Years ago the nursing supervisor at the social service agency where I worked was picked up from work by her son.
When she got into the car he said, "The building looks sad."
She was amazed at his comment. He had no idea what his mother had done that day. She had cleaned the blood off the bathroom floor after a client had put a bullet in her head in an unsuccessful, but devastating attempt to snuff out her own life.
The individual had just left her therapist's office protesting for an hour her therapist's concern she was suicidal.
All of us were more than saddened by the event. Somehow the collective feelings were "seen" or "felt" by this young man.
We have all had instances of going into a room or building and feeling a heaviness or a peacefulness out of the ordinary.
In the metaphysical world, we call these energies "thought forms." The energy of the collective thoughts and feelings take form and are floating in the room.
The expression, "The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife" is a description of a thought form.
Such energies can have labels related to feelings (anger, fear, sadness) or expressions of consciousness (childlike, childish, victim).
As a psycho-therapist, a major aspect of what I do is assist people in recognizing they have what is called "victim consciousness."
Whenever someone uses as an excuse something that happened to them in the past for their inability to move forward in life, victim consciousness is present. The individual blames the past instead of seeing how they can move forward in life.
The saying, "This is the first day of the rest of your life" is only true if you choose to live in the present.
In the present, you can no longer say, "I don't speak up because my parents backhanded me every time I expressed my opinion."
Instead you recognize your parents aren't there to backhand you and you learn to express yourself.
Here is a "non-traditional" but energy-based psychology method of dealing with victim consciousness.
Next time you feel like the world is against you, just stop and get quiet.
Ask yourself the following questions:
1. How old do I feel?
2. Where in my body do I feel "the world is against me?"
The answer to "How old do I feel" will tell you at what age you are living your life at the moment. If the answer is "5" then you are in the emotional state of your 5-year old self.
Where you feel the tightness or heaviness in your body is where the thought form of your experience is located.
Imagine the tightness or heaviness as a cloud of some color in your body. Form an image of yourself behind the cloud of color.
Set your intention to get rid of the congested feelings.
Take a deep breath and "see" yourself blowing out the cloud. Do this as many times as needed to feel a lightness within you.
When you use this process, you are acknowledging what you feel is not a part of you. You can release it, you can heal it, and live life in a mature age appropriate manner.
Cathy Chapman, Ph.D., LCSW is a licensed clinical social worker assisting people achieve their dreams of health, wealth and abundance through Mind-Body Psychology. She works from a spiritual and energetic model employing BodyTalk and Psych-K to balance the body and change beliefs. Cathy offers free of charge a powerful spiritual healing tool anyone can use. Get your Soul Healing Prayer now at