The Christ Consciousness. I was raised as a child in the Christian faith and never heard this term - much less its explanation. In fact, I never heard the term until I was in my 50's...
What is it?
What it isn't: it is not the historic personage called Jesus. Remember that he was ALSO called The Christ - Jesus the Christ. This was a title, a description of his STATE. That must mean that 'the Christ Consciousness' is a STATE...
Many spiritual traditions have their own names for this STATE. 'The Buddha Enlightenment' is one of the well-known ones. Sufism and Hinduism may use 'The God Consciousness'.
And if we look closely at Jesus' and Buddha's words for the world, they all culminate in one single message: Anyone can achieve this State, too. Anyone.
What is this State, then?
Releasers of the Lester Levenson methodology call it 'Freedom' or 'Beingness'. In his presentations, Lester also called it 'Amness', 'Imperturbability' and other names to help us understand.
Lester told us to get Ego out of the way entirely - in order to be naturally taken to The State.
Ego is the noisy part of us. "Ego", as Lester defines it, is simply the name we give to our personal collection of Thoughts, Feelings and Mental Pictures.
Clearly, Thoughts rattle around non-stop in that space between our ears and create continual noise. Enough said.
Feelings are tangled up in virtually all Thoughts and Mental Pictures, but an easy way we can isolate them is by noticing them in our bodies. Tensions, cramps, discomforts, that invisible hand that grabs us by the chest or throat... We can also assign one of the major emotions from the Spectrum of Emotions to virtually every thought and picture (not that we need to, but it is possible).
Mental Pictures likewise represent noise, as they come back to haunt us - sometimes literally, in our nightmares! They can seriously distract us during the day - ever day-dreamed? Each picture has "a story", or... Feelings and Thoughts that comprise it.
Releasing the Ego elements of thoughts, feelings and pictures leads a person gently to the Quietness.
The Quiet
As you let go of the noise of the Ego, the body and the mind - and indeed the world all around - get quieter and more peaceful. As you work on dismantling the Ego, this quietness comes and goes, but the natural culmination of continuously and relentlessly releasing the Ego is The State.
And The State means that the Quiet is continuous, permanent, and ever-present. The Cosmos unfolds before you in your full awareness. There are only Answers, as all your questions have dissolved. The union (Oneness) with all that is? You are very much aware of it!
At one moment out of time, as Ego drops away, you clearly and obviously "slip" into The State. There is no doubt about having "arrived" there. For me, it was instantly and obviously the safest state I had ever experienced. It was, at last, the experience of Eternity and Infinity.
From this newly-achieved State, a Releaser keeps on releasing Ego elements that still seem present - oh, yes! You will know when you are done...
So now I know what the Christ Consciousness is. I know that the messages of the millennia - that anyone can have this State - are true. I know that Lester Levenson's process made it achievable, easy without gurus or ashrams or monasteries. I lived my ordinary life while dismantling Ego.
The State. Not a spiritual mystery. Not a mystery at all. It is Who and What You Are!
Improve your emotional, physical and mental - and spiritual - health and well-being by using a tool that works! Use a method that shows you how to have successful relationships and interactions, how to master your well-being and life success, create your preferred material and spiritual life, enjoy perfect health! ARC-A Realized Community has a complete program designed to help anyone easily identify and let go - permanently - of thoughts and feelings ('ego') that interfere with living an effortlessly happy, healthy and abundant life.
Doing this simple yet powerful Personal Change work quickly gets noticeable results and has been effective in improving happiness levels, creating harmony and flow in life, creating better health and more materiality and abundance for anyone... this work called 'releasing ego' leads to a totally Quiet Mind if that is your goal.
The complete process is taught in ARC's 'Foundational Course for Living Your Potential' home study course and shows you how to truly eliminate all interferences from negative thinking and negative feelings. See more at
Tamma Ford is Programs Leader at ARC-A Realized Community which presents the self-growth work of American Master Lester Levenson (1909-1994). She is author of "God's Pen: Lessons on Life and Light, A Journal", available on the ARC website, as well as of numerous e-books and articles.