Many of us want to raise our level of consciousness. Have you ever thought about the reasons why seekers of a higher consciousness are seeking it?
What's the point or the ultimate goal that we hope to achieve from becoming more self-aware? Is it to make more money, get a better job, to improve our moods?
First, let's identify a major difference between people I consider to be unconscious and conscious. Those who are unable to be a witness to their own thoughts and feelings act unconsciously. They respond to their emotions only by instinct. They become trapped in the world of their own thoughts and responses. They are living exclusively "in their head".
Those who act purely from emotion, without even realizing or acknowledging that emotion, are living a somewhat primal life. This is similar to the way an animal reacts in nature. When hungry, animals kill; when irritated, they lash out; when threatened, they fight, etc.
For example, when an unconscious person gets angry, they yell at someone. They don't challenge themselves to sit with the emotion and ask, "Why am I feeling this way? What's really at the root of this emotion I am currently experiencing at this moment?"
Getting to know ourselves and becoming more self-aware means doing some work. It means questioning ourselves about ways of thinking and acting that may be incredibly ingrained in our everyday life patterns. When we take responsibility for our emotions and happiness, we are living more consciously.
When we take the opportunity and time to learn about ourselves, we become happier, and so do the people in our lives. We find that our time is spent more efficiently. Instead of creating drama and brooding over "issues", we spend time on what truly matters. We get a great deal more accomplished, because we put more value on our time when living consciously.
When we are conscious, we seek people and create situations that make us feel great. And in turn, we attract more like-minded people and situations that ultimately bring us good.
I believe we should raise our consciousness foremost because we can. As human beings, we have been endowed with the ability to move above and beyond a primal emotional life. This doesn't make us superior to beautiful plants and animals that cannot do this. We simply have a different genetic makeup.
Our left brain thinking, labeling, blaming, questioning and judging that we experience can be our greatest asset or our greatest downfall. We can choose to "buy in" to all the mind chatter or to be a witness to it and question its truth.
We should raise our consciousness to make ourselves and the people in our lives as happy as possible. Happiness is a different concept for each of us. For some it may come from the ability to quiet our thoughts and worries for the attainment of inner peace. Maybe it's being present and living harmoniously on a daily basis with loved ones. Or perhaps happiness is manifesting dreams and beliefs about what we can personally accomplish.
The great artist Salvador Dali said, "Have no fear of perfection, you'll never reach it." We may not be capable of perfection, but we owe it to ourselves, the people we love, and all of humanity to achieve our highest level of spiritual progress humanly possible.
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