Everyone makes hundreds of choices daily and most of them seem small, unimportant, and certainly not life changing. However, it is essential for you to learn to make your choices consciously. To allow The Law of Attraction and Law of Cause and Effect to create what you want in your life you need to master making your choices with intent and not on automatic pilot because you have always done something in a certain way or because you think you are required to do it.
Have you put your dreams and deepest desires aside because you feel overwhelmed with all the things on your To Do List? Do you wonder how you can find the time, energy, and focus to make your dreams a reality and manifest the life that your true self urges you to live? To attract what you want into your life you first need to identify what you can release to make room for more of what you want. For most of us, our lives are so full it is difficult to add anything into them even something we would really like to include.
I encourage you to take a long, hard look at all the activities and responsibilities that are presently filling your life. You have the ability to create what you desire in your life, but, it will require you to make different choices. You will need to accept that very few things are actually mandatory. You must breathe, eat, and sleep. Very few other things are true necessities. Most of what you are doing in your life you are CHOOSING to do.
If we are serious about transforming our lives and living them to the fullest then we need to take an honest and uncompromising look at our responsibilities and To Do Lists. Reflect on each item and remember that you have the choice to do each of those tasks or not. Becoming aware and making our choices consciously is a big step toward creating the life we dream of living. We also need to develop an awareness of why we do things, what our motivation is for all the busyness we keep in our lives. As you become more aware of the choices you are making you will need to be honest with yourself about your incentives for making them. If you are always excessively busy and have too many responsibilities it insulates you from having to take the time to reflect on and face your self imposed blocks. You can blame your too busy life and your very long To Do List for not being able to realize your dreams.
Making changes, even ones we desire can be extremely scary and stressful. You may attend a workshop or read a book and become inspired about your dreams but as you step back into your daily schedule you find yourselves just too busy to take the time to focus on your dreams and create a plan to manifest them. You can not get started; you just can not find the time and are inundated with responsibilities. The reality is that you are creating the busyness in your life! Are the choices you are making today getting you closer to the life you dream about living? Are you feeling fulfilled and excited about your life? Are you living your most magnificent dream? If not it may be time to take responsibility for your choices. I challenge you to dare to dream (and dream BIG), and to step into that dream today and start living it. Even if it is just in some small way, start today! Make a different choice today and carve out time in your schedule for your dreams; begin your journey down the path that will lead to greater fulfillment and joy in your life. DO IT NOW.
Patty Tolar, The Abundance Guide, is a life and business coach whose passion is helping you create a life of infinite possibilities and abundance! She operates a blog that is all about creating more money, success, and abundance in your life!
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