of multiple conversations.

Although we have access to more information than ever, we are bombarded by messages. As always, some of the messages we receive are erroneous. Who has time to decipher through the multitude of messages to find the pure truth? This constant barrage of misinformation is a significant force that drives people to make misinformed decisions.

Therefore, anyone should strive to unfold his or her mind. As Yoga practitioners, this requires us to disconnect from electronic devices for part of each day. The objective of opening the mind is no longer reserved to someone who teaches Yoga classes. Opening the mind, to what is happening around us, enables us to live a quality life.

Why should we awaken anything?

Some political and religious fundamentalists are against any kind of change. To them, everything is carved in stone, the old ways are the best ways, and compromise is a sign of weakness. Should we have continued on the path of social injustice and slavery?

Why are extremist groups so against awakening the consciousness of your mind?

It's all about control. For example: The Dark Ages of Europe were a great time for extremists to suppress new ideas. Heaven forbid that anyone state: The Earth revolved around the Sun. At that time, to make any such statement about science or astronomy would be a reason to face an inquisition by civil authorities for the charge of "heresy." Confessions were often extracted by torture; and the possible punishments for having an open mind could be imprisonment, hanging, or being burned at the stake.

Needless to say, awakening the consciousness through Yoga practice will help you and the rest of humanity. Yoga is very much a journey of self-discovery and its doctrine is non-violent. Beware of those who seek to divide us into conflicting groups. The path to happiness is walking the fine line of moderation for the advancement of humanity.

c Copyright 2010 - Paul Jerard / Aura Wellness Center - Publications Division

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive Free Yoga videos, Podcasts, e-Books, reports, and articles about Yoga, please visit: http://www.yoga-teacher-training.org/.

Bridging the Gap - Reality and Consciousness

Bridging the Gap - Theories on the nature of reality and how it interacts with consciousness.

Often we as humans view the universe as some large scale entity that exists independently of us and on some far off grandcosmic level. Yet the universe contains everything, all that has ever existed and all that ever will exist,so we must consider that we are a part of this larger system. We are an inseparable part of a much greater whole, however else it may appear.

The universe is the macrocosm of all existence and it is composed of many different layers. Each layer is subject to differing laws that govern what exists within that layer and therefore each layer achieves a state of continuity. Each layer of the macrocosm is known as a microcosm,that of a reflection of the larger reality that it is contained within. It is what existence as we know passes through.

Imagine that this picture represents the macrocosm. One microcosm is the individual circle, another is a line. One might assume that the triangle itself is the macrocosm yet that would be incorrect. The macrocosm is all levels simultaneously, each circle, line, triangle, and any shape or pattern that can be observed within the whole. Furthermore all things that do not appear to make up this system are still a part of the macrocosm. Within their exclusion from the system they are granted a status of existing through being excluded from what currently appears to exist.

The macrocosm is as a chain, with each microcosm being a link within that chain. Each link of the chain is then connected to another, and where two links connect there is overlap. Overlap is where different microcosms can interact with each other and are subject to perception. Most notably where different levels of the microcosm overlap we gain the ability to perceive the other worlds that exist within the macrocosm. The different worlds are often strange and alien, existing with different traits and laws that we have difficulty imagining.

For example we can begin with subatomic particles. They exhibit very strange characteristics that we humans do not yet fully understand. Together each subatomic particle unifies in a sense to create the level of the atomic. We seem to understand this layer of the macrocosm better. Atoms exhibit their own laws that govern their creation and destruction and how they behave. Together they coalesce to form compounds or molecules. These molecules behave differently from the separate atoms that create them, subject to new laws that emerge when the atoms come together. The molecules and compounds continue to combine and form the material world that we perceive. This world also appears to follow different guidelines then those of the molecules. As we continue to move up or down the chain, from subatomic to atomic to molecular to larger complex compounds to planets and stars and galaxies, it becomes increasingly difficult for us humans to perceive the laws that govern the interaction of matter and energy at those levels. The levels of space and time become far out of our limits.

It is important to note that on each new level of the macrocosm emergent properties arise. Subatomic particles come together to form atoms that have very different characteristics that depends upon the arrangement of the subatomic particles. Emergent properties arise. Different collections of atoms form compounds that have very different properties. Emergent properties once again. The why of this question eludes us still. Why do different arrangements of electrons, neutrons, and protons create such a wide variety of characteristics within this world? It is a perfect example how two different levels of the macrocosm exist simultaneously and dependent upon each other. For as the collections of atoms increase the forces of gravity increase and then rearrange the organization of the subatomic particles once again.

Why and how does different levels of the universe create emergent properties? Why does a collection of energy behave differently as a whole then that of those pieces that create it? How does our consciousness and perception seem to come from inanimate matter? Does our consciousness come from nothing?

Perhaps this could be explained if we look at matter in a different light. Matter seems to be large amounts of energy that has become somehow crystallized, as if in partial stasis. Well what if all energy embodied a sense of consciousness that exists without sensory perception organs? Such a consciousness would have no ability to know what goes on outside of itself; it would exist in a primal state of just being. If all energy and all matter had an inherent property of self-awareness then it is feasible that our consciousness forms from this primal conscious-matter. Furthermore it can even be posited that a guideline of this universe (similar to gravity) is that consciousness constantly innately strives to develop organs of perception. Organs of expression even. The universe expresses itself through the myriad of different things we perceive on a daily basis, is it not feasible that consciousness does the same thing? If the universe and consciousness itself are inseparably intertwined then it may be logical to assume the universe seeks to experience what it expresses itself as.


Time is the state of which existence in which a microcosm goes through the process of change. This is presented to our perception as a past-present-future model of sensory. We see that the past leads to what occurs in the present, the present spreads seeds for the possible futures, and the future will become the present depending upon which action we take in the present. To the macrocosm though, time does not exist as such. In the state of the macrocosm time exists in a permanent state of the present, existing within all possible time frames simultaneously. This is near impossible a concept for our human minds to wrap around. We must shed the use of language based thought patterns and feel out the truth in this case.

We have been so programmed to habitually accept past-present-future as well as cause and effect based upon the nature of this level of the microcosm. On an absolute level though, on the level of the macrocosm, this is not the nature of reality. The nature of true reality is more of a constant thrum of energy that is undergoing constant transformation. The nature of the transformations seems to elude explanation as to how it is possible. Limitation of the human experience in all likelihood.

Consciousness as Driving the Universe

Imagine all the water that exists on Earth. It takes on many different forms, individual droplets, streams, rivers, lakes, oceans, ice, and the vapor that's all around us and even within us. The water as a whole exists and forms all sorts of singular and collective bodies, all the time recreating itself in new ways as it continues its infinite journey throughout all the places of the Earth.

Such is consciousness. It exists as a primal collective energy, a field of pure being and pure possibilities. As it flows into this world it takes on individual characteristics that are determined by the different aspects of matter that the consciousness embodies or inhabits. The consciousness without matter exists as a state of pure being, experiencing sensations and pulsations of currents that we would equate to thought. With each sensation and application of will the larger consciousness shapes and interacts subtly with this world.

It can be looked at as such. Consciousness exists independently of matter, space, and time. Without matter and this world consciousness continues to exist. Without consciousness however, this universe ceases to exist.

Philosophically it can be argued that without consciousness to observe the different characteristics of the universe it is as if the universe does not exist. Without perception then there is no idea, no thought, and no knowledge of existence at all. Physically it may be argued that consciousness plays a major force in holding together the fabric of reality that we interact with every moment. Without consciousness such a fabric ceases to exist and all possibilities of existence vanish.

Relationship between Consciousness and Reality

To begin, let us ask the obvious question. What is reality? Reality is whatever consciousness perceives. The current state of reality is determined by whatever consciousness observes and then focuses upon. Whatever consciousness focuses upon becomes amplified within a reality, the reality then shifts in order to bring about the will of the consciousness itself.

If consciousness made no observations whatsoever, then reality would simply cease to exist. Reality is completely defined by our perceptions. It is also ironic that reality is defined by what we perceive, yet all we perceive around us is reality. That is the paradoxical nature of the relationship between the universe and consciousness.

Now a very important point that must be made is that even though consciousness has the ability to shift reality through observation and focus, we as humans do not. The human itself is not a conscious being, or to put it more accurately the mind is not conscious. The mind is a collection of matter and energy that fires different neurons at different times in response to stimulus which then causes action. The core consciousness transcends this limited biology; it bears witness to the human without becoming the human. The history that we create within the mind, all the judgments on our conscious perceptions, and all that is associated with being human is not truly conscious, but more of a dream form.

The body in actuality is a vehicle that acts as a very advanced transmitter and receiver. Through the body consciousness gains the ability to experience physical matter and observe a very unique set of psychosocial and environmental circumstances that would not exist had the human body not been created.

When true consciousness has a desire to experience something, monumental shifts occur within the structure of the universe. The universe is rewritten in such a way as to first make the experience possible and then make the experience manifest. This is where time comes into play. In the macrocosm all time exists within the now, in different levels of the microcosm time can be experienced as the past-present-future modality. When the consciousness that is interweaved within the macrocosm feels a desire the microcosms shift and that desire is manifest somewhere within the universe.

Theory on Creation of this Space-Time Location

The Earth and this entire universe, all of our realities, are manifestations of the desire of consciousness. Now this is not to say that everything that happens within our lives is the desire of consciousness on the level of the macrocosm. When consciousness desires to experience it sheds the knowledge of its true existence,that of existing in all times and spaces. Then through a series of events that can be compared to us falling asleep, consciousness enters the microcosm appearing to exist as a separate entity.

In the level of the microcosm the consciousness that now exists is independent from the will of the whole and sets about creating new experiences. This new consciousness is far more limited then when it existed seamlessly with the whole. It can shift levels of the microcosms but has no ability to cause large scale changes within the macrocosm until it once again returns back to where it came from.

While the original intention of the source consciousness may have been to experience what it was like to exist within this human dynamic, the new consciousness that was born of the source began to create new experiences that can be described as unforeseen. A major part of the desire of the source consciousness was to experience what it would be like to forget that it was the indeed the ultimate consciousness, so this seemingly new consciousness had no knowledge of the truth of being interconnected with the entire universe. It then began to create existence from the perceptual seat of being separate from the whole.

for more visit: http://theunsought.freehostia.com

2012年9月18日 星期二

Follow Your Heart, Not Your Mind, to Live Your Dreams

The only way to live your dream life is to follow your heart not your mind. Your mind, working with your ego, can only allow you to do what you have already done. It runs by the blueprint, also known as your self-image. If you do not have a program for a behavior then you do not get to do that new behavior or incorporate it into who you are.

Your self-image tells you what you can be, do and have. When you have no previous experience in that arena, no way do you get to play there.

When you live by your conscious ego mind all you can determine is what you want to do. Your conscious mind cannot do the how piece. It has no clue how to make your creams reality. 

How, then, can you create programs in your subconscious mind that allow you to become someone different who can take new and different actions leading you to results you never knew before? Certainly not by using your conscious mind. 

In fact, you must bypass your conscious mind, the gatekeeper to your subconscious mind where all the programs lie that actually run your life in every moment. How do you accomplish that seemingly impossible task? You wrap your desires inside emotions. More than emotions, actually - feelings that you sense with all five senses.

Your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined. By putting yourself into the scene of how you want your life to look and be, you actually fool your subconscious mind into acting as if this new way of being is real.  

Your subconscious mind will produce new file folders for your new behaviors. And each time you make time to "be" in that new life, your subconscious mind makes a new document and files it in that new folder. 

In time, your new file folder will become so big and full that it will push out the old folders of the old behaviors that used to define who and what you would be, do and have. 

Here is element most people miss--when you see yourself in your new life do not actually see yourself. Do not be an observer watching yourself up on a screen. Go inside, behind your eyes, as my mentor says, and see out through your eyes.

Walk around looking out at your environment through your eyes. Feel what you feel as you walk-wind on your face, gushy earth beneath your feet, etc. Smell what is in the air. If you can, walk over and grab something to eat or drink. Feel the item in your hand and delight as it goes easily into your mouth. Feel its texture and taste it as you swallow.

Completely feel into the scene and you will feel as if you already are living it. Ah! You are living it in your subconscious mind. 

Since your subconscious mind directly connects to the super conscious of the Universe, feeling into your new life makes it your reality-all in Divine Timing-which may be instantly or down the road a bit. 

Remember your conscious mind chooses what you want. Your subconscious mind makes it happen through feelings. 

Ali Bierman shows you how to be happier and manifest with awareness by changing your unknown belief systems that stop you cold. To learn more, grab her free ebook What You Don't Know You Don't Know to make your life happier by manifesting your dreams now at http://www.creatingthelife.com/ebook2.html

Raising Your Level of Consciousness Is Real - Quantum Leaping?

According to the "Scientific Quantum Physicists" who base their theories on the Big Bang, there are multiple Universes.

In fact they claim there are infinite number of Universes and all a person has to do to experience an alternate Universe is to "Quantum Jump" there.

To myself, a Spiritual Quantum Physicist, I say this does not make any sense. It is just a high level abstraction that they use to explain their theories based on chaos.

I say that there is a Creator God, a Divine intelligence, a Prime Mover, a Grand Architect who created this Universe.

We humans are individual souls who live, move and have our being within an infinite Soul, called the Mind of God.

The Infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean is really the Mind of God.

Why do we Souls 'blink out' of the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God?

To experience physical, mental, emotional life. The Quantum Ocean, has no time, nor space. It is an infinite, timeless, space less point where everything that was, is or will be exists in non-manifested, non physical form.

We cannot experience physical, emotional or mental life in the Quantum Ocean.

So we 'blink out' because we need the dimensions of time and space to "experience." We need a "Playing field."

Everything that we are aware of in Consciousness becomes our Universe.

You could say that we Quantum Jumped out of the Quantum Ocean into our present reality.

The time we were born, the place we were born, the parents we have are all key ingredients in our present reality. They constitute our Universe.

If we are not aware or conscious of a rare flower or an undiscovered insect or animal in some deep jungle; then they are not part of our Universe.

Some other soul, explorer, or botanist may be aware of them. Then they will be added to the Collective Consciousness and become available to other souls.

But if we are not aware of them, they will not be part of our reality.

We 'blinked out' of the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God to continue to experience life. We have 'blinked out' and "blinked back in' many times before. It is a continuous learning process.

Where we find ourselves now, exactly where we find ourselves now, is where we are supposed to be.

What we are doing, who we are relating with is also a exact. We need it all to learn and experience.

If you are a struggling writer, artist, or musician well that is what you are supposed to be doing.

To become a famous writer or artist requires a process. This is a process of time, practice, patience and work.

To believe, as the Scientific Quantum Physicists believe that you can Quantum Jump to an alternate Universe; where you are an accomplished and famous artist or writer goes against natural and spiritual law. It avoids the "process."

By Quantum Leaping, even if it were possible, to an alternate Universe, where you are a great artist or writer would cheat you. It would cheat you of all the experiences, and of all the steps that it takes to become a famous writer or artist.

Each one of those steps from writing a book, painting a picture to becoming famous has merit. Each individual step is an experience that you soul needed to learn.

To leap to an 'Alternate Universe' by passes all the wonderful experiences. They would be lost.

Beethoven, when he started to compose his music at 3, was destined in that incarnation to be famous.

But, he experienced every step towards fame, good and bad in a previous 'blink out.'

Work with what you have on your plate, what is in front of you now?

Stop fantasizing about "Quantum Jumping" to a better, richer or more famous Universe.

The rewards of life are in the voyage not in the final destination.

If your destination is to become a famous writer and/or painter then enjoy the step by step trip. "The trip of a 1000 miles begins with a single step."

Inch by Inch, life's a cinch. Yard by yard life is too hard.

But here is the good news. It is your level of consciousness that dictates where you will be born and what lessons you need to learn.

Where you find yourself now is your level of consciousness.

Don't try to Quantum Leap to an alternate Universe to change your present reality. Instead raise your level of consciousness and your reality will automatically change.

You can learn to live 100 lifetimes in one life time by raising your conscious. No need to jump ahead. Just Be!

Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, viking history, orgone generators and alternate healing methods. Ragnar is 70+ but looks 50's thanks to his inventions. You can see more of his works on his website: Ragnar Storyteller's un-politcally correct writings on quantum physics and other stuff. click:

2012年9月17日 星期一

Parenting in a Higher Conscious World

So you know that life for you has had a few set-backs and you want to place blame on all sorts of situations and people from your past to say it was because of them that such and such happened. That is OK as we all did that it was the natural process of humanity for the conscious level it was at. But today we live in different times and at at far different level of conscious awareness then previously known. Some of the beauty in that, is that we no longer place blame we actually take responsibility for our co creative roles in this world and we act as such.

So now as life has new guidelines for success our parenting also has a new set of guidelines as we have to assimilate this expansion of humanities consciousness into our behaviors. The role of parenting gives us such a gift when we no longer have to exert control over our children we just nurture from within the empowered conscious level that children born today have inherent in their DNA code. Some of those higher conscious levels that are within our children are heightened energy, compassion, and energy body capabilities that are beyond the limited capabilities we as humans have known over the last generations. During the last 50 years an increase in people being born with expanded conscious abilities has taken place. Caregivers have noticed the increase in developmental qualities of children by seeing that children attain and learn developmental skills at a much faster rate then previously known. Other higher conscious traits are those that are spoken of when people discuss the crystal or indigo children. Those abilities are of an energy body nature in that these children are intuitively more aware of the unseen or quantum state then we were as children. Those abilities range from and are not limited to intuition, telepathic abilities, clairvoyance, clauraudience, astral projection, and quantum jumping and energy body healing. Why is it that these children can perform in such a way it is because their are born with a higher level of electromagnetic frequency emissions from their energy body self.

Before with our parenting we tended to resist out of our own fear of the unknown any of the signs for unseen world behavior that was surfacing before our very eyes and with this resistance of ours we acting in such a way to stop the energy coming to earth and therefore we slowed somewhat the evolution of humanity. But as great as the creative process is it will not be stopped and more and more children are born today with this higher vibrational frequency level. Parenting now takes on a new shift as we learn to embrace and bring forth the co-creative expression that children naturally possess, no longer fearing but openly welcoming the gifts of non-limitation that we see. Parenting just got a whole lot easier as you no longer have to teach but you guide forth that which is within children.

In doing so you relax in to a state of flowing a state of harmony and a state of love for it is with the love you put out that you in turn receive the love back. In fact anything you put out you will receive back. If you think this is not so, pay attention to your giving and know that it is the same as what you are receiving. There is no more blame. You create your reality and all that is displayed in your external world, is a reflection of your inner being. Creating well is natural and visible if you look to the children, you will see the now activity of creating in the moment and creating well in the moment. Children do this all the time they create something into more then it was. They change the rules without a thought that it cannot be done. They invent, create, play and enjoy all in the moment of their own magical world. Taking note of your child and all that is around them will allow you to provide much more in the way of the higher vibrations of life,in doing so you not only give them the vibrational energy atmosphere they thrive well in you will adjust your own energy to resonate with the new level inherent in the children. When parent and child are of similar energy vibrations all is right and harmonious in the world. When you find that there is a dissonance or mismatch in energy then conflict arises. Trust the process as evolution is moving forward to that which is greater and get on board with harmonizing your energy frequency with that of your children as they are far more advanced then you give them credit for.

In movement for a planetary harmonizing shift in the parenting role. For more information visit higher-vibrational-living.com and sign-up for the HV Perspective an informative e-mail e-zine to ensure you stay updated for conscious choice parenting in a higher conscious world.

Tanya Jopson Author
Higher Vibrational Spirituality
Human Energy-Body Awareness
Coaching About Our Human Energy-Body
and two new releases spring 2012
Higher Vibrational Parenting
Higher Vibrational Life Quotes


The Sustainable Human: A Conscious Evolution

Health and Well-Being is Both a State of Mind and a Choice.

We are living in a most exciting time in Earth's History.

It is a pivotal time, one of tremendous potential for us both as individuals and as collective members of our HUman society. It is also a time for us to step up and assume the role as mentors and caretakers of an Evolving Conscious Species.

A prerequisite awareness and understanding of your own biology and its dynamic interconnected relationship to all things Is responsible action.

It is the time to learn the instruction set, your instruction set, so that you will become informed, inspired and empowered to create your reality, your health and your well being as you choose and thus create a New Paradigm for Living and Being.

It is our discovery, personal journey, and the creative experience both individually and collectively, as expressed and directed Consciously, that will determine the 'New Paradigm of Being' and the "New Sustainable Human".

Understanding the mechanics of who you are and what you are made of will allow you to make conscious, intelligent and directive choices about your own Health and Well-Being.

'Who you are and What you are' is an: Infinite, Intelligent, Multi- sensory Multi-Dimensional Being, Interactive, and Resonant with all things.

You were created with the basic same "blueprint" as all of creation that is infinite, self sustaining, self directed, self correcting and self aware.

In other words... Sustainable...

Energy and Form:

All of existence is Energy, which manifest in infinite forms and which has inherent electromagnetic and vibrational properties. You are part of existence... thus you are an energy form and posses the same properties..

Energy can never destroyed, it is transmuted or transformed and therefore infinite...

You are an infinite energy in a physical form...

Yes, You are all that... and possess, innately, Infinite potentiality... as a creative director of your own Health and Well-being and your Experience.

Energy and Thought:

It is the concept of Thought, translated as an energy form, and its effect, and influence on our cellular and genetic make up, which are becoming more defined and acceptable as points of reference within the scientific community. Our understanding of these influences at a biochemical and structural level continue to evolve exponentially. But where is that Thought or Mind energy generated? How do we harness that energy in its purest form to effectively and to consciously direct and influence our own Bio-System and how can we develop an understanding of how to interact with conscious intent these unseen influences?

To develop an understanding of this process at first glance, it is best described simplistically and allegorically:

We can say that the Human Bio-System was created to be the ultimate and perfected operational creative machine. It was designed to function with flawless precision, perfection and accuracy. When fed information, the command center would input, process, and alter a myriad of interconnected systems, spontaneously and autonomously based on its original perfected command programmed information.

Thus, the ultimate and perfect operational Creative machine: self contained and self directed. Our data input, however, mostly derived from our External Environment, is a constant barrage of data input: Unfiltered, Uncensored and Unconscious.

Simply, all data is accepted and its systems' response is executed. With no viral protection installed, the computer accepts all programs and input information.

This Uncensored, Unfiltered, Unconscious information (or input) is plagued with computer viruses and inconsistent programs. If these entries are uncensored they are allowed to replicate and act on the original programs and thus create a damaging effect on the system, cells and its operations creating (misalignments) or dis-ease.

This concept of self- regulation is supported by many current scientifically accepted models of 'Epigenetic Studies'.

"Our thoughts, a form of data input, control our genes, not the other way around".

As these new concepts in Medicine continue to emerge and shift our understanding of the Mechanics of the Human Biology System and its infinite interplay with its unseen environment, we are recognizing the importance of evolving our traditional understanding, and training to accommodate these new concepts and understandings into a New Experiential Paradigm of learning and practice.

In the series, "The Sustainable Human "we will explore and learn to consciously experience how as Human beings and intelligent life, we are informed where or how we are vibrating through our Emotional Guidance System. It is this sensitive Human GPS that detects Human emotions as vibratory frequencies. It is these emotions, which are representative of energy translated as feelings, that are somatic manifestations of acquired beliefs, and patterns that should be used to guide us back into alignment.

We will address the mechanics of how to recognize, correct and restore these misalignments by organically raising our Frequency, which is achieved spontaneously by alignment of our energy field specifically and with directed focus and intent to Source frequency. Source frequency, is defined as Pure Consciousness, the inherent, primordial frequency that permeates though all of creation in this Universe. We will discuss how it is by access to this pure consciousness that we begin to reprogram our Biological System so that we can decide, influence and command our health and well being, beyond the self-limiting constructs and beliefs we have acquired as individual and collective members of this reality.

It is the Merging, the Experience and the Integration of these concepts in Science, Spirituality and Medicine into a cohesive, whole practice that encompasses this empowering new Paradigm of Practice. It is with this framework of understanding of who you are and how you work that will provide a working model for a "New Paradigm" of living based on the infinite potentiality of the New Sustainable Human.



Till Next Time, Deborah Sorkin MD

The Art of Consciousness & Awareness

As an artist, being both conscious and aware of who I am, is key to creating an artistic experience that others can share in and appreciate. But, how do these two terms fit into the approach?

Consciousness is a state of being aware - especially of something within ourselves. It's everything that exists in our body: our existence itself. To increase or to make or bring about consciousness, you must have "awareness of your being". Awareness is actually the connected consciousness. When it comes to creating within our lives, we can look to God as he is consciousness. Since he is the master creator, and we are a part of God, this gives us infinite possibility to create in our own lives.

Awareness is being conscious that you are a being. That you're part of a system - a big system. It brings you to a state so that you can acknowledge, see, and understand yourself, your body, your surroundings, you thoughts, and everything you bring into your world. It's about being awake and choosing the things you want to bring into your life. If you want to be happy, you need to be aware of what's going on, noting where and when you can take action to increase your happiness. Likewise, you must also become aware of what you may be doing that prevents you from achieving the happiness you seek. This is achieved through acquiring knowledge, becoming informed, being cognizant, and remaining mindful.

As you can see, the two are intertwined - almost as if there is not one with the other. When it comes to being a consciousness and awareness artist, art is painting and painting - to me- is like playing a game. It's playing with colors, creating visuals from ideas, and inventing. How the world may use the term "art" is not how I perceive art. The biggest artists have used it as a key to copy reality. For others who dabble in abstract painting, it's a mingling to colors to create some time of theme. However, to me, art is a game. It's the most enjoyable moment in life.

I am a contemporary artist living in Naperville, IL. Painting is not only my profession, it is my passion! It is a tangible way that I am able to share with others a piece of my life and who I am. My work is a source of great pleasure for me and for those who have already purchased my art.

You can find me on: http://www.dinasoker.com

2012年9月16日 星期日

Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis and Hidden Memories

A state of hypnosis is used commonly to access memories that lie deep and buried in the subconscious mind. Sometimes we consciously know about these memories of past events and sometimes they can completely surprise us as we may have consciously forgotten them. Quite often the subconscious mind protects the conscious mind from shock or traumatic events, particularly when experienced in our formative years. This might be referred to as conscious amnesia.

Hypnotherapy is provided for the safe and guided process of accessing past "forgotten" events that may still be affecting us today. Take for example the common event of a harmless spider crawling near a young baby. The mother, on seeing the spider near their baby, will want to get rid of the spider. The action of removing the spider, particularly if the mother exhibits high emotions or even panic, can lead to the baby's subconscious mind making an association between spiders and danger. As the baby you would not have consciously understood the mother's actions in dealing with the spider, the baby develops a fear of spiders. From that moment onwards some people would have a rush of adrenaline (known as the fight or flight syndrome) every time a spider is seen. Hypnotherapy can be used to access that past event as a subconscious memory and help to undo the association between spiders and fear. This accessing of a memory is called regression.

Past Life Regression

Regression, or the deliberate intention to uncover past memories, can be taken a step further. Past life regression is the accessing of memories of previous lives that we may have lived. This past life therapy can be so vivid that some people, who are able to obtain a deep state of hypnosis, can believe they are re-experiencing that past life. Most people however will know that their mind is recollecting a past life and know that this is a memory and not their present reality.

Past life regression can be used in a recreational way. This is when a person has a curiosity about the past lives they may have experienced. Past life regression can also be used in a therapeutic way too. Some people who have a persistent issue in this life may find the cause of that issue by re-visiting a past life.

With any therapeutic process or procedure various refinements can occur over time and the process of past life regression is no exception. Michael Newton has developed the concept and the protocol for a refinement to past life regression which he has termed "Life Between Lives" (LBL) hypnotherapy.

Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy

The process of "Life between lives" hypnotherapy is described as being like undertaking a journey. This journey is accomplished in a similar fashion to that of past life regression session. Yet the accepted view by "Life between lives" hypnotherapists is that it also makes a connection to your soul. This experience from the soul is the period that is in-between your incarnations or, stated another way, is the period between your different past lives. Experiencing yourself at the level of your soul can be profound and life changing and is akin to the concept of connecting to the spirit world.

During a "Life between lives" hypnotherapy session you are guided by your hypnotherapist through various meetings with other entities and spirits in order to gain a better understanding of your past lives and your purpose. Many people who experience a "life between life" session find they feel more committed to their current life purpose and goals.

A "life between life" session is a commitment for both the hypnotherapist and the client. An LBL session can last for 4 hours or more and usually, unless you are experienced with meditation or self hypnosis, require some prior and pre-session preparation as advised by your LBL hypnotherapist.

Why Am I Here?

If you ever asked yourself that age old question "why am I here?", you may get closer to your answer by enjoying a "life between lives" hypnotherapy session.

Steven Harold
Life Between Lives

Past Life Regression

Living a Harmonious Life

"A man is not rightly conditioned until he is a happy, healthy, and prosperous being; and happiness, health, and prosperity are the result of a harmonious adjustment of the inner with the outer of the man with his surroundings." ~ James Allen

Having a prosperity consciousness is not strictly limited to money and finances, but it encompasses the whole of a person's life. Because we are limited as human beings, we tend to limit the way we define things and thus our experience of them. When we can remember that we are spiritual beings first and foremost, knowing that we have access to an unlimited source, then we can begin to expand not only our definitions but our whole consciousness.

When we can begin to see prosperity consciousness as the way we define our whole life, then we can also begin to shift into that mindset in all areas of life. For example, having a prosperity mindset also means that you do not neglect your health and well being. In order to have a prosperous life, it begins with a healthy lifestyle. You cannot succeed to the level of excellence when you are in poor health. A less than healthy existence means a lack of focus and concentration and even less motivation to pursue your goals. Prosperity consciousness is a way of living and thinking and not just material wealth.

"The word prosperity comes from the Latin root which literally translates: "according to hope" or "to go forward hopefully." Thus it is not so much a condition in life as it is an attitude toward life." ~ Eric Butterworth, Spiritual Economics

Look at all the areas of your life, including your relationships, your recreational time and your spiritual life. If there is no harmony with any of them, then you are not living from prosperity consciousness. Don't neglect all other areas of your life just to accumulate money and wealth. One must not be done at the expense of the other. You don't want there to come a time when your health breaks down and you need to spend all of your money to restore your health. This is not a harmonious lifestyle or living from prosperity consciousness.

Remember that you are a whole being with different areas of your life; and you need to be equally mindful of all those different areas. Your life will be much sweeter when you can live in a complete and prosperous way.

As a Spiritual Animator, Author and Advocate, Carolyn Townes has been teaching, coaching and facilitating workshops for over a decade in the areas of women's wellness. Founder and Chief Spiritual Officer of Spirit Women Institute, she is dedicated to equipping, empowering and encouraging women to lead lives of inner peace, passion and prosperity. Trained and certified in grief counseling, death education, hospice and bereavement care, as well as pastoral ministry, Carolyn has journeyed with women and men going through difficult life transitions through her workshops, one-on-one counseling, group coaching, and courses in grief, healing and life transition, such as dealing with anger, change, and forgiveness issues.

Carolyn delivers inspiring and power-packed seminars, workshops, and classes propelling audiences and clients to lead a more passionate and purposeful life. Carolyn hangs out at http://www.carolyntownes.com and blogs at http://spiritwomen.blogspot.com.