What does it mean to live from your higher self? The idea of the higher self is an age old spiritual understanding and it is one of the universal beliefs present in virtually every religion and tradition from the beginning of time. When primitive man stared up at the night sky, transfixed by the moon and stars he realized that there is something bigger than himself and that there is a universal intelligence behind life and creation. Even though all this seemed much beyond himself, primitive man realized his intricate connection to this life force - always seeking ways to connect to it and to strengthen his relationship to That which he felt an indescribable connection to.
Much has changed since then, yet our spiritual ideal remains the same. We want to know what's beyond ourselves and want to know what or who is behind it all. Where does life come from, where are we going and why are we here? One of the great challenges we face in modern living is finding a spiritual path amidst the complexities of life. It seems like we are drowning in possibilities and options and like a dog chasing it's own tail, we are chasing ways to escape it all. More money, more success, more love, more happiness, greater influence...The irony is that we don't need more, but less because piling on more and more will only remove us further from a sense of inner peace.
The Transcendentalists believed that living an authentic life was to live close to your Source (God) and that simplicity was the path to connecting and knowing God. In our modern life we tend to categorize everything. We have a work life, a love life, a personal life and worse of all a 'spiritual life'. When we separate all the different aspects of ourselves what we do is to deny ourselves the synergy that comes from being a totally integrated person. To separate spirituality from your everyday life is to deny yourself the divine guidance that is available to you at all times and in everything you do.
The beliefs that come with separating your spiritual life from your everyday life, is that you are primarily a person with a soul or a spirit. The great insight however is that you are not a body with a soul, but that you are a soul with a body. Who you really are, is not your body or your mind, but your spirit - that invisible part deep down inside. Your body is nothing but a suit you have to wear in order to function in this dimension of life.
It's so easy to loose perspective and forget your higher self in the pursuits of everyday life. Living from your higher self means that you are consciously living a spiritual life. Underneath the veil of physicality there is an infiniteness to life and there is a bigger picture. The majority of people are consumed by their sensory perceptions of life; by facts and analytical thinking. Underneath it all there is an invisible force that is the real driving force behind life.
Living from your higher self starts with the spiritual realization that you are not your body or your mind or your personality, but that you are your spirit. Through conscious growth and raising your spiritual awareness you can start to strengthen your spiritual connection. As you consciously live with the awareness of your higher self you will be able to transcend many of the trivialities of life and become self reliant. Divine guidance is available to you at all time. You simply have to look deep within yourself. You will become more able in integrating your life and all the different aspects of the life experience when you realize that all of life is spiritual.
There is an invisible, intangible yet very real part of you that is the real You. Remind yourself of this constantly and know that it is your higher self that is eternally connected to God. Through your higher self you have divine guidance available to you, you simply have to place your trust in it.
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