The story of the Little Prince points out a huge difference between children and adults. Children are aware, whereas adults go through their life largely unconscious of their authentic being and what's really happening in their life.
Did you ever think of consciousness as associated with children?
I know of so many who, like myself for many years, seek to become enlightened-to become conscious, present in each and every moment of their day. But what happens is that, instead of seeing this as an inherent natural state, they imagine it's an advanced state that it's difficult to reach.
Consciousness is very, very different from what most who seek to become conscious are searching for.
I find that people want to get out of their life as they presently know it. They want their life to be something other than it is right now.
If people pray or meditate, much of the time they are trying to alter their state, change their life.
Instead of being an escape from ordinary life into some sort of heightened state-an otherworldly kind of state-consciousness is simply becoming our natural self.
It's about being authentic, just like we once were as little kids.
Says the pilot who has crashed in the desert and met the Little Prince, children should always show great forebearance toward grownups. Why? Because grownups are spiritually dense.
The author, who is the pilot, says he would have liked to begin his story in the same way fairy tales begin: "Once upon a time..." But since adults are so concerned about facts-represented in this fourth chapter of the story by the number of the Little Prince's planet, Asteroid B-612, he realized his story wouldn't be taken seriously had he begun it this way.
The issue here is a sense of wonder. Children are filled with wonder, just as fairy tales are. An intellectual, cerebral approach to life lacks the awe and wonder that make life fulfilling.
I hope you have your own copy of The Little Prince by now and are pondering the statements of this marvelously insightful fourth chapter alongside these blogs each day. These are insights to sit with. Allow them to percolate.
As the author says, he doesn't want this story to be read carelessly because it came out of his own painful experience.
It's not about a mental concept of what it takes to become a conscious person, but the actual experience of becoming conscious-which is a return to a life lived in the present moment, in a state of openness and awareness, as we once lived in our earliest days as children.
The pilot talks about the possibility that he would forget his friend the Little Prince, who has by this time been gone from Earth six years. Were this to happen, he would become like most adults, he says, only interested in figures.
The relational, experiential aspect of knowing the Little Prince would be lost-and that's the only aspect that ultimately matters.
So it is that most of us in our adult life never really go deep enough with ourselves or with each other to form such a meaningful connection. We may know about each other, but we don't actually connect in any depth.
We simply are unable to connect until we first recover the child's awareness we once knew.
Which is why Jesus said that to be "converted," which he insisted is an essential experience for all adults, means to become like a little child again.
How different this is from the usual religious understanding of "conversion." It's not a religious experience at all, but an experience of our innate consciousness. Much of religion is really a terrible betrayal of the real message of Jesus, which is identical to that of this marvelous story of the Little Prince.
To be conscious, enlightened, aware is to be present in a way a child is before the child learns otherwise. We become once again our natural self, spontaneously immersing ourselves in the wonder of life and the miracle of having people in our life with whom we connect deeply.
David Robert Ord is author of?Your Forgotten Self Mirrored in Jesus the Christ and the audio book?Lessons in Loving--A Journey into the Heart, both from Namaste Publishing, publishers of Eckhart Tolle and other transformational authors.
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