Everywhere I look, I seem to discover a new marketing term for self-employed professionals. Conscious Entrepreneurs. Evolutionary Entrepreneurs. Heart-Based Entrepreneurs. Visionary Change-Agents.
Not that there's anything wrong with that. Except that I've never met anyone who said, "Hi, I'm a heart-based entrepreneur." Meanwhile, I'd been trying to avoid stepping on those inert, unconscious entrepreneurs. And if someone did introduce her or himself as an evolutionary entrepreneur, I'd be curious to have them show me their X-Men-like ability to transform chimpanzees into clients.
What these marketing strategies are addressing, I believe, is that many coaches, entrepreneurs, holistic practitioners, and more are just done with the old paradigm to simply make money: they feel compelled to transform the world around them by adhering to their life purpose. And why? Because they believe in something bigger than themselves, and likely have had direct experience with... well, here's where we run into trouble, because the terms are so loaded. Spirit guides. Angels. And, yes, God. Although if you'd prefer to avoid the Judeo-Christian burdens laid upon it, you can call it the Divine, Spirit, Source, the higher self, Presence, the inner light, or a plethora or other terms.
For many of us spiritually based (at least in our personal lives) entrepreneurs, Divine Presence is the real reason behind our passions and work in the world. We weren't given a choice - we must do what we are doing, and must continue to follow our inner guidance. There's no shortage of us - and our numbers are radically growing. Yes, 2012 is here.
Yet in many circles, we still act as if it were the 1950's, and a radical act to talk about intuition when in a business context. We don't want to be labeled "woo-woo." And, if your spiritual practice is embedded within a particular religious tradition, somehow the old separation of church and business limits us from being overt about it. We don't want to turn others off, afraid of being blacklisted and having our businesses fail.
Unfortunately, in the course of doing so, we hide what matters most to us, and pretend that Something Larger really doesn't matter at all or play such a prominent role in our lives. We forget that so many others feel the same way.
So I'm taking this opportunity to "out" myself. I previously had been calling myself a Performance Coach. Yes, I work with self-aware entrepreneurs and professionals who want their businesses to perform well, and to perform as compelling and effective public speakers. The full truth is that I tap in intuitively to what is most aligned with your life purpose, as well as with those you are here to serve, and to help you show up as the real you. The truth is that I'm an Intuitive Business Strategist and an Authenticity Coach. "Intuitive" and strategic? You bet: there's nothing more strategic or authentic than tapping into your Divine Light to guide you forward on your path in a practical, tangible way.
Depending on one's clientele, this must be negotiated individually, and often slowly. It may take time for this to emerge. But when we have deeper conversations, reveal more about ourselves, and take risks, we create room for others to really be themselves too - and even forge stronger client relationships. By being totally authentic to our core values, and speaking in our highest truth, we become an inspiration, and light the way for others to come to us.
Note: this does not imply that it is appropriate to begin talking about God in every business conversation. I've certainly felt uncomfortable at times when others with very different beliefs have brought up their beliefs out of the blue. The point is: if you are already using somewhat muted terms to talk about spirituality - and especially if your ideal clients actually hold similar worldviews - that's a really good time to consider being more open.
So whether you're a conscious entrepreneur, a visionary, or simply work for yourself while definitively knowing you're here for a reason, I have one question for you:
Are you ready to come out of the spiritual closet?
Jonathan Bender has helped thousands of professionals and entrepreneurs find their true voice, and step into their true self as the most authentic way to attract new clients and customers. An Intuitive Business Strategist and Authenticity Coach, he helps spiritually based entrepreneurs, holistic practitioners, and coaches create a great living while changing far more lives. An in-demand coach on how to be an effective speaker and networker, he has presented throughout the United States and internationally, and is the founder of Conscious Business Bay Area. Jonathan holds a Master of Fine Art in Contemporary Performance and a Master of Science in Communication and Performance Studies. More details: http://www.WholeSpeak.com.