2012年8月11日 星期六

Raising Consciousness One Thought At A Time

Raising Consciousness.

How can raising consciousness help you? Will it help you? What does it mean? How does it work on a group level?

Its interesting when you search on the internet the words, "Raising Consciousness," the answers Google bring up are so wide and varied, everything from it being the outcome of radical feminist movements, (not true) to something that can either benefit or harm you in various ways. It all gets quite confusing, to the seeker on the path to find a better way to live. Raising consciousness is the act of changing ones thoughts, to align with the betterment of the whole. In other words, it relates to changing ones life experiences one thought at a time. In life we all do things the hard way, our emotions get in the way, our anger our intolerance pushes us to react to other people and other external stimuli.

When one individual changes and let's go of one reactive belief pattern, did you know the ripples flow out to the whole world? This is not just some fancy idealistic idea its actual proven fact, Quantum Physics. By each person becoming aware of why they hook in to reactive patterns, they then have the ability to change those patterns. By changing from reactive behaviour to proactive behaviour they then extend their life experiences in ways which bring new interactions and challenges. This is the way the universe of thought evolves. It is only through raising consciousness can new ways be found to resolve old issues. However, if the individual is still motivated by emotions and hooked into the drama of the situation then it is unlikely that a full resolution of conflict will be achieved. To put that in English, if you are still angry, emotional and blaming other people for your life, nothing will in fact change.

The key to raising consciousness it to fully understand and take responsibility for how we respond to others, and at the same time our actions in response. The answer to will raising your consciousness help you is YES! Without a doubt, it will empower you to stop repeating patterns which cause you to suffer financially, mentally and physically. Undoubtedly when the individual changes, it must flow on to change the patterns of humanity's collective consciousness. At this time on the planet, the majority of the population suffer the consequences of not being aware that every second of every day, we have incredible opportunities to change and grow, we have the wonderful gift of being able to step out of old ways, and consciously change our lives, in ways which release the perceptions which keep us fighting and struggling.

In a sense the majority of people are prisoners, victims of their own past experiences without even knowing they are held prisoner in an invisible cage. The patterns limit their lives, their relationships, their opportunities, like a program in a computer, they just go about their lives doing what they always did, getting what they always get. There is an old saying, "if you do what you have always done you will get what you have always got," I am not sure who wrote that saying originally but how true is that? Someone looks at us in a certain way, or says something in a certain tone and we are off on a tirade of self protection and its kill the messenger, before he hurts us with words. Well this is where raising consciousness comes into play. Did you know at any minute you can simply make the choice not to buy into that instant where your old habit, takes you round doing the same thing you always do, and getting the same result you always get. Humanity has the incredible ability to move forward in thinking, to set ourselves free, simply by using our own discernment.

I recently had cause to tell this little story to someone close to me, now this person gets all het up over small things and always thinks the worst of people and wants to prove they are right, they react to everything as though it's a drama. My words were, " if a big rock fell on your head today, and you lost your memory, all except that you knew who you were, but not any life details, how do you think you would respond to people you meet today? How would you respond if you could meet people in a way that had you free from all those old preconceptions and all that history? How different would your greeting be? How different would your meeting be? Well as a conscious human being, you have this ability, you can at any moment make the choice to see life fresh, and in doing so change the way you interact with people who cause you to react. You can either simply acknowledge their life is their life and its their reality not yours, or, you can keep buying into the old patterns of interaction that keep you having to deal with people who are pushing your buttons. What do you want, to be conscious in your actions or to unconsciously keep playing out all those old memories, over and over and over?

At www.wanabelong.com [http://www.wanabelong.com/] and www.truityonline.com my aim is to prompt people to heal their lives, not through some magic course, or instant fix, but to heal your life, "one thought at a time." Truity Online, deals with more the esoteric side of life, the spiritual aspects of raising consciousness through developing an intuitive relationship with yourself. While www.wanabelong.com [http://www.wanabelong.com/] is aimed more towards an environmental lifting of consciousness. I trust you enjoy this monthly news update. If I can do anything to assist you please contact me through the website or email me at Lesley@truityonline.com

