2012年8月31日 星期五

A Consciousness Definition

Consciousness is a term much used when talking about spiritual development. This is because consciousness IS spiritual development. All spiritual development is development of consciousness. So, if we have established that it is likely the most important term you will use on your path to enlightenment, it will be clear how important it is to have a good understanding of it. This good understanding is an experience of the taste of consciousness, and having it will take everything you learn from theory into practical use. Not having a personal consciousness definition will leave you guessing in situations when you could be making spiritual progress.


In theory, consciousness is being aware of yourself. When you are self-aware, you are observing the activity of the four systems that make up your being.

These are:

1. Your mind,

2. Your emotions,

3. Your physical body's actions,

4. The activity of your instincts and reflexes.

If you are the path of spiritual development, then there are going to be things that you either need to keep away from or things that you need to be doing so you progress towards your aim. Without a consciousness definition you will have no control over these different aspects of the self, so you will not be aware enough to stop yourself before you get angry, before you engage in self-destructive thinking, or eat something that will rob you of vital energy and bring you disease.

Self-awareness or consciousness is a very distinct and special state compared to our every day waking life. One of our favorite illusions is to believe that we already have consciousness in every moment, but the truth is that most of our lives we exist in a semi-conscious state more akin to sleeping than waking. This is the only explanation for our actions when we do something that we know we should not have done, or done in a better way. The only way we could have chosen the worse way is if we were asleep, and had little control of our actions.


Now for the true consciousness definition. The only way to understand for sure is to taste it. This will not only give us a better idea of the state, but will also prove that we are not as in control of our lives as we think, and are in fact asleep most of the time as we are walking around on the surface of the earth.

Step 1. Hold the thought, "I Am Here", in your mind. Notice how this will quiet your mind; notice how your five senses become enhanced.

Step 2. Try to hold that thought for as long as you can. You will find that very soon your mind will wander to something else and you will lose the state of consciousness. Getting it and losing it over and over will give you the taste of a consciousness definition, and you will understand how it is different from our everyday waking reality. The fact that we cannot hold the state for extended periods of time shows us the limit of control in our lives. We have control only in small things, but if we cannot have consistent action we must admit we cannot have control.

Step 3. In the moments when you can hold consciousness, observe the four systems of your being, you will find that just observing or bringing consciousness to them will improve their function and make it easier to choose your reaction to external stimuli, instead of automatically reacting without thinking about the best course of action.

Putting these steps into effect will give you a consciousness definition that goes beyond what you find in a dictionary. It will make it real to you and you will know it by taste and feeling.

That is knowledge that is alive instead of lifeless words on a page.

For more information and a FREE 5 day mini-course on creating change energy in your life, visit http://www.SpiritualExcellence.com

