2012年8月10日 星期五

Access Unlimited Potential by Shifting From the Mind Consciousness to Heart Centered Consciousness

We live in a left brain dominant society and as result of this we have become disconnected from our heart consciousness. In essence, we have over-exercised our brains and now they are the dominant muscles of our perception. We are at a time in evolution where we are becoming more aware of the disharmony between the heart and brain and we are being asked to find ways to bring harmony between these two important centers of consciousness.

It has been a natural part of evolution that our brains took the reins for a while so we could learn more about ourselves from that perspective. Each way of being has its benefits. The brain and heart are meant to work together, each come from the same energy source and compliment each other. By being able to shift between the mind and heart consciousness it allows us to use our full range of inner resources, giving us complete access to our unlimited potential.

Our challenge today is to move consciously from one to the other and use the results for the benefit of all. Since we have been living in a brain dominate society the heart and brain have stop communicating and have become disconnected. In order for us access and use our full potential it's important for them to communicate with each other. Because we have free will we can choose which state of consciousness will take the lead at any one time making it possible for the mind and heart to communicate easily.

We can strengthen our ability to use the consciousness of our hearts at will and bring balance to both conscious levels by becoming aware of the steps to living consciously:

Step one is to have the awareness that heart centered consciousness is a possibility and then the desire to want to live this way or be this way in the world.

Step two is the awareness to change. Often, people don't realize that their life can be different and that there are ways to make changes.

Step three is the desire to change. Once we know that we can change, we know that we don't have to keep on living in the way, which creates the desire to change. We start to understand the value and benefit of living from hear centered consciousness and that we are capable of changing unlimited beliefs systems with methods like Focused Intention Technique.

Step four is choice. Once one desires to change, one becomes aware of the importance of making choices from heart consciousness and inner power that comes from heart power.

Step five is about practicing centering in heart center daily. If you use intention and focus to center yourself in the heart center for 28 days you create a new energetic pattern in your life. You develop unconscious competency where all choices automatically come from heart centeredness. It becomes a way of being for you.

When you gain practice in getting in touch with the consciousness of your heart, you are able to strengthen this muscles of choice that has to do with projecting and receiving heart energy. Take quiet time every morning to center yourself in heart consciousness. Practice sending yourself thoughts of love and gratitude for a few minutes. After awhile you begin to feel and know the difference from mind consciousness and heart consciousness.

Remember to take time every day and shift your awareness to your heart. On the days where you find it hard to shift your attention to your heart and change your negative thoughts to love it could be a sign you limiting beliefs are blocking your greatness. This is good example where the use of Focused Intention Technique or FIT can be powerful tool, as it is an easy technique to learn for changing limiting beliefs at the core from heart consciousness.

