Be conscious of your mind. (Pun intended.) Have you heard the phrases, "What were you thinking?" or "What was going on in your head when you did (said) that?" Do not be a person who is unaware that you have a mind. And that mind is constantly churning with mental activity.
Most people, you do not want to be one of them, have no idea what is going in their minds. That is, they have no knowledge of their thought processes until after something is done or said that they wish they could take back. They even often ask themselves, "Now, where did that come from?"
So, how does one become conscious of one's mind? Stop and listen to the inner dialogue (or diatribe) that is like a constantly flowing river in your brain. But you've got to stop and listen. You cannot know what you are thinking until you take the time to sit or stand quietly and hear what your thoughts are. The average person has no trouble doing this. Take your mind off other things, in a time of quiet, and listen to your own thoughts.
Gather your own opinions. What do you think about thus-and-so? When you know what your opinions are ahead of time, you can respond with those opinions when the time is appropriate. Know what your prejudices are. (Prejudices are pre-judgments you have made about people and things.) This way you can know what you are going to say or do when you meet someone or something you are prejudiced toward.
What does this do for you? Knowing your own mind makes you have a better life. Yes, I believe that knowing your own mind makes for a better life. When you speak or act, out of a known consciousness, you are proactive from a position of knowledge, not of ignorance. I think you easily recognize that living out of knowledge is the better way to go. It makes for a better life. Acting out of ignorance, unconsciousness, means that your life will be haphazard at best, and filled with catastrophes, at worst. So, act and speak out of consciousness, beginning right now.
I invite you better understand how much you deserve by buying my book You Deserve To... But it now.
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