2012年9月13日 星期四

What is Christ Consciousness?

"Christ" is not a name, it is a Title. The Possessor of this Title is any highly spiritually evolved person. Christ is God in person. For every infinitesimal being that exists beneath us there are an infinite amount of highly evolved beings above us.

Christ Consciousness is an all inclusive, comprehensive, and holistic Understanding. Christ Consciousness, or Cosmic Awareness, is the ability to perceive the Unity of all things. This is the Mind that was in Christ Yahshua'.

Yahshua' could not reveal this knowledge in its totality 2,000 years ago. The End times -the age in which we now live- is when this knowledge is now being made manifest. "The End" does not mean the literal end of the world, or the cessation of all life. "The End" -as found in Daniel 11:40- signifies the end of (the prevailing worldview of) this age.

The True Teaching of Yahshua is missing from the church. The True Teaching of Yahshua is an empowering and dynamic Teaching. Yahshua invited us to follow His example, and totally refine ourselves so that we can realize the fullness of YAHWEH in us.

When one becomes Christed, they experience a moment of Clarity, or a Spiritual Awakening that is difficult to elucidate. Christhood is the Blessed Fruit of the continuous, consistent cultivation of the Inner Self.

Yahshua' told us that the True Followers of Christ (not the person, but the Principle) will meet vicious persecution. Some will hate you, not for anything you've actually done to them, but because of their hate for themselves, and because they have not the Love of God in them. Perchance God will soften their heart, and they, being filled with such contrition, will devote the remainder of their lives defending the cause of those whom they persecuted. Karma is a Great Rehabilitator. Karma can accomplish what we cannot.

God created every thing perfect. If we see imperfection, it's because we don't possess the requisite information to see things as we should see them. All things are the way they should be so that they can fulfill the purpose for which they are destined.

God views us in our proper context. There is no limitation with God at all. God doesn't see our limitations (there, in fact, are none). God sees us in our finished, completed, and perfected state. We should view ourselves as God -The Father of all flesh- views us. We need to cease the business of seeking to expose each others' seeming weakness and limitations.

Our lives are not our own. Our lives exist not for ourselves; rather, they subsist for the greater good of Humanity and for the Glory of God. We can only grow by helping others grow. We can only advance by helping others to advance. We can only find success by assisting others to find success. "Nature unaided fails," as the axiom goes. Going forward, let us not squander another moment! Let us consecrate our lives to the continuous Service of Yahweh. This is Christ Consciousness.

Elyah Israel is an author, visionary and the founder of CHRIST CONSCIOUS CENTRE (http://www.christconsciouscentre.org). CCC is a ministry devoted to the research, and development of the Inner Christ -the True Realization of GOD in ourselves. Elyah publishes books, articles, and essays dedicated to espousing the Gospel of the Inner Teaching. The Gospel of the Inner Teaching is a Salve of Healing for our world which is drunk with dogma and division and sick with superstition.

CHRIST CONSCIOUS CENTRE advocates and promotes literacy and scholarship in Biblical Hebrew. Hebrew is the language that YAHWEH spoke, and the Original language in which the Holy Bible was written. The Hebrew Aleph Beyt is an ancient system of alphanumeric/ hieroglyphic symbols. When we explore this body of Wisdom we gain the mystical insight to think outside of the (traditional) box regarding Scriptural interpretations. The Knowledge contained in this Body of Wisdom is the Key to Understanding the inner meaning of the Holy Bible.

